Waterlife for February 15, 2015
Waterlife for February 15, 2015
TABLE TALK SUNDAYS 9:45am TODAY: Killing Sunday School: A new look at church education i on ermiss to p a n g t si ents ts mus ice for stud n e r a P ff n the o vent. form i go to this e Cans for a Cause! Please bring your aluminum cans and place them in the trailer by the trash cans. Thanks! UPCOMING MEETINGS All Committees: Tues, Feb 17, 6:30pm Council: Wed, Feb 18, 8pm Care Core: Tues, Feb 24, 5:30pm Come, experience cross-generational Lent at Living Waters! The journey begins on Sunday, February 22, as people of all ages come together to experience Jesus’ journey to the cross in a new way. worship + education = 1 hour of "edu-worship" for 6 Sundays in Lent Look for details in the February newsletter and at the Ministry Corner. Financial Update PRAY FOR COMFORT OR HEALING Family member (Tina O’Brien) Rhonda Hukriede (niece of Ellen and Bert Howe) Larrie Ferguson (cousin of Howard Sylvester & Gary Germundson) Angie Staples (friend of Kris and Todd Mattson)Adam Bandemer (friend of Brenda Wright) Rich Romness (member) Brian Kalahar (brother of Sharon Strack) Frank Brownie (friend of Sylvesters, Lunds, Johnsons) Kris Nelson (sister of Rob Jacobs) Becky Johnson (mother-in-law of Christin Johnson) Maureen Mischler Eunice Simonson Elliot Imdieke (friend of Louise Ziegler) Delores Schwandt (mother of Deanna Fuchs) Alicia Schmidt (sister-in-law of Stacy DeArmond) Sue Lieberg (friend of Steve Anderson) Carolyn Williamson (friend of Steve Anderson) Larry Hennessy (member of the Guzek family) Sue Thering (mother of Brenda Wright) Doris Ulrich (mother of Brian Ulrich) Amy Reinhardt (sister of James LeMieur) Bruce Teal (brother of Chuck Teal) Pat Teal (sister-in-law of Chuck Teal) Jerry Mayers (relative of Lisa Anderson) Shirley Fischer (friend of Sheila Abraham) Suzie Vaudt (friend of Craig and Jana Gondeck) Gary Marohl (brother of Dee Carlson) Linda (friend of Jeff & Sue Fossum) Kathy Mueller and family (family of Karen Fuecker) Alyce Sanderson (friend of Valerie Souer) Doris (friend of Andi & Will Towner) Budgeted Offerings Actual Offerings Year to Date Variance $ 26,250.00 $ 24,475.69 $ -1,774.31 Mortgage Fund Year to Date as of 2/08/2015 Budgeted Offerings Actual Offerings Year to Date Variance $ 10,861.50 $ 13,890.58 $ 3,029.08 Feb 15 What is a promise of God that you have clung to during a difficult experience? Talk more about it. Feb 16 What comes to your mind about learning the Lord's Prayer? Feb 17 If a friend's grandma died, what would you like to do to help your friend feel better? Feb 18 Tell what you know about the day you were born or adopted. Feb 19 Tell about a friend who is loving and kind. Feb 20 Describe a political leader you admire whose actions seem to be governed by his/her faith. Feb 21 What is one of your favorite hymns? Why? Katie Rohling on the death of her mother, Marge Cornwall. James LeMieur on the death of his godmother, Evelyn Krafta. BAPTIZED TODAY Henry Jay Saenz and Cheyenne Jolynn Dahl, children of Stephine Dahl. SERVING in the ARMED FORCES Afghanistan Eric Wheeler (nephew of Dawn Martin-Wheeler) Fort Riley, Kansas Ricky Buckalew (husband of Dana Buckalew and son-in-law of Paulii Temple) Turkey Channing Levig (grandson of Doug and Wanda Bruns) Other regions Patrick Keller (nephew of Sheila & Terry Abraham) CHILD LOSS GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Next meeting will be Feb 17 @ 6pm. Rainbows After the Storm Project Donations can be put in the drawers by the front doors or large items can be put in the office. www.facebook.com/pages/Rainbows-After-TheStorm/1493078690915312 Question of the Day General Fund Year to Date as of 2/08/2015 SYMPATHY TO... LWLC CONTACT INFO * PH 320-255-1135 * FAX 320-255-8891 Pastor: Todd Mattson 320-288-6653 * todd@lwlcmn.org Pastor: Denise Hanson 701-570-8738 * denise@lwlcmn.org Parish Nurse: Carolyn Neubauer carolyn@lwlcmn.org Financial Secretary: Linda Becker linda@lwlcmn.org Congregational Life: Patti Goke patti@lwlcmn.org Pianist: Will White OFFICE HOURS will@lwlcmn.org TUES—FRI 9AM—3PM Council President: Bruce DeGrote lwlcpres@lwlcmn.org Facility Coordinators: Stacy DeArmond: stacydear1@gmail.com Cheri Satre: cheri@lwlcmn.org