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Ironing and cleaning lady Wendy Richards Call 0450 884153 (ad
Devotions & Prayers
Novena Masses
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
First Friday 7:30pm
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
6:30 - 7:30pm
9.30-10.00am (with Benediction)
First Friday 6:30pm followed by
7:15pm Benediction
First Sat
9.30-10.00am (with Benediction)
Sacrament of the Sick
First Saturday 9:00am Mass or upon request
Divine Office
12:00pm with Adoration
Praise & Worship
3rd Saturday 7:30pm
led by SJ23rd Prayer Group
2nd & 4th Saturday
led by CRL (Community of the Risen Lord)
Friday Prayer Group
7:00pm at the Church kitchen
led by Pauline Camilleri  0407 417039
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5th Sunday Ordinary time
07 - 08 February 2015
Our Parish Mission
The parish of St John XXIII is a faith
community with the Eucharist as its
heart. Inspired by John XXIII’s
prophetic opening of the windows of the
Church, we welcome the fresh air of the
Holy Spirit, inviting every person to share
in the responsibility of enriching the life
and faith of our community by sharing
their gifts and talents.”
Parish Priest: Fr John McSweeney
Assistant Priest: Fr Robert William 
Mass Times
Monday to Friday 9:00am
Also Wednesday 9:00 am Holy Cross
Primary during school term
9:00am, 6:00pm (Vigil)
7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am
6:00pm (Youth)
Baptism 12:00pm Sundays by appointment
Reconciliation (First Rite)
Saturdays 5:00 - 5:45pm
And after any weekday masses
Our Learning Community
Holy Cross Primary
Joshi John 0410 066578/9631
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 Beth 0430 150568
49 Meurants Lane, Glenwood
Principal: Marina Hardy
 (02) 9629 8742
John XXIII and St Mark’s College
160 Perfection Ave, Stanhope Gardens
Principal: Dr Peter Webster
 (02) 9852 0500
Catholic Learning Centre
160 Perfection Ave, Stanhope Gardens
 (02) 9852 0585
Parish Office Hours
Tuesday to Friday
8.30 - 4.00pm
Parish Office Contacts
 (02)9852 0580 0403 766468 AH
Tanya Gatt
 (02)9852 0580
Mila Llamas (Fridays)
Admin Asst: Jill Franco (Tues/Thurs)
Our Parish Council
Bart Sarlabus
Council Team Leaders
Community Bldg Techie Sarlabus
Comms & Media John McCartney
Faith Formation
Pastoral Care
Social Justice
Rose Franco
Rodi Orantia
Ray Samonte
Qwayne Guevarra
“Reflection on the Word of God”
For our final prayer at the End of Mass:
Celebrant: In light of the global call of Pope Francis to mark Feb. 8, the Feast
of St. Josephine Bakhita, as the world day of prayer, reflection, and action
against human trafficking, let us begin by observing a moment of silence in
solidarity with the more than 27 million women, men and children who suffer
each day from modern day slavery. [Moment of Silence]
Each person forced into slavery has a personal story…a story of struggles,
hopes and dreams.
The Commentator will now offer a brief life of St. Josephine Bakhita (If you
wish to watch a you-tube video on her brief life, use the following link:
Prayer Response from all: Restore their freedom
May human dignity be restored to those who have been bought, sold or
kidnapped for the monetary benefit of others. R
For those in bonded labour, in agricultural fields, mines and factories
who have been reduced to tools of production and commodities rather
than human beings. R
For those who cannot return home due to stigma of prostitution, disease
or shame, that they receive the solace, healing and support they need R
For women who are estimated to make up 80% of human trafficking
victims, and for changes in societal attitudes that deny the equality and
dignity of women. R
For victims of trafficking in our own local communities. May we have
eyes to see and act to make our communities slave free, R
All: Awaken our hearts and deepen our commitment to work for a
world where every person is free and able to live with dignity and
freedom. We ask for conversion of heart for traffickers and for strong
laws that protect victims. Give us the wisdom and courage to stand in
solidarity, so that together we will find ways to the freedom that is your
gift to all people. Amen
St John XXIII Catholic Church
When we listen to the Gospel for this Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B), we are struck
by the depth of meaning in the simplicity of the story.
