Equity Story - Danske Bank
Equity Story - Danske Bank
Equity Story 3 February 2015 Equity Story Key messages Nordic universal bank – Solid foothold across all our four Nordic markets Good earnings trajectory – 2014 result the best since 2007 Strong capital position, share buy-back programme to adjust capital structure Traction towards 9.5% ROE in 2015 is on track Target above 12.5% ROE in 2018 at the latest 2 Equity Story Financial targets: Target for ROE of above12.5% in 2018 Target Status at 31 December 2014 Comments 2015 ambition 9.5% Return on equity Above 12.5%* 8.5% before goodwill impairments Initiatives progressing as planned Ratings A ratings S&P/Moody’s/Fitch Negative/Stable/Stable In progress, upgrade S&P rating outlook from S&P in April 2014 improved to stable and from Moody's in November 2014 15.1% 19.3% Met since end-2012 Met since end-2012 Around 14% Well above 17% Met with 2015payments (proposed) Payout of 40-50% of net profit A/A3/A CET1 ratio Total capital ratio Minimum 13% Minimum 17% Dividend payments Payout of 40-50% of net 43% of net profit before profit goodwill impairments (proposed) * 2018 at the latest 3 Equity Story Bridge to above 12.5% ROE in 2018 with unchanged macro, CET1 ratio of around 14% and capital management actions Change in ROE (%, after tax) ROE 2015E* Costs Funding & ratings 9.5% 0.5-1% 0.5-1% Volume effect 0.5-1% Income initiatives 0.5% Loan losses & other 0.5-1% Capital effect ROE 2018E 0.5% Above 12.5% * Based on our external 2015 ROE target of 9% adjusted for the goodwill write-down of DKK 9.1 bn. 4 Equity Story Strategy execution in focus Recognised as the most trusted financial partner Customer satisfaction Financial results Setting new standards in financial services Advisory services Digitalisation Openness & Transparency Simplicity Efficiency Internal focus areas Customer attention 5 Equity Story Overview: Danske Bank has a strong Nordic franchise Facts Danske Bank market share** 3.7 million customers 329 branches* 15 countries 18,478 full-time employees Finland Business units Sweden Personal Banking 5% Business Banking Corporates & Institutions Danica Pension Danske Capital For divestment Non-core (Ireland & Conduits) 10% Norway Estonia 5% 7% Latvia Northern Ireland Denmark 19% 27% Ireland 2% Lithuania 6% 4% Personal banking activities in the Baltics * Excluding agricultural centres in Denmark. **Market share by lending 6 Equity Story Share performance in line with European bank sector Share price development (index) Danske Bank 140 MSCI Banks Key figures, Q4 2014 (%) C20 Cap* Earnings per share: DKK -6.4** 1 year development 120 Book Value per share: DKK 147.5 100 80 Q4 13 Q1 14 Q2 13 Q3 14 Market cap: DKK 167,298 m 3 year development 200 Issued shares: 1,008.6 m 150 100 50 Q4 11 150 Q3 12 Q1 14 Q3 14 Q3 11 Q4 12 Q4 14 5 year development 100 50 Q1 10 *C20 Cap data available from 28 November 2011. **Shows EPS incl. goodwill write down 7 Equity Story Shareholder base at end-2014 Shareholder distribution (%) Other Rest of Europe 9% UK 1% Cevian Capital 9% 16% 23% AP Møller Mærsk 19% USA/Canada 22% Rest of Denmark 8 Equity Story Nordic footprint across sectors Lending in Personal and Business Banking, Q4 2014 (%) Credit exposure by industry, Q4 2014 (%) 37 Personal customers 57 Denmark 12 Commercial property 9 Other 11 Sweden 8 Norway 3 N. Ireland Baltics C&I 1 11 6 Non-profit & Associations 9 Finland Total lending of DKK 1,564 bn Investment funds 5 Public institutions 4 Other financials 4 Banks 4 Industrial Services etc 4 Agriculture 3 Consumer 3 Insurance 2 Other commercial 2 Energy & Utilities 2 Shipping 2 Constr. & building products 2 Total credit exposure 1 of DKK 2,268 bn Credit Institutes 9 Equity Story Result highlights Income statement (DKK millions) 2014 2013 2012* 2011 2010 Net interest income 23,107 22,077 22,778 23,537 23,843 Net fee income 10,491 9,468 