TINtech London Market


TINtech London Market
The event exploring how technology will drive
innovation, change and efficiency in the
London insurance market
3rd February 2015 | Monument, 8 Eastcheap | London
Keynote speakers
Matt Haynes
Director, IT & Operational
Key Travel
Tim Kershaw
Chief Operating
Officer, UK Hub
Other speakers include
JUST £399 + VAT
Book 2 places
and the 3rd is
Edward Slade
Chief Information Officer
Malcolm Beane
Non Executive Director
Lloyd’s Market
Michael Harris
Group Head of IT
Tokio Marine Kiln
Giles Baxter
Chief Information Officer
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co
Karen Scott
Claims Director – UK
Willis UK Retail
Rowan Douglas
CEO Global Analytics
Willis Group & Chairman
Willis Research Network
Sasa Brcerevic
Chief Operating Officer
Simon Gaffney
Chief Operating Officer
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The London Market is at a crossroads and technology is the driver for change.
The days of market wide technology initiatives moving at the pace of the slowest adopters are numbered. Forward
thinking companies understand the power of data and how to leverage it, and are investing in technology and
talent to support their operations and expand into new markets. TINtech London Market is NOT about the
technicalities of processing or standards – this event explores the extraordinary shifts already taking place, how
technology can and will drive change and efficiency, and provide new opportunities...as well as the strategic
impact on the market and individual organisations.
The conference agenda has been developed to combine insurance industry thought leaders and practical case
studies with cutting edge perspectives from outside the industry in order to generate discussion and debate on
how the market can leverage new technologies and ways of working.
Topics to be discussed include:
• Where is technology making a real difference in the market – and where will it impact the most?
• What can we learn from the way other industries leverage technology and data?
• Are technology companies producing the right solutions?
• How can we change the mind-set of only using technology to replicate existing processes when the real opportunity is to fundamentally change the way business is conducted?
• What are the risks and rewards of embracing technology developments now?
08.00 Registration, coffee and networking
Technology mega trends and their implications for the London Market
• Technology has already reshaped many industries – what are the next disruptive forces and the implications for the global insurance market?
• The travel sector embraced rapidly developing new technologies, revolutionising our customers’ experience through new communications platforms and next generation mobile. How and what can insurance learn?
• What will the internet of things really look like and how will it be used?
• Harnessing the next generation of technology including telematics, analytics and real time data
and what this will mean for the London Market
Matt Haynes
Director, IT & Operational Development
Key Travel
As one of the CIO top 100 for 2014 Matt is considered one of the most transformative CIOs in
the UK. He was previously Director, IT and Project Services at Omni Insurance Group.
Technology, innovation and change – harnessing the power for the London
• Reframing the opportunities and risks of technology for the London Market
• What are the new technologies that will impact people, process and stimulate innovation – and how do we respond?
• Why now is the time to invest to stay ahead of the game
• Key issues and challenges for the market to overcome in order to drive through change and deliver efficiencies
Tim Kershaw
Chief Operating Officer, UK Hub
Coffee and networking
Streamed Sessions
Delegates select one of the following streams to attend. You’ll hear two presentations designed to stimulate debate and allow
benchmarking during the round table discussions that follow.
Technology, Data and Advanced
Talent, Technology & Culture
The convergence of technology and analytics and
the implications for the sector
Getting to grips with the fundamental changes that
are taking place around us and the impact they will
have on the London Market
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Chaired by: Keith Fenwick, Chairman, Anomaly42
Chaired by: Mark Simpson, Head of Operational Consulting,
Pro Insurance Solutions
Evolution or revolution? How new data and
advanced analytics will improve risk selection,
reduce indemnity spend and drive product
Key challenges that threaten the London Market’s
long term sustainability – and provide opportunities
for growth
• What are the next generation of data analytical techniques and how will they impact the market?
• Will the market adapt quickly enough to the challenges and solutions which new technologies offer?
• Where will the impact be most keenly felt and who will be the winners and losers?
• Overcoming the practical challenges of moving data around the business to facilitate better decision making
• How do you achieve agility through data and advanced analytics?
Rowan Douglas
CEO Global Analytics, Willis Group &
Chairman, Willis Research Network
1)Effectively dealing with legacy
2)Client self-service
3)Who will lead and drive technology change? Creating a burning platform for change to tackle a culture of inertia
4)Using technology to build agility into operating models to better serve customers
5)The threat from new entrants and more customer centric jurisdictions
Simon Gaffney
Chief Operating Officer
EXTERNAL CASE STUDY: Using social media and
search data to identify unmet insurance needs and
better serve customers
“It’s a people (& technology) business”. How will
the London Market have to change in order to
win the war for talent?
• Changing the way we think about data to provide opportunities for insurance
• What analysis can be done now, what does it tell us and how can it be effectively used?
