Weekly Update February 6
Weekly Update February 6
Weekly Update February 6 February 6, 2015 Weekly Update February 6, 2015 Click the to view the January 30, Weekly Update: BrandSource Wishes to Thank our Summit Appliance Sponsors Still Time To Register Avoid snowbanks and join your peers in Orlando March 1 - 4 during the 2015 Summit. Arrive early for POS training on Saturday February 28 at 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, or on Sunday for POS training, or if you're a golfer, join us for the Butch DuBose Charity Golf Tournament! Region Meetings begin at noon on , Monday March 2 and end at 4:00 PM. Monday after 4:00 PM be sure to attend the Stampede event, where you can save big on select special values! Click the button to register for the Summit: http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a2839d40cd7d7d75588e1caee&id=de28eed8e3&e=[2/5/15, 8:16:31 PM] Weekly Update February 6 Plan NOW to Attend FREE POS Training If you are an Expert Tech POS user, we are hosting a one day FREE Training session to you and your staff on Saturday, February 28 at 10:00 AM at the Marriott World Center in Orlando. The session ends at 4:30 PM that afternoon. The session will be held again on Sunday from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM. There is no cost to attend the sessions and you may attend both sessions at no charge. Attendees are only responsible for their meals. Click Here to register for the Saturday, February 28 training meeting. Click Here to register for the Sunday, March 1, training meeting. Plan now on joining the BrandSource Young Professionals for the first ever group 5K Fun Run / Walk, scheduled for Tuesday, March 3, starting at 6:30 AM at the Summit. The younger members and suppliers invite all members and suppliers to participate in this fund raising event set to benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Buying Fair Webinar Scheduled: Wow... 4 Appliance webinars this week are over. Thank you so much for those of you who participated. The programs are somewhat complex so providing a webinar helps to better understand the buy in and the best times to buy. One more to go next week: The purpose of these webinars is to review the upcoming Buying Fair programs, which start February 9. Fast Cash, best buys, timing, etc. will be covered. Presentation files will be available to you the morning of the webinar to allow you to print the pages so you can http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a2839d40cd7d7d75588e1caee&id=de28eed8e3&e=[2/5/15, 8:16:31 PM] Weekly Update February 6 take notes during the presentations. Recap of new items and weekly reminders: ¥ Reminder: FREE $50 Visa Gift Card Offer with Purchase - March 20 - 30 ¥ NEW: Members Host Property Managers For Service School = More Business! ¥ NEW: BOSCH SHXN8U55UC now Available ¥ NEW: BOSCH 7 Series to Benchmark Status ¥ NEW: BOSCH Benchmark Products Receive Accolades ¥ NEW: Electrolux March Rebate ¥ NEW: GE Buying Fair Program Posted ¥ NEW: The Electrolux Buying Fair Webinar Replay is Posted ¥ NEW: LG Buying Fair Webinar Is Posted ¥ NEW: Samsung Savings Begin February 9... ¥ NEW: Whirlpool Corp. Buying Fair Webinar Posted Furniture Update: ¥ NEW: Serta Marketing Program BrandSource EXCLUSIVE Triple Choice Offer ¥ NEW: Classic Home Villa Promotion Extended ¥ NEW: Simmons 2015 Pricing Posted ¥ NEW: Get Your Share of Bedding Sales in 2015 (article) ¥ Reminder: ProAdFlags Market Special Offer The first of four $50.00 Visa Gift Card Promotions for the BrandSource Card begins March 20. Any customer who purchases $599.00 or more on the BrandSource Card between March 20 and March 30, will receive a $50.00 Visa Gift card as a mil-in rebate. Consumers do not have to currently have a BrandSource Card. They can qualify during the sale period and as long as the product is purchased between March 20 and March 30, the customer will receive the Visa gift card. This promotion requires you to provide the consumer with a copy of their BrandSource http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a2839d40cd7d7d75588e1caee&id=de28eed8e3&e=[2/5/15, 8:16:31 PM] Weekly Update February 6 Card receipt (from the Payware system). If a consumer does not take immediate delivery you will also have to qualify the customer with a preauthorization. Download the point of sale sign and start making plans NOW to promote this offer. It's perfect for regular sales or even better, a direct mail or Private Sale. Great Plains Members Hold Service Seminar With Property Managers Group - Building Customer Service Great Plains member Bob Regan of M & H