program - Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
program - Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
International Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society PROGRAM October 26–30, 2015 SAVE THE DATE! June 6–8, 2016 | Hyatt Regency Orange County, Anaheim CA “More useful information for the direct application of ergonomics in the workplace than I have encountered at any conference… over the past 25 years.” Wm. G. (Bill) Elliott, MPH, MS, CPE A collaborative and unique ergonomics conference! ErgoX delivers practical, usable, and evidence-based solutions to the challenges faced by ergonomists and health and safety specialists in office and industrial settings. At ErgoX, you will: • Hear TED-style presentations from world-class experts in ergonomics and safety “Knowledge transfer at its best; evidence-based practice in motion.” Sonia Paquette, OTD, OTR/L, CPE, ABVE-D • Gain the latest insights on procedures, tools, and approaches for on-the-job safety and wellness • Network with industry leaders and make new strategic connections • Find solutions to pressing issues in workplace ergonomics A practical, solutions-based event that offers unique opportunities for collaboration and guidance. Visit “I was very impressed with the inventiveness and high-quality content of ErgoX.” Y. Ian Noy, Ph.D. Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety Platinum Sponsor G ENERAL INFO RMATI O N Technical Program Committee Chair CHRISTOPHER B. MAYHORN Interactive Sessions Coordinator RONALD LAURIDS BORING Student Forum BETH BLICKENSDERFER General Sessions CLEOTILDE GONZALEZ RICHARD THOMAS Quality ANNE E. ADAMS Workshops BETH BLICKENSDERFER CAROLYN M. SOMMERICH Technical Group Program Chairs Aerospace Systems MICHELLE E. HARPER-SCIARINI Forensics Professional ALISON G. VREDENBURGH Product Design ERIK WAKEFIELD Aging JING FENG Health Care JENNIE J. GALLIMORE Safety WILLIAM J. VIGILANTE, JR. Augmented Cognition CHANG S. NAM Human Performance Modeling CHRISTOPHER MYERS Surface Transportation STAS S. KRUPENIA Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making KAREN FEIGH ROBERT S. PFAFF Individual Differences in Performance KRYSTYNA GIELO-PERCZAK JAMES L. SZALMA System Development PAMELA A. SAVAGE-KNEPSHIELD Communications HARRY E. BLANCHARD Internet MARC L. RESNICK Computer Systems JAY ELKERTON Macroergonomics AYSE P. GURSES Education LESLEY STRAWDERMAN Occupational Ergonomics SEAN GALLAGHER Environmental Design PETER VINK Perception & Performance WILLIAM KOSNIK Test & Evaluation PAMELA A. SAVAGE-KNEPSHIELD Training JOSEPH R. KEEBLER Virtual Environments LAURA STRATER ALEXANDRA PROAPS Host Committee Student Lounge Program Team KIM-PHUONG L. VU (Cochair) LINSEY M. STEEGE (Cochair) JOSHUA GRAY NICHOLAS KELLING ADRIANA J. MIRAMONTES Technical Tours Team JAMES CUNNINGHAM JOSHUA GRAY ANDREW S. IMADA YURI TRUJILLO KIM-PHUONG L. VU GENERAL INFORMATION Student Volunteers Coordinators BRITTANY NEILSON (Chair) THOMAS GABLE (Cochair) User Experience Day LARA CHENG MARC L. RESNICK i GEN E R A L INF OR M ATI O N Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Officers President ANDREW S. IMADA Secretary-Treasurer JAMES P. BLISS President-Elect WILLIAM S. MARRAS Secretary-Treasurer-Elect ROBERT G. RADWIN Immediate Past President FRANCIS T. DURSO Immediate Past Secretary-Treasurer BARRETT S. CALDWELL Executive Council At-Large Members ANN M. BISANTZ PASCALE CARAYON KERMIT G. DAVIS SANDRA K. GARRETT PAUL A. GREEN M. SUSAN HALLBECK HFES Division Chairs Internal Affairs KATHLEEN L. MOSIER Education CAROLYN M. SOMMERICH Outreach KAREN JACOBS Scientific Communications and Publications C. MELODY CARSWELL Technical Standards ROBERT R. FOX HFES Staff Executive Director LYNN STROTHER Communications Director LOIS SMITH Director of Member Services CARLOS DE FALLA Administrative/Publications Coordinator SUSAN MARSCHNER Senior Production Editor STEVE STAFFORD Member Services Coordinator STEFANIE ALEXANDER 2015 Sustaining Members of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society DIAMOND PLATINUM SILVER BATTELLE APTIMA, INC. DSO NATIONAL LABS MEDSTAR HEALTH – NATIONAL CENTER FOR HUMAN FACTORS IN HEALTHCARE HAYDEE CUEVAS WALDEMAR KARWOWSKI UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE ii GENERAL INFORMATION G ENERAL INFO RMATI O N Sponsors (As of October 5, 2015) Exhibitors Lanyards GFK Booths 24, 25 Ashgate Publishing Company (As of October 5, 2015) Booth 16 BIOPAC Systems, Inc., Alphonse Chapanis Best Student Paper Award COUNCIL OF TECHNICAL GROUPS WALDEMAR KARWOWSKI Tabletop TT8 Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics Student Lounge BOARD OF CERTIFICATION IN PROFESSIONAL ERGONOMICS (Tuesday) STATE FARM (Wednesday) Environmental Design/Macroergonomics Technical Group Reception OFFICE ERGONOMICS RESEARCH COMMITTEE HCTG/PDTG Networking Reception Sponsors Principal Sponsors BRESSLERGROUP CLEMSON UNIVERSITY INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM DESIGN SCIENCE HUMAN FACTORS CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. MEDSTAR HEALTH – NATIONAL CENTER FOR HUMAN FACTORS IN HEALTHCARE NUANCE Senior Sponsors CHANGI GENERAL HOSPITAL CORE HUMAN FACTORS JAY POLLACK CONSULTING TEAGUE USABILITY ASSOCIATES USERWORKS Junior Sponsor RESEARCH COLLECTIVE Booths 11, 20 CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Tabletop TT1 Foundation for Professional Ergonomics (FPE) Booth 19 HFES 2016 Meetings Booth 15 NASA Human Systems Integration Division Booth 10 NexGen Ergonomics Inc. Booth 21 Noldus Information Technology Booth 6 SAGE Booth 13 SensoMotoric Instruments, Inc. Booth 5 Smart Eye Booth 1 Tobii Pro Tabletop TT2 University of Michigan, Center for Ergonomics Mentor-Mentee Lunch HAYDEE M. CUEVAS (Tuesday & Thursday) MONTEREY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (Wednesday) Occupational Ergonomics Technical Group Reception OFFICE ERGONOMICS RESEARCH COMMITTEE Surface Transportation Technical Group Networking/ Business Meeting REALTIME TECHNOLOGIES, INC. User Experience Day Sponsors UX Day Leadership Development Workshop DESIGN INTERACTIVE UX Day Keynote Address EMERSON PROCESS MANAGEMENT UX Day Best Paper Competition Sponsor/Student Lounge STATE FARM (Wednesday) UX Day Design Challenge UNITED TECHNOLOGIES RESEARCH CENTER UX Day Logo Competition & Twitter Raffle MOTOROLA GENERAL INFORMATION 1 GEN E R A L INF OR M ATI O N Contents Registration & Facilities Registration & Facilities Meeting Facilities...............................................................2 Registration Counter Location and Hours.......................2 On-Site Event Tickets.........................................................2 Refreshments.....................................................................2 Resources HFES Services....................................................................3 Career Center.....................................................................3 Job Notices at the Annual Meeting..................................3 Internet Café......................................................................3 Internet Access..................................................................3 Message Boards.................................................................3 News and Announcements...............................................3 Follow Us on Twitter @HFES............................................3 Mobile App.........................................................................3 Student Lounge..................................................................3 Audiovisual Preview Room................................................3 Birds of a Feather Room...................................................3 Volunteers Assignment Room..........................................3 Exhibits Location and Hours...........................................................4 Exhibitor List......................................................................4 Prize Drawings in the Exhibit Hall....................................4 Events Student Career & Professional Development Day..........4 National Ergonomics Month Expo....................................4 Gala Opening Reception...................................................4 First-Timers & Fellows........................................................4 Meet the Journal Editors...................................................4 Student Reception.............................................................4 Early-Career Professionals Reception..............................4 User Experience Day..........................................................4 HFES Annual Business Meeting.......................................4 Mentor-Mentee Brown Bag Luncheons...........................5 Program Reminders Annual Meeting Survey.....................................................5 Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions.............5 Fellows Poster Session......................................................5 University Lab Posters.......................................................5 Policies Attendee Badges................................................................5 Photography and Recording Policies...............................5 Cell Phones.........................................................................5 Nonsmoking Policy............................................................5 Proceedings........................................................................5 Meetings HFES Groups......................................................................6 Other Groups......................................................................6 ISO and ANSI Standards Committees..............................6 Technical Groups...............................................................7 Social Events..........................................................................7 Technical Tours......................................................................8 Technical Program Key to Abbreviations Used in This Program....................8 Workshops..........................................................................8 Technical Sessions.............................................................9 Program at a Glance.................................... center spread Participant Index.................................................................39 Advertisers............................................................................44 Facility Maps..................................48 and inside back cover Meeting Facilities All Annual Meeting functions other than technical tours and some networking events will be held in the JW Marriott unless otherwise noted in the program. Maps of the meeting space may be found on page 48 and the inside back cover. Electronic signage is also available. 2 Registration Counter Location and Hours Registration is open during the following hours in the Platinum Ballroom Foyer: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3:00−6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.−7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.−6:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m.−5:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m.−5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m.−12:00 noon On-Site Event Tickets For those events not sold out or canceled, tickets for tours and social events may be purchased at the Registration Counter during registration hours. No waiting lists will be established; tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Refreshments Beverage breaks will take place each morning (10:00–10:30) and afternoon (3:00–3:30) in the following locations: Monday Tuesday morning Tuesday afternoon Wednesday–Thursday Friday morning GENERAL INFORMATION Diamond Ballroom Foyer Diamond Ballroom Foyer Platinum Ballroom (Exhibit Hall) Platinum Ballroom (Exhibit Hall) Diamond Ballroom Foyer G ENERAL INFO RMATI O N Resources HFES Services Members of the HFES team will be present in the Platinum Ballroom Foyer to provide information on membership, publications, and services. Nonmembers who are registered for the full week are entitled to HFES member prices on publication orders. Career Center The Career Center is located in Platinum Ballroom F and is open during the following hours: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday News and Announcements Notifications and news alerts will be sent via the mobile program app and Twitter. Follow Us on Twitter @HFES Check out the Twitter feed @HFES and post at #HFES2015. Mobile App Download the HFES 2015 Annual Meeting mobile app from Google Play and the App Store. The app provides details about technical sessions, workshops, tours, events, and more. Updates to the program will be provided via push notifications through the mobile program app. There is no daily on-site newsletter for this year’s meeting. 1:00−6:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m.−6:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m.−5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m.−5:00 p.m. Employers who are subscribers to the HFES Online Career Center may reserve interview booths and/or tables at the On-Site Career Center, subject to availability. If you have not already reserved space, you may sign up at the On-Site Career Center. The scheduling of interviews at the Annual Meeting is the sole responsibility of the employer. HFES members: You may post your résumé in the Online Career Center free of charge. Visit and click “Career Center.” Job Notices at the Annual Meeting Organizations not interviewing in the Career Center or collecting résumés during the meeting may post a “for information only” job notice at the on-site Career Center for a $75 fee. Job seekers will be directed to send their résumés directly to the organization advertising the position. Companies that wish to post a job in the on-site Career Center, and are not interviewing, may opt to have HFES staff collect résumés and mail them after the meeting. The charge is $150. Internet Café Computers with Internet access will be available in the Platinum Ballroom Foyer. Please limit your time to 10 minutes per session. Student Lounge The Student Lounge, located in Olympic 3 (Tower Rooms), has been set aside for students to meet, network, participate in special student activities, and relax. Hours are Tuesday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Check the room sign for the guest speaker schedule. Audiovisual Preview Room Georgia 2 (Tower Rooms) has been reserved for presenters who wish to preview their audiovisual materials. Computers will be available for AV preview only. Preview hours are Monday−Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:00 a.m.−6:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m.−5:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m.−5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m.−12:00 noon Birds of a Feather Room Olympic 2 (Tower Rooms) has been set aside Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for individuals with mutual interests to discuss pertinent topics or conduct meetings. A sign-up sheet is provided at the room for advance reservations. Meeting times are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Volunteers Assignment Room Student volunteers who have been assigned duties should check in with Volunteer Coordinators Brittany Neilson and Thomas Gable in Studio 1 (Tower Rooms). Internet Access For registered guests, complimentary Internet is available in the JW Marriott main lobby and in the hotel’s restaurants. Message Boards A cork message board will be available for posting hard-copy messages and announcements about meetings and events. GENERAL INFORMATION 3 GEN E R A L INF OR M ATI O N Exhibits Location and Hours All attendees are encouraged to visit the exhibits, located in Platinum Ballroom E. Refreshment breaks will be held in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday afternoon and on Wednesday and Thursday morning and afternoon. Gala Opening Reception Join friends and colleagues in Diamond Ballroom 5 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. for this festive kickoff reception. See old friends and meet new ones while you enjoy beverages and hors d’oeuvres. Guest tickets are available to those not attending the Annual Meeting or Monday-only workshops. All guest tickets must be purchased at the Registration Counter prior to 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 26. Exhibition hours are as follows: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday First-Timers & Fellows If this is your first time at an HFES Annual Meeting, take advantage of this opportunity to be greeted by HFES Fellows and Executive Council members and officers. Come to the First-Timer/Fellow area in Diamond Ballroom 5 on Monday at 6:30 p.m. to enjoy food and networking at the Gala Opening Reception. 3:00–6:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Exhibitor List The list of exhibitors appears on page 1. Prize Drawings in the Exhibit Hall HFES will be giving away two 2016 membership renewals and two registrations for the 2016 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., September 19–23, 2016. Prizes will also be offered by some exhibitors. To enter a drawing to win these prizes, fill out the entry slip found in your portfolio bag and deposit it in the appropriate box inside the Exhibit Hall. Drawings will be held on Wednesday and Thursday during both the morning and afternoon refreshment breaks (10:00–10:30 a.m. and 3:00−3:30 p.m.). Names of winners will be posted on a sign board in the Exhibit Hall. You must be present to claim your prize. Events Student Career & Professional Development Day The HFES Student Affairs Committee is pleased to offer a special day devoted to events of interest to students on Monday in Platinum Ballroom I. See page 9 for a schedule of events. National Ergonomics Month Expo Celebrate National Ergonomics Month! All HFES meeting attendees and their guests are invited to a special 90-minute NEM Expo, to be held on Monday, October 26, from 4:45 to 6:15 p.m. in the Platinum Ballroom Foyer. The Expo will feature several entertaining and interactive booths with live demonstrations illustrating successful human factors/ ergonomics outreach activities. Stop by any time during the session to peruse the booths and learn how you can participate in NEM. 4 Meet the Journal Editors Meet with each HFES journal editor in a small-group setting to ask questions specific to your interests and find out how to maximize your work’s chances of acceptance for publication. The editors are available in Olympic 2 (Tower Rooms) at the following times: Ergonomics in Design: Wednesday, 8:30−10:00 a.m. Human Factors: Tuesday, October 27, 3:30−4:30 p.m. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making: Wednesday, 1:30−3:00 p.m. Student Reception All students attending the Annual Meeting are invited to a reception on Tuesday, October 27, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Platinum Ballroom Foyer. Snacks, beverages, and a no-host bar will be provided, and student awards will be presented. Early-Career Professionals Reception If you indicated at registration that you would attend this event, join your early-career colleagues in Gold Ballroom 1 on Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. The reception is intended for professionals in their first five years following graduation who are working in industry and academia. In addition to networking with one another and with prominent HFES members, a short program will target specific topics of interest to early-career professionals. User Experience Day User Experience Day is a dedicated track of programming specifically geared for user experience professionals. The event will take place on Wednesday, October 28, from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in various locations. See for a summary of the day’s activities. GENERAL INFORMATION G ENERAL INFO RMATI O N HFES Annual Business Meeting The Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 27, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in Platinum Ballroom I. Mentor-Mentee Brown Bag Luncheons A series of mentor-mentee luncheons will be held to assist students and early-career professionals and those in career transition to develop mentoring relationships with established professionals in the HF/E field. These small-group, dynamic, interactive sessions enable students and young professionals to meet in an informal setting and discuss their concerns and interests. The luncheons will be held from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at Rock ‘N Fish (L.A. LIVE) for those who reserved a space with Haydee Cuevas prior to the meeting. A waiting list will be available at HFES Services near the Registration Counter (Platinum Ballroom Foyer). Policies Attendee Badges All persons attending workshops, technical sessions, exhibits, tours, receptions, and other events must wear their registration badges. Attendees may register for Annual Meeting events at the Registration Counter (Platinum Ballroom Foyer). Photography and Recording Policies Attendees may take photos and/or make audio or video recordings of speakers or their visual aids, or exhibitors and their displays, only with permission from HFES and the speakers or exhibitors. Permission forms are available at HFES Services near the Registration Counter. Please complete a form for each presentation you wish to record, obtain the speaker(s)’ signature(s), and return it to HFES Services. HFES reserves the right to use photographs of attendees for promotional purposes. If you do not want HFES to use your photo, please send an opt-out message to Lois Smith at Program Reminders Annual Meeting Survey The Annual Meeting Survey will be sent via e-mail to all attendees after the meeting. Please watch your e-mail for the survey link and provide your feedback so that we can continue to improve the Annual Meeting. Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions Technical, university lab, and Fellows posters will be displayed in Platinum Ballroom E (in the Exhibit Hall). See the program schedule on the following pages for the lists of posters. There is one interactive demonstration, which will be held on Tuesday, October 27, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. in Platinum Ballroom I. The demo will be repeated periodically throughout the 90-minute session. Fellows Poster Session HFES Fellows will once again display posters of some of their latest work. The session will be held on Wednesday, October 28, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. (during the midmorning refreshment break) in Platinum Ballroom E, in the Exhibit Hall. University Lab Posters University lab posters will be on display alongside technical posters in Platinum Ballroom E on Tuesday from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. and on Thursday from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Cell Phones Please mute mobile devices (cell phones, tablets, etc.) while attending sessions. Nonsmoking Policy Smoking is not permitted inside the JW Marriott or on technical tours. Smoking is also prohibited indoors in all Los Angeles restaurants and bars. Proceedings All registered attendees have been provided with a flash drive containing the proceedings. If supplies allow, additional flash drives may be purchased at HFES Services. A computer and printer are located at the Internet Café (Platinum Ballroom Foyer) for attendees who wish to print papers from the proceedings. For printing needs not associated with obtaining printouts of papers from the proceedings, visit the Business Center, located on the third floor next to the Georgia 2 room (Tower Rooms). Annual Meeting proceedings papers are also available free to members via SAGE Journals Online. To access the content, log in at with your user name and password and select the appropriate link on the Welcome page. GENERAL INFORMATION 5 ME E T ING S HFES Groups SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24 AND 25 HFES Executive Council 7:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Plaza 3 (Tower Rooms) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 Human Factors Editorial Board (lunch) 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Atrium 3 (Tower Rooms) Local Chapter Presidents (lunch) 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Atrium 1 (Tower Rooms) Education Division Meeting 5:15–5:45p.m. Atrium 1 (Tower Rooms) HFES Annual Business Meeting 6:00–7:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom I WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 HFES Scientific Publications Committee (breakfast) 7:15–8:15 a.m. Studio 2 (Tower Rooms) Ergonomics in Design Editorial Board (lunch) 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Atrium 3 (Tower Rooms) Student Chapter Presidents (lunch) 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Plaza 3 (Tower Rooms) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 Technical Program Committee (breakfast) 8:15–10:15 a.m. Olympic 3 (Tower Rooms) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 Other Groups Foundation for Professional Ergonomics 4:30−8:30 p.m. Olympic 2 (Tower Rooms) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 Foundation for Professional Ergonomics 4:30−8:30 p.m. Olympic 2 (Tower Rooms) MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 ISO/TC 159/SC5/WG5 8:00 a.m.