parish life - HOLY FAMILY Catholic Community


parish life - HOLY FAMILY Catholic Community
Holy Family Catholic Community
February 8, 2015 • Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Visión de Holy Family
Holy Family Vision
Ser discípulos en Cristo – testigos
vivos de la Buena Nueva.
Disciples in Christ living
witness to the good news.
Cov thwj tim hauv leej Pleev ua tim
khawv txog lub Moo Zoo.
Misión de Holy Family
"Holy Family" lub laug hauj lwm
Somos una Comunidad Católica
fortalecidos por el Espíritu Santo
para amar a Dios y seguir a
Jesucristo mediante la fe, la vida
de oración y el testimonio.
Peb yog ib pab ntseeg kav tos liv tau
Leej ntuj Plig Ntshiab lub hwj huam,
kom peb nyiam Tswv Ntuj thiab raws Yes
Xus Pleev nyob hauv txoj kev ntseeg,
kev teev hawm thiab kev ua tim khawv.
Holy Family Mission
We are a Catholic community
empowered through the Holy
Spirit to love God and to
follow Jesus Christ through
faith, worship and witness.
"Holy Family" lub aeem maug
Parish offices and mailing address:
271 Fourth Street Way
Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508
Holy Family Church / Corner of Co Rd. K and Co. Rd. T
271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 7:30 am-4:15 pm
Friday, 7:30 am-noon
Phone: (920) 921-0580
Fax: (920) 922-4866
Facebook and Twitter: HolyFamilyFdL
Rev. Ryan Pruess
Very Rev. Robert Stiefvater
Rev. Max Tzul, FMM
Rev. Alan Veik
Sacred Heart Church / Corner of S. Peters and Western Aves.
200 S. Peters Ave., Fond du Lac, WI 54935
St. Mary Church / Corner of Merrill and Marquette Sts.
59 E. Merrill Ave., Fond du Lac, WI 54935
St. Peter Church / Corner of Hwy. WH and Church Road
N8079 Church Rd., Malone, WI 53049
Trisha Flasch, Youth and Young
Adult Ministry
Veronica Ford, Assoc. Dir.
Katie Kannall, Assoc. Dir.
Mary Schroeder, Support Staff
Deacon Ricardo Muñoz
Deacon Dale Paczkowski
Joseph Bird, Parish Manager
Karen Boede, Clergy Secretary
Kathleen Bunge, Bookkeeper
Janice Elsinger, Support Staff
Elise Winkel, Receptionist
Al Nicolai, Supervisor
Dave Braun, Director
Erin Cobb, Marriage and Family
Life Coordinator
Holy Family Catholic Community
Pastoral Council
Deacon Ricardo Muñoz
Location of each of our worship sites:
Paul Thelen, Director
Ron Jacobson, Fire Choir Director
Tom Klamrowski, Choir Director
Eva Thelen, Choir Director
Ruthann Ross, Director
Deacon Dale Paczkowski
Jack Braun, Director
Gail Kraig, Director of Advancement 140
Matthew Rodenkirch,
Communications Coordinator
Mike Frydryk, Chairperson /
Stewardship Commission
Doris Grajkowski,
Human Concerns Commission
Larry Heller, Worship Commission
Ester Martinez,
Human Concerns Commission
Barb Piechowski, Formation Com.
Larry Richardson, Stewardship Com.
