Scots Guards Association Newsletter


Scots Guards Association Newsletter
Scots Guards Association
That some no longer serve with the colours does not matter.
What does matter is that we are all Scots Guardsmen
bound together in the Queen's service until we die by a chain
the links of which are invisible, but are as strong as steel;
Constantly striving in all that we do to maintain the high traditions
of loyalty and devotion to duty upon which the Scots Guards were founded.
General Sir Michael Gow GCB
Major M M Davidson
Secretary & Editor
February 2015
Volume 17 Issue 2
0845 230 1642
Dundee and Angus Branch
The first stage of the 1SG Community Engagement Plan took place in Dundee on
Wednesday 28th January 2015.
To those who know a little about British military affairs, the Scots Guards stand out
as a Regiment espousing standards, traditions and excellence. The problem is that
there is a perception of very little coherence within the wider Scots Guards family
when informing those without a military background of what we do and why we do
The evening started with the Pipes and Drums beating retreat outside the City
Chambers in Dundee. The weather forecast was not good as snow had been expected
but thankfully that did not happen although it was very cold with a bitter north wind.
The Band played for about twenty minutes and was greatly appreciated by all those
attending. Dundee City Council provided drinks and a finger buffet afterwards and
the Lord Provost gave a short speech welcoming the Regiment to the City and
complimenting the Band on the excellent music he had just heard outside. In reply
the Commanding Officer, Lt Col Chris Bell, thanked the City of Dundee for allowing
the Regiment to come and explain about the Community Engagement Plan.
A Presentation was made by Dundee and Angus Branch President, Lord Dalhousie, to
the Lord Provost as a thank you for the evening.
Guests from the local Council, the Clergy, Academics, Ninewells Hospital and the
various Army units in and around Dundee attended. The Scots Guards Association
had a good turnout with members from Dundee and Angus, Fife and Central
Branches also attending.
Major Guy Anderson for the 1st Battalion Scots Guards co-ordinated the event with
the Association Secretary, Major Munro Davidson.
London Branch
On Saturday 24th January 2015 the London Branch held what turned out to be their
best attended annual Burns Supper since 1984 at the Union Jack Club, Waterloo,
London SE1. Major Martin Snow, our President, and Francis Conlan acting as
Chairman for the night hosted 86 members and guests to a sumptuous 4 course menu
containing traditional haggis and sauce-national.
Eddie Mackay was Master of the evening, conducting the Burns Supper in his usual
outstanding manner., His rendition in the darkened room of “Holy Wullie's Prayer”,
as ever an oscar performance, was appreciated with what could only be described as a
crescendo of applause.
Captain Ronnie Paterson began the Immortal Memory by addressing the assembled
company expressing his disgust at the indiscriminate slaughter of those poor wee
beasties roaming the hills of Auchtermuchy, bagged, and transported to MacSweens
in Edinburgh, skinned and their heads dipped in boiling water, then shipped around
the world for consumption at dinner tables worldwide. The Green Party are to take
up this conservation point with the Government, The memory of Rabbie Burns was
celebrated with a bumper toast.
The evening ended quite late with the Branch President, Major Snow, thanking the
committee for organizing such a wonderful evening and everyone present for
attending. There was as is traditional at this event, a fair consumption of whisky and
folk left contented that they had enjoyed an exemplary Burns Supper.
The President, Major Martin Snow, Capt. Graham Fowler and Colin Paterson all former members
of the Mortar Platoon 1SG Belfast 1971
Aberdeen and North East of Scotland Branch
The Branch held its Seniors' Lunch on Wednesday 3rd December at Howies
Restaurant, Chapel Street, Aberdeen. Thirteen members along with fair assistance
enjoyed good food and excellent service. There was a wide selection of choice on the
menu and not too expensive, but the drinks, on the other hand, were on the costly
The Secretary pointed out that the bill was not that much more expensive than last
year, when the event was held in far less pleasant surroundings and with a very
limited choice. It was proposed that this event be held there again next year.
A bottle of Balvenies whisky was given by Sandy Seivwright Huntly for the toasts
and John Gordon telephoned Sandy during the lunch to thank him for this.
Aberdeen Branch members enjoying the Christmas Lunch
Berks, Bucks and Oxon Branch
The Branch is holding a Burns Night on Saturday 31st January at Datchet Golf Club.
There is a trip to see the Ceremony of the Keys at the Tower of London on Saturday
evening 28th February.
An invitation has been received from The Hon Sir William McAlpine for the Branch
to visit Fawley Museum and Railway. The date for this is Sunday 19th July 2015.
Ayrshire Branch
The Branch is looking forward to another successful year and ask that as many
members as possible support the Branch at the forthcoming events.
