Arts Calendar - City of Middletown
Arts Calendar - City of Middletown
arts calendar Room B-11, Municipal Building 245 deKoven Drive Middletown, CT 06457-3460 arts calendar FEBRUARY 2015 For what it’s worth . . . Middletown Presenters ArtFarm 119 Highland Avenue • • • 860.346.4390 Art Guild of Middletown P.O. Box 205 Kids Arts 2015 will be upon us before we know it. Beginning on Feb. 860.508.4852 Mon-Fri 9a-6p; Sat & Sun 9a-5p 860.685.7323 605 Main Street, P.O. Box 71 Call or check the website for hours of operation • 860.347.4957 45 Broad Street The Buttonwood Tree • North End Arts Rising, Inc. calendar FEBRUARY arts CT Gilbert & Sullivan Society P.O. Box 294, Moodus 06469 • 860-554-1256 46 Bretton Road 860.347.7771 Grace Lutheran Church, 1055 Randolph Rd 860.346.2641 CT Heritage Productions Eternal Perks Coffee House GMChorale (The Greater Middletown Chorale) P.O. Box 527 • • 860-316-4854 Greater Middletown Concert Assoc. P.O. Box 2622 • 860.347.4887 51 Green Street • 860.685.7871 181 Court Street 860.343.9444 Green Street Teaching & Learning Center Klekolo World Coffee Mon-Fri 7a-1a; Sat, Sun 8a-1a Local 400, Amer. Federation of Musicians Candace Lammers, Secretary 860.563.1606 650 Main Street 860.343.1516 MAC650 Middletown Public Schools Cultural Council c/o Middletown Bd of Education, 311 Hunting Hill Avenue 860.638.1419 Oddfellows Playhouse Youth Theater 128 Washington St • Mon-Fri 10a-5p • • 860.347.6143 Russell Library 123 Broad St., • Mon-Thur 9a-8:30p; Fri 9a-6p; Sat 9a-5p 860.347.2528 330 Main St., • 860.344.9646 860.346.2674 Sweet Harmony Café & Bakery Valley Shore Chorus Vinnie’s Jump & Jive Dance Hall & Art Gallery 424 Main Street Wesleyan Potters 860.347.6971 x3777 350 South Main St. Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat 11a-5p 860.347.5925 Wesleyan University GalleriesTues-Sun noon-4 p; closed Monday Ezra & Cecile Zilkha Gallery, Washington Terrace Davison Art Center, 301 High Street 860.685.2500 Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies (hrs: Tues-Fri noon-4 p) 343 Washington Terrace 860.685.2330 Wesleyan University Thank you for supporting the arts. Crowell Concert Hall, World Music Hall - Wyllys Avenue Center for the Arts, Washington Terrace Box Office: Russell House, 350 High Street Stephan Allison, Coordinator Wesleyan Writing Program/Writers Conference Editor’s note: if you have something you think may be of interest to our readers, send me an email at and we can discuss a guest submission to this column. Thanks. Take it with you arts GOwherever you go! .org SA The programs and services of the City of Middletown Commission on the Arts are made possible by municipal tax dollars, and the contributions of residents and local businesses. MCA operates with support from the Adath Israel Judaica Museum 48 Old Church Street860.346.4709 Hrs: Mon-Tues 9-3p, Wed. 9-6p, Thur. 9-3p, Fri. 9-12p. Call for a guided tour. “Peace/War” by Marlene Siff on display Art Guild of Middletown Post Office Box 205 860.508.4852 See Listings inside this calendar for film, demonstration, workshop details. Broad Street Books 45 Broad Street860.685.7323 Hrs: M-Fri 8a-8p; Sat/Sun 9a-5p • The Buttonwood Tree 605 Main Street860.347.4957 Bookstore: Call for hours or check for performance/event hrs. Green Street Teaching & Learning Center 51 Green Street860.685.7871 Hrs: 9a-5p, M-F. ION Restaurant 606 Main Street860.346.9210 Call or visit for hrs. • local artists’ works displayed Kidcity Children’s Museum 119 Washington Street860.347.0495 Klekolo World Coffee 181 Court Street860.343.9444 Hrs: Fri/Sat 7a-midnight; Sun-Thu 7a-7p La Boca Mexican Restaurant & Cantina 337 Main Street860.347.4777 MAC 650 Gallery 650 Main Street860.343.1516 Hosting figure drawing sessions every 2nd Thurs. from 7 to 10p - 18 and over, $10. Any questions: call Marc - 860.759.8499. Middlesex