Parents News & Muse 2-5-15 - Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic


Parents News & Muse 2-5-15 - Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic
A Newsletter to Parents and Guardians
February 5, 2015
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The second reading at Mass for this weekend comes from St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians.
To give you a little background about the Corinthians, I am offering the following.
Corinth was a town located in the southern region of modern day Greece. It was a seaport town
that was situated at a commercial crossroads. One can imagine Corinth as a hustling and
bustling port city with many cultural influences. Paul established the Christian community in
Corinth sometime around the year 51 AD. The Christian community grew quickly under the
guidance of St. Paul and his first letter to the Christian community of Corinth was largely written
as a form of guidance on how the members should conduct themselves. It is no secret that the
Corinthians frustrated Paul with their squabbles and veering from moral behavior. At times,
Paul’s writing seems to sound like a parent lecturing a teenage child. At other times, Paul’s
writing sounds like gentle guidance. Paul was an educated Jew (who was also a Roman citizen)
who earned his living as a tentmaker. Being a tentmaker was a lucrative position to hold at that
time and in that region of the world. As a business man, Paul was uniquely aware of the needs of
the community for cohesion and solidarity. His writings continually urge the Corinthians to act
as one in Christ, Jesus.
The journeys and experiences of St. Paul can be found Beginning in Chapter 9 of the Acts of the
I am sending a personal request for the support of every M.B.S. family for our Casino Royale. Whether it
is through a donation or your attendance at the event, your support is crucial to its success. A successful
Casino Royale will assist us in keeping tuition costs down. We appreciate all those who have purchased
reservations and/or made donations. Thank you! Please see the article below for information on how to
make reservations.
Casino Royale 2015 is THIS SATURDAY, February 7. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT! Simply go
to: and buy your tickets, purchase a number for the Tuition
Wheel or become a sponsor. You may also send in your reservation to school and pay by check or cash.
Advance Reservations will be taken at school until 3:30 p.m. on Friday, February 6th.
Casino Royale is our school's largest fundraiser and helps defer the cost of tuition for all students. Plus it
will be a blast! We've got something for everyone at our auction tables. Our children finished their
classroom projects and they are wonderful & creative!
We are blessed to have a wonderful community of businesses, families, and parishioners who have
donated their services, money, and/or their time to help make this event a huge success for our
school. We have HOOKED and 15 local area restaurants with spectacular dishes & new this year, Fin
City Brewing Company, bringing some of their special brews!
Please show your support for MBS and all of us who are working hard to make this night a success. If
you have any questions, please contact your Casino Royale Chairs, Anne Flaherty
( or Sean Kilroy ( Thank you!!
MBS students and faculty will be attending Mass at St. John Neumann on Wednesday, February 18th at
10:00 a.m. in observance of Ash Wednesday. We will NOT be going to Liturgy on Thursday,
February 19th.
We are in full swing of the cold/flu/virus season, just some tips to help stop the spread of the illness
throughout the classroom. If you suspect your child has a virus or any other illness it is recommended
to have an evaluation by your primary care provider as soon as possible. Don’t forget to get your
doctor’s note to return to school, this note informs the school that the student is not contagious and may
return to school. With all illness, it is important to remind your child about frequent hand washing, no
sharing of food/utensils, and to cover your cough and sneeze. You must keep your child home if they
have a fever and remain home until fever-free without any fever reducing medication for 24 hours. By
keeping your child home, this will help with the spread of illness and your child will get the rest
they need to get well. If you feel your child needs another day at home because of recent sickness,
this is not a bad idea, because of all the other viruses that are in peak now. Your child is less likely
to pick up another illness if they have enough rest. Thank you for your cooperation in helping to
prevent the spread of illnesses/viruses.
When calling the office in the morning to report your child out for illness, it would be helpful if you could
let the office know the illness or symptoms. With respect to your privacy, any help will allow the school
to better track viruses or flu. When children have been absent from school for more than three days, a
note is required from the health care provider for re-entry. This lets the teachers and health suite know
that the student is no longer contagious. By working together, we can all contribute to a healthier
learning environment for our students and your children. Thank you for your cooperation.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to a successful Brawny Breakfast. We would like to recognize
the following M.B.S. parents for their support and assistance: Rebecca Taylor, Gene Rutzler, Colleen
Rutzler, Joe Hallman, Jocelyn Snelsire, Eric Snelsire, Scott Edmunds, Stefanie Gordy, and Kelly Berrie.