Harry Schneider, Trustee
Kevin Shaw,
St. Mary’s Springs Academy
Joe Stephany, Finance Council
Dixie Sullivan,
Human Concerns Commission
Sean Twohig, Formation Commission
Finance Council
Steve Hess, Chairperson
Mike McNamara
Louie Paynter
Harry Schneider, Treasurer
Joe Stephany, Secretary
St. Mary’s Springs Academy
Kevin Shaw, President
Doug Olig, Lead Principal | Erin Flood, Principal
114 Amory Street
Elementary Campus
95 E. 2nd Street
Middle School Campus
63 E. Merrill Avenue
High School
255 County Road K
Mass Intention
(Low Gluten Hosts available; ask usher for assistance)
MONDAY, February 9, 2015
Readings/Lecturas: Gn 1:1-19/Mk 6:53-56
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Max
2:00 pm
Lutheran Home Fr. Bob
Pat Pagel
Warren Seefeld and Gen Seefeld (Anniversary)
TUESDAY, February 10, 2015—St. Scholastica
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Max
Readings/Lecturas: Gn 1:20--2:4a/Mk 7:1-13
Elmer Halle
WEDNESDAY, February 11, 2015—Our Lady of Lourdes
Readings/Lecturas: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17/Mk 7:14-23
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Max
Open Intention
8:00 am
St. Peter
Fr. Bob
Thomas A. Perlewitz
2:10 pm
Fr. Al
Open Intention
THURSDAY, February 12, 2015
Readings/Lecturas: Gn 2:18-25/Mk 7:24-30
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Bob
Tim Shea
7:30 am
Sacred Heart
(after 7:00 am Mass)
7:15 am
Holy Family
(prior to 8:00 am Mass)
8:00 am
Holy Family
Fr. Max
Hedi Greve and Joseph Hermanns
3:30 pm
Fr. Al
Open Intention
FRIDAY, February 13, 2015
Readings/Lecturas: Gn 3:1-8/Mk 7:31-37
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Bob
Alvin and Mary Andrew
8:00 am
St. Peter
Fr. Bob
Mary Frances Weigel
8:30 am
St. Mary
Fr. Max
Anthony Torres
SATURDAY, February 14, 2015—St. Cyril and St. Methodius
Fr. Bob
Readings/Lecturas: Gn 3:9-24/Mk 8:1-10
8:00 am
St. Mary
8:30 am
St. Mary
(after 8:00 am Mass)
3:15 pm
Sacred Heart
(prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
Sunday Vigil
4:00 pm
Sacred Heart
3:15 pm
St. Peter
Sunday Vigil
4:00 pm
St. Peter
Fr. Al
Hernon and Gulig Anniversary; Ambrose Braun; Joseph Schmitz (Anniversary)
Sunday Vigil
4:15 pm
Holy Family
Fr. Max
Gene Schaefer (Anniversary) and Corinne Schaefer
Fr. Bob
Dorothy Fischer (Anniversary); Hattie Greylord and her family;
Living and deceased of the Anton Andrew Family
Frances Gratton; Julie Brajdic; Howard Miller
(prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
SUNDAY, February 15, 2015—6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings/Lecturas: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/1 Cor 10:31--11:1/Mk 1:40-45
7:15 am
St. Mary
Fr. Max
Darlene Mowbray
8:00 am
Holy Family
Fr. Bob
Bernita Rockweit
8:30 am
St. Peter †
Open Intention
9:00 am
Sacred Heart †
Fr. Oliver
Paul Cerny; Fr. Luke Strand
9:30 am
St. Mary †
Fr. Bob
Lester, Katherine and John Thuerwachter, Pat and Esther Tighe;
50th Wedding Anniversary of Larry and Judy Lechner
10:15 am
Holy Family †
Fr. Al
Nancy Ann Birschbach (Anniversary); Josephine Pierson;
Living and deceased of the Ben Majeska Family
11:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Oliver
Living and deceased members of the Robert Perry Family
Reconciliation 11:15 am
St. Mary
(prior to 12:00 pm Mass)
12:00 pm
St. Mary ∆ *
Fr. Max
Margarita Perez
7:00 pm
Sacred Heart
Fr. Bob
For the Parishioners
Presiders’ schedule subject to change without notice.
† Children’s Liturgy of the Word
* Baptism during Mass ∆ Adoration after Mass
Holy Family Catholic Community
Parish Membership
Please call Gail Kraig, Director of Advancement, at the
parish office, 921-0580, ext 140 or email
to set up an appointment to register. Available hours are
Monday 11:00 am—7:30 pm; Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday 8:00 am—4:00 pm; Friday 8:00 am—11:30 am.
Marriage Preparation
Please remember in your prayers the following from our
Holy Family community who have died. May their souls,
and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the
mercy of God, rest in peace.
Viola Nett
Contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to the
wedding date.
Baptism Preparation
Call the parish office to schedule baptism. New and
expectant parents are required to attend a baptism
preparation class; godparents are also invited to attend. The
next classes will be held on Sunday, February 15 at 8:30 am
and Monday, March 2 at 6:30 pm, both in Holy Family Hall.
¿Cómo Ser Miembros De Nuestra Parroquia?
Para inscribirse como miembro activo de la Parroquia, solo
llame a las oficinas de Lunes a Jueves de 7:30 a 4:15 y
Viernes de 7:30 a 12:00 del medio día. Pregunte por
Diacono Ricardo Muñoz. 920-921-0580 ext. 229.
Se comienza la preparación con un mínimo de 2 meses de
anticipación. Las platicas para la preparación de
Bautismos son el segundo Jueves y Sábado de cada mes.
Jueves a las 6:00 pm o Sábado a las 10:00 am.
