exhibits prospectus - The Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Music


exhibits prospectus - The Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Music
Mid-Atlantic Region
American Music Therapy Association
Annual Conference
9100 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD 21842
Sign up to Exhibit by December 5th for Early Bird Discount
Online payment available at:
Welcome to Ocean City!
The Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Music Therapy Association will be holding its
annual conference in Ocean City Maryland at the Princess Royale Oceanfront Hotel &
Conference Center from March 18th - March 21st, 2015. The Mid-Atlantic Region was
formed in 1953 and remains the largest region of the American Music Therapy
Association in the United States. Over 700 Music Therapists, students and educators
from Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, West Virginia
and Washington D.C. have attended our conference for the last several years!
We invite you to participate in this exciting conference by:
Exhibiting during the conference
Placing an advertisement in the conference program
Including business flyers/catalogues in conference packets or for display
Donating door prizes or Silent Auction Items
Becoming a Conference Sponsor
The exhibits are an important part of our conference and provide Music Therapists with an
opportunity to enhance their programs with the latest equipment, books, and
merchandise. We plan to spotlight the exhibits on Thursday evening with an Exhibits
Spectacular event, including Silent Auction and live music.
Sponsorship is a great way to support Music Therapy and to advertise your business.
Sponsorships over $300 will receive complementary inclusion of fliers in the conference
bags and recognition during the opening session. Sponsorships valued over $500 will
also receive a free full page advertisement and recognition on a large banner by the
Registration Booth. The Mid-Atlantic Region is a 501c3 organization and all donations
are tax deductible. Return the confirmation form and signed contract along with payment
postmarked by December 5th (or paid online by December 5th) to qualify for the early bird
Karen Jasko, MS, MT-BC
Regional Exhibits Coordinator
MAR-AMTA; www.mar-amta.org
h: 724-873-1919
Exhibitor Information
Conference Center/Hotel
Princess Royale Oceanfront
Hotel & Conference Center
Convention Center Plaza
9100 Coastal Highway
Ocean City, MD 21842
Fees (Postmarked or paid online By Early
Bird Deadline 12-05)
1st Booth 2nd Booth
Professional Organization
MAR State MT Assoc
MAR University/College
Non-MAR University/ College $125
www.OceanCityconvention.com (Mention the
MAR-AMTA Conference for special rates)
Fees (Postmarked after 12-05)
1st Booth
Professional Organization
MAR State MT Assoc
MAR University/College
Non-MAR University/College $150
(Final Deadline: February 6th)
Each Booth Package Includes
Complimentary listing in Conference Program
8’ high background drape
3’ high side drapes
One 7” x 44” sign
One 6’ x 30’ high draped table
Up to three Name BadgesTwo Side ChairsOne
Security Thursday and Friday nights, during setup on Thursday, and during meal breaks
One Complimentary Registration
per each Merchandiser/Marketing
or Professional Organization
Booth Colors
Advantage Expo: 412-789-5000
Advantage Expo will provide material handling
and storage for a fee
Deliveries will be made to the exhibitor booth
and will be picked up at the booth after the
exhibits close. Additional booth furnishings can
be ordered through them.
Phone and electricity lines will be ordered
through the hotel (forms will be provided).
2nd Booth
Exhibit Hall Set Up (subject to change)
Thursday March 19th
9:00 am-2:00 pm
Exhibit Hall Hours (subject to change)
Thursday March 19th
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday March 19th
8:00 pm – 10:30pm
(Exhibits Spectacular)
Friday March 20th
9:30 am –1:30 pm
Friday March 20th
2:30 pm –6:00 pm
Saturday March 21st
8:00 am –12:00 pm
Other Information
Please wear your Exhibitor name badge at all
times to help us maintain security.
We plan to highlight the exhibits during the
Exhibit Hall Spectacular Thursday night and by
offering door prizes in the Exhibit Hall during
the conference.
Advertising Information
Advertisement Dimensions
Advertising Fees
Full Page
7 W x 10 H
Half Page
Quarter Page 3 1/2 W x 5 H
All ads must be black and white and 300
dpi to size in JPEG or PDF format
Please email advertisements by January 16th
to: Doris Ludicke
AMTA Member* Non-Member
Outside Back Cover
Inside Front Cover
Inside Back Cover
Full Page
Half Page
$ 75
$ 85
Quarter Page
$ 40
$ 50
* As indicated by AMTA current member list
Catalog and Flier Distribution
Choose to have your catalog or fliers given out with conference registration packets or to have them displayed
on a table at the registration desk or in the Exhibit Hall.
