Knox News - Knox Presbyterian Church


Knox News - Knox Presbyterian Church
Knox News
✗ Marguerite Adams-Miller, Muriel Flagler, Rosie
Ingram, Lloyd Moore and Mary Ingram at home.
This week in the Knox Community
Sunday, February 8
10:30am Worship Service and Kids’ Church
Tuesday February 10
10:00 am Coffee Plus Bible Study
Wednesday, February 11
9am Knox Frocks
6:30 pm Wednesday Night Bible Study
7:30 pm Session
Thursday, February 12
7:30 Choir Practice
Sunday, February 15
10:30am Worship Service and Kids’ Church
Thinking of You… Barb Squires, Garden@
Qualicum Beach, B.,C. V9K 2T8
~~~~~~~~~~This Week~~~~~~~~~~~
For children, we offer a KIDS’ CHURCH program today:
“The Followers” (Grades K-6) Margaret Cosh is
teaching a curriculum on “The Life of Moses.”
“Ignite” (Grades 7-12) starts a series on the
journeys of the Apostle Paul.
Beginning January29 Barney Grace will be in the
church office on Thursdays, from 10am to 2pm for
any pastoral needs.
These notices for Knox and the community are listed for
your information and attention. If you would like more
information, contact either a person listed with the event
notice, or one of the people on the bulletin back cover. You
can get more information about items with a double
underline on our web site,
Knox News Announcements: Please leave them in the mail
slot at the bottom of the stairs or send them to ‘Subject: Knox News’ to be
received no later than Thursday noon.
If you have a prayer request, please pass a note to
the pastor or to the duty elder.
Kathleen Morningstar’s brother Dan is now home
from the hospital but still has feeding tube in.
✗ Alec Remenda, KC Bowcott’s 13-year-old greatgrandson, continues to tolerate his chemo,
✗ Rev. Reg and Dale MacMillan’s daughter Naarah is
do well and is now at home. Prayers for Naarah,
her family and friends are very much appreciated.
Deadline for Knox Talks February 8th , 2015.
Please submit to Marg Cosh. 705-738-3978
2014 Income Tax Receipt. Official Receipt are available
for pick-up in the Fellowship Hall.
All Committees and Groups of Knox are requested to
prepare their year-end reports for inclusion in the
2014 Annual Report Booklet. The reports should
include an outline of activities and achivements in
2014 and a financial summary. Al Ingram Treasurer
~~~~~~~~ Knox Coming Up ~~~~~~~~
Coffee Plus Bible Study: The Tuesday morning
ladies will be studying the Liz Curtis Higgs DVD
series “The Girl’s Still Got It.” This will be an
entertaining 8-week entertaining adventure into the
book of Ruth. Classes will start January 27 at 10 a.m.
No study books are necessary and everyone is
welcome. Call Karen Visser at 705-887-4405 or K.C.
Bowcott at 705 738 6335 for further information
Lenten Service and Lunch begins February 18th
at 12:00 at Trinity United Church . Following week
will be at Knox Presbyterian Church , February 25th.
Breakfast Event - Saturday Jan 28.
Mark your calendars for a most interesting speaker
with a life/family story at our next Breakfast
Event. More details next week. You DON’T
want to miss this event…. so mark Feb 28th
"B/E" on your home calendars.
~~~~~~~~~~General ~~~~~~~~~~~
“To-Day” Devotional Booklets are now available in
the Church for February 2015. REMINDER: We
have not been receiving sufficient funds to cover
the cost to purchase the from Back to God
Ministries. The cost is $2.00 per copy.
Being a greeter is a great way to meet people in the
congregation. You hand out bulletins at the Joseph
Street entrance and offer a friendly greeting to people
as they come to worship. You get to ring the bell
before the service, signalling now is the time to
worship, to praise our God. The new greeter sign up
list is in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Leah Anderson
for information.
Three books “In the Company of Angels” are missing.