Primera Comunión y confesiones (Reconciliación)
Este Sacramento se recibe durante el segundo grado de la
escuela. Las clases se comienzan cada año escolar,
Septiembre-Mayo. La celebración es aproximadamente la
primera semana de Mayo.
Deben estar inscritos como miembros de la parroquia.
Se requieren 6 meses de anticipación.
Ritos de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA)
Esto es para los mayores de 18 años que no han recibido
Bautismo, Primera Comunión o Confirmación. Inscribirse
en Noviembre o Diciembre. Las clases comienzan en Enero
y finaliza en Abril.
Por cualquier duda o más información, llamar a Diacono
Ricardo Muñoz.
Bulletin Announcements
The regular deadline for bulletin announcements is
Thursday by 9:00 am, 11 days prior to the publication date.
Contact Matthew via email at or
send your information to the attention of Matthew at
271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508.
All items are subject to approval and editing. When
emailing, please include the name of your event in the
subject line.
Holy Family Catholic Community
He told them, "Let us go on to the nearby villages that I
may preach there also. For this purpose have I come." So
he went into their synagogues, preaching and driving out
demons throughout the whole of
Galilee. - Mk 1:38-39
El les dijo: "Vamos a los pueblos
cercanos para predicar también
allá el Evangelio, pues para eso
he venido". Y recorrió toda
Galilea, predicando en las
sinagogas y expulsando a los demonios. - Mc 1, 38-39
Holy Family:
Thursday, 7:15 am (prior to 8:00 am Mass)
Sacred Heart: Thursday, 7:30 am (after 7:00 am Mass)
Saturday, 3:15 pm (prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
St. Mary:
Saturday, 8:30 am (after 8:00 am Mass)
Sunday, 11:15 am (prior to noon Mass)
St. Peter:
Saturday, 3:15 pm (prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
Parish Devotional Life
Morning Prayer
Sacred Heart
6:40 am
Sacred Heart
St. Peter
St. Mary
Holy Family
Holy Family
Wednesday and Friday
7:40 am
7:40 am
8:30 am
3:30 pm
7:25 am
First Friday Novena
Sacred Heart 1st Friday
7:30 am
First Saturday Novena
St. Mary
1st Saturday
8:30 am
Eucharistic Adoration
Sacred Heart Monday-Friday
6:00 am-10:00 pm
6:00 am
to Sunday
10:00 pm
A 30 minute Eucharistic Adoration will be held after
selected Sunday Mass each week. See page 3 for dates.
Adoration for Vocations
St. Mary
1st Sunday following the 9:30 am Mass
MON., Feb. 9
TUE., Feb. 10
WED., Feb. 11
THU., Feb. 12
7:30 am Sacred Heart Hospitality Room
St. Vincent de Paul Spiritual Reflection
6:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym
Open Basketball
6:30 pm Sacred Heart Hall
Hispanic Couples night
8:00 am St. Mary Maurer Hall
Holy Family Mission Quilters
7:00 pm Sacred Heart Hospitality Room
Bread of Life Prayer Group
7:00 pm Sacred Heart Hall
St. Patrick Rosary Guild
5:30 am Holy Family Hall
Men’s Group
9:30 am Sacred Heart Hospitality Room
Exploring the Sunday Readings
6:15 pm Sacred Heart Church
Why Catholic? Discover the big picture of our faith.
6:45 pm Holy Family Fireside Room
Men’s Group
8:30 am Holy Family Fireside Room
Endow Group
10:00 am Sacred Heart Hospitality Room
Faith Builders
6:00 pm St. Mary Rectory Meeting Room
Baptism Preparation (Spanish)
7:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym
Open Volleyball
FRI., Feb. 13
6:00 pm St. Joseph Gym
Open Basketball
SAT., Feb. 14
7:30 am Holy Family Hall
Blood Drive
9:00 am Sacred Heart Hall
Journey with Jesus
10:00 am St. Mary Rectory Meeting Room
Baptism Preparation (Spanish)
12:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym
Open Basketball
5:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym
Hispanic Community Family Night
Holy Family Gathering Space
SUN., Feb. 15
Fair Trade Sales (after Mass)
8:30 am Holy Family St. Agnes Resource Room
8:30 am Holy Family Hall
Baptism Preparation
Holy Family Gathering Space
9:00 am Holy Family Fireside Room
Fair Trade Sales (after Masses)
Java Jabber
St. Patrick Rosary Guild
Holy Family has received a bequest from
the estate of
There will be a regular meeting on Tuesday, February 10
at 6:30 pm in Sacred Heart Hall. All are welcome to
attend. A special snack will be served after the meeting.
