F:\FILES\NEW WORK\spirit of Man - Spirit of Manitou Studio Trail
F:\FILES\NEW WORK\spirit of Man - Spirit of Manitou Studio Trail
+ + Manitou Beach 1 1 Four Feathers is co-owner/operator of GG’ s Galler Galleryy & Gifts at Manitou Beach . Heirloom quality portraits, large mural and designs are his specialties. Visit his Art Blog at GaudetArt.blogspot.ca Follow the bright red and yellow signs t o G-G’s at 309 Evenson Ave. Manitou Beach R D LIKE us on Facebook.com/ ggsgalleryandgifts Clayton Cave’s custom built knives, pipe & soapstone sculptures, hand-carved bone, an tler, shell, horn & ivory jewelry have amazing detail and exquisite workmanship. cell:306.759.7701 Knife-Buffalo Hunting Located at 202 Elizabeth Ave. Manitou Beach. fourfeathers.giftsfromnature@yahoo.ca Bill Burley Bronze Inspirations 1 Now It’s Over is the private bronze foundry and art studio of Sarah McKen- one of the few women who casts her own bronze sculptures. Come see sculptures in carved wood, welded steel, or concrete, and of course... many bronze inspirations! Located at 204 Elizabeth Ave. Manitou Beach WC, D cell: 306.759.7889 sarah@bronzeinspirations.com www.bronzeinspirations.com Michael R. Gaudet 1 1 Knotabadburl Wayne Seabrook is an avid outdoor enthusiast and sportsman who salvages, scrounges and recovers unusual logs, burls, rocks and assorted woods from remote areas. Wayne spends most of his time Waiting Wolf working as a self taught wood carver, creating and sculpting unique logs and burls. He also loves to paint, particularly watercolors. In 2008, Wayne and his wife, Ila, purchased a partially built cabin on 502 Elizabeth Avenue in Manitou Beach where he presently works and displays pieces of art as well as in local Watrous area galleries and stores. Ph 306.946.3180 Cell 1.780.918.3442 knotabadburl@gmail.com Farm 2 paints still life, florals and landscapes in acrylics and pastels. Since 1996 Toni has been in the local art world. She has won awards at the Watrous Juried Art Show for her paintings. Toni has participated at shows in Saskatoon with Saskatoon Exhibition and Gardenscape. Find her work at Gallery on Third located at 102 3rd Ave E Watrous. aaambrose@sasktel.net Ph. 306.946.3885 or cell 306.946.8878 WC R Darrell Baschak is a landscape painter working in oils. He also enjoys watercolours, pastels, acrylics, encaustics and casein. As a member of the Manitoba Society of Artists and the Federation of Canadian Artists he looks forward to interpeting this land in his own unique way. Located at Three Rivers Studio 214 William St. Manitou Beach . Ph 306.946.8492 dbaschak@gmail.com www.darrellbaschakartworks.ca D Toni Ambr ose Ambrose 2 2 Sandy Christensen Ready for an adventure in clay? Sandy Christensen's studio is alive with hand built statues of SASKATCHEWAN FOLKS. Decorative pots, animals, piggy banks, and bells add to your experience. Sandy is a juried member of Sas- Coffee Talk katchewan Craft Council. Visit her s tudio at 114 8th Ave W. Watrous . Google: SCC Juried Artist Listing. rschristensen@sasktel.net Ph 306.946.3399 R D 2 Frank Wilson Nellie KKwia wia tk o wski wiatk tko who enjoys putting animals on canvas using acryllic paint, has art work in residences throughout Canada from New Westminster in the West to Toron to in the East.Saskatchewan Resting farm raised, her love for animals began at an early age. Come see what all the fuss is about. Favorite works have been produced as note cards and prints. Located at: 309 5th Ave. East Watrous. Ph 306.946.3341 nlkiss@sasktel.net has been painting in oils since a youth. This life long pleasure is a learning experience with each painting. He has won several awards at juried art shows. Frank supplies a weekly cartoon for many Sask. community newspapers. View atr ous Wa trous Frank’s work at 203-7th Ave W. W Ph. Res.306.946.2011 frankwilson@sasktel.net WC, R 2 Astronomer (mirrored reflection) Farm 4 Concrete Elements provide interesting concrete statuary both commercial and custom made. Dave & Loa Titman invite you to come walk the flower gardens or take our train! See exciting new Small bowl fountain statuary to enhance your home grounds. Located at our Farm on Hwy 2: 8 km N of Jct 16 & 2, then 1 km E OR 5.5km S of Meacham, 1 km E. www.concr etelements.com loa.dave@sasktel.net Ph 306.944.4236 or 306.717.1720 WC R D Thank you all who ‘caught the Spirit’ making our Trail a success. Helen E. Herr Abstract Soapstone Sculptures by Helen reflect the freedom retired life in Saskatchewan offers. Accredited by the Saskatchewan Craft Council, she celebrates the new-found treasures discovered in each stone.Helen will also be showing her paintings.This Studio Trail exhibit is located at Gallery on 3rd, 102 3rd Ave E Watrous . Home visits by appointment Ph 306.946.2361. helenherr@sasktel.net WC R Prairie farm life is Linda’s inspiration. She is an emerging clay