−12:00 noon Atrium 2 (Tower Rooms) ISO/TC 159/SC5/WG1 8:00 a.m.−5:00 p.m. Plaza 2 (Tower Rooms) ISO/TC 159/SC5/WG4 1:00−5:00 p.m. Atrium 2 (Tower Rooms) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 Foundation for Professional Ergonomics 4:30−8:30 p.m. Olympic 2 (Tower Rooms) ISO/TC 159/SC5 Plenary 8:00 a.m.−5:00 p.m. Plaza 2 (Tower Rooms) SAE International G45 Human Systems Integration Committee Meeting 3:00–5:00 p.m. Plaza 3 (Tower Rooms) Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics Business Meeting 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Olympic 1 (Tower Rooms) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 6 ISO/TC 159/SC5/WG1 9:00 a.m.−5:00 p.m. Plaza 2 (Tower Rooms) Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics Reception 6:00–7:00 p.m. Atrium 2 (Tower Rooms) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making Editorial Board (lunch) 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Atrium 1 (Tower Rooms) ISO/TC 159/SC5/WG5 9:00 a.m.−5:00 p.m. Atrium 2 (Tower Rooms) MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 Education & Training Committee (breakfast) 7:00–8:15 a.m. Off site ISO and ANSI Standards Committees Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics Business Meeting 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Olympic 1 (Tower Rooms) MEETINGS U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 159/SC4 10:30−11:30 a.m. Studio 2 (Tower Rooms) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 ANSI/HFES 100 Committee 8:30–10:30 a.m. Atrium 1 (Tower Rooms) Technical Standards Division 3:00–5:30 p.m. Studio 2 (Tower Rooms) MEETI N GS Technical Groups MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 Council of Technical Groups 3:30−5:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom A Education (Breakfast) 7:30−8:30 a.m. Plaza 3 (Tower Rooms) Environmental Design / Macroergonomics (Reception) 3:45−5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 1 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 Forensics Professional (Reception) 4:30−5:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 7 Product Design 5:30−6:45 p.m. (Business Meeting) Diamond Ballroom 8 7:00−9:00 p.m. (Reception) Off site Health Care (Reception) 5:30−6:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 Test & Evaluation (Breakfast) 7:30−8:30 a.m. Atrium 1 (Tower Rooms) Individual Differences in Performance 3:30−4:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 6 Virtual Environments 3:00−4:00 p.m. Olympic 1 (Tower Rooms) Internet / Computer Systems 4:30−5:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 3 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 Macroergonomics / Environmental Design (Reception) 3:45−5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 1 Aging (Lunch) 12:00−1:30 p.m. Plaza 1 (Tower Rooms) Augmented Cognition 3:30−5:15 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 10 Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making (Reception) 3:30−5:15 p.m. Gold Ballroom 3 Communications 3:30−4:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 7 Computer Systems / Internet 4:30−5:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 3 Technical Group Program Chairs 5:15–6:30 p.m. Atrium 1 (Tower Rooms) Social Events MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 Gala Opening Reception 6:30–9:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 5 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 Human Performance Modeling 5:30−6:30 p.m. Diamond Ballrom 6 Training (Reception) 5:30−6:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 6 Aerospace Systems (Reception) 3:30−5:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 Student Reception 5:00–6:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom Foyer WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 Early-Career Professionals Reception 5:30–7:00 p.m. Gold Ballroom 1 Occupational Ergonomics (Reception) 4:30−6:00 p.m. Off site Perception & Performance (Lunch) 12:00−1:30 p.m. Gold Ballroom 1 Safety 5:30−6:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 10 Surface Transportation (Reception) 5:30−9:30 p.m. Off site System Development (Lunch) 12:00−1:30 p.m. Off site MEETINGS 7 TECHNIC A L PR OGR A M Technical Tours Technical Program Buses will begin loading on West Road, outside the doors of the Gold Ballroom (first floor) 15 minutes prior to the departure times listed below. Tickets for events not sold out may be purchased at the Registration Counter. Tickets must be presented when buses are loading. At press time, the following workshops were scheduled to take place. However, check the mobile program app for updates. At press time, the following tours were scheduled to take place; however, please check the mobile program app and the poster boards in the registration area for updates about canceled events. Tours with low attendance are subject to cancellation. Monday, October 26 8:30 a.m.−12:00 noon MORNING WORKSHOPS WK1 − How to Create User Requirements for Software TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 #T1 Cedars Sinai Medical Center Anna M. Wichansky, Oracle Corp. Monday, October 26, 8:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 9 1:00−4:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 WK2 – Using Ethnographic Methods to Inform Human Factors and User Experience Design #T2 Southern Wine & Spirits of California 8:00−11:00 a.m. Jennifer Englert, Mary Ann Sprague, and Patricia Wall, PARC, A Xerox Company Monday, October 26, 8:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 7 Key to Abbreviations Used in This Program AS Aerospace Systems AAging AC Augmented Cognition CE Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making CCommunications CS Computer Systems DEMDemonstrations EEducation ED Environmental Design FP Forensics Professional GS General Sessions HC Health Care HP Human Performance Modeling ID Individual Differences in Performance IInternet MEMacroergonomics 8 OE Occupational Ergonomics (formerly Industrial Ergonomics) PL Plenary Session PP Perception & Performance PD Product Design POS Interactive Posters SSafety SS Special Sessions SF Student Forum ST Surface Transportation SD System Development TE Test & Evaluation TTraining VE Virtual Environments WKWorkshops TECHNICAL PROGRAM M ONDAY, O C TO BER 26 Monday, October 26 1:30−5:00 p.m. Monday, October 26 10:30 a.m.−4:45 p.m. AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS SF1 – Student Career and Professional Development Day; Media Training WK3 – What Every Professional Ergonomist Should Know About Statistical Methods and Basic Epidemiology David Cochran, U. of Nebraska-Lincoln Monday, October 26, 1:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 9 WK4 – Cognitive Neuroscience for Human Factors Chang S. Nam, North Carolina State U. Monday, October 26, 1:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 7 Monday, October 26 9:00 a.m.−4:30 p.m. ALL-DAY WORKSHOP WK5 – Questionnaire Design for Practitioners and Researchers William F. Moroney, U. of Dayton Monday, October 26, 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 6 WK7 – Human Operator Workload Measurement in Practice and Workload Modeling Changxu Wu, U. at Buffalo, SUNY Monday, October 26, 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE/OUTREACH DIVISION Monday, October 26, 10:30 a.m.–4:45 p.m. Platinum Ballroom I Discussion Panel/Interactive Session 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. Panel 1: Academic Jobs and Interviews Chair: Linsey Steege, U. of Wisconsin-Madison Panelists: Richard J. Holden, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana U./Purdue U. Indianapolis; Sara Lu Riggs, Department of Industrial Engineering, Clemson U.; Dan Nathan-Roberts, Industrial and Systems Engineering, San Jose State U.; Nicole E. Werner, Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. Panel 2: Getting an Internship or a Job in HF/UX Chair: Paul Derby, Facebook Panelists: Dhvani Patel, Google[x]; Erin Alves, Honeywell Aerospace; Kerstan Cole, Sandia National Labs; Trevor McIntyre, Facebook 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. Workshop: Simplicity Rules: How to Effectively Communicate Your HF/E Work to the Media Presenter: Gillian Renault, Renault Communications, LLC All attendees are invited to participate in this interactive session providing tips from a media expert on conveying HF/E science to reporters and the general public. Monday, October 26 3:30−9:30 p.m. Council of Technical Groups 3:30−5:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom A National Ergonomics Month Expo 4:45−6:15 p.m. Platinum Ballroom Foyer Gala Opening Reception 6:30−9:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 5 MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 9 TUE SD AY, OC TOBE R 2 7 Tuesday, October 27 7:30−8:30 a.m. Tuesday, October 27 1:30−3:00 p.m. Test & Evaluation Technical Group Networking/ Business Meeting (Breakfast) 7:30–8:30 a.m. Atrium 1 (Tower Rooms) AC1 – Augmented Cognition I Tuesday, October 27 8:00−10:00 a.m. Chair: Dick Horst, UserWorks, Inc.; Cochair: Ben D. Sawyer, U. of Central Florida 1. Quinn Kennedy, Naval Postgraduate School; Peter Nesbitt, TRAC Monterey; Jon Alt, Naval Postgraduate School; Ron Fricker, Virginia Tech, Cognitive Alignment With Performance Targeted Training Intervention Model: CAPTTIM 2. Adam J. Strang and Gregory J. Funke, U.S. Air Force Research Lab; Kelly Satterfield, George Mason U.; Brent Miller, U.S. Air Force Research Lab; Lauren E. Menke and Rebecca Brown, Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp., Effects of Task-Load Transitions on EEG Coupling in a High-Tempo Cooperative Task: Verifying a Basic Utility for Future Team Monitoring 3. Rebecca Leis, Lauren E. Reinerman-Jones, Joseph Mercado, James L. Szalma, and Peter A. Hancock, U. of Central Florida, Workload Change Over Time for Nuclear Power Plant Operation Tasks 4. Lauren E. Reinerman-Jones and Joseph Mercado, U. of Central Florida; Amy D’Agostino and Niav Hughes, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Brandon Sollins and Rebecca Leis, U. of Central Florida, Workload Associated With Nuclear Power Plant Main Control Room Tasks AUGMENTED COGNITION; COSPONSORED BY COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING Tuesday, October 27, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 7 Lecture PL – Opening Plenary Session Tuesday, October 28, 8:00−10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 5 Plenary Chair: Christopher B. Mayhorn, HFES Technical Program Committee The Opening Plenary session features the Presidential Address by Andrew S. Imada; the keynote address, “The Carbon-Based Conundrum,” by John Nance; the introduction of new Fellows; and the presentation of Society awards. Tuesday, October 27 10:30 a.m.−12:00 noon PL2 – Plenary – Past President’s Forum: Gedenkrede for Raja Parasuraman DEM1 – Interactive Demonstration Tuesday, October 27, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 5 Plenary DEMONSTRATION Chair: Francis T. Durso, Georgia Inst. of Technology Panelists: Deborah A. Boehm-Davis, George Mason U.; Peter A. Hancock, U. of Central Florida; Matthew Rizzo, U. of Nebraska Medical Center; Ericka Rovira, U.S. Military Academy; Joel S. Warm, Air Force Research Lab; Christopher D. Wickens, Alion Science and Technology 10 Tuesday, October 27, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom I Demonstration The demonstration will be repeated throughout the 90-minute session. Chair: Ronald Laurids Boring, Idaho National Lab; Cochair: Thomas Ulrich, U. of Idaho William Leidheiser, Jessica Branyon, Natalee Baldwin, and Richard Pak, Clemson U.; Anne Collins McLaughlin, North Carolina State U., Lessons Learned in Adapting a Lab-Based Measure of Working Memory Capacity for the Web TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 T UESDAY, OC TO BER 27 E1 – Advances in Education Research HP1 – Modeling, Tool Development & Testing, Empirical Research, and Validation Results From the Space Performance Research Integration Tool EDUCATION Tuesday, October 27, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 10 Lecture HUMAN PERFORMANCE MODELING Chair: Md Mahmudur Rahman, Mississippi State U.; Cochair: Karina Liles, U. of South Carolina 1. Dar-Wei Chen and Richard Catrambone, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Paper vs. Screen: Effects on Reading Comprehension, Metacognition, and Reader Behavior 2. Michael C. Dorneich, Sarah E. Bickelhaupt, Cassandra Dorius, Georgeanne Artz, Holly Bender, Laura Bestler, Beth Caissie, Sandra Gahn, Keri Jacobs, Monica H. Lamm, Lisa Orgler, Jane Rongerude, Ann Smiley-Oyen, and Richard T. Stone, Iowa State U., Measuring the Effectiveness of Team-Based Leaning Outcomes in a Human Factors Course 3. Kathryn G. Tippey, Paul Ritchey, and Thomas K. Ferris, Texas A&M U., Crossover–Repeated Measures Designs: Clarifying Common Misconceptions for a Valuable Human Factors Statistical Technique 4. B. Benedict, G. Stewart, J. Brown, E. Vinson, and Tonya L. Smith-Jackson, North Carolina A&T State U., Use of Front-End Evaluation to Design an Under graduate Industrial and Systems Engineering Ambassador Program (ISEAmP) GS1 – National Research Council Board on Human-Systems Integration Panel: Applying Human-Systems Integration to Cyber Security GENERAL SESSIONS Tuesday, October 27, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Gold Ballroom 3 Discussion Panel Chair: Nancy J. Cooke, Arizona State U. Panelists: Poornima Madhavan, National Academy of Sciences; Ellen J. Bass, Drexel U.; Joachim Meyer, Tel Aviv U.; Emilie M. Roth, Roth Cognitive Engineering HC1 – A Clinical Residency in Sausage Making: The User Experience of Embedding Health-Care Providers on Product Development Project Teams HEALTH CARE; COSPONSORED BY PRODUCT DESIGN Tuesday, October 27, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Gold Ballroom 4 Discussion Panel Tuesday, October 27, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 3 Invited Symposium Chair: Brian F. Gore, NASA 1. Brian F. Gore, NASA, Using Empirical Research and Human Performance Modeling to Predict Astronaut Performance in Long-Duration Space Missions 2. Christopher D. Wickens, Alion Science and Technology; Alex Z. Vieane and Benjamin A. Clegg, Colorado State U.; Angelia L. Sebok, Alion Science and Technology; Jessica Janes, Colorado State U., Visual Attention Allocation Between Robotic Arm and Environmental Process Control: Validating the STOM Task-Switching Model 3. Angelia L. Sebok, Christopher D. Wickens, and Robert Sargent, Alion Science and Technology, Development, Testing, and Validation of a Model-Based Tool to Predict Operator Responses in Unexpected Workload Transitions 4. Benjamin A. Clegg, Christopher D. Wickens, and Alex Z. Vieane, Colorado State U.; Robert S. Gutzwiller, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center; Angelia L. Sebok, Alion Science and Technology, Circadian Effects on Simple Components of Complex Task Performance 5. Robert S. Gutzwiller, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center; Christopher D. Wickens, Alion Science and Tech nology; Benjamin A. Clegg, Colorado State U., The Role of Individual Differences in Executive Attentional Networks in Switching Choices and Multitask Management PD1 – Behavioral Economics Methods: Discovering What Users REALLY Think About Your Product Concepts and Designs PRODUCT DESIGN Tuesday, October 27, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 Invited Address Chair: Stanley H. Caplan, Usability Assoc., LLC Jay Zaltzman, Bureau West Market Research; Abby Leafe, New Leafe Research Chair: Michael Rakauskas, Baxter Healthcare; Cochair: Korey Johnson, GfK Panelists: Ella Cozmi, Human Factoring Rx; Rollin J. (Terry) Fairbanks, MedStar Health – National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare; Tina Rees, Eli Lilly and Co.; Michelle Townshend, Baxter Healthcare; Michael Wolf, Northwestern U. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 11 TUE SD AY, OC TOBE R 2 7 PP1 – Psychophysics and Multimodal Systems PERCEPTION & PERFORMANCE Tuesday, October 27, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 1 Lecture Chair: Carryl Baldwin, George Mason U. 1. J. Christopher Brill, Old Dominion U.; Angus H. Rupert and Ben D. Lawson, U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Lab, Error Analysis for Localizing Egocentric Multi modal Cues in the Presence of Helicopter Noise 2. Timothy John Duffield and Stas Krupenia, Scania CV AB, Drivers’ Interaction Preferences in Autonomous Vehicle Multimodal Interactive Systems 3. Ein Cern Kee, Ministry of Home Affairs; Glyn Lawson, U. of Nottingham, A Psychophysical Study of Color Perception Using Digital and Real Objects 4. Bridget A. Lewis and Carryl L. Baldwin, George Mason U., Comparison of Traditional Psychophysical and Sorting Methods for In-Vehicle Display Design 5. Brandon J. Pitts and Nadine B. Sarter, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Crossmodal Matching: A Comparison of Three Techniques S1 – Safety Topics 1: Practices and Applications SAFETY Tuesday, October 27, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom A Lecture Chair: Lora A. Cavuoto, U. at Buffalo, SUNY; Cochair: David R. Lenorovitz, LENPRO Services, Inc. 1. Ronald Laurids Boring, Idaho National Lab, A Survey of Expert Elicitation Practices for Probabilistic Risk Assessment 2. Sophie Schwartz, Laura H. Ikuma, and Craig Harvey, Louisiana State U., Evaluating Control Room Interface Design and Automation in Petrochemical Operations 3. Robyn Kim, Caroline Crump, Erin Harley, Genevieve Nauhaus, and Serap Yigit-Elliott, Exponent, Inc., Store-Related Injuries to Children and Adults 4. Erick H. Knox and Michael P. Van Bree, Engineering Systems Inc., The Angle of Inclination of Extension Ladders: Field Studies and Labeling Research 5. Tahmina Akter and Tonya L. Smith-Jackson, North Carolina A&T State U., Effects of Context on Performance Times in Residential Roofing Tuesday, October 27 3:00−4:00 p.m. Virtual Environments Technical Group Networking/ Business Meeting 3:00–4:00 p.m. Olympic 1 (Tower Rooms) Tuesday, October 27 3:30−5:00 p.m. C1 – Advances of Research in Affective Processes in Communication and Collaboration COMMUNICATION; COSPONSORED BY COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING Tuesday, October 27, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 7 Discussion Panel Chair: Jie Xu, U. of Wisconsin-Madison Panelists: Enid Montague, Northwestern U.; Jonathan Gratch, U. of Southern California; Peter A. Hancock, U. of Central Florida; Myounghoon Jeon, Michigan Technological U.; Mark S. Pfaff, MITRE Corp. CE1 – Human Factors of Intelligence Analysis COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING Tuesday, October 27, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 3 Discussion Panel Chair: Nathan J. McNeese, Arizona State U. Panelists: Michael D. McNeese, Pennsylvania State U.; Emily S. Patterson, Ohio State U.; Nancy J. Cooke, Arizona State U.; Gary Klein, MacroCognition LLC E2 – Lessons Learned While Navigating the Academic Path in Human Factors EDUCATION Tuesday, October 27, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 10 Discussion Panel Chair: Heather C. Lum, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College Panelists: Christopher M. Via, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; William Shelstad, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College; J. Christopher Brill and James P. Bliss, Old Dominion U. TE1 – Capturing Data During User Research TEST & EVALUATION; COSPONSORED BY SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Tuesday, October 27, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 6 Discussion Panel Chair: Keith S. Karn, BresslerGroup, Inc. Panelists: James Ross, Infragistics; Charles L. Mauro, Mauro New Media, Inc.; Edmond Israelski, AbbVie; Robert Tannen, Intuitive Co. 12 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 T UESDAY, OC TO BER 27 GS2 – Human Factors Prize Winner Presentation I1/CS – Input and Output GENERAL SESSIONS INTERNET; COSPONSORED BY COMPUTER SYSTEMS Tuesday, October 27, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Gold Ballroom 3 Invited Address Tuesday, October 27, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom I Lecture Chair: Kermit G. Davis, U. of Cincinnati/Human Factors Prize Board of Referees Chair The winner of the 2015 Human Factors Prize for Excellence in Research on the topic of HF/E Research in Sustainability/ Resilience will be presented and talk about the work. The 2015 Prize is awarded to Thomas Franke, Nadine Rauh, Madlen Günther, Maria Trantow, and Josef Krems for their article, “Which Factors Can Protect Against Range Stress in Everyday Usage of Battery Electric Vehicles? Toward Enhancing Sustainability of Electric Mobility Systems.” Finalists Najmedin Meshkati and William Kisaalita will also present their work. Chair: Dennis J. Harris, Texas Tech U.; Cochair: Justin G. Young, Kettering U. 1. Dennis J. Harris, Trevor McIntyre, and Keith S. Jones, Texas Tech U., A Comparison of Near-Field Gestureand Mouse-Based Input 2. Ridhan Riyal, Achyut D. Patel, Thilagan Murugesan, Giuseppe Turini, and Justin G. Young, Kettering U., Effect of Control-Display Gain Transfer Function on Pointing Performance for a Hand/Finger-Based Touch less Gestural Controls: A Preliminary Investigation 3. Han Zhang and Alan Hedge, Cornell U.; Beiyuan Guo, Beijing Jiaotong U., Ambient Temperature Effects on User Thermal Sensation With a Simulated Tablet Computer 4. Steffen Werner, Christopher Hauck, Nicholas Roome, Connor Hoover, and Daniel Choates, U. of Idaho, Can VoiceScapes Assist in Menu Navigation? HC2 – Health Information and Technology HEALTH CARE Tuesday, October 27, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Gold Ballroom 4 Lecture Chair: Cullen Jackson, Harvard Medical School; Cochair: Vickie Nguyen, U. of Texas Health Science Center 1. Enid Montague and Maureen Satyshur, Northwestern U.; Jie Xu, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Jeffrey M. Panzer, Erie Family Health Center; Beatriz De Quero Navarro, Northwestern U.; David Buchanan, Erie Family Health Center, Variability in Electronic Health Record Use for Medication Management in Primary Care 2. Jason J. Saleem, U. of Louisville; Laura G. Militello, Applied Decision Science, LLC; Alissa L. Russ and Nancy R. Wilck, Veterans Health Admin., The Divide Between Applied Research and Operations in Health Information Technology Advancement: Reducing the Gap 3. Mark C. Schall, Jr., Auburn U.; Howard Chen, Priyadarshini R. Pennathur, and Laura Cullen, U. of Iowa, Development and Evaluation of a Health Information Technology Dashboard of Quality Indicators 4. Reshmi Koikkara, Joel S. Greenstein, and Kapil Chalil Madathil, Clemson U., The Effect of Graphic Organizers on the Performance of Electronic Consenting Systems 5. Kewin T. Siah, National U. Hospital; X. Jessie Yang, Singapore U. of Technology and Design; Naohisa Yoshida and Kiyoshi Ogiso, Kyoto Prefectural U. of Medicine; Katja Hölttä-Otto, Singapore U. of Technology and Design; Yuji Naito, Kyoto Prefectural U. of Medicine, Effects of Experience, Withdrawal Speed, and Monitor Size on Colonoscopists’ Visual Detection of Polyps ME1 – Teamwork and Training Using Macroergonomics MACROERGONOMICS Tuesday, October 27, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 6 Lecture Chair: Anping Xie, Johns Hopkins U.; Cochair: Petra E. Alfred, Pacific Science and Engineering Group 1. Tristan C. Endsley, James A. Reep, Michael D. McNeese, and Peter K. Forster, Pennsylvania State U., Conducting Cross-National Research: Lessons Learned for the Human Factors Practitioner 2. Erik Prytz, Jonas Rybing, Carl-Oscar Jonson, and Albin Petterson, Linköping U.; Peter Berggren, Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI; Björn Johansson, Linköping U., An Exploratory Study of a Low-Level Shared-Awareness Measure Using Mission-Critical Locations During an Emergency Exercise 3. Joseph D. McDonald, Leslie A. DeChurch, Raquel Asencio, and Dorothy R. Carter, Georgia Inst. of Technology; Jessica R. Mesmer-Magnus, U. of North CarolinaWilmington; Noshir S. Contractor, Northwestern U., Team Task