Doctoral & Post-Doctoral Research Professional Experience


Doctoral & Post-Doctoral Research Professional Experience
February 06, 2015
Yogesh Malhotra
Citizen of United States of America
phone: 01 (646) 770-7993
Ithaca, NY 14852-4892, USA
Doctoral & Post-Doctoral Research
MIS & Statistics Double Doctorate: MIS & Controls, Statistics & Quantitative Methods, 91 Cr for 45-Cr PhD
Top-10 Ph.D. MIS-Controls-Statistics, Full Scholarship, Pitt, Katz School of Business 91 Cr
PhD Equivalent Courses in MIS & Controls, Ph.D. Equivalent Courses in Statistics
Ph.D. Courses in Statistical Quantitative Methods, Carnegie Mellon University GSIA
Research Fellowship with Top-10 Founder of MIS & Pioneer of IT Strategy, William R. King
PhD Thesis on Control Systems: Quantitative Risk Modeling of Controls & Compliance, UPMC
Advisors & Chairs Dennis Galletta (Thesis), William R. King (MIS), Jacob Birnberg (Controls/Accounting)
Post-Doctoral Research (2009-2015): Advanced Data Analytics, Statistics & Econometrics; Quantitative Finance &
Risk Modeling; Computer Science, Networks & Cybersecurity, Cyber Risk & Cybersecurity Insurance Risk Modeling;
MIS, Information Assurance, Big Data Modeling, Data Mining, Algorithms, Machine Learning, Accounting & Auditing.
Post-Doctoral Research Thesis on Advanced Analytics, Quantitative Finance & Cyber Risk Insurance 2015
Including 80 Graduate Credits in Computational & Quantitative Analytics-Finance.
Mentors: Senior Computer Scientists, Physicists, and, Quants; Air Force Research Lab Chief Scientist & Sr. Scientists
M.S. Network & Computer Security, Advanced Analytics-Quantitative Finance, SUNYIT, 37 Cr 2015
PRMIA Executive Education in Risk Management, Kellogg School of Management
M.S. Computer Science, Advanced Analytics-Computational Finance, SUNYIT, 33 Cr
Mentors: Wall Street Senior Quants, JP Morgan Global Head of Quantitative Research & Analytics
M.S. Quantitative Finance, Quantitative Risk Modeling, Fordham University, New York, 53 Cr
M.F.E Executive Education Program, MFE C++, MFE Math, MFE Stats, UC Berkeley
M.S. Accountancy, Finance, GPA 4.0/4.0, Accounting & Auditing Modeling, SUNYIT, 53 Cr
M.B.A./Quantitative Economics, GPA 4.0/4.0, Full Scholarship, UNLV, Las Vegas, 42 Cr
Beta Gamma Sigma and Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Societies Inductee for Academic Excellence
Professional Certifications: SAS, CISSP, CISA, CEH, CPA (Education), SAP-ERP, SAP-CRM
CCP/CDP 1993-Current, CISSP 2005-Current, CISA 2007-Current, CEH 2014-Current;
SAS Advanced Programming, SAS Base Programming, SAS SQL, SAS Macros, SAS Institute.
Professional Experience
Global Risk Management Network, LLC, Computational Quantitative Research Scientist,
Post-Doc Research in Advanced Analytics, Statistics & Econometrics; Quantitative Finance; Networks & Cybersecurity.
JP Morgan Private Bank, Quantitative Statistical & Econometrics Modeling Leader, Manhattan.
- Mentor: JPM Global Head of Quantitative Research & Analytics at JPM Bank with $500-600Bn AUM.
Goldman Sachs Alumnus’ Bank, Econometrics & SAS Big Data Modeling Leader, Manhattan.
- Mentor: Senior SVP Hedge Fund Manager at top Wall Street Investment Bank with $400-500Bn AUM.
Post-Doctoral Quant Research after Dept. of Quantitative Methods eliminated at Syracuse University in restructuring.
Syracuse University, School of Management, Associate Professor, MIS (Promoted)
Syracuse University, MBA Faculty of IT & OR, Asst. Professor of Quantitative Methods 2001-2008
Florida Atlantic University, College of Business, Assistant Professor, MIS
University of Pittsburgh, College of Business, MIS Lecturer & PhD Research Fellowship1993-1998
Executive Education Faculty: IT, e-Biz, & KM: Carnegie Mellon, Kellogg School of Management
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Editorial Review Boards: National Science Foundation, 40+ Top Academic Journals, Proceedings, etc.
Consulting: $1 Trillion Funds, $100 Billion Hi-Tech Firms, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, NSF, US &
World Governments, UN, UPMC. Finance-IT-Risk Management Ventures Clients/Patrons: Goldman
Sachs, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Harvard, MIT, etc. Media: Wall Street Journal, New York Times,etc.
Other: Global Banking & Finance: Bank of America, Crédit Agricole, Wells Fargo, Big-3 IT, Tata Group.