The Branch meetings are held on the first Monday of each month in the Ex Services
Club, Ayr except for the November meeting which will be held in the RAFA Club,
The Branch AGM is on Monday 30th March 2015.
A Spring Dance and Buffet is to be held in the Lodge 1060 Club, Berelands Road,
Prestwick on Friday 27th March 2015. Tickets are priced at £10 per person, timing
7pm for 7.30pm so come along and enjoy what is truly a great night. For further
information and ticket orders contact Andrew Cruickshanks on telephone 01292
475878 or alternatively speak to him at our Branch meetings.
The Branch Re-union and Dinner will be held on Friday 6th November within the
RAFA Club, Stonegarth, Ardayre Road, Prestwick at 6.30pm for 7pm. Please not this
date in your diary and come and join us for what will be an excellent evening.
Tickets are priced at £15 per person.
Carlisle, Dumfries and Galloway Branch
The Branch Christmas Lunch was held at the George Hotel, Penrith where 95
members, family and friends had a very enjoyable afternoon. The highlight of the
event was the presentation by Major Harrison to Doug Mitchell of a wrist watch with
the Scots Guards badge on the dial and Doug's Regimental Number on the rear.
Doug thanked everyone and said..”I am gobsmacked!” Well done Dougie.
On Monday 19th December 28 members and families attended the Memorial Service
for Scots Guardsman James Mackenzie VC. At the War Memorial on New Abbey
Road, Dumfries where a plaque was laid to the memory of James 100 years to the
day. Our Scots Guards piper, L/Cpl Oakes, opened the service with some wonderful
piping even with a cold westerly blowing. Afterwards there was a very moving
Memorial Service in the Torqueer Parrish Church with a reading, In Flanders Field, d
by Branch Member Lieutenant Colonel Sir Malcolm Ross GCVO OBE. A Buffet and
presentation of gifts and plaques took place later in the church Hall and a letter of
appreciation from the Branch to Dumfries Council for all their work and planning to
make such a success of the occasion was handed over.
The next meeting of the Branch is on Friday 30th January and will be followed by a
Tribute Supper to Robert Burns.
Douggie Mitchell receiving his watch from Major Tony Harrison
Edinburgh and the Lothians Branch
We are pleased to report that the Secretary, Danny Minto, is now back in the fold
after a back operation. Danny wishes to thank all those who sent get well messages.
He would also like to thank the Chairman for standing in for him during his enforced
During his recovery Danny has put his time to good use. He set up the Branch
Website and changed the email address:Website
email address
If anyone has difficulty accessing the website please contact Danny.
Durham and Yorkshire Branch
Each month the Branch holds a Sunday Lunch and in December it was decided to go
to the Burtree Inn where they put on a great Christmas Dinner. Unfortunately the inn
only provide the christmas fare on weekdays so the “Sunday Lunch” was held on
Friday 12th December! The meal was excellent but sadly this date clashed with the
funeral of John Allan.
The January Lunch was held at the Dog Inn near Heighington on the A68 when six
members and guests attended. The next Lunch will be held on Sunday 1st February at
the Sheldon Civic Centre. This is also the venue for the Branch Annual Dinner on 4th
April 2015.
The re-scheduled Annual Dinner will now take place on Saturday afternoon on 4th
April 2015. The clocks will have gone forward the week previous so anyone
travelling long distances will be able to get to and from the Lunch in daylight on the
same day. Brigadier Charlie Telfer CBE, who will be well known by many, has
agreed to attend as Honoured Guest. If this is successful we could consider other
afternoon events.
Merseyside Branch
The Branch held its Annual General Meeting on Friday 16th January 2015 and the
Committee members were re-elected:
Major Niall Crichton-Stuart
Mr Keith Reid
Mr Jimmy Horne
A few years ago the Branch merged with the Coldstream Guards, Liverpool Branch
for the annual Dinner due to falling numbers from both branches. The Merseyside
Branch has 35 fully paid up members but support at Branch events is very poor.
Despite being the hosts at the last Dinner (October 2014) only 7 Scots Guards
members attended, which included the President, Chairman and Secretary of the
Branch. This has been the case for several years now.
As a result of this, and after due consideration and discussions over several months,
the Committee voted on the following:1. That the Branch breaks with the Coldstream Guards for Annual Dinners. The
Coldstreams are in agreement and are proposing to follow our example going
2. Dispose with the Friday evening Dinner in October and replace it with a
Saturday Lunch, the first of which is to be held on Saturday 30th May 2015.
Depending on the support shown by Branch members, the Committee will
decide on future such events.