Gerald H. Simon
Please keep him and his family in your
St. Joseph Fraternity of the Secular
Meeting at the St. Francis Home at 5:30 pm on Monday,
February 9, for Crown Rosary, followed by Mass in the
St. Francis Chapel at 6:00 pm. Meeting at the Gathering
Place (St. Francis Home) after Mass. If you have questions
call Marilyn at 920-602-1301.
Blood Drive
The next Holy Family sponsored Blood Drive will take
place on Saturday, February 14 from 7:30—11:30 am in
Holy Family Hall. Everyday, ordinary people are saved by
some extraordinary people: people who gave blood! Your
donation could be the most valuable gift you ever give.
Just ask anyone who has ever received blood. Please be a
hero to someone in need!
Holy Family Catholic Community
Office Phone, 920-921-0580
Dave Braun, Director, x133,
Erin Cobb, Marriage and Family Life, x134,
Religious Education Classes
Sunday, February 8—5:00-7:00 pm
Grades 9-10
Sacred Heart Center and Annex
Wednesday, February 11—6:15-7:30 pm
Grades 1-5
Sacred Heart Center
Grades 6-8
Sacred Heart Annex
Youth Ministry is only as vibrant as its leaders. If
you would like to get involved with one of our
ministries, please let us know! Contact Trisha
Flasch, Youth and Young Adult Coordinator.
Youth service Opportunities
Thursday, February 19, Bingo at Woodlands: 5:45 –
6:45 pm at 77 Wisconsin American Drive, building #2. To
volunteer, call Joan at 922-4856.
Thursday, February 19, Bingo at St. Francis Home:
Youth volunteers are needed to play bingo with the
residents at 33 Everett Street from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Youths
not yet in middle school or high school can attend with a
parent or guardian. Some of the residents don’t see or
hear well and need assistance to play bingo. Others just
enjoy having young people play bingo and visit with them.
Please contact Evelyn McLean-Cowan at 929-9116.
Trisha Flasch, Youth and Young Adult, x135,
Veronica Ford, Associate Director, x131,
Katie Kannall, Associate Director, x136,
The Journey With Jesus Tour is Here!
Grab your imagination and get ready for an exciting tour
through Jerusalem! Watch Jesus’ travels come alive right
before your eyes! Join us on our adventure to Jerusalem
on Saturday, February 14, from 9:00—11:00 am at Sacred
Heart Center. This adventure is suitable for children in
grades 3 – 6. We will take a look at Jerusalem in Jesus’
day. But wait-there’s more! We’re going to learn new
songs, make crafts, play games and grow to understand
Jesus. Call Erin Cobb to register.
Women’s Ministry – Sharing Our Journey
Sharing Our Journey small groups are beginning soon;
before and during Lent. There will again be opportunities
to sign up for women’s small groups on a variety of faith
filled topics. This is a great way to deepen your
relationship with God, other women of the parish and to
grow in knowledge of our faith. Please contact Dave Braun
in the Christian Formation office for the options, times
and days.
“LIKE” our Facebook Pages!
Holy Family Youth Ministry FdL
Holy Family Young Adults FdL
Parish Mission Retreat - February 23-25
Father James Kubicki on “Living a Eucharistic Life”
7:45 - 9:15 am each morning in Church at Sacred Heart
6:30 - 8:00 pm each evening in Church at Holy Family
Evening of Wednesday, February 25 in the Holy Family Hall (geared for children grades 1-5)
A little about the Mission Presenter: Father James Kubicki, S. J. is an internationally known
speaker, author and National Director of the Apostleship of Prayer. Fr. James Kubicki is a popular conference
speaker, retreat director and parish mission speaker. He is also a frequent guest on radio and television. His
areas of expertise include the Eucharist, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Spiritual Exercises and the practical
spirituality of the Apostleship of Prayer.
A sneak peak at what will happen at the Mission...this week we look at Monday, February 23
“A Mystery to be Believed”
What do we believe about the Eucharist? What difference does that belief make? Pope St. John Paul II hoped
that the Church would experience “Eucharistic amazement.” Come find out what that means for us.
Holy Family Catholic Community
Jack Braun, Director, 920-921-0580 x119,
International Day of Prayer and
Awareness Against Human Trafficking
This Sunday, February 8: This Day of Prayer and
Awareness is on the Feast Day of St. Josephine Bakhita,
who was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in
Sudan. After becoming a religious sister, she dedicated her
life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery
and comforting those who suffer. On this day, we pray for
the millions of people that have been victims of modern
day slavery. Like St. Josephine Bakhita, may we stand firm
in our resolve to create a slavery-free world.