Research & Curriculum Innovation Grants
United Nations World HQ National Knowledge Assets Measurement Invited Research Grant, 2003
Intel Corporation Next Generation e-Business Architectures Invited Research Grant, 2001
Snyder Innovation Management Center Research Grant, Syracuse University, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008
Brethen Operations Management Institute Research Grant, Syracuse University, 2005
Martin J. Whitman School of Management Research Grant, Syracuse University, 2003, 2004, 2005
Center for Creation and Management of Digital Ventures Research Grant, Syracuse University, 2003, 2004
Martin J. Whitman School of Management Innovation Grant, Syracuse University, 2004
Kaufman Foundation, LLEEP Entrepreneurship Innovation Grant, Syracuse University, 2003
SAP University Alliance, SAP ERP/CRM Innovation Grants, Syracuse University, 2003
Research & Teaching Experience
Analytics, Business Analytics, Scientific Analytics, Quantitative Analytics, Information Systems, IT Strategy,
Management Information Systems, Operations Research, Management Science, Supply Chain Management,
Quantitative Methods, Numerical Methods, Research Methods, Numerical Programming, Object Oriented
Programming, Advanced Statistics & Probability, Advanced Econometrics, Large-Scale Data Modeling,
Quantitative Economics, Quantitative Finance, Risk Management, Information Assurance, Cybersecurity,
Penetration Testing, Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence & Modeling, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Data
Communications, Network Science, Telecommunication Networks, Networking Protocols & Standards.
Awards & Honors
AACSB Reports Impact of Research among Markowitz 1952, Sharpe 1964, Black & Scholes 1973, Malhotra 2004
Academy of Management, Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Technology & Innovation Management & OCIS
Academy of Management, Best Reviewer Award for Structural Equation Modeling Best Paper
American Soc. for Info. Sc. & Tech. Citation Analysis, Top-45 Knowledge Management Scholars
Association for Information Systems Doctoral Consortium Fellow, University of Pittsburgh PhD Candidate
CNet Networks Corporate Computing Award for Most Influential Research awarded as Syracuse Faculty
Carnegie Mellon: Industry.Net Online Achievement Awards, Top-3 Web Search Engine U.S. National Ranking
Computerworld Internet Forecast Best Web Site Award for Developed Web site in Worldwide Ranking
The Conference Board CxO Keynote Speaker for Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award CxOs
Drexel University Survey, Top-3 Knowledge Management Scholar among Tom Davenport & Ikujiro Nonaka
Institute for Supply Management Global Membership Coverage of Knowledge Management Research
Intel Corporation Next Generation e-Business Architectures Invited Expert Paper
National Science Foundation National Computer Scientists Expert Panels Service as Syracuse Faculty
Queen’s University (Canada), Fulbright Invitation as Fulbright-Queen’s University Visiting Research Chair
Syracuse University, Multiple Research Grants and Inter-Disciplinary Curriculum Innovation Grants
Syracuse University, Recognized by SU Chancellor and President as Exemplar of Serving the Public Good
United Nations HQ Global Macroeconomists Expert Panel Keynote on Knowledge Assets Measurement
United Nations HQ Global Macroeconomists National Knowledge Assets Measurement Expert Paper
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University of Minnesota Citation Analysis Study, Top-58 Knowledge Management Scholars
US & World Governments and Parliaments Invited Advisor & Keynote Speaker
Ziff Davis Global Standard of Internet Commerce co-Founding Editor
Who's Who in America®, Who's Who in the World®, Who's Who in Finance & Industry®, Who's Who in Science & Engineering®
Courses Development, Delivery, & Learning Assurance
Syracuse University, School of Management, Associate Professor, MIS (Promoted)
Syracuse University, Assistant Professor of Quantitative Methods
MBA Faculties of IT & Operations Research
Coordinator of Learning Assurance & Program Development
Syracuse University Intellectual Property Committee, Member
School Representative for Inter-Disciplinary Curriculum Integration
- Business-Process Focused Curricular Integration: Management Science/SAP-ERP/CRM
Department Representative on Dean’s Team for Learning Assurance
- Accounting and MIS Departments
Coordinator for National Benchmarking of Management Information Systems Core
- Quantitative Methods Department (IT/OR/Statistics) Department Lead
Graduate (MBA, Executive MBA)
SCM 702: Principles of Management Science
MBC 600: Information Technology & E-Commerce for Management
MBC 612: MS-Office Computer Proficiency
MIS 600: Knowledge Management
SCM 403: Introduction to Management Science
MIS 335: Information Systems for Decision Support
MIS 325: Introduction to Information Systems for Managers
SOM 123: Management Information Systems
Florida Atlantic University, College of Business, Assistant Professor, MIS
Coordinator of New Program Development
e-Business and Knowledge Management MBA Concentration
Graduate (MBA, Executive MBA)
ISM 6301 Management Information Systems
ISM 6375 Knowledge Management and Information Technology
ISM 6387 Electronic Commerce and Internet Business Applications
CGS 3300 Management Information Systems
University of Pittsburgh, College of Business, MIS Lecturer
BUSBIS 1600: Technology-Enabled Business Transformation
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Research Publications & Papers
Google Scholar Citations: 5,088+
[Skip to See Prior Research]
Malhotra, Yogesh. Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit for the Cyber Era: Model Risk Management of
Cyber Insurance Models Using Quantitative Finance and Advanced Analytics
Available at SSRN:
Post-Doctoral Thesis, 189 Pages, 145 References, 208 Footnotes, Submitted Date: January 19, 2015.