Also, thanks to the following students for all their help: Ava Snelsire, Hayden Snelsire and Caela Berry.
Diocesan Tuition Assistance for the 2015-2016 school year are now being accepted. Tuition assistance
through the Diocese of Wilmington is provided to children attending grades K-12. Pre-school, before and
after care are not funded through this program.
Parents are encouraged to apply through FACTS online at FACTS
representatives are available to guide parents through the application process and to answer any questions
by calling 1-866-315-9262. Completed applications, including all supporting documentation such as
tax forms, are due March 9th. Applications that are submitted after that date will not be considered
for assistance.
They should be returned to the FACTS agency in the envelope provided. Included with the FACTS
application is a procedures document for information on what other documentations are required
along with the completed application form.
Bus invoices are being mailed home today. In order to avoid the $25.00 late charge, please make sure
your payment is made no later than February 15, 2015.
In today’s newsletter folders you will find a sheet of coupons for your cupid valentine candy gram. The
cost is $1 per coupon or 6 for $5. Parents buy one for your child, and kids may want to buy one for their
buddy, teacher, or friend! The eighth grade cupids will attach the coupon to the bag of candy and deliver
it on Friday, February 13th during school. Orders will be taken until Wednesday, February 11. All
proceeds are going to the Eighth Grade Class of 2015 Activity Fund. Thank you for your generosity.
The following is next week’s schedule for play practice.
Tuesday, February 10 ----------------------- Harem Girls ONLY
Wednesday, February 11 ------------------ Townspeople ONLY
Thursday, February 12 ---------------------- ENTIRE CAST
We will make-up last week’s snow day on Friday, February 27th. This was scheduled as a
Professional Day and school was to be closed. Please note that this has been changed to a FULL
DAY OF SCHOOL. February 13th will be a full day of school. School will be closed on February
16th and 17th.
This past week grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 had a visit. We are starting a series on Bullying. In all classes we
define bullying, we discuss the roles of bully, the bystander and the victim. We discuss the difference
between tattling and telling/reporting. I stressed the importance of telling about an incident of bullying
the day it occurs, not in a week. We talked about ways to tell an adult without everyone knowing they
told. As far as the bystander, it is so important that the bystander take a positive role, therefore, standing
up for the victim or help report the incident. The bystander can help bully if they laugh along with the
bully or spread rumors about what they saw or heard. If a student does an act of bullying we talked about
how they need to talk to someone to learn about what they did and how to make things better in the
future. Overall, we talked about treating others the way we want to be treated. We talked about thinking
before we speak or before we do something and ask ourselves, “Is this showing kindness or
love?” Parents, please talk more with your children about this important topic. As you all know in
listening to the news, bullying is a topic very present in our children’s lives, social media is certainly
making this issue even more pressing. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or
Service Project
Thank you all so much for the help with the CSW Shoe Drive for Diakonia! Our MBS school community
always gives when asked! We collected 380 pairs of shoes for all ages! Diakonia will be very pleased
and we will help our local community in need. Thank you to Mr. Jarmon for the idea of this shoe
drive! Thank you to 5th grade for making posters for our hallways to promote the Shoe Drive! Thank you
MBS families for your gift of giving!
Attention 8th grade parents!!!! Save the date!
If your 8th grader plans on attending Stephen Decatur High School, there is an 8th grade orientation on
Thursday, Feb. 26th at 5:00 p.m. in the SDHS Auditorium.
Sports Physicals: A current sports physical MUST be filled out before your child can participate in
practice/games, no exceptions.
VERY IMPORTANT: Our end of the season Sports Recognition Program will be held on Friday,
February 20th @ 8:30am. A form will be coming home with students by the end of the week.
Boys Basketball: Congratulation to the JV Boys team for an outstanding season, it was a pleasure to
watch each one of you grow and develop into basketball players!
Varsity Boys remaining schedule: 2/7-Greenwood Tournament, 2/10 vs. Epworth (Home game) and 2/11
vs. Salisbury Christian (Home Game)
Please be prepared to arrive 5-10 min. early to pick up your child from practice. When practice is over a
parent/guardian should walk up to the front door to pick the child up, it is very dark and we want to
make sure all students have a ride.
A white (for home) or blue (for away) t-shirt must be worn under the jersey for games. NO
T-shirts will be given to students it if it is forgotten.