Two belonging to our Church Library and one
belonging to me. Kindly return A.S.A.P. Audrey
~~~~~~~Community Happenings~~~~~~~
Trinity United Church is hosting a Hospice “Moving
Through Grief” support group. Through reflection
and discussion, participants will begin the journey
of moving forward through their grief while
exploring ways to cope with life following the loss
of a loved one. The group meets Thursdays 10:00
a.m. to 12:00 p.m. from January 22 to March 26 at
Trinity United Church, 42 William Street. To
register, call 705-324-7323 x504.
Check out posters on the bulletin board in the
Fellowship Hall announcing…
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Famous Peoples Players Bus trip to see “Going
Bananas” – Wednesday March 4, 2015 sponsor by
Our Lady Queen Of Peace Church Cost $85.00
Please see buttetin board for more information
✗ A couple of upcoming Presbyterian Young
People’s Society events in Toronto.
✗ St. Paul’s Peterborough Bus Trip June 1-5, 2015, to
raise funds for their mission trip to Jacmel, Haiti.
✗ Alzheimer’s Seminar January 2015, 11 am to 12:30
pm at the Fellowship Baptist Church King St
Presbyterians Sharing reaches out to vulnerable
Prayer Partnership
Saving Stamps? The Leprosy Mission Canada would
appreciate you sending them directly to 200-90
Allstate Pkwy. Markham, Ont. L3R 6H3
Sunday, February 8
Pray for the ministry team of the Revs. Alex Douglas and
David Moody as they begin a family-focused ministry at
Heritage Green in Stoney Creek, ON.
Monday, February 9
Pray for peace in places like South Sudan, Syria and
Iraq, and for Presbyterian World Service &
Development programs that are providing food, shelter
and health care to those caught in the crossfire of violent
Tuesday, February 10
Give thanks for congregations that provide hospitality
and care, through Out of the Cold programs, for those
struggling to survive.
Wednesday, February 11
Pray for Major Charles Deogratias who serves as a
military chaplain, currently in Gagetown, NB, and for
the ministry with those in his care.
Thursday, February 12
Pray for the Rev. Dr. Stephen Farris, Moderator of the
140st General Assembly, as he visits congregations and
other organizations both within and beyond the
Friday, February 13
Pray for God’s abundant blessings on the Rev. Dr. Todd
Statham, his wife Annika and their three children,
Sophia, Mio and Aliko Beatrice, as they complete their
International Ministries appointment in Malawi.
Saturday, February 14
Pray for military families who are going through difficult
time due to health and financial difficulties.
~~~~~~~ Mission & Stewardship~~~~~~~
Stewardship Moment:
February 8 Whoever loves money never has money
enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied
with his income. Ecclesiastes 5:10a NIV
Service Helpers Our service this morning is made
possible by the prayers and gifts of our congregation,
with the specific help of the following…
Presbyterian Mission moment…
February 8 – Mentoring vulnerable youth
Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing support Kenora Fellowship
Centre as it offers shelter and comfort to vulnerable,
disadvantaged and displaced people in downtown Kenora,
Ontario. It is the only place in this area offering people
refuge from the streets. Its mentorship program offers
hands-on experience to young people like Donovan. Youth
help with the daily lunch program and take care of the
elders, among other tasks. Donovan and others in the
mentorship program enjoyed helping establish a vegetable
garden, working alongside three elders who helped till and
prepare the earth. An Ojibway elder blessed the garden and
Music Director:
Ruth Eberts
Joyce Anderson
Duty Elder:
Dennis Carpenter
Margaret Cosh
Brian Eberts
Leah Anderson
Board of Managers:
Ruth McIsaac, Phil Mayville,
Ross Forrest
made suggestions on how to plant according to his
teachings. Please pray for KFC as it reaches out to
vulnerable youth and young adults through its mentorship
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The Board of Managers is looking for a newer, (slightly)
smaller, more efficient freezer to replace the old
unit downstairs. If you have one you could donate,
or would be willing to trade, please call Dave
Roberts 705 738 2637 or Phil Mayville 705 738 1082.
Kawartha Lakes Pregnancy Centre offers praise for
God’s provision. Through the response of many
supporters, their immediate financial needs have
been met. Please pray for them as they develop
regular support.