Community College 100 Training Hill Road860.343.5806 The Jean Burr Smith Library, Pegasus Gallery; hrs: M-Th 8a-8p, F 8a-4p, Sa 10a-4p Figurative Color, Clarissa R. Gerber, through 3/6; The Niche; hrs: M-Th 8a-6p, F 8a-4p. Middlesex County Historical Society 151 Main Street860.346.0746 Gen. Mansfield House–Hrs. Mon-Thu 10a-3p; Sat. 10a-2p Docent Program – call for details • Exhibits Ongoing: Hard & Stirring Times: Middletown and the Civil War • Within These Walls: One House, One Family, Two Centuries Middletown Framing 502 Main Street860.347.0064 Hrs. M-F 10a-6p, Sat 10a-3p or by appt. David Schulz-new paintings, thru February. Middletown Sports Hall of Fame 58 Bernie O’Rourke Drive860.347.9575 Municipal Bldg./City Hall 245 deKoven Drive860.638.4510 Hrs: M-F 8:30a-4:30p City Art Collection, pick up the catalog at the front desk and take a self-guided tour • 2014 MCA Annual Arts Award (MCAAAA): Raymond Joseph Hartman Untitled photo montage New England Emporium 386 Main Street860.346.1200 Hrs: Daily 7a–9p • • New art display each month North End Gallery Walk 1st Thursdays April through October, beginning at 5p. Held in the North End of the city in support of the cultural revitalization of the neighborhood in Middletown’s Arts District. Painters Touch 806 Millbrook Road860.344.9670 Russell Library 123 Broad Street860.347.2528 Hrs: M-Th 9a-8:30p; Fri 9a-6p; Sat 9a-5p; Sun 1p-4p. Ursel’s Web 140 Washington Street860.344.0041 Hrs: Tue-Fri 10a-6p; Sat 10a-5p • Local artists Jackie Peterson, Mary Geary, Sally Barr. Wesleyan Potters Gallery/Shop 350 South Main Street860.344.0039 Hrs: Wed-Fri 10a-6p; Sat- 10a-4p; Sun 12-4p. Ear Candy, an earring show, 2/4-3/15 Wesleyan University 860.685.3355 860.685.2280 860.685.3604 which also receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. Arts On View 860.685.3355 Davison Art Center, 301 High St.-Hrs. Tue-Sun 12-4p A Body in Fukishima, 2/3-3/1 • Ezra & Cecile Zilkha Gallery-Hrs: Tue-Sun 12-5p Picture/Thing, 1/27-3/1; A Body in Fukishima, 2/3-3/1 (South Gallery) • Mansfield Freeman Ctr. for East Asian Studies Gallery Hrs: TueSun 12-4p A Body in Fukishima, 2/3-5/24 • Zelnick Pavilion (217 High St.); 9a-10p • Olin Library, 1st Fl. East, Church St.-Hrs: M-Fri 9a-5p - Ongoing: Book Sale-public welcome; Student Artwork. Middletown Commission on the Arts TU N, C TOW DLE MID Anne Greene, Director • Standard Mail U.S. Postage PAID Permit #38 Middletown, CT 06457 2 Eva Dykas, Pres. Broad Street Books 19 the registration forms will be available in the public schools and elsewhere. The form will also be available online at or through the City’s website on the Arts & Culture page. The registration form will be downloadable and can be filled out on your computer. We ask that you then print it out. You will need to sign it, as we require an actual signature on the application, and return it to our office. By filling out the form on your computer, you’ll have a copy of the application handy for your review without using additional paper. The programs will be taking place at Spencer School this year and some of you may remember that we’ve been there before. Macdonough School has been an ideal location for us for many years and for many reasons. But this year, the school has some renovation work that must get done within the same time period as our Summer program so we are moving back to Spencer. The return to familiar grounds will keep us on track for another great year as the program administrators are familiar with the layout at Spencer and will be able to hit the ground running. The Board of Education, the school administrators and others who worked in securing the location were very helpful and have done all they can to make this a successful transition. In addition to the registration forms being ready this month, we are already accepting applications