Current Newsletter - Bradley United Methodist Church


Current Newsletter - Bradley United Methodist Church
My son Nathan, who is now 28 years old, is a 2008 graduate of Taylor University
in Upland, Indiana. During the time Nathan was attending Taylor, I lived close
enough to visit regularly. When I visited I enjoyed attending chapel services with
Nathan and his friends, and then taking him and this young lady, who eventually
became my daughter-in-law, out for lunch and ice cream at the practically worldfamous Ivanhoe’s restaurant!
Our Mission: To make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
(Matthew 28:18-20)
The Bradley Beacon
“And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another,
and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Hebrews 10:24-25 (NRSV)
One of the things that I remember about the chapel services was suddenly in the
middle of nearly every service a voice would ring out from the balcony, “Don’t
forsake the brotherhood!” The first time it happened, Nathan explained to me that it
was just one of the crazy guys who lived in the Samuel Morris men’s dormitory
reminding his fellow dorm mates of their covenant of community. That bond was
strong, and I very much believe that if you attend chapel at Taylor today you very
likely would still hear this admonition shouted from the balcony. It is a Taylor tradition! The admonition is taken from author of Hebrews’ exhortation for his audience not to neglect meeting together in Hebrews 10:25. The author’s plea is for the
people to stay engaged in the community of Christian believers in order to encourage one another.
With that in mind, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you “… to provoke
one another to love and good deeds…” by becoming and staying engaged in the
community of Christian believers here at Bradley UMC. It is easy, once the excitement of a new pastor wears off to fall back into old patterns of worship attendance
and involvement in the life of the church. This is especially a concern after a prolonged interim ministry period like Bradley has recently experienced. We become
used to just keeping the wheels on the cart, and forget that the real need of the
church and the kingdom of God is to keep that cart ever moving forward!
My deepest desire is that we would grow forward together as a congregation in a
spirit of great unity and collaboration. That is the leadership style I bring to the table. It should go without saying that for this leadership style to be effective, it will
require your partnership in each and every ministry endeavor in which we choose
to involve ourselves. I know from experience that I cannot move forward alone.
So I invite you today to engage with me together in ministry as we encourage each
other to become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ through whom the Lord our God
transforms our community and world!
Sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Dave Scifres
Rev. Linda’s Corner
Bradley United Methodist Church has invested in an Endowment Trust with the Hancock County Community
Foundation. Each year, we receive a distribution of income from the Endowment Trust. The majority of these
funds are designated for existing programs; however 36%
is available to support new programs. Persons or committees interested in requesting funds for new programs
should complete an application and submit to the Trustees
by February 15. Applications and guidelines for the distribution of the Endowment Trust income are available in
the church office.
A common symbol of “love” in our culture is
Cupid. Is there anyone not familiar with this
cute baby in a diaper with a bow and arrow?
We all delight in the story that tells us once we
are smitten by Cupid’s arrow, we are hopelessly in love!
In the cold and dreary days of February, we all look forward to being warmed up
by this mischievous, winged baby, armed with
a quiver of arrows. Cupid is a symbol of playful love, and Cupid’s target is the hearts of us
mere mortals. After Cupid’s victims are shot
with an arrow, they fall hopelessly in love
without any ability to resist at all. Too often,
we live as though our love is weak, naïve, and
fickle as Cupid’s victims seemed to be. How
foreign this idea actually is to the “Love of
God” revealed in Jesus.
Christian love is intentional, powerful,
and often times costly. Christ-like love is not
just a sugary, sentimental, emotionally good
feeling. Christian love extends not only to our
“nearest and dearest”, our friends, and our
families who love us; Christian love extends to
the neighbor, to the stranger, even to the enemy. Christian love is not just a spontaneous
emotional experience, so often associated with
Cupid’s random arrows. Christ-like love is
the result of deliberate prayer, thought, and
On February 14, go ahead and enjoy
the fun and playfulness of Cupid-love. It’s
only one day of the year. At the same time, I
ask us to practice Christ-like love all 365 days
of the year. As you move through the days of
February, begin to take notice where real love
is, and where real love is not.