Heading south for the season? You can keep up with
what’s happening back here by checking out each
week’s bulletin, Knox News and the sermons on the
web at
~~~~~~~~~~~Christmas ~~~~~~~~~~
New addresses for your directories
Jack and Pat Manahan, 685 Whitaker, Unit #1,
Peterborough, ON K9H 7K3
New Address: Elmer and Vera Ross, B-021, 1128
Vansickle Rd. N., St. Catharines, ON L2S 3W1. Their
phone number is 905 688 0717.
We have received a new address for Joanne Redfern:
20 Queen St., Unit #16, PO Box 1395, Fenelon Falls,
K0M 1N0.
New Address: Spence Carroll, The Court at Brooklyn,
5909 Anderson Street, Apt. 328, Brooklyn, ON
L1M 2H1. His phone number is 905-655-8417.
We’ve received a new address for Rita Honderbrink:
627 Faywood Cres., Oshawa, ON L1K 2S4. Her phone
number is 905 240 2947.
We have a new address for Perry Downey: 76 Main St.
Unit 3, Bobcaygeon. Her phone is still 705 738 3277.
Looking for a systematic Bible Reading Program?
Scripture Union has excellent materials for all ages.
Check out the copies of Daily Bread in the Hall and
see the order form for children and youth options
as well. New subscribers will get 50% off a Daily
Bread or Encounter subscription. For more
information, check
Are you looking for opportunities to meet people in
the congregation? Serving refreshments after
church is a great way to do that. For more info, talk
to those already involved.
~~~~~~~~ Youth Happenings ~~~~~~~~
Presbyterian Women Home Helpers
Members of the congregation are invited to “come along
side” the Knox Presbyterian Women (KPW) to aid in
the achievement of Mission goals.
If you feel called to assist in our Mission work, please
“come along side” our KPW. May is designated
Home Helpers month and we welcome your interest.
Donations may be placed on the offering plate attention:
Eleanor McIntosh, or call 705-738-6196 to arrange a
pick-up, or mail a cheque payable to “Knox
Presbyterian Home Helpers” to Eleanor McIntosh, 2
Birch Crescent, Bobcaygeon, ON, K0M 1A0. Income
Tax receipts are issued next January. Thank you for
caring. God Bless you.
— Eleanor McIntosh
~~~~~~~~~ Thank You ~~~~~~~~~~~
WINTER VACATIONS With cold weather coming, some
from our congregation will be travelling to a
warmer climate. There are two ways you can
continue your support of Knox while you are away.
One is to leave post dated cheques which the
treasurer will deposit on the designated dates.
The other is to sign up for PAR, a pre-authorized
debit agreement which transfers an amount you
designate from your bank account to the church each
month. You designate how the gift is to be used. You
may terminate the agreement at any time. Please see
me if you want to discuss these arrangements.
Al Ingram, Treasurer
The Bobcaygeon Helps Christmas “Hamper” Program
is underway. You can find collection bins for the
toy drive in about a dozen locations around town
until December 15. Donated toys will be distributed
as part of “Hamper Day,” Saturday, December 17.
Food Bank Clients with children under sixteen
come to the Santa Shop to pick toys and gifts for
their boys and girls. Clients will also receive gift
cards to local supermarkets. This lets them choose
exactly what they wish for their Christmas meals.
The Gifts of Change catalogue highlights extra giving
opportunities for Presbyterians Sharing and
Presbyterian World Service and Development
(PWS&D). Consider giving a donation in honour of
someone for a birthday, Christmas, anniversary, or
other occasion. Booklets are available in the hall.
Heading south for a while? You can keep up with what’s
happening back here by checking out the web
versions of the bulletin and Knox News at
Scripture Union has systematic Bible reading
materials for all ages. Check out the copies of Daily
Bread in the Hall and see the order form for children
and youth options as well. New subscribers will get
50% off a Daily Bread or Encounter subscription. For
more information, check
~~~~~~~~ Youth Happenings ~~~~~~~~
Youth Unlimited Update A lot has been happening in
Bobcaygeon! We just finished up an 8 week
program called Re:Create, with much success. 20
kids, with the help of 6 leaders, created 8 awesome
projects made mostly out of recycled items.
