the leader in earthworm information


the leader in earthworm information
VermiCo Videos
CD Roms
Business Packages
Bins & Supplies
Harvesters & Plans
Workshops & Seminars
Large-Scale Projects
Tea Brewers
VermiCo, PO Box 2334 Grants Pass, OR 97528
Phone: 541.476.9626 Fax: 541.476.4555
Page 2
To Order Call: 541 .476.9626
Why Worms?
The uses of
earthworms are many.
Earthworms are used for
fish bait, composting, a
protein source for animal
feed, and in producing
(particularly in China).
Earthworms in soil provide abundant benefits in increasing water infiltration, soil
structure, and nutrient cycling. While taken for granted over
the years by many, it has been only recently that scientists,
soil ecologists, horticulturists, educators, and waste managers have led the way in expanding our understanding of these
remarkable creatures.
industry leaders, tour exciting facilities, and network with
like-minded and energetic people who want to have an
impact on their environment and on their world.
Different Desires
Within the past couple decades earthworms, particularly the species Eisenia fetida (redworm, red wiggler),
have been found capable of transforming huge quantities of
garbage into something akin to gold. Earthworm excreta,
known as earthworm castings, are now known to contain
plant growth regulators and other substances that make them
nature’s most remarkable form of bio-fertilizer and bio-pest
control agent.
Over the years we have come to learn that there
are a wide variety of interest groups within our worldwide
customer base. While we haven’t been introduced to each
one, we know our clients and customers include state regulatory agencies, waste management boards, non-profit corporations, schools, teachers, students, US and foreign
composting facilities, earthworm growers, worm bin
manufacturers, agricultural extension offices, state and
local recycling agencies, environmental consultants, universities, libraries, farmers, inventors, and entrepreneurs. In fact, this is just a fraction
of the many different types of backgrounds and interests that our customers and clients represent. Whether it
has been a commercial airline pilot or
engineer considering a new venture, or
a family helping one of the kids for a
school science project, we’ve tried to
offer something that will increase your understanding of
and involvement with earthworms.
Worms in the News
Decide For Yourself
You may have seen reports about earthworms on
television (in an episode of ER, for example), in national
magazines (US News & World Report, Newsweek), on the
radio or in dozens of metropolitan and local newspapers.
These brief stories have done much to stir up interest in vermiculture and vermicomposting. Internet browsers may find
information about earthworms on some websites, but not all
information on the Internet is either reliable or up-to-date.
Since much of the latest scientific information is just now
being published in scholarly journals, traditional sources of
information such as libraries and bookstores are not the most
fruitful places to find news and in-depth data about the earthworm industry.
Getting involved in the challenging and stimulating world of earthworm discovery can be as easy as ordering a book, a video and a pound or two of earthworms.
You can get started right away. Build a simple worm bin
for your kitchen scraps or buy a specially-designed unit
we’ll ship directly to you. When you subscribe to Casting
Call newsletter, you’ll get the latest news of the earthworm industry brought to you every 60 days. Be sure to
check out our discounted package deals for extra savings.
At VermiCo, we’ve tried to fill the information void
in several ways. First, we offer over 30 books about earthworms and the earthworm business. Second we have a variety of videos that take you to places it might cost hundreds
or even thousands of dollars to see yourself. Each video
serves a unique purpose in telling an important part about
some aspect of vermiculture or vermicomposting. Third, we
publish a bi-monthly subscription newsletter that keeps
readers informed about the growing earthworm industry.
And fourth, we offer conferences, seminars and workshops where you can receive abundant information, meet
Whether your interest is in home vermicomposting, starting a classroom or school-wide project, installing
an institutional or commercial system, or becoming an associate grower and joining our distribution network, there
is something here for everyone who has an interest in
There are, perhaps, few people who realize that
Charles Darwin, the famous biologist, conducted a lifelong
study of earthworms. At the end of his life he penned
these words: “It may be doubted whether there are many
other animals which have played so important a part in
the history of the world as have these lowly organized
creatures.” We hope that at least a part of his fascination
with earthworms might one day become your own.
Page 3
VermiCo Video Productions (our #800 series) has developed a series of exciting, affordable videos featuring major vermiculture/
vermicomposting operations.
[PAL format required in some VCRs outside US] All videos/dvds add $5 shipping
American Resource Recovery: Large Scale Vermicomposting Video
See how 50 pounds of earthworms steadily multiplied over four years to become over 70 acres of
earthworms that now convert cardboard paper sludge to worm castings! This is undoubtedly the largest vermicomposting facility in North America. Mario Travalini takes you
through his operation, showing how feedstocks are spread outdoors, earthworms
are harvested and castings are screened in this model facility.
• Learn how over 300 tons of paper waste arrive daily at this operation
• See how hundreds of pounds of earthworms are harvested daily for resale
• Observe the shaker deck screening operation that processes tons of castings
• See the tour site of VermiCo's March 1999 "New Horizons in Vermicomposting" Workshop (see
#210 package videos from this workshop below) #801……$25
PAL format #801-p $50 801 DVD…..$25
The Continuous Flow Reactor Video featuring Dr. Scott Subler (Ohio State University & Pres. Pacific Garden Co.)
Vermicomposting uses earthworms to transform organic residuals into a usable soil amendment:
Worm castings. Changing weather conditions means outdoor row systems are limited to certain geographic areas. Now, an indoor, mechanized system using earthworms to process waste shows why this
technology is faster, produces fewer odors and yields a better product than traditional composting
• Learn from site manager Curt Hawley the day-to-day operation
• Dr. Subler presents the benefits of castings and the market opportunities.
• Shows how vermicomposting on-site at a local dairy can take a waste management "headache"
and turn it into an income-producing benefit
• A video for Dairy operators, Solid Waste Managers, Recycling Coordinators, Educators, Ag Extension personnel, Farmers, Horticulturists, Entrepreneurs, and others interested in how earthworms turn waste into a valuable commodity. #802……$25
PAL format #802-p $50
# 802 DVD….. $25
Wine Country Worms: Sonoma Worm Farm
In 1992 Jack Chambers, a commercial airline pilot, established a five-acre worm farm and began marketing earthworms and
castings produced from dairy manure and, occasionally, alfalfa. What is it like to operate a worm
farm and to manage the day-to-day activities? What factors do such things as climate, geographic location and proximity to markets have to do with the success or failure of such
an enterprise? We asked Jack to take us on a tour of his facility and to share
his experiences as he continues to shape his operation, now positioned to noticeably influence wine grape production in California.
