The “Dove” - Duncan United Church


The “Dove” - Duncan United Church
The “Dove”
February 8th, 2015
A warm Duncan United Church welcome to all! We hope that you will
find our celebration of worship a meaningful part of your spiritual
journey. If we can provide any information or do anything to assist
you, please let us know.
Keith Simmonds - Minister
Linda Evans – Administration and
Social Justice & Outreach Co-ordinator
Cathy Coulter RN – Parish Nurse
Kathie Fielding – Pastoral Care Co-ordinator
Erin Arrowsmith – SundayJourney & Youth Co-ordinator
John Close – Youth Ministry
Connie Masson – Music Director
Ray Lockhart – Custodian
To contact the church office, phone 250 746-6043, fax: 250 746-6785
or e-mail to You’ll find our website at Pastoral care calls may be directed to the
office during the day or for urgent calls after hours please contact
Keith Simmonds at 250-701-6957.
MICAH’S MEAL stay for lunch after church!
The Social Justice and Outreach team will be serving
macaroni and cheese with salad to raise funds and
awareness about local and world hunger. Funds from this “Food for
All” meal will be donated to the Cowichan Basket Society and the
Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Suggested donation $5.00.
Today is our monthly Community dinner at 5:00 pm. We
need servers at 4:45p.m. We invite you to come at 5:00 to
help our guests feel welcome in our church.
“…with joyful hearts and voices, your hallelujahs raise,…”
Come and sing with us, led by Mike Simkins, at the Sunday Hymn Sing
at the newest Care Home, Ts’i’ts’uwatul Lelum. 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Please join us in our Sunday Journey!
Welcome to all children and youth, and their families!
At Duncan United, children and youth are a vital part of
our worship together and are invited to sit with family
or in our friendly area at the front of the Sanctuary.
Our nursery is available for parent use at any time. It is located next to
the Sanctuary and is equipped with a speaker to listen to the service.
Four years and younger will gather for Sunday Adventures (please
attend with a parent) in the Sundance Room for a story, snack and
Children in kindergarten through grade six will be gathering with Erin
Arrowsmith today in the Rainbow Room for the Godly Play story of the
Greatest Parable, art response and a snack.
Youth in grade seven and up will join Ted Lofto today in the youth
room for breakfast and discussion.
Erin Arrowsmith, Sunday Journey and Youth Coordinator
TGIF and Youth Group
TGIF from Grades 4 – 7 and Senior Youth from Grades
8 - 12 will meet on February 13th for Cowichan Valley
Hockey Game...6:45pm at the arena...
Camp Pringle Youth Retreat – Thank You to our Awesome Leaders!
Many thanks to John Close, Robin Younie, Keith Simmonds, Cathy
Coulter and Jim Walker for your gift of time spent with our youth and
your leadership at our annual Camp Pringle youth group retreat last
weekend. Our theme was “Light,” which we explored through Godly
Play, a nature walk, “Tough Mudder” team obstacle course, team
videos about light in action, campfire and candlelighting, and closing
worship. The youth who attended had a great time, as always, but it
couldn’t happen without the commitment of our great leaders – thank
OF SHALOM NEWSLETTER available for pick up in Heritage Hall (
for those without email). LAY READERS LIST are in the hallway
for pickup !
DU Youth Bottle Depot Update
The DU Youth Bottle Depot account raised $191.40 over the past six
months! That’s enough to send two youth, who would not be able to
afford it otherwise, to go to Camp Pringle next weekend! Thanks to
everyone for your donations and for your support of our children and
youth – keep bringing those bottles into the Bottle Depot and we will
put your donations to good use.
Flowers in the Sanctuary
If you would like to provide the flowers for a Sunday Service
please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board in Heritage
Hall and bring the slip into Linda in the office. Flowers can be
donated in memory of a loved one, to celebrate a life event or just to
beautify our sanctuary.