Today we have the opportunity to educate ourselves, to
help raise awareness and to act to end the violence and
injustice that affect victims of modern-day trafficking.
Catholic Charities Prepared for Influx of Sex
Trafficking Victims this Super Bowl
From Catholic Charities Arizona,
Dated January 12, 2015: “… the Phoenix area is gearing
up for the multitude of football fans that will descend
into the state. As with any Super Bowl, the host city will
see a rise in crimes, especially sex trafficking. Catholic
Charities is preparing to serve the increased number of
sex-trafficking victims arrested by Phoenix police. The
Super Bowl is expecting more than 100,000 visitors, who
will generate an estimated $500+ million in economic
impact. ‘We live in a culture of excess, and the supply
and demand for sex will be high,’ says Dr. Jon McCaine,
clinical psychologist and consultant for the Diversion
Program at Catholic Charities. ‘Visitors to our state will
bring an excess of money. People who are controlling sextrafficked women are opportunistic. The Super Bowl is a
perfect time for these people to make money by selling
Co-sponsored by a Holy Family Outreach Grant!
Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds Recreation Center,
Saturday, February 28, 10:30 am-4:30 pm.
Enjoy an exciting day celebrating your heritage and other
cultures through music, dance, food, crafts and activities.
Stop by our Holy Family Muslim/Christian Dialogue
booth! Participants of the two dialogue groups will share
their experiences of building new friendships as they
learned about, understood and continue to respect the
similarities and differences of each other’s faith.
Feed My Starving Children
Online Sign Up has begun!
Limited spots to volunteer available online: Volunteer on
February 13 or 14 to pack dry food bags to feed children
all over the world.
To Register: Visit (Feed My Starving
Children website). This sign-up requires no donation,
although they encourage each person to give as they are
able to reach the group goal of $27,500.
 Click on: “Volunteers”
 Click on: “Mobile Pack Events”
 Click on “Wisconsin”
 Click on: “Get Involved” for Fond du Lac
 Yellow boxes appear on left screen and click on:
“Volunteer to Pack” or “Donate”
(Minimum age is 5 years old and youth groups must
include adults; number of adults based on age of youth).
To Make a Donation: Donate online at the website, or mail to: Feed My Starving Children,
Event #1403-34, 401 93rd Ave NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433.
For more information, contact Deb at (920) 579-1825.
St. Vincent de Paul
Thank You and Invitation
Thank you Holy Family Parish for your
Thanksgiving and end-of-year donations!
Your generosity totaled over $17,000 and is
most appreciated by everyone we serve!
For the first 3 months of our fiscal year, (October –
December) we served 622 households and 1,578 people.
Our brothers and sisters in need are always present. We
are able to serve them through the generous monetary
support of Holy Family and Presentation parishioners as
well as other monetary contributions and the donation of
goods to our thrift store.
Please consider learning more: Holy Family Conference
of SVdP invites you to see what we are about. Through
spirituality, friendship and service, we are a direct
outreach for Holy Family and Presentation (NFdL)
We invite you to attend a conference meeting at our
St. Vincent de Paul Store on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of
each month at 1:00 pm; or the 4th Monday at 4:00 pm.
Volunteer opportunities exist with home visits, the call
center and the store. We appreciate whatever time and
talent you can offer to help the society grow. Call Jean
White, conference president, at 926-0018; or Audrey,
store volunteer coordinator, at 322-9505, for more
information. Thank you for your consideration.
Holy Family Catholic Community
Ruthann Ross, Director, x139,
February 15 Java Jabber
Blood Pressure: Make Control Your Goal
Welcome Officer Steve Olson of the Fond du Lac
Police Department to Holy Family Parish!
Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against blood
vessel walls. High blood pressure (HBP), also called
hypertension, means the pressure is higher than it should
be. HBP increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, chronic
(long lasting) heart failure and kidney damage. High blood
pressure can’t be cured, but it can be managed.
Please plan to join us on Sunday, February 15 following
the 8:00 am Mass for Java Jabber! The guest speaker will
be Officer Steve Olson of the Fond du Lac Police
Department. Officer Olson will offer tips on “Scam
Prevention” and will also introduce a new initiative in the
FdL PD called “DEC,” a program dedicated to Protecting
Drug Endangered Children. Don’t miss this opportunity to
come and learn about what the FdL Police Department is
doing in the community and to show your support for their
continued dedication to keeping our community safe!