This video is ideal for someone contemplating whether to enter the vermiculture business on a relatively modest scale. #803……$25
PAL format #803-p $50
#803 DVD …..$25
Food Waste Vermicomposting: The Vermi-Organic Digester, with Al Eggen, Pres., OVS, Ltd,
Toronto, Canada
Eggen’s automated vermicomposting system transforms food and paper
waste by earthworms in a climate-controlled environment. His units have
been installed in military bases, in schools, a medical university and in
municipal buildings.
• Discover how particle size affects vermicomposting
• After cafeteria waste and office paper are processed by
earthworms, students will use castings for on-site garden
use, conduct plant growth experiments, and sell as a fund
raiser. #804……$25
PAL format #804-p $50
#804 DVD…..$25
#820 Video or DVD package
Buy all four and receive
Page 4
To Order Call: 541 .476.9626
Wormania! Video
An instructional video for classroom use with a teacher’s manual. A marvelously
entertaining and educational video designed for schools. Follow a guitar-playing and singing
Dad along with his 3 talented kids who meet up with "Worm Woman" Mary Appelhof. It
will capture the interest of youth of all ages. Includes scientific footage of worm activity
(such as earthworm cocoons hatching) 26 min.
(see page 13 #303 for discounted package offer!)
Can-O-Worms™ Video
Explains home vermicomposting using the unique Can-O-Worms™. This video
gets everyone who watches it wanting their own Can-O-Worms™! 10 min.
This video is included with a Can-O-Worms + 2#s of worms in our Package
Deal #402 on page 18.
The Red Wiggler Connection Video
This video shows you how to be successful in your vermicomposting and worm raising
venture. It is also a great companion to the book (page 10 #107) . The sole purpose of
this 31 minute video is to help you understand the techniques and principles described in
Toby Weitzel and Shelley Grossman’s book. Sit back, relax, enjoy and understand
worm composting from a fresh, innovative perspective.
Worm Bin Creatures: Alive Through a Microscope Video
This new, captivating video focuses in on the tiny organisms often seen but rarely identified in a
worm bin. Under the microscope, well-lit and colorful creatures such as springtails, mites,
nematodes, millipedes, centipedes and more are shown as they are active in the worm bin. One can
learn which creatures found in a typical worm bin are beneficial and which are predators. An
excellent tool for identification and education. Great video for groups or individuals!
New Horizons in Vermicomposting Workshop
4 Videos
Four videocassette tapes of the March 1999 Stockton workshop. The video of Session I (#206) contains presentations given by
Peter Bogdanov and Al Eggen (60 min. tape). Session II (#207) contains presentations by Kelly Slocum and Zorba Frankel (60
min. tape). The video of Session III (#208) contains four presentations delivered by Robert Warkentin (with Charmaine Harris
and Carolyn Foxe), Karin Grobe, Dan Cardoza, and Jeff Watson (120 min. tape). Session IV (#209) contains the presentations
given by Jim Jensen and Mario Travalini (60 min. tape). Cost for tapes I, II, and IV is $25 each plus $4 shipping in the U.S.
Cost for tape III is $35 plus $4 shipping in the U.S. (Please send $10 per tape for shipping outside the U.S. NTSC format only.)
Special Offer: Get all four tapes for $99 (#210) plus free shipping in U.S. (save $31). All four tapes may be shipped outside the
U.S. for a total of $120 (save $30). (Not available in PAL format)
Page 5
What Kind of Earthworms Are Recommended?
At this time, there are over 4,400 species of earthworms that have been identified by taxonomists. While some scientists have divided these into three primary groups (epigeic,
i.e. “litter dwelling,” anecic, “burrowing, soil dwelling,” and endogeic “deep soil”), a
two-fold division seems more convenient: Earthworkers are worms such as the common nightcrawler (Lumbricus terrestris) an excellent earthworm for gardens because it
creates burrows, mixes soils and improves tilth. While these are desirable for your garden, they are difficult if not impossible to grow in bins. Composting earthworms, on the
other hand, dwell exclusively in organic matter that they process and transform into an extremely valuable bio-fertilizer and bio
pest-control agent, castings. It is not recommended that you put these directly into your garden, because they will not create
At VermiCo, we’ve chosen to focus exclusively on one species, Eisenia fetida, (pronounced eye-SEN-ee-uh FE-ti-duh) a composting earthworm, for several reasons. First, it is a durable earthworm, well-suited for the rigors of harvesting and shipping.
Second, it tolerates a wide range of temperatures—from nearly 90 degrees Fahrenheit to nearly freezing. (Other, more exotic
species are less tolerant of temperature extremes). Third, Eisenia fetida earthworms (also called redworms or red wigglers)
are extremely prolific, largely due to consistent production of cocoons with remarkable hatching rates of young that reach sexual maturity in as few as seven weeks. Some have claimed these earthworms, when conditions are optimal, can double their
biomass (weight of live earthworms) in 60-90 days. And finally, redworms are the most commonly used species throughout
the vermicomposting industry. For obvious reasons, an earthworm that is the most widely used and traded will have the greatest demand and value.
A conservative guestimate is that E. fetida earthworms process at least ½ their body weight per day in organic material. However, this amount depends on the presence of key process variables—temperature, moisture, porosity, and quality of feedstocks.
These earthworms are capable of consuming their full body weight and even 1-1/2 times their weight when conditions are
right. Their food consists primarily of microorganisms within decomposing organic matter where carbon sources (such as
dried leaves, shredded paper, cardboard) have been mixed with nitrogen sources (such as vegetative food waste, grass clippings, manure). Earthworms thrive best in a warm, very moist, aerobic, dark, little-disturbed environment of 100% decomposing organic matter. Toxic elements such as salt and high ammonia concentrations can be lethal. Vermicomposting happens
best when there is plenty of moisture in an aerobic environment at temperatures between 65-80 degrees.
Our earthworms are sold by weight, not by count, since no one spends time counting thousands of earthworms. While it has
been estimated there are approximately 1,000 adult Eisenia fetida earthworms per pound, we simply state that we will ship live
earthworms by the pound—not worm count or size. Larger sized worms tend to get harvested and shipped.
No. of Pounds
Price per pound
$2.50 per pound
To innoculate a new system where bedding is present, we suggest a minimum of one pound of earthworms per square foot of
area. Where more information is desired, we recommend book #103 Worms Eat My Garbage for a thorough treatment of
small-scale, home and school vermicomposting and book #101 Commercial Vermiculture for details about growing earthworms for profit in larger-scale systems.