Firstly, we are aware that Jesus is quick to bring about healing to those in need, as evidenced
by his healing of Peter’s mother-in-law. But such healing is not the end of the matter. It
results in this good lady tending to Jesus’ needs as he tended to hers. Healing led to a mission
of service. Secondly, the fact that all Jesus says and does is his way of teaching his disciples,
means that we must try (in our own way) to imitate Him, utilizing whatever gifts we have to
help other people in need.
Our Sunday Eucharist, our attendance at Sunday Mass, is something that leads us beyond
ourselves to the neighbour in need. Our Prayer Life must lead away from our needs alone to
the needs of all with whom we come in contact. Indeed, St. Paul in today’s Second Reading
realized that our salvation / our being touched and healed by the Lord is not just for our own
benefit along. All gifts are for the edification of the Church, the Body of Christ, the people of
God. As he writes:
“I do not boast of preaching the gospel, since it is a duty which has been laid on me; I
should be punished if I did not preach it! If I had chosen this work myself, I might have been
paid for it, but as I have not, it is a responsibility which has been put into my hands.”
Peter’s mother-in-law offers us all an icon of Christian Service. Her healing was followed by
her responding in kind. Our Christian Faith is certainly a gift that leads to our own Salvation,
but it is also something that calls us to missionaries who bring the Good News of Christ in
Word and Action to all. After all, Jesus did not come “to be served, but to serve and give his
life as a ransom for many”.
How to make the sign of the Cross Colour this in
4 And of the Holy
6 Amen
St John XXIII Catholic Church
Fr John’s corner
Youth Corner
(Getting to Know - God, yourself and others)
Age group - School Years 4-9
When: 2nd and 4th Sundays
Where: St Mark’s Staff Room
Time: 4:30pm St Mark’s staffroom
5.00pm Break open the word
5.30pm Welcomers at mass
6.00pm Youth Mass
7.30pm leave from Church
RJ Samonte
Ceejay Sarlabus
(Community of the Risen Lord)
Praise & worship
When: 2nd & 4th Saturdays
Where: Church
Time: after 6:00pm vigil mass
(Youth for Christ)
When: Meets every 3rd Sunday
Where: St Mark’s Staff Room
Time: 1:00pm for Break open the
6.00pm Youth Mass
GTK returns on the 22 February
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Today we will join with the whole Church around the world in responding to
Pope Francis’ request to pray for those who endure human trafficking and
Let us use the final prayer that will be said at the close of Mass (and is printed
in the section entitled Evangelicum) during this week in our private times of
prayer. Let us lift up the needs of those in distress to the Father of mercies.
Please note Bart’s comments in the Parish Council Section of the
Bulletin concerning the first of our two annual Major Fundraising
Raffles. As a Community we need to get behind this exercise, as it is a
substantial boost to our repayments for our Church and parish
The Opening School Liturgies for St. John XXIII Primary School and
St. Mark’s College will be held in the Church this week:
Thursday 12th February, 9am Mass (for Years 3-6)
Thursday 12th February, 10:15am Liturgy of the Word (for K-Year 2)
Friday 13th February, 9am Mass (for Years 7-9)
How to make the sign of the Cross Colour this in
Friday 13th February, 10:15am Mass (for Years 10-12).
As a result of the School Masses on Friday, there will be no Adoration
and Benediction for this week only. Normally there will now be 20
minutes of silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after every
Friday Mass, concluding with sung Benediction around 9:50am. This
will recommence on Friday 20th February.
Fr. Robert will be returning from Annual Leave and Annual Retreat on
Friday 13th. However, he will be leaving on the 16th February for a 10
Day Priests’ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Thus, as already mentioned,
the return to normal timetable on Mondays and Tuesday will begin in
the first week of March.
God Bless you all. Let us continue to pray for one another.
