2015 Catalogue - Full Circle Seeds


2015 Catalogue - Full Circle Seeds
P.O. Box 807
Sooke, B.C. V9Z 1H8
2015 celebrates 22 years of growing and selling seeds from our farm! 2015 celebrates 22 years of growing and selling seeds from our farm!
You will find among our seeds many heritage varieties selected by generations for their excellent flavour and pest resistance. Also, you will find
unusual varieties from Asia and Europe – prized by chefs from our best restaurants. More than 99% of Full Circle Seeds are grown at our farm ALM
Organic Farm in Sooke and are certified by Islands Organic Producers Association. Our collard seed was grown out by Rachel Fisher on Three Oaks
Farm (local, certified organic), and our basil seed was grown on Terra Nossa Farm (local, certified organic). Our butternut, delicata, dark star,
potimarron and Queensland blue squash, chickpeas, pencil pod beans, marketmore cucumber, barley, oats, wheat, sugar snap and tall telephone peas
were grown by us using organic methods on leased land at InishOge Farm, a local neighbouring farm. These local partnerships strengthen both our
collection and our community
Full Circle Seeds are:
Certified Organic, meaning the plants these seeds came from have been grown without any herbicides, pesticides, or synthetic
fertilizers and are naturally healthy and robust.
Locally Grown and Adapted, meaning our seeds are grown by our farm and are from plants that have adapted to flourishing in our
climate, soil conditions, and ecosystems.
Open Pollinated, meaning if properly isolated from other varieties in the same plant species, you can save the seed yourself and it will
come true year after year.
Not genetically modified.
Cylindra Beet
A wonderful Dutch heirloom variety known for its long, cylindrical roots. Growing an average of 8’’, this unique beet has a great sweet, robust,
earthy flavour with a shape that makes it easy to slice and prepare.
Latah Tomato
A small, flattened red mid-size tomato with great flavour. Very early production making it a good choice for shorter summers. Determinate.
New England Pie Pumpkin
Dark orange-skinned pumpkin that is just the right size at an average of 3-5 lbs. Classic pie pumpkin with dry, sweet flesh making for a fantastic
flavour and consistency in baking.
Sugar Ann Pea
An early snap pea producing sweet, crisp pods on 3’ vines, great for small gardens. Produces an abundant, concentrated crop and has good resistance
to pea enation virus.
Red Columbine
A lovely perennial native to woodland and rocky slopes in North America, prized for its red and yellow flowers. A considerably smaller plant than
domesticated varieties. Attractive foliage and showy flowers that appeal to hummingbirds and butterflies. Perennial.
We grow our own seed and may have only limited quantities of some varieties. We do put varieties on our website that may not be in this
catalogue; please check online for a complete listing of our seeds as well as additional planting information. Please note that although we are
certified organic in B.C., this certification is not in effect for the rest of Canada or the USA. We offer a full guarantee on all our seeds. We welcome
feedback and questions about our products and process.
Mary Alice Johnson, Marika Nagasaka, Jordan Field and Keeley Nixon
IOPA/COABC Certified Organic
Farm number #401
All regular seed packets are $3.50
(Seed quantities are listed in the catalogue)
AMARANTH Amaranthus cruentus
Red-leaf amaranth that is delicious and highly nutritious. We put it in our salad mix and it can be used as a steamed vegetable or in soups. ¼
teaspoon or 500 seeds/pkt.
Aromatic salad green important in French and Italian cooking. It is also known as rocket, roquette, rugula, and rucola. The taste is nutty and
peppery at the same time.
ANNUAL ARUGULA Eruca vesicaria, subsp. sativa
Slow-bolt annual variety that is most often used in restaurants and in fine cooking. Quick to germinate, easy to grow, cold hardy. Self-seeds. 1/2
teaspoon or 1000 seeds/pkt.
SYLVETTA or WILD ARUGULA Diplotaxis tenuifolia
Cold-hardy variety is a smaller, wilder form of arugula that is heat tolerant. The leaves are finely cut and the flavour more peppery. Self-seeds. A
perennial in our area. 1/4 teaspoon or 2000 seeds/pkt.
Broad beans contain 4 tablespoons or 25 seeds/pkt, all other varieties 2 tablespoons or approx. 30-40 seeds/pkt.
Broad Beans
Selected for size and number of beans per pod for 80 years, first by David Barton and then by Peter Robin, who passed them on to our farm. Nine
or more green beans in 12-14" pods, growing on plants 5-6' tall. Excellent flavour; can even be eaten raw.
MAXIBEL green, fresh bush
Fresh Bush Beans
An extra slender 6" long string-less round green bean. Firm, and crisp but still tender, Maxibel is the number one filet type from France. The strong
18-24" tall plants are disease resistant and very productive (great for canning or freezing as well as eating fresh), with a long harvest period.
PENCIL POD GOLDEN WAX yellow, fresh bush
Lovely 5-7"pale yellow string-less round pods are exceptionally tender with a mild, sweet flavour. The relatively tall (2') plants bear continuously
over a very long harvest period, and are more resistant to fungal diseases than other wax varieties. Good for fresh eating or preserving.
Fresh Pole Beans
BLUE LAKE green, fresh pole
The smallest of our fresh pole beans. The 5-6" string-less round dark green pods are typically very straight and uniform, making this an excellent
choice for markets. Also works very well for canning or freezing. Sweet flavour and crisp, tender texture.
FORTEX green, fresh pole
Growing to over 11", Fortex has the longest pole-bean pods. Firm-textured dark green, round pods are completely string-less and delicious at all
lengths, even after the seeds get big. Many believe it's the highest quality green bean available due to its wonderfully crisp texture and sweet
flavour. Heavy, concentrated harvest makes it ideal for freezing.
LAZY HOUSEWIFE green, fresh pole
One of the oldest documented bean varieties (claimed to be the first completely string-less bean), introduced around 1810. First listed in W. Atlee
Burpee’s 1888 catalogue, “We presume it derived its name, which seems discourteous, from its immense productiveness making it easy to gather...”
The slightly flattened green 8-10" pods hang in clusters of 2 to 4, which mature together.
Dry Beans
For detailed varietal information about the dry beans we grow please visit our website.
APPALOOSA brown and white, dry bush
CANNELLINI white, dry bush
ORCA black and white, dry bush
PAWNEE brown and white, dry bush
Runner Beans
An excellent Scarlet Runner. Delicious and high-yielding as a fresh green bean, it also dries well. Gorgeous, very vigorous pole bean plant with
bright red flowers that attract hummingbirds. The large, crisp, and juicy flat pods are string-less when young. 4 tablespoons or 30 seeds/pkt.
BEETS Beta vulgaris
1 tablespoon or 300 seeds/pkt.
Heirloom variety produces beautiful deep burgundy leaves to jazz up your salad mix. Roots show attractive candy striped zoning when sliced.
A wonderful Dutch heirloom variety known for its long, cylindrical roots. Growing an average of 8’’, this unique beet has a great sweet, robust,
earthy flavour with a shape that makes it easy to slice and prepare.
Also known as Lutz Green Leaf, one of the largest beets grown. This beet remains sweet and tender even when weighing in over a pound and 6” in
diameter. Great for summer or winter use. For winter storage, sow mid-July. Soak seeds before planting. Plant from March thru July, 2-3” apart
and thin to 6”.
½ teaspoon or 1000 seeds/pkt.
An overwintering broccoli that is extremely cold hardy. Planted in the late summer to produce small, sweet purple flowering shoots the next
spring. The tall plants produce many small side-shoots throughout the spring. Seed in June or July.
RAAB OR RAPINI Brassica rapa
Distinct from regular broccoli, with plants producing small florets. This Italian specialty combines qualities of mustard greens and broccoli and is
great for salads and light cooking with nutty, pungent flavour. Good source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as potassium, calcium, and iron. Pick
when young. Plant in early spring to late summer in rich soil which has a relatively high pH.
CAPE GOOSEBERRY Physalis peruviana
A tomato family member bearing 2-3 cm golden orange fruit inside papery husks, its 80 cm plants are prolific and decorative. Fruits are incredibly
sweet and tangy and can be eaten raw, or made into preserves, pies, and desserts. Plant as you would tomatoes. 1/8 teaspoon or 50 seeds/pkt.
CARROT Daucus carolta
Long and cylindrical red carrot with good aromatic taste. We found this variety our best in trials for patio planting in the large pot as well as a great
carrot for the garden. 1/2 teaspoon or 200o seeds/pkt.
Market gardeners in Danvers, Massachusetts, developed this variety in 1886. Carrots have broad shoulders up to 2” wide and a tapered “V” root
averaging 6” long. Strong tops allow for easy harvesting. Rich, deep-orange colour. Wonderful flavor. A superb variety which thrives even in heavy
soils, good as both a main season and winter/storage carrot.1/2 teaspoon or 2000 seeds/pkt.