AMTA Member
With Conference Packets
Table Top Display
$ 75
No signs, catalogues or advertising materials may be left at the registration table, in the exhibit hall, or distributed at the conference
unless advertisement or exhibiting fees have been paid. Please send catalogs and fliers by February 6th to:
Doris Ludicke; 129 Seafarer Lane; Ocean Pines, MD 21811; 443-373-1434 dludicke20@gmail.com
Sponsorship Opportunities
Dessert Bar — $2,500
Award Ceremony — $2,500
Participant Badge Holders - $1,250
Participant Folders with Your Logo- $550
Drum Circle Facilitator— $500
Exhibit Hall Spectacular Entertainment— $500
Continuing Education Course — $500
Participant Bag Product Insert
Session Instruments and AV Sound Equipment
Door Prizes/ Silent Auction Items
Sponsorships of $300 or more will receive recognition during the opening session and in the conference program and
free inclusion of fliers or catalogs in the conference bags. Sponsorships valued at $500 or more will also receive a full
page advertisement and recognition on a banner by registration!
Donations are tax deductible since we are a 501c3 organization.
Other Creative Ideas for sponsorship are welcome! Contact Karen Jasko, Regional Exhibits Coordinator
marexhibits@gmail.com; w: 412-307-1130; h: 724-873-1919
Confirmation Form Mid-Atlantic Region American Music Therapy Association
Annual Conference March 18th - March 21st, 2015;
Princess Royale Oceanfront Hotel & Conference Center
Organization: _____________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person: _______________________________________________Phone: (
Website (for program): www._________________________________ E-mail:____________________________
Schedule of Fees: Please indicate how you would like to participate by circling your choice(s) below. Fees include one
conference registration per Merchandiser/Marketing Exhibitor only. Schools may not register as a merchandiser
exhibitor. *Please include names of workers so we can prepare name badges. Fees must be postmarked by the early
deadline to qualify for the early bird discount. Purchase orders payable by February 6th are accepted.
Early bird
Postmarked by December 5th
Exhibiting Fees (Circle)
Professional Organization
MAR State MT Association
MAR University/College
Non-MAR University/College
Internship Table
First Booth
Postmarked After December 5th
Additional Booth(s)
First Booth
Additional Booth(s)
Exhibitor Names for Badges: ______________________________________________________________
Conference Program Advertising
*AMTA Member Non-Member
Outside Back Cover
Inside Front Cover
Inside Back Cover
*AMTA Member
Full Page
Half Page
$ 75
Quarter Page $ 40
$ 85
$ 50
*As indicated by the American Music Therapy Association. Advertising is also available on name badge holders!
See “Sponsorship” for more info. Email ads by January 16th to Doris Ludicke; dludicke20@gmail.com; 443-373-1434
Catalog and Flyer Distribution
(Quantity: 600)
AMTA Member*
With Registration Materials (in conference packet)
Provided for table top pick-up
Non-AMTA Member
$ 75
Silent Auction or Door Prize Donation (All Donations are Tax Deductible since we are a 501c3 Organization)
I would like to donate: ____________________________________Approx. Retail Value $___________
Total Enclosed
Exhibit Booth Fee
Advertising Fee
Catalogue / Flier Fee
Total Enclosed (Payable to “MAR-AMTA Conference”)
Please return with signed exhibitor’s agreement and payment by February 6th, 2015 to:
Carolyn Sonnen; 726 Broadmoor Drive; Annapolis, MD 21409; carolynsonnen.mtbc@gmail.com
Exhibitors Agreement 2015 Mid-Atlantic Region-AMTA Annual Conference
The undersigned agrees to utilize space provided by The Princess Royale Oceanfront Hotel & Conference Center
and agrees to the conditions, rules and requirements set forth in this document.
Exhibitor’s Signature:
MAR-AMTA CONDTIONS OF CONTRACT: This agreement will serve as a formal agreement between
the Mid-Atlantic Region-American Music Therapy Association (MAR-AMTA) and the organization above. The
completed agreement should be signed and returned with full payment of the fees, (as indicated on the
confirmation form) by February 6th, 2015. One free conference registration is included per merchandiser
exhibitor booth. Schools may not register as a merchandiser exhibitor. An 80% refund will be available if
requested in writing by February 6th, 2015. A 50% refund will be given after this date.
USE OF SPACE: Exhibits shall not extend into the aisles nor obstruct the view from adjacent booths. Nothing
shall be posted on or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors or other parts of the building or furniture. All
activities must be confined to the assigned exhibit space of the exhibitor. Exhibitors shall not share space or
sublet space without expressed consent of MAR-AMTA Exhibits Coordinator or designee. No alcoholic
beverages will be permitted in the exhibits area. The exhibit area shall not be used for storage during open
hours. All local fire and safety regulations will be enforced. Exhibitors are not permitted to provide their own
electrical equipment. Electricity must be ordered through Advantage Expo.