“From Deep Within…A Lenten Day of
Retreat; Forming a New Heart and
Holy Family Church, Saturday, March 21, from
9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
 Ms. Monica Meagher
 Fr. Zoy Garibay, O.F.M., Cap
You will not want to miss this event. The day offers:
 Prayer
Dynamic Presentations
Time for Reflection
Morning Prayer
Mass at 4:15 pm
And much more!
Check the Holy Family website for more details at or look for the postings in the churches.
RSVP with payment of $15 by March 10, to Ruthann Ross
at Holy Family Catholic Community, 271 Fourth Street
Way, Fond du Lac, WI 54937.
Yes! Please register me for the Lenten Day of Retreat!
Name ____________________________________________
Address __________________________________________
Phone ___________________________________________
E-mail ___________________________________________
Special Dietary Needs ______________________________
Holy Family Catholic Community
Blood pressure is written as two numbers. The top,
systolic number is the pressure when the heart beats. The
bottom, diastolic number is the pressure when the heart
rests between beats.
High blood pressure usually has no signs or symptoms.
Often it is called the silent killer and that is why it is so
dangerous. About 67 million American adults (31%) have
high blood pressure – that’s 1 of every 3 adults! Many
don’t even know they have it. Not treating HBP is
dangerous. That is why it is important to have your blood
pressure checked regularly and treat it the way your
doctor advises.
Make Control Your Goal:
 Check your blood pressure regularly – home,
doctor’s office or at FdL area blood pressure
sites. This is a free service. (Call FdL Health
Department at 929-3085 for listings or online at When checking at home,
periodically take home blood pressure
equipment to doctor’s office comparing with
office equipment for accuracy.
Quit smoking – or don’t start. For help call
Wisconsin Quit Line, toll free (1-800-784-8669) or for information on how to quit.
Eat a healthy diet – more fruits, vegetables,
whole grains; less sodium, saturated fat,
cholesterol and added sugars.
Limit alcohol to no more than 1 drink per day for
women and 2 drinks per day for men.
Read nutrition labels and lower sodium intake –
most of sodium we eat comes from processed
and restaurant foods.
Get active and maintain a healthy weight – aim
for 2 ½ hours of moderate physical activity
every week. Experts say good old fashion
walking is the best.
Although you cannot control all of your risk factors for
high blood pressure, you can take steps to prevent or
control it and its complications. Discuss with your health
professional what your blood pressure should be and work
to keep it at that level.
Sources: American Heart Association and Centers for Disease Control and
Weekly Justice Challenge
Annual St. Vincent de Paul Soup du Jour
February 8, 5th Week in Ordinary Time
On February 28 and March 1, savor a variety of excellent
soups from restaurants around the community.
Justice Challenge: The Gospel reading for
Sunday describes Jesus healing people all
day, and then getting up the next morning
to be deeply absorbed in prayer. Jesus cared
for the poor and the sick and those
marginalized by society. But he never forgot
the source of the healing which he did—his heavenly
Father, whom he called “Abba,” or “Dad.” He kept in
close contact with the Father throughout his life. Your
challenge this week is to reflect on the relationship
between prayer and action in your own lives—as
individuals and as a family or household. Do you have a
healthy and holy pattern of prayer which is part of your
daily routine? Do you let that prayer lead you to the
actions which God wants you to take to help heal a hurting
world? Remember that part of a vibrant prayer life is
letting God speak once you are done. Listen to what God
wants you to do just as Jesus did when he lived on earth.
Copyright © Center for Ministry Development, 2014.
All rights reserved.
Holy Family Connection: Do you ever feel like you just
don’t have any energy left after a long day or week of
work or school, not to say anything about the
responsibilities of family and home? In today’s Gospel
reading, we hear of Jesus’ inexhaustible dedication to his
ministry. He spent the whole day going from place to
place, healing many. Yet, he still rose early in the morning
to pray and then continue his ministry! How often do we
convince ourselves that we are just too tired at the end of
the day or week to offer any more of ourselves or our time
in service to others? How often do we choose to sleep in
on Sunday rather than attend Mass, because, after all, it is
the only day we can sleep in. Your challenge this week is
to take your cue from the great works of Jesus, to go the
extra mile to be of service to others. There are many
opportunities at Holy Family to minister to the sick as
Jesus did…at the hospital, the nursing home or in people’s
homes. Then, set aside the time necessary to join your
community in prayer at Sunday Mass! By the way, if you
want to sleep in on Sunday morning there are
opportunities for Mass on Saturday and Sunday evenings!
Contact Ruthann Ross in the Parish office to learn how you
can be of service to the sick, homebound and elderly!