The goal of vermicomposting (composting with earthworms) is to convert our garbage into the earthworm’s gold….castings.
Worm castings can be added to potted plants, gardens, lawns, trees, bushes, and made into potting soil (use only 20% by volume in mixes). Liquid extracts called castings teas can be made and sprayed on plants for foliar feeding and used as a bioinsecticide or used as a soil drench. Unfortunately our space here does not permit a full description of the many exciting discoveries now being made in earthworm science and soil ecology, particularly in the area of horticulture and agriculture where
plant growth trials and bio-pest control tests have proven nearly miraculous benefits of using earthworm castings.
Page 6
To Order Call: 541 .476.9626
Casting Call Newsletter
Casting Call is VermiCo’s bi-monthly newsletter, keeping readers up-to-date with the latest developments in vermiculture. Every 60 days we bring you the biggest stories, events, book reviews,
interviews with industry leaders, and news items to keep you informed. Our primary focus is upon
vermiculture, composting, soil fertility and related issues of organic waste
#700 esubscription…...6 issues $18
Casting Call Back Issues
Get back issues of Casting Call, in pdf format
#701 Volume I-V (1995-2001) …………$30
#703 Volume VI (June 2001-April 2002) …………$10
#707 Volume VII (June 2002-April 2003) …………$10
#708 Volume VII (June 2003-April 2004) …………$10
Get all 8 years of Casting Call back issues plus 1 year subscription for just $62. (save $100 from
regular price)
Some comments from our subscribers:
“I have advised every worm grower I have talked to to subscribe to your newsletter.”
“Your newsletter has without a doubt been one of the most valuable investments I have ever made in my business.”
“I can’t tell you how much I look forward to each and every one of your newsletters.”
Just getting started and want to know more? VermiCo is offering a full year's subscription to Casting Call for $10.00 with the
purchase of Commercial Vermiculture ($25). Get both for only $39.00 with shipping. A savings of $8.00!
#702……….$35 + $5 shipping
Get Commercial Vermiculture (regularly $25) Casting Call one year subscription (regularly $18) and Casting Call back issues
Vol. I, II, III, IV, & V (regularly $30) for just $65 with free shipping. A $133 value!
#705……….$65 with free shipping
Subscribers to Casting Call are found in nearly every state of the US and in countries around the world, including:
The Netherlands
Saudi Arabia
New Zealand
South Africa
United Kingdom
Page 7
In Their Own Words: Interviews With Vermiculture Experts
edited by Peter Bogdanov
Do you wonder why there is so much talk about earthworms? Did you know earthworms have value far beyond
fish bait? Earthworm castings can have a radical effect on what we grow and the foods we eat.
Do you wonder how long we can continue to be a throw-away society? Earthworms are effective in
transforming our garbage into their “gold,” (castings). Here at last a dozen experts tell you, In Their Own
Words, why earthworms are our best choice for both managing waste and growing more healthy plants. From
scientists to “worm farmers,” you’ll meet a diverse but informed group of worm workers who believe they are ready to usher in
a new age of exciting opportunities for thousands of people.
Explore the new frontier of vermicomposting that offers a dual This 184-page book features interviews with 12 of the
income from accepting raw materials (organic residues) and
industry’s leading experts.
production of a high-grade soil amendment (earthworm
• Mary Appelhof
• Al Cardoza
• Jack Chambers
• Ed Berry
Whether you are interested in gardening, recycling, soil
• Mario Travalini
ecology, or considering a new business in an environmentally • Barry Meijer
• Jim Jensen
• Dr. Clive Edwards
friendly but relatively unknown industry, this book will give
• Al Eggen
• Dr. Scott Subler
you dozens of new ideas for discovering the enormous
• Larry Martin
• Bruce R Eastman
potential of the amazing earthworm
#100 CD……$15
#100 pdf …..$10
Commercial Vermiculture: How to Build A Thriving Business in Redworms
by Peter Bogdanov
"With its focus on how to make money raising earthworms, this new book is a welcome source of up-to-date
information on the business of vermiculture. Bogdanov puts vermiculture into a historical context, gives basic
information about composting worms, tells how to get started, and describes how to set up commercial beds.
He covers pests and predators, harvesting, and packaging and shipping. This book is a must for anyone wanting to go into the worm business." Mary Appelhof, Worms Eat My Garbage, 2 nd ed., 1997
Learn which type of earthworm is best for commercial breeding and why.
Find out how to avoid hurting, damaging, or destroying your investment in earthworms.
Proven methods of creating and monitoring optimum conditions.
Causes of success and failure in the vermiculture business.
Great ways to get free feedstock and bedding for earthworms.
Discover the best ways to harvest your crop.
Things to avoid when raising worms.
Eliminate worry of pests and predators.
Learn what you can do to prepare for raising earthworms before your shipment arrives.
More than worms: Other ways to profit from your business.
...And much, more!
This book was written after researching major landfill diversion sites, touring many different size commercial operations,
attendance at composting and vermicomposting conferences and seminars, and research in past and current scientific literature. There is no comparable book available in print. It was written with the new grower in mind, but has valuable information for established commercial operations.
#101……….$25 #101 pdf……….$15 #101 CD……….$20
Page 8
To Order Call: 541 .476.9626
Earthworms for Ecology and Profit, Vol. 1 Scientific Earthworm Farming by Ronald E. Gaddie
This is the book that launched the revolution in the 1970s as hundreds of thousands read this authoritative description of raising worms. Today, this all-time, best-selling earthworm book (over 750,000 copies in print)
can't be found in bookstores. Because of a special purchase we have made directly with the author, we can offer this classic. Complete with photos, tables, graphs, and diagrams, you'll treasure this book as a valuable addition to your earthworm library.
Worms Eat My Garbage by Mary Appelhof
Newly revised and updated, this new edition gives even more information on how to set up and maintain a
worm composting system than the popular first edition which sold over 100,000 copies. This book is useful for
the home vermicomposter. It tells how to construct a simple worm bin, and what kinds of foods you can feed
your worms. Harvesting worms and castings, making potting soil from the vermicompost, and growing healthy
plants from recycled food wastes are all covered here.
Worms Eat Our Garbage by Mary Appelhof, Mary Frances Fenton, & Barbara Loss Harris
Classroom Activities For a Better Environment. A workbook for teachers centered around a classroom
worm bin. This curriculum uses over 150 worm-related activities to develop problem-solving and criticalthinking skills in children grades 4-8. Integrates science, math, language arts, biology, solid waste issues,
ecology and the environment in ways that draw children into the learning process.