Research Impact Rankings:
SSRN's Top Ten: Econometric & Statistical Methods - Special Topics eJournal: February 2015.
SSRN's Top Ten download: ERN: Econometric & Statistical Methods (Topic); ERN: Uncertainty & Risk
Modeling (Topic): February 2015.
Ongoing Advanced Analytics, Computational Quantitative Finance, and Cybersecurity research advances upon prior
Model Risk Management frameworks research impact of which is evident in the Risk Management policies
and strategies of the US Federal Reserve, the Office of Comptroller of Currency, and top Wall Street
Investment Banks such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.
1. Markov Chain Monte Carlo Models, Gibbs Sampling & Metropolis Algorithm for High-Dimensionality
Complex Stochastic Problems.
Research Impact Rankings:
SSRN's Top Ten: Stochastic Models eJournal: February 2015.
SSRN's Top Ten download: Computational Techniques (Topic); OPER: Analytical (Topic): February 2015.
2. Beyond ‘Bayesian vs. VaR’ Dilemma to Empirical Model Risk Management: How to Manage Risk (After
Risk Management Has Failed) for Hedge Funds.
Research Impact Rankings:
SSRN's Top Ten: Econometric Modeling: Capital Markets - Risk eJournal: January 2015.
SSRN's Top Ten: Microeconomics: Decision-Making under Risk & Uncertainty eJournal: January 2015.
SSRN's Top Ten download: Value-at-Risk (Topic); Uncertainty & Risk Modeling (Topic): January 2015.
3. Quantitative Modeling of Trust and Trust Management Protocols in Next Generation Social Networks
Based Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
4. A Risk Management Framework for Penetration Testing of Global Banking & Finance Networks Voice
over Internet Protocols.
5. Cryptology beyond Shannon’s Information Theory: Preparing for When the ‘Enemy Knows the System’
With Technical Focus on Number Field Sieve Cryptanalysis Algorithms for Most Efficient Prime
Factorization on Composites.
6. A Framework for Penetration Testing & Security of Network Protocols for Global Banking & Finance
Call Centers.
7. Future of Bitcoin & Statistical Probabilistic Quantitative Methods: Global Financial Regulation
(Interview: Hong Kong Institute of CPAs).
8. Bitcoin Protocol: Model of 'Cryptographic Proof' Based Global Crypto-Currency & Electronic
Payments System.
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9. Quantum Computing, Quantum Cryptography, Shannon's Entropy and Next Generation Encryption &
10. Cryptology Beyond Shannon's Information Theory: Preparing for When the 'Enemy Knows the
11. C++11 Concurrency and Multithreading Programming Logic for High Frequency Trading and Hedge
12. Measuring & Managing Financial Risks with Improved Alternatives beyond Value-At-Risk (VaR).
13. VLANs Implementation, inter-VLAN Routing & VLAN Trunking Protocol using Cisco Network
Security Best Practices (Cisco VLANs).
14. Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention & Active Response: Frameworks, Systems, Methods,
Tools & Policies (Cisco IDS/IPS).
15. Analysis of Attack Trees for Mitigating Cybersecurity Attacks on Global Banking & Finance and
SCADA Systems.
16. Analysis of FIX and FAST as Financial Securities Trading and Transactions Messaging Network
17. Threats and Vulnerabilities: A First 'Appetizer' to Cybersecurity: 15 Minutes to Minimizing 95%
18. C++ Options & Financial Derivatives Pricing Algorithms and Quantitative Finance Design Patterns.
19. Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Models for Forecasting Nonlinear Chaotic Time Series Signals.
20. Machine Learning & Java Neural Networks Algorithms for Non-Linear & Non-Normal Signal
Processing of Financial Time Series.
21. A Probabilistic Mathematical Analysis Model of the Financial Market as a Bayesian Learner.
22. Algorithm Models of Social Networks, Graph Theory, Game Theory & Nash Equilibrium.
23. Vector Autoregressive Models of Market Microstructure for Analyzing High Frequency Econometric
Time Series.
24. Empirical Replication of Yield Curve Decomposition Models (Based on Cochrane and Piazzesi study,
25. Empirical Replication of Ho Lee Merton Short Rate and Term Structure Models for Bond Options
26. Empirical Calibrations of Hull White Model and Merton Tree Model for Modeling Interest Rates and
Bond Prices.
27. Empirical Models of Monetary Neutrality, Real Income Growth, Nominal Income Growth, and
28. Empirical Models of Purchasing Power Parity and Fisher Equation for Prices, Interest Rates, and
Exchange Rates.
29. Empirical Replication of JP Morgan Credit Default Swaps (CDS) Models for CDS Mark to Market
30. Empirical Replication of Merton's Model of Default Probabilities with Debt as an Option on Firm
31. Empirical Replication of the Gaussian Copula Model for Time to Default for Four Different Firms.
32. Empirical Replication of the Nth to Default Swap Pricing Model for Risk Pooling Strategy for Risky
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33. Empirical Replication of Merrill Lynch Gaussian Copula Model for Nth to Default Swap Pricing over
Multiple Periods.