8,866 8,298 8,699 Net trading income 6,562 5,799 10,562 7,325 7,707 Other income 1,344 1,308 1,285 3,648 3,882 Net income from insurance business 2,362 1,088 2,171 569 2,146 Total income 43,866 39,740 45,662 43,377 46,277 Expenses 22,641 23,794 24,642 25,987 26,010 9,099 - - - - 12,126 15,947 21,020 17,390 20,267 Loan impairment charges 2,788 4,111 7,680 13,185 13,817 Profit before tax, core 9,338 11,836 13,340 Profit before tax, Non-core -1,503 -1,777 -4,801 Profit before tax 7,835 10,059 8,539 4,205 6,450 3,989 3,846 12,945 2,944 7,115 7,115 3,814 4,725 4,725 2,482 1,723 1,884 2,786 3,664 3,664 Goodwill impairment charges Profit before loan impairmnet charges Tax Net profit for the year Net profit for the year before goodwill impairments *Restated due to changed reporting structure 10 Equity Story Danske Bank’s credit ratings Danske Bank’s long-term issuer rating and outlook* Moody’s Stable S&P Negative Fitch Stable Aaa AAA AAA Aa1 AA+ AA+ Aa2 AA AA Aa3 AA- AA- A1 A+ A+ A2 A A A3 A- A- Baa1 BBB+ BBB+ Baa2 BBB BBB Baa3 BBB- BBB- … … … Ca D D Rating agency issues General comments • Performance: Our performance recovery is on track. Revenues, cost, and impairments are moving in the right direction • Capital: We have materially strengthened capitalization and have the capacity to do more • Funding and liquidity: Our funding and liquidity position has strengthened materially. • Macroeconomic environment: Rating agencies have yet to recognize the slow recovery in Denmark. The high gross leverage in the household sector remain concerns. Standard & Poor’s, negative outlook: The negative outlook on Danske Bank is a result of the introduction of BRRD. We expect to neutralize the expected loss of government support by improved capitalization (RAC > 10%), a large buffer of subordinated instruments (ALAC > 5%), and improved earnings. Moody’s revised criteria: The most likely impact on Danske Bank from the new criteria is neutral to slightly positive. Expects no change in our rating from Fitch in 2015: Our rating from Fitch is already at a satisfactory level and we should not expect a positive move on our rating from their side in 2015. * The long-term rating and outlook from S&P was changed from A- and stable to A and Negative respectively in April 2014 . The outlook from Fitch was changed from negative to stable in June 2013 and the outlook from Moody’s was affirmed stable in December 2014. 11 Equity Story Three distinct methods of rating banks Rating methodology Danske Bank’s rating Anchor SACP* bbb+ + 1 +1 + 2 + 3 0 + 0 4 = 0 SACP = Extraord. + Support Add. factors +2 a- = Issuer Rating A (Negative) -1 1=Business Position 2=Capital & Earnings 3=Risk Position 4=Funding & Liquidity Bank Financial Strength Rating Baseline Credit Assessment (BCA) C- Baa2 + Individual Rating/Viability Rating Parental and Cooperative Support 0 notches = Adjusted BCA Baa2 + Systemic Support = 1 notch * Stand-Alone Credit Profile. A3 (Stable) a Issuer Default Rating (IDR) IDR is the higher of the Viability Rating and the Support Floor Support Rating/Support Rating Floor Issuer Rating A (Stable) A- 12 Equity Story Personal Banking Personal Banking Income distribution, Q4 2014 (%) Personal Banking serves personal and private banking customers through a large network of branches, call centres and online channels. The unit offers a wide range of financial products and services within banking, property financing, leasing, insurance and pensions. Northern Ireland Other Norway 6 2 9 Sweden 6 Finland 12 65 Income statement & key figures (DKK m) Denmark Income distribution of group total, Q4 2014 (%) Net interest income Net fee income Net trading income Other income Total income Expenses Goodwill impairment charges Profit before loan impairment charges Loan impairment charges Profit before tax Profit before tax excl. goodwill Q4 2014 Q3 2014 2,660 