• How do we overcome the data quality issues and what technology is needed to support this?
• The strategic implications and opportunities for the London Market
• Understanding why the London Market is out of step with an increasingly technology driven and super connected world
• Structural change is required to address entrenched career development and diversity issues and drive a high performance, competitive culture
• How technology change must be at the centre of the revolution to attract the best talent
Guy Farley
Chief Technology Officer & Co-Founder
Bought By Many
Michael Harris
Group Head of IT
Tokio Marine Kiln
Bought By Many uses advanced data analytics to
connect people with similar insurance needs
Round table discussion
Lunch and networking
Round table discussion
Panel Discussions
Delegates select one of the following panel discussions to attend.
Claims Technology
Shared Central Services
How we use modern technology to make better
decisions in claims
Claims is where the client discovers if the service
levels promised are delivered - and technology is
the key driver for improving claims performance.
Changing client expectations, coupled with new
technologies, will create the opportunity to tailor
processes and service to meet individual clients’
Topics to be discussed include:
• How will advances in technology, data and analytics impact the claims function – and what are the business benefits?
• How can claims data be used to improve service but also underwriting?
• As new technologies improve risk selection and reduce claims, how will the claims function evolve and enhance its strategic value?
• Meeting rising expectations in service, speed and delivery
The Central Services Refresh Programme aims
to reduce the cost of doing business in London.
However, how far and how deep services should
be shared is a contentious point. This discussion
will explore the progress made so far, the
concerns from various stakeholders, and allow
you the opportunity to have your questions
answered by our expert panel.
Topics to be discussed include:
• Is the progress made so far meeting stakeholder expectations and what are the future developments?
• How will the service operate and what services should be shared to drive efficiency?
• Is the business case strong enough and has it been clearly communicated?
• How will the relationship with key stakeholders develop? Karen Scott
Claims Director – UK Services
Willis UK Retail
Malcolm Beane
Non-Executive Director
Lloyd’s Market Association
Robert Proudfoot
Head of IT
HDI-Gerling Industrial Insurance
Sasa Brcerevic
Chief Operating Officer
Joe Mernagh
IT Director
Davies Group
Lance Grant
Senior Vice President, Operations and IT
ACE European Group
Each panelist will give a 8-10 minute introductory talk
designed to stimulate discussion and debate before
answering your questions on claims technology.
What should shared services look like and what
should be included to reduce frictional costs within
the London Market?
Each panelist will give a 8-10 minute introductory talk
designed to stimulate discussion and debate before
answering your questions on shared central services.
Coffee and networking
Book online today – Early booking rate on £399 + VAT
Book 2 places and the 3rd is FREE
Afternoon workshops – thinking outside the box
Delegates choose from two workshops looking at different technology developments to stimulate discussions about their potential
impact on the London Market.
How Technology will Change
the Client-Broker-Underwriter
Operations, Legacy
& Efficiency
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The convergence of technology, data and the FCA
will create a burning platform for change that
cannot be ignored
Building the case for agile IT investment now
to deal with legacy and create a platform for
operational efficiency
• How might this change be managed and who will drive market wide reform?
• Overcoming the challenges of enabling transformational technology change in organisations that have never (or rarely) been through any
• What lesson can be learned from outside the industry?
• Establishing the barriers to change so they can be squarely addressed
• Why now for technology investment?
• The risks to the market if it falls further behind
Future technologies and their application in the
London Market
• How will the internet of things and wearable technologies
provide more detailed data in real time for underwriting and claims?
• The rise of ‘client self-service’ to assess risks within their own business
• Where will brokers add value in this digital, data rich environment?
• How do we leverage anytime, anywhere, any device data as other industries do?
Giles Baxter
Chief Information Officer
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co
Simon Hughes
Open GI London
CASE STUDY: Why now is the time to untangle the
legacy spaghetti
• Options available to tackle the legacy challenges
• Why now? – building an agile platform for tomorrow
• Where did we start and who led the project?
• Devising a timetable for change with a clear vision of the future
• Establishing a business case for investing in new technology
Keith Featonby
Head of IT
Round table discussion
Round table discussion
“Evolve or Die”
How can the wholesale broker adapt to the changing technological environment?
Is the rapid development of technology causing the wholesale broker to be redundant – or will they add value
in other ways? How will the role of the wholesale broker be re-invented? Our panelists discuss some of the
serious issues facing traditional business models, especially within the wholesale broker market. Following this
discussion, there will be a drinks reception for delegates.
Robin Merttens
Technology Expert and
former COO and cofounder, RI3K
Networking drinks reception
Edward Slade
Chief Information Officer
Bent Isachsen
Head of Operations
With so many events to choose from, why come to ours?