1 Starting position
2 In the name of
the Father
St John XXIII Catholic Church
3 and of
Fr. John
the Son
St John XXIII Catholic Church
First Reading
Job 7:1-4, 6-7
I am filled with sorrow all day long.
Job began to speak:
Is not man's life on earth nothing
more than pressed service, his time
no better than hired drudgery?
Like the slave, sighing for the shade,
or the workman with no thought but
his wages, months of delusion I have
assigned to me, nothing for my own
but nights of grief.
Lying in bed I wonder, 'When will it
be day?'
Risen I think, 'How slowly evening
Restlessly I fret till twilight falls.
Swifter than a weaver's shuttle my
days have passed, and vanished,
leaving no hope behind.
Remember that my life is but a
breath, and that my eyes will never
again see joy.
The word of the Lord.
Response Thanks be to God.
Second Reading
Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23
Parish Notices
Punishment will come to me if I do not preach the
I do not boast of preaching the gospel,
since it is a duty which has been laid
on me; I should be punished if I did
not preach it! If I had chosen this work
myself, I might have been paid for it,
but as I have not, it is a responsibility
which has been put into my hands. Do
you know what my reward is? It is this:
in my preaching, to be able to offer the
Good News free, and not insist on the
rights which the gospel gives me.
So though I am not a slave of any man
I have made myself the slave of
everyone so as to win as many as I
could. For the weak I made myself
weak. I made myself all things to all
men in order to save some at any cost;
and I still do this, for the sake of the
gospel, to have a share in its blessing.
The word of the Lord.
Response Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 146:1-6
R. Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted.
Praise the Lord for he is good; sing to our
God for he is loving: to him our praise is
Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted.
The Lord builds up Jerusalem and brings
back Israel's exiles, he heals the brokenhearted, he binds up all their wounds.
he fixes the number of the stars; he calls
each one by its name.
Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted.
St John XXIII Catholic Church
Our Lord is great and almighty;
his wisdom can never be measured.
The Lord raises the lowly;
he humbles the wicked to the dust.
Parramatta Institute for Mission
Liturgical Ministry Formation Courses
for 2015
Understanding liturgical ministries,
ministry of the word, extraordinary
ministers of communion, communion to
the sick & dying, senior servers and
acolytes & acolyte courses. Courses starts
23 Feb & 2 Mar 2015 For more
information call the parish office to
collect forms
The Sacramental Calendar for 2015 is
now available.
If you know of families interested to
enrol their children for any of the
sacraments, calendar is posted on the
notice board at the church foyer or can
be viewed on our parish website,
SRE Teachers needed
If you are interested, please contact the
parish office.
Saint John XXIII Display
There is a new Saint John XXIII display.
We now have a set of photographs
covering the life of St John XXIII. They
include photographs of his birthplace
which is now a shrine, even his wooden
crib. We also have a wonderful 5 minute
video on the life of Pope John XXIII on
our parish facebook page - https://
Free morning tea
Every 4th Sunday after the 9am mass
courtesy of SJ23rd Prayer Group
If you know of anyone who needs help
from our Community Outreach group
please contact the parish office.
Over 55’s
What: Lunch
Where: Il’Largo Restaurant
When: 16th February, Monday
Time: 12 noon or GGC 11:30am
For further details please call Merrilyn
9629 4552/ 0413 424552
The season of Lent is a time to prepare
ourselves for Easter. If interested to be
part of the Lenten Program please
contact the parish office or Rose Franco
or fill up the sign sheets at the church
If you or a family member is homebound and
wish to receive communion in your home please
contact the parish office.
Catholic Charismatic
Monday 16th February 2015
7.30pm - 9.30pm Mass & Benediction
Sponsored by St John XXIII Church
Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted.
Gospel Acclamation
Mark 1:29-39
Families seeking enrolment into Kindergarten 2016 at John XXIII Catholic
Primary and Year 7 2016 at St Mark's Catholic College, to submit an
Expression of Interest for Enrolment (available at the office or on the
College website) to the College office as soon as possible.
Alleluia, alleluia!
He bore our sickness,
and endured our suffering.
St John XXIII Catholic Church
Mark 1:29-39
Why we do what we do.....
