Summer 2015 word - Graduate Affairs


Summer 2015 word - Graduate Affairs
FLAS Fellowship
Foreign Language Area Studies
2015 Summer
In-Residence Students
Application Instructions
FLAS Award
The Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (also known as FLAS or Title VI) is an award for students
concentrating in modern foreign language and a program that includes international or area studies. Summer FLAS
Fellowships carry a stipend of $2,500 and up to $5,000 in tuition, and may cover some travel expenses. FLAS awards
cannot be issued without Congressional budgetary approval and formal funding notification from the U.S.
Department of Education. No dependency allowances are offered.
Languages by Area
The U.S. Department of Education has approved FLAS funded study of the following languages. However, if you are
interested in studying another language, contact the appropriate Area Center as this list is not exclusive.
East Asia:
East Europe:
Chinese, Korean, Japanese
Armenian, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS), Czech, Georgian, Polish, Russian*, Turkish, Uzbek,
Latin America: Aymara, Haitian Kreyol, K’iche’ Maya, Nahuatl, Portuguese, Yucatec Maya
Middle East
Arabic**, Armenian, Hebrew**, Persian**, Turkish**, Uzbek
South Asia:
Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Tibetan, Urdu
* Must have successfully completed equivalent of at least 6 quarters/4 semesters of college-level instruction in language.
** Must have successfully completed equivalent of at least 3 quarters/2 semesters of college-level instruction in language.
Eligibility Requirements
An applicant must:
Be a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States;
Be enrolled at an institution receiving an allocation of FLAS fellowships;
Be not beyond the fifth year of graduate study in a department or professional school while holding the award;
Be in a program that combines modern foreign language training with area or international studies or research and
Training in the international aspects of professional and other fields of study;
Show high potential for academic achievement.
A fellow must:
Be in an intensive language program that lasts a minimum of 6 weeks;
Receive a minimum of 140 contact hours of instruction at the beginning or intermediate levels and a
Minimum of 120 contact hours of instruction at the advanced level;
Submit proposed program materials to the Graduate Student Affairs (GSA) to verify FLAS eligibility;
Receive approval for overseas programs from the U.S. Department of Education (USED), facilitated
through GSA;
Complete an online Performance Report by September 1, 2015 as required by the USED;
Be subject to University regulations and Dean of Students’ approval concerning part-time employment.
+ To study abroad, a student must be at the intermediate or advanced level of language or at the beginning
level if there is no equivalent language instruction in the U.S.
Application Submission Deadline: all materials to your Dean of Students via email by Friday, February 6, 2015.
Note: Applicants also applying for a 15-16 Academic Year FLAS Fellowship must submit a separate Academic Year
application; only one set of references and one set of transcripts are required.
An applicant must submit to Dean of Students:
1. Application Form (pages 1-2)
2. Statement of Purpose (page 3)
3. Summer Language Program Information Sheet
(page 4)
4. Graduate Transcript (sent electronically if possible)
Recommenders must submit to Dean of Students:
1. Language Recommendation (download
on FLAS website)
2. Academic Recommendation (download
on FLAS website)
Save your application as "Last Name, First Name-FLAS Summer" before sending your application.
Contact the appropriate Area Center, Dean of Students Office, or Graduate Student Affairs. See the last page in the
application for contact details.
Summer 2015 FLAS Fellowship: In-Residence Students
Application Form
Submit all materials to your Dean of Students Office by FEBRUARY 6, 2015.
I. Applicant Information
E-mail address:
Phone number:
Year of Graduate Study in 15-16: __2
__3 __4 __5
__Other (explain) ____________________________________
II. Language Information
World Area:
__East Asia
__Middle East
__East Europe
__South Asia
__Latin America
Citizenship: __U.S. Citizen
__U.S. National
__U.S. Permanent Resident/Resident Alien
Language to be studied:
Current level of language:
Native Language:
How many years have you studied this and other languages and when was the study undertaken?
High School: _____yrs.
Other (specify): _____yrs.
High School: _____yrs.
Other (specify): _____yrs.
High School: _____yrs.
Other (specify): _____yrs.
Undergrad: _____yrs.
Grad: _____yrs.
Undergrad: _____yrs.
Grad: _____yrs.
Undergrad: _____yrs.
Grad: _____yrs.
III. Statement of Purpose
On the reverse or an additional page, outline your study plans and explain how receiving a FLAS will aid you in reaching your
program and/or career goals in 1-2 typewritten pages.
IV. Career Objective Survey (check all that apply)
__K-12 teaching
__College teaching
__Private sector
__Non-governmental organization
__U.S. government service
V. Recommenders’ Information
Language recommender:
Academic recommender:
Summer 2015 FLAS Fellowship: In-Residence Students
Application Form
VI. Financial Information
In accordance with new 2014 Department of Education selection guidelines, competitive preference is given to students who
demonstrate financial need. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a form used to determine the level of
financial need.
Have you or will you complete a FAFSA for academic year 2015-2016?