Blessings, Rev. Linda
Karen Lee
Peggy Adams
Keith Davis
Velma Hunt
Krista Leary
Susan Eaton
Nancy Kiser
Terry Gellert
Grant Imes
Sharon Smale
Florence Molinder
Jerry Bell
Ben Eaton
Kathy Vahle
Audrey Page
Charman Carlton
Nancy Vaughan
Mark Huber
Pat Capen
Dian Hyde
Tyler Kennedy
Mary Ruth Nigh
Hilltoppers will meet at the Greenfield Cracker Barrel on Thursday, February 12th at 11:30. Call
Theresa Birdwell at 462-5246 for reservations.
Dear Bradley Friends,
Thank you for the Christmas
chocolates sent to me by the
Member Care Group. I so
appreciate being remembered.
Dear Bradley Family,
Thank you so much for the staff gift that I received. It was
greatly appreciated. You are so thoughtful and I love being at Bradley and serving our Lord.
Christ's Servant,
Tracy Campbell
With you in Christ,
Lois Myerholtz
Dear Bradley family,
Words cannot express how thankful Don and I were for
the generous Christmas gift. As most of you know, our
financial situation has changed since I am no longer
teaching. Getting this gift was such a blessing to us. You
are indeed a wonderful and loving church family, and we
are so thankful to be a part of you.
Thank you for remembering me at Christmas. It was very
Jim Hobson
Bradley Friends,
Many thanks for the beautiful poinsettia, candy, cookies,
and carolers. Enjoyed it all so much! Made my Christmas so special. Best wishes and Happy New Year to all.
Bette McClarnon
Your humble servant,
Chris Lamb
Thank you, Bradley friends, for the generous Christmas
gift. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Sharon Livingston
Thank you for the beautiful Christmas flower and also for
the box of candy. It is so nice to be remembered.
Martha Niedenthall
Dear Bradley Friends,
Your kindness during the Christmas season is gratefully
appreciated. Thank you for delivering beautiful poinsettias, cards and chocolates to mother (Nelle Greene) and
Chris at Brandywine Golden Living. The carolers were a
special gift filling the halls with favorite songs. We are
truly blessed by everyone at Bradley.
Dianne Osborne
Stewardship Update
So far the amount pledged is the best response since
2010 and the best number of pledgers since
2012. It's not too late to submit your pledge and it
helps a great deal with budget planning. Special
thanks to everyone who has already participated,
God bless you.
Thanks to everyone at Bradley Church for the beautiful
Christmas poinsettia and the box of candy.
Genevieve Brown
Thank you for your generosity, it is greatly appreciated.
We look forward to the plans that God has for us in the
coming year.
Blessings & Peace
Pastor Dave & Carmen
8 a.m. -12 p.m.
(closed for lunch 12-1)
1—4 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Thank you for the generosity shown to me this Christmas.
I appreciate you all so much. It is a joy to have a second
church family! May the new year bring many blessings
to you.
Sandy Yavor
For Weather related closings, please
tune to WTHR Channel 13 or WISH
Channel 8
Thank you for the staff gift. God bless you in this new
Marijane Renfro
Did you know that all ladies of Bradley Church are
members of the UMW? Here is some information
about the UMW (United Methodist Women).
We have an Executive Board that meets
monthly. The seven members of the Board plan the
general meetings and programs for the year. Any
woman is welcome to attend these board meetings.
In January or February we have a meeting for
Prayer and Self-Denial. This year the meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 1 p.m. We hope you will join us.
April or May we have a brunch or party for a
“Spring” Celebration. This is a time for fellowship and
September is a General Meeting
November or December we have luncheon to
thank all of you who helped us meet our goals in our
missions. We also collect the World Thank Offering at
this time, present the Love Gifts to the people you have
chosen to honor. We also honor a person with a Mission Award who has given of themselves for our
We have opportunities for Fellowship, Growth
Bradley Preschool News
Enrollment Information
Believe it or not, it is time to start signing up for the fall
classes at Bradley Preschool. Preschool is open to children who are 3 by September 1st thru Pre-K. In addition
to our morning classes, we offer an extended day program that allows for time to do additional enrichment
activities. Registration is now open to church members
and currently enrolled families, including siblings that
are not currently enrolled. Registration will be offered
to the public starting at our Open House on Thursday,
March 6th. To register for the fall, please send the registration form and a $70 check for the registration fee to
the preschool. Registration forms are available in the
preschool office, church office or online at
For more information about our preschool, go to or call the director, Jan Burt, at 4628858. We are more than happy to give tours or explain
our curriculum.