We stick to a number of “golden rules” that enable you to maximise value from attending our events
and ensure you gain key insights from other members of the audience as well as the presenters:
• Only director level delegates in the audience
No junior managers can attend as delegates to ensure you discuss and benchmark with your peers
• Interactive format
By including dedicated time for discussion, reflection and benchmarking you can pick up those invaluable learnings and practical techniques from your peers
• No press, no transcripts – just honest, open discussion
Speakers will ‘water down‘ their presentations if they know there are press in the audience – that’s why we are independent from any publication, have no press in the audience and take no transcripts
• Fully loaded event App that is central to the day
Make the most of your conference before, during and after the event by downloading the free conference App. Network, share experiences, make notes and take part in the addictive ‘leaderboard’!
Join The Insurance Network...
Joining The Insurance Network means joining a networking and benchmarking forum of thought
leaders from the insurance industry.
Membership is exclusively for directors from insurers and brokers to ensure you meet and benchmark
with your peers: junior managers and supplier representatives should not apply.
Discounted attendance at:
TINtech London Market
Strategic Claims Conference Data & Advanced Analytics Conference TINtech 2015
London Market Claims 2014 3rd February 2015
5th March 2015
13th May 2015
16th June 2015
15th October 2015
Plus FREE attendance at:
3 Evening panel discussions 3 Breakfast briefings 3 Member only lunches
Individual membership................................................................... £699
Corporate standard 3 x nominees................................................. £2000
Corporate enterprise 5 x nominees............................................... £3000
Corporate enterprise PLUS 10 x nominees................................... £5000
To discuss membership
call Phil Middleton
020 7079 0270
Stream & Workshop Sponsors
Data is everywhere, and it’s expanding by the day.
For today’s organisations, from government departments and banks to law enforcement agencies and insurers, this explosion of data contains vital stories.
These stories can empower them to: uncover fraudulent or other criminal activities; highlight regulatory risks and compliance oversights; discover new revenue
opportunities; and achieve substantial cost savings. But there’s a problem: the stories are hidden in plain sight. The challenge, in the vast, disparate and
increasingly complex data ecosystems of today’s organisations, is to uncover these stories — and read what they have to say. However, the speed with which data
is expanding, and its sheer volume, means stories always resist being found. But our technology solves that. As a next-generation Data-as-a-Service provider,
Anomaly42 helps organisations globally uncover the stories hidden in their data, read them, understand them and — most importantly of all — act upon them.
NIIT Technologies is a leading global IT solutions organization, servicing customers in Americas, Europe, Middle East, Asia and Australia offering
Application Development and Maintenance, Infrastructure Management Services, IP Asset or Platform Solutions, Digital Services and Business Process
Management to organizations in the Insurance, Financial Services, Travel & Transportation, Manufacturing/Distribution, and Government sectors.
The Company adheres to major global benchmarks and standards, having secured ISO 9001:2000 certifications and ISO: 27001 Information
Security Management accreditation and Level 5, SEI CMMi version 1.2. NIIT Technologies BPM conforms to the highest standards including COPC and Six Sigma. Its
data centre operations are assessed at the international ISO 20000 IT management standards. The company offers expert services and solutions to Life, Annuities,
Commercial and Property and Casualty (General) insurance market internationally. It is a specialist provider for many years to Lloyd’s and commercial insurance market
with flagship suite of solutions under +ADVANTAGEsuite. +ADVANTAGEsuite is NIIT Technologies’ next generation commercial insurance platform and decision support
system that enables profitable underwriting. It is a full policy lifecycle processing platform combining exposure management, analytics, unique product management,
workflow and business rules processing capabilities. The fully modular platform allows customers to select only the capabilities that they require.
Since 1999, Open GI London has been a provider of eCommerce solutions to the global insurance industry. Based in the heart of London’s
insurance district, we support over 35 lines of business, for insurers and underwriting agents, syndicates and claims managers.
At Open GI London, we have a heritage of successful project implementations and connect the latest, cutting edge technologies with our
unrivalled knowledge of the insurance industry and associated products. We understand the importance of reacting quickly to the market and
pride ourselves on our ability to deliver tailored projects. Our market-leading Trader suite is the platform of choice for an impressive client list that includes many
leading insurers.
The Trader suite comprises Trader for Underwriting, Trader for Claims, Trader Studio and PowerPlace Studio and can support any line of insurance business, from
simple Personal lines to complex Commercial lines. We recognise how essential it is for a business maximise efficiency and through our extensive range of services
we strive to ensure that our solution is your solution.