34. Empirical and Simulation Models of Large Portfolio Approximation (LPA) of Credit Default
35. Worst Case Default Rates (WCDR) and VaR Models for Bank Loans Based Upon Gaussian Copula
36. WCDR and Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) Models for Bank Loans Given Probability of Default (PD)
and Loss Given Default (LGD).
37. CreditMetrics Methodology Models and Simulation for Assessing Credit VaR & Economic Capital for a
Bond Portfolio.
38. Moody's KMV Model for Distance-to-Default, Expected Default Frequency (EDF) and CDS Fair Value
Spreads Estimation.
39. Counterparty Default Risk Models for Semi-Annual and Annual Forward Rate Contracts for Currency
40. Bank's Credit Derivative Valuation Models of Ratings Transition Matrices, Real and Risk Neutral
Default Probabilities.
41. Monte Carlo Simulation and Option Pricing in C++: A Monte Carlo Pricer for Path Dependent
Financial Options.
42. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of GARCH Models for Empirical Analysis of Asset Prices and
Returns Time Series.
43. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Model for Empirical Analysis of Federal
Interest Rates.
44. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of 2-regime Markov Regime Switching Model for Empirical Analysis
of Federal Interest Rates.
45. Econometric Analysis and Volatility Modeling Using GARCH and VaR for Stock, Index, and
Commodity Time Series.
46. VaR Modeling with Monte Carlo and Historical Simulation (HS), Weighted HS, and Filtered HS for
Multiple Time Series.
47. Back Testing Model Comparisons of Unconditional and Conditional VaR Models for Multiple Financial
Time Series.
48. Black-Scholes Model Based Monte Carlo Engine for Derivatives Pricing of Exotic Options in C++.
49. Jump Diffusion Analysis of Option Price Sensitivity to Simulations in Comparison of Black-Scholes and
Monte Carlo Models.
50. A Comparison of CAPM, Constrained Portfolio Optimization, MACD, and Black Litterman Model
Portfolio Optimization Strategies.
51. Empirical Models of ARCH/GARCH Volatility and Black-Scholes Simulations for Pricing Vanilla and
Barrier Options.
52. Transient Directional Volatility Arbitrage & Volatility Neutralizing Hedging Strategies for Portfolio
53. Volatility Trading and Volatility Markets Using VIX, VIX Futures, VIX Options, and VIX Term
Structure Models.
54. Financial Statements Analysis Models of Constant Growth HPR, Steady State Dividend Growth, FCF
and Abnormal Earnings.
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55. Investment Strategy Portfolio Simulations and Comparative Volatility of Investment Portfolio and
Market Portfolio Models.
56. Financial Asset Valuation Models in Corporate IPOs, Bankruptcies, Liquidations, Restructurings,
Mergers and Acquisitions.
57. Fundamental Shifts in Financial and Accounting Risk Management Pertaining to Global Finance and
Capital Markets.
58. Fundamental Shifts in Efficient Markets Hypothesis, 'New Normal' Outside +/- 3-Sigma, and Market
59. Accounting Measurement and Reporting for Fair Value Accounting and 'Mark-to-Market' Transactions
and Events.
60. Advanced Financial Auditing of Simulated Corporation Financial Statements Using ACL for Auditing
and Compliance.
61. Financial Auditing & Assurance Simulation Using ACL for Risk Assessment of Firm's Enterprise
Business Processes.
62. Assessing Financial Audit Risk of Big-4 Firm's Proposed Audit Client Acquisition of Oracle
Corporation on Sun Acquisition.
63. FASB-IASB Convergence of US GAAP and IFRS Asset Fair Value Measurement Standards Based
Upon SFAS 157.
64. Forensic Accounting & Analysis of Financial Statements of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and
Berkshire Hathaway.
65. Financial Accounting Analysis of Statutory Merger of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation in
Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
[Back to (2009-Current)]
a) Named among “exemplars” of “considerable impact on actual practice” such as Black-Scholes, Harry
Markowitz & William Sharpe in the AACSB International Impact of Research Report (2008).
b) Knowledge Management research impact evident in US Fed & OCC Model Risk Management guidance:
SR11-7 & OCC 2011-12 mandating financial regulatory compliance by banks and financial institutions.
c) Published Model Risk Management frameworks for anticipation of risks beginning more than a decade
before OCC and Wall Street CROs recognized the imperative need to “anticipate risk” after the Crisis.
d) Ongoing Advanced Analytics and Cybersecurity research advances upon above Model Risk Management
frameworks to further research on ‘anticipatory’ Risk Management frameworks, models, and systems.
Research Monographs
1. Malhotra, Y. (ed.), Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations, Idea Group Publishing,
Hershey: PA, April 2000, 408 pages. 202 Citations.
2. Malhotra, Y. (ed.), Knowledge Management and Business Model Innovation, Idea Group Publishing,
Hershey: PA, April 2001, 470 pages. 138 Citations.
Journal Articles
1. Malhotra, Y., Galletta, D.F., and, Kirsch, L.J. How Endogenous Motivations Influence User Intentions:
Beyond the Dichotomy of Extrinsic and Intrinsic User Motivations, Journal of Management
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Information Systems, Summer 2008, Vol. 25, No. 1, 267-299.