Gentle YOGA at DUC
On Mondays at 10 am in Burns Hall, Gentle yoga - choose
between a mat and a chair! Jo Deslippe, specializes in yoga
for those with illness, suffering from injuries or age related stiffness or
soreness. Cost is $10.00 per session. Please pay in the office with
Linda. Please note: February 9th is a stat holiday but Yoga will still be
Lenten Study - "Environmental Stewardship"
facilitated by Geoff Strong from St. Peter's Anglican
Church. Geoff is a retired atmospheric scientist who has
developed this study based on scripture and science.
Learn about what is happening, what scripture has to say and what we
can do about it. Beginning on Tuesday, February 10th at 6:15pm! Six
week study ending on March 24th. Please check out the brochure in
the office and register so we know how many people will be attending.
Baptism, Confirmation, Transfer of Membership
If you are interested in formally becoming a member of Duncan
United Church or being baptized please contact the office and let
Linda know. Keith will be offering a short series of gatherings to talk
about our faith and the United Church. We will welcome new
members on Palm Sunday, March 29th, 2015
“Introduction to Godly Play” training at Duncan United
Would you be interested in greeting the children coming into Godly
Play and helping with their artwork response time and our feast?
Would you be interested in learning the stories of our faith to tell
them to our Godly Play class? You choose how much time you want to
spend with our children – it could be once a year or once a month –
but this is a great time to learn more!
Sylvan United Church in Mill Bay is interested in partnering with us to
offer an Introductory Godly Play training in April 2015. Please let Erin
know if you would be interested in spending a day in our Godly Play
room at Duncan United learning about this curriculum and how you
can enrich the faith journeys of the children who are here with us –
please leave a message in the church office or email me at
We need new faces on our Faith Formation team!
If you have an interest in planning the future of Duncan United’s
children, youth and adult education programs, please let Erin or Keith
know. Our Faith Formation team meets 3-4 times a year after church,
and we would love to have your fresh ideas and assistance!
Erin Arrowsmith, Sunday Journey and Youth Coordinator
Tuesday, February 17th 5:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M.
Adults $7.00 Children (under 12) $5.00
Family - 2 Adults and children - $15.00
Sponsored by Duncan United Church AOTS and Youth Groups
Bring your family, bring your friends!
Our Ash Wednesday Service, February 18th at 7:00 p.m.
will mark the beginning of our journey through the
season of Lent. To truly experience the fullness of Easter
one needs to journey through Lent from beginning to
end. Please join with us for this meaningful occasion of
Prayer Writing Workshop
With David Sparks
March 4th, 2:00 p.m.
Duncan United Church, Burns Hall.
What is in a Prayer? How are they written?
Admission by donation
This is an opportunity to learn about writing prayers, and pastoral
prayer in particular. David Sparks describes pastoral prayer “(It is)
about bringing ourselves individually and as a faith community into
right relationship with God and about expressing our compassion for
suffering, wherever it is found.”
This workshop will help you create relevant and involving prayers.
David is a retired United Church Minister. He has written six books of
Lectionary-based prayers (many of which are in our Church library).
He leads workshops on many aspects of public prayer.
Please contact the church office to register by email at or call 250-746-6043
"Used Becomes Unique"
You are invited to the Somenos WI and the DUC Circle of Friends
Lunch on Saturday, February 28th at 1-3 pm in Heritage Hall to learn
how U2 can Upcycle. An inventive way to renew, reuse and recycle.
The cost for the lunch and speakers is $15. Tickets available at DUC
office. Come and enjoy a fun afternoon. There will be door prizes and
a Dutch Auction. Proceeds go towards Circle of Friends' projects and
the Somenos WI bursary fund.
SouperThursday is an opportunity to join with a friendly
bunch of people to enjoy amazing soup and great
conversation. Everyone is invited so if you would like some
company or some different company for lunch then plan to be with us
the second Thursday at 12:00 noon in Heritage Hall. Velma Bercier, on
behalf of Pastoral Care, makes lunch and a freewill offering is
accepted. For more information call the church office or talk to Velma.
“The After Soup Group” meets for soup and a short program (11:30 –
2:00). The Theme for February is “How you met your sweetheart”.
Drivers are available – please call Kathie Fielding if you need a ride.
250 746-6043
A Good Ending
With David Sparks
March 4, 6:30 p.m. Duncan United Church,
Burns Hall
Do you have questions about caring for the dying
The role of the Worship Leader? The role of the
Funeral Home?