Needless to say we had a blast! Coinciding with
each art project was a lesson about the transforming
power of Jesus, and I am excited to tell you that 2
kids gave their lives to Jesus! We are going to be
running another 8 week Re:Create session in the
fall. Precious, a girls only program for ages 10-13,
is gearing down for the summer. WE had the
privilege of working with 10 girls in this program
and we are all sad to see it end! Precious will start
again in the fall as well. Speaking of summer, we
are gearing up for summer camp! With 3 weeks in
Bobcaygeon and 2 weeks in Fenelon Falls, we are
looking at a busy, fun, full summer! Thank you for
all your prayers and interest with what’s going on
with Youth Unlimited. It has been a privilege to be
a part of this awesome community.
Please continue to pray for God’s love and message
to pour out on this community. Check out for
Are You Grieving? At some point all of us will face
death and loss. Hospice Kawartha Lakes provides
grief support for children, teens and adults. To get
information, call 705 324 7323, ext. 504, or send an
email to
You can help people facing grief and loss. Hospice
Services to provide comfort at a difficult time. A
ten-week Palliative Care Training course will begin
September 25. It meets from 1 to 4 p.m. at the
Hospice Office, 112 McLaughlin Road, Lindsay.
You can get more information or register by calling
705 324 7323 ext. 503, or sending an email note to
Community Care Kawartha Lakes hosts “Caregiver
Support Groups”offering education, knowledge
sharing, socialization, and a break for a few hours.
Monthly meetings are at 1 p.m.…
…on the first Wednesdays at the Salvation Army in
Fenelon Falls
…on the second Tuesdays at the Community Care
office in Lindsay
…on the second Wednesdays at the Community
Care office in Lindsay, specifically for those caring
for someone with a life-threatening or other serious
There is no cost but registration is required. For
more information, call 705 324 7323.
Thank You to Knox Friends – Thank you for all your
prayers, cards, and phone calls following the
passing of my brother, Wayne. He’s gone to be with
his Lord after his lengthy battle with cancer. Please
continue to pray for my brother, Dale, who is still
struggling with health issues and has recently
accepted Christ as his personal saviour. We really
can and do have showers of blessing in our lives –
even in the storms! There will be a Memorial
Service for Wayne at The Cavendish Community
Centre Sunday, November 20, 2 – 4 p.m. Thanks
again and God bless you all.
Sincerely, Audrey
The next Community Care Meet and Greet Lunch, is
Wednesday, June 19, here at Knox. It’s open to
anyone in the community – but you’ll need to make
reservations as soon as possible. To reserve a place,
leave your name and phone number with the
Bobcaygeon Community Care Office 705-324-7323,
extension 300.
The PresbyCan Daily Devotional offers inspirational
meditations based on everyday experiences related to
Scripture. Join more than 6,000 readers around the
world and receive devotions each day from our
Presbyterian Church, delivered free by e-mail. You can
subscribe at
Once again willing hands have stepped up to keep our
church building and property in good repair.
Al Ingram trimmed the hedges. Joe Rasmussens
shaped the shrubs and cleaned up the gardens. Ken
Brown picked up and took away the clippings. Doug
McIntosh edged & cleaned up the walkways. Paul
Graham secured the automatic door switch then took
home the large coffee urn to fix.
These are just the helpers I know of this week. How
blessed we are - when you see these folks, give them a
big thank you or even a high five!
Dave Roberts, Chair of the Board of Managers
The Session and Board of Managers met Monday,
September 29, and reviewed the report of the
committee looking into the neighbouring Irwin
property. After a thorough discussion, the boards
could not think of concrete ways owning the
property would help our present or future ministry
programs. The expenses and risks associated with
buying additional property were too great to
proceed. So, we will not be taking any action
regarding the Irwin property at this time.