& Service in our small groups which include a monthly
book club, a weekly craft group, monthly quilting group,
HEARTS Bible Study, Angels Bible Study, the prayer
tree, and Meals on Wheels.
Won’t you pray about joining one or more of
these groups? If you would like more information about
the UMW and their activities, please contact Barbara
Terry (462-5450)
2014 UMW Annual
Missions Award
Annually the United Methodist Women give out a special
mission award to someone who has been outstanding in
their work as a Christian, a person, a friend and a part of
the Bradley family. Marijane Renfro is the recipient of
the 2014 award, chosen by a committee composed of
those who have received the award in the past. Marijane
leads the Faith Promise Team. She certainly fills the criteria of the award in all categories. Congratulations Marijane and thank you for your service to Bradley and Missions!
The Psalmist said 'They that sow in tears shall reap in
joy.' Psalms 126:5 My sweetie started feeling ill in l989.
Because his problem was so rare and normally
afflicted young women it took a while finally to diagnose.
Over the years he had many procedures, tests, including
15 heart caths, many blood transfusions, and of
course, the single lung transplant. We had a hot shot specialist in Chicago who treated patients from all over the
country and then the transplant doctors here at
Methodist. I sowed many tears over the years waiting for
tests, scared and alone in a faraway waiting room. Lots of
long, comforting conversations with Jesus. And
I have shed many tears this past year as well.
But I can assure you that I am reaping joy. I have confidence my sweetie was absent from the body and present
with the Lord as Paul says. I want others to have
that confidence, too. Jesus said "I will see you again and
your hearts shall rejoice. Your joy no man taketh from
you." John 16:22 You only get that joy if you have a relationship with God. As disciples of Jesus we should not
keep that relationship secret, not deny Him. We need to
share. Mention to your neighbor we have a new pastor
and invite them to church, offer to pick them up. There
may be folks we call "seekers" who are looking for God
and stop in at Bradley. Demonstrate your joy, welcome
them. They are looking for purpose in life and a relationship with God and his people.
By the way, I have daffodils poking up shoots. Winter
will be over soon.
God loves you and so do I.
Lyn O'Neal
Bradley United Methodist Church
210 W. Main Street
Greenfield, IN 46140-2097
Non-Profit Organization
U. S. Postage Paid
Greenfield, IN
Permit No. 217
Phone: 317-462-2662
Fax: 317-462-3211
February 2015
Sunday Worship
8:30 A.M. Blended Worship
Service (interpreted for the
How to Reach Us
Church Telephone:
Church Fax:
Email Address
Look for Bradley United Methodist Church on Facebook
Preschool Telephone:
Preschool Website
Preschool Email
Senior Pastor:………………………………………..……………Rev. David P.Scifres
Visitation Minister……………………………………………....Rev. Linda Brackney
Administrative Secretary/Treasurer ………………………….…..Sandy Yavor
Office Hours:…… Monday-Friday, 8:00am-12:00pm, 1:00-4:00pm
9:30 A.M. Fellowship/
Gathering Time
Music Coordinator:…………………………………………...Dr. Christina G. Lamb
Financial Secretary:……………………………………….…..........Marijane Renfro
Interpreter………………………………………………………………..……..Zach Evans
Preschool Director:…………………………………………………...……..….Jan Burt
10:00 A.M. Sunday School
Deadlines: Bulletin Announcement—12:00 p.m. Thursday
Newsletter Information— the 15th of the month for the following month’s
11:00 A.M. Traditional Worship
“The Bradley Beacon” is a monthly publication of the Bradley United Methodist Church; 210 W. Main Street;
Greenfield, IN46140.