Sunday Mass Online
Thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, Holy Family Church is
producing the Sunday Mass for viewing on our
website and YouTube channel. Go to our
website home page at, search
YouTube for Holy Family Fond du Lac or go
directly to:
You can also use your smartphone and scan the
QR code shown here to get to our YouTube channel.
The cost for soup is only
$3.00 for 8 oz. bowl or $5.00 for 16 oz.
Saturday, February 28: Carry-outs will be
available for purchase after Mass at all Holy Family sites.
Or come to Holy Family Hall and enjoy a sit-down meal
between 5:00 and 7:00 pm.
Sunday, March 1 at Holy Family Hall: Between 10:30 am
and 1:00 pm enjoy a sit down meal after selecting from a
large variety of soups! Carry outs available
following the Masses.
Catholic Financial Life will again support
this event with matching funds. Proceeds
help St. Vincent de Paul serve those in
need in Fond du Lac County.
Save the Date:
Catholics at the Capitol, April 8, 2015
Every two years, the Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC)
hosts Catholics at the Capitol and hundreds of Catholics
from around the state come to Madison for a day
dedicated to reflection, discourse and formation in
Catholic social teaching and public policy issues.
This event takes place at the Monona Terrace Community
and Convention Center. The day starts with registration
and breakfast, followed by a morning general session that
begins with a prayer service and ends with a keynote
address. This year's keynote address will be provided by
Dr. Jonathan J. Reyes, Executive Director of the
Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development for
the USCCB. Throughout the day participants attend two
breakout sessions that focus on various aspects of Church
social teaching and current policy issues. There is also an
introduction to Catholic social teaching for those wishing
to gain a better understanding of the principles that guide
Catholic public policy engagement. The afternoon includes
a general session panel. Participants are also encouraged
to meet with their elected officials and advocate for
issues identified by the WCC.
Please mark your calendars now! “Save the date" of
Wednesday, April 8 for Catholics at the Capitol 2015. If
you are interested in a carpool, contact Jack at the parish
office at 921-0508 or
The Nursery at Holy Family Church is
available for both Masses on Sunday
mornings. You can find it at the south
end of Holy Family Hall.
Holy Family Catholic Community
The de Chantal Society
Ladies, we invite you to take a short respite that promises
silence, prayer and spiritual formation…time for YOU. The
de Chantal Society is a group of women who are
passionate about supporting vocations, families and their
own spirituality. We gather a few times per year in the
peace of Saint Francis de Sales Seminary for Eucharistic
Adoration, formation and benediction.
Our February gatherings will be led by Fr. Ryan Pruess.
Please join us at whichever time works best for you:
Wednesday, February 25, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Thursday, February 26, 9:00 – 11:00 am
Gatherings are held at Saint Francis de Sales Seminary,
3257 South Lake Drive, St. Francis.
RSVP to or 414-747-6463
9th Annual Catholic Men of Christ Conference
March 14 at the Milwaukee Theater
“The Power of an Integrated Life Faith, Family and Work”
Pope Francis recently said “Life grows by being given
away, and it weakens in isolation and comfort. Those who
enjoy life most are those who leave security on the shores
and become excited by the mission of communicating life
to others.” Our mission is to transform men in our
archdiocese into holy warriors who are willing to sacrifice
for the greater good and rejoice in the radiant glory of His
cross. We are summoned to a renewed conversion to Jesus
Christ, which we will accomplish through authentic
friendship with God, and with one another. Join us on this
journey, and bring your sons, fathers, nephews,
grandfathers, grandsons or godsons.
Why attend the Men of Christ conference?
✝To become a stronger Christian man and an example
to your family.
✝To ignite your faith and trust in Christ.
✝To refuel the spiritual tank and find the strength to
make the needed changes in your life.
✝To deepen your understanding of the Catholic faith
and learn how to communicate it to others.
✝To know that you are not alone…there are other
men who think like you…and believe as you do.
✝To unite with a band of brothers who want to make
a difference in our diocese.
Join Master of Ceremonies
Fr. Ryan Pruess, for the day
Visit or e-mail at to learn
more about this experience.
Holy Family Catholic Community
Wisconsin Parental Choice Program
St. Mary’s Springs Academy is currently
part of the Wisconsin Parental Choice
Program, which allows students who
reside in a Wisconsin school district, other
than the Milwaukee or Racine Unified
School District, to attend any participating
private school if certain eligibility criteria
are met. The private school, on behalf of the pupil’s
parent or guardian, receives a state aid payment for each
eligible student.