CELERIAC Apium graveolens var. rapaceum
In the same family as celery but grown for its large, white, round solid root which is harvested in late summer and fall at 3-5" diameter. Great in
soup, stew, shredded like carrots for salads. This is an early European strain with white flavourful flesh, a chef’s delight. Biennial. 1/2 teaspoon or
200 seeds/pkt.
Excellent cooked green. A good source of beta carotene and vitamin C, calcium, and iron. 1 tablespoon or 200 seeds/pkt.
FORDHOOK Beta vulgaris, cicla group
A vigorous variety noted for its dark green deeply-savoyed leaves and thick white stems. Plants are tall at 22-27" and extremely wide. More cold
hardy than other chards. Overwinters in a cold frame in our area.
RHUBARB Beta vulgaris, vulgaris group
Candy-apple-red stems with dark green red-veined leaves. Retains colour when cooked and very dramatic on the table. Leaves turn dark burgundy,
in the fall with a frost. Sow from early spring to fall. Cut leaves throughout the season for continuous harvest.
CLAYTONIA (MINERS’ LETTUCE) Claytonia perfoliata
A beautiful, tasty, cold-hardy salad green, which produces large quantities of delicate heart-shaped leaves, each wrapped around a white-flowered
stem. Hardiest of the winter salad greens, can be grown all winter in our climate. Direct seed 1" apart. Thin to 4". Self-seeds. 1/4 teaspoon or 500
CORN Zea mays
A bicolour open-pollinated sweet corn. Early maturing with strong germination in cool soil. Developed by Johnny’s Seeds from a yellow corn called
Burnell that was grown in Maine in the early 1900s, and an early white heirloom from New York’s St. Lawrence Valley. Nice-sized, 7" ears with 12-14
rows of yellow and white kernels, some ears with yellow kernels only. Vigorous 5' plants. Excellent traditional corn taste. 3 tablespoons or 150 seeds/pkt.
CRESS Cucumis sativus
1/2 tsp/pkt. unless otherwise indicated.
Quick growing plant has leaves that grow about 7cm long and 2cm wide. Roughly oval in shape, the leaves are slightly lobed and wavy making for a
visually interesting addition to salads. Leaves can be harvested repeatedly and have a slight bite similar to mustards.
The best cress for the outdoor garden. 6-8” rosettes of dark green, glossy, rounded leaves. Similar to watercress but much easier to grow. The
plants are very slow to bolt and long-standing. A wonderful, hot flavour. Great in salads. Self seeds.
CUCUMBER Cucumis sativus
25 seeds/pkt. unless otherwise indicated.
Umi Nami, Lemon (Y), and Bushy (R). Umi Nami is a long crisp oriental cucumber. Lemon looks just like a lemon, great for snacking. Bushy is great for
pickling, good for small spaces. 15 seeds/pkt.
Originating from dacha (seasonal gardens) in Russia. Short (4-5’) vines make this cucumber perfect for those with limited space. Produces bumper
crops of 5-8” long cucumbers; pick on the smaller side for fresh eating.
An heirloom first introduced in 1894. Similar in size and appearance to lemons, its fruits average 2" by 3". Very easy to digest with a crisp, clear
taste and an edible skin. Pick small and use them whole for snacking in the garden or as a table treat. A favourite of our local chefs.
A medium-sized, slender dark green slicing cucumber. Relatively compact vines bear over an extended season. Crisp, sweet, and reliably productive. Disease
A long crisp-and-crunchy non-bitter dark green oriental cucumber from Umi Nami Farm in Metchosin. Will grow to 2' without becoming bitter.
Tender skin. Holds well on the vine. Trellis to keep fruit straight.
FENNEL Foeniculum vulgare
A specialty European vegetable with a delicious fresh anise flavour, which is a favourite of chefs. Bulbs are delicious raw or cooked. Braise, grill,
roast or slice thin and put in salads. 1 teaspoon or 220 seeds/pkt.
PILGRIM’S CABBAGE Brassica oleracea
More like collard greens than cabbage yet distinctly different (larger with thicker leaves and stem). Also called Portugal, Galician, or 1000 Leaf
Headless cabbage. Developed before the 17th century. Gifted to Mary Alice in 2009 by Lynda Dowling, who received it from a friend who obtained
it during a pilgrimage from France to Spain. Very sturdy, very cold hardy plant. Famous for Caldo Verde soup. 1/2 teaspoon 400 seeds/pkt.
CHAMPION COLLARDS Brassica oleracea
Famed for cold hardiness, these delicious greens are high in iron, vitamins A and C, and anti-oxidants. Their sweet flavour is heightened by fall
frosts. Plant spring through summer. Great in a salad mix. 1/2 teaspoon or 1000 seeds/pkt.
A mix of our four very popular kales - Lacinato (also known as Tuscan kale), Red Russian, Siberian and Dwarf Green Curly. Plant for year round
harvest. 1/2 teaspoon or 300 seeds/pkt.
RED RUSSIAN KALE Brassica napus
Rich in vitamins and minerals. Red kale’s dark green oak-leaves colour up to red and purple after the fall frosts. The leaves are very tender compared to
other kale varieties and remain sweet even in the summer. 1/2 teaspoon or 300 seeds/pkt.
SIBERIAN KALE Brassica napus
This large, vigorous kale has light blue-green ruffled leaves with white stems. The stout plants are exceptionally cold-hardy, and very slow to bolt in the
spring. Sweet and tender in any season. 1/2 teaspoon or 300 seeds/pkt.
LEEKS Allium porrum
Sometimes called “the gourmet’s onion,” with a more subtle taste than onions and easier to digest. They are easier to grow, and provide a winter
vegetable in our area. 1/2 teaspoon or 300 seeds/pkt.
A beautiful French winter variety with green foliage that turns to deep blue-violet as cold increases. An eye-catcher in the garden. Stores well in the
ground and can be harvested until spring. A strain selected from 'Bleu de Solaise'. Makes a nice ornamental border. Left in the ground for two
years, the leeks produce 5" flower heads on 3'-5' stalk.
A prize-winning beautiful green leek recommended by Linda Gilkeson, author of Year-Around Harvest. The largest and one of the most cold-hardy
leeks we have grown. Stores well in the ground and can be harvested until spring.
LETTUCE Lactuca sativa
1/2 teaspoon or approx. 800 seeds/pkt.
ARCTIC KING green butterhead
Plant produces flavourful head. This variety withstands winter with minimal cover. Plant Aug and Sept to harvest Feb-May (in a greenhouse). Very
reliable! Good for cool season.
ASHBROOK green leaf
Unusual medium-green serrated leaves resembling frisée, but with a sweet mild flavour. Produces an upright small loose head when mature. A
favourite for summer salad mix, sow often for good summer production. Good for hot season.
BERENICE green oakleaf
Dense, compact heads with long, narrow, dark green oak leaves have good weight. Slow bolting and tolerant to mosaic virus. Good for cool season.
Fast, reliable heirloom from the 1800s. Thin, delicate pale green (almost yellow) leaves are crumpled with a curled outer leaf. Sow often; fast
growing variety is best for early season.
BRUNIA red oakleaf
Unique maple-leafed French variety. Its beautiful tinged-red colour is spectacular in cool weather and slow to bolt in summer. Brunia's gourmet
crispness and wide-veined leaves lend themselves to use in fine restaurants as well as your kitchen. Good for all seasons.
CIMMARON red romaine
Sweetest-tasting red romaine with soft leaves that melt in your mouth. Green-veined leaves with maroon edges are long and fine compared to
other romaines, making it good for salad mix. Good for all seasons, especially reliable for cool season production.
COWLICK green leaf
Leaf lettuce from the former Czechoslovakia with a unique look. Frilly, wavy, pointed leaves twist off in all different directions. Sweet and
succulent. Good for all seasons; great cool/early season.
Heavily-frilled green leaves with dark red edges are essential in salad mix, providing loft, texture, and colour. More compact and slower-growing
than other lettuce types. Much darker red than regular Lollo Rossa. Stays red even in summer. Good for all seasons.
DEER TONGUE green bibb
Heirloom bibb-type lettuce. Attractive smooth tongue-shaped leaves. Slow to bolt and taste stays mild. Slightly crinkle-edged, sweet and tender
triangular green leaves grow in a rosette around a loose head. Good for salad mix or mini-heads. Good for cool season.
Strong radiant, upright leaf lettuce with beautiful crinkly, rounded leaves that are tinged pink in early spring and change to light green as
temperature warms. Tender and sweet with unusual colour. Rare heirloom. Good for cool season.
Gorgeous bright green leaves with ruffle- almost-fringed edges in deep bronze. Tall head with long, very crinkled leaves. Crisp texture, very
beautiful with sweet taste. Good for all seasons.
DUTCH WINTER green leaf
Green curly-lettuce excels in cool weather. Given to ALM Farm by Ruth Zbinden who lives in Sooke. Wavy, loose leaves are a very light green. Good
for cool season.
