Events - St. Marks Presbyterian Church


Events - St. Marks Presbyterian Church
Epiphany V, Sunday, February 8, 2015
St. Mark’s extends a special welcome to our guests worshipping with us this morning. We pray that your
time spent here is meaningful to you and that you will join us again. We invite you to sign the Guest Book,
located in the Narthex. If you would like to know more about our community, please fill in the card
provided in the pews. This may be given to one of our ushers or put on the offering plate. Hearing devices
are available from the ushers. Ushers will also direct you to nursery care for children 2yrs and younger.
Ushering Team – February: — Brian Parkes, Louise Folks, Anne McPherson
Sunday Coffee Volunteers – February: — Phyllis Russell, Debbie Aldcorn, Sun Young Han, Sean Smith
Pastoral Care Co-ordinator – February: — Barbara Beard – 416-444-1283
This Week at St. Mark’s………
Feb. 9
Feb. 10
Feb. 11
2:00pm & 7:00pm
Feb. 12
Feb. 13
Feb. 14
Feb. 15
Myung Sung Prayer Service
St. Mark’s Bridge Club
Knox Hall
Kiwanis Club
Knox Hall
Games Room
Fitness Class
Knox Hall
Knox Hall
Bible Study
Knox Hall
SMiLe Violins
Knox Hall
Choir Practice
Knox Hall
Myung Sung Intergenerational Worship
Sanctuary/Knox Hall
Myung Sung Morning Prayer
SMiLe Violins
Fitness Class
Epiphany VI Sunday
Children & Youth Programme
JC’s Practice following Worship
12:30pm – 7:00pm Myung Sung Sunday Programme – Augustine Room/CE Wing/Knox Hall/Sanctuary
* READING FOR NEXT SUNDAY – Mark 9: 2-9. The Transfiguration of Jesus. What spiritual space do you create in your life so
that God can speak to you and you have the attentiveness and readiness to listen?
* THANK YOU: to Murray Anderson, who made beautiful boxes for us to collect: used glasses (delivered to the CNIB), used
stamps (delivered to the Leprosy Mission), and a lost and found. You can find these boxes in our Narthex. There is also a box for
used ink-jet cartridges which we collect and recycle.
* WHY DO WE DO IT IN WORSHIP? – RESPONSIVE PSALM. From the earliest days of the Presbyterian Church in the late
1500s in Europe, the reading and singing of psalms in worship was central. As John Calvin (the originator of our Reformed
(Presbyterian) Faith) says: the psalms are ‘an anatomy of all the parts of the soul.’ The psalms give us language to express the full
range of human emotion and spiritual feeling – from intense and overflowing gratitude and joy, to deep sorrow, grief, anger and
desolation. The psalms question God, challenge God and find deep peace in God. Sometimes the language is difficult. But it is
honest, and it invites us as worshippers to come to God with all of who we are – the good, the bad and everything in-between. How
important is the reading of the psalms for your worship experience?
* ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – On Tuesday, February 24. This is a great opportunity to listen, ask questions, make
comments, and understand the ministry of St. Mark’s. We review 2014 and look ahead to 2015 and beyond. We gather from 7pm
for tasty treats and refreshments. Presentations and discussions: 7:45-8:15. 8:15pm-8:45pm presentation and approval of the budget
and a closing devotional. Come and get inspired and engaged. Speak to Dr. Harris for more information.
* ASH WEDNESDAY is on February 18. It is the first day of the 40 days of Lent ending on Palm Sunday. This year we are
marking the day with a service (held at 2pm or 7:30pm). Lent is a time of repentance, when we ponder things in our lives,
directions, commitments including relationships where we want to review, reflect and change something. It is a season to prepare
for Holy Week culminating in the depth of Good Friday and the spiritual height of Easter Sunday. Ash Wednesday will provide a
way to mark the season of Lent so that it may be a spiritually meaningful and life-changing time for you. The service will include
the marking of the sign of the cross on your forehead. Speak to Dr. Harris for more info.
* WORLD DAY OF PRAYER - Friday March 6, 2015, 1;00 p.m., at Donway Covenant United Church, 230 The Donway
West. The service is prepared by the women of The Bahamas.*
DONWAY PLACE is across the street from St. Mark’s and many of you live there and walk or drive over Sunday morning. As
good neighbours they have offered to bring some goodies for refreshments following the service on February 15.
