ProServe Tech Times - ProServe Solutions
ProServe Tech Times - ProServe Solutions
ProServe Tech Times Bi-Monthly Newsletter ISSUE 03 FEB/MAR 2015 this issue Employee Development P.2 Training Specials P.3 Employee Equipment P.4 Upcoming Events P.5 Employee Development P.2 It is now more important than ever for business to create and implement strategies for employee development. Learn about the impact this can have on your organization Creating an Efficient Workforce For a small or mid-size business one of your biggest assets is your workforce. Your employees can have more of an impact on your organization than any marketing, sales or customer service program. So why do most companies fail to invest in the development of their employees, as they do in the other areas mentioned? Investing in the development of your employees is one of the ways you can increase the Training Specials P.3 Keeping your staff trained on all of current core concepts of business can be a daunting task. Let ProServe and our industry experts help! Learn about the amazing new specials we are offering to help keep your staff educated. efficiency of your workforce. Many times employees develop inefficient work habits out of lack of knowledge about the tools they have at their disposal. Training on the use of your ERP or other software will almost always lead to the discovery of something your employee did not know was available to them. These “unknown” features and functionality often times can cut down on the time it takes for an employee to perform a task. At the same time it is also important to make sure the software and hardware your employees are using are working efficiently. Slow computers with multiple errors can cause an employee to waste an enormous amount of time each day. Employee Equipment P.3 Computers have become the most important tool that our staff uses everyday. So why do so many companies not see the value in investing in this area? Learn why it is so important to provide your staff with tools that will help, not hinder, their productivity. The Importance of Employee Development Newman, Daniel. The Importance of Employee Development Entrepreneur. Retrieved November 30, 2014, from Many entrepreneurs seem to view employee training and development as more optional than essential...a viewpoint that can be costly to both shortterm profits and long-term progress. The primary reason training is considered optional by so many business owners is because it's viewed more as an expense than an investment. This is completely understandable when you realize that in many companies, training and development aren't focused on producing a targeted result for the business. As a result, business owners frequently send their people to training courses that seem right and sound good without knowing what to expect in return. But without measurable results, it's almost impossible to view training as anything more than an expense. Now contrast that approach to one where training's viewed as a capital investment with thoughtful consideration as to how you're going to obtain an acceptable rate of return on your investment. And a good place to start your "thoughtful consideration" is with a needs analysis. As it relates to training and development, a needs analysis is really an outcome analysis--what do you want out of this training? Ask yourself, "What's going to change in my business or in the behavior or performance of my employees as a result of this training that's going to help my company?" Be forewarned: This exercise requires you to take time to think it through and focus more on your processes than your products. As you go through this analysis, consider the strengths and weaknesses in your company and try to identify the deficiencies that, when corrected, represent a potential for upside gain in your business. A common area for improvement in many companies is helping supervisors better manage for performance. Many people are promoted into managerial positions because they're technically good at their jobs, but they aren't trained as managers to help their subordinates achieve peak performance. Determining your training and development needs based on targeted results is only the beginning. The next step is to establish a learning dynamic for your company. In today's economy, if your business isn't learning, then you're going to fall behind. And a business learns as its people learn. Your employees are the ones that produce, refine, protect, deliver and manage your products or services every day, year in, year out. With the rapid pace and international reach of the 21st century marketplace, continual learning is critical to your business's continued success. To create a learning culture in your business, begin by clearly communicating your expectation that employees should take the steps necessary to hone their skills to stay on top of their professions or fields of work. Make sure you support their efforts in this area by supplying the resources they need to accomplish this goal. Second, communicate to your employees the specific training needs and targeted results you've established as a result of your needs analysis. Third, provide a sound introduction and orientation to your company's culture, including your learning culture, to any new employees you hire. This orientation should introduce employees to your company, and provide them with proper training in the successful procedures your company's developed and learned over time. Every successful training and development program also includes a component that addresses your current and future leadership needs. At its core, this component must provide for the systematic identification and development of your managers in terms of the leadership style that drives your business and makes it unique and profitable. Have you spent time thoughtfully examining the style of leadership that's most successful in your environment and that you want to promote? What steps are you taking to develop those important leadership traits in your people? Financial considerations related to training can be perplexing, but in most cases, the true budgetary impact depends on how well you manage the first three components (needs analysis, learning