GALISSE green leaf
Loose leaf type with light green leaves produce smaller, more compact heads than Salad Bowl. Good taste even when past optimum maturity. Mary
Alice's favourite. Lofty leaf is lovely in salad mix and also produces an attractive mini-head. Good for all seasons.
GARDEN FERNS green leaf
Big rosettes of delectable elongated leaves with sweet flavour and delicate texture make this unusual dark green loose-leaf an Italian treasure.
Indented, ruffle-edged leaves will remind you of lacy ferns. Good for salad mix. Grows quickly; sow often. Good for cool season.
IBIS red leaf
Deep, dark purple-red, shiny leaves. Very ruffled and savoyed. Holds rich, sweet flavour well into warm weather. Rare. Good for all seasons.
JEBOUSIK green bibb
Spiral of vibrant green arrow-tipped leaves. Very beautiful, succulent, crunchy and sweet. Old Czech variety from “someone’s Grandpa” years ago,
the seed was passed on to Abundant Life Seed Foundation by the Jebousik family. Rare heirloom. Good for cool season.
JERICHO green romaine
Bred in the hot desert of Israel, this robust, bolt-resistant variety stays sweet and crisp in hot weather. Very large and dense medium green heads.
Good for hot season.
Translates to "ears of the devil”. Star-like pinwheel rosettes of stunning glossy burgundy leaves have an oily, nutty flavour and are slow to bolt.
Excellent for salad mix. Rare heirloom. Good for all seasons.
Merveille de Quatre Saisons, an unusual French heirloom lettuce introduced in 1885. The outer leaves are reddish-green with cranberry-red tips, and
self-blanching hearts are creamy-coloured. A quick-maturing red butterhead produces round compact heads with incredible taste. Good for all
MASCARA red oakleaf
The darkest red leaves that we have seen on an oak leaf lettuce. Fast growing lettuce is relatively resistant to bolting in the heat and holds colour
and flavour well, great for salad mix. Good all season, sow often for good summer production.
MERLOT red leaf
The darkest burgundy red in our garden, like a good red wine - dark and deep. A loose-leaf cutting lettuce that is slow-bolting and well suited for
both salad mix and cut-and-come-again culture. Good for all seasons.
MIKOLA butterhead
Beautiful red butterhead with very compact, heavy heads. Extra-crisp leaves have green base with uniform red edge. Interior self blanches to a
lovely pinkish-yellow. Slow to bolt. Excellent for mini-heads, heads and salad mix. Good for all seasons; great for early/hot season.
OAKLEAF PURPLE red oakleaf
Beautiful purple oak-leaf-shaped leaves are savoyed in the middle with crinkled edges. Good taste and beautiful in salad mix. Rare. Good for all
OLGA green romaine
A gourmet European romaine-type lettuce. Unusual leaf texture is sweeter and less crunchy than other romaines. Light green leaves form a loose
head with excellent flavour. Holds flavour well without going bitter in the heat. Good for all seasons; great cool/early season.
OUTREDGEOUS red romaine
Totally bright red. Long, deep shiny-red leaves with green veins and ruffled edges. Heads are big, tall, and beautiful. Good taste. Good for all
seasons; especially good for early season.
PABLO red crisphead
Loose heads form beautiful upright rosettes that look almost like flowers. Wavy-edged flat leaves are extremely wide, sometimes encircling half the
head. Good texture, excellent mild flavour. Good for cool season.
RED SALAD BOWL red oakleaf
Wine-red version of Salad Bowl has highly-lobed, delicate oak-like leaves that form a full rosette. Holds sweet flavour for a long time and has good
weight. Good for all seasons.
Tops of leaves are solid reddish-maroon, backs of leaves are green tinged with maroon. A loosely formed head with soft, elongated leaves and
pleasant, chewy texture. Good for cool season.
Pale green leaf with sparkling rosy-red edges. This Italian specialty will form a loose head or may be used as
a cutting lettuce. Goof for all seasons.
RUBY RED red leaf
Heat-resistant red leaf lettuce with delicious flavour. Red contrasts green for pretty salads all season long. Forms a large juicy head and also good
for salad mix. Good for all seasons.
SPRECKLED butterhead
Spectacular and delicious bright-green butterhead with maroon-red splashes across the leaves. Heads up beautifully, self-blanching with a pink
blush centre. Taste is sweet and tender making a gorgeous salad or salad mix addition. Good for cool season.
SUMMER MARVEL red crisphead
A summer crisp that Mary brought back from Spain that has become a year round favourite. Reddish-pink tips with a centre that self-blanches to
yellow. Very lofty head for minis or salad mix. Sweet and crunchy! Good for all seasons.
SUNFIRE OAK red oakleaf
Bred specially for salad mixes, Sunfire has a narrow, branching oak-leaf shape and interesting colour pattern. Green leaves have red and green veining
underneath a red surface blush. Leaves are dense providing good weight, texture, and shelf life. Good for all seasons.
The heads hold long into the heat without bolting and keep their sweet flavour. The extremely deep red leaves are slightly savoyed with a nice
green contrast. A great lettuce for salad mixes. Good for all seasons.
TANGO green leaf
Deep green, heavily-frilled rosettes look great in the salad bowl. Its leaves are small, crisp and densely ruffled. Forms beautiful compact heads, and
also used extensively for cut and come again lettuce. One of our most vigorous lettuces, seed often for continuous harvest. Good for all seasons but
especially useful early spring-early fall.
TOMAHAWK red leaf
Heirloom. Crisp, smooth, thick, ruffled green leaves have pink and bronze tinges. Slow to bolt. Rare. Good for all seasons.
TROCADERO green butterhead
Also called Laithue Lorthois. Nice, tight, pale green bunches of mellow, slightly oily-tasting leaves. A good summer butterhead that also does well
over-wintering. Rare. Good for all seasons.
WINTER DENSITY green bibb/romaine
Unique bibb-romaine type. Known in France as Craquerelle du Midi. Produces compact dark green heads with exceptional crunch. Great for winter
growing but also well suited for year round production. Our favourite for mini- heads. Good for all seasons.
YUGOSLAVIAN RED red butterhead
Loose, large head with red outer leaves self-blanches to light green/white inner leaves. Excellent mild flavour and light texture. Rare heirloom.
Good for all seasons and great cool/early season.
1/2 teaspoon or approximately 800 seeds per packet.
A blend of our best salad-mix lettuces: This high-interest mix includes a wide selection of leaf shapes with a broad range of colours that do well in
all seasons; especially good for main season growing.
A blend of our best cold-hardy salad-mix lettuces: Will over-winter in a cold frame in our area (seed from Aug until late Sept) and also great for early
spring transplants. This blend has 15+ varieties!
A blend of our best heat-tolerant salad-mix lettuces: Plant to harvest during the heat of late spring, summer and early fall in your area. These
varieties hold longer in the heat (slower to bolt, slower to become bitter). To improve flavour and harvesting time, plant summer lettuces in part shade,
keep well watered, and keep covered with floating row cover. This can extend your lettuce harvest up to 3 weeks!
MÂCHE (CORN SALAD) Valerianella locusta
Gourmet salad item for cool or mild weather and winter greenhouses. Northern European favourite. Oval, glossy green leaves with a tender,
flowery, minty flavour. Sow in fall for over-wintering or in spring for a late spring crop, germinates in 10-14 days. Bolt-resistant but best harvested
when young. Self-seeds. 1 teaspoon or 500 seeds/pkt.
Choenopodium gigantium
A remarkable variety of lamb’s quarters with brilliant magenta colouring on the young leaves. A dramatic addition to salads or as a garnish. Young
tender plants have a pleasant delicate flavour. Easy to grow, Plant in early spring and throughout the summer. Self seeds. 1/2 teaspoon or 1000
MINUTINA Plantago coronopus
An unique, cold-weather salad green prized in Italy for its mild nutty flavour and crunchy texture. Resembling a narrow mizuna, it develops into a
small plant with a delicate rosette of slender green leaves. Harvest young and tender when it is about 5" long. Cold-hardy. Also known as Buckhorn Plantain or Erba Stella. 1/8 teaspoon or 500 seeds/pkt.
Cold tolerant, easy to grow. Wonderful in salads when small, great for steaming and braising when mature. 1/2 teaspoon or 1000 seeds per packet.
ELLEN’S HOT FRILLY Brassica juncea bright green, frilly leaves
KOBUTAKANA Brassica juncea dark green leaves with characteristic bump on stalk
OSAKA PURPLE Brassica juncea purple, broad, fringed leaves
RUBY STREAKS Brassica juncea purple leaves, deeply frilled
KOMATSUNA Brassica rapa dark green, smooth leaves
MIZUNA Brassica rapa green leaves, white stalks, deeply cut, fringed
TATSOI Brassica rapa glossy dark green leaves, spoon-shaped
TOKYO BEKANA Brassica rapa bright green, curly leaves
MIXED MUSTARDS a blend of our favourites
ORACH Atriplex hortensis
A mix of green, purple, and the brightest red. Related to lamb’s quarters and spinach. Rounded leaves are stunning in a salad; also used in pasta in
Italy. Does not lose its colour when cooked. Warm weather crop. Self-seeds. 1 tablespoon or 500 seeds/pkt.