for summer employment for youth 16 and over, as counselors to work with our Kids Arts participants. The Kids Arts employment application is also online and can be downloaded and completed on a computer, except for the signatures. The minimum wage has gone up considerably and this is good for the employees we hire. It also means that the program’s cost is going to be increasing. We do not expect to increase our fees this year but it is a necessary consideration for the future. When the time comes, we hope you will support Kids Arts by letting your elected officials know how important the programs are in fostering the positive development of our children through the arts and that this is a commitment by the entire community. As this month’s calendar shows, the Arts are back in full swing after a quiet January. The arts activities are diverse and there should be something for everyone to participate in. We hope you will not be deterred by Winter’s cold - and at times, utter and complete nastiness - and venture out to soak in all that the arts offer. And maybe you’ll think to ask some friend or friends to do the same. I assure you, it will do your spirit good and like with Kids Arts, the Summer will be quickly upon us. Then we can enjoy complaining about the oppressive heat and humidity! The weather of New England may change but the Arts are constant and faithful companions. FEBRUARY SUBMISSION DEADLINE FOR NEXT CALENDAR: 10th of the month preceding publication. EVENTS LISTINGS (Arts On View, Just For Kids, Listings) must be entered online at ARTS2GO.ORG. All other information may be mailed, faxed, or emailed to the Commission. For additional info., call 860.638.4510 Room B-11, Municipal Bldg., 245 deKoven Drive • Middletown, CT 06457-3460 • • Staff: Stephan Allison, Coordinator Submit Events Listings to:; email Opps listings to: Mayor: Daniel T. Drew Commission: Cassandra Day (Chair), Jennifer Hawkins Lecce (Vice-Chair), Franca Biales (Secretary), Barbara Arafeh, Julia Faraci, Fran Ganguli, Lee Godburn, Jay Hoggard, Joyce Kirkpatrick, Sara MacSorley, Charlotte McCoid Council Members: Robert P. Santangelo, Sebastian Giuliano, Student Reps.: Anthony Moran, Jackie Pawlak Opportunities . . . Opportunities . . . 191914 Ministries, Inc - 44 Green Street Middletown Scottish Country Dancers......................................................... 860.347.0278 • Free workshop in Emerging Artist Development Series (EADS) & Dream Capture Group. Call................................................................................... 860.770.9721 AmericanTowns Post info about your organization with articles/photos/upcoming events. Create a press release to send news to media........................................... or Art Guild of Middletown - P.O. Box 205 See Listings for this month’s special events. The Guild collects & recycles old art books & magazines • Interested in exhibiting, call Emily Newton, 860.349.3751 • Info: • Demos, workshops, classes meet at Woodside Intermediate School, 30 Woodside Road, Cromwell. Contact: Eva Dykas, Pres., 860.508.4852 ARTFARM Touring shows available: Woman’s Will & Circus for a Fragile Planet. Contact Marcella Trowbridge/ Dic Wheeler for info............................................................. or 860.346.4390 Artists for World Peace (AFWP) A non-profit organization creating opportunities for artistic expression that fosters world peace and raises funds to benefit humanitarian causes. 