________If yes, date submitted
If you are completing a FAFSA, may your Dean of Students office request a copy from Student Loan Administration?
What other sources of funding have you applied to or do you expect to receive for 2015-2016? (Include University of Chicago
Divisional Fellowships)
Estimated 2015-2016 Budget & Financial Information:
Tuition amount you expect to pay next year: _________________________
Room and board you expect to pay next year: __________________________
Books/equipment/supplies/mandatory fees: __________________________ Health/Medical: __________________________
Costs associated with dependent(s): __________________________
Other financial considerations: ___________________________________________________________________________
I certify that this information is true, complete, and given in good faith. I understand that if I receive the FLAS, I must submit a
performance report to the U.S. Department of Education by September 1, 2015.
Type your name here:
Summer 2015 FLAS Fellowship: In-Residence Students
Statement of
In 1-2 typewritten pages, provide a statement of purpose which outlines your study plans and explains how the FLAS
Fellowship will aid you in reaching your program and/or career goals. Type the statement below or attach a separate
Summer 2015 FLAS Fellowship: In-Residence Students
Summer Language Program Information Sheet
Summer FLAS Award
Summer language study must be intensive, lasting at least 6 weeks and offering at least 140 contact hours of instruction at the
beginning or intermediate levels and at least 120 contact hours of instruction at the advanced level. Language programs must
be completed by August 31, 2015. Students may study abroad at the intermediate or advanced levels or at the beginning level
if no equivalent instruction is available in the United States. Students studying abroad must have prior approval from the
University and from the U.S. Department of Education (USED), facilitated through the Graduate Student Affairs (GSA) after the
application deadline. Awards can neither be confirmed nor authorized before GSA obtains program approval from the USED.
Please note that individuals traveling with FLAS funds must abide by USED travel warnings. In some circumstances, travel
funds may be available to fellows who travel abroad using an American flag carrier and comply with the Fly America Act.
In addition to completing the form below, it is imperative that applicants attach supporting program materials (i.e., text from
webpages, brochures, correspondence with a language institute, etc.). Students submitting multiple program proposals should
complete a separate copy of the Summer Language Program Information Sheet for each program and indicate order of
program preference (see Section II). In order to offer study opportunities to more students, the University reserves the right to
fund study at a comparable program with lower tuition.
For more information about the Summer FLAS, including program suggestions and Fly America Act details, contact Jessica
Smith, Assistant Director of Fellowships in Graduate Student Affairs.
I. Applicant Information
World Area:
__East Asia
__East Europe
__Latin America
__Middle East
__South Asia
E-mail address:
Proposed language of study:
Language level: __Beginning
II. Language Program Information
Program preference (if submitting multiple proposals):
Name of institute or program:
Program address:
Contact person:
E-mail address:
NOTE: The University of Chicago’s Summer Language Institute offers select FLAS-eligible courses. See the following page
for the list of programs and dates.
III. Language Course Information
Beginning date (must last at least 6 weeks):
End date (must end before August 31, 2015):
Contact hours (must be at least 140 for beginning and intermediate and 120 for advanced):
Tuition cost (cannot exceed $5,000; may NOT include room and board costs; tuition should be itemized separately):
Other fees (Eligible fees include registration fee and mandatory program fees. Ineligible fees include visa, travel, insurance,
Summer 2015 FLAS Fellowship: In-Residence Students
Summer 2015 FLAS-eligible language courses offered through the University of Chicago’s
Summer Language Institute.
Aymara (6/22-8/14)
Chinese (6/22-8/14)
Georgian (6/22-7/31)
Japanese (6/22-8/21)
Korean (6/22-8/14)
Yiddish (6/22-7/31)
Arabic (6/22-8/14)
Portuguese (6/22-7/31)
Turkish (6/22-7/31)
Questions about Chicago Language Center courses? Contact Jamie McCormick, Summer
Language Institute Coordinator.
15-16 Academic Year FLAS Fellowship: In-Residence Students
Contact Information
Dean of Students Offices at the University of Chicago
Biological Sciences Division
Victoria Prince
Divinity School
Teresa Owens
Humanities Division
Adrianne Renberg
Physical Sciences Division
Miranda Swanson
Harris School of Public Policy
Kathi Marshall
Social Sciences Division
Kelly Pollock
Social Service Administration
Celia Bergman
Law School
Amy Gardner
Pritzker School of Medicine
James Woodruff
Booth School of Business
Ann Harvilla
Institute for Molecular Engineering
Rovana Popoff 773.834.5549
Area Centers
East Asia
Director: Donald Harper
Associate Director: Sarah Arehart
Latin America
Director: Mauricio Tenorio
Associate Director: Natalie
East Europe
Director: Victor Friedman
Associate Director: Meredith
Middle East
Director: Hakan Karateke
Associate Director: Tom Maguire
Graduate Student Affairs
FLAS Coordinator
Assistant Director of Fellowships: Jessica Smith
South Asia
Director: Kathleen Morrison
Associate Director: Irving Birkner