PARSNIPS Pastinaca sativa
The "prince of root vegetables" is lovely for delicious late-fall through early-spring meals. The long, white roots have a sweet flavour and are easy to
grow. This is a cross between Hollow Crown and Gladiator made by Denis Hoddinott of Stone Glen Farm on Salt Spring. We found it better than
many hybrids. 2 tablespoon or 500 seeds/pkt.
PEAS Pisum sativum
2 tablespoons or 60 seeds/pkt.
JIM’S OREGON GIANT edible pod, pole
Brought to our farm by Johanna Stiver from Jim Cherrington’s garden, this outstanding very large, juicy pea grows on robust 6' tall vines. The
tender, flat, edible pods can be up to 5" long. Produces all summer. Resistant to wilt and enation mosaic virus.
MAXIGOLT shelling, bush
Delicious and high yielding, this is our favourite bush pea. An outstanding mid- to late-season variety with large, sweet, dark green peas in
attractive, broad, 3-4" pods. The vines average 3½-4', and can be grown with or without support.
SUGAR ANN (NEW) edible pod, bush
An early snap pea producing sweet, crisp pods on 3’ vines, great for small gardens. Produces an abundant, concentrated crop and has good
resistance to pea enation virus.
SUGAR SNAP edible pod, pole
The original sugar snap pea! Also called mange tout. The long growing vines can reach up to 1 meter or 6 feet and need support. The 2½ to 3½ inch
crunchy pods are excellent for eating cooked or raw. A very good producer that freezes well! Can be planted in January in an unheated greenhouse
or outside as soon as the soil temperature reaches 10 degrees C.
Very strong vines 6' or taller produce high quantities of late developing, attractive shelling peas. An excellent-flavoured heirloom variety with
large, fat pods (4-5") full of sweet, tender peas, this old-fashioned favourite has been grown since 1885. Resistant to wilt and enation mosaic virus.
25 seeds/pkt.
ANTOHI ROMANIAN yellow-to-red
Medium-tall very prolific plant from Romania that produces beautiful 4" long by 2" wide tapered, pointed yellow fruit that ripen to red. Fry them
in a skillet to bring out the flavour. In our location, this is the earliest and most reliable sweet pepper.
ARIANE orange, bell
A Dutch heirloom (originally bred in honour of the House of Orange) that came to us from seed savers on Salt Spring Island. Large, blocky, bellshaped peppers are 3" to 4" long and almost as wide, changing from medium-green to vivid, persimmon-orange when ripe. Plants are sturdy and
vigorous. The thick flesh is crunchy and spicy-sweet, making it a natural for the grill or stir-fry.
A shiny-smooth delicious sweet pepper with thick and juicy flesh; great for eating raw or stir-frying. The 3" to 4" long by 2" wide fruits taper to a
blunt point and ripen to a glossy, rich red. It produces dependable heavy yields on compact plants, even in a cool summer season. .
A beautiful, unusually-shaped sweet pepper: fruits are round and slightly flattened 1" to 2" long by (2" to 4" wide), with ridges like a pumpkin. The
sturdy, compact plant produces clusters of peppers, 8-12 fruits per plant. Their thick, sweet, juicy flesh makes these excellent for fresh eating.
Four of our favourite sweet peppers: Lipstick (red, long, and thick-wall), Antohi Romanian (beautiful maturation from green to yellow to red,
earliest to mature) and Ariane (orange, super-sweet, bell-shaped) and Tequila Sunrise (small, orange, firm, crunchy).
Beautiful and tasty small peppers are produced prolifically on medium-sized, sturdy plants. Carrot-shaped fruits are 4-5" long and 1" wide at
shoulder. Fruits ripen from deep green to golden-orange, and have firm, crunchy flesh with sweet, slightly sharp flavour when ripe. Good in salads
or on pizza.
AJI COLORADO red, very hot
Rare variety brought to us from La Paz, Bolivia. Tall plants produce 5" long by 1" wide peppers which turn from green to shiny orange-red when
fully mature and have a unique, pungent flavour. One of our hottest peppers; excellent for drying.
ANAHEIM, NUMEX JOE E. PARKER green-to-red, moderately hot
A Southwestern favourite for stuffing (chile rellenos), grilling, and roasting. Medium-tall high-yield plant produces uniform, 6" to 8" long by 2"
wide fruits that ripen to mahogany-red, but are usually eaten green. The flesh is thick and crisp with a delicious mild heat and a richly satisfying
chili flavour.
HOT APPLE white-to-red, moderately hot
Also called Alma Paprika. A beautiful 2", circular pepper that resembles an apple. Originally from Hungary, it has a nice, mildly spicy flavour and
thick, crunchy flesh. Excellent for fresh salsa or on pizza. The compact plant carries its fruit clusters at the top. Peppers begin yellow-white and
turns rosy-red when ripe.
These conical (5" long by 1" wide) hot peppers are bright yellow-orange and shiny when ripe. The medium-sized plant is very productive, and is
usually the earliest of our hot peppers to ripen. Shines in summer omelettes or fresh salsa.
JALAPENO green to red, very hot
Well-known 3" long by 1" thick fat juicy hot pepper used in salsas, and other Mexican dishes. Compact plant sets fruit sooner than most other hot
peppers. Use green or wait until they turn red and are at their hottest. When smoke-dried they are called chipotle peppers.
MAULE’S RED HOT CHILI red, very hot
A hot chili ideally suited for making chili sauce, using fresh, or in a chili where a lot of flavour and heat is needed. Dries well. The compact plants
produce numerous 6" to 8" long by 1/2" wide slightly-curled fruits.
MULATO purple, moderately hot
A medium-sized (6" long by 2" wide) thin-walled purple pepper that has an amazing, unique smoky flavour. It has a deep, chocolate-like background
sweetness and very little heat. Great for drying and turning into a rub, or for making chile rellenos. The plant is large, vigorous, and productive.
PADRON green to red, moderately hot
A small (2" long by 1" wide) green pepper popular in Portugal and Spain. Best served whole, lightly fried with olive oil and coarse salt. Most taste sweet
and mildly hot, though some are particularly spicy (prolonged cooking will reduce the spiciness). We love eating this dish with beer at the end of a long
day. The medium-sized plants are very productive.
SERRANO green to red, very hot
A common hot pepper from Mexico it is used when green for pickling, in salsas, and for fresh eating. Small fruits (2" long by 1/2" wide) are thickwalled, crisp and juicy. The medium-sized plants are prolific and easy to grow.
A collection of our hot peppers including Bulgarian Hot Carrot, Mulato, Maule’s Red Hot, Padron, Anaheim, and others.
PURSLANE Portulaca oleracea sativa
A very attractive plant with large, yellowish slightly tangy leave. Particularly attractive in salads. Rich in vitamin C and the highest-known plant
source of omega-3 fatty acid. Upright stature makes for easy harvest. Loves
hot weather. 1/8 teaspoon or 400 seeds/pkt.
RADICCHIO Cichorium intybus
1/4 teaspoon or 250 seeds/pkt.
A reliable variety which forms a gorgeous firm round dark red-and-white heads. Unique, bitter taste adds colour and crisp texture to salads. Also
great on the barbeque or roasted. A cool weather crop, this variety also does well in summer.
Exceptional leaf colouring, and unique, bitter taste adds interest to a salad mix. Good weight for early/late salad when other greens are slowing
down. Overwinter with protection. Also great on the barbeque or roasted.
1 teaspoon or approximately 1000 seeds/pkt.
A beautiful mix of leaf-form and colour from our collections of lettuce, mustard, chicories, chard, kale, orach, arugula, shungiku, cress, and mizuna.
A mix of salad greens that thrive in cool weather including claytonia, mâche, chervil, many kinds of mustards, and our cool weather lettuces. Plant
from August to September and in early spring.
A mix of salad greens that thrive in hot weather. This blend includes purslane, mustards, hot weather lettuces, amaranth, shungiku and others.
Plant from late May through August.
SHUNGIKU Chrysanthemum coronarium
Yellow-and-white daisy-like flower with multiple petals. Young leaves are used in Sukiyaki in Japan. Adds a meaty taste to stir fry. Use flowers and
young leaves in salad or as a garnish. Sow March through July. Holds up in cool weather. Self-seeds. 1/2 teaspoon or 300 seeds/pkt.
ELLY’S DUTCH Spinacia oleracea
Elly brought this large-leaf winter spinach to us in 1999 from a biodynamic farm in Holland. Has broad, arrow-shaped leaves and is very
productive. Vigorous, hardy, and preferred to all other spinach for spring sowings. 1 teaspoon or 200 seeds/pkt.