and leadership). If your training is targeted to specific business results, then you're more likely to be happy with what you spend on training. But if the training budget isn't related to specific outcomes, then money is more likely to be spent on courses that have no positive impact on the company. In many organizations, training budgets are solely a function of whether the company is enjoying an economic upswing or enduring a downturn. In good times, companies tend to spend money on training that's not significant to the organization, and in bad times, the pendulum swings to the other extreme and training is eliminated altogether. In any economic environment, the training expense should be determined by the targeted business results you want, not other budgetrelated factors. To help counter this tendency, sit down and assess your training and development needs once or twice a year to identify your needs and brainstorm how to achieve your desired results effectively and efficiently. Your employees are your principle business asset. Invest in them thoughtfully and strategically, and you'll reap rewards that pay off now and for years to come. EPAK Deploying enterprise business solutions and ensuring all employees are trained on all your business processes and systems is no easy task. Like most companies in the current economy, you're trying to do more with less—and the pressure on your employees to get things right, the first time is greater than ever. Add in new regulations that force you to adhere to strict compliance standards, and the need to document and capture critical business processes becomes even more critical. The Infor™ Enterprise Performance Accelerator Kit (EPAK) can help you meet these challenges, so you reduce costs and errors and recognize ROI more quickly. Infor EPAK can help you: Increase employee productivity fourfold Create business processes from 50 to 75% faster Reduce costs and errors We accomplish these results by simulating your business processes in the EPAK training environment to ensure that all of your employees have the skills they need to succeed in your business. EPAK can increase employee productivity by as much as 20%, while at the same time reducing the number of transaction errors. So, you get a more productive, more successful workforce, as well as lower costs and higher customer satisfaction rates. With EPAK and Infor solutions, you’re ready to do business better so you can realize ROI faster View EPAK Demo Training Specials For February and March of 2015, ProServe Solutions, LLC is planning some new training packages as a special offering for our valued Infor ERP customers. Offering #1 For your Managers with P&L Responsibilities (nonfinancial professionals) Offering #2 Offering #3 For your employees who are responsible for purchasing products for stock For Newly Hired Employees Business case: Training on managing your number one financial asset, your Inventory Business Case: Training in Understanding Financial Reports You’re at the company holiday party and the boss announces, “Sorry folks, there are no bonuses this year. My cash is all tied up in inventory!” You’re on a plane and the Pilot comes on the overhead speaker and announces: “I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that all of our instrumentation is out and we don’t know where we’re heading. The good news is that we have a great tail wind so we’ll get there quicker!” Solution: Commit to having anyone who is responsible for determining what gets stocked, sets up your products, or purchases your stocking inventory fully versed in the concepts of cost to carry, cost to replenish, and inventory turns vs. service level commitments. Solution: Everyone does better when they understand how the company’s financial goals and success is measured and more importantly how they have an impact in that success. Give your Managers (those specifically with Profit and Loss responsibilities) a plain English, easy to understand one day session in financial intelligence. Do they know what questions to ask? Do they understand where the numbers come from? What is the basis for decisions they are making about buying equipment, adding new products, or hiring new people? Are revenues growing or declining? The goal of this daylong session is to provide the attendees with an understanding of the basic foundations of financial reporting, how to read an income statement and balance sheet so that the numbers can help them make better decisions in their departments. We are offering a one day seminar on Inventory Management. This is for any of our customers, whether or not you are currently using the replenishment system in your Infor ERP system. The morning portion of this training will cover the basics of inventory replenishment and its impact on your customer service levels, customer retention and profits. We’ll start with how to set up your items, your warehouse items and also teach the basics of the reports that will help you to have the right product on the shelf in the right quantity at the right time. The goal of this session is teach you how to use your software to enable you to become the vendor of choice for your customers. This training is provided at our office for a seminar fee of $ 499.00 per attendee. Lunch will be provided. We will then move into daily buying activities and how to manage any exceptions. We will discuss what to do with dead stock, when to freeze (or not freeze!) your ordering controls. And finally we will transition into Advance Inventory Management and see how these concepts can really reduce your cost to serve (i.e. reducing freight costs) and at the same time improve your customer satisfaction and retention rates. This training is a must for all distribution businesses! The seminar will be provided at our office location for a flat fee of $ 450.00 per person and lunch will be provided. Discounted group rates are available if your company has more than 4 people attend. How you onboard new employees directly impacts retention and turnover. And “employee turnover is a costly problem,” according to, “And with 22% of employees leaving their jobs within the first 45 days of employment, it’s all the more important to be sure that your