860.301.9757 or 860.685.1789 Arts Stakeholders Group (ASG) Open to any interested and invested arts stakeholder in the community. Quarterly potluck meetings corresponding w/solstices & equinoxes. Details can be found under Listings or visit If you are interested and you’d like to sign up, contact The Book Bower - 386 Main Street Market Used books purveyor. Hrs. 10a-6p, Mon-Sat. 860.704.8222 The Buttonwood Tree (North End Arts Rising, Inc.) Sun-1p: Food Not Bombs • Mon and Fri, noon-8p: daily open hours for Rare & Used Bookstore, Coffee shop & Open Art Opportunity for children & families • Mon-10:30-11:30a Hearing Voices Network • 7:45p: Moments of Gratitude, 8p: Anything Goes! Open Mic • 1st and 3rd Tues 6 pm: Laughter Yoga; returns in Feb • 3rd Wed: 7-9p Drum Circle • 1st Thu-7-9p: Bob Gotta’s Acoustic Open Mic • 2nd Thurs: Writers Out Loud • Sat-10:30-noon: Aligned with Source workshop. Call........................................................................................................................ 860.347.4957 CT Gilbert & Sullivan - P.O. Box 294, Moodus 06469 Visit or call ................................................................................860-554-1256 CT Heritage Productions Peter Loffredo 860.347.7771 Connecticut Poetry Society The Middletown Chapter meets the last Wednesday ea. month in Meeting Room 3, Russell Library at 6p. RSVP to Pamela at.......................................... or 860.563.5761 Connecticut Woodcarvers Association CT Forest & Park Bldg, Route 66 • New carvers & families w/children ages 10+ are welcome. • Dance Outfitters - 386 Main Street (Main Street Market) ..................................................................................... 860.638.0086 Friends of the Davison Art Center (FDAC) - Alsop House, 301 High Street Info: or 860.685.2500 GMChorale (Greater Middletown Chorale) Auditions for 2015 season on 1/21, call Margie at 860.633.6198 or email margielivengood@aol. com • Greater Middletown Concert Assoc. or call................................. 860.347.4887 or 860.346.3369 Green Street Teaching & Learning Center (formerly Green Street Arts Center) Private lessons-registration open for kids and adults. For info, or call ..................................................... 860.685.7871 La Boca Mexican Restaurant & Cantina - 337 Main Street Open invitation for artists to exhibit...................................................................... 860.347.4777 Literacy Volunteers of Central Connecticut Seeking volunteers to teach Basic Reading and ESL................................................ 860.347.0337 Mattabesett Canoe Club at Harbor Park - 80 Harbor Drive For info on latest happenings, call.......................................................................... 860.347.9999 Meditation in Middletown - 91 Beverly Heights Mon. & Thurs.-7p, Sat.-noon. Meditation at the Starr Mill waterfall. Free & open to the public. Presented by Bob Vinci. 860.685.8716 Mezzo Grille - 106 Court Street. For info on latest happenings, call ................. 860.346.6000 Middlesex County Community Foundation Watch listings for Morning Musings-upcoming free workshops for non-profit staff and volunteers to help build their capacity. Call............................................................................. 860.347.0025 Middlesex County Historical Society Classes for beginners/experienced dancers. Partners not necessary. Wear soft-soled shoes. Every Wednesday, 7-9:30p Sept-mid-June, then off for the Summer. Held at First Church, 190 Court St. Sun 1Music 10a Middletown Symphonic Band Dave Downs, acoustic guitar/crooner and Middletown Music Ambassador, performs songs from the 30’s through the 50’s and beyond, along with some originals. Info: 860.852.0034. BrewBakers, 169 Main St. Joe Crookston, folksinger/songwriter. Hubbard Room, Russell Library (HR, RL) Meets Thurs., 7p at Middletown HS. Wind instrumentalists/percussionists welcome. No audition/ dues. or Middletuners, The Senior Chorus of Middletown Do you love the “old” songs? Join the rehearsals every Tues. 2-4 pm. Call Barbara Arafeh.................................... 860.347.4887 2p See website for class offerings! 