Journal Impact Factor 2.662. 85 Citations.
Malhotra, Y. and Galletta, D.F., A Multidimensional Commitment Model of Volitional Systems
Adoption and Usage Behavior, Journal of Management Information Systems, Summer 2005, Vol. 22,
No. 1; 117-151.
Journal Impact Factor 2.662. 136 Citations.
Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Management in Inquiring Organizations, Computer Society of India
Communications (India), Vol. 30, Issue 4, July 2006, Special Issue on ‘Tacit Knowledge’ edited by
McGill University (Canada). 193 Citations.
Malhotra, Y., Integrating Knowledge Management Technologies in Organizational Business Processes:
Getting Real Time Enterprises to Deliver Real Business Performance, Journal of Knowledge
Management, Vol. 9, Issue 1, April 2005, 7-28. 263 Citations.
Malhotra, Y. and Galletta, D.F., Building Systems that Users Want to Use, Communications of the
ACM, 47, 12, December 2004, 89-94. Journal Impact Factor 2.863. 98 Citations.
Malhotra, Y., When Best Practices Becomes Worst Practices, Momentum: The Quality Magazine of
Australasia [Quality Society of Australasia], NSW, Australia, September 2002, 29-30.
Malhotra, Y., Enabling Knowledge Exchanges for E-Business Communities, Information Strategy: The
Executive's Journal, 18(3), Spring 2002, 26-31.
Malhotra, Y., Expert Systems for Knowledge Management: Crossing the Chasm between Information
Processing and Sense Making, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 20(1), 7-16,
King, W.R., and Malhotra, Y., Developing an Andragogy Model for IS/IT Education, Journal of
Informatics Education and Research, 3(1), Spring 2001, 1-14.
Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Assets in the Global Economy: Assessment of National Intellectual Capital.
Journal of Global Information Management, 8(3), July-Sep, 2000, 5-15. 180 Citations.
Reprinted as:
Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Assets in the Global Economy: Assessment of National Intellectual Capital. In
F. Tan (Ed.), Advanced Topics in Global Information Management. Hershey, PA: Idea Group
Publishing, 2002, pp. 329-345. 180 Citations.
Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Assets in the Global Economy: Assessment of National Intellectual Capital. In
V. Sugumaran (Ed.), Intelligent Support Systems Technology. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing,
2002, pp. 22-42. 180 Citations.
Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Assets in the Global Economy: Assessment of National Intellectual Capital.
In Y. Malhotra (Ed.), Knowledge Management and Business Model Innovation. Hershey, PA: Idea
Group Publishing, 2001, p. 232-249. 180 Citations.
King, W.R., and Malhotra, Y., Developing a Framework for Analyzing IS Sourcing, Information and
Management, 37(6), 2000, 323-334. 112 Citations.
Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Management for E-Business Performance: Advancing Information Strategy to
'Internet Time’. Information Strategy: The Executive's Journal, 16(4), Summer 2000, 5-16. 312 Citations.
Reprinted as:
Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Management for E-Business Performance: Advancing Information Strategy to
“Internet Time”. ICFAI Journal of Systems Management (India), August, 2003. 312 Citations.
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17. Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Management for E-Business Performance: Advancing Information Strategy to
'Internet Time'. In Y. Malhotra (Ed.), Knowledge Management and Business Model Innovation.
Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing, 2-15, 2001. 312 Citations.
18. Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Management for E-Business Performance: Advancing Information Strategy to
'Internet Time'. Journal of Production Engineering (South Korea), 3(8), 2000, 46-55. 312 Citations.
19. Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Management and New Organization Forms: A Framework for Business
Model Innovation. Information Resources Management Journal, 13(1), January-March, 2000, 5-14.
Reprinted as:
20. Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Management and New Organization Forms: A Framework for Business
Model Innovation. In M. Khosrowpour (Ed.), Advanced Topics in Information Resources
Management, (Advanced Topics in Information Resources Management Series, Vol. 1), Hershey, PA:
Idea Group Publishing, 1-18, 2002.
21. Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Management and New Organization Forms: A Framework for Business
Model Innovation. In Y. Malhotra (Ed.), Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations. Hershey,
PA: Idea Group Publishing, 2-19, 2000.
22. Malhotra, Y., Bringing the Adopter Back Into the Adoption Process: A Personal Construction
Framework of Information Technology Adoption. Journal of High Technology Management Research,
10(1), 1999, 79-104.
23. Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Management for Organizational White Waters: An Ecological Framework.
Knowledge Management, 2(6), March, 1999, 18-21.
24. Malhotra, Y., High-Tech Hidebound Cultures Disable Knowledge Management. Knowledge
Management, Knowledge Management, 2(5), February, 1999, 7-11.
25. Malhotra, Y., Business Process Redesign: An Overview. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 26(3),
Fall, 1998, 27-31. 192 Citations.
Reprinted as:
26. Malhotra, Y., Business Process Redesign: An Overview. ICFAI Journal of Operations Management
(India), November, 2002. 192 Citations.
27. Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Management for the New World of Business. Asian Strategy & Leadership
Institute Review, August, 1998, 36-41. 227 Citations.