Why do we strike the breast three times?
Striking of the breast as a liturgical act is prescribed in the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass during the Confiteor at the phrase "Through my fault" (three times), at the
Nobis Quoque Peccatoribus (once), at the Agnus Dei (three times), and at the
Domine, Non Sum Dignus (three times). With bowed head, except at the Nobis
Quoque Peccatoribus, moderately and without noise, the celebrant strikes his
breast with the right hand, the fingers being held closely together and curved or
fully extended, as the rubrics are silent on this point; after the consecration,
however, with the last three fingers only, since the thumb and index finger, which
are joined, must not come in contact with the chasuble. At the Agnus Dei in
requiem Masses the striking of the breast is omitted, to show that the celebrant is
thinking of the departed more than of himself. The faithful are accustomed to this
practice as well as the priest.
The early Christians were familiar with the practice, as St. Augustine and St.
Jerome testify. "No sooner have you heard the word 'Confiteor'", says the former,
"than you strike your
breast. What does this
mean except that you
wish to bring to light what
is concealed in the breast,
and by this act to cleanse
your hidden sins?" (Sermo
de verbis Domini, 13). We
strike our breast", declares
St. Jerome, "because the
breast is the seat of evil
thoughts: we wish to
dispel these thoughts, we
wish to purify our
hearts" (In Ezechiel, c.
xviii). A warrant for these statements is found in the Psalmist: A contrite and
humbled heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise (Psalm 51:19). The petitioner at the
Throne of Mercy would chasten his heart and offer it as a sacrifice to God who
healeth the broken of heart and bindeth up their wounds (Ps. cxlvi, 3). The ancient
Christians were accustomed to strike the breast when they heard mention made or
sensual sins; at the "Forgive us our trespasses" of the Pater Noster; and in
detestation of the crime of the Jews, at the words of the Gospel, "Thou hast a
devil", applied to Christ.
St John XXIII Catholic Church
He cured many who suffered from diseases of one kind
or another.
On leaving the synagogue, Jesus went
with James and John straight to the
house of Simon and Andrew. Now
Simon's mother-in-law had gone to
bed with fever, and they told him
about her straightaway. He went to
her, took her by the hand and helped
her up. And the fever left her and she
began to wait on them.
That evening, after sunset, they
brought to him all who were sick and
those who were possessed by devils.
The whole town came crowding
round the door, and he cured many
who were suffering from diseases of
one kind or another; he also cast out
many devils, but he would not allow
them to speak, because they knew
who he was.
In the morning, long before dawn, he
got up and left the house, and went
off to a lonely place and prayed there.
Simon and his companions set out in
search of him, and when they found
him they said, 'Everybody is looking
for you.' He answered, 'Let us go
elsewhere, to the neighbouring
country towns, so that I can preach
there too, because that is why I
came.' And he went all through
Galilee, preaching in their synagogues
and casting out devils.
The Gospel of the Lord.
Response Praise to you, Lord
Jesus Christ.
Nicene Creed
I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God, begotten, not
made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation he
came down from heaven,
At the words that follow, up to and including
‘and became man’, all bow.
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate
of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under
Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and
was buried, and rose again on the third
day in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at
the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the
living and the dead and his kingdom will
have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the
giver of life, who proceeds from the
Father and the Son, who with the Father
and the Son is adored and glorified, who
has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and
apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the
forgiveness of sins and I look forward to
the resurrection of the dead and the life
of the world to come.