What makes a Good Funeral?
Cost: A suggested donation of $20 to help cover expenses
Most of us rarely talk about the end of our own life or that of a loved
one. David Sparks new book, A Good Ending: a practical guide to
funerals, pastoral care, and life celebrations is the subject of this
workshop. The book covers a wide range of topics, from the point of
diagnosis of imminent death, to the specifics of the circumstances
surrounding ‘natural’ death and death from other causes that may be
difficult for family members to confront. End of life celebrations are
covered in detail, covering their structure, content and focus. While
David is a Christian minister, he includes information to consider when
engaged with families from a variety of faith perspectives, or no
particular faith at all.
You will help determine the specific topics covered at the workshop.
There will be lots of time for questions.
It is recommended that participants read the book before the
workshop. It can be ordered through the church office, if requested.
(Cost: approximately $20.00) One copy is available in our church
A practicing minister in the United Church of Canada for over three
decades, David has been present for many life endings. He has written
a book based out of his experience that is meant to be a helpful guide
to individuals, families, pastoral care givers, funeral celebrants and
ministers, as we walk with those who are dying, and with those who
are bereaved.
Please pick up a brochure in the office to register or call the Church
Office, 250 746-6043.
Judy Bailey will be collecting sponsorships today for the MS Walk.
Come in and find Judy in Heritage Hall following the service.
'A Voice of Hope -- Imagine A Future for Israel/Palestine: Beyond
Fear And Violence', a public lecture by Jeff Halper, Nobel Peace Prize
Nominee, Jewish-Israeli Peace Activist and Founder of Israeli
Committee Against Housing Demolitions on Wednesday, 11 February
at 10:30 am, Room 140, Vancouver Island University - Cowichan
Campus, 2011 University Way, Duncan, BC. For more information: or
to join our choir. It is a known fact that singing brings
emotional health to folks and their life expectancy
increases. Come join our choir and sing for fun, for both our
benefit and for your own. Speak to Connie after church or
call her at 250-748-4124
THRIFT STORE SORTING Mondays at 9:00 in Heritage Hall
GENTLE YOGA Mondays at 10:00 am in Burns Hall
MOTHERS MORNING OUT Tuesdays at 9:30 in Heritage Hall
PAUSE CAFÉ BIBLE STUDY Thursdays at 10:00 in the Fellowship Rm
CHOIR PRACTICE Thursdays at 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary
THRIFT STORE Fridays from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm
THIRD PLACE CAFÉ Fridays 10:00 – 11:00 am in the Heritage Hall.
THE HARMONY branch of the UCW will meet on Monday, February
9TH at noon in the Fellowship Rm
SOUPERTHURSDAY is being held on Thursday, February 12th at noon
AFTERSOUP GROUP meets on Thursday, February 12th after soup.
Happy Birthday today to Beth Russell, 101 !! and to
Gudrun Dwersteg on the 10th.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Nora
Cuthbert who passed away last week. We will celebrate Nora's life
here on Saturday February 14th at 2pm
to all the folks who have offered to drive people to our After
Soup group on SouperThursday.
We remember in our prayers this week
 Marj Fowler, Marie Penty
 All those in care facilities and those facing ongoing challenges
 Our Executive of the General Council
 The congregation of St. Margarets Church in Forfar, Scotland
 The people of – Ireland, United Kingdom
If you have any pastoral care concerns, please speak with Kathie or
Cathy or call the office. To contact the confidential telephone
prayer chain, please call Audrey Towle 250-745-6616
LECTIONARY READINGS for February 8th, 2014
Isaiah 40:21-31
Psalm 147:1-11,20c
1Corinthians 9:16-23
Mark 1:29-39
We provide the biblical backgrounds from the “Whole People of God”
Curriculum . Packages are available in the office.
Special Links
Keith's Blog - Warmed up in Faith
Join our Facebook page
Connect with our “twin” church in Scotland:
St. Margaret’s Parish Church, Forfar
Duncan and Joan's blog
Reminder: For the comfort of all, our church is a “scent free zone”.