The open application period to apply for the Wisconsin
Parental Choice Program (WPCP) is February 2, 2015
through April 20, 2015. To apply, go online at http:// Please contact SMSA
School Choice Administrator Doug Olig at 922-322-8001 with any questions.
Singing Valentines
Surprise that special someone
for Valentine’s Day on Friday,
February 13 with a Singing
Valentine Telegram presented
by the SMSA Music
Department! A musical troupe
singing in perfect harmony
will serenade your special
someone with two songs and
present them a homemade
card and long stemmed rose.
Photos of the serenade can be
emailed to you. What a
perfect Valentine Gift! Book
your Singing Valentine
Telegram for $35 by calling
Andrea at 920-322-8028. All
proceeds go toward the SMSA Music Department.
Board of Directors
St. Mary’s Spring Academy is accepting
nominees for their Board of Directors.
Parishioners are welcome to nominate
individuals who may be interested in
serving in this capacity. They are also
looking for others who would be interested
in serving on one of the following
committees: advancement, board formation,
communication, education and technology, facilities,
finance, personnel and co-curricular activates. To
nominate someone, please respond to Stacey Akey, Board
Formation Chairperson, at by
February 28, 2015. Thank you for your support and
consideration of this important position in furthering
Catholic education.
Valentine/Sweetheart Dinner and Dance
Saturday, February 14 the public is
invited to the Knights of Columbus Hall
for a night of dinner and dancing.
Cocktails at 5:00 pm, buffet style
dinner at 6:00 pm and dancing from
7:00—10:00 pm with music by Just the
Two of Us. Cost for the dinner and
dance is $18.00/person and dance only
is $10.00/person. Please call with your
reservations by Wednesday, February 11 to 920-921-1290.
Bakeless Bake Sale
In our busy lives these days, who has time to bake—
Pies or cookies or cake?
You’d be surprised if you counted the cost
Of materials, heat and the time you’ve lost.
Baking for sales is extra work
Yet nobody really wants to shirk.
So we’ve thought of a plan that’s truly grand,
And feel quite sure you’ll understand.
In an envelope, please put the price
Of cookies or cake or something nice.
Without fuss or muss you’ve done your part—
We hope you’ll give with a willing heart.
Holy Family Christian Women do much for our community.
The money they raise is donated to parish youth mission
trips, New Beginnings, Church Women United, St. Francis
Seminary, St. Lawrence High School and St. Mary’s Springs
Academy. Please put your donation in a envelope marked
“Bakeless Bake Sale” and put it in the weekend collection
basket. They thank you in advance from the bottom of
their hearts.
Low-gluten Hosts Available
Holy Family now has low-gluten hosts (.001% or 37
micrograms) available for parishioners who have wheat
related allergies or intolerances. There is no such thing as
a “no-gluten” host since the Church requires that hosts
used at Catholic Masses must contain some wheat.
However the low-gluten hosts we are using have been
approved by the Archbishop and recommended by the
Catholic Celiac Society.
Please stop in at the sacristy before Mass and ask the
sacristan to allow you to put a low-gluten host in a special
container which they will place on the altar. Please do so
15-20 minutes early since once Mass begins the sacristan
no longer has access to these hosts.
The low-gluten host you have placed in the container will
be consecrated by the priest at the Mass you are attending.
At Communion time, please join the line for the Priestcelebrant of the Mass. He will be holding the container of
low-gluten hosts. When you approach him, request a lowgluten host. The priest will then open the container and
allow you to take the host yourself (so there is no crosscontamination with wheat) and receive communion.
Please, if you have not placed a low-gluten host in the
container before Mass, do not request one. The only hosts
in the container at communion time will be the ones
placed in the container by the individuals who request them.
Faith and Family Night
Milwaukee Bucks vs. Denver Nuggets
February 20, 7:30 pm Tip-Off and Post Game Concert with
Brandon Heath and Nichole Nordeman
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Agnes asked us to
invite you to this special evening of family fun. If you have
additional questions please contact Jeff at (414) 224-3407
or by email at
July 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014
Parishioner contributions
Total operating revenues
Total operating expenses
Actual Revenue
All other revenues
Operating Profit (Loss)
Non-Budgeted Expenses
$1,032.00 - Plumbing repairs at SH Convent
$2,688.00 - Plumbing repairs at St. Mary School
$7,999 - HVAC repairs at Holy Family
$3,765 - Compressor at Sacred Heart School
$1,700 - Cellar door at St. Mary Church
July 1, 2014
January 25, 2015
Budgeted Revenue
Holy Family Catholic Community