28. Malhotra, Y., Controlling Copyright Infringements of Intellectual Property. Journal of Systems
Management, July, 1994, 45-51.
29. Malhotra, Y., Controlling Copyright Infringements of Intellectual Property: The Case of Computer
Software. Journal of Systems Management, June, 1994, 45-50.
30. Malhotra, Y., and Erickson, R.E., Interactive Educational Multimedia: Coping with the Need for
Increasing Data Storage. Educational Technology, April, 1994, 34-37.
31. Barton, L., and Malhotra, Y., International Infringement of Software as Intellectual Property, Industrial
Management & Data Systems, 1993, 93-100.
Conference Proceedings Papers
32. Malhotra, Y., Desperately Seeking Self-Determination: Key to the New Enterprise Logic of Customer
Relationships, Process Automation Track, Customer Relationship Management Mini-track. Proceedings
of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2004, New York, New York.
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33. Malhotra, Y. and Galletta, D.F., Role of Commitment and Motivation in Knowledge Management
Systems Implementation: Theory, Conceptualization, and Measurement of Antecedents of Success,
Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, January 2003, January 6-9,
2003, IEEE, Hawaii. 130 Citations.
34. Malhotra, Y., Role of Organizational Controls in Knowledge Management: From Constraints to
Enablers. Proceedings of the Information Resource Management Association International Conference,
Knowledge Management Track, Anchorage, Alaska, May 20-24, 2000.
35. Malhotra, Y., and, Galletta, D.F., Extending the Technology Acceptance Model to Account for Social
Influence: Theoretical Bases and Empirical Validation. Proceedings of the Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 32), 6-19, January, 1999, IEEE, Hawaii. 617 Citations
36. Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Management in Inquiring Organizations. Proceedings of the 3rd Americas
Conference on Information Systems, Indianapolis, IN, August, 1997. 193 Citations
37. Malhotra, Y., Theoretical & Empirical Redefinition of Information Systems Acceptance & Information
Systems Usage. Proceedings of the Academy of Management Meeting, Technology and Innovation
Management / Organizational Communication and Information Systems Doctoral Consortium, Boston,
MA, August, 1997.
38. Malhotra, Y., Reassessing and Clarifying Information Systems Acceptance and Usage. Proceedings of
the 3rd Americas Conference on Information Systems, Doctoral Consortium, Indianapolis, IN, August,
39. Malhotra, Y., Bringing the Adopter Back Into the Adoption Process: A Personal Construction
Framework of Information Technology Adoption. Proceedings of the Academy of Management,
Technology and Innovation Management, Boston, MA, August, 1997. (Abstract)
40. Malhotra, Y., and, Kirsch, L.J., Personal Construct Analysis of Self-Control in IS Adoption: Empirical
Evidence from Comparative Case Studies of IS Users & IS Champions. Proceedings of the First
INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, 105-114, Washington, DC, May,
41. Malhotra, Y., IS Productivity And Outsourcing Policy: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical
Analysis. Proceedings of the Inaugural Americas Conference on Information Systems, 142-144, August,
Pittsburgh, PA, 1995.
42. Malhotra, Y., and Erickson, R.E., MPC: An Evolving Standard in Multimedia Education. Educational
Multimedia and Hypermedia Annual, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 93: Educational Multimedia and
Hypermedia, AACE, Charlottesville, VA, 324-331, August, 1993.
Invited Expert Papers & Other Research
43. Malhotra, Y., Board of Advisors Perspective: On Knowledge Management and Actionable Intelligence.
Invited Interview as Board of Advisors member, Inside Knowledge (UK), 2009.
44. Malhotra, Y., Competitive Strategy for Highly Risky and Uncertain Business Environments. Business
Standard (India), January 2, 2007.
45. Malhotra, Y., On Model Risks & Systemic Risks Inherent in Financial Market Models: Rethinking
Management Information and Control Systems for the New World of Uncertainty and Risk. Invited
Interview of Influential UK Management Press, 2005. (Series of Interviews with Knowledge
Management Pioneers)
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46. Malhotra, Y., Expertise Location Management Systems: KMS by Another Name?. CIO Insight, July
47. Malhotra, Y., Measuring National Knowledge Assets of a Nation: Knowledge Systems for
Development. Expanding Public Space for the Development of the Knowledge Society. Report of the
Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting on Knowledge Systems for Development. Department of Economic
and Social Affairs Division for Public Administration and Development Management, United Nations,
New York, 2003, 68-126. 152 Citations.
48. Malhotra, Y., Why Knowledge Management Systems Fail? Enablers and Constraints of Knowledge
Management in Human Enterprises. In Holsapple, C.W. (Ed.), Handbook on Knowledge Management
1: Knowledge Matters, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 577-599, 2002. 344 Citations.
Reprinted as:
49. Malhotra, Y., Why Knowledge Management Systems Fail? Enablers and Constraints of Knowledge
Management in Human Enterprises. In Michael E.D. Koenig & T. Kanti Srikantaiah (Eds.), Knowledge
Management Lessons Learned: What Works and What Doesn't, Information Today Inc. (American
Society for Information Science and Technology Monograph), 87-112, 2004. 344 Citations.