2,761 1,224 1,157 264 141 137 165 4,285 4,224 2,839 2,509 5,539 -4,093 1,715 517 342 -4,610 1,373 929 1,373 Index 96 106 187 83 101 113 151 68 Lending Deposits FTE 794,063 329,463 6,617 98 100 97 806,466 330,717 6,796 38% Personal 13 Equity Story Business Banking Business Banking Income distribution, Q4 2014 (%) Business Banking serves small, medium-sized and large businesses through a large network of finance centres, branches, contact centres and online channels. Baltics Northern Ireland 8 The unit offers leading solutions within financing, investing, cash management and risk management. Norway 6 10 52 Denmark Sweden 15 10 Finland Income statement & key figures (DKK m) Income distribution of group total, Q4 2014 (%) Net interest income Net fee income Net trading income Other income Total income Expenses Goodwill impairment charges Profit before loan impairment charges Loan impairment charges Profit before tax Profit before tax excl. goodwill Q4 2014 Q3 2014 2,301 2,309 552 513 192 130 136 114 3,181 3,066 1,555 1,269 3,559 -1,933 1,797 161 342 -2,094 1,455 1,465 1,455 Index 100 108 148 119 104 123 47 101 Lending Deposits FTE 633,746 259,770 3,608 100 101 100 636,507 258,044 3,607 Business 28 14 Equity Story Corporates & Institutions Corporates & Institutions Income distribution, Q4 2014 (DKK m) Corporates & Institutions is a leading provider of wholesale banking services for the largest institutional and corporate customers in the Nordic region. 1,106 794 Products and services include cash management, trade finances and custody services; equity, bond, foreign exchange and derivatives products; corporate finance; and acquisition finance. 230 -27 General Banking Income statement & key figures (DKK m) Capital Markets Sales & Research Market Making Income distribution of group total, Q4 2014 (%) Net interest income Net fee income Net trading income Other income Total income Expenses Goodwill impairment charges Profit before loan impairment charges Loan impairment charges Profit before tax Profit before tax excl. goodwill Q4 2014 Q3 2014 717 713 405 428 978 1,342 4 1 2,103 2,483 1,196 1,115 907 1,368 177 -15 730 1,383 730 1,383 Index 101 95 73 85 107 66 53 53 Lending Deposits FTE 172,393 174,221 1,643 98 101 109 175,743 171,715 1,508 C&I 19 15 Equity Story Danske Capital Wealth management Asset under management, Q4 2014 (%) Develops and provides asset and wealth management products and services that are marketed through Personal Banking and directly to businesses, institutional clients and external distributors. The unit also supports advisory and asset management services for Personal Banking customer segments. Through Danske Bank International Luxembourg, Danske Capital provides private banking services to clients outside Danske Bank’s home markets. Assets under management (bn) Equities 1 59 Bonds Facts Q4 2014 Q3 2014 2 -1 825 554 287 13 2 827 555 253 258 574 297 574 297 795 3 37 Income statement & key figures (DKK m) Net interest income Net fee income - portion from performance fees Other income Total income Expenses Profit bef. loan imp. charges Loan impairment charges Profit before tax Cash Private equity 791 Index 149 149 98 193 193 FTEs: 506 Asset under management DKK bn 795 Growth in AuM (Y/Y): 9% Market share in the Nordic: 11% 101 16 Equity Story Danica Pension Life insurance and pension Customer fund distribution, Q4 2014 (%) Provides life insurance and pension products to both personal and business customers. The products are marketed especially through Personal Banking and Danica Pension’s own insurance brokers and advisers. Cross-synergies with bank. Danica Pension offers three unit-linked products: Danica Balance, Danica Link and Danica Select. These products allow customers to select their own investment profiles, and the return on savings depends on market trends. Danica Pension also offers Danica