Appliance, working with BrandSource members Tom Kiel of Kiel's Appliance & TV and Scott Boedigheimer, of Daugherty's Appliance held an Appliance Service 101 seminar last week hosting 13 property managers who oversee 12,000 apartments in seven states. "We taught the Property Management techs how to properly diagnosis problems in refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges, laundry and room air products over a four hour time frame. We sell these properties parts for the product they have to service and we sell them plenty of products," said Regan. In addition to the three BrandSource members, BrandSource parts supplier Dey Distributing was on hand with the latest tool sets the property managers would need to service today's appliances properly. At the end of the session the property managers came away with a greater knowledge of the appliances they have to repair on a daily basis, and the Service Seminar helped to grow stronger relationships between these BrandSource members and the property managers. One member was pulled aside by a property manager and was told he was building a new 100 unit project near by and that his BrandSource store would be getting the appliance bid because of the on hands training the BrandSource members provided. One more thing ... These BrandSource members are sending information to other BrandSource members who are in other areas and working with these property managers. Our thanks to these members who have shared this idea to help grow our member's businesses. Customer Service, The Quest For Quality Get the BrandSource Customer Service Seminar slides from Joe Higgins by clicking the image below. Joe gave this presentation to BrandSource members in 2014 and it is more relevant today than ever before: http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a2839d40cd7d7d75588e1caee&id=de28eed8e3&e=[2/5/15, 8:16:31 PM] Weekly Update February 6 Download the Appliance Rebates Checklist: Bosch Buying Fair Program Starts February 16! We corrected the message regarding an incorrect start date last week Friday morning. To be correct, the Bosch program begins February 16. The Bosch buying fair program is posted in the backroom. New Bosch Dishwasher Available NEW: The new SHXN8U55UC has launched and is available to order for all channels. NEW: BOSCH 7 Series Dishwashers to become Benchmark models download bulletin HERE . the NEW: Bosch Benchmark products received esteemed accolades at the International Builders' Show 2015. Best in show. Impressive and functional Most innovative. The list goes on for the many compliments given to Bosch home appliances at the IBS 2015 in Las http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a2839d40cd7d7d75588e1caee&id=de28eed8e3&e=[2/5/15, 8:16:31 PM] Weekly Update February 6 Vegas January 20 - 22. Read more here. New February Rebate Offer NEW: March 9 - March 21, up to $200.00 cash back on select Electrolux Front Load laundry pairs. The Electrolux Buying Fair Program is posted in your backroom and begins February 9. Due to technical difficulties, the GE webinar was not recorded. The GE Buying Fair program is posted in your backroom. The program begins February 9. LG Buying Fair Program In the LG webinar yesterday, Ray French outlined the simple-to-understand FA$T CA$H program for BrandSource members. The program is open to all distribution channels. However, French recommends if you are buying outside of Expert Warehouse you verify at the show that your pre-show orders have been submitted. Expert Warehouse will be submitting pre-show orders for members so you will not have to verify that your orders have been submitted. French also stated that members could save more by buying beginning February 11, when the President's Day Sale SPAs begin. This allows you to earn those SPA's (Net Dealers) and the FA$T CA$H. The LG Buying Fair program and Webinar slides were updated last night and can be downloaded from the backroom. The LG buying Fair program begins February 9 (but wait until the 11). Note: The LG Buying Fair webinar link is also posted in your backroom and you can watch the replay. . Samsung Buying Fair Program Begins Feb. 9 Note to Samsung members who net the IRs: Samsung is offing a buy-in program beginning January 30. The buying fair program begins February 9 and that program will offer additional offs. The program will be posted next week Friday or earlier, so be sure to http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a2839d40cd7d7d75588e1caee&id=de28eed8e3&e=[2/5/15, 8:16:31 PM] Weekly Update February 6 check out the savings! Samsung February Rebate Forms Available