* TEA ‘N CHAT - “We are in dire need of 1 or 2 more volunteers to serve tea at Thompson House on the 3 rd Monday of each
month except July. It is only for 1 hour and the residents are so appreciative. Even if you could spare an hour every 2 or 3 months it
would be a big help. We do take cookies or squares but if you don’t like to bake, I wouldn’t mind taking extra. Please call Dolores
Farrow at 416-444-7246 if you are interested.”
60TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE is looking for old photos of the church or church events. If you have any, please speak to
Marion Kezes or Dr. Harris.
* DAILY MEDITATIONS FOR LENTEN SEASON: Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18, and ends on Saturday, March
28 (40 days, excluding Sundays). There are brief meditations every morning and evening (based on a gospel passage), selfreflective questions, and a prayer. Each meditation takes 10-15 minutes to complete. The intention is to frame each day for personal
reflection on a specific area of your life, maybe a relationship, maybe a situation in your life when decisions and directions need to
be discerned and taken. Lent is an invitation to prepare for the promise of Easter. Speak to Dr. Harris if you would like a copy of
these meditations.
* SESSION CAPITAL FUND: Every year, St. Mark’s donates $6000 (on top of all our other donations and acts of service) to
various organizations locally and around the world that members of the congregation are somehow invested in and involved with.
What we are looking for from you are two things: 1) Give us your ideas and recommendations, and 2) let us know if you would like
to be involved in helping us make some recommendations. We are a small committee of 4 people and we welcome a few others
who may be interested to join us for 1-2 meetings total, so that we formulate a recommendation of donations for our elders to
consider. Speak to Dr. Harris for more info.
* WINTER STUDY – Making a choice to follow Christ in your life can be a challenge. What does it mean in the details? How
does it change your life? John 12 begins when Jesus turns his face to go to Jerusalem, marking the last phase of his journey, and the
deeper practical implications. Over an 8-week period we will reflect, discuss and meditate as we journey with Jesus to the end and
beyond. Will you join us? We meet every Thursday. Notes are available from 9:45am and discussion begins at 10:15am-11:25am.
For more info speak to Dr. Harris.
* EVANGEL HALL SANDWICHES – Please speak to Mary McCaffrey if you would like further information on our monthly
delivery of sandwiches. Sandwiches drop off to St. Mark’s is Tuesday, February 24, 2015 between 9am-2pm. Delivery date to
Evangel will be the morning of Wednesday, February 25, 2015. * EVANGEL HALL CLOTHING – good quality clothing for
the clothing room. For Men: shirts and t-shirts of all sizes, jeans and casual pants sizes 30-34, running shoes, casual shoes and work
boots, new underwear, new socks. For women: new underwear, new socks. For everyone: duffel bags and back packs, blankets and
sleeping bags especially during the colder months. Please bring clothes on the Sunday before our next delivery (Sunday
February 22, 2015) and not before. DRIVERS: A few of you have offered to drive a few times a year. But we need more.
Please speak to Dr. Harris about a wonderful opportunity to get to visit the Hall and help for two hours of your day.
Sunday, February 15 – Transfiguration Sunday/Hymn Sing at10:15am/Donway Place will contribute refreshments
Wednesday, February 18 – Ash Wednesday Service (commences season of Lent) 2:00pm; 7:30pm
Sunday, February 22 – First Sunday of Lent/Food Collection
Monday-Friday beginning February 23-27 – Kiwanis Music Festival - Sanctuary
Tuesday, February 24 – Annual Congregational Meeting – 7pm Refreshments, 7:45pm-8:45pm Meeting
Sunday, March 1 – Lent II/Holy Communion
Monday-Friday, March 2-6 – Kiwanis Music Festival - Sanctuary
Sunday, Mar. 8 – Lent 3
Sunday, Mar. 15 – Lent 4, Hymn Sing at 10:15am
Telephone - 416-444-3471
Fax - 416-444-4170
Website –
Minister: Rev. Dr. Harris Athanasiadis –
Clerk of Session: Bill McGowan -
Christian Education Office 416-444-0035 – Jennifer O’Farrell, Erin Ko
Youth Leader: Rev. Erin Ko – cell: 416-992-9416 –
Music Director: George Heldt – 416-487-5445 –
Church Office – IN OFFICE WORKING HOURS 7am – 2:45pm Tuesday-Thursday. OFF-SITE WORKING HOURS
Monday & Friday. Voicemails may be left at 416-444-3471 or e-mail
Messages will be checked regularly and arrangements may be made ahead of time should you wish to access the church outside of
in-office hours.