Community Care and Hospice Kawartha Lakes offer
free Cancer Support and Caregiver Groups, as well
as grief support for young and old. See the posters
in the Fellowship Hall or call them at 705 324 7323
ext. 503 for information.
The Board of Managers invites everyone to save their
receipts from Bobcaygeon Foodland and Strang’s
Valu Mart. The stores will donate up to $1,000 to our
church per year, depending on the value of the
receipts turned in. And please, only receipts from
Bobcaygeon Foodland and Valu Mart. You can place
them in the “Food Tapes” box in the Fellowship Hall.
The greeters sign up list is in the Fellowship Hall.
Being a greeter is a great way to meet people in the
congregation. You hand out bulletins at the Joseph
Street entrance and offer a friendly greeting to people
as they come to worship. You also get to ring the bell
before the service, signalling now is the time to
worship, to praise our God. Don’t worry if you don’t
have a partner. The Board of Managers is collecting
the offering so it only takes one to greet.
Another prayer resource: the Renewal Fellowship
publishes a quarterly Prayer Calendar offering
prayer requests for congregations and ministries
across Canada. Copies of the latest issue are
available in the Information Centre.
Mission information at the Information Centre:
Momentum is the quarterly newsletter where you
can read all about what’s happening with Youth
The latest quarterly PWSDevelopments highlights
refugee ministries, especially the crisis in Syria.
The Board of Managers is actively seeking members as
we begin the new year to assist in the many jobs on
our church property, as well as several other projects
during the year. We especially need people who will
assist with collection and counting Sunday mornings.
If you are willing to do this task from time to time,
but would prefer not to be a full member of the
Board, we are certainly willing to take that into
consideration. Please give these two possibilities
serious thought, and talk to any of the present
members of the Board for more information.
Devotional Day Planners for 2014 are available by the
Information Centre. This year’s theme is “We are
God’s fellow workers.” The Bible League of
Canada publishes the planners, which have a verse
and devotional thought for each day. There’s also a
chronological plan to read through the Bible in a
year, and space for journaling, and appointments.
Away for a short-time or an extended vacation?
Consider the PAR program. It is a pre-authorized
payment arrangement where your church offerings
are made through a bank transfer. You determine
how much, how frequent and for what purpose the
gift is to be directed. If you want more information
please let me know.
— Al Ingram , treasurer
More information on line: Items with a double
underline have a link to more information in the
web version of Knox News available online on our
web site,
Check out our Church website! We’re now posting weekly
service videos at
Successful Clean-up Day! A big thanks to the 24
people who joined in the Church’s clean-up/lunch.
What a great job they did! (See the pictures on the
board in the hall.) When you see one of the
workers, be sure to say thank you. For those who
were unable to make it this year, we hope to see
you next year. Thank you… the Board of Managers
Support our youth for camp this summer at their
Book and Rummage Sale table at the Trunk and
Tailgate Sale. Bring us your gently used books and
rummage items. Put them in the box in the hall.
Youth participating in camp this summer are…
 Rebekah Kennedy, a summer missionary with
Monarch Bible Camps;
 Drew Johnston, attending the leadership
training program at Camp Cairn;
 Nicholas Kennedy, attending the Canoe
excursion camp at Camp Cairn.
Knox Presbyterian Women will have a bake table at
the Trunk and Tailgate sale June 7. Pies, large or
small, as well as loaves such as banana, lemon,
etc., are the best sellers. However, all donations
of baking will be appreciated. There’ll be a ‘new
to you’ table for any good used items and a craftsewing table… donations gratefully appreciated.
We received a note from the Bobcaygeon Helps Food
Bank thanking us for our “latest extremely generous
“Your continuous and loyal support throughout the
years is greatly appreciated.
“Your donation certainly boosted our funds to start
the summer. We can assure you that it will go
towards the good cause of assisting the less
fortunate in our community during these difficult
Thank You!
Anita Gourley, treasurer”
Congratulations to Paul and Lois Graham on the birth
of granddaughter Lucy Lydia Ann Sunday, June 29, to
their daughter and son-in-law Emily and Garth
Praise God! Steve Fralick got wonderful news from his
doctors. Jackie and Doug joyfully thank their church
friends for their prayers, cards, calls, and words of
encouragement received for their son and his family.