Traditionel. This product does not offer individual investment profiles, and Danica Pension sets the rate of interest on policyholdes’ savings. Income statement & key figures (DKK m) Premiums Danica Traditionel (insurance result) Unit-linked (insurance result) Health and accident (ins. result) Result from insurance business Return on investments Financing result Special allotments Net income bef. postponed risk allow. Change in shadow account Net income Q4 2014 Q3 2014 6,477 5,981 289 311 95 176 -28 -146 356 341 78 126 -20 -22 -10 -21 404 423 628 65 1,032 488 Danica Link 21 Danica Balance 23 56 Danica Traditionel Facts Index 108 93 54 104 62 96 211 FTEs: 772 Total premiums DKKm: 6,477 Investment return on customer funds, (%): 14.6 Customer funds DKKbn: 314 17 Equity Story Outlook for 2015: Net profit above DKK 14 bn Macro Economic growth remains slow and fragile, with low interest rates in our core markets Total income Income is expected around the same level as 2014 Expenses Expenses are expected to be below DKK 22 bn Impairments Impairments charges in our core activities are expected to remain at a low level Net profit Net profit above DKK 14 bn This guidance is subject to uncertainty and depends on economic conditions., including the development in monetary policy by the central banks 18 Equity Story Appendix 19 Equity Story Danske Bank timeline Den Danske Landmandsbank was founded Handelsbanken was founded next door to the bank The bank shortens its name to Danske Bank Thomas Borgen appointed CEO Shipowner A.P. Møller becomes chairman of the board 1958 1871 1873 1968 1928 2012 1976 2000 2013 The bank now has 58 branches in Greater Copenhagen, and even more spread around the country The launch of Pondus savings bank. In two weeks 50,000 children join the Pondus Club The bank changed its name to Den Danske Bank All brands gathered under one name: Danske Bank. Three new business units established: Personal Banking, Business Banking and C&I 20 Equity Story Historical expansion through mergers and acquisitions Denmark Northern Ireland/Ireland Sweden 1990 1999 1995 2001 1997 2007 2005 Norway Finland/the Baltic states Denmark The bank merges with Handelsbanken and Provinsbanken Denmark 21 Equity Story Contacts Henrik Ramlau-Hansen Chief Financial Officer Direct: +45 45 14 06 66 Mobile: +45 22 20 73 10 hram@danskebank.com Claus Ingar Jensen Head of IR Direct: +45 45 12 84 83 Mobile: +45 25 42 43 70 clauj@danskebank.dk John Bäckman Chief IR Officer Direct: +45 45 14 07 92 jbc@danskebank.dk Robin Hjelgaard Løfgren IR Officer Direct: +45 45 14 06 04 Mobile: +45 24 75 15 40 rlf@danskebank.dk 22 Equity Story Disclaimer This presentation does not constitute or form part of and should not be construed as, an offer to sell or issue or the solicitation of an offer to buy or acquire securities of Danske Bank A/S in any jurisdiction or an inducement to enter into investment activity. No part of this presentation, nor the fact of its distribution, should form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or commitment or investment decision whatsoever. This presentation contains forward-looking statements that reflect management’s current views with respect to certain future events and potential financial performance. Although Danske Bank believes that the expectations reflected in such forward looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. Accordingly, results could differ materially from those set out in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors many of which are beyond Danske Bank’s control. This presentation does not imply that Danske Bank has undertaken to revise these forward-looking statements, beyond what is required by applicable law or applicable stock exchange regulations if and when circumstances arise that will lead to changes compared to the date when these statements were provided. 23