CPHS Weekly Family Bulletin
CPHS Weekly Family Bulletin
CPHS Weekly Family Bulletin February 9-15, 2015 WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK Day Date Monday 02/09/15 Tuesday 02/10/15 Wednesday Time 3:50p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 7:00p 8:00a 8:00a 3:15p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 5:30/6:00/7:30p 5:45/6:00/7:30p 5:30/7:15p 5:30/7:15p 02/11/15 7:45a 8:00a 8:15a 12:00-2:00 2:30p 3:55p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p Thursday 02/12/15 Friday 02/13/15 Saturday 02/14/15 8:00a 11:43a 3:50p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p 4:00p TBA TBA 8:00a 8:00a 5:30/5:45/7:30p 5:30/7:15p 5:30/7:15p TBA 8:00a Activity JETS Club meeting Book Club meeting Mission Club meeting Auto Club meeting Project Graduation meeting College Coffee Talk Series “Entrance Exams” Key Club meeting Current Events Club meeting Spring Pep Rally Latin Club meeting WISE Club meeting Card Gamer’s Club meeting Art Club/National Art Honor Society meeting Ultimate Frisbee Club meeting Math UIL Team meeting Girls’ 9A/JV/Varsity Basketball v. Marble Falls Boys’ 9th/JV/Varsity Basketball v. Marble Falls Girls’ JV/Varsity Soccer v. Marble Falls Boys’ JV/Varsity Soccer v. Marble Falls 10th Grade Registration – World History Classes TFC/FCA meeting Drafting Club meeting HOSA meeting Resolution of Respect Signing Fire Drill Anime Club meeting Science Fiction/Fantasy Club meeting Crochet Club meeting Robotics Team meeting HOSA meeting STUCo meeting 10th Grade Registration – World History Classes Mu Alpha Theta meeting President’s League meeting Skills USA meeting Environmental Club meeting GSA Club meeting Auto Club meeting Computer Science Club meeting DECA Work meeting International Club meeting JV Tennis @ Westwood JV Tour Boys’ JV Golf v. Lake Travis Regional Wrestling Tournament Varsity Tennis @ Georgetown Tour Boys’ 9A/JV/Varsity Basketball v. Eastview Girls’ JV/Varsity Soccer v. Eastview Boys’ JV/Varsity Soccer v. Eastview Boys’ Varsity Golf v. Bastrop UIL Regional Wrestling Tournament Location B112 Library B103 S103 Library C&CC S111 S108 Competition Gym A106 S101 AW211 B109 Practice Field A219 CPHS MFHS CPHS MFHS Lecture Hall B112 B110 Cafeteria E104 A106 A103 S105 B110 S106 AE203 Lecture Hall B112 S103 A106 S103 B113 B101 A226 WWHS Live Oak Delco Center GHS CPHS EVHS CPHS Colovista/Wolfdancer Delco Center Contact Maduneme Barnes Gregory McPherson Paris Powell Durden Sheehy King, N. McCormick Trueblood Lensing Asha/Jennings Ziemann Myers Brown Lynch Schmidt Semper Jenschke/King, D. Maduneme Beall Asha Rogers Steele McCormick Simchock/Kulis Whalen/Kalb Beall Babich Semper Ollmann/Yambrick Sloan Maduneme McPherson McCormick McPherson Whalen Stapleton Chen Ballenger Williams Madsen Ballenger Brown Lynch Schmidt Williams Madsen 8:00a TBA Sunday Varsity Tennis @ Georgetown Tour Boys’ Varsity Golf v. Bastrop GHS Colovista/Wolfdancer Ballenger Williams 02/15/15 FAMILY INFORMATION Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Please do not send Valentines to your Valentine at school. Deliveries of candy, food and flowers will be returned with the vendor/family member who brings them! Please share this information with siblings who have graduated, grandparents, aunts, uncles or anyone else who might be planning to send a Valentine to CPHS! The Timberwolf football and baseball booster clubs are sponsoring a blood drive on Saturday, February 21 st, from noon – 5:00 p.m. in the field house athletic study hall. This is a replacement drive and all credits will go to benefit CPMS student, Lance White. Lance was diagnosed with T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in September. To sign up to donate please go to https://ww2.inyourhandsonline.