ceramic artist pushing forward in her career by exploring new form, new firing techniques and glaze applications. Cheshire She makes both functional and sculptural works. Linda’s art is owned nationally and int ernationally.Linda in vites y ou to her f arm studio;located 12.5 km W of Watrous on Hwy #2, then 1 km N. 2 Watrous 2 Linda Leslie Ph 306.946.2159 lindajeanleslie@gmail.com WC R Tammar ah Hellam ammarah l have been drawing and painting for the last 30 yrs or so and for the past 4 yrs l have been playing with wood burning equipment. Most of my burnings are of animals. A Wiseman once told me "watch the animals around you and they will teach you the simplicity of just being." Creating with this understanding in mind has taught me personality and spirit needs to be a part of the drawing as much as the technical details. Find me at the Gallery on Third located at 102 3rd Ave E Watrous. thetreearts@ymail.com WC R Ph 306.717.2583 3 Sofa table June Ferguson has been building Willow furniture for eighteen years. It is original, decorative and functional. These hand-made creations will be displayed in her yard at 402-8th Avenue East Watrous. WC Ph 306.946.3449 junzwillow@hotmail.com A huge thank you to our sponsors: Peppertree Mainline Motors Inksters Manitou Springs Affinity Credit Union See you next year July 2 & 3 2016! www.spiritofmanitou.ca Meacham 5 No Walls House Shirley McMahon Shirley’s work has evolved from a background of realism to a form of abstract representation. She uses watercolours, oils and soft pastels as well as varieties of pencil forms to express her inspirations drawn from the textures, colours and light of the prairies and her personal life which include travels and years on the BC west coast. Located in Meacham at 220 3rd Ave. Web: fineartamerica/ s h i r l e y m c m a h o n . shirley.mcmahon@sasktel.net Ph. 306.594.7327 5 to Prince Albert to Humboldt to Saskatoon 5 4 to Saskatoon to Yorkton Harvest Moon Gallery 207 Main St. Watrous 306.946.3441 www.mcisaleswatrous.com ************ Experience a unique week in Moose Jaw: Saskatchewan Festival of Words July 16-19 ************ number corresponds with map loca tions. Check individual bios for detailed directions. available online and can be used @ Spa, Dining Room, Serenity and Gift Store to Regina 1. Blackstrap Studio Arts Tour Dundurn May 23 & 24 www.blackstraparts.com 2. Parkland Artisan Tour Shellbrook June 26 & 27 www.shellbrooktour.com 3. 12-40 & Beyond Blaine Lake July 25 & 26 www.12-40andbeyond.com 4. Northern Horizons Journey of Creativity Meadstead Aug 1 & 2 www.northernhorizons.ca 5. Thickwood Hills Studio Trail Shell Lake Aug 8 & 9 www.thickwoodhillsstudiotrail.com june.jacobs@handwave.ca www.handwave.ca. North of La Ronge Each Styles in Clothing If you enjoyed Our Trail, here are links to other trails located throughout the province. 2 June J. Jacobs Is a artist based in fibre, an educator, CARFAC mentor, and The Hand Wave Gallery owner of 33 years. Her work is inspired by the nature around her and it infuences the form, colour palette and texture of sculptural and wearable art works. Located in Meacham at 409 3rd Ave. Ph 306.376.2221 Iron Markings 1 Spirit! 2015 8th Annual NOTE: If you wish to visit a studio at another time please phone ahead. ************ 3 Come Join the BOUTIQUE JOLI- INKSTERS G 5 1.306.946.3336 www.watrousmainline.com H features the artwork of Richard Lamartine. This talented artist p r o d u c e s landscapes in oil, ceramic raku animal masks and photographs. This year Richard has North of La Ronge concentrated on painting the surrounding countryside. Located in Meacham at 402 King St. richard.lamartine@gmail.com Ph 306.376.4700 www.harvestmoonantiques.ca This Studio Trail is comprised of local artists and artisans who have come together to present their works to you. As with all things Saskatchewan, there are distances to travel and that makes for part of the allure of exploring these studios. Trail participants have chosen to showcase their talents either at their work studio or have banded together in a central location. Check which participants offer Demonstrations, Restrooms and Wheel Chair accessiblity. Jump on the trail anywhere you wish, follow the brochure’s map to find the next artisan or artist. Take a day or both days to explore the area around Manitou Beach/Watrous and the surrounding areas of Viscount and Meacham to discover what talent lies around the bend. Above all enjoy the day! Manitou Beach 306.946.2233 manitousprings@sasktel.net Saturday July 4 10 am-7 pm Sunday July 5 Noon- 6 pm Follow the signs for a self guided tour of artists and artisans in their unique studios within East Central Saskatchewan: Meacham/ Viscount/Watrous/ Manitou Beach. a ou.c ofmanit ou.ca ofmanitou.c .spiritofmanit www.spirit .spirit www
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