GIANT WINTER Spinacia oleracea
A very hardy plant with broad, intense-green leaves on a plant with spreading habit. True to its name, it is a special spinach for late-summer or fall
seeding for a crop in early spring. Also does well with early-spring sowing. Harvest in 4-10 weeks if sown in early spring. 1 teaspoon or 200 seeds/pkt.
NEW ZEALAND Tetragonia tetragonioides
A delicious warm weather crop. Leaves taste similar to, -and some think better than- spinach though the two are not related. Does not bolt in hot
weather nor does it typically turn bitter. Valued for its high vitamin C content. Tends to have a low germination rate, taking a couple of weeks to
get going. Soak seeds in warm water before sowing. Keep soil moist until germination occurs. Self-seeds. 2 tablespoons or 180 seed/pkt.
20 seeds/pkt. unless otherwise indicated
A mix of three lovely heirloom squash, each a different colour - Costata Romanesco (green and white striped), Golden (bright yellow), and Dark
Star Zucchini (forest green). 15 seeds/pkt.
A wonderful heirloom zucchini from Italy. Tender and buttery even when 12" long. A favourite with our chefs. Bi-coloured and ridged. Great
producer. Large flowers.
A dark green zucchini co-developed with organic grower Bill Reynolds. Tall plants with smooth, spineless stalks preventing damage to fruit when
harvesting. Continuous production is making this variety a new favourite.
A bush type plant producing heavy yields of 10” long slender, and cylindrical gold zucchini. Bright colour with creamy white interior and a delicious
zucchini flavour.
Compact bush-type plants produce dozens of pale greenish-white scalloped patty pan squashes when picked continuously. Best when small and
tender (less than 3" across), before green striping appears. May be baked like a winter squash in the fall when mature. 12 seeds/pkt.
20 seeds/pkt. unless otherwise indicated
Queensland Blue, Potimarron, and Delicata - a large, medium and small squash respectively, all heirloom greats. 15 seeds/pkt.
A dark green kabocha-type winter squash, averaging 3-4 lb. The deep orange flesh is medium dry and sweet. Popular for its strong yet sweet flavour
and moist, fluffy texture, which is like chestnuts. Average yield: 4-5 fruits/plant.
BUTTERNUT C. moschata
Tan skin, and deep-orange, moist flesh in a blocky pear-shaped squash with a very small seed cavity. Excellent keeper. Medium- large 12" fruits. A
best seller at our farmers' market. 12 seeds/pkt.
Introduced in 1894, this is an improved version of the delicious squash that kids like. The flesh is orange-yellow and incredibly sweet. 9" oblong
fruits have cream-coloured skin with green stripes and splashes of orange. Prolific and needs no curing to keep for 3-4 months. 4-8' vine.
Dark orange-skinned pumpkin that is just the right size at an average of 3-5 lbs. Classic pie pumpkin with dry, sweet flesh making for a fantastic
flavour and consistency in baking.
A rare heirloom that deserves more attention, this large elongated Hubbard-type squash has smooth pale pink skin and thick, pale orange, fiber-less flesh
with a mildly sweet flavour. The large, vigorous vines produce 2-4 fruits each which average 15-20 lbs but can be much larger.
A famous French heirloom, with name derived from potiron (pumpkin) and marron (chestnut). Orange, pear-shaped squash with 3-6 lbs fruit with
burnished-orange nutty flesh, one of the very best all purpose squash. Stores well.
This 10 to 20 lb blue squash from Australia is a favourite with our chefs. Beautiful blue turban-shaped, deeply-ribbed fruit. Very fine, deep-orange
flesh that is sweet and well-flavoured. An excellent keeper.
This beautiful red-orange pumpkin is a famous French heirloom sometimes called Cinderella Squash and often used ornamentally. Fruits are broadly
flattened with wide ridges; flesh is pale orange and moderately fibrous, best used for pies. The vigorous vines produce about 2 fruits each, averaging 10-20 lbs
but can be much larger. They mature relatively early.
An early-maturing smooth yellowish-white oblong squash with characteristic “spaghetti-like” mild-flavoured fibrous flesh. The fairly compact vines
produce about 4-6 fruits, each weighing 3-5 lbs.
TOMATILLO Physalis philadelphica
A fruit used in Indian and Mexican cooking, particularly in salsa verde. Although tomatillos are grown like tomatoes, they are easier and hardier.
Start them indoors early, transplant outdoors after frost danger. The plants should be spaced 2-3' apart. Harvest once paper husk splits and fruit
turns from green to yellow. 1/4 teaspoon or 50 seeds/pkt.
TOMATOES Solanum lycopersicum
All our tomatoes are indeterminate (and thus need pruning/staking) unless noted otherwise. Determinate tomatoes make very good patio
tomatoes because their growth is naturally more contained. 25 seeds/pkt.
A collection of distinctive and great-tasting heirloom tomatoes of all colours (black, yellow, marbled, white, red, orange) and a range of various
sizes, textures, shapes, and flavours.
A mix of tomatoes that have compact plants which are good in containers: Tumbling Tom, Silvery Fir, Washington Cherry, Pink Ice, and Manyel
Cherry or small size (1/2" to 1" diameter)
A mix of red, white, yellow, black, pink, and green small tomatoes – some pear or olive shaped, most round.
A beautiful, very productive dark round cherry tomatoes. Both have a rich sweet flavour and are very productive. Tall vines produce long trusses of
BLACK CHERRY black, cherry
This beautiful medium-to-large purple cherry tomato has a very sweet, rich taste, making it a favourite for salads or snacking. The tall vigorous
vine produces many long trusses of fruit; in our unheated greenhouses it is one of the earliest and most consistent varieties.
BLACK PLUM black, plum
A Russian heirloom, Black Plum produces large clusters of 1" wide by 2" long plum shaped tomatoes on large, sturdy, vigorous vines. Fruit should
be picked when reddish brown with green shoulders, for best taste and texture. This under-rated variety has a lovely rich, sweet, smoky flavour and
is excellent for sauces, canning, fresh eating, and especially drying. It seems to be fairly blight resistant and lasts well into the fall when other
varieties give out.
GALINA yellow, cherry
Russian heirloom. Bright yellow, sweet, low acid, best eaten fresh for snacks or salads. These tall, vigorous, broad-leaved vines are often the last
tomatoes to succumb to the cold.
GREEN GRAPE green, cherry
A delicious 1" cherry tomato shaped like a grape, grows in small clusters. Green with yellow highlights when fully ripe. Tastes much better than it
looks, good for salads and snacking. Determinate plants with some resistance to blight. Good for patio planting.
LATAH red, cherry (NEW)
A small, flattened red mid-size tomato with great flavour. Very early production making it a good choice for shorter summers. Determinate.
PINK ICE pink, cherry
Compact determinate plant, bears many grape-shaped medium to large pink cherry tomatoes with fairly standard red tomato flavour. Use in salads
or for drying. Cool-tolerant and easy to grow; good as a patio plant.
RED PEAR red, cherry
Like its close relative Yellow Pear, this heirloom European variety is at least 200 years old. The tall vigorous vines bear large numbers of small red
pear-shaped fruits. Sweet and juicy, these are ideal for appetizers or salad.
SWEETIE red, cherry
A small, firm, round red tomato known for its sweetness. Great for salads or snacks. Fruits are resistant to cracking. Vines are tall and prolific.
TINA’S DE CABO red, cherry
Tina Fraser Baynes developed this crunchy flavourful cherry tomato by stabilizing a hybrid that appealed to her. She graciously has given it to our
farm to offer to you. The vigorous plants produce large clusters of the small, red, grape-shaped fruits, best eaten fresh.
TUMBLING TOM yellow, cherry
A perfect fit for a patio planter. The plant stays small but produces an abundance of tasty yellow cherry tomatoes. Determinate. Grows laterally to
tumble over the sides of a pot or hanging basket.
Developed at Washington State University for cooler growing regions and for market, this compact determinate plant yields huge amounts of very
meaty and flavourful large red cherry tomatoes. Great for appetizers and salads; also stores well.
WHITE CHERRY yellow, cherry
A large, pale-yellow tomato with a good, sweet, low-acid taste; best for fresh eating. Very productive, tall, healthy vines are resistant to fungal
A blend of our charming little yellow and red pear-shaped minis. The sunny yellow and red fruits are borne in heavy clusters on plants that should
be staked or caged. These tomatoes have mild flavour and special eye appeal, worth growing for their good colour and shape alone. The earliest on
the vine and the last to succumb to the cold of winter.
YELLOW PEAR yellow, cherry
This European heirloom has been grown in BC for over 175 years. The charming little sunny yellow pear-shaped fruits have a sweet, mild flavour
and special eye appeal. They are borne in heavy clusters on tall vigorous vines that want to climb.