3. That wives and partners be included.
4. The format be relaxed but to include the formal toast to The Queen and The
Colonel with the usual letters being provided by RHQ/Palace. There will be no
Guest of Honour and no speeches.
This is a very sensible solution to a problem that saves the Branch from being
Central Branch
Mr T Moran died 12th December 2014.
Third Guards Club
Major Fred Adams died 15th December 2014 aged 95 years. He was also a member
of the London Branch.
Major ANB Ritchie DL died 14th January 2015. He was a Past President of the
Glasgow Branch
Lt Col MB (Mike) Scott died 24th January 2015.
Not Members of the Association
RSM Eric Gifford died 23rd December 2014.
Sgt Ian Morton died 31st December 2014.
Ronald Alexander Manning died 3rd January 2015. He was Secretary of the London
Branch in the eighties.
Wally Epson died December 2014. He was Driver to Lt Col Fane-Gladwin in the
early fifties.
C/Sgt Robby Moreland died 19th January 2015.
L/Cpl Thomas Page died 8th December 2014.
2795366 John McNaught Allan MA died 29th November 2014.
Mr George Kydd died 3rd December 2014.
Drummer Stephen Hardstaff died December 2014.
22722521 John Adam died 27th December 2014. He was a member of the Shipley
and District Branch RBL.
London Branch
Fredrick Slater born in 1911 and still going strong
Memories of War:
Born in 1911 Frederick Slater experienced both the First and Second World War.
Evacuated as a child during the First World War, Frederick served in the Armed
Forces throughout the Second World War. Frederick was called up in 1939 and had
to report to the Tower of London by midday. He then went to Chelsea Barracks to
join his Regiment. Although the Regiment initially remained in Britain it was
eventually dispatched overseas:
“We didn't know if it was going or not so we had to pack all our kit up at Chelsea and
get ready when the orders came to move. I said to my wife, “Goodbye” then one day
we was off up to Scotland and we settled down in up there for about a fortnight and
then we boarded ship”.
That was our Job
Part of the 24th Guards Brigade, Scots Guards, Frederick served in North Africa, Italy
and later Yugoslavia. In Italy he took part in the Battle of Anzio:
“About 4 o'clock in the morning we came in to the beach and out of the water and as
we did so... they sent the panzer division over to us...(T)he 24th Guards Brigade was a
spearhead (so) we had to run up the beaches but as we was doing that saw these
panzer division come over...(w)hat we had to do was the road going over from
Florence to Cassino we had to break that the Germans couldn't last down to
Cassino. That was our job, which we did, at the loss of hundreds of men”.
That's Your Father!
Frederick returned home on 10th October 1945, his son's birthday.
“When I come home, I knocked on my door. My son said “Mum, Mum” “What?”
she says “There's a black man at the door” She says “Black Man? That's your
father!” See, cos he hadn't seen me, he's only a little tot. She says “That's your
The next Remembrance Service of the above will take place on Saturday 19th
September 2015 at the National Memorial Arboretum, Arlwas, Staffordshire.
Councillor receives accolade for work supporting Armed Forces Veterans
National Charities Veterans Council has presented an individual Award to Eden
District Councillor, Malcolm Temple, for his work supporting the Armed Forces
Community in Penrith and surrounding area.
The Centre of Excellence Awards recognise the key stakeholders from the areas of
health, education, employment, housing, welfare and legal from the public, private
and third sector who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to ensure members
of the Armed Forces community receive the help and support they need. A total of
ten awards were presented for a range of categories at a special ceremony on 27th
November 2014 at the Imperial War Museum North in Manchester. The Awards were
unveiled at the launch of the AFCOM Directory, a revolutionary new website that has the potential to provide life changing choices for
members of the Armed Forces community.
Councillor Temple, who is the Eden District Council Forces' champion said “ As an
ex soldier I was absolutely thrilled to receive this award. I care passionately about
the care and support ex Armed Forces personnel receive in our community. I take
great pride in my role as the Council's Armed Forces champion and have been
working hard with my fellow councillors and Veterans Council to get a dedicated
Armed Forces Engagement Officer to support ex services personnel.
A recruitment process has been completed to appoint a person to the post and
Sainsburys has kindly offered office accommodation in Penrith as a base for the
Armed Forces Engagement Office to use to carry out their duties. This will be a
major boost for the care ex servicemen receive in Cumbria. I look forward to
welcoming the successful candidate to Eden in the near future.”
Janet Gorry, CEO at Veterans Council said “We are proud to recognise Councillor
Temple by presenting him with this award for the tireless work and dedication he has
shown for the Armed Forces community in this region.
Malcolm Temple with his award
1st Battalion Pipes and Drums playing outside the City Chamber Dundee on
Wednesday 28th January 2015