860.347.6143 Painters Touch - 806 Millbrook Road Jackie Peterson originals/prints. Call for appt. or look for “open” sign outside. View displays of various artworks..................................................................................................... 860.344.9670 Mon 2 Open Mic Oddfellows Playhouse Paradise Lost Book Talk 10:30a Dr. Michael Good, author of The Search for Major Plagge: the Nazi Who Saved Jews, will talk about the book. Presented by Adath Israel. Nester Bldg., 8 Broad St. 8p Egress Films offers John Milton’s Paradise Lost as performed by John Basinger captured on film by Andreas Burgess. 4 DVD set includes all 12 books plus special features. To view or obtain your copy, visit Tue Friends of the Russell Library sponsor monthly book sales • Russell Readers: all welcome, 3rd Tue7p • Interested in displaying your work or a collection at the Library? Call 860.347.2528x135 • Descriptive videos available for visually impaired, call 860.347.2520 • CT Museums passes available • GrantStation: Online Grant Sources.................................................................... 860.347.2528 6p Anything Goes-Open Mic with a different host each week. Showcase your talents, recite a poem, sing a song, dance, read some spoken word! 7:30 sign-ups begin. At 7:45p, individuals may share their own Moments of Gratitude; every Monday. The Buttonwood Tree (TBT) 3 Laughter Yoga Includes a vegetarian potluck, also 2/17 - no potluck. TBT Russell Library Thu 7p Open Mic w/Bob Gotta. TBT Senior Center Programs for Seniors 60+ Visit their new home at 61 Durant Terrace 5p 6p Ear Candy, An Earring Show, featuring 26 jewelers - music by Arrowhead. Wesleyan Potters Walking tour of the 3 galleries exhibiting A Body in Fukushima beginning from the CFA Hall (CFAH) following an artist talk with dancer/choreographer Eiko Otake and photographer William Johnston who collaborated on the subjects of the exhibition. Center for the Arts (CFA), Wesleyan Univ. (WU) Yoga, Exercise, Line Dancing, Tai Chi, Oil Painting, more - Reg. req’d., call.......... 860.638.4540 Shaped Note Singing - if you like to sing… Shaped Note Singing in Middletown has been suspended indefinitely. Contact Neely Bruce for info/details: or .................................................................... 860.685.2578 Stage Left Dance and Fitness Center - 100 Riverview Center, Suite 100 Classes available. Call Lorrie or Cindee Tine ......................................................... 860.346.6928 7p The NIA Technique Dance/Fitness/Wellness with Julie Deak. Call......................................................... 860.347.1825 Valley Shore Sweet Adelines Chorus (women, 4 part harmony) New members welcome. Tue 7:15p, Open Door Misssionary Baptist Church, High St. Call........................................................................................................................ 203.379.0650 8p Vinnie’s Jump & Jive Community Dance Hall Alcohol/smoke free • Classes in breakdancing, ballroom, hooping, bellydancing, jazz, tap, salsa, country line dance, swing, and blues. Yoga classes 5 days/wk. Special dance events for everyone ea. mo. x3777 Wadsworth Mansion at Long Hill Estate - 421 Wadsworth Street Tours Wed-2-4p, call to confirm. Mansion trails open daily. Call........................... 860.347.1064 Wesleyan Institute for Lifelong Learning (WILL) Offering short courses reflecting interests/needs of our community taught by retired/current WU faculty, others. Classes conveniently scheduled in afternoon and early evening. Call 860.685.3355 Wesleyan Potters Pottery, jewelry, weaving & basketry classes for children & adults. Call.................. 860.347.5925 Yoga in Middletown - 438 Main Street • Many weekly classes for all levels from Beginners through Advanced • Iyengar Back Care, Restorative, Yoga Ropes • Since 1991.........................860.347.YOGA (9642) Yoga Possibilities - 99 Beverly Heights Ongoing classes Thursdays @ 5:30p....................................................................... 860.670.4880 Out of Town Opportunities - Call the Arts Office or visit for a complete listing Americans for the Arts..................................................................................... 202.371.2830 Visit Americans for the Arts Job Bank-a free link to jobs in the arts, searchable resume & job advertisement database- • Find Federal grantmaking agencies on-line & apply at Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA).......................................................... 860.256.2800 For info go to Just For Kids Visit the CHILDREN’S EVENTS PAGE on ARTS2GO.ORG Exhibits Ongoing: Hard & Stirring Times: Middletown and the Civil War • One House, One Family, Two Centuries: Story of the General Joseph Mansfield ............................................... 860.346.0746 Middlesex Hospital Vocal Chords – if you love to sing… Rehearsals at 7p, Fox Parish Center (St. Francis Assisi Church). Gina Fredericks, musical director - Joyce Ghent, founder/chair. Call...................................................... 860.342.3120 or 346.8045 Middlesex Institute for Lifelong Education (MILE) - MxCC, 100 Training Hill Road Offering many arts-related programs, membership required. Info, contact MILE at 860.343.5863 Middlesex Music Academy - 440 Main Street Lessons in guitar, drums, bass, woodwinds, brass, voice, piano & violin. All ages & levels welcome. .................................................................................................................... 860.344.0525 Middletown Adult Education - 398 Main Street Classes available in art, dance, yoga, music lessons, photography, crafts, zumba. 860.343.6044 Middletown Art Academy 504 Main Street-Suite South-3 Visual art instruction for all ages. 860.344.0554 Middletown Artists Coop (MAC) • MAC650 Artspace - 650 Main Street Hosting figure drawing sessions every 2nd Thurs. 7 to 10p - 18+, $10. Call Marc - 860.759.8499 Resident artists live in affordable housing & provide arts community service for local groups. 1 & 2 bedroom units available w/studio space. 860.347.0834 The Buttonwood Tree (TBT) ........................................................... 860.347.4957 Community Health Center (CHC) ......................................... 860.347.6971 x5172 Rm. B-11, Municipal Bldg., 245 deKoven Drive. March 15, deadline for Cat. 2 or 3 grant applications. Visit, arts, or call ............................................................................................................. 860.638.4510 Middletown Framing - 502 Main Street For deals/special sales email 860.347.0064 Russell Library (Children’s Dept) ...................................................... 860.347.8479 Middletown Commission on the Arts (MCA) Listings: FEBRUARY 2015 . . . Visit for event details . . . Family Wellness Center programs (all ages). Reg. req’d. Call Anna Rogers, FWC Supervisor. Fri 5 Open Mic Opening Receptions Writing Group We Were There: Writing Your Military Experiences - Author Elisabeth Petry leads The Veterans’ Writing Group. All Veterans, either active or retired, are encouraged to come and share their experiences for their own benefit or to share with family and friends. Meeting Room 2 (MR2), RL 1p 8p 9p 6Dance 7 Free Poets Collective Connecticut authors including Eileen Albrizio, Susan Mardinly, Debbie Kilday; and open mic, until 4p. TBT Music Charter Oak Bluegrass Band. TBT Salsa Night, every Saturday. MCC Sun 8Music 3p 7p Finger-style guitarist Stephen Bennett - original compositions and arrangements of Beatles, Ennio Morricone, Elmer Bernstein. Russell House (RH), WU Comedy Improv Great Make Believe Improv Show, comedy fit for the family! TBT Tue 10 Russell Readers 7pDiscussing The New Organon by Francis Bacon. Call 860.347.0196. RL 8p Music Graduate music recital by Peter Blasser - At the Leadmine. CFAH, WU Wed 11 Artist Lecture 4:30p Lecture by Rachel Harrison, one of ten artists featured in Picture/Thing exhibition in the E&C Zilkha Gallery. CFAH, WU Thu12Lecture 4:30p Lecture by Richard J. Samuels, founding director or MIT Japan Program, on 3.11 - Disaster and Change in Japan. Seminar Room, Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies (MFCEAS) Art Demonstration 7p The Art Guild of Middletown presents Rick Stromoski, nationally recognized & published illustrator and cartoonist known for his syndicated comic strip Soup to Nutz. Woodside Intermediate School, 30 Woodside Rd, Cromwell (WIS) Call for info or visit 7p Writers Out Loud - hosted by Cocomo Rock & Al Bower, Jr. - 2nd Thursday monthly, storytellers/writers sign up seeking constructive critiques of their latest works in progress. TBT 119 Washington St., “Hands on” for 6mo-8yrs w/adults. Hrs: Sun-Tue, 11a-5p; Wed-Sat, 9a-5p. Sat 14Music Edu Designs..................................................................................... 626.940.4768 Art Presentations for schools/classrooms, presented by Emmy Award winning animator and author Ruth Elliott. Contact Ruth at or call her. Green Street Teaching & Learning Center (GSTLC) ......................... 860.685.7871 Kidcity Children’s Museum .............................................................. 860.347.0495 Middletown Adult Education ......................................................... 860.343.6044 Even Start Program/Family Learning Program-call for info Middletown Art Academy............................................................... 860.344.0554 504 Main St.-Suite South-3 • Visual art instruction for all ages. Middletown Commission on the Arts............................................... 860.638.4510 Visit for monthly children’s events listings North End Action Team (NEAT) ...................................................... 860.346.4845 NEATNotes, capella choir & the Da Vinci Group, videography projects. For kids 8-14 residing in the North End. Call NEAT if interested in joining. Oddfellows Playhouse (OP) ........................................................... 860.347.6143 Visit for the latest programs to learn more and/or register. • Passes available for museums in CT • Call/go online for the complete schedule/to register for programs or visit under events-children’s activities. Vinnie’s Jump & Jive ............................................................ 860.347.6971 x3777 Classes available for kids ages 5-14, toddler and pre-school • Reg. req’d. Call for info. 4p Writing Group Organist Ronald Ebrecht presents an afternoon intermezzo for Valentine’s Day. MC, WU Dinner/Dance 6:30p Valentine’s Day dinner and dance until 11:30p. Music by Eight to the Bar. Wadsworth Mansion Meet our Mates Potluck Party 7:30p Fun, food, meeting new friendly folk. TBT Sun 15 Journey Writer’s Workshop 1p Writers, playwrights, poets, singers and actors in a new monthly showcase. Sweet Harmony Café & Bakery, 330 Main St. Tue 17 Chinese Brush Painting 11a Wed 18 Chinese New Year Celebration 7p Jason Mark Alster MSc leads a class in Chinese bamboo brush painting. You may bring your own cardstock, shirt, bag or anything you wish to paint. Fee, registration suggested. TBT Celebration with Ming Zhu. TBT Thu19Music 7:30p High Vibe Groove Jam, world fusion/high energy groove with Cin Tā Mani and Chef KaleYum’s super food sweets and smoothies. TBT Fri 8p 20 Festival of Electronic Music Idiopreneurial Entrephonics - a festival of artisanal & homemade electronic music and instruments with many special performances. Continues on Saturday with workshops/ talks/ more performances. World