Girls Basketball: Congratulation to the JV Girls team for an outstanding season, it was a pleasure to
watch each one of you grow and develop into basketball players!
Varsity Girls remaining schedule: 2/7-Greenwood Tournament, 2/10 vs. Epworth (Home game) and 2/11
vs. Salisbury Christian (Home Game)
Please be prepared to arrive 5-10 min. early to pick up your child from practice. When practice is over a
parent/guardian should walk up to the front door to pick the child up, it is very dark and we want to
make sure all students have a ride.
A white (for home) or blue (for away) t-shirt must be worn under the jersey for games. NO t-shirts will be
given to students if it is forgotten.
Lacrosse: We are holding signups for both girls and boys lacrosse in the gym for the next couple of
weeks. With that being said we will need coaches for BOTH teams, I would like to have at least 2-3
coaches per team. If you are interested in coaching please contact me at your earliest convenience.
Softball: We are holding signups for softball in the gym for the next couple of weeks. With that being
said I will need any coach who is interested in returning to contact me at your earliest convenience.
Fitness & Sports Equipment: We are looking for gently used fitness/sports equipment such as dumbbells,
BOSU balls, medicine balls, cleats, lax sticks/helmets etc. for our teams/faculty to have access to. Since
the beginning of the year there has been a strong push to improve physical fitness from both the students
and staff here at MBS. Before I go out and purchase more equipment I wanted to ask our MBS families
first. For more info. or to set up a time to drop off equipment, please contact me via email.
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!!!: We are currently looking for any sports pictures from the 2014-15 MBS
Athletic Season(s). Any pictures you may have or will take during our various seasons please email them
to or Thanks!
January was a busy and fun month in the MBS Library! Thank you for supporting the MBS Book Fair.
We appreciate all the volunteers who made this such a success. Students participated in “Valentines For
Veterans” program as a service learning project for our school. We created Valentine cards and letters for
distribution to various locations thanking veterans for their service.
The Delmarva Shorebirds “Hit The Books” bookmarks have been distributed to students who would like
to participate. Children who read four books (starting from 1/20/15) can write the titles on the bookmark
and turn the bookmark in to their teacher by 2/26/15 to earn two tickets to a Delmarva Shorebirds game.
Tues: PreK4, 1st & 7th
Wed: PreK3, 3rd, 4A & 4B
Thurs: Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 8th
February 2015
Casino Royale Event 6:00 p.m. - midnight
President’s Day, School Closed
Faculty Retreat, School Closed for Students
Ash Wednesday, School Liturgy 10:00 a.m.
Parents of 2nd graders: Our next Parent only meeting will be 10 a.m. on Sunday March 8th at
MBS. Fr. Joe will be presenting that day.
St. Jude the Apostle Parish Book Club will begin meeting on the first Wednesday of each month
from1:00-2:00 p.m. in the St. Jude’s Religious Education Center at St. Jude The Apostle Parish in Lewes,
DE. You are invited to join in discussion of books that feature biographies, fictional works, and spiritual
classics to inspire us as Christian thinkers.
For further information, call the Religious Education office at 302-644-7413. A listing of upcoming book
selections can be found on the parish website at
Lectio Divina is held every Tuesday at 6:30pm in our parish center room 116. During the hour we read
the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday and share what it is saying to us. All you need is an open heart and
Walking Towards Eternity is a DVD Series that helps you connect the Scriptures to your daily lives.
This series and the continuation of the set are held Tuesday mornings following 8:30am Mass and
Thursday evenings at 6:00pm in our parish center room 110.
Word of Life meets the second Sunday of each month in room 116 of our parish center at 9:40am. This
month we will share how we lived the August word: "Forgive your neighbors the wrong done to you, and
then your sins will be pardoned when you pray." (Sir. 28:2)
St. Peregrine Society is our society that supports cancer victims and those touched by the suffering of
loved ones. We meet on a monthly basis to pray for our loved one and those touched by cancer and any
other illness. Any questions please contact Deacon Dave at 302-945-8317. The purpose of this society is
to meet on a monthly basis to pray for intercessory prayer to Saint Peregrine, the patron saint of
Cancer. We will be meeting on a Sunday in the latter part of the month at 3 PM alternating between Mary
Mother of Peace and Saint Michael the Archangel.
St. Michael the Archangel:
2015: March 22, May 31, July 26, September 27, November 22
Mary Mother of Peace:
2015: February 22, April 26, June 28, August 23, October 25, December 27