50. Malhotra, Y., Why Knowledge Management Systems Fail? Enablers and Constraints of Knowledge
Management in Human Enterprises. In Holsapple, C.W. (Ed.), Handbook on Knowledge Management
1: Knowledge Matters, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 577-599, 2004. 344 Citations.
51. Malhotra, Y., Is Knowledge the Ultimate Competitive Advantage?. Business Management Europe ,
September, 2003, Q3/4, pp. 66-68.
52. Malhotra, Y., Is Knowledge the Ultimate Competitive Advantage?. Business Management Asia,
September, 2003, Q3/4, pp. 67-69.
53. Malhotra, Y., The Knowledge Application Gap in Information Systems Research & Education and their
Quest for the Dependent Variable. Information Resources Management Journal, Volume 16, Issue 2,
April-June 2003, pp. i-vii.
54. Malhotra, Y., Information Ecology and Knowledge Management: Toward Knowledge Ecology for
Hyperturbulent Organizational Environments, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS),
UNESCO/Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, 2002.
55. Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Management: The Supply Chain Nerve Center. Inside Supply Management,
Institute for Supply Management, July 2002, pp. 34-43
56. Malhotra, Y., Enabling Next Generation e-Business Architectures: Balancing Integration and Flexibility
for Managing Business Transformation. Intel Corporation, Portland, Oregon. Summer 2001.
57. Malhotra, Y., From Information Management to Knowledge Management: Beyond the 'Hi-Tech
Hidebound' Systems. In K. Srikantaiah & M.E.D. Koenig (Eds.), Knowledge Management for the
Information Professional. Medford, N.J.: Information Today Inc. 37-61, 2000. 161 Citations.
58. Malhotra, Y., Intellectual Capitalism: Does KM=IT? Three Myths That Can Derail Your IT & KM
Investments. CIO Enterprise, Sep. 15, 1999.
59. Malhotra, Y., Deciphering the Knowledge Management Hype. Journal for Quality & Participation, JulyAugust, 1998. 296 Citations.
60. Malhotra, Y., Knowledge Management, Knowledge Organizations & Knowledge Workers: A View from
the Front Lines. Maeil Business Newspaper, South Korea, February 19, 1998.
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February 06, 2015
61. Malhotra, Y., Virtual Corporations, Human Issues & Information Technology. Training &
Development, American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), Feb. 1, 1997.
Book Chapters
62. Digital Assets, Markets & Exchanges: Operational Risk, Enterprise Risk, Model Risk, and Systemic Risk
& New Digital Business Models
63. Malhotra, Y., Is Knowledge Management Really an Oxymoron? Unraveling the Role of Organizational
Controls in Knowledge Management, In D. White (Ed.), Knowledge Mapping and Management,
Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing, 1-13, 2002.
64. Malhotra, Y., Organizational Controls as Enablers and Constraints in Successful Knowledge
Management Systems Implementation. In Y. Malhotra (Ed.), Knowledge Management and Business
Model Innovation. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing, 326-336, 2001. (reprint)
65. Malhotra, Y., Role of Organizational Controls in Knowledge Management: Is Knowledge Management
Really An 'Oxymoron'. In Y. Malhotra (Ed.), Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations.
Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing, 245-257, 2000.
Other Professional Activities
Inter-disciplinary Faculty Certifications
Certified as Entrepreneurship Faculty, Kaufman Foundation, LLEEP, 2003
Certified as SAP CRM Teaching Faculty, SAP University Alliance, 2003
Certified as SAP ERP Teaching Faculty, SAP University Alliance, 2003
Invited Editorial Review Panels
American Management Association
Butterworth-Heinemann Business Books
CRC Press
Cambridge University Press
Harvard Business School Publishing
McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Perseus Books
Prentice Hall Professional Reference
Sage Publications
Associate Editor
e-Service Quarterly (Indiana University Press)
Information Resources Management Journal
International Editorial Advisory Boards
Knowledge Management (UK)
The Learning Organisation: An International Journal (UK)
International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management (France)
Global Journal of e-Business and Knowledge Management (IIT, Delhi)
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Journal Special Issues Editor
Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal
Information Resources Management Journal
Information Strategy: The Executive’s Journal
Journal of Global Information Management
Editorial Review Panels: Journals
Communications of the ACM
Decision Sciences
IBM Systems Journal
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Information Resources Management Journal
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
International Journal of Information Management
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
Journal of Association for Information Systems
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship
Journal of Information Technology and Management
Journal of Management
Journal of Management Information Systems
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce
Journal of Strategic Information Systems
MIS Quarterly
OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science
Editorial Review Panels: Proceedings
Academy of Management
Association for Information Systems
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Information Resources Management Association