Mid-Size Tomatoes
A mix of some of our favourite and most reliable tomatoes: black, yellow, green striped, red, and orange in colour, golf-ball to tennis-ball size (4-8
FLAMMÉ orange, mid-size
This French heirloom is a beautiful salad tomato, very juicy with a good sweet flavour and fruity overtones. Golf-ball sized and a lovely persimmonorange colour both inside and out. Moderately tall vines are extremely productive.
GREEN ZEBRA green, mid-size
The most unusual variety you’ll ever grow! Fully ripe fruits are bright green, with yellow stripes. Round 4-6 oz. fruits have excellent “real tomato” flavour great for salads or appetizers. Vigorous, tall vines.
Russian in origin, this stocky but vigorous potato-leaf plant yields prolific quantities of 6 oz. fruit that look like beautiful mahogany-coloured
Bartlett pears with greenish shoulders. Very sweet, fruity flesh with a meaty core – these tomatoes are generally blemish free and are not subject to
LONGKEEPER red, mid-size
Do you want to be eating tomatoes in March? This orange-red tomato is known for its long lasting fruits which, when picked, can last 12 weeks or
longer off the vine without rotting or losing flavour.
MANYEL MOONS yellow, mid-size
These sweet, mild, juicy (good for salads), round 4-8 oz. tomatoes ripen to a clear yellow, not gold, colour. The compact, determinate plants are
quite prolific; perfect for container growing.
MATINA red, mid-size
An ALM favourite, this is a tried and true heirloom from Germany. Usually our earliest non-cherry tomato. It produces long trusses of red 4 oz.
fruit with a rich, beefsteak-like flavour. Very versatile: great for fresh eating, sauces, drying, etc. The huge potato-leaf plants are extremely
productive and resistant to early blight, as well as being more cool-tolerant than most other heirloom varieties.
NYAGOUS black, mid-size
A lovely smooth purple-mahogany Russian heirloom, great for markets! The round 4-6 oz. fruits are borne on tall, vigorous vines. Excellent full,
sweet flavour makes this tomato fantastic both for fresh eating and for cooking.
PINEAPPLE FOG orange, mid-size
This absolutely gorgeous little (4 oz.) tomato developed from a cross between Pineapple and San Francisco Fog. The slightly angular, round fruits
have golden, nearly translucent yellow skin showing some orange-red blushing. They have thick outer flesh and a mild flavour, so are best eaten
fresh in salads or appetizers. This tomato came to us from the Salt Spring Seed Sanctuary.
RED ZEBRA red, mid-size
Possibly the latest-fruiting (though often very productive) of our mid-size varieties, this is a beautiful round red 4-6 oz. tomato with gold and
green stripes, borne in large clusters on a moderately tall vine. The tangy, intense tomato taste lends itself very well to salsa and other sauces.
SPECKLED ROMAN red, mid-size
You won’t ever see another Italian paste type tomato like this one! Stunning and unique; long-pointed red fruit have wavy golden stripes! As tasty
as it is beautiful, too - it has very meaty flesh with few seeds and a sweet, rich flavour. One of the best for sauces, but also great for fresh eating.
The vines are also distinctive, with a wispy, slightly droopy appearance.
STUPICE red, mid-size
An extra-early heirloom from the former Czechoslovakia, this cold-tolerant medium-sized red tomato is one of our favourites for drying due to its
high yield and intense flavour. The strong potato-leafed vines produce huge clusters of small (2-4 oz.) slightly oblong fruit.
YELLOW PEACH yellow, mid-size
Called Peach tomatoes because of their buffed smooth, furry skin, these wonderful heirlooms are just the right size (4 oz.) for garden munching or
salads. They are absolutely unique in appearance with sweet, fruity flavour to match. The foliage on the compact, semi-determinate vines is a
distinctive, slightly bluish green.
YELLOW PERFECTION yellow, mid-size
An old British heirloom variety, these strong, stocky vines produce heavy yields of thin-skinned and very sweet tomatoes, excellent for fresh
eating. The 4 oz., round, brilliant yellow fruit are blemish-free and very popular at market, especially with those who prefer low-acid tomatoes.
Beefsteak or Large Tomatoes
A mix of pink, black, yellow, marbled, white, red, orange and green beefsteaks varieties. Most round, but some oblong or strawberry shaped.
AKER’S WEST VIRGINIA red, beefsteak
A very pretty, large one-pounder, this treasured family heirloom has a sweet, rich flavour. Excellent for slicing. Large, vigorous plants produce big
harvests of smooth red tomatoes. Fruits are resistant to cracking.
ANNA RUSSIAN red, ox-heart
This lovely pinkish-red tomato looks like a strawberry with its pointed blossom end and green shoulders. The tall vines bear large clusters of 8-16
oz. fruit with excellent sweet, fruity flavour and few seeds. This has generally been the earliest and most productive of our ox-heart varieties.
ARDWYNA red, paste
These large red paste tomatoes are excellent for cooking or drying; low in juice and seeds, high in pulp and classic tomato flavour. Early maturing
on vigorous, blight-resistant, and very productive vines. The 4-5" tomatoes weigh up to 1 lb. each and are smooth, cylindrical (sometimes with 2-3
lobes), and taper to a point. These tomatoes were brought to Sooke by Mr. Arduino from Italy.
AUNT RUBY’S GERMAN GREEN green, beefsteak
Not a pretty tomato but possibly our best-tasting variety. Very large plant produces large, flat, beefsteak-size fruit with green skin and flesh which
turns paler when ripe. Juicy, seedy fruit with sweet rich flavour make it a favourite with chefs. Perfect for slicing.
AZOYCHKA yellow, beefsteak
This Russian heirloom is the earliest of the large yellow tomatoes we’ve tried, and the most beautiful. The medium-large flattened fruits are
smooth and blemish-free, with a sweet mild flavour. Good for salads and slicing.
BLACK KRIM black, beefsteak
Fruits are a dark deep red – almost a shiny black – with heavy green shoulders, borne on fairly compact indeterminate plants. Inside, the
moderately large (8-10 oz.) fruits are a deep, reddish-green colour. A well-known and appreciated Russian heirloom. Sweet and tasty, good for
slicing. Earlier than other dark beefsteak varieties.
BRANDYWINE red, beefsteak
A popular Amish heirloom variety, this large beefsteak has deep pink skin and red flesh with a lovely sweet, fruity flavour. The vigorous tall potatoleafed plants produce a large, relatively early, crop.
CASPIAN PINK red, beefsteak
An heirloom from southern Russia, this flat oblate beefsteak with a sweet mild taste rivals Brandywine and produces even earlier. An outstanding
producer of 1 lb. to 1 1/2 lb. pinkish red beefsteak tomatoes, perfect for slicing; ideal for cool climates.
CHOCOLATE STRIPED black, beefsteak
A mahogany-coloured medium-to-large beefsteak tomato with orange and lime striping and deep reddish-brown insides. The delicious complexrich, sweet, and earthy-tomato flavour lends itself well to just about any use; very striking in a salad. The very tall, vigorous vines produce well all
season in our unheated greenhouses. This is one of our most stunningly beautiful tomatoes and a market favourite.
COPIA yellow, beefsteak
Very beautiful one-pound tomatoes are a stunning combination of fine-lined golden yellow and red stripes. The real treat comes when you cut
them open; the gold flesh is streaked with red and is very juicy, flavourful, and sweet. A stabilized cross between Green Zebra and Marvel Stripe. Fruit
ripen fairly late on moderately tall vines. Named in honour of Copia, (the American Center for Food, Wine and the Arts) in Napa, California.
NEVES AZOREAN RED red, beefsteak
Our largest red beefsteak, this is an excellent slicing tomato. Juicy but firm, with classic tomato taste. The big, strong plants bear a fairly late crop
of 1-1 1/2 pound fruit.
ORANGE STRAWBERRY orange, ox-heart
A big heart-shaped orange fruit weighing 1 lb + grows on very tall, vigorous vines. Does not get green shoulders or blemishes on their tops. Firm
and meaty with few seeds - excellent for salads, slicing, or cooking. Our market customers love these for their lovely sweet taste and unique
PAUL ROBESON BLACK black, beefsteak
A curvaceous purple tomato, slightly larger than Black Krim, this Russian heirloom was named after the opera singer and human rights activist. It
is a very tasty black – juicer than the others with a smoky undertone to its sweetness, fantastic in salads or for slicing. The moderately tall vines
produce a little later than Black Krim, but seem to be healthier and more consistently productive in our cool coastal climate.
PERSIMMON orange, beefsteak
Considered to be the best tasting big orange tomato, and maybe the best tasting tomato, period. The large, smooth, round, very slightly flattened
bright orange fruits are firm but juicy, with an intense tangy sweetness. The plants are shorter and stockier than any other indeterminate heirloom
variety we've grown, with average production.
ROSE DE BERNE red, beefsteak
Another great salad tomato, this rare pink variety from France tastes like Brandywine but is smaller, more round, and more productive. The tall,
strong vines produce lots of handsome 6-10 oz. smooth pink fruits with soft, juicy, sweet flesh and very thin skin.