#104……$30 (see page 13 #303 for discounted package offer!)
Darwin on Earthworms by Charles Darwin
Highly recommended reading. This is a rare and classic book written by Darwin just before he died.
Harnessing the Earthworm by Thomas Barrett
Dr. Barrett describes his book as "A practical inquiry into soil building, soil conditions, and plant nutrition
through the action of earthworms, with instruction for the intensive propagation and use of domesticated earthworms in biological soil building." It has facts, figures and illustrations showing how earthworms can be applied
to condition your soil for better plants, more beautiful gardens and richer crops.
OSCR Construction Manual by Dan Holcombe & John Longfellow
This blueprint for a successful vermiculture compost system is modeled on the famous continuous flow,
Oregon Soil Corp. Reactor. It includes construction drawings, operators guide, operation plan, parts list, and
site license. Build an OSCR from plywood and screws. Add insulation and soil cable heating system to keep
the bin at a constant 72° F. Dimensions of the bin are 36" wide x 48" long x 36" high. Make out of new or
used materials. Plans include directions to make harvesting screen and audit box. Many diagrams, charts
and graphs. Add feedstock to the top of the system and harvest castings and worm tea from harvest chamber
below. Use of these bins allows you to keep worms at their happiest in the coldest conditions. (VermiCo
uses these as incubation bins throughout the winter) Students at UC Berkeley constructed dozens of these.
Page 9
Books by Charlie Morgan, America’s Best-Loved “Wormologist”
Earthworm Selling and Shipping Guide
Earthworm Feeds and Feeding
by Charlie Morgan
by Charlie Morgan
Tells how to sell at home or nationwide at a
profit, how to write a classified ad that brings
inquiries, and how to write a good sales letter. It explains postal regulations, packages
and packaging materials and where to get
them. An excellent reference that every worm grower should
Manual of Therapeutic Medications &
Pesticides for Worm Growers
by Charlie Morgan
This book covers everything from a chemical worm toughener to safe use of pesticides and medications. Tells how to control
mites and other insects, harmful bacteria,
acidity, plus methods of controlling cocoon production and
growing larger worms.
The Worm Farm
A research report based on many years work
and experience solving worm breeding problems. Tells how to prevent mites, acid beds,
and protein poisoning. Answers questions
about best feeds and the use of antibiotics.
Describes methods for making synthetic manure plus many
other ideas and methods used by leading worm growers. It is
filled with vital information and is a valuable reference for
every worm grower.
Raising the African Nightcrawler
by Charlie Morgan
The only complete book yet written concerning this fascinating and highly profitable BIG
worm, to which so many established growers
are now turning for extra profits. A thoroughly detailed book of primary importance
to anyone who plans to experiment with Africans.
by Charlie Morgan
A diary that explains establishing a successful worm farm and business. Morgan tells the
experiences of a worm grower revealing the
headaches and triumphs that were part of
starting and building a successful business.
Profitable Earthworm Farming
by Charlie Morgan
A comprehensive treatise by a research biologist, who is also a practical earthworm
breeder. Here is a detailed scientific study of
earthworm biology, history, types classifications and reproductive processes--PLUS
many practical suggestions for beddings, feeding, handling,
housing, heating, grading, counting, packaging and selling.
Chapters also on Native and African Nightcrawlers, Mealworms, Crickets, Grasshoppers and other live baits.
#302 Charlie Morgan Package: All 8 books by
this famous author
Total Package for just $65 includes free shipping
A $112 VALUE! (If 8 books purchased & shipped
separately) Save $47.00!
How To Raise, Store & Sell Nightcrawlers by Charlie Morgan
This is about the tough, big northern nightcrawler so popular with fishermen in many
areas, the worm that brings a premium price.
Morgan tells how to raise the northern nightcrawler inside and outside. He covers what
beddings and feeds to use, how to harvest and store them,
tips on selling, packaging and shipping. It is full of useful
information every worm grower can use.
Dear Charlie compiled by Patrick H.
The world renowned "wormologist" responds
to your questions about worm farming in this
book. A collection of correspondence between the late Charlie Morgan and worm
farmers around the world. They ask a wide
variety of questions and Charlie answers them in his inimitable style. His scientific knowledge and ability made him a
leading expert and authority in worm farming. This led to an
extensive consulting business. The letters are classified by
subject matter, including Red Worms, African Nightcrawlers, Northern Nightcrawlers, Pests, Pharmaceuticals, and
miscellaneous material. Charlie keys in on the more common problems.
Page 10
To Order Call: 541 .476.9626
Recycle with Earthworms: The Red
Wiggler Connection
by Shelley Grossman & Toby Weitzel
Larger Red Worms
by George H. Holwagger
This book by two Master Composters with 25
A lively report by an earthworm breeder whose
years combined experience provides a wealth
eminent success has been largely due to his
of knowledge for environment-conscious
ability to produce a larger redworm faster, and
organic gardeners, hobbyists, and commercial
at amazingly low cost. He passes on to others the story of his
worm farmers. Whether you are a novice or an expert you will revolutionary feeding and fattening methods.
appreciate the precise, clear, personal instruction. It includes
lots of illustrations and an important trouble-shooting chapter #120……$10
With Tails We Win
by Mary Crowe and Gladys Bowen
A cleverly written and fascinating story of two
professional women who operate a practical
and profitable earthworm "farm" on a city lot--a
project that grew out of a "miracle in a flower pot" and grew
and grew and GREW! You'll enjoy this little book seasoned
with humor and backed by practical experience.
Let An Earthworm Be Your Garbage Man
This report by Home, Farm & Garden
Research, Inc. is far more comprehensive than
the title indicates. It includes a treatise on the
role of the worm in the soil by Henry Hopp of
the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, an eminent authority on worms.
A-Worming We Did Go
by Ruth Meyers
An inspiring account of how a woman with
disabilities starting "on a shoestring" built 1000
worms into one of the best known worm farms.
You will enjoy her friendly, humorous style as
she instructs how to build bins, mix feeds,
tackle enemies of the earthworm and gives valuable tips on
packaging, advertising, and working with bait dealers. Photos
of operation.
The ABC s of the Earthworm Business
by Ruth Myers
The author draws on 10 years experience in
building one of California s biggest worm
farms to give information the "newcomer"
wants to know. Includes such things as selecting breeding
stock, getting off to the right start, marketing, selling to bait
dealers, mail orders and more.