St John XXIII Catholic Church
Readings for next
9 Mon
Ordinary time
1st Reading
Genesis 1:1-19
Ps 103:1-2. 5-6. 10. 12. 24. 35
Mark 6:53-56
Saint Scholastica
11 Wed
Ordinary time
1st Reading
Genesis 1:20 - 2:4
Ps 8:4-9
Mark 7:1-13
1st Readings
Genesis 2:4-9. 15-17
Ps 103:1-2. 27-30
Mark 7:14-23
1st Readings
Genesis 2:18-25
Ps 127:1-5
Mark 7:24-30
1st Readings
Genesis 3:1-8
Ps 31:1-2. 5-7
Mark 7:31-37
1st Readings
Genesis 3:9-24
Ps 89:2-6. 12-13
Mark 8:1-10
12 Thurs
Ordinary time
13 Fri
Ordinary time
14 Sat
Saints Cyril and Methodius
Parish Pastoral Council Corner
Paying our debt together
In life, as you know, it is not the noise you make or the things you see that count, but the love
with which you do God’s will. – St. John XXIII, 29 July 1959
Weekly donation
1st Collection:
$ 2,772.15
Funds go to Priest Remuneration Fund, to support the
priests of our Diocese.
2nd Collection:
$ 5,607.80
$ 2,095.65
PG Envelopes $ 1,471.15
PG by EFT $ 2.041.00
Pays parish debt and on going running
costs, including wages of staff.
(If you can, please put a little extra on the Second
If you would like to be a part of the
church’s plan giving program, a green
form is available at the church foyer or
contact the parish secretary, Tanya Gatt
There will be a a 3rd Collection
for the DWF Appeal on the 2nd
or 3rd week of February
Mass Cards are now available for
purchase at the parish office
Special intentions
We pray for the following who have died:
Recently Deceased: Resurreccion D Quianzon, /Domingo Pascual,
Elisa Ramos, Stevanus Hendradi T.R, .
We have launched our first Grand Raffle Draw for 2015, with Travel as the
central theme. For the low cost of $5 a ticket, you can win tickets for two to join
the Pilgrimage Journey from Paris to Compostela led by Fr. John from 20 Sept to
11 Oct this year. Minor prizes include two Surface Pro 3 tablets and four GoPro
Hero4 cameras. Ticket sales commence this weekend, but you may also reserve
booklets by filling up the forms located in the church foyer and dropping these at
the AV Room pigeonhole. We hope that you will avidly support this parish
fundraising initiative.
2015 Parish Council Meeting
We reiterate our invitation to all to
participate in the following pillars of
our parish:
22 Jul
Liturgy team - to plan and implement
liturgical events; there will be an
General (all Parish Council members)
important meeting on Friday, 13
8 Apr
7:30pm - 9:00pm
February to prepare for the Ministers’
St Marks College Staff room
During the General Meeting, our
Faith Formation – to support Fr.
School Executives and Finance
John’s Gospel Study sessions this year,
committee are also invited to provide
as well as the various Parish Retreats;
updates. Parishioners are invited to
Sacramental teams and RCIA
come and be part of this meeting.
Community Building - you would
have heard that we are launching the Parish Hospitality/Welcomers team soon
and we need your support!
Fundraising - we are doing two raffles this year and we need more helpers!
Reminder: Shrove Tuesday (17 Feb) and Ash Wednesday (18 Feb)
Have a great week! Bart
Anniversaries: Kristian Cala, Domina Fernandes, Emanuel Cremona, Antonia,
Angelo, Victor & Victoria Cremona, Luz Ravelo, Late Mr Harry Castelino,
Vences Fernando, Gertrude Silva.
And Also: Arturro Cobarrubias, Sandra Athay Mendoza.
We also Pray for those who are sick: Felomina Docena, Shona Modrich,
Lourdes Subijano, Anthony Joseph, Anthony Subijano, Matrlon Marcelo, Athan
G Alvarez, Florencia Melgar, Jovie Disterhoft, Concepcion Quiranee, Nikhil
Parvathaneni, Angelica Nepomuceno.
St John XXIII Catholic Church
Novena Mass to Our Lady of
Perpetual Help
Tuesday nights beginning with
Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament at 6.30pm, Evening
Prayer of the Church at 7.00pm,
Rosary at 7.15pm and Mass and
Novena prayers at 7.30pm.
If you want the opportunity of
having the statue visit you in your
home contact Bart Sarlabus. Pick up
the statue during the novena and
return before the novena.
Family Roster for the Rosary
10 Feb,
17 Feb,
Mojica Family
Ramiscal Family
St John XXIII Catholic Church