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/43095. You will need to set up an account to log-in and sign up. You can also e-mail linda.paris@leanderisd.org to request a time. The baseball boosters will be sponsoring their 1st Annual Matt Arrellano Memorial Alumni game on February 21st at 2:00 p.m. at CPHS. All proceeds will go to the Matthew Arrellano Memorial Scholarship fund awarded to CPHS seniors. Come out and enjoy a great baseball game and contribute to another worthy cause. Together, We Are Cedar Park! STUDENT INFORMATION This is just a reminder that we do not accept deliveries for students on Valentine’s Day. Please do not have candy, food or flowers delivered to the front office. All deliveries will be returned. No Place For Hate presents the Week of Kindness February 9th-13th. They invite students, faculty and staff to join the movement towards a more friendly and “anti-bully” environment by participating in the dress-up themes for each day! Monday: “Wild About Kindness” – Wear animal print or an animal t-shirt Tuesday: “If you love the Timberwolves, show your spirit!” – Dress in green, black and white Wednesday: “Brighten a Life” – Dress in bright neon colors or 80’s wear Sign the Resolution of Respect for free lemonade in the courtyard Thursday: “Sock it to Bullies” – Wear crazy/mix matched socks Friday: “If you believe in TimberLove, show your heart!” – Dress in red, pink and white Wednesday (Feb. 11th) we also will encourage students to sign the Resolution of Respect which states that the signing individual will vow to carry out a respectful demeanor to their peers! And there will be free lemonade in the courtyard during lunch for those who vow to respect one another! Along with our Week of Kindness themes we will be continuing to collect gently used jeans for the Teens for Jeans drive sponsored by Aeropostle that will donate the collected jeans to the homeless! The collection box is located in the front office and if our school collects the most jeans we win a $5,000 grant for our school, $5,000 college scholarship to our student representative (senior Evyn Robertson), AND win a free concert by the band called The Vamps for our school! Save The Date!! The 2015 Junior/Senior Prom is Saturday, April 18th, at The University of Texas Club located on the UT Campus. Stay tuned for more information. Go to http://schools.leanderisd.org/users/0096/docs/understanding-psat-nmsqt-results-presentation.pdf to view a PSAT presentation. There is also a vast array of College and Career preparation information on LISD’s website at http://classroom.leanderisd.org/default.aspx?CollegeandCareerReadiness. Additional questions can be directed to CPHS Dean of Instruction, Jennifer Colman, at 512-570-1245 or Jennifer.Colman@leanderisd.org. Class of 2015 Information Prom: Saturday, April 18th, from 8:00p – 12:00 at The University of Texas Club on the UT campus Graduation: Saturday, June 6th, at 8:00 p.m. at the Cedar Park Center. Parent Meeting: Wednesday, May 6th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center Mandatory Graduation Practice: Thursday, June 4th, at 10:00 a.m. in the little theatre There will be a Project Graduation meeting on Monday, February 9th, at 7:00 p.m. in the CPHS Library. All parents are encouraged to attend. Project Graduation still needs to raise funds for the party to be a success. SAT Words of the Week dogmatic – (dôɡˈmadik) - expressing personal opinions or beliefs as if they are certainly true and cannot be doubted Because he refused to listen to others, everyone considered the politician to be too dogmatic. Based on Late Latin dogmaticus, from Greek dogmatikos meaning “pertaining to doctrines,” from dogma meaning “philosophical tenet” or literally, “that which one thinks is true” venerate – (ˈvenəˌrāt) – regard with great respect; revere The town plans to venerate the former president by naming a street after him. Based on Latin word venerari meaning “to reverence, worship” CPHS COUNSELING OFFICE & POST GRADUATE PLANNING CENTER FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid is available online for Seniors and Parents. Click today! http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/ Apply Now!