employees are assimilated into your company with special care and ease.” Business case: Training for new employeesStart them off right! Solution: If you provide our trainers with what your new employee’s role and responsibilities will be within your organization, we will train them on how to do their job in your ERP system (and with any modifications you have). This is something we currently provide as a training service to our customers and those that take advantage of it are very pleased with the results. They have better users right from the start. Some have even built ProServe Solution’s onboarding training program into their ISO procedures. We have many who report back to us that their long time users are learning new tips and tricks from their new co-workers who have been through this training. The end result is that everyone becomes more efficient. Your users get more out of the features of the software because they know what’s available and how it works. And they feel more confident and able to contribute to the organization sooner. Please give us your feedback! Are you interested in taking advantage of some of all of these options? We will begin the scheduling and planning phase soon, so if you would like to offer suggestions or have input into scheduling, please email me directly. Thank you! Julie Zindle, email: How a Slow Computer Effects Your Staff’s Efficiency When we analyze our employees’ productivi- who isn't?), "overclocking" or adding RAM ty, one of the main causes of decreased effi- will let you switch seamlessly between pro- ciency can be the speed of the main tool grams without draining your hard drive. they use to perform their daily jobs, their computer. Reliability: Better protection against system failures, crashes and viruses not only makes Our workforce has become so reliant on for fewer interruptions (and less frustrated computers that we use them to accomplish employees), but also for less time spent on almost every aspect of our job. Having to IT assistance. Whether you're tapping dedi- wait for a slow computer to respond can cated IT staff or wasting your own time on have a direct impact on an employee’s the horn getting advice, a sound machine productivity and can also impact customer means far fewer interruptions. service. allowing companies to do just that. Benefits of Desktop Virtualization Increase the reliability and security of the devices Lower Replacement Costs of each Device Stay up-to-date on the newest versions of Microsoft without having to buy new hardware Think about the impact that a 20% increase The results of a recent Harris Interactive in productivity would have on your bottom survey showed that 29% of Office Computer line. So how do we achieve this? Users Say Computer Problems are the Top Virtual desktops and Thin clients are Whether its investing in a desktop virtualization strategy or creating a sched- Several new advances in technology have uled upgrade plan for PC’s, it is im- made it easier than ever for small business portant to keep the most used tool in In addition, a recent NY Times article dis- to keep their hardware up-to-date. One of optimal working condition. cussed the topic of computers and how they these being the development of Thin Client affect productivity and identified 4 different technology Reason for Decreased Productivity. areas of impact: Time: The minutes that a faster machine saves — at start-up, at shutdown and in managing programs in between — may seem like small gains. Over time, however, Keeping your computer up-to-date and running efficiently can have a huge impact on the productivity of your staff Virtual Desktops: The Future of the PC and at the same time improve your PC virtualization is the new trend for com- customer service levels. panies looking to lower their overall hardware expenses. these minutes can add up quickly. Imagine Imagine being able to replace a failed PC for recapturing just 10 minutes a day, Monday as low as $299! Or imagine upgrading every through Friday, doing actual work instead of PC on your network from windows 7 to win- waiting out that irritating little hourglass on dows 8 for a low as $999! your screen. At nearly an hour each week, this translates to a full week of added work time a year — per employee. Thin Client’s for Desktop Virtualization Speed: Even a basic upgrade can have a real, immediate impact on your ability to cruise through the task at hand. Swapping out your graphics card, for example, allows you to add a second monitor to your desktop — and increase your productivity by as much as 20 to 30 percent. Multitasking: Optimized computers allow you to multitask, which is essential to getting stuff done. If you're running several programs at once throughout your day (and 3000 Series Efficient, easy-to-use thin client, from the entry-level 3010-T10 and 3050-T50 to the highly capable dual core 3012T10D for cost-effective virtual desktop sites. 5000 Series 5000 Series All-in-One Thin client for virtual desktop environments also serves as a powerful yet compact cloud desktop. Increase security and make desktop management easy with a virus- and malwareimmune all-in-one thin client featuring Wyse ThinOS and a 21.5" display Starting at $499 Starting at $299 Starting at $699 Professional Development The FACTS User Group Every other month the FACTS User Group holds a meeting to discuss different topics chosen by the members. The idea is to share information and business practices with other users, to increase the effectiveness of the FACTS product. Upcoming Events FACTS User Group Date: February 19th, 2015 Topic: How to manage your defective and obsolete inventory Time: 9:00—10:00 AM (EST) Location: ProServe Solutions, 2402 North Forest Rd. Getzville, NY 14068 Or GoToMeeting Online At the end of each session we reserve time so that the attendees may ask any questions they might have to the ProServe FACTS expert attending that meeting. This is an opportunity for FREE training! ProServe Tech Times ISSUE 03 FEB/MAR 2015 What If You Could Wednesday Date: March 18th, 2015 Topic: To Be Announced Time: 12:00 PM (EST) Location: GoToMeeting Online ProServe Solutions, LLC 2402 N. Forest Rd Getzville NY 14068 716.635.5080 ph 716.635.5099 fax