Contact Details: - Marion Church of Christ


Contact Details: - Marion Church of Christ
Friendly Word
8 February 2015
When you come on Sunday
morning (8 February) you’ll hear
the story of Mike and Dani Potter
and their long-term relationship with
Kenya. They lived in Kenya for 13
years before returning to Australia to
continue their service in Christian
As Principal of Tyndale Christian
School, Mike oversees a mission
programme that involves regular
student and staff visits to Kenya.
The school has a particular
relationship with an orphanage in
Kenya. More than 200 students
have worked as volunteers there on
short term mission.
10am service
Kids Programs: parents/caregivers
can sign up children on sheet in
Refreshments served at conclusion
of service in ‘Pavilion”
Praise God for 200 years of the
Bible in New Zealand. On 25th
December 1814, at the invitation of Maori
Chief Ruatara, Reverend Samuel
Jackson preached from Luke 2:10,
"Don`t be afraid! I bring you good news
that will bring great joy to all people."
Please pray for the teachers & students
of a secret Bible school in South East
Asia. They continue to meet & study all
over the country, despite constant
monitoring & visits from authorities. Pray
for the Lord to bless their faith.
The destruction in Gaza has cut deep
scars in people`s emotions, relationships
&, in some cases, their faith. Please pray
for healing & restoration of relationships
& those who are active in the field of
Please uphold the politicians
of our nation as they make
decisions about our States, Territories
and Country. That our politicians show
respect and unity as they govern
Australia and its people.
How do you learn?
Some are visual people—some are aural—
some learn by rote—we are all different.
Something I learned as a child and I still
remember is to THINK. No not just to
exercise the power of reason, to ponder, to
judge etc (although that does help!)
T.H.I.N.K. it is an acrostic—which you
probably have seen around. I hope I am not
the only one who needs reminding. I still
find these little prompters helpful. Not just
for electronic use but the old fashioned
way as well. Weighing up before I speak
and analysing is it True, helpful, Inspiring,
Necessary and Kind will assist me to keep
my lips tight when I need and enables the
focus to be turned back to the people
around me. Hope this help you this week
Newcomers Morning Tea
Straight after 10am Service
6pm Café Church
JAMES 1:19-27
Kids welcome to use play equipment.
Refreshments break during the service
Need assistance or help? Please speak
to any of our “Welcomers” in foyer.
You would have received a “Care
Card” as you entered today. These
cards are for you to record your visit
with us; it is important, whether you
are here for the first time or a regular—
we would love to receive one from
So then, while we have opportunity, let
us do good to all people, and especially
to those who are of the household of the
faith. – Galations 6:10
Please uphold our Church
family members that are struggling with
serious health issues; for those who
need/are recovering from surgery; for
those who suffering mental health issues.
We ask for peace, perseverance and
For those grieving we offer our sympathy
and prayers of comfort.
“When I pray for another person, I am
praying for God to open my eyes so that I
can see that person as God does, and
then enter into the stream of love that
God already directs toward that person.”
― Philip Yancey
C o n t a ct De t a i l s :
Governing Council Senior Pastor
Quentin Cathcart
to be appointed
C/- 8277 7388
Associate Pastor
Sonya Bertram
0413 593 767
Associate Pastor
Justin Low
0402 465 587
Church Office
Ruth Davidson
8277 7388
Karen Ames
8277 0304
Side Gate CAFE
Governing Council
Prayer Night
Come along on …
3rd Thursday of the Month @
7.30pm in the Lounge
Membership Class :
Wed 18 Feb 7.30—9.00pm
Evening: here in the Lounge
Baptism Sunday :
Sun 29 March
Tues –Thurs from 10am—2pm
Home cooked meals—
just the way you like them!
Table Tennis Club:
Practice will start on the 18th February
in Church hall at 7:30pm. Anyone
interested in playing this winter
season is very welcome to come
along. For further information please
contact Jim Malin via the office.
Brekky for Blokes
Fri 13 Feb : 9am
Community Meal :
Thurs 19 February at 6.30pm
DID YOU KNOW … Through the
No Interest Loans Scheme,
Competition 1:Set Subject: Red and Open
KCO 2015 — March 21-22
Electricity Audit
Camera Club
Mon 23 Feb : 7.45pm
KCO is A-OK! This is an overnight camp for
kids ages 7-12. Anyone interested in
attending can contact Sonya Bertram for
Church Office for more details.
Guys Alive Dinner
Mon 2 March 6.15pm : $8.00
Speaker: Peter Bertram
Singer: Amy Lea
RSVP: Sun 22 February
We would love you to
join us for an ‘Evening
of Thanks’, including…
A time of worship
Thanksgiving for Chaplaincy Services
Facts about the new NSCP
Ongoing support options for local
SYG Night: Join us for a super fun
night of modified sports! Bring active
clothes/shoes and a drink bottle.
Money Matters :
6 week course commencing
4 March (9.30am - 12.30pm)
Applications for loans for
 White goods
 Basic household items including
computers and TVs
 Dental Treatment and medical aids
up to $1200 value can be applied for
people possessing a Centrelink card.
Conditions do apply.
Friendship Club
Thurs 12 Feb : 5RPH Radio : 1.30pm
Fri 13 Feb : 7-9.30pm : $5
Utilities Literacy Training :
Fri 27 Feb, Fri 6 Mar (all day)
Thursday 12th February
7pm – 9pm
Burnside City Uniting Church
384 Portrush Road, Tusmore
Are you struggling to pay your electricity
MarionLIFe conducts home electricity
audits and has information on now to
reduce your bill.
For more information about any of these
programs, please contact MarionLIFE :
Ph 8277 0304
Details for CHURCH:
Account Number:
Account Name:
Marion C of C
Details for Building Projects:
RSVP to by Tuesday
10th Feb
Account Number:
Account Name:
Other dates to put in your diary:
Details for MARIONLIFE:
CWCI Adelaide Committee Women’s
Weekend Convention 20-22 March
SYG 2015 Murray Bridge 5-8 June
CareWorks Convention 30 April—2 May
Account Number:
Account Name:
704 922
Marion C of C
“Operation Invigor8”
704 922
MarionLIFE Gift Fund
your name (for receipt)
C o n t a ct De t a i l s :
Corner Marion Road & Alawoona Ave
P: (08) 8277 7388
887 Marion Road MITCHELL PARK
P: (08) 8277 0304