Manmade Fibre Conclave - Confederation of Indian Textile Industry
Manmade Fibre Conclave - Confederation of Indian Textile Industry
N INNOVATIO Y& C N IE EFFIC NESS COMPETITIVE Media Partner Manmade Fibre Conclave 17 th M a r c h 2 0 1 5 , H ot e l We st i n, G ore g aon, MUMBAI Organised by Manmade Fibre Industry Man-made fibres account for 68% of all fibres consumed worldwide. Their usage has been growing in clothing, carpets, household textiles and a wide range of technical products - tyres, conveyor belts, fillings for sleeping bags and cold-weather clothing, filters for improving the quality of air and water in the environment, fire-resistant materials, reinforcement in composites used for advanced aircraft production, and much else. Fibres can be precisely engineered to give the right combination of qualities required for the end-use in question: appearance, handle, strength, durability, stretch, stability, warmth, protection, easy care, breathability, moisture absorption and value for money, for example. In many cases, they are used in blends with natural fibres such as cotton and wool. Available data shows that total mill consumption of man-made fibres worldwide grew by 4.1 per cent during 2013 over the previous year to reach 61 billion kg and in China by 8.5 per cent to reach 38 billion kg. South Asia as a whole also registered positive growth whereas consumption in India declined by 6.7 per cent and reached 2.1 billion kg during the year. Production of manmade fibres is also growing substantially in all major manufacturing countries except India. Obviously, it is not practicable to strategize the growth of manmade fibre based textiles industry based on our own fibre production unless a dramatic increase in domestic production takes place. Removal of Customs Duties and a substantial reduction of Excise Duties on MMFs and their raw materials will strengthen both production and consumption of MMFs. World textile mill consumption- by fibre World textile mill consumption- MMF types ‘000 tons ‘000 tons 100000 70000 3.7% pa 60000 80000 50000 3.0% pa 60000 40000 2.8% pa 30000 40000 20000 20000 10000 Synthetic Wool Cotton Polypropylene Polyester Nylon Acrylic 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 1982 1980 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 1982 1980 0 Cellulosic Cellulosic About Conclave Confederation of Indian Textile Industry is organising the first Manmade Fibre Conclave in hotel Westin, Goregaon, Mumbai on 17th March, 2015. The Conclave will explore the potential and examine the constraints in the manmade fibre sector and evolve measures to spur growth and investment in this segment of the textile value chain. The Conclave would bring together leading manufacturers, consumers and end users of MMF products to enhance the business potential in this vital sector. The theme of the conclave is ‘innovation, efficiency and competitiveness’ which would reflect the potential of growth and the evolutionary constraints. The conclave would also emphasise the need for interdisciplinary co-operation along the processing chain and the stake holders would discuss the issues and challenges and measures which could further the growth of MMF based industry. 2 Conclave theme • Recasting the MMF business prospects; Models replicated • Fibre/filament innovations, changing technology, changing applications • Fibre demand and long term opportunities • Emerging India in the MMF sphere Modal Viscose acrylic Polyester Rayon 3 Spandex Inaugural Session In addition to the formal inauguration, this session will include a Keynote Address setting the tone for the sessions that would follow. Panel discussion on MMF Fibre demand and long term perspective in India • The panel will discuss the issues related to MMF consumption and mill demand. The mill demand is considered to be growing, but below the potential. The experts will discuss the issues which affect the fibre consumption and capacity. With the advent and wide applicability of technical textiles, the demand of MMF products is expected to increase. Business session on MMF Global trade This session will discuss the international MMF textile trade and the growth opportunities. Also experts will discuss how India can enhance its position in the global MMF textile trade. The session will be moderated by an expert from the sector. Business session on production, innovation and capacity building This session will discuss the latest technologies, Fibre/filament innovations, changing technology, changing applications. Manufacturers from India and abroad will be given slot for presentation and some of them can be approached for corporate presentation on a sponsorship basis, The session will also discuss Fibre demand and long term opportunities, fiscal issues. 4 Sponsorship Options Platinum Sponsor Rs. 15 Lakh Gold Sponsor Rs. 5 Lakh Facilities • Name and Logo will be displayed prominently on the Conference Backdrop throughout the Conference. • Publicity material ¬ either printed or on CDs ¬ provided by the Platinum Sponsor will be included in the Conference Kit. • Welcome panel with logo will be displayed at the Registration Counter • Name and logo of the Platinum sponsor will be covered in the official website of CITI with proceedings and presentations published on the website. • Exclusive business meetings will be arranged with selected mill owners on a request basis. • A 30 minute slot will be provided for presentation of a paper in one of the Business Sessions of the Conference. • Factory visits on a request basis. • A full page four colour advertisement of the Platinum Sponsor will be included in the special edition of Textile Times (the monthly magazine of CITI), which will also be included in the Conference Kit. • An article will be published in the special edition of Textile Times on the topic selected by the sponsor. • Persons to be nominated by the Platinum Sponsor will be included as guest delegates in the Conference. Facilities • Name and Logo will be displayed prominently on the Conference Backdrop throughout the Conference. • Publicity material ¬ either printed or on CDs ¬ provided by the Gold Sponsors will be included in the Conference Kit. • Name and logo will be covered in the website of CITI. • Welcome panel with logo will be displayed at the Registration Counter • A 15 minute slot will be provided for presentation of a paper in one of the Business Sessions of the Conference. • 3 Persons to be nominated by the Gold Sponsor will be included as guest delegates in the Conference. Silver Sponsor Rs. 3 Lakh Facilities • Name and Logo will be displayed prominently on the Conference Backdrop throughout the Conference. • Publicity material ¬ either printed or on CDs ¬ provided by the Sponsors will be included in the Conference Kit. • Welcome panel with logo will be displayed at the Registration counter • Persons to be nominated by the Silver Sponsor will be included as guest delegates in the Conference There will be a half an hour coverage of the Conclave by NewsX post event. 5 Manmade Fibre Conclave 1 7 th Ma rch 2 0 1 5 , Ho tel West in , Go regao n , Mu m b ai Registration Form Name : Designation: Company: Address: Postal Code: Country: Office Phone: Fax: Mobile: Web: Email: There is no delegation fee for participation in the conclave. However, participation will be regulated through mandatory registration. Kindly fax / email the completed registration form immediately. For further information, please contact: Mr. Shaju Mangalam Assistant Secretary General 09968312384 Mr. S Raswant Joint Secretary 09811016731 6th Floor, Narain Manzil, 23, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110 001 Tel: +91 11 23325012/5013/5015/5055, Fax: +91 11 41519602 6 Room Reservation Request Form 7 6th Floor, Narain Manzil, 23, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110 001 Tel: +91 11 23325012/5013/5015/5055, Fax: +91 11 41519602,
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