International Conference on Information Systems
National Science Foundation (NSF) SBIR/STTR Review Panels: Phase I and Phase II
A Novel Three-Dimensional Ear Biometric Technique
A WebTurbine for Lightweight, Ubiquitous Internet Publishing
BriefMaker - A Requirements Definition Tool
Commercialization of Publicly Available Works
Computer Aided Medical Website Evaluation
Computerized Tool for Baggage Screening
Development of 802.11 Asset Tag
Dynamic Automated Search in the Context of Knowledge Creation
GeoPOP: A Real-Time Location-Based Handheld Application
Highly Accurate Reconstruction Module for Multidisciplinary Computation
Hypertext Data Analysis Mapping: Software for Capturing, Organizing, and Reviewing Data Analyses
Integrated Software and Systems for Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization
Integrating Usability Engineering into a Method for Multiple Platform User Interface Deployment
Location-based PDA Bird Field Guide
Low-Cost System For Making Online Purchases
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Modeler's Workbench: Web Services-based Modeling Platform for the Process Industry
Multi-channel, Multi-device Collaboration System - Driving the Mobile Value Chain
Nanoscale Transport Processes Prediction/Design/Analysis Tool for NEMS Applications
Networked Basin Simulation Environment
Next Generation Binary Decision Diagrams Based Logic Optimization System
Object-Oriented Groundwater Data Repository Technology
Personalized Wireless Network
Polymer Workbench: Web Service Modeling Application Service and Integration for the Polymer Industry
PortSirIsaac--A Web Productivity Portal for Science and Mathematics
QTIPs - 24-Hour Technology Intelligence & Forecasting
Quality-Based Knowledge Discovery for Information Retrieval in Large Communities
Relational Database with Multiple User Interfaces Using Web Services Technology
Technological Advances for On-line Pesticide Reporting Project
Technology Stamps
The Atmospheric Information Remote Project: A Commercial Software for Personal Computing Devices
Unlocking Tacit Knowledge through Content-based Instant Messaging
Web-Based International Trade Knowledge Discovery System
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February 06, 2015
Pitt MIS PhD Thesis Supervisor & Professor
Professor Dennis Galletta, PhD, Professor of
Information Systems & Director of the Doctoral
Program, University of Pittsburgh, 282 Mervis Hall,
Katz Graduate School of Business, Pittsburgh, PA
15260,, (412) 648-1699.
Pitt MIS PhD Control Systems Supervisor & Professor
Professor Jacob G. Birnberg, PhD, Robert W.
Murphy Jr. Professor of Management Control
Systems Emeritus, Business Analytics & Operations,
University of Pittsburgh, 263 Mervis Hall, Pittsburgh,
PA 15260,, (412) 648-1719.
Fordham Advanced Econometrics Professor & Mentor
Professor Paul D. McNelis, PhD, Robert Benheim
Professor of Economics and Financial Policy,
Graduate School of Business Administration,
Fordham University, 1790 Broadway, Room 1322,
New York, N.Y. 10019, (212) 636-6186, .
Post-Doc Thesis Co-Chair, Network & Computer Security
Professor, Advanced Analytics Research Supervisor
Professor John Marsh, PhD,
Associate VP for Research
Director of MS-Network & Computer Security,
Associate Professor of Computer Science.
SUNY Polytechnic Institute,
100 Seymour Rd, Utica, NY 13502, (315) 792-7125.
JP Morgan Projects Supervisor & Mentor
Dr. Georgiy V. Zhikharev, PhD,
JP Morgan Global Head of Quantitative Research &
Analytics, US Head of Portfolio Management, JP
Morgan, 270 Park Ave., New York, NY 10017, (212)
Information Assurance Professor & Advisor, AFRL
Dr. Kevin A. Kwiat, PhD, CIV USAF AFMC
AFRL/RIGA, Program Manager & Principal
Computer Engineer, Air Force Research Laboratory
AFRL/IFGA, 525 Brooks Rd. Rome, NY 134414505,, (315) 330-1692.
Syracuse University MIS & IT/OR Faculty Supervisor
Professor Michel Benaroch, PhD,
Professor of Information Systems &
Associate Dean for Research & PhD, Martin J.
Whitman School of Management, 721 University
Ave., Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 132442450,, (315) 443-3492.
Fordham Quantitative Economics Professor & Mentor
Professor James R. Lothian, PhD, Topetta
Family Chair in Global Financial Markets and
Distinguished Professor of Finance, Fordham
University, School of Business, 113 West 60th
Street, New York, N.Y. 10023, (212) 636-6147,,
Fordham MSQF Big Data SAS Modeling Professor
Professor Nusret Cakici, PhD,
Professor of Finance, 113 West 60th Street,
Fordham University,
New York, NY 10023,, (212) 636 6776.
Post-Doc Thesis Chair, Network & Computer Security
Professor, Quantitative Finance Research Supervisor
Professor Jorge Novillo, PhD,
Ex-Dean of Information Systems and Engineering
Technology, Professor of Computer Science,
SUNY Polytechnic Institute,
100 Seymour Rd, Utica, NY 13502, (315) 792-7352.
Quantitative Finance Mathematician & Advisor
Professor Zora Thomova, PhD,
Interim Dean, College of Arts and Sciences,
Chair and Professor of Mathematics,
SUNY Polytechnic Institute,
100 Seymour Rd, Utica, NY 13502, (315) 792-7397.
Cybersecurity Practice Advisor & Mentor, NY-CRI
Dr. John S. Bay, PhD, Ex-Chief Scientist,
Information Directorate, Air Force Research
Laboratory, Executive Director, New York State
Cyber Research Institute, Griffiss Institute, 725
Daedalian Drive, Rome, NY 13441,
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