Music Hall (WMH), WU Sat 21 Cartoon Art Workshop 9a Rick Stromoski, nationally recognized and published cartoonist, will demonstrate cartoonist’s techniques. Registration required by 2/17, 6 hr. workshop, presented by the Art Guild of Middletown. WIS, Cromwell Festival of Electronic Music 1p/8p Idiopreneurial Entrephonics - a festival of artisanal & homemade electronic music and instruments with many special performances. Workshops and talks begin at 1p; more performances begin at 8. WMH, WU Circus 2:30p Circophony’s Circus on the High Seas - follow the hijinks of a teenage troupe where sailors are clowns, pirates dance on stilts, an octopus juggles, sea creatures dive through hoops and the mermaids are contortionists. Oddfellows Playhouse (OP) Theater 8p CT premiere of 17 Border Crossings, a solo work written/directed by Thaddeus Phillips, based on his travel experiences. CFAT, WU 8p Karen Frisk Jazz returns to TBT Author Reading Daniel Handler (a/k/a Lemony Snicket) will read from his new work, a presentation from the Russell House Series - Prose and Poetry. Call 860.685-3448. Memorial Chapel (MC), WU 7:30p Disco Night, every Friday. Mattabesett Canoe Club (MCC) 8p 2 new dance works by Montreal’s Compagnie Marie Chouinard (also 2/7 - 8p). CFA Theater (CFAT), WU Sat Film/Discussion Noon The Many Faces of Laurence Olivier, first in a series of films followed by discussions (led by critic Richard Alleva) of Olivier and Shakespeare. RL Music Sun 22 Piano Works 3p This Is It! the complete piano works of Neely Bruce - Part V, performed by the composer. Crowell Concert Hall (CCH), WU Mon23 Dance 10p A Body in Places, dancer/choreographer Eiko Otake’s first solo project includes performative and non-performative elements and the photography exhibition A Body in Fukushima. Olin Library Lobby, 252 Church St., WU Tue 24 Artful Lunch 12:10p One artwork/one speaker/15 minutes. This month join Laurie Nussdorfer. Bring bag lunch coffee, homemade cookies, conversation follow. Davison Art Center, Alsop House Dining Room,WU Artist Panel 4:30p Discussion about Picture/Thing exhibition featuring 3 artists and the curators. Ezra & Cecile Zilkha Gallery, WU 7p Illustrated Talk Middlesex County Historical Society and the Russell Library present author Elisabeth Petry on the topic Overcoming the Odds: Anna Louise James and Ann Petry Gamble and Win. HR, RL Wed 25 Panel Discussion 4:15p Expressing and Contesting Indonesia-Islam Encounters in Performing Arts: Dance and Music in Aceh, moderated by professor of music Sumarsam. CFAH, WU Poetry Meeting 6p The CT Poetry Society - Middletown Chapter meets monthly on the last Wednesday, public welcome. RSVP to Pamela: or 860.563.5761. MR3, RL 7p Senior/Community Center conference room, 2nd fl., 61 Durant Terrace. Public session begins the meeting. MCA Monthly Meeting Thu 26 Drum Circle 7p Middlesex Drum Circle. TBT 9p Starfall, thesis production by Grace Herman-Holland. An experiment in actor-audience relationships using pop music and elements of kabuki theater. (also 2/27 & 28 at 9p) Patricelli ‘92 Theater, WU Theater Fri 27Theater 7p The Visiting Room, thesis production by Sara Guernsey based on testimonials and interviews with 5 inmates. (also 2/28 at 7p) CFAT Studio, 275 Washington Terrace, WU 8p Tari Aceh! CT premiere of music and dance from northern Sumatra. CCH, WU Music/Dance Sat 28 Children’s Concert 1p Catcerto and Musical Beasts, featuring special guest Nora the Piano Cat and an orhestral suite from the movie Up! performed by the Wesleyan University Orchestra. CCH, WU 1p Beth Lapin launches her new book, Caravan of Dreams. HR, RL 8p Dan Arcamone Jazz, featuring Dan Arcamone on guitar. TBT Book Launch/Presentation Music For more information on the presenting organizations, refer to the outside page for addresses, phone nos., & hrs. of operation.