Web: www.lwlcmn.org Email: church@lwlcmn.org Facebook: Living Waters Lutheran Church Twitter : LWLCMN FEBRUARY 15, 2015 TRANSFIGURATION SUNDAY Wednesdays Ash Wednesday 2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25 February 18 Services 5:30pm & 7:00pm Service Free Soup and Bread Supper Free Soup and Bread Supper Mission: Joined to Jesus, the Living Water, by baptism, we are called to “Live the Water’s Life” together as the Holy Spirit transforms us by God’s grace. These six purposes: W-A-T-E-R-S unite and guide our ministries: Worship ~ Authentically Love ~Teach ~Empower ~Reach ~Serve 6:30pm GUEST INFORMATION THIS WEEK AT LIVING WATERS Welcome! We are glad you are here. Need a hearing device? Ask an usher. All are welcome to receive communion. Stop by the Welcome Center for information about Living Waters. Mon, Feb 16 Office closed 9am—3pm Day Camp for kindergartners thru 3rd grade 6:30pm Women’s book study Tues, Feb 17 10am Staff meeting 2:30pm—6pm Classroom use Rooms E & F 6pm Child Loss Grief support group 6:30pm All Team Night Wed, Feb 18 ASH WEDNESDAY 5-7pm Free soup and bread supper 5:30pm Ash Wednesday service 7pm Ash Wednesday service 8pm Council meeting Thurs, Feb 19 2:30pm—6pm Classroom use Rooms E & F 7pm AA & Al Anon Children's Offering during Worship: Kids are welcome to come up front during the offering and put any of the following in the kettle: coins, an item for the food shelf, a picture they’ve drawn that will be displayed at the back of the sanctuary. 5:30pm—6:30pm Please occasionally check your Drop File. 5pm—7pm Welcome New Members! TODAY, February 15 COMING SOON! Living Waters will soon be offering a 6 session discussion and conversation about popular movies with religious themes. Participants will have the week to watch a video on their own and then come to each session for discussion. What do we think about movies like “God Is Not Dead,” “Left Behind” and “Heaven is Real”? How do these messages line up with our Lutheran theology? Each week offers two opportunities to attend? Wednesdays, beginning Feb 25 at 7:30pm or Fridays, beginning Feb 27 @ 10am. Check out the display in the narthex! New Member Sunday Kindergartner’s receive baptism milestone Do you have a child ready for their First Communion? 8:30 & 10:30am Worship Registration forms for the First Communion class and Seder meal are available at the Tiki Hut, Ministry Corner or online a t h t t p : / / www.lwlcmn.org/firstcommunion.html. First Communion Class Saturday, March 28, 9-11am in the Life & Learning Center First Communion Maundy Thursday, Apr 2 at 7pm Preceded by a Seder Meal at 5:30pm 8:30 & 10:30am Worship (baptism at 10:30 service) 9:40 - 10:40am Cross-Generational Lent 9:30am Blood Pressure Check 9:40am Pond & Splash 9:45am Table Talk: Killing Sunday School 2pm Combined Youth Event at Powder Ridge 2pm Conference Gathering at Atonement 3pm New Wine rehearsal: Troops pg 34-39 3pm Movie: God’s Not Dead 4pm Boy and Girl Scouts 4pm New Wine rehearsal: Intro & Plain pg 1-10, 42-50 11:30am 8th graders set up for day camp 3pm New Wine rehearsal: Ken/Taj 3:45pm New Wine rehearsal: Donnley Intro 4pm Boy and Girl Scouts 4:30pm New Wine rehearsal: Brat If your service team is scheduled for an upcoming month, please check the online calendar (http:// www.lwlcmn.org/ worship-helpers) and let your service team leader know when you can help. NEXT SUNDAY, February 22 "The Candy Shop: Where God's Love is Sweet! This is a FREE Day Camp for Kindergartners thru 3rd graders TOMORROW from 9am - 3pm. The day camp is completely designed and run by the 8th grade confirmation class, though there will also be adults there to help out! Kids will play games, do crafts, sing, watch skits, participate in interactive bible stories, and have a blast! Registration forms are at the Ministry corner and the Tiki Hut! Want to help in worship? Do your kids get bored in church? Consider giving them a job to do at church! Submit a quick online request, and you’ll be set to go! One of the pastors will train your child on the job, and walk them through it that morning before worship. It’s a fun and easy way to get involved. Go to www.lwlcmn.org, click on “at LWLC”, then “worship”, then “worship helpers.”