focus newsletter - Epiphany Catholic School


focus newsletter - Epiphany Catholic School
Epiphany Catholic School
Volume 32 Issue 10
February 2015
Dear Parents,
Epiphany School Celebrated Catholic Schools Week
Thank you Jesus
for the gift of our Catholic School
that lights the way to You.
Thank you that we can learn about our faith
and pray and worship
with our teachers and friends.
Thank you for our Priests and Teachers
who guide us so wisely.
Thank you for our Parents and Guardians
who sacrifice to send us to Epiphany Catholic School.
We have much to celebrate at Epiphany. During this school year the Epiphany community has continued to demonstrate a commitment to assisting others with our involvement in the baby shower for St. Martin de Porres, Thanksgiving
food drive, and volunteering to serve food to the homeless. The first grade baked Christmas cookies and made sandwiches for the people at Camillus House, and we sponsored a Christmas toy drive at St. Martin’s. In the beginning of
December we held our annual Candy Cane Drive, which raised $6,000.00 for our sister school in Haiti. In January we
continued our Shower with Blessings and monthly casseroles efforts. The children have the desire to help those in
need, and as a school community we try to provide opportunities for the students to share what they have with others.
Upcoming Events:
Book Fair February 9-February 13
Class Picture Day February 11
Presidents Day February 16 School Holiday
IOWA Testing Gr. 2-8, March 2-6
The Lord has blessed our community with a loving support system that energizes and challenges us to
be and do our best. May we continue to share our giftedness with each other as we daily live Our Lord’s message of
God bless,
Sister Margaret Fagan, IHM
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Safety Issues
 Please do not use your cell phone
while driving around campus.
 The parking lot by the cafeteria and
parish center is for faculty only. During
the morning drop off we have families who
pull into that area to drop off their child
(ren). It has becoming very dangerous and
is a serious safety concern. There are three
families who have reserved parking spots
in this lot and they should be the only families who enter this area.
 If you need to walk your child (ren)
into school you are asked to park in the lots
in front of the church and walk behind the
cones. Some families are parking in the
side lot of church facing school and crossing in between cars. This is an accident
waiting to happen. Please do not put the
safety of your children or any child in danger.
 At dismissal all families are asked to
use car pool or singles when picking up a
child. No one should park in a side lot and
walk to car pool to pick up a child. Again,
families are crossing in the midst of traffic
and it is extremely dangerous.
 Please come to the office to sign in if
you are visiting anywhere on campus. This
does include the cafeteria
Important Reminders
1. Wednesday, February 11, Class Pictures
2. Monday, February 16th, is a holiday.
3. Wednesday, February 18, Ash
Wednesday, school mass at 9:30am
4. IOWA Testing Gr. 2-8, March 2-6
5. Thursday April 2– Holy Thursday
6. Friday, April 3—Good Friday
7. Easter Break. Monday , April 6-10,
Classes Resume on Monday April 13.
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Peacemaker for January - Virtue —
Purity of Heart ( Truthfulness )
Rene Ruiz
Joseph Diaz
Daniel Careaga
Jack Falcon
Daniela Eljaiek
Liane Sotolongo
Balen Schlipman
Ava Martinez-DuBouchet
Michael Mederos
Anthony Acosta
Sarah Hincapie
Jorge Portocarrero
Nolan Franke
Andres Paredes
Isabel Suarez
Andrea Garcia
Rebecca Sampedro
Natalia Reed
Andres Atrio
Alessia Quiros
Sophia Ortiz
Andrew Diaz
Paulina Gonzalez-Brito
Manolo Dominguez
6A Nicolas Cruz
6B Darrick Baboun
6C Emilio Heinert
7A Miguel Cedeño
7B Patrick Cahill
7C James Myrtetus
8A Alexander Prieto
8B Joseph Pozo
8C Gabriel Ortega
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Take Charge of Education
Help us help your favorite school. Choose your
kids' elementary school, the neighborhood middle
school or any other eligible K–12 school. We’ll donate up to 1% of your REDcard purchases at
Target stores in the U.S and at
Epiphany School’s
CODE IS: 4791
Keep up the great work. So far, Epiphany has earned over $2,400.00 from Box
Tops for Education. That is $700 more
than last year. Enjoy the extra color
pages in the yearbook!
Continue clipping!
We are collecting Can Tops for Ronald
Mc Donald House at Jackson Memorial
Hospital. The can tops will be recycled
and the money collected will go directly
to support the Ronald Mc Donald House.
It is a place where families of sick
children can stay, while their children
are in the hospital undergoing
Book Fair Under the Sea is coming soon!
This year’s book fair will be from February 9th to 13th from 7:30a.m. to
4:30p.m in the library media center. Our Fishy Family Event Day will be
on Wednesday, February 11th from 2:30 to 5:30p.m. There will be lots of great
items to purchase. If you can’t make this year’s book fair, visit our ONLINE book
fair from February 9th to March 1st. All orders placed online will be received and
distributed about mid-March.
If you have any questions, want to volunteer or wish to donate decorations, please
see Miss Moravec or email her at
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Coco Aguilar
Andres Aleman
W. Rowe Allen
J. Andres Atrio
Nathalie Baboun
Sarah Broe
Natalia Careaga
Jac Costa
Gabriel Cruz
Ana De Cardenas
Alejandro Delgado
Gabriella Diaz
Sofia Eljaiek
Nicholas Falcon
Madeline Feenane
Christopher Ferrer
James Friguls
Marcos Fuertes
Erik Gaviria
Juliet Gomez
Andie Hernandez
Andres Hernandez
Sofia Hernandez
Andrea Jimenez
Isabella Jordon
Anthony Lamelas
Sophie Lamelas
Paola Lista
Paulina Llorens
Sofia Lombard
Gabriela Lopez de Cespedes
Carolina Maratos
Miranda Martel
Gunnar McCormick
Stephanie Mederos
Thomas Miller
Carolina Monterrey
Enrique Muñoz
Paulina Ortega
Gabriella Paredes
Anthony Pargas
Natalia Parr
Maria Parra
Adrian Paucar
Cecilia Pino
Claudia Portocarrero
Katerina Puig
Alessia Quiros
Santiago Quiros
Natalia Reed
Carlos Rivera
Giovanna Rivero
Jake Rivero-Aleman
Justin Roca
Francisco Rojo
Skylar Rubido
Rebecca Sampedro
Saverio San Lorenzo
Claudine Schlipman
Ana Silveira
Lilia Silveira
Diego Suarez
Nicolas Torres De Navarra
Alexa Torres
Margot Valdes
Sebastian Valdes
Gabriela Vega
Grace Verde
Nicolas Vieito
Enrique Villamil
Eva Aguirre
Marco Arazoza
Andres Arguello
Annabella Baboun
Javier Barrenechea
Olivia Borroto
Anna Bunge
Matthew Candela
Andres De Solminihac
Andrew Diaz
Johanna Diez
Tomas Duque
Andre Fortou
Thomas Franke
Francisco Friguls
Marinana Garcia
Olivia Giganti
Emilie Gonzalez
Victoria Graves
Anastasia Haro
Amanda Hayes
Alexandra Henriquez
Chloe Lamas
Alexa Martell
Carlos Mas
Isabella Mestre
Aidan Negret
Alexander Nunez
Isabel Penin
Luke Pennie
Juliana Peredo
Bianca Perez
Gabrielle Rodriguez
Lucas Rosabal
Noelle Roza
Camila Suarez
Lillian Vizcaino
Isabella Zumpano
Cecilia Alcobe-Garibay
Alejandro Arguello
Darrick Baboun
Amanda Bardisa
Paulina Boudet
Megan Canizares
Ana Cecilia Castillo
Adriana Clavijo
Christopher De La Viesca
Mia Atrio
Anamaria Blanco
Holt Boink
Anna Diaz-Silveira
Alfred Martinez
Alicia Pagliery
Caroline Pujol
Alejandro Quevedo
Liana Ramirez
Stephanie Ramirez
Joaquin Real
John Reyes
Mark Reyes
Emily Rodriguez
Isabella Tundidor
Juan Valdes
Nina Vizcaino
Daniella Zumpano
Catherine Zurfluh
Mary Alfano
Julianna Canizares
Joseph De La Viesca
Isabella Delgado
Philippa Downey
Carlos Delgado
Andrea Escobio
Stephanie Diaz
Cristina Fernandez
Daniela Garcia
Alexis Diaz-Silveira
Patricia Garcia-Saladrigas
Isabella Gomez
Alexander Gonzalez
Isabella Gurdian
Javier Maratos
Valentina Martin
Brianna Muñoz
Vivian Quevedo
Mia Quintana
Marc Recuset
Alexa Reed
Jacqueline Reed
Julian Riera
Anacatalina Sacher
Valeria Salazar
Brian Teasdale
Andrea Valdes-Sueiras
Paola Valdes-Sueiras
Daniela Delgado
Ariana Eiroa
William Gregory
Isabella Guzzo
Victoria Herran
Taylor Jauregui
Alexa Mascaro
Monica Milton
Alexandra Perez
Isabella Reardon
Rafael Rodriguez
Sophia Roig
Alexandra Yaniz
Juliana Yaniz
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Ariana Arteaga
Sidney Aun
Matthew Barturen
Joseph Castiglione
AJ Cosculluela
Diego Del Pino
Michael Delgado
Nina Diaz
Luciana Fernandez
Gabriel Garcia
Gabriel Gurdian
Brendan Herrholz
Juan Ibarra
Julian Illa
Tomas Leibkuchler
Natalia Lopez
Cristian Moreira
Anabella Palacio
Agatha Roque
Javier Rosell
Isabella Salvat
Andres Sanchez
Andrew Scardina
Giulio Zunino
Gabriella Gonzalez
Paulina Gonzalez-Brito
Caterina Hernandez
Caroline Hoynack
Catherine Hoynack
Ian Johnson
Bettina Legorburu
Felipe Lorie
Maria Losa
Amanda Martell
Olivia McClintock
Sophia Ortiz
Paul Padron
Thomas Pozo
Victoria Quimper
Elisa Ramirez
Eduardo Real
William Recuset
Ricardo Rivera
Andre Santana
Andres Socarras
Victoria Sordo
Daniel Suarez
Jordan Tong
Valentina Wolff
Daniela Aguilar
J. Andres Alvarez
Natalia Arroyo
Samantha Bardisa
Bianca Barroso
Paola Blanco
Gabriel Buigas
Luca Buonocore
Adela Camposano
Diego Cano
Eric Castro
Nina Castro
Jessica DaSilva
Grace De Arcos
Christina Delgado
Liliana Diaz-Silveira
Manuel Dominguez
Adrian Fraga
Caroline Garcia
Gabriela Garcia
Carlos Gonzalez
Alejandro Abascal
Elizabeth Agurto
Nathaniel Beltran
Claudia Candela
Mauricio Candela
Monique Candela
Isabel Cardenal
Francisco Castro
Sofia Cicarelli
Kimberley Cruz
Isabella Danna
Nicole Del Valle
Victoria Dunoyer de Segonzac
Ryan Etten
Alexander Fernandez
Alexander Garcia
Daniela Gongora
Emilio Heinert
Andres Hernandez
Isabella Herran
Maura Herrholz
Sophia Hoyos
Alexia Jimenez
Nikolas Leibkuchler
Michael Lerma
Caterina Linares
Isabella Lista
Tiffany Lombard
Michael Martinez
Mia Morrissey
Mariaclara Ordonez
Michael Ortiz
Bianca Palacio
Eduardo Paredes
Carolina Parr
Carolina Prieto
Daniela Ramos
Daniela Recio
Madison Roberts
Isabella Roche
DanielAngel Rodriguez
Ana Romagosa
Carolina Silva
Teresa Valcarcel
Andrew Zurfluh
Ari Arteaga
Alexa Barroso
Mia Briones
Patrick Cahill
Miguel Cedeño
Natalie Cerra
Cole Christiansen
Jorge De La Osa
Gabriela Duque
Alejandro Escobar
Georgia Etten
Sara Ferrer
Beatriz Garces
Daniel Gaviria
Carolina Gomez
Kevin Gonzalez
Madelynn Guisasola
Arthur Hoynack
Alexis Lowell
Enrique Martinez
Paulina Mascaro
Jenna Medina
Katerina Molina
James Ortiz
Sylvia Ortiz
Matthew Peredo
Karla Perez
Steven Robelo
Cecilia Rodriguez-Garcia
Gabriella Sanchez
Patrick Silva
Isabelle Solorzano
Isabella Stanfield
Sofia Sueiras
Alexandra Torres
Grade 8
Camila Abascal
Sebastian Aviles
Daniel Aymerich
Abbigayle Bell
Carolina Brito
Sebastian De La Torre
Daniel Diaz
Veronica Diaz
Nicole Diaz-Silveira
Nicolas Farach
C.Daniela Fernandez
Anamari Garcia
Cecilia Gaston
Gabriela Gongora
Melissa Herrero
Nicole Jacobs
Francisco Martell
Thomas Packert
Alejandro Pena
Daniela Porro
Joseph Pozo
Sofia Pracitto
Alexander Prieto
Alexandra Rivera
Carlos Roca
Miranda Sampedro
Cesar Sordo
Caitlin Teasdale
Beltran Ulloa
Sofia Vonder Haar