Raising Fishworms with Rabbits
by Howard "Lucky" Mays
The author, breeder of champion rabbits, shares
his experiences in establishing a profitable
business of raising worms under rabbit hutches, an ideal
Raising Earthworms for Profit
by Earl B. Shields
This comprehensive book supplies the basic
fundamentals to the prospective grower. It is
packed with 128 pages of valuable
information, including 62 photographs and 37
drawings. You'll discover many ideas,
methods, advertising and sales helps for the beginning or
established grower. It also has a complete section on the
African Nightcrawler.
Page 11
The Nightcrawler Manual by Ray Edwards
This is the complete guide to harvesting and storing native (northern) nightcrawlers. It tells
about methods used by experts with photographs and illustrations. It describes equipment
needed to get started and techniques used to store bait for six months. Ideal for the avid
fisherman or bait dealer.
As The Worm Turns: New and Easy Methods for Raising Earthworms
by Roy and Diane Fewell
A simply written treatment of the subject, with index and list of worm resources at the end.
Earthworm Buyers Guide & Directory 2004-2005
This edition marks 50 years of publication, a period during which it has grown in value to the
earthworm industry. Its 70 pages list leading earthworm growers in the United States and Canada
with the names of owners, types of worms sold, and related items and information.
Worm Café: Mid-Scale Vermicomposting of Lunchroom Wastes
by Binet Payne
This manual has been written especially for schools, small businesses and community groups. In
this book, Payne has detailed how to incorporate your own mid-scale worm composting program
through project-based learning. The Worm Café is richly illustrated and offers a wealth of useful
information. This is must reading for teachers interested in starting their own classroom or schoolwide vermicomposting program! Learn how a middle school saved $6000 per year in avoided
disposal costs by vermicomposting office paper and cafeteria waste.
The Worm Book
by Loren Nancarrow & Janet Hogan Taylor
This book was written as a complete guide to Gardening and Composting with Worms. It tells
you how to build a worm composting bin including diagrams for several different bins, from
basic to deluxe. It educates on how worm composting works, and why it is such a good idea. It
explains the use of worms, castings, and vermicompost in the garden and even gives recipes on
how to cook with worms!
The Farmer's Earthworm Handbook: Managing Your Underground Money-Makers
by David Ernst
Everything you always wanted to know about managing earthworms--those underground moneymakers--but didn't know who to ask, is found in the 112 pages of this valuable handbook.
Dealing with all aspects of managing earthworms more profitably in your farming operation,
hundreds of rigorous scientific research ideas from leading scientists around the world are
balanced with many practical in-the-field cropping ideas from farmers. These are farmers who
fully believe in what earthworms can mean in the way of increased yields, reduced costs and
higher profits in their fields. You'll learn how earthworms allow more air and water to penetrate
the soil, improve fertility, help plant roots grow deeper and increase crop productivity.
Page 12
To Order Call: 541 .476.9626
More Books…...
Biology of Earthworms
by C.A. Edwards and J.R. Lofty (1972)
In this classic, first edition of Dr. Clive Edwards' textbook, the fundamental
aspects of the biology and habits of earthworms are presented. The authors
state that "no previous book has attempted to review all aspects of the
biology, morphology, physiology, taxonomy, and ecology of earthworms,
and we hope that the present volume may help to fill this need." Filled with
pictures, charts, graphs, tables, and diagrams, this reasonably priced
scientific text has value for today's student of earthworms and their role in
soil fertility. #128……$20
The Compost Tea Brewing Manual 4th Edition
by Dr. Elaine R. Ingham
Dr. Ingham's comprehensive manual on making, applying, and assessing
compost tea is now available in its 3rd edition. A must for any user of
compost tea from backyard gardener to range manager. There is no more
authoritative manual on the subject than this!
The Earth Moved
new in 2004
by Amy Stewart
Here is a fascinating exploration of the underground world and one of its most
amazing superstars. The earthworm may be small, spineless, and blind, but its
role in the ecosystem is huge. It tills the soil, destroys microscopic organisms
and breaks down toxins, turning organic matter into rich compost, and creating
soil fertility. In her witty and offbeat style, Amy Stewart shows just how much
depends on the humble worm. Highly recommended! One of the best.
Page 13
#301-A VermiCo's Best Selling Information Package $79
Regular catalog price
#101 Commercial Vermiculture How To Build a Thriving Business in Redworms
#701 Casting Call Back Issues bound edition (1996-2001)
#102 Earthworms For Ecology & Profit Vol. 1
#100 In Their Own Words
#700 One year subscription to Casting Call newsletter
Shipping (if purchased separately)
$124 value
Get these 4 great resources plus a 1-year subscription to Casting Call for just $79
(a $124 value—save $45) and get free shipping!
Here’s the perfect place to start reading up on the opportunities in vermiculture. You get important “how to” information,
insights from industry experts and news of events that have shaped and continue to influence this expanding area.
#302 VermiCo’s Complete Information Package—$199
Regular catalog price
#100 In Their Own Words
#101 Commercial Vermiculture
#700 One year subscription to Casting Call newsletter
#701 Casting Call Back Issues bound edition
#703 Casting Call Back Issues Volume VI
#801 American Resource Recovery video
#802 Continuous Flow Reactor video
#803 Wine Country Worms video
#804 Food Waste Vermicomposting video
#850 CD Rom Package
Shipping ( if purchased separately)
$269 value
Get these 9 great resources plus a 1-year subscription to Casting Call for just $199
(a $269 value—save $70) and get free shipping anywhere in the US!
#305 Add Best Management Practices Manual + 1/2 off coupon for our next seminar. (see page 14)
(a $518 value for only $399—save $ 119) and get free shipping. Available in the US only
Page 14
Page 14
To Order Call: 541 .476.9626
Just Released!
Best Management Practices in Vermicomposting Manual
Since we began the two-day Seminar in September 1999, we've had many requests for the
material in the Best Management Practices in Vermicomposting Manual. Several have asked
if the course manual is for sale. Until now, we've only made the manual available at the
Seminar, largely to encourage people to attend the live performance. However, we realize
that many people, for many reasons, simply cannot attend, but would appreciate having access to the material found in the manual.
Our first manual contained about 250 pages and our attendees spoke very highly of it. The
current, updated edition contains over 420 pages divided into 13 tabbed sections. In the actual seminar, power point presentations, slides and videos are used in the first 4 or five sections only. Because of the great number of guest speakers used, we have never covered all
the material contained in the manual during the live presentations. There simply has not
been enough time to cover all the material over the two-day event.