This striking, jewel-like (red with orange and yellow stripes) tomato looks and feels like a bell pepper: the 6-8 oz. fruits are blocky, lobed, and
hollow in the middle. The outer walls are thick and fleshy with good flavour, which makes it ideal for stuffing. Strong, tall plants are very prolific.
STRIPED GERMAN yellow, beefsteak
These very large beefsteak tomatoes are a blend of deep yellows and oranges. The marbled interior looks beautiful sliced. Complex, fruity, very
sweet flavour; juicy with a smooth texture. Medium tall vines with good production.
SUPER MARMANDE red, beefsteak
Lovely orange-red flat medium sized French heirloom that is juicy and richly sweet, very popular in Provence. The rich tomato flavour makes it
good for cooking or canning as well as fresh eating. Medium-tall vines are very prolific.
TURNIP Brassica rapa
This heirloom turnip has been growing on our farm since 1914 when Mr. Harris cleared the land and planted turnips. Winter hardy, pest resistant
in our area. Large white with purple shoulder. Sow late-summer for fall and winter.
Grains &
Cover Crops
Grains are easy to grow, produce well in poor soil and are often planted in late fall or early spring. Following crops benefit from the cleansing
effect of grains.
Introduced in the early 1980s, this variety quickly became the Canadian - and then the international - gold-standard for quality in high-enzyme,
two-row malting barley. Nutritious, delicious, and easy to cultivate, barley is a common sweet grain with loads of health benefits and a variety of
purposes. 4 tablespoons or 800 seeds/pkt.
GOLDEN FLAX Linum usitatissimum
Flax seeds contain high levels of dietary fibre as well as lignans, an abundance of micronutrients and omega-2 fatty acids. Knee-high plants grow
quickly and easily in well-drained soils. Blue flowers ripen into round seed pods which are easily harvested. 1 tablespoon or 200 seeds/pkt.
HUAZONTLE Chenopodium nuttaliae
A Mexican vegetable, also called Aztec spinach, that is typically prepared in a manner similar to spinach or broccoli. We use the young leaves in our
salad mix. Related to quinoa, the seed heads may be eaten cooked. Easy to grow. Seedlings look like lamb's quarters. 1 tablespoons or 1000 seeds/pkt.
HULL-LESS OATS Avena sativa
Easily threshed free of its hulls. Oats have been grown for centuries by farmers to use as porridge or ground into oat flour. 4 tablespoons or 800
QUINOA Chenopodium C. quinoa
The Incas, who held the crop to be sacred, referred to quinoa as chisaya mama or "mother of all grains”. Seeds are very high in protein. Does best in
sandy, well-drained soils. Doesn't need high nutrient content. Plants grow 4 to 6' high. Ready to harvest when leaves fall off. Can take a light frost,
but harvest before fall rains begin. Seedlings look like lamb's quarters. 1 tablespoons or 1000 seeds/pkt.
RED FIFE WHEAT Triticum aestivum
This late, high-yielding variety was the cornerstone of Prairie agriculture, first grown in Canada in 1843. Good genetic diversity enables it to adapt
easily to changing conditions. 4 tablespoons or 800 seeds/pkt.
BASIL, GENOVESE Ocium basilicum 'genovese'
Large-leaf type from Genoa, Italy: the pesto capital of the world. Yields shin bright-green shiny leaves about 2" long with a heady, spicy fragrance
and taste. One of the easiest and most rewarding herbs, a real heat lover. Annual. 1/2 teaspoon or 1000 seeds/pkt.
BORAGE Borage offinalis
A large plant, known as the “Herb of Gladness”, borage has fuzzy leaves and periwinkle-blue flowers. Attracts bees. Add flowers to salads or cool off
in the summer with iced borage tea, adding honey and lemon juice to taste. Easy to grow. Self-seeds. Hardy Annual. 1/2 teaspoon or 100 seeds/pkt.
CATNIP Nepeta cataria
Downy green foliage with small blue flowers, liked by bees and cats alike. Tea is a popular nightcap, as it induces a good night’s sleep. Easy to grow but
takes 2 weeks to germinate. Self-seeds. Perennial. 1/2 teaspoon or 100 seeds/pkt.
CHAMOMILE, GERMAN Matricaria recutita
Makes a relaxing tea with a scent of pineapple that aids digestion. Blossoms in July and August from spring sowing but may be started indoors.
Prefers fertile well-drained sandy loam. Sow seeds on soil surface and keep moist to germinate. Self-seeds. Annual. 1/4 teaspoon or 360 seeds/pkt.
CHERVIL Anthriscus cerefolium
Cool season herb with ferny, dark green foliage. Looks similar to parsley and has a pleasant anise flavour. An important herb in French cuisine.
Excellent in salads, fish and egg dishes, sauces, and herbed vinaigrettes. Grows best in spring and fall. Shade tolerant. Self-seeds. Hardy Annual. 1/2
teaspoon or 1000 seeds/pkt.
CILANTRO Coriandrum sativum
Sow these frost-tolerant herbs throughout spring and summer for continuous harvest. Important ingredient in Spanish, Mexican, Indian, Chinese,
and South East Asian cuisine. Also called coriander or Chinese parsley. Self-seeds. Hardy Annual. 1 teaspoon or 1000 seeds/pkt.
EPAZOTE Chenopodium ambrosoides
Important Mexican herb used in Mexican cooking, also called Wormseed. Stout, aromatic herb, to 3-4' tall. Add to bean dishes to reduce gas. Needs
high temperature to germinate. Hardy Annual. 1/4 teaspoon or 1000 seeds/pkt.
FEVERFEW Tanacetum parthenium
In recent years feverfew has become known as the “migraine” herb. This easy-to-grow herb is also valued as a decorative plant in the garden and for
wreaths, potpourris, etc. Self-seeds . Perennial. 1/2 teaspoon or 1000 seeds/pkt.
LOVAGE Levisticum officinale
Handsome vigorous plant grow 3-6’ tall. Strongly flavoured, celery-like leaves used in salads, potato and poultry dishes. Makes a beautiful garnish.
Roots are used medicinally. Slow to germinate, make take 30 days. Likes moist, fertile soil, with sun to part shade. One of the first herbs to return
in spring. Perennial. 1/2 teaspoon or 300 seeds/pkt.
MOTHERWORT Leonurus cardiaca
Bees love the handsome, purple-pink flower spikes. Grows to 6'. Easy to grow from seed and self-seeds. Has been used to treat female disorders
throughout the centuries. Perennial. 1/2 teaspoon or 400 seeds/pkt.
MUGWORT Arthernisia vulgaris
Believed to give strength and negate negativity, mugwort has been surrounded by legends and used medicinally for centuries. This soft, green plant
has tiny ball-shaped flower heads with deeply cut leaves. It will grow 6' tall in average to poor, well-drained soil in full sun. It can be easily raised
from its tiny seed. Self-seeds. Perennial. 1/4 teaspoon or 1600 seeds/pkt.
PARSLEY, ITALIAN FLAT LEAF Petroselinum crispum
The one the chefs use. More flavour than other varieties. Vigorous, erect plant produces flat, dark green leaves. Cool weather crop that holds well
in hot weather. High in vitamins A, and C as well as iron and minerals. Soak seeds in warm water 24 hours before planting. Slow to germinate. Selfseeds. Biennial. 1/4 teaspoon or 300 seeds/pkt.
SHISO, RED PERILLA Perilla frutescens
Decorative purplish-red foliage reminiscent of coleus. Cinnamon-scented leaves are popular in Japan for flavouring raw fish, bean curd, pickles and
tempura. Also used to give scarlet colour to umeboshi plums and preserved ginger. Before sowing, chill seeds at 5°C for 3 days in moist sand. Annual.
1/4 teaspoon or 200 seeds/pkt.
Most famous for sorrel soup. Large, succulent, lemon-flavoured leaves give zest to salads and any dish which is insipid in itself. Remove flowering tops as
they appear to keep leaves tender. Self-seeds. Perennial. 1/2 teaspoon or 250 seeds/pkt.
One of our favourite wild herbs. Used as an early-spring nutrient-rich cooking green, a tea ingredient, and a compost activator. Spreads easily by
rhizome, so it should be planted thoughtfully. Prefers rich, moist soil. Must be cooked or dried to remove “the sting”, which comes from chemicals
found in the plant. Perennial. 1/8 teaspoon or 200 seeds/pkt.
Cut flowers include clarkia, columbine, cornflowers, delphinium, globe centaurea, globe thistle, larkspur, lupins, nicotiana, and sweet william.
Edible flowers include borage, calendula nasturtium, and cornflowers.
BUPLEURUM Bupleurum rotindifolium
Erect plants produce a fan of eucalyptus-like leaves; yellow-green flowers atop wiry stems. Useful for blending with vibrantly coloured flowers.