North Kawartha Youth Unlimited summer camps
continue this week with Cooking Camp here at Knox.
If you can help out, call Melissa Shepski 705-341-8445.
Kawartha Lakes Pregnancy Centre needs volunteers
to be Client Support Workers, to do childcare
during programs and to process and organize
material donations. The Centre provides required
training. Please contact the Centre either by phone
at 705-878-8527 or by email at
They also need gently used baby clothes and diapers
and pullups in sizes 4, 5 and 6.
The Annual Knox Golf Tournament was a success with
good weather and lots of fun. Thanks to everyone who
golfed, donated prizes and brought the delicious pot
luck dishes. A very special thank you to Sam
— Janet, Buck and Tyler Carley
The new Presbyterian Record is here! We order copies
of the Presbyterian Church’s magazine for your use.
Feel free to pick up one at the Information Centre in
the Fellowship Hall. Each issue has articles on a
variety of topics. You can order a subscription for
$32.95 (plus HST) from Presbyterian Record, 50
Wynford Drive, Toronto, M3C 1J7, or the magazine’s
web site,
Rebekah Kennedy writes,
I am really excited to begin my third summer as a
camp counsellor for Monarch Bible Camp. Monarch
pays a small wage for the summer and encourages us
to obtain the support of sponsors to fund our work,
so I am asking for prayer and financial support of the
congregation this summer. There are forms with
more information on the table in the hall.
Thank you very much.
We received this note from Youth Unlimited,
Thank you for the generous use of the hall for our
Cooking Camp at the end of July. We had 28
children cooking, eating, cleaning up, learning
Bible stories and generally enjoying their time here.
This was the third of five weeks of summer camp.
Art week in Bobcaygeon went well. The children
had a special art show and the week ended with a
puppet show. Sports camp in Fenelon Falls last
week involved the children in team games. Five
children accepted Jesus as their Saviour that week!
Cooking week in Fenelon Falls began August 5,
then Sports camp in Bobcaygeon this week. Please
continue to pray for the staff and children for the
final week, God is doing great things in the lives of
these children.
Please be praying for this important ministry with the
decisions they must make at this crossroads
moment. And if you feel you could volunteer to
help this ministry continue, please contact Peter
Cowie 705 738 1634 or Sue McGill 703 738 5558.
Choir practice continues 7:30 to 9 p.m., Thursday,
September 11. A warm welcome awaits anyone
wishing to join them, even for a short trial period.
You can help the Bobcaygeon Helps Food Bank
Saturdays at the Farmer’s Market. At 11 a.m.,
volunteers collect produce farmers donate to the
bank. Volunteers take the produce to the food bank,
weigh it, then record (on a prepared form) the
value of the produce and the farmer who donated
it. If you could spare a day, it would be greatly
appreciated. Sign up by email to
There are opportunities for ministry in the Lindsay
Correctional Facility.
➔ You could be an adult literacy teacher (training
through Literacy & Evangelism International)
➔ Or you could work with inmates who are young
fathers on parenting education (training through
Kawartha Lakes Pregnancy Centre).
If you want more information about either
opportunity, contact Rev. Carey Jo Johnston.
Trinity United Church, 44 William St., is hosting the
Hospice 10-week adult grief support group
Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. starting
September 30.
From our Librarian Sheila Mayville: Some new books
have arrived in the church library, so check out the
bookshelves. Everyone is welcome to borrow a
book, read, return, and tell your friends if you
enjoyed it. Audrey Coumbs recently delivered a
new book In the Company of Angels, the inspiring
story of the irrepressible Gertrude Rubman,
founder of Roland’s Steakhouse in Peterborough. It
was written by Cindy Windover, Audrey’s cousin.
Highly recommended.
The next Community Care Meet and Greet Lunch, is
Wednesday, October 15, here at Knox. It’s open to
anyone in the community – but you’ll need to make
reservations. To reserve a place, leave your name
and phone number with the Bobcaygeon
Community Care Office 705 324 7323, ext. 300.