Chapters in the Best Management
Practices in Vermicomposting Manual If you are unable to attend one of our Seminars but would like to purchase
1. Introduction: Waste Management Issues
2. Composting: The Process
3. Compost: The Product
4. Biology & Ecology of Earthworms
5. Vermicomposting: Process & Product
6. Marketing
7. Financing
8. Site Design
9. Operations
10. Business Plan
11. Regulations
12. Resources
13. Glossary of Terms
the manual, we are making it available for just $249 with free shipping in
the US and $35 shipping outside US. The purchase of the manual also includes a coupon for a special half-price offer (for one person), for a future
seminar registration. Please note that all sales are final and no refunds will
be given.
Best Management Practices in Vermicomposting Manual with 1/2 off coupon for a future Seminar
Can’t travel to the next seminar?
Order this valuable manual today!
CD Rom Package
m &
D Ro nd data
Inclu es of tex
30 pa
Developing A Successful Business Around Earthworms
Presented by Peter Bogdanov at Vermillennium, September 2000.
Can I really make a living selling worms?
Principles VermiCo has employed
How worm workers can impact the marketplace: a few case studies
Demographics: How do we know who’s out there and what do they want?
The future of the earthworm industry
Special Survey of US Vermiculture Operations is included. An examination of 100 Earthworm
Growers listed by US State (1996-2001) with observations about rate of industry turnover See: Slides of several
vermicomposting facilities, including: Pacific Southwest Farms (Ontario, CA), Canyon Recycling (San Diego, CA), Ecology
Farms (Perris, CA), Yelm Earthworm & Castings Farm (Yelm, WA), Oregon Soil Corporation Continuous Flow Reactor
(Portland, OR), American Resource Recovery (Vernalis, CA), Ocoee Florida Biosolids Vermicomposting, Eggen’s Vermitech
Digester, Windle’s South Korean Worm Gin and more!
A 90-minute PowerPoint presentation that can be viewed on any PC.
Text, graphics and sound effects
Over 160 slides
30 pages of text including tabulated demographic data
#850……$35 Electronic package #850e …….$25
Page 15
Scientists have found that optimum conditions for earthworms include the following: Proper
temperature, moisture content, soil pH, and bedding free of soluble salts. In order to monitor, correct
and enhance these conditions you should consider these tools.
Compost Thermometer:
Measures both compost and worm bed temperatures-up to 200 degrees. Made
by Reo-Temp--a quality instrument.
Moisture Meter:
Indicates when your worm bed is dry-moist-or wet. Don’t let your system dry
out or get soggy—Keep it moist!
Soil pH:
Is your earthworm bed acidic?--too alkaline? How will you know? The pH
meter tells you where you stand.
Salt Meter:
A 5-second test measures concentration of soluble salts in the worm bed.
Tools Pak #401
Just $79
Regular catalog price
#601 Compost Thermometer
#602 Moisture Meter
#603 pH Meter
#604 Salt Meter
Shipping (if purchased separately)
$101 value
Tools Pak #401
Just $79.
Save $22!
Includes FREE
Page 16
To Order Call: 541 .476.9626
Worm Bins
Taking out the garbage has never been so fun! The Can-O-Worms™ worm farm is fun, easy to use
and it gives you free plant food. It is so versatile
that it can be left indoors for apartment dwellers,
on a balcony, in a shed or in a shaded outdoor
location for those with a yard.
Now you can turn your household waste into
"Black Gold" —worm castings—one of the rich- 2 pounds redworms
est bio-fertilizers known to man. Turn your kitchen scraps, yard waste
and even junk mail into valuable plant food with the help of worms. Did Worm Bin Video
you know that just 1 pound of earthworms can convert ½ pound of food
scraps into valuable worm castings EVERY DAY?
# 501…..$119.00 + Shipping*
shipped separately)
*SHIPPING in the continental US on Can-O-Worms
and Bin Pak #402
*If your zip code starts with 8 or 9 add $20 shipping, all
other zip codes add $30 shipping. Please add $35 shipping
to Alaska and Hawaii.
ONLY $160.00 FOR ALL THREE plus shipping*
SAVE $24.00!
The Worm Wigwam™ is designed to process large amounts of food and other organic waste. The byproduct, finished castings, is a readily usable or salable product reducing the need for chemical fertilizer. Just turn the harvest handle, remove the
door and collect the earthworm castings from the bottom tray. There is good evidence that a large proportion of the essential
plant nutrients that are in a relatively soluble form are washed out in other systems. The Worm Wigwam ™ helps retain these
The Worm Wigwam™ requires no compost turning and requires no separating of worms and partially
decomposed waste from the finished castings. It is 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide and weighs 86 pounds.
Users have reported up to hundreds of pounds of waste composted per year. The Worm Wigwam™ is
heated and insulated for optimum year-round use. It features a raised floor design providing maximum
aeration for faster worm feeding and shorter composting times. The system never needs to be emptied
or restarted, using 100% of the composting area. Dick Sloane, of the National Institute of Health has
this to say about the Worm Wigwam ™. “This is the best vermicomposting system that I have seen to
date. Anyone interested in vermicomposting to accomplish organic waste diversion should definitely
consider the Worm Wigwam ™. Two years later and ours are still diverting tons of organic waste
from the landfill.”
#500……….$590 + $ 75 Shipping
with this
Get the Worm Wigwam™ and begin immediate use with 20#s of worms. You save $40!
#403……….$890 + $85 Shipping
Thermostatically set for optimum temperature control. Cables maintain a consistent, ideal temperature of 74 degrees. These
are ideal for raising worms in cold climates. If you build an OSCR worm bin from the blueprints, you’ll need to use this system
for accurate and efficient heating. Cable length is 24-foot loop. Uses 110 current. Works best for an approximate 12 sq. ft
Buy Worm Bin Heating Cables with the OSCR Blueprints #108
Save $10 and get FREE SHIPPING!
Special Offer!
Page 17
VermiCo's Commercial Earthworm Harvesters
VermiCo offers two models of earthworm harvester plans to meet the needs of today's Vermicomposting Operations. These
units have been specially designed to be easy to use and to offer years of reliable service. The versatile trommel screen can
be used either to separate earthworms from their bedding or to screen castings to produce a uniform product.
VermiCo harvesters are capable of harvesting up to 50 pounds of earthworms per hour. That's about 400 lbs. of worms over
an 8-hour harvesting day. You will reduce labor costs, increase earthworm sales and increase profits from marketing castings
by investing in a piece of machinery that will provide you with years of service. Our harvesters are designed from years of
worm farm experience and consist of rugged components.
Special features of the VermiCo Worm Harvester
16 gauge steel drum construction
Quiet, dependable operation
Mounted on four 12" pneumatic tires for easy movement.