NEW: February 5 - February 16, up to $300.00 mail in on rebate select Samsung kitchen appliances. BRAND SOURCE EXCLUSIVE rebate. NEW: February 5 - February 16, $100.00 mail pairs. BRAND SOURCE EXCLUSIVE rebate. in rebate on select Samsung laundry Samsung Dealers ... Earn a Trip To Costa Rica! Click contest HERE for details . The Whirlpool Buying Fair webinar replay link is posted in your backroom The Whirlpool Buying Fair Program is posted in your backroom and begins February 9. A Big "Thank You" to our Summit Furniture Sponsors New BrandSource 2015 EXCLUSIVE Serta Program Triple Choice Media Offering - 2015 PRESIDENTÕS DAY EVENT PURPOSE: 1. To increase retailer participation in Serta nationally advertised holiday events. 2. To increase exposure and retailer participation in Serta sponsored media offerings currently seen at www.sertaretail.com by packaging these offers to Brand Source 3. To maximize and grow Brand Source bedding category business. CHOOSE ONE OPTION #1 – FREE FLYERS by Color Ad Free printing up to 100,000 pieces http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a2839d40cd7d7d75588e1caee&id=de28eed8e3&e=[2/5/15, 8:16:31 PM] Weekly Update February 6 OPTION #2 – SERTA DIGITAL PROMOTION by JRR Media OPTION #3 – LOCAL INTERNET MARKETING PROGRAM by Netsertive Supported by Serta up to a maximum expense of $2,300 Expense is over and above normal coop Color Ad distribution can be submitted to coop How It Works: 1. BrandSource will choose his best option of media. 2. Orders will run through the respective media company, i.e. Color ad, JRR Media or Netsertive 3. Color Ad, JRR Media, or Netsertive will submit orders to Marilyn Ramsden 4. Marilyn Ramsden will submit orders direct to the local plant sales manager for local approval. 5. All orders will be processed. Any questions, please feel free to contact Marilyn at 951-2067066 or mramsden@serta.com Editors Note: If you are not using this FREE advertising program, pick one of the above TODAY! For members who want to explore the internet for advertising, this costs you nothing. No hidden fees, just additional sales prospects. Don't wait, this promotion starts soon. More details HERE (Note: The URL is correct but was not fully connecting earlier today) http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a2839d40cd7d7d75588e1caee&id=de28eed8e3&e=[2/5/15, 8:16:31 PM] Weekly Update February 6 2015 Simmons Prices BrandSource has posted the 2015 Simmons mattress prices in your backroom. Get Your Share Of Bedding Sales in 2015 Volume 145 NO.1 January/February Furniture World Magazine Posted: 12/29/2014 By Gordon Hecht Top Reasons Shoppers DonÕt Buy Your Beds 1. Most RSAs Are Reluctant to Introduce Bedding. Sure, you coach your team to introduce bedding on every bedroom sale. But, does your team talk about your Sleep Department products with Dining, Living Room, and Recliner Shoppers? Statistics show that over 85% of people sleep on a substandard mattress resulting in a decrease in their daily performance and lifestyle and an increase in weight and other health issues. That translates to 85 out of 100 people walking into your store could benefit from the health benefits of a new sleep surface. Train your team on the benefits of good sleep and the impact that a new sleep system can have on their shoppersÕ lives. Remind them that most shoppers are not furniture buying experts and need guidance in learning about all that your store offers. And most of all donÕt put up with, ÒThey didnÕt ask for oneÓ as an acceptable response for not showing a mattress set to every shopper. 2.RSAs Limit Consumer Choice. ItÕs a fact, despite comfort tests, product knowledge, sale promotions, and best options, many shoppers purchase the mattress that the RSA wants to sell them. Sometimes itÕs because of price-high and low, other times itÕs spiffs, and still other times, itÕs because itÕs the mattress that the RSA sleeps on. However, with 96% of your shoppers leaving without a mattress, you need to ensure that shoppers are shown ALL mattresses that suit their needs and comfort levels. DonÕt let your team sink into the practice of not selling a brand that you display, and donÕt let them become Whale-Hunters and only show multi-thousand dollar bedding. Every mattress model has a place on your floor, everything is for sale, and every sale counts. 