Find out more at www.opengi-london.com
Pro is a leading global provider of outsourcing and consultancy services, focusing solely on the (re)insurance market. With over 30 years market
experience, our operations span the major (re)insurance markets, serving insurers, reinsurers, brokers, lawyers and corporate investors. Our
success rests on our hands-on experience, in-depth knowledge and industry relationships which result in our ability to deliver value in a practical
and flexible way. Our flexible pricing models for the delivery of value added services ensure alignment to our clients’ needs
Our consulting team are outcome oriented technical practitioners operating across a broad spectrum of practice areas. Our outsourcing capability provides the ideal
operational environment for our clients’ transactional needs. Together they support our (re)insurance clients through the life-cycle of their business. We provide
support to start-ups, infrastructure for underwriting and broking teams, outsourced back-office services, insurance portfolio management, claims adjusting and
audits, actuarial and technical insurance consulting. Pro’s main hubs are in London, Hamburg, Zurich, New York and Buenos Aires supported by offices including
Gloucester (UK) and York (US). This global positioning enables us to provide a round the clock service to all our clients as well as provide new products and services.
For more information visit: www.proisinsurance.com
3 Dimensional Insurance Ltd (3DIL) is a Lloyd’s broker who has created a way for the insurance industry to take advantage of the technology available
in the modern world. 3DIL can provide underwriters with an animated visual perspective of appropriate risks, irrespective of whether the risk physically
exists or is just at the conceptual stage. Animation makes communication of essential underwriting information between the broker, underwriter and
insured more detailed than ever before. This approach ignites discussion and helps the insurance industry embrace 21st century technology.
360Globalnet has built an integrated digital strategy for Claims, Underwriting/Risk Assessment using its’ own advanced video
platform, self-service technology and comprehensive web-based Data/Analytics products. We enable an Insurer to “see” every claim
(and “see every risk”) through a combination of...
1) Customer Self Service (this is “Internet Banking for Insurance”)
2) Video-enabled on demand workforce to provide on-site service to customers in minutes and 24/7
3) Live streaming video from site to Insurer in more serious claims - make key decisions on day one, reduce cycle time by 50%, and save 25%.
Data Integrity Assured
Insurance Data Migrations are specialists in migrating and reconciling insurance data. With over 25 years’ experience in consolidating and
upgrading insurance legacy systems we have mastered a proven data migration methodology to improve the quality and reduce to risk of your
migrations. Our deep understanding of most insurance systems and data has also helped leading insurers improve the business processes and
efficiency of binder management, bordereaux processing and reconciliation, catastrophe modelling and management information reporting.
Our experts are directly in contact with you and our goal is to deliver your exact requirement on time and to budget. www.insurancedatamigrations.co.uk
Granger Smith Consulting provides business intelligence solutions and a wide range of BI consulting services, from education, strategy and
architecture to technical delivery in business information management. We provide the full suite of analytical tools and processes to drive profit
and a true understanding of your client base.
We are specialists in the insurance sector with a wide breadth of skills and experience delivering complex requirements and helping insurance organisations with
governance, risk and compliance. Our industry knowledge ensures we understand your issues and our consultants speak your language. For further information, please visit www.grangersmithconsulting.com
Booking Options
Practitioners (Actively working for an insurer, broker or loss/claims adjuster. No suppliers please*)
Early booking rate £399+VAT (standard rate £499 + VAT) Early booking rate expires Friday 16th January
Group bookings: Book 2 places and the 3rd place is FREE
Member rate & Membership
£199 + VAT • Joining fee & member rate £898 + VAT
Book both TINtech London Market and TINtech 2015
(June 16th) for the special rate of just £598 + VAT
JUST £399 + VAT
*For sponsorship and exhibition stands call Phil Middleton on
020 7631 0034 or email phil@middleton-burgess.co.uk
Book 2 places
and the 3rd is
How to register...
Select your booking option & choose one of the 3 easy ways to register
020 7079 0270
On receipt of your registration we will send you an email confirmation. If you have opted to 
pay by credit card a member of our team will call you.
Add the date to your diary. Closer to February 3 2015 we will send through a map & 
directions to the venue
Registration terms and conditions
If you are unable to attend this event for any reason you must notify Jeremy Burgess immediately by calling 020 7079 0270. If you wish to cancel your booking we
must receive notice in writing before January 13th 2015 and you will be entitled to 50% of the registration fee. Cancellations received on or after January 13th 2015
will not be refunded. If you would like to transfer your booking to another member of your organisation you must contact Jeremy Burgess on 020 7079 0270.
It may be necessary beyond the control of Middleton Burgess Limited to alter the content and timing of the programme or the location of any event. In case
of cancellation Middleton Burgess Limited liability is limited to transfer this booking to a similar event to be held within the next 12 months. Should Middleton
Burgess Limited be unable to provide a similar event a refund will be applicable to the value of the registration price paid at the time of booking. Personal Data is
gathered in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Your details may be passed on to our partners. Please tick this box if you do not wish this to happen .
The Insurance Network is administered by Middleton Burgess Limited, 1st Floor, Europoint, 5 - 11 Lavington Street, London, SE1 0NZ
Company Number; 05250150 VAT registration number: 848636973