All joints are welded to help hold the frame rigid for a cleaner harvest.
Each VermiCo Worm Harvester is tested to assure excellent performance.
Portability: Move your VermiCo harvester from one location to the next, using a standard pick-up truck.
Maneuverability: Heavy duty, large pneumatic tires allow you to position your harvester anywhere along outdoor
Flexibility: Choose either the electric or gas-powered models.
Durability: The heavy-duty welded construction in every harvester we build is your guarantee of years of profitable
Two Models Available:
We offer the flexibility of using either an electric-powered or gas-powered harvester, providing you with a safe, sensible,
and economical alternative to harvesting worms by hand. Built to last, we use the same materials and construction methods in both models for years of dependable and trouble-free service.
Detailed Harvester Plans
You can build your own harvester using these detailed plans. These blueprints provide detailed directions for building our
Model G-100 unit or our our Model E-100 which are also available fully assembled. This design features what we believe is
the most dependable and productive harvester of its size available. Our plans include:
Tools list
Laying out the hydraulic tank
Materials List
Final Assembly
Sheet Metal parts
Laying out the drum and shaft
Color Photographs
Laying out the harvester frame
You will find the 33 pages of plans very easy to follow with pictures of your progress included for the different steps.
#506-electric harvester plans……$250
#507-gas harvester plans……$250
See the harvester in action. Send for our free video
#200……FREE (please send $5 for shipping)
Page 18
To Order Call: 541 .476.9626
Earthworm Castings & Castings Tea
After years of scientific investigations with earthworm castings, Dr. Scott Subler, Ph.D., a leading soil
ecologist and authority on plant health, became firmly convinced of their exceptional value for improving
soil quality and enhancing plant health and growth. Frustrated by the gap between the exciting findings of
these university studies and the ability to put this valuable knowledge into the hands of those who could
use it, Dr. Subler developed Living Soil products to bring the remarkable properties of earthworm castings to people who care for plants.
Earthworm Castings
Our finely-textured, rich appearing castings are highly effective for all potted or containerized plants both indoors and out. Use as a top dressing, or mix with potting, germination, and transplanting media. Also great for use outdoors with garden plants and perennials.
#552 1 Qt. Earthworm Castings $15 + $7 shipping
Earthworm Castings Tea
The same potent plant health-enhancing qualities of our earthworm castings but in a convenient liquid form. Effective as a plant watering additive or foliar spray. It takes just a few
spoonfuls per application.
#561 32 oz. Earthworm Castings Tea $20 + $8.50 shipping
Earthworm Castings Tea Bags
For those who prefer to 'brew' their own biologically enriched plant health tea, we offer tea
bags filled with our premium quality earthworm castings.
Available in attractive 24-bag and 48-bag tins.
#570 24 Earthworm Castings Tea Bags $12 + $5 shipping
#571 48 Earthworm Castings Tea Bags $15 + $5 shipping
Naturally improve plant health and appearance
Invigorate and rejuvenate potted plants and perennials
Enhance germination and early growth of seedlings and cuttings
Stimulate flowering and improve fruit set and quality
VermiCo offers a unique opportunity for those who desire a franchise-like business opportunity, a complete turnkey business
providing a website, wholesale products, training and support. Enjoy the benefits of operating an Internet-based business and
begin making sales in less than 30 days. See our exclusive QuickStart program at for details.
Page 19
Starter Packages
Regular catalog price
10 pounds Worms
#101 Commercial Vermiculture
#100 In Their Own Words
#701 Casting Ball Back Issues 5 years (1996-2001)
#700 1 year Subscription to Casting Call
#801 ARR video
#802 The Continuous Flow Reactor video
#803 Wine Country Worms video
#99 CD Rom package
#505 Harvester video
Shipping (if purchased separately)
$431 value
ONLY $299.00 FOR ALL TEN items plus Free Shipping
SAVE $132.00!
Regular catalog price
30 pounds redworms
# 501 Can-O-Worms™
#202 Worm Bin Video
#101 Commercial Vermiculture
#103 Worms Eat My Garbage
#102 Earthworms for Ecology & Profit Vol. 1
#106 Harnessing the Earthworm
#105 Darwin on Earthworms
#601 Compost Thermometer
#602 pH Meter
#603 Moisture Meter
#700 1 year Subscription to Casting Call
#701 Casting Ball Back Issues 5 years (1996-2001)
#505 Harvester Video
Shipping (if purchased separately)
$899 value
ONLY $699.00 FOR ALL 14 items plus Free Shipping
SAVE $200.00!
Page 20
To Order Call: 541 .476.9626
Business Packages
Can you
For just $99 more than you’d pay for our regular price of 100 pounds of worms with
shipping, you get $2244 of value!
#405 BUSINESS PAK $1799
Regular catalog price
100 pounds redworms*
Worm Bin Video
Commercial Vermiculture
Worms Eat My Garbage
Earthworms for Ecology & Profit Vol. 1
Biology of Earthworms
Darwin on Earthworms
Bin Creatures video
Back Issues of Casting Call 5 years (1996-2001)
Compost Thermometer
pH Meter
Moisture Meter
Salt Meter
1 year Subscription to Casting Call
OSCR Blueprints
Worm Bin Heating Cables
Harvester Video
Shipping (if purchased separately)
$2244 value
*A Business Pak purchase entitles you to buy additional worms below our lowest price.
Currently, we can offer $12 per pound for 100 or more pounds, after you purchase this package.
Subject to change at any time without notice.
NOW $1799 for all 18 items plus
free shipping! Save $445.00!!!
Page 21
Business Packages
FOR THE FASTEST START! For just $100 more than our regular price of 200 pounds
of worms with shipping, you get $4527 of value.
Our Best Offer!
Regular catalog price
200 pounds redworms*
#500 Worm Wigwam™
#210 1999 Stockton Workshop Videos (4)
#101 Commercial Vermiculture
#130 Worm Café
#106 Harnessing the Earthworm
#105 Darwin on Earthworms
#601 Compost Thermometer
#602 pH Meter
#603 Moisture Meter
#604 Salt Meter
#700 1 year Subscription to Casting Call
#701 Casting Call back issues 5 years (1996-2001)
#503 Worm Bin Heating Cables
#108 OSCR Blueprints
#505 Harvester Video
Shipping (if all items were purchased separately)
$4,527 value
NOW for just $3500 get all 19 items listed
above plus free shipping! Save $1,027.00!!!
*A Commercial Pak purchase entitles you to buy additional worms below our lowest price.