3. The Be-Back Mattress Bus Will Not Return! Most of what full line stores sell may be considered ÒBe-BackÓ merchandise; sofa and bedroom set shoppers often need to check color, size, and scale in their home before making a purchase. The mattress is a ÒNow-TodayÓ purchase, meaning that if your shopper leaves your store without a mattress-they will buy one at your competitors TODAY. DonÕt allow or encourage RSA prejudices to affect your sales. If you canÕt get the $1499 mattress sale today, take the $799, $599, or even $399 sale before the guy down the street takes it. When it comes to the Be-Back Bus, remember that it stops at every store in town, and does not make a return trip! 4. Customers ArenÕt Told That Each Mattress has TWO Prices. My contacts at GE Money, a major player in furniture consumer financing, tell me that the average approval amount for new shoppers is $4400. Further, the average first time purchase totals $1400. Your RSAÕs job is NOT to load up buyers with things they donÕt need and canÕt afford, however they are responsible for assessing shopperÕs total needs, presenting products, and encouraging them to select what they want to buy today. http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a2839d40cd7d7d75588e1caee&id=de28eed8e3&e=[2/5/15, 8:16:31 PM] Weekly Update February 6 Many shoppers think of a new mattress as a commodity item, and are comfortable with utilizing Free Financing to pay for it, just like a washer and dryer or refrigerator. Think of a $1199 mattress and foundation as a $19.95 additional payment on a 60 month contract. Adding a basic $599 set costs less than ten bucks a month. When quoting the installment cost for that new Living Room or Dining Set, remind your buyers that for a small amount more they can upgrade their sleep, health and well-being. Furniture retailing veteran Gil Colon says that every mattress set has two prices, the cash price and the monthly installment cost. Make sure that your sales team knows both. 5. ItÕs in the back. I can find the Bedding Department in almost any furniture store in the US. I simply walk in the front door and go to the back hidden corner. And when I get the Sunday newspaper and study furniture store circulars, I flip to the back page to see the mattress promotion. When you keep mattresses in the back of the store, and promotions on the back of the ad, the result is that it is Back of the Mind for your sales team, managers and shoppers. 6. Not Showing Value Up Front. The upside of consumers viewing bedding products as a commodity is that shoppers know a (perceived) Hot Deal when they see it. Just as Wal-Mart or Target can make a value statement by promoting front page hot buys on coffee and cola, furniture stores can scream value by promoting hot buy bedding on Page One! Once in your building, shoppers make up their minds about your store within about 20 feet of the front door. Imagine how they would perceive your overall pricing if the first thing they saw was a triple-choice comfort promotion at $399 Queen. Although your shoppers may not have any interest in purchasing a mattress, when it comes to prices, they know that the store that starts out the lowest ends up the lowest. 8. Under Promoting The Category. YouÕll get out of it what you put into it. Floor space, signage, and advertising is an investment. ItÕs hard to get to 20% in Bedding Sales Volume when you spend 5% of your ad budget on standalone bedding advertising. Simple as it sounds, if you want 20% bedding share in sales, you need to give it a 20% share of the space in your advertising. 9. Failure To Show The Right Beds. ItÕs possible to get 20% in sales when bedding is shown in 10% of your floor space, if you have the right beds. Ask your bedding vendors which models and technologies are selling well in your market, and adjust your selling space to that every 90 days. Be sure your beds and test pillows are clean enough that your mother would want to sleep on them. Cut pricing on clearance and shopworn merchandise to the bone, even 50% of cost, to move them out. Dead beds take up live selling space. 10. Not Visiting Your Neighbors Shop your neighbors, because they are already shopping you. Know their offers, standards, practices, and their exceptions to the rules. Know how you are beating them, and how they beat you every single day. 11. Failure To Count. Lastly, measure results and set goals against your standards. Coach your team to show and sell-every day. Knock out your two lowest selling SKUs every ninety days-and perhaps your lowest selling RSAs every 120 days. http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a2839d40cd7d7d75588e1caee&id=de28eed8e3&e=[2/5/15, 8:16:31 PM] Weekly Update February 6 unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a2839d40cd7d7d75588e1caee&id=de28eed8e3&e=[2/5/15, 8:16:31 PM]
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