Switching: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Functional Work Shifts 4. Marta Belay, Charles Henry, and Tonya L. Smith-Jackson, North Carolina A&T State U., Dementia Caregiver Empowerment Using a Cyber-Socio-Physical Model TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 13 TUE SD AY, OC TOBE R 2 7 PD2 – PDTG Stanley H. Caplan User-Centered Product Design Award Session PRODUCT DESIGN Tuesday, October 27, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 Invited Address Chair: Dianne McMullin, Boeing; Cochair: Stanley H. Caplan, Usability Assoc., LLC The winner of the 2015 Stanley H. Caplan User-Centered Product Design Award, Dan Jenkins, DCA Design Interna tional, will make a presentation about the winning product, the Hitachi Class 800/801 train. POS1 – Interactive Posters POSTERS Tuesday, October 27, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom E Poster Session Chair: Ronald Laurids Boring, Idaho National Lab; Cochair: Thomas A. Ulrich, U. of Idaho Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Posters 1. Samantha F. Warta, Stetson U., If a Robot Did “The Robot,” Would It Still Be Called “The Robot” or Just Dancing? Perceptual and Social Factors in Human–Robot Interactions 2. Travis J. Wiltshire, Emilio J. C. Lobato, David R. Garcia, Stephen M. Fiore, and Florian G. Jentsch, U. of Central Florida; Wesley H. Huang and Benjamin Axelrod, iRobot Corp., Effects of Robotic Social Cues on Interpersonal Attributions and Assessments of Robot Interaction Behaviors 3. Anthony Selkowitz and Shan Lakhmani, U. of Central Florida; Jessie Y. C. Chen, U.S. Army Research Lab; Michael W. Boyce, U.S. Army Research Lab/Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U., The Effects of Agent Transparency on Human Interaction With an Autonomous Robotic Agent 4. Julia L. Wright, Jessie Y. C. Chen, Michael J. Barnes, and Michael W. Boyce, U.S. Army Research Lab, The Effects of Information Level on Human–Agent Interaction for Route Planning 5. Emily Newsome, Corinne Wright, and Gary Klein, ShadowBox LLC; Jan Flory and Amy Baker, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Using the ShadowBox™ Method to Detect the “Investigator” and “Proceduralist” Mindsets in Frontline Social Workers 6. Nathan J. McNeese, Nancy J. Cooke, and Verica Buchanan, Arizona State U., Human Factors Guidelines for Developing Collaborative Intelligence Analysis Technologies 7. Nathan J. McNeese, Verica Buchanan, and Nancy J. Cooke, Arizona State U., The Cognitive Science of Intelligence Analysis 14 8. Daniel Lafond, Thales Research and Technology Canada; Benôit R. Roberge-Vallières, François Vachon, Marie-Ève St-Louis, and Sébastien Tremblay, Université Laval, Capturing Nonlinear Judgment Policies Using Decision Tree Models of Classification Behavior 9. Samuel S. Monfort, George Mason U.; Ewart J. de Visser, Daniel Denton, and Marvin Cohen, Perceptronics Solutions, Inc., Size, Complexity, and Organization: Assessing User Error in Bayesian Networks and Influence Diagrams 10. Chase Meusel, Norene Kelly, Stephen B. Gilbert, and Michael C. Dorneich, Iowa State U.; Brian Gilmore and Bruce Newendorp, John Deere, Operator-Centered Task Analysis: A Hybrid Methodology for Human–Machine Interaction Observation in the Field 11. Taleri Hammack, John Flach, and Joseph Houpt, Wright State U., Detecting Structure in Activity Sequences: Exploring the Hot Hand Phenomenon 12. Rebecca Wiczorek, Technische Universität Berlin; Magali Balaud, Bechnische Universität Berlin; Dietrich Manzey, Technische Universität Berlin, Investigating Benefits of Likelihood Alarm Systems in Presence of Alarm Validity Information Communications Poster 13. Daniel J. Barber, Julian Abich IV, Elizabeth Phillips, Andrew B. Talone, and Florian G. Jentsch, U. of Central Florida; Susan G. Hill, U.S. Army Research Lab, Field Assessment of Multimodal Communication for Dismounted Human–Robot Teams General Sessions Posters 14. Gary L. Boykin, Sr., and Valerie J. Rice, U.S. Army Re search Lab, Exploring the Use of Technology Among U.S. Military Service Members and Veterans 15. Katherine P. Tucker, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Div.; Audrey W. Fok, StraCon Services Group, LLC; Jennifer Pagan, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Div., Addressing Complex Decision Making for Unmanned Aerial System Sensor Operators Individual Differences in Performance Posters 16. Kristin E. Schaefer and David R. Scribner, U.S. Army Research Lab, Individual Differences, Trust, and Vehicle Autonomy: A Pilot Study 17. Heather C. Lum, Grace E. Waldfogle, Nicholas J. Bowser, and Richard L. Greatbatch, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, Sit, Down, Stay! The Comparison of Virtual, Robotic, and Live Entities for Human–Animal and Human–Technology Interactions 18. Katelynn A. Kapalo, Alexis R. Dewar, Michael A. Rupp, and James L. Szalma, U. of Central Florida, Individual Differences in Video Gaming: Defining Hard-Core Video Gamers 19. Alexis R. Dewar, Katelynn A. Kapalo, Michael A. Rupp, and James L. Szalma, U. of Central Florida, Using Self-Determination Theory to Examine Differences in Motivation and Engagement in Video Gamers TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 T UESDAY, OC TO BER 27 20. Kathryn A. Salomon, F. Richard Ferraro, Thomas Petros, Kyle Bernhardt, and Katlin Rhyner, U. of North Dakota, Individual Differences in Multitasking Performance 21. Chaiwoo Lee and Joseph F. Coughlin, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Generational Differences in Adoption and Use of Information and Communications Technology 22. Nicholas W. Fraulini, Alexis R. Dewar, and Victoria L. Claypoole, U. of Central Florida, Individual Differences and Phablet Purchase Intent: A Preliminary Study 23. Michael L. Wilson, Amelia J. Kinsella, and Eric R. Muth, Clemson U., User Compliance Rates of a Wrist-Worn Eating Activity Monitor: The Bite Counter 24. Bradford L. Schroeder and Valerie K. Sims, U. of Central Florida, Problematic Texting Behaviors: Individual Differences in Personality 25. Jessica R. Michaelis, Michael A. Rupp, Fernando Montalvo, Daniel S. McConnell, and Janan A. Smither, U. of Central Florida, The Effect of Vigil Length on Stress and Cognitive Fatigue Occupational Ergonomics Poster 26. Tri Pham and Nicholas Kelling, U. of Houston-Clear Lake, Mechanical and Membrane Keyboard Typing Assessment Using Surface Electromyography (sEMG) Surface Transportation Posters 27. Michael Geden and Jing Feng, North Carolina State U., Simulated Driving Environment Impacts Mind Wandering 28. Hallie Clark and Jing Feng, North Carolina State U., Semiautonomous Vehicles: Examining Driver Performance During the Take-Over Test & Evaluation Poster 29. Jonathan Svensson, Björn J. E. Johansson, Per-Anders Oskarsson, and Charlotte Hellgren, Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI, Dismounted Soldier System Considerations – User Feedback From Three Field Studies With Two Variants of a Hand-Held GPS Support System Training Posters 30. Andrew R. Dattel, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Kunthinee Karunratanakul, Aeronautical Radio of Thailand, Ltd.; Suzanne Crockett, North Carolina State U.; John Fabbri, Marywood U., How Procedural and Conceptual Training Affects Flight Performance for Learning Traffic Patterns 31. Daniel N. Cassenti, Valerie J. Rice, and Paul N. Rose, U.S. Army Research Lab, The Relationship Between U.S. Military Aptitude Testing and Academic Performance During Army Combat Medic Training University Lab Posters 32. Arizona State U., Arizona State U. Human Systems Engineering Labs 33. California State U., Long Beach, Human Factors Labs 34. Duke U., Humans and Autonomy Laboratory 35. Georgia Tech, Cognitive Ergonomics Lab, Human Factors and Aging Lab, Problem Solving and Educational Technology Lab, Sonification Lab, Decision Processes Lab 36. Naval Postgraduate School, HF Labs at Naval Air Station PAX River, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division, Orlando, and Naval Aeromedical, Research Unit in Dayton 37. Texas A&M U., Texas A&M Ergonomics Center 38. Texas Tech U., Visual Perception & Human Factors Lab; Stress, Workload, & Performance Lab; Jones Lab 39. Vanderbilt U. Medical Center, Center for Research & Innovation in Systems Safety (CRISS) 40. United States Air Force Academy, Warfighter Effective ness Research Center 41. U. of Central Florida, Machines in Thought/Minds in Technology (MIT²) Lab 42. U. of Waterloo, Advanced Interface Design Lab Virtual Environments Posters 43. Stephen R. Serge, U. of Central Florida; Jason D. Moss, U.S. Army Research Lab, Simulator Sickness and the Oculus Rift: A First Look 44. Michael Merta and Nicholas Kelling, U. of Houston-Clear Lake, Effects of Level of Control on Simulator Sickness Using a Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Device 45. Behrang Keshavarz and Alison C. Novak, Toronto Reha bilitation Inst.; Lawrence J. Hettinger, Liberty Mutual Research Inst. for Safety; Thomas A. Stoffregen, U. of Minnesota; Jennifer L. Campos, Toronto Rehabilitation Inst., The Role of Age and Postural Stability for Visually Induced Motion Sickness in a Simulated Driving Task 46. Lucas Lemasters and John Flach, Wright State U., Multigain Control: Balancing Demands for Speed and Precision PP2 – Visual Search and Visual Displays PERCEPTION & PERFORMANCE Tuesday, October 27, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 1 Lecture Chair: Eric Blumberg, George Mason U. 1. Brandon Barakat, Caroline Crump, David Cades, Robert Rauschenberger, Jeremy Schwark, Emily Hildebrand, and Douglas Young, Exponent, Inc., Eye-Tracking Evalu ation of Driver Visual Behavior With a Forward Collision Warning and Mitigation System 2. Alison Simpson and Jason S. McCarley, Flinders U., Collaborative Visual Search: Benchmarking Observed Performance Against Models of Optimality 3. Christopher D. Morley and Yusuke Yamani, Old Dominion U.; Jason McCarley, Flinders U., Workload Capacity Analysis of Human–Automation Interaction in a Visual Search Task TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 15 TUE SD AY, OC TOBE R 2 7 4. Michael Pascale, Penelope Sanderson, David Liu, Ismail Mohamed, and Nicola Stigter, U. of Queensland; Robert Loeb, U. of Arizona, Peripheral Detection for AbruptOnset Stimuli Presented via Head-Worn Display 5. K. H. Nam and G. Kyung, UNIST, Can EEG Data Explain the Effects of Emotion on Visual Search Tasks? S2 – Safety Topics 2: Warnings and Risk Perception SAFETY Tuesday, October 27, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom A Lecture Chair: To be announced.; Cochair: Frank Tamborello, U.S. Naval Research Lab 1. Kenneth Nemire, HFE Consulting LLC; William J. Vigilante, Jr., Robson Forensic Inc., A Call for Updating the FHSA Regulations With Warnings Research and to Match ANSI Z535.4 2. John Grishin, Will Walkington, and Michael S. Wogalter, North Carolina State U., Formatting Food Labels for Safety and Health: Finding the Ingredients Faster 3. Andrew J. Abbate and Ellen J. Bass, Drexel U., Using Computational Tree Logic Methods to Analyze Reachability in User Documentation 4. Jesseca R. I. Taylor and Michael S. Wogalter, North Carolina State U., Specific Evacuation Instructions Enhance Spoken Fire Warnings 5. Pratik Chaturvedi, Defence Research & Development Organisation; Varun Dutt, Indian Inst. of Technology Mandi, Evaluating the Public Perceptions of Landslide Risks in the Himalayan Mandi Town Tuesday, October 27 5:30−9:00 p.m. Training Technical Group Networking/Business Meeting (Reception) 5:30–6:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 6 Product Design Technical Group Business Meeting 5:30−6:45 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 HFES Annual Business Meeting 6:00−7:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom I Product Design Technical Group Networking Reception 7:00−9:00 p.m. Off site 16 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 notes WEDNESDAY, OC TO BER 28 Wednesday, October 28 7:30−8:30 a.m. Education Technical Group Networking/Business Meeting (Breakfast) 7:30−8:30 a.m. Plaza 3 (Tower Rooms) Wednesday, October 28 8:30−10:00 a.m. AS1 – Aerospace Communications and Task Performance AEROSPACE SYSTEMS Wednesday, October 28, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 1 Lecture Chair: Amy Alexander, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology; Cochair: Michael Dorneich, Iowa State U. 1. Ute Fischer, Georgia Inst. of Technology; Kathleen L. Mosier, San Francisco State U., Communication Protocols to Support Collaboration in Distributed Teams Under Asynchronous Conditions 2. Joseph R. Keebler, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Aaron S. Dietz, Johns Hopkins U.; Anthony Baker, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U., Effects of Communication Lag in LongDuration Space Flight Missions: Potential Mitigation Strategies 3. Matthew J. Miller, Georgia Inst. of Technology; Kerry M. McGuire, NASA Johnson Space Center; Karen M. Feigh, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Preliminary Work Domain Analysis for Human Extravehicular Activity 4. Zarrin Chua and Mickaël Causse, Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace; Mathieu Cousy and Fabien Andre, Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile, Modulating Workload for Air Traffic Controllers During Airport Ground Operations CE2 – Displays to Support Cognition COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING Wednesday, October 28, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Gold Ballroom 3 Lecture 2. Nathan Herdener, Christopher D. Wickens, Benjamin A. Clegg, and C. A. P. Smith, Colorado State U., Mapping Spatial Uncertainty in Prediction 3. Tal Oron-Gilad, Yisrael Parmet, and Daniel Benor, Ben-Gurion U. of the Negev, Interfaces for Dismounted Soldiers: Examination of Nonperfect Visual and Tactile Alerts in a Simulated Hostile Urban Environment 4. Lesheng Hua, U. of Oklahoma; Chen Ling, U. of Akron; Rick P. Thomas, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Effects of Delayed Radar Information on Distance Estimation 5. John Dowell and Hana Kim, U. College London, Interaction With Television Companion Apps: Four Findings and a Model CS1/I – User Experience Day Keynote Address – The Discipline of Innovation COMPUTER SYSTEMS; COSPONSORED BY INTERNET Wednesday, October 28, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 3 Invited Address Chair: Jay Elkerton, Emerson; Cochair: Marc L. Resnick, Bentley U. Speaker: Chris Pacione, LUMA Inst. E3 – Education Innovations EDUCATION Wednesday, October 28, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 10 Lecture Chair: Jo Jardina, Wichita State U.; Cochair: Kathryn G. Tippey, Texas A&M U. 1. Albert Huynh, Nikita Dawe, and Karin Ayanian, U. of Toronto, Applications of Ecological Interface Design for Engineering Course Design 2. Myounghoon Jeon, Michigan Technological U., What to Teach in HCI?: How to Educate HCI Students to Envision the Future of Human Being, Not the Future of Technology? 3. Rehman Chughtai, Shasha Zhang, and Scotty D. Craig, Arizona State U., Usability Evaluation of Intelligent Tutoring System: ITS From a Usability Perspective 4. Karina R. Liles and Jenay M. Beer, U. of South Carolina, Rural Minority Students’ Perceptions of Ms. An, The Robot Teaching Assistant, as a Social Teaching Tool FP1 – Forensics Potpourri FORENSICS PROFESSIONAL Chair: Sara Lu Riggs, Clemson U.; Cochair: So Young Kim, GE Global Research 1. Per-Anders Oskarsson, Björn J. E. Johansson, Charlotte Hellgren, and Jonathan Svensson, Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI, Supporting Spatial Awareness With a Hand-Held GPS Device – Effects of Degree of Support and Light Conditions Wednesday, October 28, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Platinum Ballroom I Lecture Chair: Ilene Zackowitz, Vrendenburg & Assoc., Inc. 1. Thomas J. Ayres, Kensington, CA; Tate Kubose, InSciTech, Calibrating a Contrast-Sensitivity Test Chart for Validating Visual Representations WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 17 W E D NE SD AY, O C TO B E R 2 8 2. Jack L. Auflick, James K. Sprague, and Peggy Shibata, Engineering Systems Inc.; Dan Kruger, Demonstratives Inc., Human Factors Techniques in the Analysis of Low-Illumination Accidents: Integrating Conspicuity, Validated Photography, and Scientific Animation 3. Stephanie A. Whetsel Borzendowski, Alan O. Campbell, and Robert M. Funcik, Applied Building Sciences, Inc., Power Buggy Catastrophe: How Inaccurate Slope Estimation, Inadequate Warnings, and Lack of Feedback Contributed to a Workplace Accident 4. Michael E. Maddox, Sisyphus Assoc.; Aaron Kiefer, Accident Research Specialists, Modeling the Effects of Disability Glare on Trailer Side Underride Crashes 5. Alison Vredenburgh, Ilene B. Zackowitz, and Alexandra N. Vredenburgh, Vredenburgh & Assoc., Inc., Air Rage: What Factors Most Impact Airline Passenger Anger HC3 – Cognition and Decision Support HEALTH CARE; COSPONSORED BY COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING Wednesday, October 28, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Gold Ballroom 4 Lecture Chair: Jane Carrington, U. of Arizona; Cochair: Yushi Yang, Clemson U. 1. Siobhan M. Heiden and Barrett S. Caldwell, Purdue U., Considerations for Using Subjective Mental Workload Measures in Populations With Cognitive Deficits 2. Robin S. Mickelson, Vanderbilt U.; Richard J. Holden, Indiana U.-Purdue U. Indianapolis, Mind the Gulfs: An Analysis of Medication-Related Cognitive Artifacts Used by Older Adults With Heart Failure 3. Laura G. Militello, Morgan Borders, Christen Sushereba, and Julie DiIulio, Applied Decision Science, LLC; Bradley Doebbeling, IUPUI; Thomas Imperiale, Indianapolis Roudebush VAMC; Jason J. Saleem, U. of Louisville, Employing Decision-Centered Design to Develop Decision Support for Colorectal Cancer Screening 4. Renato F. L. Azevedo, Daniel Morrow, Mark HasegawaJohnson, Kuangxiao Gu, Dan Soberal, and Thomas Huang, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; William Schuh, Carle Foundation Hospital; Rocio Garcia-Retamero, Universidad de Granada, Improving Patient Comprehension of Numeric Health Information 5. Tobias Grundgeiger, Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg; T. Wurmb and O. Happel, U. Hospital Würzburg, Eye Tracking in Anesthesiology: Literature Review, Methodological Issues, and Research Topics 18 HP2 – Human Performance Modeling Applied to Cognitive Engineering & Decision-Making Problems HUMAN PERFORMANCE MODELING; COSPONSORED BY COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING Wednesday, October 28, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Platinum Ballroom A Lecture Chair: Matthew Bolton, U. at Buffalo, SUNY 1. Carolina Rodriguez Paras, Shiyan Yang, Kathryn G. Tippey, and Thomas K. Ferris, Texas A&M U., Physiological Indicators of the Cognitive Redline 2. Xin Zhang and David Mendonça, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Predicting Group Decisions Based on Group Information-Seeking and Assembly Behavior 3. Eric T. Chancey, James P. Bliss, Molly Liechty, and Alexandra B. Proaps, Old Dominion U., False Alarms vs. Misses: Subjective Trust as a Mediator Between Reliability and Alarm Reaction Measures 4. Meng Li, Kylie Molinaro, and Matthew L. Bolton, U. at Buffalo, SUNY, Learning Formal Human–Machine Interface Designs From Task-Analytic Models 5. Güliz Tokadli and Karen M. Feigh, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Application of Abstraction Hierarchies to Incorporate Human Knowledge for Machine Learning: A General Form for Mario Bros. & Pac-Man ME2 – Macroergonomics for Improving Individual Performance and Personnel Selection MACROERGONOMICS Wednesday, October 28, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 7 Lecture Chair: Ann Hundt, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Cochair: Petra E. Alfred, Pacific Science and Engineering Group 1. Stephanie Brown, Panagiotis Matsangas, and Nita Lewis Shattuck, Naval Postgraduate School, Comparison of a Circadian-Based and a Forward-Rotating Watch Schedule on Sleep, Mood, and Psychomotor Vigilance Performance 2. Cristina L. Byrne, and Linda G. Pierce, Federal Aviation Admin., ATC Developmental Trainees’ Perceptions of Fairness Toward FAA’s New Facility Placement Process 3. Valerie J. Rice, U.S. Army Research Lab; Rebekah Tree and Baoxia Liu, DCS Corp., The Effect of Age and Mood State on Sustained Attention 4. Panagiotis Matsangas and Nita Lewis Shattuck, Naval Postgraduate School, The Effect of Ship Department on Crew Sleep Patterns and Psychomotor Vigilance Performance WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 WEDNESDAY, OC TO BER 28 PD3 – Designing With the Physical World in Mind VE1 – Virtual Collaboration PRODUCT DESIGN VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS Wednesday, October 28, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 Lecture Wednesday, October 28, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 6 Lecture Chair: Han Zhang, Cornell U.; Cochair: Noël Bankston, Zebra Technologies 1. Christina A. Yee and Homayoon Kazerooni, U. of California, Berkeley, A Neck Support for Alleviating Occupational Neck Pain 2. Baekhee Lee, Pohang U. of Science and Technology; Kihyo Jung, U. of Ulsan; Jineun Jeong, Jinman Kim, and Wongi Hong, LIG Nex1; Seikwon Park, ROK Air Force Academy; Heecheon You, Pohang U. of Science and Technology, Ergonomic Evaluation of Console Chairs for a Weapon-Locating Radar 3. John A. Roebuck, Jr., Roebuck Research and Consulting, Fixing Flaws in Engineering Anthropometry, Ears and All 4. Wonsup Lee, Delft U. of Technology; Baekhee Lee, Sungho Kim, and Hayoung Jung, Pohang U. of Science and Tech nology; Ilguen Bok, Chulwoo Kim, and Ochae Kwon, Samsung Electronics; Teukgyu Choi, Humanopia, Co. Ltd.; Heecheon You, Pohang U. of Science and Technology, Development of Headforms and an Anthropometric Sizing Analysis System Based on 3-D Head Scan Images for Head-Related Product Designs 5. Robert Rauschenberger, Joseph B. Sala, and Christine T. Wood, Exponent, Inc., Product Warnings and the Involuntary Capture of Attention Chair: Becca Kennedy, Rensselaer Polytechnic U.; Cochair: Michael Rupp, U. of Central Florida 1. Aven Samareh, Jing Xu, James C. Benneyan, and Yingzi Lin, Northeastern U., Study of the Headway Distance and Physiological Responses of Driver Distraction – An Experiment on Networked Multi-Drivers Simulator 2. Rachel Cunningham, Leo Alex, Christina Frederick, Christopher M. Via, and Jason Kring, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U., Studying Human Relatedness Through a Shared Gaming Experience 3. Alexandra Proaps, Shelby Long, Magan Cowan, and Hilary Sandberg, Old Dominion U. Presence and Performance as a Function of Teammate Agency and Individual Differences in a Video Game 4. Xuan Cheng, United HealthGroup - Optum, and Caroline Hayes, Iowa State U., Hand Videos in Virtual Collaboration for Map-Based Planning Activities Wednesday, October 28 10:30 a.m.−12:00 noon A1 – Aging and Technologies for Health Care SS2 – Posters With Fellows AGING; COSPONSORED BY HEALTH CARE Wednesday, October 28, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Platinum Ballroom A Lecture SPECIAL SESSIONS Wednesday, October 28, 9:30–10:30 a.m. Platinum Ballroom E Posters Chair: Philip Kortum, Rice U.; Cochair: S. Camille Peres, Texas A&M U. 1. Thomas J. Armstrong, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2. Harold S. Blackman, Boise State U 3. Deborah A. Boehm-Davis, George Mason U. 4. Stanley H. Caplan, Usability Assoc., LLC 5. Nancy J. Cooke, Arizona State U. 6. Kermit G. Davis, U. of Cincinnati 7. Douglas J. Gillan, North Carolina State U. 8. Wayne D. Gray, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. 9. M. Susan Hallbeck, Mayo Clinic 10. Peter A. Hancock, U. of Central Florida 11. Waldemar Karwowski, U. of Central Florida 12. Arnold M. Lund, GE Global Research 13. Kathleen L. Mosier, San Francisco State U. 14. Robert G. Radwin, U. of Wisconsin-Madison 15. Wendy A. Rogers, Georgia Inst. of Technology 16. Penelope Sanderson, U. of Queensland 17. Philip J. Smith, Ohio State U. 18. Christopher D. Wickens, Alion Science and Technology Chair: To be announced. 1. Danielle Ishak and Dan Nathan-Roberts, San Jose State U., Analysis of Elderly Human–Robot Team Trust Models 2. Jenay M. Beer, U. of South Carolina; Arthur D. Fisk and Wendy A. Rogers, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Command ing Home Robots: A Comparison Between Older Adults With and Without Mobility Loss 3. Karina R. Liles, Rachel E. Stuck, Allison A. Kacmar, and Jenay M. Beer, U. of South Carolina, Understanding Retirement Community Employees’ Perceived Benefits and Concerns of Smart Presence Technology WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 19 WEDNE SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 8 AC2 – Augmented Cognition II AUGMENTED COGNITION; COSPONSORED BY COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING Wednesday, October 28, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 6 Lecture COMPUTER SYSTEMS; COSPONSORED BY INTERNET Chair: Rebecca Iden, SPAWAR San Diego; Cochair: Heather C. Lum, Penn State Erie 1. Curtis Craig, Martina I. Klein, and Shannon B. Rinaldo, Texas Tech U., Oxygenation of the Prefrontal Cortex During Sequential Planning in the Tower of London 2. Ja Young Lee, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Kristen A. Lindquist, U. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Chang S. Nam, North Carolina State U., Predicting Emotional Granularity with EEG Coherence 3. Lauren E. Menke, Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp.; Christopher Best, Defence Science and Technology Organisation; Gregory J. Funke and Adam J. Strang, U.S. Air Force Research Lab, Warfighter Acceptance of Physiological Monitoring and Augmentation: A Coalition Study 4. Benjamin Noah and Ling Rothrock, Pennsylvania State U., Using Eye Tracking for Live Measures of Workload in a Refinery Control Room Process-Monitoring Task CE3 – Cognitive Task Analysis and Knowledge Elicitation COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING Wednesday, October 28, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Gold Ballroom 3 Lecture Chair: Amy Alexander, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology; Cochair: Heather Lum, Pennsylvania State U. 1. Yao Ding and Amrish Chourasia, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Denis Anson, Misericordia U.; Tony Atkins, Raising the Floor – International; Gregg C. Vanderheiden, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Understanding Decision Require ments for Selection of Assistive Technology 2. Yeti Li and Catherine M. Burns, U. of Waterloo; Rui Hu, Microsoft Corp., Understanding Automated Financial Trading Using Work Domain Analysis 3. Ida Bodin, Uppsala U.; Stas Krupenia, Scania CV AB, Supporting Industrial Uptake of Cognitive Work Analysis 4. Sudeep Hegde, U. at Buffalo, SUNY; A. Zach Hettinger and Rollin J. (Terry) Fairbanks, MedStar Health – National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare; John Wreathall, John Wreathall & Co. Inc.; Robert L. Wears, U. of Florida, Jacksonville; Ann M. Bisantz, U. at Buffalo, SUNY, Knowledge Elicitation for Resilience Engineering in Health Care 5. Ganyun Sun, U. of New Brunswick; Shengji Yao, McMaster U.; Juan A. Carretero, U. of New Brunswick, A Pilot Study for Investigating Factors That Affect Cognitive Load in the Conceptual Design Process 20 CS2/I – UX Day Design Challenge: Hackathon to Apply Rapid Design Ideation to a Practical User Experience Challenge Wednesday, October 28, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 3 Alternative Format Chair: Marc L. Resnick, Bentley U.; Cochair: Lara Cheng, Purdue U. Presenters: Bridget A. Lewis, George Mason U.; James Parker, Booz Allen Hamilton ED1 – Highlights from the Journal WORK, “Environmental Design Special Issue” ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Wednesday, October 28, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 10 Discussion Panel Chair: Conne Bazley, JimConna, Inc. Panelists: Peter Vink, TU Delft; Karen Jacobs, Boston U. GS3 – Introducing Change Into Complex Systems GENERAL SESSIONS Wednesday, October 28, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 8 Discussion Panel Chair: Katherine P. Tucker, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Div. Panelists: Barrett S. Caldwell, Purdue U.; Nicholas Kasdaglis, TOP Interactive Design LLC/U.S. Army Research Lab; Kelly Neville, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Div. HC4 – Novel Approaches for Simulation in Health-Care Education and Practice HEALTH CARE Wednesday, October 28, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Gold Ballroom 4 Discussion Panel Chair: Joseph R. Keebler, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Cochair: Michael Rosen, Armstrong Inst. for Patient Safety and Quality Presenters: Elizabeth Lazzara, U. of Kansas/Wichita State U.; Moshe Feldman, Virginia Commonwealth U.; Kyle Harrison, Stanford U. School of Medicine/VA Palo Alto; Scott Watkins, Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital, Vanderbilt U. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 WEDNESDAY, OC TO BER 28 HC5 – Training and Team Performance 5. Yousif Abulhassan, Menekse Salar, Muhammet Capanoglu, Janson Webb, and Sean Gallagher, Auburn U., Utilizing Fatigue Failure Theory to Relate Low-Back Loading to Predicted Spinal Strength: Update on the Low-Back Cumulative Trauma Index HEALTH CARE Wednesday, October 28, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 1 Lecture Chair: Shilo Anders, Vanderbilt U.; Cochair: Laura Barg-Walkow, Georgia Inst. of Technology 1. Bethany R. Lowndes and Amro M. Abdelrahman, Mayo Clinic; Bernadette McCrory, U. of Nebraska-Lincoln; M. Susan Hallbeck, Mayo Clinic, A Preliminary Study of Novice Workload and Performance During Surgical Simulation Tasks for Conventional vs. Single-Incision Laparoscopic Techniques 2. Levi Warvel and Mark W. Scerbo, Old Dominion U., Measurement of Mental Workload Changes During Laparoscopy With a Visual-Spatial Task 3. Denny Yu, Amro M. Abdelrahman, EeeLN H. Buckarma, Bethany R. Lowndes, Becca L. Gas, Eric J. Finnesgard, Jad M. Abdelsattar, T. K. Pandian, Moustafa El Khatib, David R. Farley, and M. Susan Hallbeck, Mayo Clinic, Mental and Physical Workloads in a Competitive Lapa roscopic Skills Training Environment: A Pilot Study 4. N. Kay Moore, Case Western Reserve U.; Karina M. Squire, U. of Minnesota; Renaldo C. Blocker, Mayo Clinic, Examining the Successful Outcomes of Multidisciplinary Teamwork in a Code Situation Using the Shared Mental Model Framework 5. Pascale Carayon, Feng Ju, Randi Cartmill, Peter Hoonakker, Tosha B. Wetterneck, and Jingshan Li, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Medication Error Propagation in Intensive-Care Units OE1 – Force and Repetition ST1 – Displays and Controls for Vehicle Interaction SURFACE TRANSPORTATION Wednesday, October 28, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 7 Lecture Chair: Louis Tijerina, Ford Motor Co.; Cochair: Daniela Barragán, George Mason U. 1. Joshua E. Domeyer, and Tuhin Diptiman, Toyota Technical Center; Hiroto Hamada, Toyota Motor Corp.; Heishiro Toyoda and Jason Maynard, Toyota Technical Center, The Effects of Task-Irrelevant Images on Glance Time for In-Vehicle Systems 2. Yuichi Saito, Tokyo U. of Agriculture and Technology; Makoto Itoh and Toshiyuki Inagaki, U. of Tsukuba, Effec tiveness of a Dual-Control-Theoretic Driver Assistance for Attaining Safety and Identifying Driver State 3. Shiyan Yang, Lashawn Nevins, and Thomas K. Ferris, Texas A&M U., Investigating Redundant Multimodal Speedometer Displays for Supporting Concurrent Lane and Speed Tracking 4. Jiarui Wu, Chun-Cheng Chang, and Linda Ng Boyle, U. of Washington; James Jenness, Westat, Impact of In-Vehicle Voice Control Systems on Driver Distraction: Insights From Contextual Interviews 5. Beth McGough and Wenqi Ma, Johnson Controls, Inc., Assessment of In-Vehicle Cell Phone Locations in Influencing Driving Performance and Distraction OCCUPATIONAL ERGONOMICS Wednesday, October 28, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Platinum Ballroom I Lecture Chair: Sean Gallagher, Auburn U.; Cochair: Christopher Reid, NASA 1. Hwayeong Kang and Gwanseob Shin, Ulsan National Inst. of Science and Technology, Alternating Hands When Interacting With a Desktop Touchscreen Can Reduce Physical Efforts of the Shoulder Muscles 2. Jia-Hua Lin, Washington State Dept. of Labor and Indus tries; Calvin Or and Hailiang Wang, U. of Hong Kong, One-Handed Front-Pulling Strength of a Chinese Population 3. Eunsik Kim, Andris Freivalds, Kiseok Sung, and Jay Cho, Pennsylvania State U., Development of Two-Dimensional Biomechanical Modeling of the Thumb for Pipetting 4. Tianqi “Tenchi” Gao Smith and Sean Gallagher, Auburn U., Impact of Loading and Rest Intervals on Muscle Microtrauma Wednesday, October 28 12:00 noon−1:30 p.m. Aging Technical Group Networking/Business Meeting (Lunch) 12:00 noon−1:30 p.m. Plaza 1 (Tower Rooms) Perception & Performance Technical Group Networking/ Business Meeting (Lunch) 12:00 noon−1:30 p.m. Gold Ballroom 1 Student Chapter Presidents’ Lunch 12:00 noon−1:15 p.m. Plaza 3 (Tower Rooms) System Development Technical Group Networking/ Business Meeting (Lunch) 12:00 noon−1:30 p.m. Off site WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 21 WEDNE SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 8 Wednesday, October 28 1:30−3:00 p.m. CE4 – Trust in Automation 5. Gourab Kar and Amy Vu, Cornell U.; Begoña Juliá Nehme, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Alan Hedge, Cornell U., Effects of Mouse, Trackpad, and 3-D Motion and Gesture Control on Performance, Posture, and Comfort COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING GS4 – The Use of Simulation to Support Human Factors Research Wednesday, October 28, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Gold Ballroom 3 Lecture GENERAL SESSIONS Chair: Rebecca Grier, Inst. for Defense Analyses; Cochair: Anthony Selkowitz, U. of Central Florida 1. Ohad Inbar and Joachim Meyer, Tel Aviv U., Manners Matter: Trust in Robotic Peacekeepers 2. Rashaad E. T. Jones, Kennesaw State U., Artificial Intelligence and Human Teams: Examining the Role of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Support Team Decision Making in a Crisis Management Simulation 3. Erin K. Chiou and John D. Lee, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Beyond Reliance and Compliance: Human–Automation Coordination and Cooperation 4. Natan Morar, Chris Baber, and Sandra Starke, U. of Birmingham; Fabiana Fournier, IBM Research, Missing Key Information: How Automation Failure Can Be Misinterpreted 5. Jie Xu, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Enid Montague, Northwestern U., Affect and Trust in Technology in Teams: The Effect of Incidental Affect and Integral Affect CS3/I – User Experience Day Best Paper Competition COMPUTER SYSTEMS; COSPONSORED BY INTERNET Wednesday, October 28, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 3 Lecture Chair: Vernol Battiste, San Jose State U./NASA Ames Research Center Panelists: Robert W. Proctor, Purdue U.; Kim-Phuong L. Vu, California State U., Long Beach; Walter W. Johnson, NASA Ames Research Center; Thomas Z. Strybel, California State U., Long Beach; Mike Matessa, Rockwell Collins GS5 – HF/E “Elevator Speech”: What to Say and How to Say It GENERAL SESSIONS Wednesday, October 28, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Gold Ballroom 4 Discussion Panel Chair: Beth Blickensderfer, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U. Panelists: Karen Jacobs, Boston U.; Nancy L. Larson; Michelle M. Robertson, Liberty Mutual Research Inst. for Safety OE2 – NIOSH Prospective MSD Studies OCCUPATIONAL ERGONOMICS Wednesday, October 28, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom I Invited Symposium Chair: Jay Elkerton, Emerson; Cochair: Ken Ohnemus, Red Moon Interactive 1. Michelle Jahn, Perry Cox, Weidan Du, and Mihaela Vorvoreanu, Purdue U., Enabling Graduate School Decision Making Through User-Centered Redesign of Program Web Site 2. Allaire K. Welk and Christopher B. Mayhorn, North Carolina State U., All Signals Go: Investigating How Individual Differences and Training Affect Performance on a Medical Diagnosis Task Designed to Parallel a Signals Intelligence Analyst Task 3. Vincent F. Mancuso, Gregory J. Funke, Adam J. Strang, and Monica B. Eckold, U.S. Air Force Research Lab, Capturing Performance in Cyber Human Supervisory Control 4. Robert S. Gutzwiller and Sunny Fugate, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific; Benjamin D. Sawyer and Peter A. Hancock, U. of Central Florida, The Human Factors of Cyber Network Defense 22 Wednesday, October 28, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 Discussion Panel Chair: David M. Rempel, U. of California, Berkeley; Cochair: Mark C. Schall, Jr., Auburn U. 1. David M. Rempel, U. of California, Berkeley, Final Report: NIOSH Prospective Consortium Studies on UpperExtremity Musculoskeletal Disorders 2. Ann Marie Dale, Angelique Zerinque, Bethany Gardner, and Bradley A. Evanoff, Washington U. at St. Louis, Independent Contribution of Work Exposures and Median Nerve Abnormalities in Incident Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 3. Matthew S. Thiese and Kurt T. Hegmann, U. of Utah; Jay M. Kapellusch, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Andrew Merryweather, U. of Utah; Stephen S. Bao, Washington State Dept. of Labor and Industries; Barbara A. Silverstein; Arun Garg, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Associations Between Job Physical and Psychosocial Factors WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 WEDNESDAY, OC TO BER 28 4. Carisa Harris-Adamson, Samuel Merritt U.; Ellen Eisen, U. of California, Berkeley; Jay M. Kapellusch and Arun Garg, U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Kurt Hegmann and Matthew S. Thiese, U. of Utah; Ann Marie Dale and Bradley A. Evanoff, Washington U. at St Louis; Stephen Bao, SHARP; Barbara A. Silverstein; Linda A. Merlino and Frederick E. Gerr, U. of Iowa; David Rempel, U. of California, Berkeley, Contributions of Force and Repetition to CTS Disability 5. Jay M. Kapellusch, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Carisa Harris-Adamson, Samuel Merritt U.; Frederic E. Gerr, U. of Iowa; Stephen S. Bao, Washington State Dept. of Labor and Industries; Ann Marie Dale, Washington U.; Arun Garg, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Ellen Eisen, U. of California, Berkeley; Bradley A. Evanoff, Washington U.; Barbara A. Silverstein; Kurt T. Hegmann, U. of Utah; Matthew S. Thiese, U. of Utah; David M. Rempel, U. of California, Berkeley, Exposure-Response Relationships for Force and Repetition and CTS 6. Stephen S. Bao, Washington State Dept. of Labor and Industries; Jay M. Kapellusch and Arun Garg, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Barbara A. Silverstein; Carisa Harris-Adamson, Samuel Merritt U.; Susan E. Burt; Ann Marie Dale and Bradley A. Evanoff, Washington U. School of Medicine; Frederic E. Gerr, U. of Iowa; Kurt T. Hegmann, U. of Utah; Linda A. Merlino, U. of Iowa; Matthew S. Thiese, U. of Utah; David M. Rempel, U. of California, Berkeley, Variable Definitions and Distributions of Exposure Data From a Consortium Study on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome PP3 – Attention and Performance Modeling PERCEPTION & PERFORMANCE Wednesday, October 28, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 1 Lecture Chair: Matthew Jesso, George Mason U. 1. Nadine Moacdieh and Nadine B. Sarter, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Data Density and Poor Organization: Analyzing the Performance and Attentional Effects of Two Aspects of Display Clutter 2. Jung Hyup Kim, U. of Missouri; Ling Rothrock, Pennsyl vania State U.; Jason Laberge, Alberta Health Services, Arousal and Performance in a Process-Monitoring Task Using Signal Detection Theory 3. Yue Wei, Beisheng Bao, Richard H. Y. So, and K. Y. Michael Wong, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology, Heading Discrimination Thresholds and Lateral Heading Detection Thresholds When Exposed to Low-Frequency Linear Motion 4. Benjamin Sheffield and Douglas Brungart, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center; Jennifer Tufts, U. of Connecticut; James Ness, U.S. Military Academy, The Relationship Between Hearing Acuity and Operational Performance in Dismounted Combat 5. Ji Yoon Han, Yong Min Kim, Ye Lim Rhie, and Sung Hee Ahn, Seoul National U.; Hyeyoon Choi, LIG Nex1; Myung-Hwan Yun, Seoul National U., Design Optimization of Control Layout for Naval MFC (Multifunction Console) Using a Modified Layout Analysis Method S3 – Arnold M. Small Lecture in Safety: Construction Safety and Health as a Leading Indicator SAFETY Wednesday, October 28, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom A Invited Address Chair: Tonya Smith-Jackson, North Carolina A&T State U.; Cochair: Noelle Brunelle, Sikorsky Aircraft Speaker: Christine M. Branche, NIOSH SF2 – Health Care STUDENT FORUM Wednesday, October 28, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 10 Lecture Chair: Brittany Nielson, Texas Tech U.; Cochair: David Schuster, San Jose State U. 1. Laura H. Barg-Walkow, Florian Foerster, and Stuart M. Jones, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Promoting Patient and Caregiver Engagement During Discharge From a Health-Care Facility 2. Megan Byham and Kapil Chalil Madathil, Clemson U., Developing Consumer-Centered Health-Care Public Reports: Understanding the Health-Care Consumers’ Decision-Making Process 3. Jessica Cruit and Beth Blickensderfer, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Marisa Belote, U. of South Florida, Performance Evaluation for Simulation-Based Practice: A Cardiac Code Simulation Assessment for Nursing Students 4. Tracy L. Sanders, William Volante, Kimberly Stowers, and Theresa Kessler, U. of Central Florida; Katharina Gabracht, U. of Nottingham; Brandon Harpold, Paul Oppold, and Peter A. Hancock, U. of Central Florida, The Influence of Robot Form on Trust ST2 – Collection and Analysis of Physiological Measures in Driving Research SURFACE TRANSPORTATION Wednesday, October 28, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 7 Discussion Panel Chair: Bruce N. Walker, Georgia Inst. of Technology; Cochair: Thomas M. Gable, Georgia Inst. of Technology Panelists: Carryl L. Baldwin, George Mason U.; Myounghoon Jeon, Michigan Technological U.; Andrew L. Kun, U. of New Hampshire; Bruce Mehler, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 23 Monday P ROGRAM AT A G LA NC E 7:30−10:00 a.m. Tuesday 8:00−10:00 a.m. PL Opening Plenary Session, Diamond 5 8:30−10:00 a.m. WK1 WK2 Morning-Only Workshops 8:30 a.m.−12:00 noon How to Create User Requirements for Software, Diamond 9 Using Ethnographic Methods to Inform Human Factors and User Experience Design, Diamond 7 All-Day Workshop 9:00 a.m.−4:30 p.m. WK5 Questionnaire Design for Practitioners and Researchers, Diamond 6 WK7 Human Operator Workload Measurement in Practice and Workload Modeling, Diamond 8 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon 12:00 noon–1:30 p.m. 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m.−12:00 noon 10:30 a.m.−12:00 noon SF1 Student Career and Professional Development Day; Media Training Workshop, Platinum I PL2 All-Day Workshops continue Plenary – Past President’s Forum: Gedenkrede for Raja Parasuraman, Diamond 5 Morning-Only Workshops continue 12:00 noon−1:30 p.m. 12:00 noon−1:30 p.m. Lunch break Lunch break 1:30−3:00 p.m. 1:30−3:00 p.m. WK3 WK4 Afternoon-Only Workshops 1:30−5:00 p.m. What Every Professional Ergonomist Should Know about Statistical Methods and Basic Epidemiology, Diamond 9 Cognitive Neuroscience for Human Factors, Diamond 7 All-Day Workshops continue Student Career and Professional Development Day continues AC1 Augmented Cognition I, Diamond 7 DEM1 Interactive Demonstration, Platinum I E1 Advances in Education Research, Diamond 10 GS1 NRC Board on Human-Systems Integration, Gold 3 HC1 A Clinical Residency in Sausage Making, Gold 4 HP1 Modeling, Tool Development & Testing, Empirical Research, Diamond 3 PD1 Behavioral Economics Methods, Diamond 8 PP1 Psychophysics and Multimodal Systems, Diamond 1 S1 Safety I: Practices and Applications, Platinum A TE1 Capturing Data During User Research, Diamond 6 3:30–5:00 p.m. 3:30−5:00 p.m. C1 Advances of Research in Affective Proc., Diamond 7 CE1 Human Factors of Intelligence Analysis, Diamond 3 E2 Lessons Learned While Navigating the Academic Path, Diamond 10 GS2 Human Factors Prize Winner Presentation, Gold 3 HC2 Health Information and Technology, Gold 4 I1/CS Input and Output, Platinum I ME1 Teamwork and Training Using Macroerg., Diamond 6 PD2 PDTG Caplan User-Centered Product Design Award, Diamond 8 POS1 Interactive Posters, Platinum E PP2 Visual Search and Visual Displays, Diamond 1 S2 Safety 2: Warnings and Risk Perception, Platinum A Evening Evening Evening National Ergonomics Month Expo 4:45−6:15 p.m. Platinum Ballroom Foyer Student Reception 5:00−6:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom Foyer Gala Opening Reception 6:30−9:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 5 HFES Annual Business Meeting 6:00−7:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom I PROGRAM AT A GLANCE Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:30−8:30 a.m. Education TG Networking/Business Meeting, Plaza 3 8:30−10:00 a.m. 8:30−10:00 a.m. 8:30−10:00 a.m. AS1 CE2 CS1/I E3 FP1 HC3 HP2 ME2 PD3 SS2 VE1 A2 CE5 GS6 HC6 HC7 I2/CS OE3 SD1 ST3 CE9 Automation Design and Evaluation, Gold 3 GS9 User Experience & Analysis, Diamond 8 HC11 Challenges in Supporting Design of Medical Products, Gold 4 HC12 Aids and Alerting, Diamond 3 HP4 Human Performance Modeling, Diamond 6 ME3 Macroergonomics for Organizational (Re)Design, Diamond 10 PP5 Workload and Performance Assessment, Diamond 1 SF5 Interactions With Technology, Diamond 7 ST7 Mind Wandering While Driving, Platinum I Aerospace Communications and Task Performance, Diamond 1 Displays to Support Cognition, Gold 3 User Experience Day Keynote Address, Diamond 3 Education Innovations, Diamond 10 Forensics Potpourri, Platinum I Cognition and Decision Support, Gold 4 Human Performance Modeling, Platinum A Macroergonomics for Improving Ind. Perf., Diamond 7 Designing With the Physical World in Mind, Diamond 8 Posters With Fellows, Platinum E Virtual Collaboration, Diamond 6 Aging, Information Search, and Virtual Agents, Diamond 6 Dynamic Decision Making, Gold 3 Designing for Children, Diamond 1 HF in the Wild, Gold 4 Methodologies and Tools in Health Care, Diamond 3 Mobile Software, Diamond 8 Footing and Work Surfaces, Platinum A System Design and Evaluation, Diamond 7 Distracted and Dangerous Drivers, Platinum I 10:30 a.m.−12:00 noon 10:30 a.m.−12:00 noon 10:30 a.m.−12:00 noon A1 Aging and Technologies for Health Care, Platinum A AC2 Augmented Cognition II, Diamond 6 CE3 Cog. Task Analysis and Knowledge Elicitation, Gold 3 CS2/I UX Day Design Challenge, Diamond 3 ED1 Highlights from the Journal Work Special Issue, Diamond 10 GS3 Introducing Change Into Complex Syst., Diamond 8 HC4 Novel Approaches for Simulation in Health-Care Education, Gold 4 HC5 Training and Team Performance, Diamond 1 OE1 Force and Repetition, Platinum I ST1 Displays and Controls for Vehicle Interaction, Diamond 7 AS2 HF for Manned and Unmanned Aviation Systems, Diamond 3 CE6 What Will Quantitative Measure Look Like? Gold 3 ED2 New Ways of Work, Atrium 2 (Tower) GS7 Methods, Measurement, & Evaluation, Diamond 1 HC8 Public Health and Infection Control, Gold 4 HP3 Modeling Problems in the Workplace, Platinum A I3/CS Connecting Accessibility and User Exp., Diamond 8 ID1 Individual Differences in Brain-Computer Interface Design, Diamond 10 SD2 Systems Engineering and HSI, Diamond 7 SF3 Innovations in Research Methods, Diamond 6 ST4 Interacting With Infrastructure, Platinum I HC13 OE5 ST8 12:00 noon−1:30 p.m. 12:00 noon−1:30 p.m. Lunch break Lunch break 1:30−3:00 p.m. 1:30−3:00 p.m. CE4 Trust in Automation, Gold 3 CS3/I UX Day Best Paper Competition, Diamond 3 GS4 The Use of Simulation to Support HF Research, Diamond 8 GS5 HF/E “Elevator Speech,” Gold 4 OE2 NIOSH Prospective MSD Studies, Platinum I PP3 Attention and Performance Modeling, Diamond 1 S3 Arnold Small Lecture: Construction Safety and Health, Platinum A SF2 Health Care, Diamond 10 ST2 Collection and Analysis of Physiological Measures, Diamond 7 VE2 Current Issues in VE, Diamond 6 CE7 Cognition and Communication, Gold 3 GS8 HF/E Standards, Diamond 1 HC9 Field-Based HF in Home and Community Settings, Gold 4 I4/CS Application Domains, Diamond 8 ID2 Individual Differences in Multitasking Performance, Diamond 10 OE4 Ergonomics Potpourri, Platinum A POS2 Interactive Posters, Platinum E PP4 SA and Observer Judgment, Diamond 3 ST5 Affordances for Young and Old, Platinum I TE2 Assessment Tools, Techniques, & Metrics, Diamond 7 3:30−5:00 p.m. 3:30−5:00 p.m. Technical Group Networking/Business Meetings AS3 Design, Training, and Presence of UAS, Platinum A CE8 Sensemaking and Analytics, Diamond 3 HC10 HF Research and Design Trends for Modern Exam Room, Diamond 8 PD4 Human-Machine Interaction Design Consider- ations, Diamond 1 SF4Attention, Diamond 6 ST6 Automated Driving, Platinum I T1 Training in Applied Settings, Diamond 10 TE3 Assessment Considerations & Case Studies, Diamond 7 Evening Evening Technical Group Networking/Business Meetings PROGRAM AT A GLANCE Health-Care Safety, Diamond 3 Motion and Reach, Diamond 8 Extreme and Dangerous Environments, Platinum I Key to Abbreviations Used in This Program AS Aerospace Systems AAging AC Augmented Cognition CE Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making CCommunications CS Computer Systems DEMDemonstrations EEducation ED Environmental Design FP Forensics Professional GS General Sessions HC Health Care HP Human Performance Modeling ID Individual Differences in Performance IInternet MEMacroergonomics OE Occupational Ergonomics (formerly Industrial Ergonomics) PL Plenary Session PP Perception & Performance PD Product Design POS Posters & Demonstrations SSafety SS Special Sessions SF Student Forum ST Surface Transportation SD System Development TE Test & Evaluation TTraining VE Virtual Environments WKWorkshops WEDNE SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 8 VE2 – Current Issues in Virtual Environments, Simulations, and Games VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS Wednesday, October 28, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 6 Lecture Chair: Laura D. Strater, Cognitive Engineering Technology, LLC 1. Michael K. Curtis, Iowa State U.; Kayla Dawson, U. of Miami; Kelli Jackson, Bethune Cookman U.; Liat Litwin, Tufts U.; Chase Meusel, Michael C. Dorneich, Stephen B. Gilbert, Jonathan Kelly, Richard T. Stone, and Eliot Winer, Iowa State U., Mitigating Visually Induced Motion Sickness: A Virtual Hand-Eye Coordination Task 2. Jeffrey Korzatkowski, Mathias Kolsch, and Lee W. Sciarini, Naval Postgraduate School, Developing a Low-Cost, Portable Virtual Environment for Aircraft Carrier Launch Officers 3. Cyrus K. Foroughi, W. Chris Wren, Daniela Barragán, Patrick R. Mead, and Deborah A. Boehm-Davis, George Mason U., Assessing Mental Rotation Ability in a Virtual Environment With an Oculus Rift 4. Jolie G. Gascon, Shawn M. Doherty, and Dahai Liu, EmbryRiddle Aeronautical U., Investigation of Videogame Flow: Effects of Expertise and Challenge 5. Benjamin Goldberg, U.S. Army Research Lab, Feedback Source Modality Effects in Game-Based Training: A Trade-Off Analysis Early-Career Professionals Reception 5:30−7:00 p.m. Gold Ballroom 1 Environmental Design/Macroergonomics Technical Group Networking/Business Meeting (Reception) 3:45−5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 1 Forensics Professional Group Networking/Business Meeting (Reception) 4:30−5:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 7 Health Care Technical Group Networking/Business Meeting (Reception) 5:30−6:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 Human Performance Modeling Technical Group Networking/Business Meeting 5:30−6:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 6 Individual Differences in Performance Technical Group Networking/Business Meeting 3:30−4:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 6 Wednesday, October 28 3:30−9:30 p.m. Internet/Computer Systems Technical Group Networking/Business Meeting 4:30−5:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 3 Aerospace Systems Technical Group Networking/ Business Meeting (Reception) 3:30−5:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 Macroergonomics/Environmental Design Technical Group Networking/Business Meeting (Reception) 3:45−5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 1 Augmented Cognition Technical Group Networking/ Business Meeting 3:30−5:15 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 10 Occupational Ergonomics Technical Group Networking/ Business Meeting (Reception) 4:30−6:00 p.m. Off site Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making Technical Group Networking/Business Meeting (Reception) 3:30−5:15 p.m. Gold Ballroom 3 Safety Technical Group Networking/Business Meeting 5:30−6:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 10 Communications Technical Group Networking/Business Meeting 3:30−4:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 7 Surface Transportation Technical Group Networking/ Business Meeting (Reception) 5:30−9:30 p.m. Off site Computer Systems/Internet Technical Group Networking/Business Meeting 4:30−5:30 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 3 24 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 T HURSDAY, OC TO BER 29 Thursday, October 29 8:30–10:00 a.m. GS6 – Designing for Children: What Do Human Factors Professionals Need to Know? GENERAL SESSIONS A2 – Aging, Information Search, and Virtual Agents AGING; COSPONSORED BY COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING Thursday, October 29, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 6 Lecture Chair: Nicole E. Werner, Johns Hopkins U. Schools of Medicine and Nursing; Cochair: Sylvain Bruni, Aptima, Inc. 1. Tamirat Abegaz, U. of North Georgia; Edward Dillon, Jr., and Juan E. Gilbert, U. of Florida, Investigating Perceived Usability and Choice Satisfaction of Alternative Search Engines’ Presentation for Older Adults 2. Jessie Chin, Evan Anderson, Chieh-Li Chin, and Wai-Tat Fu, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Age Differences in Information Search: An Exploration-Exploitation Trade-Off Model 3. Natalee Baldwin, Jessica Branyon, and Richard Pak, Clemson U., In Search of Virtual Social Facilitation Effects CE5 – Dynamic Decision Making COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING Thursday, October 29, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Gold Ballroom 3 Lecture Thursday, October 29, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 1 Discussion Panel Chair: Valerie Rice, U.S. Army Research Lab Panelists: Dennis B. Brickman, Engineering Systems, Inc.; Rani Lueder, Humanics Ergonomics, Inc.; Tonya L. SmithJackson, North Carolina A&T State U.; Alison Vredenburgh and Ilene B. Zackowitz, Vrendenburg & Assoc., Inc. HC6 – Human Factors in the Wild: Bringing Value to Frontline Care Providers Via Low-Tech Methods and Solutions HEALTH CARE Thursday, October 29, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Gold Ballroom 4 Discussion Panel Chair: Yan Xiao, Baylor Health, Cochair: Shanqing Yin, Changi General Hospital, Singapore Panelists: Adam Probst, Baylor Scott & White Health; Natalie Abts, MedStar Health − National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare; Plinio P. Morita, Healthcare Human Factors; Rollin J. (Terry) Fairbanks, MedStar Health – National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare HC7 – Methodologies and Tools in Health Care HEALTH CARE Chair: Zarrin Chua, Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace; Cochair: Christiane Schubert, Loma Linda U. 1. Vsevolod Peysakhovich, ISAE; François Vachon and Benôit R. Roberge-Vallières, Université Laval; Frédéric Dehais, ISAE; Sébastien Tremblay, Université Laval, Pupil Dilation and Eye Movements Can Reveal Upcoming Choice in Dynamic Decision Making 2. Jan Willem Streefkerk, Wim-Pieter Huijsman, Suzanne van Trijp, and Floor Thonissen, TNO, Effects of Goal Versus Target Orientation on Information Quality and Quantity in Military Reconnaissance Operations 3. Jennifer Danczyk, Paula Jacobs, and Mike Farry, Charles River Analytics, Inc., Providing a Contaminant and Mitigation Analysis Tool for Enhanced Decision Making and Knowledge Acquisition 4. David A. Illingworth and Rick P. Thomas, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Price as Information: Incidental Search Costs Affect Decisions to Terminate Information Search and Valuations of Information Sources 5. Kevin Zish and Shiva Hassanzadeh-Behbaha, George Mason U.; J. Malcolm McCurry, Harris Corp.; J. Gregory Trafton, U.S. Naval Research Lab, Interruptions Can Change the Perceived Relationship Between Accuracy and Confidence Thursday, October 29, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 3 Lecture Chair: Joesph R. Keebler, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Cochair: Huiyang Li, Binghamton U. 1. Joshua L. Gray, Glenn S. Takata, Mary C. Lawlor, Greg Placencia, and Najmedin Meshkati, U. of Southern California, Utilization of Participatory Ergonomics and Socio technical Models to Identify the Risk Factors of Invasive Medical Technologies in Nonclinical Environments 2. D. Reinhardt, A.-K. Kraft, M. Albert, and Tobias Grundgeiger, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg; O. Happel, A. Steinisch, and T. Wurmb, U. Hospital Würzburg, A Tablet-Based Documentation Tool for In-Hospital Resuscitations 3. Kelly Hinckfuss, Penelope Sanderson, David Liu, and Caitlin Browning, U. of Queensland; Robert Loeb, U. of Arizona; Helen Liley, Mater Health Services, Novel Pulse Oximetry Sonifications for Eyes-Free Monitoring: Three Laboratory Studies 4. Olga A. Zielinska and Christopher B. Mayhorn, North Carolina State U., Manipulating the Display of Probability Rates on Web Health Searches 5. Denny Yu, Renaldo C. Blocker, M. Susan Hallbeck, Mustafa Sir, Thomas Hellmich, and Kalyan Pasupathy, Mayo Clinic, Application of Sociometer Badges in Simulated Health Environments: Can Wearable Devices Quantify Individuals’ Workload? THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 25 TH U R SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 9 T HURSDAY, OC TO BER 29 I2/CS – Mobile Software SD1 – System Design and Evaluation INTERNET; COSPONSORED BY COMPUTER SYSTEMS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT; COSPONSORED BY TEST & EVALUATION Thursday, October 29, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 Lecture Chair: Marc L. Resnick, Bentley U. 1. Laura A. Matalenas and Anne Collins McLaughlin, North Carolina State U.; Yun Chen and Stacey B. Daughters, U. of North Carolina, Developing a Smartphone Application for the Life Enhancement Treatment for Substance Use (LETS ACT): Designing for Motivation and Feedback 2. Marc L. Resnick and Rui Wang, Bentley U., Exploring Medical Device Interface Design: A Case Study of an Accu-Chek Glucose-Monitoring System 3. Qian Liu, Anne Collins McLaughlin, Benjamin Watson, William Enck, and Agnes Davis, North Carolina State U., Multitasking Increases Stress and Insecure Behavior on Mobile Devices 4. Xian Wu, Rachel E. Stuck, Ioannis Rekleitis, and Jenay M. Beer, U. of South Carolina, Toward a Framework for Human Factors in Underwater Robotics OE3 – Footing and Work Surfaces OCCUPATIONAL ERGONOMICS Thursday, October 29, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Platinum Ballroom A Lecture Chair: Diane Quarles, U.S. Army Research Lab; Cochair: Jaclyn Baron, U.S. Naval Systems Warfare Center 1. Vivian Genaro Motti and Kelly Caine, Clemson U., Micro Interactions and Multidimensional Graphical User Interfaces in the Design of Wrist-Worn Wearables 2. Ellemieke van Doorn, Imre Horvath, and Zoltan Rusak, Delft U. of Technology, Combined Use of Cognitive Task Analysis and Observational Research Data to Identify Deficiencies of Support for Situation Awareness 3. Chee Hong Teo, Andrew Si Yong Ho, and Kenny Wei Liang Chua, DSO National Labs, Assessing the Situation Awareness of Operators Using Maritime Augmented Reality System (MARS) 4. Don Means, Aon; William F. Moroney, U. of Dayton, Quantification of Questionnaire Response Alternatives for a Working-Age Population 5. Rebecca A. Grier, Inst. for Defense Analyses, How High Is High? A Meta-Analysis of NASA-TLX Global Workload Scores ST3 – Distracted and Dangerous Drivers Chair: Kermit G. Davis, U. of Cincinnati; Cochair: Matthew S. Thiese, U. of Utah 1. Boyi Hu, Xiaopeng Ning, and Fei Dai, West Virginia U., Effects of Uneven Ground Surface on Human Balance 2. Jie Zhou, U. of California, Davis; Xiaopeng Ning, West Virginia U., The Effects of Uneven Ground Surface on Trunk Biomechanical Responses During Sudden Loading 3. Ornwipa Thamsuwan and Peter W. Johnson, U. of Wash ington, Comparing Upper Arm and Back Postural Exposures Between Apple Harvesting With Ladders and Mobile Platform 4. Alexandra M. B. Korall, Chantelle C. Lachance, and Colin M. Russell, Simon Fraser U.; Shannon I. Johnson, Royal City Manor by Revera; Fabio Feldman, Fraser Health Authority; Stephen N. Robinovitch and Dawn C. Mackey, Simon Fraser U., Push Forces on Vinyl and Carpet for Conventional Wheeled and Motor-Driven Floor-Based Lifts Among Direct Care Staff in Long-Term Care 5. Chantelle C. Lachance, Alexandra M. B. Korall, and Colin M. Russell, Simon Fraser U.; Shannon I. Johnson, Royal City Manor by Revera; Fabio Feldman, Fraser Health Authority; Stephen N. Robinovitch and Dawn C. Mackey, Simon Fraser U., Effects of Compliant Flooring Systems and Resident Weight on Hand Forces When Pushing Floor-Based Lifts and Wheelchairs Among Long-Term Care Staff 26 Thursday, October 29, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 7 Lecture SURFACE TRANSPORTATION Thursday, October 29, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Platinum Ballroom I Lecture Chair: Birsen Donmez, U. of Toronto; Cochair: Changxu (Sean) Wu, U. at Buffalo, SUNY 1. Charles G. Burhans, J. Paul Frantz, Timothy P. Rhoades, Raina J. Shah, and Michael J. Wise, Applied Safety and Ergonomics, Alcohol, Everyday Activities, and Recog nizing the Risk of a Few Drinks 2. Robert G. Radwin, John D. Lee, and Oguz Akkas, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Are Driver Movement Patterns Indicators of Distraction and Engagement? 3. Aubrey Samost and David Perlman, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology; August G. Domel, Harvard U.; Bryan Reimer, Bruce Mehler, Alea Mehler, Jonathan Dobres, and Thomas McWilliams, Massachusetts Inst. of Tech nology, Comparing the Relative Impact of Smartwatch and Smartphone Use While Driving on Workload, Attention, and Driving Performance 4. Jibo He and William Choi, Wichita State U.; Xiaohui Wu, Tsinghua U.; Yan Yang, Nanyang Technological U., Detection of Operator Drowsiness Using Google Glass THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 TH U R SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 9 T HURSDAY, OC TO BER 29 Thursday, October 29 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon ED2 – New Ways of Work: Different Perspectives Influencing Enviromental Design ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN AS2 – Human Factors for Manned and Unmanned Aviation Systems AEROSPACE SYSTEMS Thursday, October 29, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 3 Lecture Chair: Valerie Gawron, MITRE Corp.; Cochair: Brittany Neilson, Texas Tech U. 1. Joseph C. Jenkins, U.S. Air Force; Paul R. Havig, U.S. Air Force Research Lab, An Evaluation of Latency in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Helmet-Mounted Display 2. Ryan O’Connor-Dreher, Kim-Phuong L. Vu, California State U., Long Beach; Panadda Marayong, and Thomas Z. Strybel, California State U., Long Beach; Vernol Battiste, San Jose State Foundation/NASA Ames Research Center, Effectiveness of Force Feedback on Movement Time and Path for Target Selection in the Presence of Distractors 3. Michael W. Sawyer, Katherine A. Berry, Devin Liskey, and Richard Rohde, Fort Hill Group, Human Performance Impacts Associated With Integrating Multiple NextGen Separation Management Concepts 4. Emily M. Stelzer, Hunter Kopald, Raymond M. Stanley, and Valerie Gawron, MITRE Corp., Supporting the Development of Empirically Driven Human-Systems Integration Guidelines for System Requirements 5. Robert E. Joslin, Federal Aviation Admin., Situation Awareness Issues in Unmanned Aircraft Systems Accidents and Incidents CE6 – What Will Quantitative Measures of Teamwork Look Like in 10 Years? Thursday, October 29, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Atrium 3 (Tower Rooms) Discussion Panel Chair: Conne Bazley, JimConna, Inc. Panelists: Michelle M. Robertson, Liberty Mutual Research Inst. for Safety; Thomas J. Albin, High Plains Engineering Services, LLC; Alan Hedge, Cornell U.; Meg Honan, Genentech, Inc.; Peter Vink, TU Delft GS7 – Methods, Measurement, & Evaluation GENERAL SESSIONS Thursday, October 29, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 1 Lecture Chair: Judith Borghouts, U. College London 1. Ronald Laurids Boring, Idaho National Lab, Aligning Task Analysis With Human Reliability Analysis 2. Nuphar Katzman, Tal Oron-Gilad, and Yael Salzer, Ben-Gurion U. of the Negev, Tactile Interfaces for Dismounted Soldiers: User Perceptions on Content, Context, and Loci 3. Ahamed Altaboli, Raja Ahmida, Mustafa Elmgrab, Heba Immraga, and Rabheen Othman, U. of Benghazi, Anthro pometric Evaluation of Proposed Improved Designs of the Classroom Desk for Benghazi Primary Schools 4. Chris Baber and Sandra D. Starke, U. of Birmingham, Using 1/f Scaling to Study Variability and Dexterity in Simple Tool-Using Tasks 5. Sarah Wiseman, Judith Borghouts, Dora Grgic, Duncan P. Brumby, and Anna L. Cox, U. College London, The Effect of Interface Type on Visual Error-Checking Behavior HC8 – Public Health and Infection Control COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING HEALTH CARE Thursday, October 29, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Gold Ballroom 3 Discussion Panel Thursday, October 29, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Gold Ballroom 4 Lecture Chair: Eduardo Salas, U. of Central Florida Panelists: Ron Stevens, U. of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine; Jamie Gorman, Georgia Inst. of Technology; Nancy J. Cooke, Arizona State U.; Stephen Guastello, Marquette U.; Alina A. von Davier, Educational Testing Service, Inc. Chair: Robert Rauschenberger, Exponent Inc.; Cochair: Sami Durrani, Underwriters Labs 1. Greg Hallihan, Jan Davies, Justin Baers, Katelyn Wiley, Jaime Kaufman, John Conly, and Jeff K. Caird, U. of Calgary, Potential Health-Care Worker Contamination From Ebola Virus Disease During Personal Protective Equipment Removal and Disposal 2. Mark S. Pfaff, MITRE Corp., Identifying Option Awareness Requirements for Public Health Crisis Decision Making 3. Sarah Gregg and Francis T. Durso, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Nurses’ Ability to Detect Problems of Hospital-Acquired Infections: The Effects of Risk Factors, Expertise, and Time Pressure THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 27 TH U R SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 9 T HURSDAY, OC TO BER 29 4. Kristen E. Miller, Muge Capan, Pan Wu,; Eric V. Jackson, Jr., and Ryan C. Arnold, Value Inst. at Christiana Care Health System, Sepsis Alert Presentation: Developing a Framework to Optimize Alert Design for Clinical Decision Support 5. Tessa Sommer and Frank A. Drews, U. of Utah, Theoretical Classifications and Criticisms of Hand Hygiene Interventions HP3 – Modeling Problems in the Workplace: Human Reliability, Errors, and Workload HUMAN PERFORMANCE MODELING Thursday, October 29, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Platinum Ballroom A Lecture Chair: Frank P. Tamborello, Naval Research Lab 1. Joana M. Abreu, Fraunhofer USA CSE; Natasha Hardy, Fraunhofer CSE; Francisco C. Pereira, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology; Michael Zeifman, Fraunhofer CSE, Modeling Human Reliability in the Power Grid Environ ment: An Application of the SPAR-H Methodology 2. Frank P. Tamborello and J. Gregory Trafton, U.S. Naval Research Lab, Action Selection and Human Error in Routine Procedures 3. Frank P. Tamborello, U.S. Naval Research Lab; Kristen K. Greene, National Inst. of Standards and Technology, Memory and Motor Processes of Password Entry Error 4. K. Han Kim, Monica L. H. Jones, Sheila Ebert, and Matthew P. Reed, U. of Michigan Transportation Research Inst., Perceived Difficulty for Seated Reach Motions: Methodologies Developed for Military Armor 5. Andrew M. Smith, Brett J. Borghetti, and Christina F. Rusnock, Air Force Inst. of Technology, Improving Model Cross-Applicability for Operator Workload Estimation I3/CS – Connecting Accessibility and User Experience in the Mobile Age INTERNET; COSPONSORED BY COMPUTER SYSTEMS Thursday, October 29, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 8 Discussion Panel Chair: Sanjay Batra, Motorola Mobility; Cochair: Marc L. Resnick, Bentley U. Panelists: Gavin Lew, GfK; Bo Campbell, IBM; Astrid Weber, Google 28 ID1 – Individual Differences in Brain-Computer Interface Design INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN PERFORMANCE Thursday, October 29, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 10 Lecture Chair: Joel Suss, Wichita State U. 1. William S. Helton, Paul N. Russell, and Martin J. Dorahy, U. of Canterbury, Dissociative Tendencies and Dual-Task Load: Effects on Vigilance Performance 2. Yueqing Li, Lamar U.; Chang S. Nam, North Carolina State U., A Collaborative Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) for ALS Patients 3. Susan G. Campbell, Polly O’Rourke, and Michael F. Bunting, U. of Maryland, Identifying Dimensions of Cyber Aptitude: The Design of the Cyber Aptitude and Talent Assessment 4. Baekhee Lee, Pohang U. of Science and Technology; Hyunji Park, LG Electronics; Sungho Kim, Pohang U. of Science and Technology; Byung Wha Lee and Duk L. Na, Samsung Medical Center; Heecheon You, Pohang U. of Science and Technology, Analysis on Force-Tracking Capabilities of Healthy Adults SD2 – Systems Engineering & Human–Systems Integration SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT; COSPONSORED BY TEST & EVALUATION Thursday, October 29, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 7 Lecture Chair: Jeffrey Thomas, ARL-HRED; Cochair: Pamela Savage-Knepshield, U.S. Army Research Lab 1. Kimberly Stowers, U. of Central Florida, Communication Between Human Factors Psychologists and Engineers: Challenges and Solutions 2. Raymond M. Stanley and Constance E. Morgan, MITRE Corp., The Concept Maturity Framework: A Symbiotic Relationship Between Human Factors Values and Systems Engineering Constraints 3. Arpan Patel, Andrea Cooks, Sheryl Cosing, and Anne Cybenko, Booz Allen Hamilton; William D. Kosnik, John A. Plaga, and Jessica Shihady, U.S. Air Force Research Lab, Air Force Human–Systems Integration – Capabilities and Requirements Tool 4. Ronald Laurids Boring, Idaho National Lab, Envy in V&V: An Opinion Piece on New Directions for Verification and Validation in Nuclear Power Plants THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 TH U R SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 9 T HURSDAY, OC TO BER 29 Thursday, October 29 1:30–3:00 p.m. SF3 – Innovations in Research Methods STUDENT FORUM Thursday, October 29, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 6 Lecture CE7 – Cognition and Communication Chair: Frank Lacson, Pacific Science & Engineering Group; Cochair: Jim McCarthy, Sonalysts 1. Hyo-Sang Yoo, San Jose State U./NASA Ames Research Center, Human–Operator Performance Breakdown and Its Detection for Adaptive Automation Systems 2. Saptarshi Mandal and Ziho Kang, U. of Oklahoma, Eye-Tracking Analysis Using Differently Shaped Areas of Interest to Represent Multielement Moving Objects 3. Thomas A. Ulrich and Steffen Werner, U. of Idaho; Ronald Laurids Boring, Idaho National Lab, Studying Situation Awareness on a Shoestring Budget: An Example of an Inexpensive Simulation Environment for Theoretical Research 4. Thomas A. Stokes, Douglas J. Gillan, and Jemma M. Strauss, North Carolina State U., A Fine Line: Target Slope and Similarity of Distractors’ Effect on Extremum Trend Spotting ST4 – Interacting With Infrastructure COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING; COSPONSORED BY COMMUNICATION Thursday, October 29, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Gold Ballroom 3 Lecture Chair: Linda Pierce, Federal Aviation Admin.; Cochair: Ganyun Sun, U. of New Brunswick 1. Nathan J. McNeese, Arizona State U.; Madhu C. Reddy, Northwestern U., Articulating and Understanding the Development of a Team Mental Model in a Distributed Medium 2. Nathan J. McNeese, Arizona State U.; Madhu C. Reddy, Northwestern U., Concept Mapping as a Methodology to Develop Insights on Cognition During Collaborative Information Seeking 3. Cade E. Bartlett and Nancy J. Cooke, Arizona State U., Human–Robot Teaming in Urban Search and Rescue 4. Scott E. McIntyre, Arizona State U., Increasing Trans parency in Science Through Scaffolding SURFACE TRANSPORTATION GS8 – Human Factors and Ergonomics Standards: An Overview Thursday, October 29, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Platinum Ballroom I Lecture GENERAL SESSIONS Chair: Miguel A. Perez, Virginia Tech Transportation Inst.; Chair: Santosh Gupta, Navistar 1. Md Mahmudur Rahman and Lesley Strawderman, Mississippi State U., The Effect of Sign Saturation on Driver Speed Limit Compliance in School Zones 2. Thomas J. Ayres, Kensington, CA; Rajeev Kelkar, Tate Kubose, and Vivek Shekhawat, InSciTech, Bicyclist Behavior at Stop Signs 3. Xingwei Wu and Linda Ng Boyle, U. of Washington; Dawn Marshall, U. of Iowa, Sampling Biases Associated With Driver Distraction Tasks in a Simulated Environment 4. Christian Richard and Gautam Divekar, Battelle; Brian H. Philips, Federal Highway Admin.; L. Paige Bacon, Battelle; Christian Jerome, National Highway Transporta tion Safety Admin., Driver Responses to Simultaneous V2V and V2I Safety-Critical Information in Left-Turn Across Path Scenarios 5. Christian Richard, Battelle; Brian H. Philips, Federal Highway Admin.; Justin Morgan and Justin Graving, Battelle; Christian Jerome, National Highway Traffic Safety Admin., Human Factors Design Guidelines for V2I Driver-Infrastructure-Interface Displays Thursday, October 29, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 1 Discussion Panel Chair: Robert Fox, General Motors Co.; Cochair: Carolyn M. Sommerich, Ohio State U. Panelists: Paul A. Green, U. of Michigan Transportation Research Inst.; Thomas J. Albin, High Plains Engineering Services, LLC; Alan M. Poston, Federal Aviation Admin.; Daryle Gardner-Bonneau, Bonneau & Assoc.; Ken Parsons, U. of Loughborough HC9 – Field-Based Human Factors in Home and Community Settings: Challenges and Strategies HEALTH CARE Thursday, October 29, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Gold Ballroom 4 Discussion Panel Chair: Richard Holden, Indiana U.-Purdue U. Indianapolis; Cochair: Rupa S. Valdez, U. of Virginia Panelists: Ann Schoofs Hundt, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Jenna Marquard, U. of Massachusetts-Amherst; Enid Montague, Northwestern U.; Dan Nathan-Roberts, San Jose State U.; Calvin Or, U. of Hong Kong; Teresa Zayas-Cabán, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 29 TH U R SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 9 T HURSDAY, OC TO BER 29 I4/CS – Application Domains OE4 – Ergonomics Potpourri INTERNET; COSPONSORED BY COMPUTER SYSTEMS OCCUPATIONAL ERGONOMICS Thursday, October 29, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 Lecture Thursday, October 29, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom A Lecture Chair: Marc L. Resnick, Bentley U. 1. Robert Tannen, Intuitive Co., Intuitive Voting: A Case Study in Rapid Research and Prototype Design 2. Marc L. Resnick, Bentley U., The Shopping Mall of the Customer Experience Future 3. Olga A. Zielinska, Allaire K. Welk, Christopher B. Mayhorn, and Emerson Murphy-Hill, North Carolina State U., Exploring Expert and Novice Mental Models of Phishing 4. Wei Zhang and Robert Pastel, Michigan Technological U., Interdisciplinary Team Collaboration Between Software Engineers and Technical Communicators 5. Prashant Barnawal, Michael C. Dorneich, Frank Peters, and Matthew C. Frank, Iowa State U., Design and Evaluation of Designer Feedback System in Design for Manufacturability Chair: Robert G. Radwin, U. of Wisconsin-Madison 1. Ryan Z. Amick and Christopher R. Reid, Lockheed Martin; Scott A. England, MEI Technologies Inc.; Sudhakar L. Rajulu, NASA Johnson Space Center, Characterization of Joint Resistance and Performance Degradation of the Extravehicular Mobility Unit Spacesuit: A Pilot Study 2. Chuan Sun, Bryan Buchholz, Laura Punnett, Catherine Galligan, and Margaret Quinn, U. of MassachusettsLowell, Evaluation of Low-Tech Client Transfer Devices Used by Home Care Aides 3. Mark C. Schall, Jr., Auburn U.; Howard Chen and Nathan Fethke, U. of Iowa, Comparing Fatigue, Physical Activity, and Posture Among Nurses in Two Staffing Models 4. Jeong Ho (Jay) Kim, Northern Illinois U.; Lovenoor Aulck, Margaret Hughes, and Monica Zigman, U. of Washington; Jennifer Cavallari, U. of Connecticut; Jack T. Dennerlein, Northeastern U.; Peter W. Johnson, U. of Washington, Whole-Body Vibration Exposures in Long-Haul Truck Drivers 5. Peter W. Johnson, U. of Washington; Jeong Ho (Jay) Kim, Northern Illinios U.; Margaret Hughes, Monica Zigman, and Lavi Aulck, U. of Washington; Jennifer Cavallari, U. of Connecticut Health Center; Jack T. Dennerlein, Northeastern U., Randomized Controlled Trial of New Truck Seats to Reduce Whole-Body Vibration Exposures and Low-Back Pain ID2 – Individual Differences in Multitasking Performance in Real and Simulated Operations INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN PERFORMANCE Thursday, October 29, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 10 Lecture Chair: Joel Suss, Wichita State U. 1. Melissa Dorlette Paul, Kapil Chalil Madathil, and Anand K. Gramopadhye, Clemson U., An Investigation of the Efficiency of Synergistic Multicultural Teams 2. William S. Helton, Samantha Epling, and Neil de Joux, U. of Canterbury; Gregory J. Funke, U.S. Air Force Re search Lab; Benjamin A. Knott, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Judgments of Team Workload and Stress: A Simulated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Case 3. Julian Abich IV, Gerald Matthews, and Lauren E. Reinerman-Jones, U. of Central Florida, Individual Differences in UGV Operation: A Comparison of Subjective and Psychophysiological Predictors 4. Jinchao Lin, Ryan W. Wohleber, and Gerald Matthews, U. of Central Florida; Peter Chiu, U. of Cincinnati; Gloria Calhoun, U.S. Air Force Research Lab; Heath Ruff, InfoSciTex; Gregory J. Funke, U.S. Air Force Research Lab, Video Game Experience and Gender as Predictors of Performance and Stress During Supervisory Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 5. Ryan W. Wohleber, Gerald Matthews, and Lauren E. Reinerman-Jones, U. of Central Florida; April Rose Panganiban, U.S. Air Force Research Lab; David R. Scribner, U. S. Army Research Lab, Individual Differences in Resilience and Affective Response During Simulated UAV Operations 30 POS2 – Interactive Posters POSTERS Thursday, October 29, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom E Poster Session Chair: Ronald Laurids Boring, Idaho National Lab; Cochair: Thomas A. Ulrich, U. of Idaho Aerospace Systems Posters 1. Simon Müller, Dietrich Manzey, Karolin Schreiter, and Robert Luckner, Technische Universität Berlin, Imple menting Energy Status in Head-Down Cockpit Displays: Impact of Augmented Energy Information on Pilots’ Performance 2. Sarah Sherwood, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Kelly Neville, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Div.; Nathan Sonnenfeld, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; John “Bam Bam” Mooney, BGI; Melissa Walwanis, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Div.; Amy Bolton, Office of Naval Research, Fidelity Requirements for Effective Live-Virtual-Constructive Training of Navy F/A-18 Pilots: An Exploratory Survey Study THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 TH U R SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 9 T HURSDAY, OC TO BER 29 3. Kathy Gonzalez, Kathleen L. Mosier, and Jessica Lam, San Francisco State U.; Ute Fischer, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Characteristics Impacting Teamwork and Performance for Space Operations 4. Chelsea Iwig, James Oglesby, Misa Shimono, Kimberly Stowers, Kevin Leyva, and Eduardo Salas, U. of Central Florida, Space Flight Task Contexts for Long-Distance and -Duration Exploration Missions: Application to Measurement of Human-Automation Interaction 5. Camilo Jimenez, Karissa Kasper, Javier Rivera, Andrew B. Talone, and Florian G. Jentsch, U. of Central Florida, Crew Resource Management (CRM): What Aviation Can Learn From the Application of CRM in Other Domains Communication Poster 6. Shannon K. T. Bailey, Bradford L. Schroeder, and Valerie K. Sims, U. of Central Florida, Unsafe Texting and Socially Problematic Texting: Need for Cognition as an Underlying Predictor Computer Systems Posters 7. Eric Thomas, Ruben DeLeon, and Nicholas Kelling, U. of Houston-Clear Lake; Christy Harper, Hewlett Packard, Arrow Key Configurations on Laptop Keyboards: Performance and User Preference of the Inverted-T and Modified-T Layout 8. Cindy Chamberland, Mathieu Grégoire, and PierreEmmanuel Michon, Université Laval; Jean-Christophe Gagnon, Ubisoft Québec; Philip L. Jackson and Sébastien Tremblay, Université Laval, A Cognitive and Affective Neuroergonomics Approach to Game Design 9. Beth F. Wheeler Atkinson, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Div.; Mitchell J. Tindall, StraCon Services Group, LLC, Content Validation From Card Sorting: A Comparison of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis Environmental Design Posters 10. Curtis Craig, Chloe V. Menon, and Martina I. Klein, Texas Tech U., A Positive Relationship Between Nature Appreciation, Emotional Functioning, and Perception of Work Value 11. Claudia Ziegler Acemyan and Philip Kortum, Rice U., Does the Polling Station Environment Matter? The Relation Between Voting Machine Layouts Within Polling Stations and Anticipated System Usability Health-Care Posters 12. Jonathan Velez, U. of Central Florida; Hyun Ka and Dan Ding, U. of Pittsburgh, Toward Developing a Framework for Standardizing the Functional Assessment and Performance Evaluation of Assistive Robotic Manipulators (ARMs) 13. Aaron S. Dietz, Michael A. Rosen, Rhonda Wyskiel, and Pedro Alejandro Mendez-Tellez, Johns Hopkins U. School of Medicine; Cynthia Dwyer, Johns Hopkins Hospital; Eduardo Salas, U. of Central Florida, Development of a Behavioral Marker System to Assess Intensive-Care Unit Team Performance 14. Priyadarshini R. Pennathur and Amirmasoud Momenipour, U. of Iowa, Provider Workflow and Patient Care: Impact of Electronic Health Information Systems 15. Meiyuzi Gao and Philip Kortum, Rice U., The Relationship Between Subjective and Objective Usability Metrics for Home Health-Care Devices Human Performance Modeling Posters 16. Phillip Weiss Jasper, Clemson U.; Ciara Sibley and Joseph Coyne, U.S. Naval Research Lab, Using Heart Rate Variability to Assess Operator Mental Workload in a Command and Control Simulation of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 17. Mustafa Demir, Nathan J. McNeese, and Nancy J. Cooke, Arizona State U.; Jerry T. Ball and Christopher Myers, U.S. Air Force Research Lab; Mary Freiman, Lumir Research Inst., Synthetic Teammate Communication and Coordination With Humans Perception & Performance Posters 18. Logan M. Gisick and Evan M. Palmer, Wichita State U., Investigating Guiding Attributes in Visual Search for Medication Vials 19. Christiane Glatz, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, and Lewis L. Chuang, Max Planck Inst. for Biological Cybernetics, Warning Signals With Rising Profiles Increase Arousal 20. Victoria L. Claypoole and James L. Szalma, U. of Central Florida, Social Norms and Cognitive Performance: A Look at the Vigilance Decrement in the Presence of Supervisors 21. Timothy L. White, U.S. Army Research Lab; Julia L. Wright, Joseph Mercado, Tracy L. Sanders, and Peter A. Hancock, U. of Central Florida, Trust in Multimodal Sensory Cueing Automation in a Target Detection Task 22. Michael Tolston, Oak Ridge Inst. for Science and Education; Adam J. Strang and Gregory J. Funke, U.S. Air Force Research Lab; Kelly Satterfield, George Mason U.; Brent Miller, U.S. Air Force Research Lab, The Effect of Task-Load Transitions on Team Postural Dynamics 23. Joseph Szczerba, General Motors Co.; Roger Hersberger, RLH Systems LLC; Roy Mathieu, General Motors Co., A Wearable Vibrotactile Display for Automotive Route Guidance: Evaluating Usability, Workload, Performance, and Preference 24. Q. William Evans III and Susan G. Hill, U.S. Army Research Lab, Investigating Operator Aids for Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicles 25. Jennifer L. Isard and James L. Szalma, U. of Central Florida, The Effect of Perceived Choice on Performance, Workload, and Stress 26. Menja Scheer, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, and Lewis L. Chuang, Max Planck Inst. for Biological Cybernetics, On the Cognitive Demands of Different Controller Dynamics: A Within-Subjects P300 Analysis THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 31 TH U R SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 9 T HURSDAY, OC TO BER 29 27. Gregory J. Funke and Michael A. Vidulich, U.S. Air Force Research Lab; Joel S. Warm, U. of Dayton Research Inst.; Robert E. Patterson, Victor S. Finomore, Allen W. Dukes, and Laura E. Barnes, U.S. Air Force Research Lab, Influence of Stereoscopic Depth on the Flanker Compatibility Effect 28. Brad Weber and Rui Ni, Wichita State U., Effect of Viewing Angle on 3-D Multiple-Object Tracking 29. J. Jay Todd, Brandon Barakat, Abtine Tavassoli, and David A. Krauss, Exponent, Inc., The Moon’s Contri bution to Nighttime Illuminance in Different Environments Product Design Posters 30. Samuel J. Levulis and Dennis J. Harris, Texas Tech U., Are All Tests Equal? A Comparison of Emulator and Device Testing for Mobile Usability Evaluation 31. Michael Lee, C. Melody Carswell, Kimberly MillerSpillman, and Michelle Sublette, U. of Kentucky, Clothing & HF/E: A Hedonomic and Eudaimonic Look at the Original Wearables Safety Posters 32. Daphne E. Whitmer, Michael E. Torres, and Valerie K. Sims, U. of Central Florida, Change in Memory of Emergency Warnings: The Case of an Averted Campus Shooting 33. Barry Strauch, National Transportation Safety Board, The Use of Investigation Models to Explain Accident Causation and Operator Performance 34. Anne C. Mathias and Dennis B. Brickman, Engineering Systems Inc., Aboveground Swimming Pool Ladder Safety: The Application of Child Resistance to a Consumer Product Used by Children System Development Poster 35. Phillip Weiss Jasper, Eric R. Muth, and Adam Hoover, Clemson U., Determining the Utility of a Laboratory Eating Paradigm to Explore Social Eating University Lab Posters 36. Drexel U., Human-Centered Computing 37. George Mason U., Arch Lab, Human Factors and Applied Cognition 38. Michigan Tech U., Human Factors Research Labs 39. Megan D. Olson and Earl Y. Popp, “Usability Evaluation of the Human Factors Journal Manuscript Submission Portal” 40. Purdue U., GROUPER Lab 41. San Jose State U., Human Factors Engineering Group 42. U. at Buffalo, Human Factors Engineering at UB 43. U. of Toronto, Human Factors Engineering Labs 32 PP4 – Situation Awareness and Observer Judgment PERCEPTION & PERFORMANCE Thursday, October 29, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 3 Lecture Chair: Sara Lu Riggs, Clemson U.; Cochair: Erin Alves, Honeywell Aerospace 1. Andrew R. Dattel, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Amanda N. Battle, Matthew C. Stefonetti, Martin Bifano, and Kristen Majdic, Marywood U., The Relationship Between Inattentional Blindness, Inattentional Insensitivity, Situation Awareness, and Performance in a Driving Simulator 2. James R. Bowden and Christina F. Rusnock, Air Force Inst. of Technology, Evaluation of Human-Machine Interface Design Factors on Situation Awareness and Task Performance 3. Ashley A. Stafford Sewall, Stephanie A. Whetsel Borzendowski, Richard A. Tyrrell, Benjamin R. Stephens, Patrick J. Rosopa, and Drea K. Fekety, Clemson U., Observers’ Judgments of the Effect of Glare on Their Visual Acuity 4. Kristi Lontz, Shawn M. Doherty, and Dahai Liu, EmbryRiddle Aeronautical U., Time Perception During Retrospective and Prospective Paradigms With a Distraction 5. Miriam E. Armstrong, Keith S. Jones, and Elizabeth A. Schmidlin, Texas Tech U., Teleoperating USAR Robots: Does Driving Performance Increase With Aperture Width or Practice? ST5 – Affordances for Young and Old SURFACE TRANSPORTATION; COSPONSORED BY AGING Thursday, October 29, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom I Lecture Chair: Anuj Kumar Pradhan, U. of Michigan; Chair: Clive D’Souza, U. of Michigan 1. Yusuke Yamani, Old Dominion U.; Siby Samuel, Luis Roman Gerardino, Tracy Zafian, and Donald L. Fisher, U. of Massachusetts-Amherst, Navigating Intersections: Examining Age-Related Differences in Visual Scanning on a Driving Simulator 2. Chaiwoo Lee, Bryan Reimer, Bruce Mehler, and Joseph F. Coughlin, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, User Acceptance of Voice Interfaces in the Automobile 3. Heejin Jeong, U. of Michigan; Paul A. Green, U. of Michigan Transportation Research Inst., Honking Helps Overcome the Driving-Too-Slowly Problem in Driving Simulators THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 TH U R SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 9 T HURSDAY, OC TO BER 29 4. Akhilesh Krishnan and Siby Samuel, U. of MassachusettsAmherst; Matthew Romoser, Western New England U.; Donald L. Fisher, U. of Massachusetts-Amherst, A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Tablet-Based Training Program for Younger Drivers: Addressing Distraction Head On 5. T. Kajaks, Toronto Rehabilitation Inst.; A. Crizzle, U. of Waterloo; J. Gish, R. Fleisig, and B. Vrkljan, McMaster U., Older Adults and Vehicle Design: Evidence-Based Approach to Examining Vehicle Ingress and Egress TE2 – Assessment Tools, Techniques, & Metrics TEST & EVALUATION; COSPONSORED BY SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Thursday, October 29, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 7 Lecture Chair: Napoleon Gaither, U.S. Army Research Lab; Cochair: Linda G. Pierce, Federal Aviation Admin. 1. Stephen Dorton, Sonalysts, Inc.; Laura Samaroo, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Div., The Bad Touch: Extraneous Touches as a Metric for Performance and Usability for Assessment of a Touch Screen Display 2. Mark Chignell, Ryan Kealey, and Chelsea DeGuzman, U. of Toronto; Jie Jiang and Leon Zucherman, TELUS Corp., Clustering Crowd-Sourced SQE Assessment Using Visualized Video Disruptions 3. Michael Hildebrandt and Maren Helene Rø Eitrheim, Inst. for Energy Technology, A Microtask Method for Assessing Performance Effects of Innovative Interface Elements 4. Kristen Davis and Dana Douglas, UserWorks, Inc., Translating Usability Test Data Into Client-Ready Findings and Recommendations 5. Thomas J. Smith, U. of Minnesota, Observer Perceptions of Overall System Quality – The Lake Wobegon Effect Thursday, October 29 3:30–5:00 p.m. AS3 – The Design, Training, and Presence of Unmanned Aviation Systems AEROSPACE SYSTEMS Thursday, October 29, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom A Lecture Chair: Linda G. Pierce, Federal Aviation Admin.; Cochair: Andy Dattel, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U. 1. Jessica S. Pack, InfoSciTex; Mark H. Draper, U.S. Air Force Research Lab; Sara J. Darrah, Booz Allen Hamilton; Mark P. Squire, InfoSciTex; Andrea Cooks, Booz Allen Hamilton, Exploring Performance Differences Between UAS Sense-and-Avoid Displays 2. Kevin Monk and R. Jay Shively, NASA Ames Research Center; Lisa Fern and R. Conrad Rorie, San Jose State U., Effects of Display Location and Information Level on UAS Pilot Assessments of a Detect-and-Avoid System 3. R. Conrad Rorie and Lisa Fern, San Jose State U., The Impact of Integrated Maneuver Guidance Information on UAS Pilots Performing the Detect-and-Avoid Task 4. Joseph T. Ott, San Jose State U., Well Clear: General Aviation and Commercial Pilots’ Perception of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the National Airspace System CE8 – Sensemaking and Analytics COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING Thursday, October 29, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 3 Lecture Chair: Scott Grigsby, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.; Cochair: Cullen Jackson, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 1. Johanna Haider and Margit Pohl, Vienna U. of Technology; Eva-Catherine Hillemann and Alexander Nussbaumer, Graz U. of Technology; Simon Attfield, Peter Passmore, and B. L. William Wong, Middlesex U. London, Exploring the Challenges of Implementing Guidelines for the Design of Visual Analytics Systems 2. Cory A. Rieth and Harvey S. Smallman, Pacific Science and Engineering Group, The Utility of Configurable Display Systems for Overcoming Automation Brittleness in Complex Geospatial Decision-Making Tasks 3. B. L. William Wong and Neesha Kodagoda, Middlesex U., How Analysts Think: Inference-Making Strategies 4. Patricia L. McDermott, Alion Science and Technology; Anthony J. Ries, U.S. Army Research Lab; Beth Plott, Alion Science and Technology; Jonathan Touryan, Michael J. Barnes, and Kristin Schweitzer, U.S. Army Research Lab, A Cognitive Systems Engineering Evaluation of a Tool to Aid Imagery Analysts THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 33 TH U R SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 9 T HURSDAY, OC TO BER 29 HC10 – Human Factors Research and Design Trends for the Modern Exam and Hospital Room HEALTH CARE Thursday, October 29, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 Discussion Panel Chair: Jason J. Saleem, U. of Louisville; Cochair: Enid Montague, Northwestern U. Panelists: Laura G. Militello, Applied Decision Science, LLC; Patricia Trbovich, U. of Toronto; Alissa L. Russ, Veterans Health Admin.; Emily S. Patterson, Ohio State U. PD4 – Human–Machine Interaction Design Considerations PRODUCT DESIGN Thursday, October 29, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 1 Lecture Chair: David R. Lenorovitz, LENPRO Services, Inc. 1. Noël R. Bankston and Chandra Nair, Zebra Technologies Corp., Evaluating the Impact of Changing to an All- Touch Keypad for a Mobile Workforce 2. Yu Zhang, Bo Ou, and Qicheng Ding, Lenovo Group; Yiying Yamg, Peking U., Touch Behavior Analysis for Large-Screen Smartphones 3. Molly C. Martini, Rabia Murtza, and Eva Wiese, George Mason U., Minimal Physical Features Required for Social Robots 4. Ye Lim Rhie, Seoul National U.; Ji Hyoun Lim, Ulsan National Inst. of Science and Technology; Myung-Hwan Yun, Seoul National U., Development of a UX Assess ment Model Based on Network Analysis SF4 – Attention STUDENT FORUM Thursday, October 29, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 6 Lecture Chair: Olivia Sisk, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Cochair: Sheryl Chappell, Federal Aviation Admin. 1. Julie C. Prinet and Nadine B. Sarter, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, The Effects of High Stress on Attention: A First Step Toward Triggering Attentional Narrowing in Controlled Environments 2. Smruti J. Shah, James P. Bliss, Eric T. Chancey, and J. Christopher Brill, Old Dominion U., Effects of Alarm Modality and Alarm Reliability on Workload, Trust, and Driving Performance 3. Jennifer F. Louie and Mustapha Mouloua, U. of Central Florida, Individual Differences in Cognition as Predictors of Driving Performance 4. Allaire K. Welk and Douglas J. Gillan, North Carolina State U., Apples to Oranges: The Processing of Semantic Content in Visual Inattention Tasks May Parallel Dichotic Listening Tasks 34 ST6 – Automated Driving SURFACE TRANSPORTATION Thursday, October 29, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Platinum Ballroom I Lecture Chair: Reates Curry, Ford Motor Co.; Cochair: Scott McIntyre, Arizona State U. Colleges – Lake Havasu City 1. Angelia L. Sebok, Christopher D. Wickens, and Lila Laux, Alion Science and Technology; Michael Jones, Federal Railroad Admin., Supporting Human-Automation Interaction in the Rail Industry by Applying Lessons From Aviation 2. Christian Gold, Ilirjan Berisha, and Klaus Bengler, Technische Universität München, Utilization of Drivetime – Performing Non-Driving-Related Tasks While Driving Highly Automated 3. Siby Samuel, U. of Massachusetts-Amherst; William J. Horrey, Liberty Mutual Research Inst. for Safety; Donald L. Fisher, U. of Massachusetts-Amherst, A Predictive Model of Driver Response in an Autonomous Environment 4. David Miller, Stanford U.; Annabel Sun, Carnegie Mellon U.; Mishel Johns, Hillary Ive, and David Sirkin, Stanford U.; Sudipto Aich, Ford Motor Co.; Wendy Ju, Stanford U., Distraction Becomes Engagement in Automated Driving 5. Mike Blommer, Reates Curry, Dev Kochhar, Rads Swaminathan, Walter Talamonti, and Louis Tijerina, Ford Motor Co., The Effects of a Scheduled Driver Engagement Strategy in Automated Driving T1 – Training in Applied Settings TRAINING Thursday, October 29, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 10 Lecture Chair: Kristen Welsh, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U. 1. Oleksandra Krasnova, Brett Molesworth, and Ann Williamson, U. of New South Wales, The Effect of Cognitive-Based Training Interventions on Driver Speed Management Behavior: A Driving Simulator Study 2. Laura M. Milham and James A. Pharmer, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Div.; Audrey W. Fok, StraCon Services Group, LLC, Adaptive Instructor Operating Systems: Design to Support Instructor Assessment of Team Performance 3. Frank Rister, truestream aerospace GmbH; Jan-Patrick Osterloh and Andreas Lüdtke, OFFIS Inst. for Information Technology; Paul Specht, truestream aerospace GmbH, Model-Based Pilot Training Syllabus 4. Charles P. Rowan, U.S. Military Academy, Assessing Memory Decay Rate: What Factors Are the Best Predictors of Decrements in Training Proficiency in a Threat Vehicle Identification Task? THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 TH U R SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 9 T HURSDAY, OC TO BER 29 5. Joseph R. Keebler, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Dustin C. Smith, Brady Patzer, and John P. Plummer, Wichita State U.; Florian G. Jentsch, U. of Central Florida; Evan M. Palmer, Wichita State U., Review of Combat Identification Training: Technologies, Metrics, and Individual Differences notes TE3 – Assessment Considerations & Case Studies TEST & EVALUATION; COSPONSORED BY SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Thursday, October 29, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Diamond Ballroom 7 Lecture Chair: David Hoisington, U.S. Army; Cochair: Paul Munya, U.S. Army Research Lab 1. Minjee Kim, Sung-Hwan Park, Sung Hee Ahn, Myung Bin Choi, and Myung-Hwan Yun, Seoul National U., Analysis of Font Legibility for Korean Serif and Sans Serif Types in Printed and Displayed Settings 2. Dev Minotra, Murat Dikmen, and Catherine M. Burns, U. of Waterloo; Michael D. McNeese, Pennsylvania State U., Guidelines and Caveats for Manipulating Expectancies in Experiments Involving Human Participants 3. Umair Rehman and Shi Cao, U. of Waterloo, Experimental Evaluation of Indoor Navigation Devices 4. Sojeong Lee and Gwanseob Shin, Ulsan National Inst. of Science and Technology, Relationship Between Smartphone Use and the Severity of Head Flexion of College Students 5. Chen Ling, U. of Akron; Lesheng Hua and Christopher D. Karstens, U. of Oklahoma; Gregory J. Stumpf, Travis M. Smith, Kristin M. Kuhlman, and Lans Rothfusz, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin., A Comparison Between WarnGen System and Probabilistic Hazard Information System for Severe Weather Forecasting THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 35 F RID AY, OC TOB E R 3 0 T HURSDAY, OC TO BER 29 Friday, October 30 8:30–10:00 a.m. HC11 – Challenges in Supporting the Design of Medical Products: The Human Factors Consultant’s Perspective HEALTH CARE; COSPONSORED BY PRODUCT DESIGN CE9 – Automation Design and Evaluation Friday, October 30, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Gold Ballroom 4 Discussion Panel COGNITIVE ENGINEERING & DECISION MAKING Friday, October 30, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Gold Ballroom 3 Lecture Chair: Haydee Cuevas, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Cochair: Sylvain Bruni, Aptima, Inc. 1. Andrew R. Hutchins and M. L. Cummings, Duke U.; Mark H. Draper, U.S. Air Force Research Lab; Thomas Hughes, InfoSciTex, Representing Autonomous Systems’ Self-Confidence Through Competency Boundaries 2. Michael C. Dorneich and Rachel Dudley, Iowa State U.; William Rogers, Emmanuel Letsu-Dake, Stephen D. Whitlow, Michael Dillard, and Erik Nelson, Honeywell Labs, Evaluation of Information Quality and Automation Visibility in Information Automation on the Flight Deck 3. Daniel Gartenberg, George Mason U.; Glenn Gunzelmann and Bella Z. Veksler, U.S. Air Force Research Lab; J. Gregory Trafton, U.S. Naval Research Lab, Improving Vigilance Analysis Methodology: Questioning the Successive Versus Simultaneous Distinction 4. Dorrit Billman, San Jose State U./NASA Ames Research Center; Debra Schreckenghost, TRACLabs; Sabrina Billinghurst, San Jose State U./NASA Ames Research Center, Problem Solving When Procedure Conditions Are Not Met: Using Procedure-Automation Software for Support GS9 – User Experience & Analysis GENERAL SESSIONS Friday, October 30, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 8 Lecture Chair: T. S. Balaji, Cox Communications 1. Euijung Yang and Michael C. Dorneich, Iowa State U., The Effect of Time Delay on Emotion, Arousal, and Satisfaction in Human-Robot Interaction 2. T. S. Balaji, Jagan Arumugham, Leslie Knuycky, and Sarah Cavrak, Cox Communications; Megan Lutz, U. of Georgia, Structural Equation Modeling in User Experience Research: Two Case Studies 3. T. S. Balaji, Jagan Arumugham, and Leslie Knuycky, Cox Communications; Misty Sinclair, Inspiring Trust and Loyalty: Crossing Channels in Service-Based Companies Chair: Dick Horst, UserWorks, Inc.; Cochair: Stanley H. Caplan, Usability Assoc., LLC Panelists: Keith S. Karn, BresslerGroup, Inc.; Charles L. Mauro, Mauro New Media, Inc.; George Samaras, Samaras & Assoc., Inc. HC12 – Aids and Alerting HEALTH CARE Friday, October 30, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 3 Lecture Chair: Denny Yu, U. of Michigan; Cochair: Sara Lu Riggs, Clemson U. 1. Amanda J. Ashdown, Mark W. Scerbo, and Lee A. Belfore II, Old Dominion U.; Alfred Z. Abuhamad and Stephen S. Davis, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Categorizing Fetal Heart Rate Variability With and Without Visual Aids 2. Alissa L. Russ, Veterans Health Admin.; Brittany L. Melton, U. of Kansas Medical Center; Joanne K. Daggy, Veterans Health Admin.; Jason J. Saleem, U. of Louisville, Evaluation of Cognitive Encoding Across Different Medication Alert Designs 3. Jesse Shapiro, Monash U.; Chiara Santomauro, Mia McLanders, Jimmy Tran, and Penelope Sanderson, U. of Queensland, Tactile Displays of Pulse Oximetry: An Exploratory Vigilance Study 4. Frank A. Drews, Jonathan Zadra, and Jeremy Gleed, U. of Utah; William Plew, Jennifer Herout, and Nancy R. Wilck, OHI Veterans Affairs, Evaluation of Health Care Icons 5. Judith Borghouts, U. College London; Frank Soboczenski and Paul Cairns, U. of York; Duncan P. Brumby, U. College London, Visualizing Magnitude: Graphical Number Representations Help Users Detect Large Number Entry Errors HP4 – Human Performance Modeling HUMAN PERFORMANCE MODELING Friday, October 30, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 6 Lecture Chair: Scott Parr, California State U., Fullerton 1. Shih-Yi Chien and Michael Lewis, U. of Pittsburgh; Sebastian Hergeth, BMW Group; Zhaleh Semnani-Azad, U. of Waterloo; Katia Sycara, Carnegie Mellon U., Cross-Country Validation of a Cultural Scale in Measuring Trust in Automation 36 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 TH U R SD AY, OC TO B E R 2 9 F RIDAY, OC TO BER 30 2. Scott Parr, California State U., Fullerton; Brian Wolshon, Louisiana State U.; Justin Ericson, Duke U., Human Performance Modeling for Manual Traffic Control 3. Nita Lewis Shattuck and Panagiotis Matsangas, Naval Postgraduate School, Caffeinated Beverage Consump tion Rates and Reported Sleep in a United States Navy Ship 4. Sungjin Park, Nakkyeong Choi, Sungoo Jeong, and Rohae Myung, Korea U., Modeling of Facilitating Effect of Positive Affect on Task Switching With ACT-R 5. Yoonhyung Choi, Jinsung Han, Hyungseok Oh, and Rohae Myung, Korea U., Cognitive Model of Human Visual Search With Saliency and Scene Context for Real-World Images 3. Yi G. Glaser and Daniel S. Glaser, General Motors Co., A Comparison Between a Touchpad-Controlled High Forward Head-Down Display (HF-HDD) and a Touchscreen-Controlled Head-Down Display (HDD) for In-Vehicle Secondary Tasks 4. Kristen K. Liggett and Gina F. Thomas, U.S. Air Force Research Lab, Determining the Effectiveness of Visuali zation Techniques for Representing Intrusion Detection System Log Files 5. HeeSun Choi, Chang S. Nam, and Jing Feng, North Carolina State U., A Wandering Mind Cannot Resolve Conflicts in Displayed Information SF5 – Interactions With Technology STUDENT FORUM ME3 – Macroergonomics for Organizational (Re)design Friday, October 30, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 7 Lecture MACROERGONOMICS Friday, October 30, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 10 Lecture Chair: Patricia Ferrara, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Cochair: Nancy L. Larson, Nancy LJ Larson Consulting LLC 1. Jennifer A. Cowley, Carnegie Mellon U.; Frank L. Greitzer, PsyberAnalytix, Organizational Impacts to Cybersecurity Expertise Development and Maintenance 2. Kine Reegård, Grete Rindahl, and Asgeir Drøivoldsmo, Inst. for Energy Technology, Strengthening the HF/E Value Proposition: Introducing the Capability Approach 3. Mahboobeh Ghesmaty Sangachin and Lora A. Cavuoto, U. at Buffalo, SUNY, Worksite Exercise Programs: Why Do Employees Participate? 4. Linda G. Pierce, Cristina L. Byrne, and Carol A. Manning, Federal Aviation Admin., An Examination of the Success Rates of Developmental Air Traffic Controllers Trans ferring to Lower-Level Facilities PP5 – Workload and Performance Assessment PERCEPTION & PERFORMANCE Friday, October 30, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Diamond Ballroom 1 Lecture Chair: Thomas K. Ferris, Texas A&M U. 1. Rob Gray, Arizona State U., The Moneyball Problem: What Is the Best Way to Present Situational Statistics to an Athlete? 2. James Sellers, William S. Helton, and Katharina Näswall, U. of Canterbury; Gregory J. Funke, U.S. Air Force Research Lab; Benjamin A. Knott, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, The Team Workload Questionnaire (TWLQ): A Simulated UAV Task Chair: Jaclyn Baron, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Div; Cochair: Heather Lum, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College 1. Jessica Branyon and Richard Pak, Clemson U., Investi gating Older Adults’ Trust, Causal Attributions, and Perception of Capabilities in Robots as a Function of Robot Appearance, Task, and Reliability 2. Lawton Pybus and Douglas J. Gillan, North Carolina State U., Implicit Theories of Technology: Identification and Implications for Performance 3. Andrew B. Talone, Elizabeth Phillips, Scott Ososky, and Florian G. Jentsch, U. of Central Florida, An Evaluation of Human Mental Models of Tactical Robot Movement 4. Myrtede Alfred, David M. Neyens, and Anand K. Gramopadhye, Clemson U., The Impact of Training Method on Skill Acquisition and Transfer ST7 – Mind Wandering While Driving: What Does It Mean and What Do We Do About It? SURFACE TRANSPORTATION Friday, October 30, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Platinum Ballroom I Discussion Panel Chair: Neil Lerner, Westat; Cochair: Catherine Neubauer, U. of Southern California Panelists: Carryl L. Baldwin, George Mason U.; J. Stephen Higgins, National Highway Traffic Safety Admin.; John D. Lee, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Jonathan Schooler, U. of California, Santa Barbara FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 37 F RID AY, OC TOB E R 3 0 F RIDAY, OC TO BER 31 Friday, October 30 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon HC13 – Health-Care Safety HEALTH CARE Friday, October 30, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 3 Lecture Chair: Shanqing Yin, Changi General Hospital, Singapore; Cochair: Jenna Marquard, U. of Massachusetts-Amherst 1. Sumonthip C. Gmitro and Joel S. Greenstein, Clemson U.; Richard P. Wilson, Greenville Health System, Design of a Sign-Out Process to Improve Surgical Safety 2. Haneen B. Ali and Huiyang Li, State U. of New York at Binghamton, Developing a Fall Prevention System for Nursing Homes 3. Enid Montague and Beatriz De Quero Navarro, Northwestern U.; Jie Xu, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Jeffrey Panzer, Erie Family Health Center; Maureen Satyshur, Northwestern U.; David Buchanan, Erie Family Health Center, Evaluating Medication Review in Primary Care: Threats to Patient Adherence and Safety 4. Neal Wiggermann, Hill-Rom, The Effect of a Powered Drive on Pushing and Pulling Forces When Maneu vering Bariatric Hospital Beds 5. T. Kajaks, Toronto Rehabilitation Inst.; A. Longfield, Saint Elizabeth; F. Orozco, U. of Toronto; P. Holyoke, Saint Elizabeth; T. Dutta, Toronto Rehabilitation Inst., Pilot Quality Improvement Study of SafeBack: A Mobile Application for Estimating Low-Back Compression Forces for Caregivers in the Field OE5 – Motion and Reach OCCUPATIONAL ERGONOMICS Friday, October 30, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Diamond Ballroom 8 Lecture Chair: Peter W. Johnson, U. of Washington; Cochair: Sean Gallagher, Auburn U. 1. Karen B. Chen, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Xu Xu and Jia-Hua Lin, Liberty Mutual Research Inst. for Safety; Robert G. Radwin, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Evaluation of Older Driver Functional Range of Motion Using Virtual Reality 2. Jian Liu, Suzanne Konz, Felix H. Cheung, Tony B. Szwilski, and Justin Chapman, Marshall U., Concurrent Validity of the Biostage for Assessment of Lower-Extremity Joint Angles 3. Monica L. H. Jones, K. Han Kim, Sheila Ebert, and Matthew P. Reed, U. of Michigan Transportation Research Inst., Development of Methods to Assess Self-Reach Capability 38 4. Michael Yi Chao Lin, Harvard School of Public Health; Jack T. Dennerlein, Northeastern U., A Psychophysical Protocol to Provide Ergonomic Recommendations for Standing Computer Workstation Setup 5. Thilagan Murugesan, Achyut D. Patel, Ridhan Riyal, Giuseppe Turini, and Justin G. Young, Kettering U., Effect of Armrest Positioning and Workspace Constraints on Muscle Activity for Touchless Gestural Controls 6. Oguz Akkas, Yu Hen Hu, and Robert G. Radwin, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Measuring Duty Cycle Using Automated Video Processing ST8 – Extreme and Dangerous Environments SURFACE TRANSPORTATION Friday, October 30, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Platinum Ballroom I Lecture Chair: Carrie Bell, National Transportation Safety Board; Cochair: Abtine Tavassoli, Exponent Failure Analysis Assoc. 1. Benjamin L. Hoggan and Michael G. Lenné, Monash U.; Justin Fidock, Defence Science and Technology Organi sation; Geoff Stuart, Monash U.; Eugene Aidman, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, The Effects of Task Demand on Crew Performance in Simulated Military Land Vehicles 2. Anita M. Rothblum, Vincent A. Reubelt, and M. J. Lewandowski, U.S. Coast Guard R&D Center, Improving Maritime Distress Signals: Why a 130 cd Flashing LED Is More Conspicuous Than a 500 cd Flare 3. Drea K. Fekety, Darlene Edewaard, Ashley A. Stafford Sewall, Stanton Adams, T. Keanau Ormson, Brian Eddy, Peyton Moore, and Richard A. Tyrrell, Clemson U., Electroluminescent Materials Can Improve Nighttime Pedestrian Conspicuity When Added to Retroreflective Garments 4. Drew M. Morris and June J. Pilcher, Clemson U., Psycho logical Response, Not Physiological Response, Predicts Aggression Behind the Wheel During Cold Stress 5. Gregory S. McGowin and Shane B. McLaughlin, Virginia Tech Transportation Inst.; Sherry L. Williams and Tim Buche, Motorcycle Safety Foundation, Demographics and Personality Factors of Participants in the MSF 100 Motorcyclist Naturalistic Stu FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 PAR T IC IPA NT INDE X Abbate, Andrew J., 16 Abdelrahman, Amro M., 20, 21 Abdelsattar, Jad M., 21 Abegaz, Tamirat, 25 Abich IV, Julian, 14, 30, 31 Abreu, Joana M., 28 Abts, Natalie, 25 Abuhamad, Alfred Z., 36 Abulhassan, Yousif, 21 Acemyan, Claudia Ziegler, 31 Adams, Stanton, 38 Ahmida, Raja, 27 Ahn, Sung Hee, 23, 35 Aich, Sudipto, 34 Aidman, Eugene, 38 Akkas, Oguz, 26, 38 Akter, Tahmina, 12 Albert, M., 25 Albin, Thomas J., 27, 29 Alex, Leo, 19 Alexander, Amy L., 17, 20 Alfred, Myrtede, 37 Alfred, Petra E., 13, 18 Ali, Haneen B., 38 Alt, Jon, 10 Altaboli, Ahamed, 27 Alves, Erin, 9, 32 Amick, Ryan Z., 30 Anders, Shilo, 20 Anderson, Evan, 25 Andre, Fabien, 17 Anson, Denis, 20 Armstrong, Miriam E., 32 Armstrong, Thomas J., 19 Arnold, Ryan C., 28 Artz, Georgeanne, 11 Arumugham, Jagan, 36 Asencio, Raquel, 13 Ashdown, Amanda J., 36 Atkins, Tony, 20 Attfield, Simon, 33 Auflick, Jack L., 18 Aulck, Lavi, 30 Aulck, Lovenoor, 30 Axelrod, Benjamin, 14 Ayanian, Karin, 17 Ayres, Thomas J., 17, 29 Azevedo, Renato F. L., 18 Baber, Chris, 22, 27 Bacon, L. Paige, 29 Baers, Justin, 27 Bailey, Shannon K. T., 31 Baker, Amy, 14 Baker, Anthony, 17 Balaji, T. S., 36 Balaud, Magali, 14 Baldwin, Carryl L., 12, 23, 37 Baldwin, Natalee, 10, 25 Ball, Jerry T., 31 Bankston, Noël R., 19, 34 Bao, Beisheng, 23 Bao, Stephen S., 22, 23 Barakat, Brandon, 15, 32 Barber, Daniel J., 14 Barg-Walkow, Laura H., 20, 23 PART ICIPAN T I N DEX Barnawal, Prashant, 30 Barnes, Laura E., 32 Barnes, Michael J., 14, 33 Baron, Jaclyn, 26, 37 Barragán, Daniela, 21, 24 Bartlett, Cade E., 29 Bass, Ellen J., 11, 16 Batra, Sanjay, 28 Battiste, Vernol, 22, 27 Battle, Amanda N., 32 Bazley, Conne, 27 Beer, Jenay M., 17, 19, 26 Belay, Marta, 13 Belfore II, Lee A., 36 Bell, Carrie, 38 Belote, Marisa, 23 Bender, Holly, 11 Benedict, B., 11 Bengler, Klaus, 34 Benneyan, James C., 19 Benor, Daniel, 17 Berggren, Peter, 13 Berisha, Ilirjan, 34 Bernhardt, Kyle, 15 Berry, Katherine A., 27 Best, Christopher, 20 Bestler, Laura, 11 Bickelhaupt, Sarah E., 11 Bifano, Martin, 32 Billinghurst, Sabrina, 36 Billman, Dorrit, 36 Bisantz, Ann M., 20 Blackman, Harold S., 19 Blickensderfer, Beth, 22, 23 Bliss, James P., 12, 18, 34 Blocker, Renaldo C., 21, 25 Blommer, Mike, 34 Blumberg, Eric, 15 Bodin, Ida, 20 Boehm-Davis, Deborah A., 10, 19, 24 Bok, Ilguen, 19 Bolton, Amy, 30 Bolton, Matthew L., 18 Borders, Morgan, 18 Borghetti, Brett J., 28 Borghouts, Judith, 27, 36 Boring, Ronald Laurids, 10, 12, 14, 27, 28, 29, 30 Bowden, James R., 32 Bowser, Nicholas J., 14 Boyce, Michael W., 14 Boykin, Sr., Gary L., 14 Boyle, Linda Ng, 21, 29 Branche, Christine M., 23 Branyon, Jessica, 10, 25, 37 Brickman, Dennis B., 25, 32 Brill, J. Christopher, 12, 34 Brown, J., 11 Brown, Rebecca, 10 Brown, Stephanie, 18 Browning, Caitlin, 25 Brumby, Duncan P., 27, 36 Brunelle, Noelle, 23 Brungart, Douglas, 23 Bruni, Sylvain, 25, 36 Buchanan, David, 13, 38 Buchanan, Verica, 14 Buche, Tim, 38 Buchholz, Bryan, 30 Buckarma, EeeLN H., 21 Bülthoff, Heinrich H., 31 Bunting, Michael F., 28 Burhans, Charles G., 26 Burns, Catherine M., 20, 35 Burt, Susan E., 23 Byham, Megan, 23 Byrne, Cristina L., 18, 37 Cades, David, 15 Caine, Kelly, 26 Caird, Jeff K., 27 Cairns, Paul, 36 Caissie, Beth, 11 Caldwell, Barrett S., 18, 20 Calhoun, Gloria, 30 Campbell, Alan O., 18 Campbell, Bo, 28 Campbell, Susan G., 28 Campos, Jennifer L., 15 Cao, Shi, 35 Capan, Muge, 28 Capanoglu, Muhammet, 21 Caplan, Stanley H., 11, 14, 19, 36 Carayon, Pascale, 21 Carretero, Juan A., 20 Carrington, Jane, 18 Carswell, C. Melody, 32 Carter, Dorothy R., 13 Cartmill, Randi, 21 Cassenti, Daniel N., 15 Catrambone, Richard, 11 Causse, Mickaël, 17 Cavallari, Jennifer, 30 Cavrak, Sarah, 36 Cavuoto, Lora A., 12, 37 Chalil Madathil, Kapil, 13, 23, 30 Chamberland, Cindy, 31 Chancey, Eric T., 18, 34 Chang, Chun-Cheng, 21 Chapman, Justin, 38 Chappell, Sheryl, 34 Chaturvedi, Pratik, 16 Chen, Dar-Wei, 11 Chen, Howard, 13, 30 Chen, Jessie Y. C., 14 Chen, Karen B., 38 Chen, Yun, 26 Cheng, Lara W. S., 20 Cheng, Xuan, 19 Cheung, Felix H., 38 Chien, Shih-Yi, 36 Chignell, Mark, 33 Chin, Chieh-Li, 25 Chin, Jessie, 25 Chiou, Erin K., 22 Chiu, Peter, 30 Cho, Jay, 21 Choates, Daniel, 13 Choi, HeeSun, 37 Choi, Hyeyoon, 23 Choi, Myung Bin, 35 PARTICIPANT INDEX Choi, Nakkyeong, 37 Choi, Teukgyu, 19 Choi, William, 26 Choi, Yoonhyung, 37 Chourasia, Amrish, 20 Chua, Kenny Wei Liang, 26 Chua, Zarrin, 17, 25 Chuang, Lewis L., 31 Chughtai, Rehman, 17 Clark, Hallie, 15 Claypoole, Victoria L., 15, 31 Clegg, Benjamin A., 11, 17 Cochran, David, 9 Cohen, Marvin, 14 Cole, Kerstan, 9 Conly, John, 27 Contractor, Noshir S., 13 Cooke, Nancy J., 11, 12, 14, 19, 27, 29, 31 Cooks, Andrea, 28, 33 Cosing, Sheryl, 28 Coughlin, Joseph F., 15, 32 Cousy, Mathieu, 17 Cowan, Magan, 19 Cowley, Jennifer A., 37 Cox, Anna L., 27 Cox, Perry, 22 Coyne, Joseph, 31 Cozmi, Ella, 11 Craig, Curtis, 20, 31 Craig, Scotty D., 17 Crizzle, A., 33 Crockett, Suzanne, 15 Cruit, Jessica, 23 Crump, Caroline, 12, 15 Cuevas, Haydee, 36 Cullen, Laura, 13 Cummings, M. L., 36 Cunningham, Rachel, 19 Curry, Reates, 34 Curtis, Michael K., 24 Cybenko, Anne, 28 D’Agostino, Amy, 10 D’Souza, Clive, 32 Daggy, Joanne K., 36 Dai, Fei, 26 Dale, Ann Marie, 22, 23 Danczyk, Jennifer, 25 Darrah, Sara J., 33 Dattel, Andrew R., 15, 32, 33 Daughters, Stacey B., 26 Davies, Jan, 27 Davis, Agnes, 26 Davis, Kermit G., 13, 19, 26 Davis, Kristen, 33 Davis, Stephen S., 36 Dawe, Nikita, 17 Dawson, Kayla, 24 de Joux, Neil, 30 De Quero Navarro, Beatriz, 13, 38 de Visser, Ewart J., 14 DeChurch, Leslie A., 13 DeGuzman, Chelsea, 33 Dehais, Frédéric, 25 DeLeon, Ruben, 31 39 PAR T IC IPA NT INDE X Demir, Mustafa, 31 Dennerlein, Jack T., 30, 38 Denton, Daniel, 14 Derby, Paul, 9 Dewar, Alexis R., 14, 15 Dietz, Aaron S., 17, 31 DiIulio, Julie, 18 Dikmen, Murat, 35 Dillard, Michael, 36 Dillon, Jr., Edward, 25 Ding, Dan, 31 Ding, Qicheng, 34 Ding, Yao, 20 Diptiman, Tuhin, 21 Divekar, Gautam, 29 Dobres, Jonathan, 26 Doebbeling, Bradley, 18 Doherty, Shawn M., 24, 32 Domel, August G., 26 Domeyer, Joshua E., 21 Donmez, Birsen, 26 Dorahy, Martin J., 28 Dorius, Cassandra, 11 Dorlette Paul, Melissa, 30 Dorneich, Michael C., 11, 14, 17, 24, 30, 36 Dorton, Stephen, 33 Douglas, Dana, 33 Dowell, John, 17 Draper, Mark H., 33, 36 Drews, Frank A., 28, 36 Drøivoldsmo, Asgeir, 37 Du, Weidan, 22 Dudley, Rachel, 36 Duffield, Timothy John, 12 Dukes, Allen W., 32 Durrani, Sami, 27 Durso, Francis T., 10, 27 Dutt, Varun, 16 Dutta, T., 38 Dwyer, Cynthia, 31 Ebert, Sheila, 28, 38 Eckold, Monica B., 22 Eddy, Brian, 38 Edewaard, Darlene, 38 Eisen, Ellen, 23 Eisert, Jesse, 19 El Khatib, Moustafa, 21 Elkerton, Jay, 17, 22 Elmgrab, Mustafa, 27 Enck, William, 26 Endsley, Tristan C., 13 England, Scott A., 30 Englert, Jennifer, 8 Epling, Samantha, 30 Ericson, Justin, 37 Evanoff, Bradley A., 22, 23 Evans III, Q. William, 31 Fabbri, John, 15 Fairbanks, Rollin (Terry) J., 11, 20, 25 Farley, David R., 21 Farry, Mike, 25 Feigh, Karen M., 17, 18 40 PART ICIPAN T I N DEX Fekety, Drea K., 32, 38 Feldman, Fabio, 26 Feldman, Moshe, 20 Feng, Jing, 15, 37 Fern, Lisa, 33 Ferrara, Patricia, 37 Ferraro, F. Richard, 15 Ferris, Thomas K., 11, 18, 21, 37 Fethke, Nathan, 30 Fidock, Justin, 38 Finnesgard, Eric J., 21 Finomore, Victor S., 32 Fiore, Stephen M., 14 Fischer, Ute, 17, 31 Fisher, Donald L., 32, 33, 34 Fisk, Arthur D., 19 Flach, John, 14, 15 Fleisig, R., 33 Flory, Jan, 14 Foerster, Florian, 23 Fok, Audrey W., 14, 34 Foroughi, Cyrus K., 24 Forster, Peter K., 13 Fournier, Fabiana, 22 Fox, Robert, 29 Frank, Matthew C., 30 Franke, Thomas, 13 Frantz, J. Paul, 26 Fraulini, Nicholas W., 15 Frederick, Christina, 19 Freiman, Mary, 31 Freivalds, Andris, 21 Fricker, Ron, 10 Fu, Wai-Tat, 25 Fugate, Sunny, 22 Funcik, Robert M., 18 Funke, Gregory J., 10, 20, 22, 30, 31, 32, 37 Gilmore, Brian, 14 Gish, J., 33 Gisick, Logan M., 31 Glaser, Daniel S., 37 Glaser, Yi G., 37 Glatz, Christiane, 31 Gleed, Jeremy, 36 Gmitro, Sumonthip C., 38 Gold, Christian, 34 Goldberg, Benjamin, 24 Gonzalez, Kathy, 31 Gore, Brian F., 11 Gorman, Jamie, 27 Gramopadhye, Anand K., 30, 37 Gratch, Jonathan, 12 Graving, Justin, 29 Gray, Joshua L., 25 Gray, Rob, 37 Gray, Wayne D., 19 Greatbatch, Richard L., 14 Green, Paul A., 29, 32 Greene, Kristen K., 28 Greenstein, Joel S., 13, 38 Gregg, Sarah, 27 Grégoire, Mathieu, 31 Greitzer, Frank L., 37 Grgic, Dora, 27 Grier, Rebecca A., 22, 26 Grigsby, Scott, 33 Grishin, John, 16 Grundgeiger, Tobias, 18, 25 Gu, Kuangxiao, 18 Guastello, Stephen, 27 Günther, Madlen, 13 Gunzelmann, Glenn, 36 Guo, Beiyuan, 13 Gupta, Santosh, 29 Gutzwiller, Robert S., 11, 22 Gable, Thomas Matthew, 23 Gabracht, Katharina, 23 Gagnon, Jean-Christophe, 31 Gahn, Sandra, 11 Gaither, Napoleon, 33 Gallagher, Sean, 21, 38 Galligan, Catherine, 30 Gao, Meiyuzi, 31 Gao Smith, Tianqi “Tenchi,” 21 Garcia, David R., 14 Garcia-Retamero, Rocio, 18 Gardner, Bethany, 22 Gardner-Bonneau, Daryle, 29 Garg, Arun, 22, 23 Gartenberg, Daniel, 36 Gas, Becca L., 21 Gascon, Jolie G., 24 Gawron, Valerie, 27 Geden, Michael, 15 Genaro Motti, Vivian, 26 Gerardino, Luis Roman, 32 Gerr, Frederic E., 23 Ghesmaty Sangachin, Mahboobeh, 37 Gilbert, Juan E., 25 Gilbert, Stephen B., 14, 24 Gillan, Douglas J., 19, 29, 34, 37 Haider, Johanna, 33 Hallbeck, M. Susan, 19, 20, 21, 25 Hallihan, Greg, 27 Hamada, Hiroto, 21 Hammack, Taleri, 14 Han, Ji Yoon, 23 Han, Jinsung, 37 Hancock, Peter A., 10, 12, 19, 22, 23, 31 Happel, O., 18, 25 Hardy, Natasha, 28 Harley, Erin, 12 Harper, Christy, 31 Harpold, Brandon, 23 Harris, Dennis J., 13, 32 Harris-Adamson, Carisa, 23 Harrison, Kyle, 20 Harvey, Craig, 12 Hasegawa-Johnson, Mark, 18 Hassanzadeh-Behbaha, Shiva, 25 Hauck, Christopher, 13 Havig, Paul R., 27 Hayes, Caroline, 19 He, Jibo, 26 Hedge, Alan, 13, 22, 27 Hegde, Sudeep, 20 Hegmann, Kurt T., 22, 23 PARTICIPANT INDEX Heiden, Siobhan M., 18 Hellgren, Charlotte, 15, 17 Hellmich, Thomas, 25 Helton, William S., 28, 30, 37 Henry, Charles, 13 Herdener, Nathan, 17 Hergeth, Sebastian, 36 Herout, Jennifer, 36 Hersberger, Roger, 31 Hettinger, A. Zach, 20 Hettinger, Lawrence J., 15 Higgins, J. Stephen, 37 Hildebrand, Emily, 15 Hildebrandt, Michael, 33 Hill, Susan G., 14, 31 Hillemann, Eva-Catherine, 33 Hinckfuss, Kelly, 25 Ho, Andrew Si Yong, 26 Hoggan, Benjamin L., 38 Hoisington, David, 35 Holden, Richard J., 9, 18, 29 Hölttä-Otto, Katja, 13 Holyoke, P., 38 Honan, Meg, 27 Hong, Wongi, 19 Hoonakker, Peter, 21 Hoover, Adam, 32 Hoover, Connor, 13 Horrey, William J., 34 Horst, Dick, 10, 36 Horvath, Imre, 26 Houpt, Joseph, 14 Hu, Boyi, 26 Hu, Rui, 20 Hu, Yu Hen, 38 Hua, Lesheng, 17, 35 Huang, Thomas, 18 Huang, Wesley H., 14 Hughes, Margaret, 30 Hughes, Niav, 10 Hughes, Thomas, 36 Huijsman, Wim-Pieter, 25 Hundt, Ann Schoofs, 18, 29 Hutchins, Andrew R., 36 Huynh, Albert, 17 Iden, Rebecca, 20 Ikuma, Laura H., 12 Illingworth, David A., 25 Imada, Andrew S., 10 Immraga, Heba, 27 Imperiale, Thomas, 18 Inagaki, Toshiyuki, 21 Inbar, Ohad, 22 Isard, Jennifer L., 31 Ishak, Danielle, 19 Israelski, Edmond, 12 Itoh, Makoto, 21 Ive, Hillary, 34 Iwig, Chelsea, 31 Jackson, Cullen, 13, 33 Jackson, Kelli, 24 Jackson, Philip L., 31 Jackson, Jr., Eric V., 28 Jacobs, Karen, 20, 22 PAR T IC IPA NT INDE X Jacobs, Keri, 11 Jacobs, Paula, 25 Jahn, Michelle, 22 Janes, Jessica, 11 Jardina, Jo, 17 Jasper, Phillip Weiss, 31, 32 Jenkins, Dan, 14 Jenkins, Joseph C., 27 Jenness, James, 21 Jentsch, Florian G., 14, 31, 35, 37 Jeon, Myounghoon, 12, 17, 23 Jeong, Heejin, 32 Jeong, Jineun, 19 Jeong, Sungoo, 37 Jerome, Christian, 29 Jesso, Matthew, 23 Jiang, Jie, 33 Jimenez, Camilo, 31 Johansson, Björn, 13, 15, 17 Johns, Mishel, 34 Johnson, Korey, 11 Johnson, Peter W., 26, 30, 38 Johnson, Shannon I., 26 Johnson, Walter W., 22 Jones, Keith S., 13, 32 Jones, Michael, 34 Jones, Monica L. H., 28, 38 Jones, Rashaad E. T., 22 Jones, Stuart M., 23 Jonson, Carl-Oscar, 13 Joslin, Robert E., 27 Ju, Feng, 21 Ju, Wendy, 34 Juliá Nehme, Begoña, 22 Jung, Hayoung, 19 Jung, Kihyo, 19 Ka, Hyun, 31 Kacmar, Allison A., 19 Kajaks, T., 33, 38 Kang, Hwayeong, 21 Kang, Ziho, 29 Kapalo, Katelynn A., 14 Kapellusch, Jay M., 22, 23 Kar, Gourab, 22 Karn, Keith S., 12, 36 Karstens, Christopher D., 35 Karunratanakul, Kunthinee, 15 Karwowski, Waldemar, 19 Kasdaglis, Nicholas, 20 Kasper, Karissa, 31 Katzman, Nuphar, 27 Kaufman, Jaime, 27 Kazerooni, Homayoon, 19 Kealey, Ryan, 33 Kee, Ein Cern, 12 Keebler, Joseph R., 17, 20, 25, 35 Kelkar, Rajeev, 29 Kelling, Nicholas, 15, 31 Kelly, Jonathan, 24 Kelly, Norene, 14 Kennedy, Becca, 19 Kennedy, Quinn, 10 Keshavarz, Behrang, 15 Kessler, Theresa, 23 Kiefer, Aaron, 18 PART ICIPAN T I N DEX Kim, Chulwoo, 19 Kim, Eunsik, 21 Kim, Hana, 17 Kim, Jeong Ho (Jay), 30 Kim, Jinman, 19 Kim, Jung Hyup, 23 Kim, K. Han, 28, 38 Kim, Minjee, 35 Kim, Robyn, 12 Kim, So Young, 17 Kim, Sungho, 19, 28 Kim, Yong Min, 23 Kinsella, Amelia J., 15 Kisaalita, William, 13 Klein, Gary, 12, 14 Klein, Martina I., 20, 31 Knott, Benjamin A., 30, 37 Knox, Erick H., 12 Knuycky, Leslie, 36 Kochhar, Dev, 34 Kodagoda, Neesha, 33 Koikkara, Reshmi, 13 Kolsch, Mathias, 24 Konz, Suzanne, 38 Kopald, Hunter, 27 Korall, Alexandra M. B., 26 Kortum, Philip, 19, 31 Korzatkowski, Jeffrey, 24 Kosnik, William D., 28 Kraft, A.-K., 25 Krasnova, Oleksandra, 34 Krauss, David A., 32 Krems, Josef, 13 Kring, Jason, 19 Krishnan, Akhilesh, 33 Kruger, Dan, 18 Krupenia, Stas, 12, 20 Kubose, Tate, 17, 29 Kuhlman, Kristin M., 35 Kun, Andrew L., 23 Kwon, Ochae, 19 Kyung, G., 16 Laberge, Jason, 23 Lachance, Chantelle C., 26 Lacson, Frank, 29 Lafond, Daniel, 14 Lakhmani, Shan, 14 Lam, Jessica, 31 Lamm, Monica H., 11 Larson, Nancy L., 22, 37 Laux, Lila, 34 Lawlor, Mary C., 25 Lawson, Ben D., 12 Lawson, Glyn, 12 Lazzara, Elizabeth, 20 Leafe, Abby, 11 Lee, Baekhee, 19, 28 Lee, Byung Wha, 28 Lee, Chaiwoo, 15, 32 Lee, Ja Young, 20 Lee, John D., 22, 26, 37 Lee, Michael, 32 Lee, Sojeong, 35 Lee, Wonsup, 19 Leidheiser, William, 10 Leis, Rebecca, 10 Lemasters, Lucas, 15 Lenné, Michael G., 38 Lenorovitz, David R., 12, 34 Lerner, Neil, 37 Letsu-Dake, Emmanuel, 36 Levulis, Samuel J., 32 Lew, Gavin, 28 Lewandowski, M. J., 38 Lewis, Bridget A., 12, 20 Lewis, Michael, 36 Leyva, Kevin, 31 Li, Huiyang, 25, 38 Li, Jingshan, 21 Li, Meng, 18 Li, Yeti, 20 Li, Yueqing, 28 Liechty, Molly, 18 Liggett, Kristen K., 37 Liles, Karina R., 11, 17, 19 Liley, Helen, 25 Lim, Ji Hyoun, 34 Lin, Jia-Hua, 21, 38 Lin, Jinchao, 30 Lin, Michael Yi Chao, 38 Lin, Yingzi, 19 Lindquist, Kristen A., 20 Ling, Chen, 17, 35 Liskey, Devin, 27 Litwin, Liat, 24 Liu, Baoxia, 18 Liu, Dahai, 24, 32 Liu, David, 16, 25 Liu, Jian, 38 Liu, Qian, 26 Lobato, Emilio J. C., 14 Loeb, Robert, 16, 25 Long, Shelby K., 19 Longfield, A., 38 Lontz, Kristi, 32 Louie, Jennifer F., 34 Lowndes, Bethany R., 20, 21 Lu Riggs, Sara, 9, 17, 32, 36 Luckner, Robert, 30 Lüdtke, Andreas, 34 Lueder, Rani, 25 Lum, Heather C., 12, 14, 20, 20, 37 Lund, Arnold M., 19 Lutz, Megan, 36 Ma, Wenqi, 21 Mackey, Dawn C., 26 Maddox, Michael E., 18 Madhavan, Poornima, 11 Majdic, Kristen, 32 Mancuso, Vincent F., 22 Mandal, Saptarshi, 29 Manning, Carol A., 37 Manzey, Dietrich, 14, 30 Marayong, Panadda, 27 Marquard, Jenna, 29, 38 Marshall, Dawn, 29 Martini, Molly C., 34 Matalenas, Laura A., 26 Matessa, Mike, 22 Mathias, Anne C., 32 PARTICIPANT INDEX Mathieu, Roy, 31 Matsangas, Panagiotis, 18, 37 Matthews, Gerald, 30 Mauro, Charles L., 12, 36 Mayhorn, Christopher B., 10, 22, 25, 30 Maynard, Jason, 21 McCarley, Jason S., 15 McCarthy, Jim, 29 McConnell, Daniel S., 15 McCrory, Bernadette, 20 McCurry, J. Malcolm, 25 McDermott, Patricia L., 33 McDonald, Joseph D., 13 McGough, Beth, 21 McGowin, Gregory S., 38 McGuire, Kerry M., 17 McIntyre, Scott E., 29, 34 McIntyre, Trevor, 9, 13 McLanders, Mia, 36 McLaughlin, Anne Collins, 10, 26 Mclaughlin, Shane B., 38 McMullin, Dianne, 14 McNeese, Michael D., 12, 13, 35 McNeese, Nathan J., 12, 14, 29, 31 McWilliams, Thomas, 26 Mead, Patrick R., 24 Means, Don, 26 Mehler, Alea, 26 Mehler, Bruce, 23, 26, 32 Melton, Brittany L., 36 Mendez-Tellez, Pedro Alejandro, 31 Mendonça, David, 18 Menke, Lauren E., 10, 20 Menon, Chloe V., 31 Mercado, Joseph, 10, 31 Merlino, Linda A., 23 Merryweather, Andrew, 22 Merta, Michael, 15 Meshkati, Najmedin, 13, 25 Mesmer-Magnus, Jessica R., 13 Meusel, Chase, 14, 24 Meyer, Joachim, 11, 22 Michaelis, Jessica R., 15 Michon, Pierre-Emmanuel, 31 Mickelson, Robin S., 18 Milham, Laura M., 34 Militello, Laura G., 13, 18, 34 Miller, Brent, 10, 31 Miller, David, 34 Miller, Kristen E., 28 Miller, Matthew J., 17 Miller-Spillman, Kimberly, 32 Minotra, Dev, 35 Moacdieh, Nadine, 23 Mohamed, Ismail, 16 Molesworth, Brett, 34 Molinaro, Kylie, 18 Momenipour, Amirmasoud, 31 Monfort, Samuel S., 14 Monk, Kevin, 33 Montague, Enid, 12, 13, 22, 29, 34, 38 Montalvo, Fernando, 15 Mooney, John “Bam Bam,” 30 Moore, N. Kay, 21 41 PAR T IC IPA NT INDE X Moore, Peyton, 38 Morar, Natan, 22 Morgan, Constance E, 28 Morgan, Justin, 29 Morita, Plinio P., 25 Morley, Christopher D., 15 Moroney, William F., 9, 26 Morris, Drew M., 38 Morrow, Daniel, 18 Mosier, Kathleen L., 17, 19, 31 Moss, Jason D., 15 Mouloua, Mustapha, 34 Müller, Simon, 30 Munya, Paul, 35 Murphy-Hill, Emerson, 30 Murtza, Rabia, 34 Murugesan, Thilagan, 13, 38 Muth, Eric R., 15, 32 Myers, Christopher, 31 Myung, Rohae, 37 Na, Duk L., 28 Nair, Chandra, 34 Naito, Yuji, 13 Nam, Chang S., 9, 20, 28, 37 Nam, K. H., 16 Nance, John, 10 Näswall, Katharina, 37 Nathan-Roberts, Dan, 9, 19, 29 Nauhaus, Genevieve, 12 Neilson, Brittany, 27 Nelson, Erik, 36 Nemire, Kenneth, 16 Nesbitt, Peter, 10 Ness, James, 23 Neubauer, Catherine, 37 Neville, Kelly, 20, 30 Nevins, Lashawn, 21 Newendorp, Bruce, 14 Newsome, Emily, 14 Neyens, David M., 37 Nguyen, Vickie, 13 Ni, Rui, 32 Ning, Xiaopeng, 26 Noah, Benjamin, 20 Novak, Alison C., 15 Nussbaumer, Alexander, 33 O’Rourke, Polly, 28 O’Connor-Dreher, Ryan, 27 Ogiso, Kiyoshi, 13 Oglesby, James, 31 Oh, Hyungseok, 37 Ohnemus, Kenneth, 22 Oppold, Paul, 23 Or, Calvin, 21, 29 Orgler, Lisa, 11 Ormson, T. Keanau, 38 Oron-Gilad, Tal, 17, 27 Orozco, F., 38 Oskarsson, Per-Anders, 15, 17 Ososky, Scott, 37 Osterloh, Jan-Patrick, 34 Othman, Rabheen, 27 Ott, Joseph T., 33 Ou, Bo, 34 42 PART ICIPAN T I N DEX Pacione, Chris, 17 Pack, Jessica S., 33 Pagan, Jennifer, 14 Pak, Richard, 10, 25, 37 Palmer, Evan M., 31, 3 Pandian, T. K., 21 Panganiban, April Rose, 30 Panzer, Jeffrey M., 13, 38 Park, Hyunji, 28 Park, Seikwon, 19 Park, Sung-Hwan, 35 Park, Sungjin, 37 Parker, James, 20 Parmet, Yisrael, 17 Parr, Scott, 36, 37 Parsons, Ken, 29 Pascale, Michael, 16 Passmore, Peter, 33 Pastel, Robert, 30 Pasupathy, Kalyan, 25 Patel, Achyut D., 13, 38 Patel, Arpan, 28 Patel, Dhvani, 9 Patterson, Emily S., 12, 34 Patterson, Robert E., 32 Patzer, Brady, 35 Pennathur, Priyadarshini R., 13, 31 Pereira, Francisco C., 28 Peres, S. Camille, 19 Perlman, David, 26 Peters, Frank, 30 Petros, Thomas, 15 Petterson, Albin, 13 Peysakhovich, Vsevolod, 25 Pfaff, Mark S., 12, 27 Pham, Tri, 15 Pharmer, James A., 34 Philips, Brian H., 29 Phillips, Elizabeth, 14, 37 Pierce, Linda G., 18, 29, 33, 37 Pilcher, June J., 38 Pitts, Brandon J., 12 Placencia, Greg, 25 Plaga, John A., 28 Plew, William, 36 Plott, Beth, 33 Plummer, John P., 35 Pohl, Margit, 33 Poston, Alan M., 29 Pradhan, Anuj Kumar, 32 Prinet, Julie C., 34 Proaps, Alexandra B., 18 Probst, Adam, 25 Proctor, Robert W., 22 Prytz, Erik, 13 Punnett, Laura, 30 Pybus, Lawton, 37 Quarles, Diane, 26 Quinn, Margaret, 30 Radwin, Robert G., 19, 26, 30, 38 Rahman, Md Mahmudur, 11, 29 Rajulu, Sudhakar L., 30 Rakauskas, Michael, 11 Rauh, Nadine, 13 Rauschenberger, Robert, 15, 19, 27 Reddy, Madhu C., 29 Reed, Matthew P., 28, 38 Reegård, Kine, 37 Reep, James A., 13 Rees, Tina, 11 Rehman, Umair, 35 Reid, Christopher R., 21, 30 Reimer, Bryan, 26, 32 Reinerman-Jones, Lauren E., 10, 30 Reinhardt, D., 25 Rekleitis, Ioannis, 26 Rempel, David M., 22, 23 Resnick, Mark L., 17, 20, 26, 28, 30 Reubelt, Vincent A., 38 Rhie, Ye Lim, 23, 34 Rhoades, Timothy P., 26 Rhyner, Katlin, 15 Rice, Valerie J., 14, 15, 18, 25 Richard, Christian, 29 Ries, Anthony J., 33 Rieth, Cory A., 33 Rinaldo, Shannon B., 20 Rindahl, Grete, 37 Rister, Frank, 34 Ritchey, Paul, 11 Rivera, Javier, 31 Riyal, Ridhan, 13, 38 Rizzo, Matthew, 10 Rø Eitrheim, Maren Helene, 33 Roberge-Vallières, Benôit R., 14, 29 Robertson, Michelle M., 22, 27 Robinovitch, Stephen N., 26 Rodriguez Paras, Carolina, 18 Roebuck, Jr., John A., 19 Rogers, Wendy A., 19 Rogers, William, 36 Rohde, Richard, 27 Romoser, Matthew, 33 Rongerude, Jane, 11 Roome, Nicholas, 13 Rorie, R. Conrad, 33 Rose, Paul N., 15 Rosen, Michael A., 20, 31 Rosopa, Patrick J., 32 Ross, James, 12 Roth, Emilie M., 11 Rothblum, Anita M., 38 Rothfusz, Lans, 35 Rothrock, Ling, 20, 23 Rovira, Ericka, 10 Rowan, Charles P., 34 Ruff, Heath, 30 Rupert, Angus H., 12 Rupp, Michael A., 14, 15, 19 Rusak, Zoltan, 26 Rusnock, Christina F., 28, 32 Russ, Alissa L., 13, 34, 36 Russell, Colin M., 26 Russell, Paul N., 28 Rybing, Jonas, 13 Saito, Yuichi, 21 Sala, Joseph B., 19 Salar, Menekse, 21 Salas, Eduardo, 27, 31 PARTICIPANT INDEX Saleem, Jason J., 13, 18, 34, 36 Salomon, Kathryn A., 15 Salzer, Yael, 27 Samaras, George, 36 Samareh, Aven, 19 Samaroo, Laura, 33 Samost, Aubrey, 26 Samuel, Siby, 32, 33, 34 Sandberg, Hilary M., 19 Sanders, Tracy L., 23, 31 Sanderson, Penelope, 16, 19, 25, 36 Santomauro, Chiara, 36 Sargent, Robert, 11 Sarter, Nadine B., 12, 23, 34 Satterfield, Kelly, 10, 31 Satyshur, Maureen, 13, 38 Savage-Knepshield, Pamela, 28 Sawyer, Benjamin D., 10, 22 Sawyer, Michael W., 27 Scerbo, Mark W., 20, 36 Schaefer, Kristin E., 14 Schall, Jr., Mark C., 13, 22, 30 Scheer, Menja, 31 Schmidlin, Elizabeth A., 32 Schooler, Jonathan, 37 Schreckenghost, Debra, 36 Schreiter, Karolin, 30 Schroeder, Bradford L., 15, 31 Schubert, Christiane, 25 Schuh, William, 18 Schuster, David, 23 Schwark, Jeremy, 15 Schwartz, Sophie, 12 Schweitzer, Kristin, 33 Sciarini, Lee W., 24 Scribner, David R., 14, 30 Sebok, Angelia L., 11, 34 Selkowitz, Anthony, 14, 22 Sellers, James, 37 Semnani-Azad, Zhaleh, 36 Serge, Stephen R., 15 Shah, Raina J., 26 Shah, Smruti J., 34 Shapiro, Jesse, 36 Shattuck, Nita Lewis, 18, 37 Sheffield, Benjamin, 23 Shekhawat, Vivek, 29 Shelstad, William, 12 Sherwood, Sarah, 30 Shibata, Peggy, 18 Shihady, Jessica, 28 Shimono, Misa, 31 Shin, Gwanseob, 21, 35 Shively, R. Jay, 33 Siah, Kewin T., 13 Sibley, Ciara, 31 Silverstein, Barbara A., 22, 23 Simpson, Alison, 15 Sims, Valerie K., 15, 31, 32 Sinclair, Misty, 36 Sir, Mustafa, 25 Sirkin, David, 34 Sisk, Olivia, 34 Smallman, Harvey S., 33 Smiley-Oyen, Ann, 11 Smith, Andrew M., 28 PAR T IC IPA NT INDE X Smith, C. A. P., 17 Smith, Dustin C., 35 Smith, Philip J., 19 Smith, Thomas J., 33 Smith, Travis M., 35 Smith-Jackson, Tonya L., 11, 12, 13, 23, 25 Smither, Janan A., 15 So, Richard H. Y., 23 Soberal, Dan, 18 Soboczenski, Frank, 36 Sollins, Brandon, 10 Sommer, Tessa, 28 Sommerich, Carolyn M., 29 Sonnenfeld, Nathan, 30 Specht, Paul, 34 Sprague, James K., 18 Sprague, Mary Ann, 8 Squire, Karina M., 21 Squire, Mark P., 33 St-Louis, Marie-Ève, 14 Stafford Sewall, Ashley A., 32, 38 Stanley, Raymond M., 27, 28 Starke, Sandra D., 22, 27 Steege, Linsey, 9 Stefonetti, Matthew C., 32 Steinisch, A., 25 Stelzer, Emily M., 27 Stephens, Benjamin R., 32 Stevens, Ron, 27 Stewart, G., 11 Stigter, Nicola, 16 Stoffregen, Thomas A., 15 Stone, Richard T., 11, 24 Stowers, Kimberly, 23, 28, 31 Strang, Adam J., 10, 20, 22, 31 Strater, Laura, 24 Strauch, Barry, 32 Strauss, Jemma M., 29 Strawderman, Lesley, 29 Streefkerk, Jan Willem, 25 Strybel, Thomas Z., 22, 27 Stuart, Geoff, 38 Stuck, Rachel E., 19, 26 Stumpf, Gregory J., 35 Sublette, Michelle, 32 Sun, Annabel, 34 Sun, Chuan, 30 Sun, Ganyun, 20, 29 Sung, Kiseok, 21 Sushereba, Christen, 18 Suss, Joel, 28, 30 Svensson, Jonathan, 15, 17 Swaminathan, Rads, 34 Sycara, Katia, 36 Szalma, James L., 10, 14, 31 Szczerba, Joseph, 31 Szwilski, Tony B., 38 Takata, Glenn S., 25 Talamonti, Walter, 34 Talone, Andrew B., 14, 31 Tamborello, Frank P., 16 Tannen, Robert, 12, 30 Tavassoli, Abtine, 32, 38 Taylor, Jesseca R. I., 16 PART ICIPAN T I N DEX Teo, Chee Hong, 26 Thamsuwan, Ornwipa, 26 Thiese, Matthew, 22, 23, 26 Thomas, Eric, 31 Thomas, Gina F., 37 Thomas, Jeffrey, 28 Thomas, Rick P., 17, 25 Thonissen, Floor, 25 Tijerina, Louis, 21, 34 Tindall, Mitchell J., 31 Tippey, Kathryn G., 11, 17, 18 Todd, J. Jay, 32 Tokadli, Güliz, 18 Tolston, Michael, 31 Torres, Michael E., 32 Touryan, Jonathan, 33 Townshend, Michelle, 11 Toyoda, Heishiro, 21 Trafton, J. Gregory, 25, 28, 36 Tran, Jimmy, 36 Trantow, Maria, 13 Trbovich, Patricia, 34 Tree, Rebekah, 18 Tremblay, Sébastien, 14, 25, 31 Tucker, Katherine P., 14, 20 Tufts, Jennifer, 23 Turini, Giuseppe, 13, 38 Tyrrell, Richard A., 32, 38 Ulrich, Thomas A., 10, 14, 29, 30 Vachon, François, 14, 25 Valdez, Rupa S., 29 Van Bree, Michael P., 12 van Doorn, Ellemieke, 26 van Trijp, Suzanne, 25 Vanderheiden, Gregg C., 20 Veksler, Bella Z., 36 Velez, Jonathan, 31 Via, Christopher M., 12, 19 Vidulich, Michael A., 32 Vieane, Alex Z., 11 Vigilante, Jr., William J., 16 Vink, Peter, 20, 27 Vinson, E., 11 Volante, William, 23 von Davier, Alina A., 27 Vorvoreanu, Mihaela, 22 Vredenburgh, Alexandra N., 18 Vredenburgh, Alison, 18, 25 Vrkljan, B., 33 Vu, Amy, 22 Vu, Kim-Phuong L., 22, 27 Waldfogle, Grace E., 14 Walker, Bruce N., 23 Walkington, Will, 16 Wall, Patricia, 8 Walwanis, Melissa, 30 Wang, Hailiang, 21 Wang, Rui, 26 Warm, Joel S., 10, 32 Warta, Samantha F., 14 Warvel, Levi, 21 Watkins, Scott, 20 Watson, Benjamin, 26 Wears, Robert L., 20 Webb, Janson, 21 Weber, Astrid, 28 Weber, Brad, 32 Wei, Yue, 23 Welk, Allaire K., 22, 30 Welsh, Kristen, 34 Werner, Nicole E., 9, 25 Werner, Steffen, 13, 29 Wetterneck, Tosha B., 21 Wheeler Atkinson, Beth F., 31 Whetsel Borzendowski, Stephanie A., 18, 32 White, Timothy L., 31 Whitlow, Stephen D., 36 Whitmer, Daphne E., 32 Wichansky, Anna M., 8 Wickens, Christopher D., 10, 11, 17, 19, 34 Wiczorek, Rebecca, 14 Wiese, Eva, 34 Wiggermann, Neal, 38 Wilck, Nancy R., 13, 36 Wiley, Katelyn, 27 Williams, Sherry L., 38 Williamson, Ann, 34 Wilson, Michael L., 15 Wilson, Richard P., 38 Wiltshire, Travis J., 14 Winer, Eliot, 24 Wise, Michael J., 26 Wiseman, Sarah, 27 Wogalter, Michael S., 16 Wohleber, Ryan W., 30 Wolf, Michael, 11 Wolshon, Brian, 37 Wong, B. L. William, 33 Wong, K. Y. Michael, 23 Wood, Christine T., 19 Wreathall, John, 20 Wren, W. Chris, 24 Wright, Corinne, 14 Wright, Julia L., 14, 31 Wu, Changxu (Sean), 9, 26 Wu, Jiarui, 21 Wu, Pan, 28 Wu, Xian, 26 Wu, Xiaohui, 26 Wu, Xingwei, 29 Wurmb, T., 18, 25 Wyskiel, Rhonda, 31 Yee, Christina A., 19 Yigit-Elliott, Serap, 12 Yin, Shanqing, 25, 38 Yoo, Hyo-Sang, 29 Yoshida, Naohisa, 13 You, Heecheon, 19, 28 Young, Douglas, 15 Young, Justin G., 13, 38 Yu, Denny, 21, 25, 36 Yun, Myung-Hwan, 23, 34, 35 Zackowitz, Ilene B., 17, 18, 25 Zadra, Jonathan, 36 Zafian, Tracy, 32 Zaltzman, Jay, 11 Zayas-Cabán, Teresa, 29 Zeifman, Michael, 28 Zerinque, Angelique, 22 Zhang, Han, 13, 19 Zhang, Shasha, 17 Zhang, Wei, 30 Zhang, Xin, 18 Zhang, Yu, 34 Zhou, Jie, 26 Zielinska, Olga A., 25, 30 Zigman, Monica, 30 Zish, Kevin, 25 Zucherman, Leon, 33 Xiao, Yan, 25 Xie, Anping, 13 Xu, Jie, 12, 13, 22, 38 Xu, Jing, 19 Xu, Xu, 38 Yamani, Yusuke, 15, 32 Yamg, Yiying, 34 Yang, Euijung, 36 Yang, Shiyan, 18, 21 Yang, X. Jessie, 13 Yang, Yan, 26 Yang, Yushi, 18 Yao, Shengji, 20 PARTICIPANT INDEX 43 ADV E R T ISE R S 44 PART ICIPAN T I N DEX ADVERTISERS ADV ERTI SERS Advanced Concepts PS E Training & User Aids User Interface Prototyping ? PACIFIC SCIENCE & ENGINEERING GROUP Applying scientific principles and methods to improve human performance in complex systems. Welcomes you to Southern California for the HFES 2015 Annual Meeting Industrial Processes Systems Engineering PS E Testing & Evaluation Pacific Science & Engineering Usability Assessment Visit us in the HFES Career Center. 9180 Brown Deer Road, San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 535-1661 HFES CAREER CENTER HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS SOCIETY Online and On-Site Employment Services Exclusively for Human Factors/Ergonomics Professionals Career Center BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYERS BENEFITS FOR CANDIDATES ON-SITE CAREER CENTER If you are an employer seeking full- or part-time staff or interns with expertise in human factors/ ergonomics experience, HFES offers the leading online Career Center devoted exclusively to HF/E professionals around the world. To recruit top HF/E professionals, visit our Web site at Web/CareerCenter/Career.aspx and post a job, search the résumés, or do both. Candidates searching the database can send their résumés directly to your desktop. This service is for HFES members only! 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Postdoctoral Research Awards Senior Research Awards Research awards n U.S. federal laboratories in: Machine/Human Interface; Human Factors; Industrial Engineering; Ergonomics; and Human Performance Management Offered by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Participating laboratories include: US Army Research Laboratory Air Force Research Laboratory US Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center Naval Medical Research Center/Naval Health Research Center Naval Postgraduate School Walter Reed Army Institute of Research ♦ Competitive awards for independent research ♦ Many opportunities open to international applicants as well as U.S. citizens ♦ 12-month awards renewable to 3 years ♦ Annual stipend ranging from $45,000 to $80,000 for recent Ph.D. recipients; higher for additional experience ♦ Relocation, professional travel, health insurance ♦ Application deadlines — February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1 Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Volume 10: Worker Fatigue and Transportation Safety Edited by Stephen M. Popkin Volume 10, the final volume in the series, offers real-world, practical guidance on addressing worker fatigue and transportation safety. It contains nine chapters from domain experts describing real-world, practical guidance for addressing worker fatigue and transportation safety. “The chapter authors provide readers with a superb foundation of knowledge, tools, practices, and policies. They offer a deeper understanding of the challenges, gaps, and needs.” — From the Foreword and Introduction by Mark R. Rosekind Volume 10 Contents Foreword and Introduction Chapter 1. Fatigue Management in Safety-Critical Operations: History, Terminology, Management System Frameworks, and Industry Challenges Chapter 2. The Case for Addressing Operator Fatigue Chapter 3. A Method for Applying Fatigue Science to Accident Investigation Chapter 4. Countermeasures for Mitigating Fatigue in Motor Vehicle Operators Chapter 5. Fatigue-Inducing Factors in Motor Vehicle Operators Detailed program information, including instructions on how to apply, is available on the NRC Fellowship Programs website at: Chapter 6. Design Standards Considerations and the Effective Prevention of Operator Fatigue Prospective applicants must contact Adviser(s) at the lab(s) before their anticipated deadline to discuss research interests and funding opportunities. Applications must be submitted online directly to the NRC Fellowship Programs. CVs will not be accepted. Questions should be directed to the NRC Fellowship Programs at 202-334-2768 or 202-334-2760 (tel) or 46 Chapter 7. A Systems-Based Framework to Measure, Predict, and Manage Fatigue Chapter 8. Evolving Regulatory Approaches for Managing Fatigue Risk in Transport Operations Chapter 9. From Transportation Fatigue Research to Effective Practice: The Case for Evaluation Afterword by Stephen M. Popkin 6 x 9 inches, 312 pages, paperback / ISBN 978-1-5063-2280-3 Order your copy at ADVERTISERS ADV E R T ISE R S ADV ERTI SERS BATTELLE Human Centric Design HUMAN FACTORS & USABILITY FOR FASTER MARKET APPROVAL Battelle is more than a design and development firm. We are an R&D powerhouse with vast resources and storied expertise helping our clients reduce risk, streamline submissions and get their products to market fast. • 50+yearsoffull-spectrumhumanfactorsexperience •Specialfocusonmedicaldevicesandcombinationproducts •Actualuseandsimulatedusestudies •ConductedunderISO13485-compliantqualitysystem 800.201.2011 ú ú ADVERTISERS 47 GUE ST A ND ME E T I N G R O O M S GUEST & MEETING ROOMS ADV ERTI SERS Finding Meeting Rooms: Tower elevators access the levels on this page. Interior Walkway to Conference Ballrooms To access ballrooms from guest rooms, take elevator to Level 3, walk straight, turn right at Studio 3, and continue to Platinum Level. Level 3 Meeting Rooms STUDIO 3 AV Preview Room (Georgia 2) Birds of a Feather (Olympic 2) Student Lounge (Olympic 3) TO CONFERENCE BALLROOMS Business Center PLAZA 3 GEORGIA 2 GEORGIA 1 PLAZA 2 PLAZA 1 ATRIUM 3 ATRIUM 2 ATRIUM 1 OLYMPIC 3 OLYMPIC OLYMPIC 1 2 To P lat in um Le ve Level 2 Studio Rooms Volunteers Assignment Room (Studio 1) STUDIO 2 STUDIO 1 Spa Fitness Center Level 1 Lobby Ford’s Filling Station Restaurant To LA LIVE The Mixing Room Bar gLAnce Lobby Bar Lobby Shop Coffee Shop Concierge HOTEL REGISTRATION Meeting Elevator 48 FACILITY MAP GUEST & MEETING ROOMS Guest Elevator l M EET IN G RO O MS MEETING ROOMS Interior Walkway to Tower Rooms Conference Ballrooms 1 2 3 4 DIAMOND BALLROOM 5 6 7 8 9 A B 10 Diamond Level Gala Opening Reception Opening Plenary Session Technical Sessions Escalators To/From Platinum Level Escalators To/From Gold Level C D PLATINUM BALLROOM E F G H I J Platinum Level Career Center Exhibit Hall HFES Services Interactive Posters Meeting Registration TO W AL KW AY Escalators To/From Diamond Level HO TE L Fr Le om ve To l 3 we r Gold Level GOLD 1 Technical Sessions GOLD 2 Escalators To/From Platinum Level GOLD 3 GOLD 4 FACILITY MAP MEETING ROOMS 49 Save the Date! Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: Shaping the Future April 13–16, 2016 • San Diego, California At the forefront of patient safety An international symposium that expands your knowledge of human factors/ergonomics applied to health-care devices, environments, and end-users! • Get insights on the latest science and best practices • Understand innovations in the safety of health-care providers and patients • Sharpen the focus of your HF/E initiatives • Improve your regulatory approaches The Health-Care Symposium offers leading human factors experts, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, biomedical engineers, health-care providers, FDA representatives, and patient safety researchers the opportunity to share knowledge and find solutions for issues and challenges in health-care. The symposium has four tracks that concentrate on: • Consumer and Clinical Health-Care IT • Health-Care Environments • Medical and Drug-Delivery Devices • Patient Safety Research and Initiatives It also features workshops, presentations, and interactive posters in a format that allows for interaction and exchange among participants and presenters. Keynote presentation: Itiel Dror, Ph.D., Senior Cognitive Neuroscience Researcher, University College London, “The Terror of Error: The Cognitive Advantages of Training for Error Recovery Instead of Error Prevention” Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: Shaping the Future An International Symposium Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego, California April 13–16, 2016 Learn more at HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS SOCIETY