Currently, we can offer $12 per pound for 100 or more pounds, after you purchase this package.
Subject to change at any time without notice.
Page 22
To Order Call: 541 .476.9626
Best Management Practices in
Vermicomposting Seminar
The Best Management Practices in Vermicomposting curriculum provides a
course of instruction and training that will give you the resources and understanding you seek. This complete two-day intensive seminar is conducted by
leading experts who provide a comprehensive and in-depth view of
the major issues and concerns. The executive conference room/
classroom allows attendees to closely
“Well presented and organized. [Both] days were
examine problem areas and to interact with instructors in a lively discovery/
needed! A very informative program [and the
discussion format.
course notebook was] well designed! G.K.,
Stockton, CA“
What I learned went way beyond my expectations! I
learned about everything that was taught and more.
It’s all still soaking in.” A.M., Fairview, N.C.
Presentations using computer-generated power point graphics, slides, overhead
transparencies, videotapes, and a comprehensive notebook allow maximum information and technology transfer to take place in a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere. Day-long interaction with students and instructors, from morning coffee/
tea, through the catered lunch, and into the afternoon, means that your time will
be packed with information and practical techniques that are not offered anywhere else! Certificates of Training will be awarded to those who satisfactorily
pass an optional exam.
As vermicomposting programs and business opportunities become more widespread, it has become increasingly important to gain the understanding necessary to incorporate various
streams of knowledge into a comprehensive format. Questions arise concerning a wide variety
of issues, ranging from simple—the mechanics
of operating a worm bin—to the complex, such
as, What factors need to be considered in operating a large-scale vermicomposting system? This
unique curriculum includes a broad range of perspectives and resources. Check our website at or call us at 541.476.9626 to see
information on the next seminar.
Guest Speakers from past seminars
Kelly Slocum—Vermiculture Specialist, Vancouver, WA
Dr. Scott Subler—Pacific Garden Company, Millheim, PA
Mary Appelhof—Flowerfield Enterprises, Kalamazoo, MI
Al Eggen—Original Vermitech Systems, Ltd, Toronto, Canada
Bruce Eastman—Orange Co. Florida Environmental Div., Orlando, FL
Harry Windle—Worm World Inc, Gainesville, FL
Karin Grobe—Organic Recyclers Anonymous, Santa Cruz, CA
Jay Mertz—Rabbit Hill Farm, Corsicana, TX
Dan Holcombe—Oregon Soil Corp., Oregon City, OR
Jim Jensen—Yelm Earthworm & Castings Farm, Yelm, WA
Jack Chambers—Sonoma Valley Worm Farm, Sonoma, CA
Dr. Norman Arancon—–Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
George Hahn—California Vermiculture, Cardiff, CA
Dr. Elaine Ingham—Soil Foodweb, Inc., Corvallis, OR
Conferences, Seminars & Workshops
Since November 1998 VermiCo has hosted over a dozen events (conferences, seminars, workshops) in four states (WA, OR,
CA and FL) featuring numerous speakers—the leading authorities in vermiculture. These events were attended by over 1,000
individuals from nearly every US state and from over one dozen foreign countries. In March 2001, VermiCo’s Earthworms in
Eco-Technology: Conference & Trade Show, held in Portland Oregon, featured 14 speakers and drew 250 attendees, including
registrants from Argentina, Canada, Mexico, Switzerland, Austria, The Netherlands and Israel. Future events will be posted in
our subscription newsletter Casting Call and posted on our website
[Our] expectations were met and surpassed. Glad to see it wasn’t too basic." B.F. & M.F., Anacortes, WA.
"[I learned] as much as possible in one day [concerning] information about the worm industry for entrepreneurs." K.A., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
“[The notebook is] terrific, worth every dime.” K.C., Desert Worm Farm, Glendale, AZ
“I really enjoyed this workshop, gained a lot of knowledge and feel it was money well invested by Adams County.” D.F., Adams County Recycling Coordinator, Ritzville, WA
Page 23
Order Form
VermiCo Order Form
Item #
*Except for package offers, bins
and earthworms. Please add $4
for the first item and $1 for each
item thereafter for shipping in
the United States only. .
Please inquire about shipping
prices outside the United States.
Bill to: (if different than ship to):
Order total:
Package offers include free shipping in the United States.
Method of Payment
Cashiers checks or money orders
will be processed the same day
Check/Money Order
Please allow 1 week for personal
checks to clear.
American Express
Credit Card #
Exp. date MO/YR
Please email for other questions
on shipping to
or call 541.476-9626.
Order online at We offer
secure ordering . We accept PayPal
Please note: All prices in this catalog are subject to change without notice.
By Phone:
Call us with your credit card order Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.—5 p.m. Pacific Time at 541.476.9626.
Or leave your order after-hours on our voice mail system.
By Fax:
Complete this order form and fax your credit card order to 541. 476.4555
24 hours a day.
By Mail:
Mail this order form or a reasonable facsimile with your check, money order, or credit card information
to the address at the bottom of the form.
By E-mail:
E-mail your order to:
Phone: 541.476.9626 Mon-Fri 8:00-5:00 Pacific time
Fax: 541.476.4555
Mail to: VermiCo, PO Box 2334, Grants Pass OR 97528
Have a friend who would like a free copy of
this? Let us know. Gift certificates and gift
cards are available—let us ship your presents for you.
Please visit our website at for the latest information about new products and upcoming events.
5-Gallon Compost Tea Brewer
The KIS 5-gallon system was designed for the home gardener or
grower. It was developed to provide an organic solution for caring
for our plants and soil to reduce the need for harmful pesticides and
fertilizers. It works by inoculating the plants and soil with the necessary microbes and nutrients, often lacking in an urban setting. It provides a safe, natural, and totally organic environment for our plants
and soil!
SPECIFICATIONS for the KIS® 5-gallon brewer $129.50
• Size: 5 gallons
• Brewing Time: 12 hours (Only SFI approved 12 hr.
• Shelf Life: 4 hours
• Weight: Approx. 4 pounds
• Power Consumption 110 volts single phase
• Power Output (at max power output): 106.11W
• Application Rate: 5 gallons per acre (rates may
Price: $129.50 + $8 shipping
PO Box 2334
Grants Pass, OR 97528
The leader in earthworm information and technology
Benefits of Compost Tea
High nutritional value for plants and soil
Provides food to:
• Feed beneficial organisms that protect
plants (occupies infection sites)
• Sustain and inoculate plants
• Help extend root systems
• Add nutrients (biology) to the soil
To Order: