Newsletter 6th February 2015 - Nunawading Christian College


Newsletter 6th February 2015 - Nunawading Christian College
5th February 2015
Edition 35
Learning for Living... Character for Life
As we start a new school year we would
like to take a moment to celebrate the
achievements of our graduating VCE class
of 2014. As an academically inclusive
school, Nunawading Christian College encourages and celebrates the achievements
and abilities of each and every one of our
students. In addition to their personal
endeavors, our students have drawn
much strength from all that Nunawading
Christian College has to offer and from the
support and expertise of their dedicated
teachers. All of which has translated into
excellent VCE results.
Over 15% of our 2014 VCE class achieved
an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions
Ranking) of over 90, placing them in the
top 10% of all 2014 VCE students. A further
46% of the class ranked in the top 20% of all
VCE students for 2014.
As well as the ATAR, a study score shows
each student’s final ranking within a
subject, with 50 being the maximum. For
2014, Nunawading Christian College’s
median study score of 34.35 ranked us
29th amongst all independent schools
in Victoria. Comparing the percentages
of students with study scores of 40+
(the top 10% of all students), our school
ranked 48th amongst all schools in Victoria
(over 500 schools) and 35th amongst all
independent schools in the State. These
rankings place Nunawading Christian
College above many of the exclusive and
expensive independent schools throughout Melbourne. For a list of the ranking
of all schools please visit the Better
Education listing on the following website:
vce.aspx?yr=2014. Further details are also
available on the school website –
Finally, after the anxious wait for the all
important first round tertiary offers in
January, we are very happy to advise that
100% of our students received a first round
offer to the tertiary course of their choice.
So if you have made the decision to send
your child to Nunawading Christian College
Secondary for 2015, or are still considering
their secondary school options, be assured
that your child will be welcomed into an
academically thriving and spiritually
nurturing school environment. If any of
our primary parents would like to discuss
what Nunawading Christian College has to
offer their child, please feel free to phone
the school to make an appointment to
speak with our principal.
Below are some of our high achievers
for 2014
Heidi Morgan
ATAR 98.35
Yiannis Parsons
ATAR 94.75
Hanna Stekla
VCE Coordinator
Dedication Night
On Friday
13th February, commencing at 7.00pm
in the secondary school quadrangle.
All students to attend wearing their summer academic uniform
A member of Adventist Schools Australia.
Year 9 Challenge Initiation Ritual
In the chilly air of dawn; awaiting sunrise,
a group of bleary eyed Year 9 students,
along with their parents and teachers,
watched expectantly for the sun to rise
over the Yarra Valley.
This was the beginning of the Year 9
Challenge ceremony to mark a transition
in these children’s lives. This transition is
one that we don’t always have language
or symbolism for. What does it mean to
become an adult? Changing colours in the
sky told us that behind thick clouds, the
sun was climbing. We couldn’t see its rays
or feel its warmth, yet we
recognized the day had begun.
If you’ve ever wished for morning to
hurry, or tomorrow never to arrive, you’ll
know there is nothing we can do to stop
the Earth from spinning, or the sun from
appearing on the horizon. When Job asked
God to explain “Why?!” God answered
with this question. Have you commanded
the morning since you were born? Caused
dawn to know its right time? Job 28:12.
The obvious answer is no. We can’t control
time, gravity, mornings. We can’t stop new
days from beginning – even when we can’t
see the sun rise, it is unstoppable. What
we do have power over are our steps in the
that day. We can choose how to use our
freedom. We decide how we will live.
As staff and parents welcomed the Year
9 class of 2015 in their first steps as young
men and women, I was reminded that
God’s love calls us towards himself in the
same way. We decide how we will walk
and choose and live. Be brave this year to
walk in God’s strength. I’m thrilled to walk
with you at NCC!
Lili Panozzo
Secondary School Chaplain
Some thoughts from the Primary School Chaplain
If you need to contact us for any reason, please email,;
When I think back to my school days, there are a couple of faces
that pop into my mind’s eye, those who made a lasting impression
on me. The youth pastor of my church seemed to have unlimited
time to share and the ‘picture of God’ I have now, began to be
formed from this man’s influence and example.
As Primary chaplains, Marita and I have the awesome opportunity
to help shape our children’s picture of God… and we don’t take
this opportunity lightly. It has been said that people don’t walk
away from God… they walk away from the wrong picture of who
God is. Once you understand and know the Father - who IS love
- you will never walk away from Him. Our desire as chaplains is
to share with children our picture of this all-loving, all-accepting,
all-powerful and all-knowing God, praying that He will reveal Himself to them, through us.
Marita and I are happy to chat with parents as well, so please just
contact us via email: or
Every morning, at staff worship, we pray for each family at least
once throughout the year. If there are special concerns or times
for which you particularly need prayer, please let us know. All
confidences will be kept.
Working BEE
Due to high temperatures forecast
for this Sunday, the scheduled
school working bee will now run
from 8.00am – 12.00pm on Sunday
8th February. We would love to
see as many parents as possible
turn up for our first working bee
of the year. Remember, this is the
best opportunity to redeem your
PIP credits each term. To make
a booking for one of the jobs please log on to and enter the
Event Code UXHQD.
Spanish Award
Congratulations to Fernando Vallejo-Rojas for achieving a
“Best Effort Award” for his studies in the Spanish Accelerated
2 program. Fernando studied Spanish last year through Distance
Education with the Victorian School of Languages. Well done
Fernando, we are very proud of your efforts. Students who
choose to study a subject through Distance Education are
supported by our VCE Coordinator, Mrs Hanna Stekla.
Primary School
Sporting Houses
This year the primary school will be introducing Sporting Houses for all students to compete in. Similar to the secondary
school, students will earn points for their “houses” for various
sporting events. There will be four “houses”: Lawson – green
house, Flinders – blue house, Stuart – red house and Mitchell –
yellow house. Of course every sporting team needs a captain
at the helm! We are very proud to introduce our first Sporting
House captains as follows:
•Lawson –Elizabeth Mendez and Joel Michaelson
•Flinders –Amity McDonald and Favian Sandoval-Recinos
•Stuart –Sally-Anne McMahon and Darcy Kliene
•Mitchell –Kelzey May and Nicholas Bowman
Congratulations on being chosen as captains, we are sure you
will lead your teams with integrity and pride.
Early Learning Centre Begins in 2015
Hi, my name is Jessica Taylor. I am the new Kindergarten teacher at Nunawading Christian
College’s new Early Learning Centre. While completing my Diploma of Children’s Services and my
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, which I will be graduating from at the end of February,
I have worked as an Educator at Edinburgh Early Learning Centre. After a wonderful four years
with Edinburgh, I am excited to begin a new chapter at Nunawading. To share a bit about myself,
in my spare time I enjoy singing, which I have studied and trained in for a number of years,
playing field hockey and reading. As I am setting up my room in the Early Learning Centre, I’m
sure you will see my face around the school, so please feel free to say hi and introduce yourself.
I look forward to meeting you in the near future.
Jess Taylor
Yes we are almost ready to open our Early Learning Centre. Further information will be provided
within the next two weeks.
Welcome to new Faces at NCC
We would like to welcome four new faces to our NCC staff for 2015. Ms Wendy Bos will be joining the primary school to run the
Sport and P.E program whilst Daryl Thomson is on extended sick leave. Ms Bos has previously worked in the Sports Department
at the secondary school, before travelling to Nairobi with her husband to teach. Welcome back Ms Bos. We also welcome back
Mr Daniel Selent from his extended travels overseas. Mr Selent will resume his role as Head of Sport at the secondary school. We
know that our students are very excited to have Mr Selent back with us. Finally we would like to officially welcome Miss Hannah
Perry to our secondary staff. Miss Perry worked in the junior English and History Departments last year, taking the place of Mrs
Dines who left for overseas. Miss Perry is now a permanent addition to our secondary staff and we are very blessed to have her as
part of our team. Another new addition to our primary staff is Mr Andrew Chuang. Mr Chuang is our new Grade 3 / 4 teacher and
will be taking Monika Kapusi’s class as she focuses on our primary music program. Welcome to the team Mr Chuang.
School Tuckshop
The 2015 primary school tuckshop menu will be sent home
with primary students with this week’s newsletter. A version
of the menu is also available on the school website (www. under both the “Parent Info” and “Student
Info” tabs. The first primary school tuckshop will operate on
Monday 9th February 2015. For parents interested in
redeeming their PIP hours in the primary tuckshop, please note
the following;
• Tallying tuckshop orders each Friday from 2.00-3.00pm – 1
hour credit
• Working in the tuckshop each Monday from 10.00-1.00pm – 3
hours credit
All helpers are welcome, so please contact the school office on
9877 3555 to express your interest.
Swimming Begins –
Prep – Grade 3
Swimming lessons begin this Friday for the following classes:
Prep, P/1, 1/2 and 2/3. Your child will need to bring bathers, a
towel, goggles, a swim cap and thongs in a swim bag. Please
ensure that your child’s goggles have been adjusted to fit
them. It is important to name all items of your child’s sports
uniform. The Prep and Year 1/2 lessons commence at 1:20pm
and conclude at 2:00pm. The Year P/1 and Year 2/3 lessons commence at 2:00pm and conclude at 2:40pm. Parents and siblings
are welcome to come and watch. Also, you can collect your
child from the pool, but please let the classroom teacher know
so they can take your child’s school bag with them.
Address: Just Swimming Syndal, 554 High St Rd, Mt Waverley.
Support After School
Program (SAS)
The Support After School (SAS) program will continue to run
each Wednesday afternoon from 3.30 – 5.00pm for all
secondary students. This program runs much like a homework club where students are able to work in a supervised
classroom. This year, however, specific teachers will only be
available if students have made arrangements with the teacher
of their choice prior to the Wednesday program.
VCE Parent
Information Evening
On Tuesday 10th February parents are invited to attend our
VCE Parent Information Evening, presented by our VCE
Coordinator, Mrs Hanna Stekla. This program is primarily for
parents of students who are currently completing VCE subjects
(including Year 10 students), but any parents who are
interested in learning more about the VCE program at NCC are
welcome to attend. The program will run from
7.00pm – 8.15pm in the school, and Mrs Stekla will be available
after the program to answer any questions.
Position Available
Our school cleaner is currently seeking a responsible person to
assist with cleaning duties at the school each Wednesday and
Thursday afternoon, for approximately 2 hours. Students in
Years 10 and above are welcome to apply. Please phone the
school office on 9877 3555 to submit your expression of
interest. Applications close on Friday 20th February 2015.
Ms Austen Gets
Congratulations to Ms Austen who was married to her
beloved Bryan over the Christmas break. Ms Austen looked
radiant in her wedding gown and was delighted by the surprise
appearance of her Prep students who were all lined up at the
ceremony to throw rose petals. Thank you to Mrs Simmons for
arranging this beautiful surprise for Ms Austen’s special day.
First Day of School 2015
Thank You!
Hey Kids Want to play basketball every week?
Join our grade 1/2, 3/4 or 5/6 team . One of them made it to the grand final last year!
If you are interested in joining a team for the 2015 season which begins on Thursday, February
12, at the Nunawading Basketball Stadium, please contact Talei Greenwell on 0412 246 848 to
register your interest. Limited places are available. If your parents are willing to be involved in
coaching or co-ordinating one of our teams, please also let Talei know.
A registration fee of $30 (tbc) is payable for the season (covers Terms 1 and 2).
Your child must be able to get to and from the game. No transport is provided from school.
A weekly commitment is required.
Primary Chapel – Fridays 10-11am
All parents and friends welcome to attend.
WeekDate HOSTS
13th Feb
Grade 4/5 - Mrs Speir’s Class
20th Feb
Grade 2/3 - Mrs Chadwick’s Class
27th Feb
Grade 3/4 - Mr Chuang’s Class
6th March
Grade P/1 - Mrs Reed’s Class
13th March
Grade 5/6 - Mrs Santiago’s Class
20th March
Grade 6 - Miss Sajdl’s Class
27th March
Grade 1/2 - Mrs Hailey’s Class
Weet Bix Tryathlon
Now in its 17th year, the Sanitarium Weet-Bix Tryathlon is scheduled for Sunday 8th March 2015. For details about this
event, or to register your child please go to Prizes are given to schools with the most students
registered so we encourage our primary students to have a go.
NCC Primary Tuckshop Menu
Potato & Corn Turnover
Cheese & Spinach Roll
Cauliflower & Cheese Pie
Nacho’s (+ 2 toppings of choice)
Nacho’s (Cheese, Beans, Sour Cream, Salsa)
Frozen Fruit Stick
Choc Chip Cookie
Frozen Bulla Split
Popcorn (Butter Flavour)
Frozen Yoghurt Cup (Mango)
Apple Pie
Hot Dog (Veg Sausage, Cheese & Sauce)
Hot Dog (Veg Sausage, Sauce)
Sauce Sachet
Hot Dog (Veg Sausage, Cheese)
Hot Dog (Plain—No Cheese, No Sauce)
Potato & Corn Turnover
Orders must be submitted on FRIDAY. Late orders may
not be accepted due to catering restrictions.
Student’s Name, Grade, Teacher’s Name, Food Oder
(including price & total)
Write on a paper bag:
Include any special requests (no cheese)
Margarita Pizza
Cheese & Spinach Pie
Chocolate Up & Go
Cauliflower & Cheese Pie
Savoury Party Pie (includes Sauce)
Wholemeal Salad Roll with Potato Pattie
(Mayo, Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber, Cheese, Carrot, Potato Pattie)
Apple Juice Pop Top
Apple & Blackcurrant Pop Top
Monday Madness Menu
Hand orders & money in to Student Reception on MONDAY by 10:00am!
Change of Date for
Work Experience
As parents make preparations for the coming year we would
like to draw to the attention of parents of Year 10 students that
there is a change of date for their work experience week. The
date for work experience is now Monday November 9th to
Friday 13th. This date is listed in the 2015 school calendar.
Please make a note of this date in your diaries.
School Banking
School banking starts for primary students this coming Tuesday
(10th Feb). Students are to hand their bank books to their class
teachers. If your child does not currently have a savings
account and you are interested in setting one up, please
contact Sonia Brown at the front office.
GOLD Award
Only one week back into the new year and we already
have some diligent students who have achieved their
Mathletic Gold certificates. Congratulations to Joshua and Laura for a great effort. Remember to keep
working on your Mathletics tasks students.
Mr Michalski may be introducing some lunch time
“incentive” sessions this year for students who are
not taking the opportunity to complete their Mathletics homework. This year we will also be introducing a
“Spellodrome” program to help our primary students
really hone their spelling skills. Parents, keep an eye
out for this and encourage your children to take advantage of these great opportunities to achieve their
very best in both numeracy and literacy.
Prompt Payment
To receive the prompt payment discount for Term 2 fees,
please ensure payment is made no later than Thursday 12th
February 2015.
Term 2 Fees
For parents who pay their school fees by Term, there is a new
payment method available to you. Enclosed with your fee
statements you will find a form to complete that authorizes
the office to deduct your school fees from a nominated credit
card on the prompt payment discount date each term. This
means you can fill out the form, be assured of the discount, and
not have to remember to pay your fees for the
remaining three terms! If you would like to take advantage of
this payment option, please return your form to the office no
later than Wednesday 11th February 2015. You will still receive a
fee statement each term to keep for your records.
Upcoming Events
School at Work Tours
Parents may have noticed some “School at Work Tours”
listed in the 2015 school calendar. These tours are a great opportunity to see the secondary school classes in action.
All primary parents are welcome to attend these tours, and we
encourage you to invite along any friends or family members
who are looking for a quality secondary school for their child.
The first School at Work tour is scheduled for Thursday 19th
February from 9.30-11.00am. For further information about
these tours, or to make a booking please phone Marie Roberts
on 9877 3555.
Parenting Seminars
Parents may also notice that there are parenting seminars
listed in this year’s calendar. Please note that the dates listed
are indicative only and are subject to the availability of the
various speakers we will be inviting. Specific dates and details
will be advised in upcoming newsletters and via SMS messages.
School Working Bee – 8.00am – 12.00pm
VCE Parent Information Evening – 7.00 – 8.15pm
Last day for Prompt Payment Discount
Dedication Night Program – 7.00pm start
Year 7-10 Immunisations
School at Work Tours – 9.30 – 11.00am.
Student ID Photos taken
Secondary Inter-house Swimming Carnival
All Term 2 Fees Due