~~~~~~~~~~Future Events ~~~~~~~~~
Thank you to Betty Irving for donating two pictures by
Winsome Gray. They’re on the Information Centre in
the Fellowship Hall. Win was an elder, a prayer and
Bible study leader, and a devoted part of Knox until
her death in 1998. She founded New Beginnings and is
fondly remembered for her devotion to the Lord and
care for others. “Remember your leaders, who spoke
the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their
way of life and imitate their faith.” Hebrews 13:7 (NIV)
Thank you to everyone who helped with our booth at
the Bobcaygeon Fair. Check out the posters in the hall
prepared by Pat & Jenny McCron. Also thanks to
Dennis Carpenter, Pat & Jenny McCron, Myra Coene,
Carey Jo Johnston, Sheila Mayville, Dave & Ellen
Roberts, and Karen & Jelle Visser for representing
our church at the booth. We had personal contact with
more than 70 people plus all those who just saw the
— Mission & Outreach Committee
Presbyterian World Service and Development has
committed $50,000 to help 18 million people in
South Sudan, Iraq, Gaza and Syria who urgently
need humanitarian assistance because of hunger,
displacement, and unthinkable trauma. You can
join this response by donating online, through the
church, by mailing a cheque to the PWS&D office,
or by calling 1 800 619 7301 ext. 291. There’s more
information at
Congratulations to Marjorie Brown, who won five
first place ribbons at the Bobcaygeon Fair. One of her
sewing creations is going on to compete at the district
level, then possibly to the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto.
Also to Nicholas Kennedy who won a first and second
place ribbon, and was third overall in Junior Baking.
His chocolate chip cookies also will be going on to the
district competition later this year. And congratulations
to the many others in our congregation who also won
ribbons at the Fair.
Hospice Kawartha Lakes hosts an ongoing grief
support group “Circle of Hope,” for people who
recently lost a loved one. It meets bi-weekly from
noon to 1:30 p.m. on Fridays. Call 324-7323 (x504)
for information.
Glad Tidings is a mission magazine produced by the
Women’s Mission Society. Six times a year you can
enjoy inspirational articles, book reviews and
poetry, and hear from Presbyterian Church mission
workers. The magazine is also available in large
print. The subscription rate for 2015 is $16.95.
Please see Betty Irving downstairs to renew or start
your subscription, or look over sample copies.
Is there a special hymn or Christian song you’d like us
to sing in worship? Take a moment to let us know
at the Hymn Suggestion Box in the Fellowship
Hall. Just fill out a slip with the title of the selection.
You can also tell us why that hymn or song is
meaningful for you. We’ll do our best to include
your favourites in worship.
The new greeters sign up list is in the Fellowship Hall.
Contact Leah Anderson for more information.
Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes are due today.
Thanks to those who have already filled and
returned their shoe boxes for OPERATION CHRISTMAS
Keep saving Bobcaygeon ValuMart and Foodland
register tapes. Local grocery stores donate up to
$1,000 each based on the amount of receipts turned
in. Debbi Risebrough reports we’ve collected
enough to receive $ 507 from ValuMart and $ 64
from Foodland at the end of the year. In the months
left, can we get to the maximum donation? Please
only turn in tapes from Bobcaygeon Foodland and
ValuMart. Thank you to Debbi for all her hard
work sorting and counting and totalling the tapes.
Web site manager needed. For the past several years,
Pastor Paul has maintained the congregation’s web
site, We’ll need someone to
take his place after he leaves in December. If you
could be available to maintain our witness in
cyberspace, please talk to Pastor Paul.
Today is Communion Sunday. Our Session invites
children who have their parents’ permission to
share in the Lord’s Supper. Also, loose plate
offerings will help fund the compassionate service
of our Care and Assistance Committee.
Presbyterian World Service and Development is
again offering Christmas Cards. A pack of 15 cards
costs $ 20. All proceeds support development and
relief activities around the world. You can see the
cards on the flyer on the bulletin board, or online at You can order cards by calling
800 619 7301.
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