SECURITY: MAR-AMTA will provide for the security of the exhibit area during set-up, meal times, and
Thursday and Friday evenings. You are responsible for your booth when the exhibit hall is open. The MARAMTA, its officers and the hotel DO NOT assume responsibility for the loss of exhibitor’s property due to
theft, fire, accident or other causes.
DECORATING AND DRAYAGE SERVICES: The basic decorating (pipe and drape) will be included in
the cost of the exhibit space. Pipe and drape are being provided through Advantage Expo. The standard booth
size is 8’x10’ and includes one 6’ skirted table, two chairs, wastebasket and a sign. If the exhibitor desires
additional services/booth furnishings, the exhibitor may order these through Advantage Expo. The size of the
booth may be reduced to 6’ x 8’ for non-merchandiser vendors if needed (schools, universities, associations).
Internships will receive a table space. The Exhibitor assumes responsibility and agrees to indemnify and defend
the Group and Ocean City Princess Royale Oceanfront Hotel & Conference Center and their respective
employees and agents against claims or expenses arising out of the use of the exhibition premises. The
Exhibitor understands that neither the Group nor the hotel maintains insurance covering the Exhibitor's
property and it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain such insurance.
HOURS FOR EXHIBIT: (Subject to Change)
Set up Time: Thursday March 19th
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Exhibit Hours: Thursday March 19th
2:00pm – 6:00pm & 8:00pm - 10:30pm
Friday March 20th
9:30am - 1:30pm & 3:00pm - 6:30pm
Saturday March 21st
8:00am - 12:00pm
Breakdown: Saturday March 21st
12:00 - 2:00pm
Please return with Confirmation Form and Payment by February 6th, 2015 to:
Carolyn Sonnen; 726 Broadmoor Drive; Annapolis, MD 21409; carolynsonnen.mtbc@gmail.com
Mid Atlantic Region–American Music Therapy Association
All sponsorships valued at $300 or more will receive recognition in the conference program and free
inclusion of promotional materials in conference packets. Sponsorships valued at $500 or more
will also receive a full page advertisement and recognition on a banner by the registration desk.
All Donations are tax deductible since we are a 501(c) 3 organization.
Dessert Bar — $2,500
Sweeten the conference by sponsoring a dessert bar for conference attendees one evening.
Award Ceremony — $2,500
Sponsor appetizers for an evening gathering to acknowledge contributions, scholarships, and
other notable individuals in our profession.
Participant Badge Holders - $1,250
*Your name and logo imprinted on 700 Badge holders for attendees.
Participant Folders with Your Logo- $550
*Your name and logo imprinted on 700 2-pocket folders for conference attendees.
Drum Circle — $500
Sponsor a professional drum circle facilitator to model techniques and bring together conference
attendees in a relaxing yet invigorating musical experience.
Exhibit Hall Spectacular — $500
Sponsor Entertainment during an evening highlighting the exhibit hall.
Continuing Education Course — $500
Sponsor a continuing education course for conference attendees.
Participant Bag Product Insert Advertise your product or services by providing 600 of
YOUR OWN PRODUCTS for insertion in conference bags--MAR-AMTA must approve items (pens,
notepads, key chains, guitar picks, guitar strings, cd’s).
Session Instruments and AV Sound Equipment Provide needed support for the conference
through instrument loans (small hand percussion, drums, Orff xylophones, pianos, guitars, etc)
or audio visual services or equipment (LCD Projectors, sound systems).
Door Prizes: Donate instruments or door prize(s) to be given away during the exhibit hall
spectacular or other times throughout the conference.
*You may also provide your own items printed with your logo.
Your ideas for sponsorship are welcome!
Contact Karen Jasko 724-873-1919, marexhibits@gmail.com
2015 Mid-Atlantic Region
American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Company: _________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________ Cell: _____________
Email: _____________________
Website: __________________________________________________________
I would like to sponsor:
____ Dessert Bar
____ Award Ceremony
____ Participant Badge Holders with your logo
____ Participant Folders with Your Logo
____ Drum Circle
____ Exhibit Hall Spectacular
____ Continuing Education Course
____ Participant Bag Product Insert: ______________________________
____ Session Instruments: _____________________________________
____ AV or Sound Equipment: ___________________________________
____ Silent Auction or Door Prize item: ____________________________
Approximate Retail Value: $__________
Your ideas for sponsorship are welcome!
Please send this form along with payment and donations to:
Carolyn Sonnen; 726 Broadmoor Drive; Annapolis, MD 21409; carolynsonnen.mtbc@gmail.com
Thank you for supporting Music Therapy!