Hardy Annual. 1/4 teaspoon or 100 seeds/pkt.
BORAGE – see Herbs
A wonderful mix of our best. Warm tones include pink, orange, yellow, and cream with burnt orange. Also called pot marigold. Self-seeds. Hardy
Annual. 1 tablespoon or 50 seeds/pkt.
CERINTHE Cerinthe major atropurpurea
Unusual flower from the Greek Islands with purple-violet bells rimmed in white that hang from bronze-blue branches. Very striking in the garden.
1/2 teaspoon or 20 seeds/pkt.
Easy to grow. Great cut flower or massed into borders. Plants bloom profusely in multiple colours of pink, mauve, white, salmon, and red. Direct
seed outdoors in early April in sun or semi-shade. Pick a cool semi-shaded, sandy area where the soil is rather low in nitrogen (poorly fertilised).
Hardy Annual. 1/4 teaspoon or 200 seeds/pkt.
CLARY SAGE Salvia sclarea
Beautiful foliage the first year and spectacular multi-coloured flowers can reach to 3' in the second. Unique balsam-like fragrance, oils are often in
fragrances and for medicinal purposes. Easy to cultivate, sow early spring to summer in part to full sun Great cut flower or massed into borders.
Biennial. 1/4 teaspoon or 50 seeds/pkt.
Fairy-like woodland quality with lacy foliage and beautifully posed flowers in a variety of exquisite colours and shapes. Partial shade or full sun.
Attracts humming birds. Seeds sown indoors in early spring will usually bloom the first season. Perennial. 1/2 teaspoon or 1000 seeds/pkt.
Blue, white, pink, wine, and mauve flowers. Sow directly into garden in spring. Continuous blooming late into season. Full sun. Excellent cut
flowers. Easy to grow. Self-seeds. Hardy annual. 1/2 teaspoon or 225 seeds/pkt.
COSMOS Cosmos bipinnatus
A garden favourite. Lovely mix ranges in colour from off-white to deep pink. Begins flowering in mid-summer. Grows 30” tall. Good cut flower.
Grow in well-drained soul, full sun. Annual. 1/2 teaspoon or 100 seeds/pkt.
Tall and stately, old-fashioned beauty. Stalks are covered with elegant double flowers in shades of pale to dark blue, rose, and white. Does well in
our Pacific coast climate. Requires rich, well-drained, slightly alkaline soil. Perennial. 1/2 teaspoon or 500 seeds/pkt.
FOXGLOVE Digitalis purpurea
Graceful upright flower spikes bear large, 3" thimble-shaped blooms with delicately speckled throats. Strong plants bearing cream, white, yellow,
rose and mauve flowers. Sow seeds in spring in a nursery bed. Sun or light shade. POISONOUS. Self-seeds. Biennial. 1/4 teaspoon or 1000 seeds/pkt.
GLOBE CENTAUREA Centaurea macrocephala
Golden yellow thistle-like flowers are 3" across. Hardy plant is for background borders or fresh and dried cut flower. Direct seed in spring in a sunny
location in well-drained soils that are not too rich. Easy to grow. The plant forms clumps 3-4' high. Perennial. 1 teaspoon or 50 seeds/pkt.
GLOBE THISTLE Echinops ritro
Bees and butterflies adore Echinops. Stunning in the garden or as a fresh or dried cut flower. Intensely blue globes perch on stalks of jagged-edged
grey-green foliage. Thrives in any well drained soil. Perennial. 1 teaspoon or 30 seeds/pkt.
Elegant old-fashioned flowers with a new twist. Large 3-4" unusual eye-catching purple flowers on 4-6' stalks. Excellent as a focal point in the landscape
or as background plants. Fun to grow with children. Edible flowers. Grows well in our cool summers. Grow In fertile soil. Will bloom first year if started
indoors. 1/2 teaspoon or 40 seeds/pkt.
LARKSPUR Consolida
An excellent cut flower – both fresh and dried. Blue, mauve and pale cream. Self-seeds. Hardy Annual. 1 teaspoon or 800 seeds/pkt.
LUPINS, ALM MIX Lupinus polyphyllus
Deep red, pink, and purple blossoms. Spectacular spires create marvellous landscaping effect in May and June. Long-lived plants are easy to grow
in sun or light shade. Perennial. 1 teaspoon or 40 seeds/pkt.
NASTURTIUM, ALM MIX Tropaeolum majus
Beautiful flowers add a sweet-spicy flavour to salads. All parts of the plant are edible. Mixture of pale yellow to bright orange flowers with white
variegated leaves and deep scarlet flowers with dark leaves. Prolific plants grow most anywhere and in any soil type. Self-seeds. Annual. 1 tablespoon
or 30 seeds/pkt.
Striking, tall stems of pendulous, bell-shaped chartreuse flowers sought after for cut flower arrangements. Outstanding paired with purples or
deep pinks. Intense evening fragrance. Long trumpet-like blooms. Any well-drained garden soil will do. Needs light for germination so sow on
surface of soil or potting mix. Germinates in 7 to 20 days at 21ºC. Annual. 1/4 teaspoon or 200 seeds/pkt.
NIGELLA Nigella damascena
15" attractive cut flower both in fresh and dried arrangements. Beautiful white, pale blue, and pale purple flowers. Grown in English gardens since
Elizabethan times, commonly called love-in-a-mist. Grow in well-drained soil, sun to part shade. Hardy Annual. 1/4 teaspoon or 100 seeds/pkt.
POPPY, ALM ANNUAL MIX Papaver somniferum
A mixture of double-and-single-petaled blooms of many colours – shades of blood-red (some marked with a white cross in the centre), pink,
mauve, and scarlet. Hardy Annual. 1 teaspoon or 350 seeds/pkt.
POPPY, CALIFORNIA Eschscholzia californica
Brilliant orange-and-yellow flowers on lacy 8 to 12" plants. Best direct sown very early in spring as it prefers cool weather. Easy to grow. Self-seeds.
Hardy Annual. 1/8 teaspoon or 300 seeds/pkt.
POPPY, PERENNIAL MIX Papaver orientale
Huge orange, soft-pink, and bright red blossoms with dark centres. Sow in early spring or late fall indoors and transplant outdoors after true leaves
appear. 1/8 teaspoon or 300 seeds/pkt.
RED COLUMBINE Aquilegia canadensis (NEW)
A lovely perennial native to woodland and rocky slopes in North America, prized for its red and yellow flowers. A considerably smaller plant than
domesticated varieties. Attractive foliage and showy flowers that appeal to hummingbirds and butterflies. Perennial. 1/8 teaspoon or 250 seeds/pkt.
SCABIOSA, PING PONG Scabiosa stellata
Also called Pincushion Flower. Summer borne flowers are solitary, rounded, light blue, and are followed by clusters of enlarged cup-shaped maroon
and green bracts which form showy silvery-white seed heads. These 3” attractive seed heads make wonderful dried arrangements. Easy to grow.
Start indoors or direct seed. 1 tablespoon or 15 seeds/pkt.
SWEET WILLIAM Dianthus barbatus
Attractive plants standing grows 24" tall, bear densely-packed, flattened heads of fragrant flowers in shades of red, white, pink, purple, salmon,
and also in bicolours. These handsome, long lasting flowers make vivid romantic. Biennial. 1/2 teaspoon or 500 seeds/pkt.
Contains a mixture of perennial and annuals that reseed themselves. We’ve chosen varieties that are both beautiful and self-sufficient. Their
vibrant flushes of colour will slowly unfold in response to the weather and season for constantly-changing displays. Contains columbine, larkspur,
lupine, cornflower, feverfew, calendula, mullein, poppies, phacelia, hollyhocks, and foxglove. 1 tablespoon or 2000 seeds/pkt.
Some flowers need darkness to germinate – calendula, cornflowers, delphinium, sweet peas, larkspur and perennial poppies – so cover them with soil. Columbines,
annual poppies, snapdragons need light, sprinkle them on the surface of the soil. Sweet peas and lupins need a period of coldness to germinate; put the seed in your
freezer for 2 weeks.
All seeds are $3.50 per package.
For local orders:
Please call or email to arrange order pick up from our farm.
For international orders:
Please inquire before ordering, see our website for additional information.
For orders within Canada:
3 packets or fewer $4.50
4 to 6 packets
7 to 14 packets
15 to 23 packets
$8. 50
24 packets or greater $9.50
For orders to the U.S.A.:
3 packets or less
4 to 6 packets
7 to 14 packets
15 to 23 packets
24 packets or greater $15.00
Add 25¢ shipping to each packet of the following seeds: beans, beets, corn, peas, New Zealand spinach, squash, nasturtiums and grains.
Mail to: Full Circle Seeds
PO Box 807
Sooke, BC V9Z 1H8
Please phone if you have any questions 250-642-3671 or 642-2131 or visit our website at www.fullcircleseeds.com
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Add 13 % for NB, NL, ON
Add 15% for NS, PEI