Journeying through Lent at Wellspring
Journeying through Lent at Wellspring
February 11, 2015 Newsletter Vol. 25, Issue 2 Journeying through Lent at Wellspring The season of Lent invites us to be on a journey—both personal and in the footsteps of Jesus as he “turned his face toward Jerusalem.” The personal journey takes us inward for self examination and introspection so we can draw closer to God, before making our way outward to live as God would have us live. We invite you to join us during the season for worship, special services and personal devotion through prayer, study and reflection. Ash Wednesday Taize Service ~ February 18 at 7:00 pm Our journey begins with a time of silence and contemplation as we gather for a special service in the Taizé tradition, which combines readings, silence, prayer and song. This year’s service will focus on Isaiah 64:8: “We are the clay and you are our potter; we are the work of your hand,” and will include readings reflecting on our lives as vessels that provide a home for God, as well as the ritual of Imposition of Ashes. Come to this quiet place to begin the season of Lent in God’s presence. Weeknight Lenten Study: A Fresh Look at Holy Week Tuesdays, February 24–March 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room Join leader, Amber Wolover, for this next series based on Brian McLaren’s book: We Make the Road by Walking and take a fresh look at the scriptures and events of Holy Week. For more information about this class, see page 3 in this issue of the newsletter. Ukrainian Egg-Dying Class Tuesday Evening or Wednesday Morning Classes Jo Gelhaus & Cara Schamun, Leaders Come join the Experience of the Son, a Ukrainian Egg Dying Lenten Workshop at Wellspring United Methodist Church. Cara Schamun will be leading the evening classes 6:30–8:00 on Tuesdays (February 24, March 3, 10 and 21); Joan Gelhaus will lead the morning classes 9:30– 11:00 Wednesdays (February 25, March 4,11, and 18). All classes are in the Garden Room on the lower level. Please bring a candle and candle holder; two eggs as smooth and round as possible. All other supplies will be provided with your donation of $1/per person or $4/per family. As always, you are welcome to invite others. Lenten Giving Calendar ~ Giving From Abundance to Support Imagine No Malaria Be part of Wellspring’s effort to “Give from Abundance” to support Imagine No Malaria this Lent. Giving calendars are included in print versions of the Newsletter, or copies can be picked up in the narthex at church. See page 4 to learn more about this Lenten giving opportunity. Wellspring United Methodist Church 5702 South Hill Drive Madison, WI 53705-4444 Phone: 608-238-7753 Fax: 608-233-1330 E-mail: Web Site: Facebook: Our Garden Blog address: http:// Office Hours: Monday–Thursday 9–3 p.m. Published by Wellspring United Methodist Church, this newsletter keeps members and friends informed of programs of the church and shares news about the congregation. It is mailed in the middle of each month. The deadline for the next newsletter is Sunday, March 8, 2015. Church Staff Rev. Chris Bethke, Pastor Rev. Amber Wolover, Deacon April Day, Sunday Morning Nursery Loraine Pilgrim, Organist Eileen Porter, Choir Director Steven Webster, Bookkeeper Barbara Dick, Newsletter Editor Newsletter Deadlines Mar. 8, 2015 April 11, 2015 Newsletter Mailing Dates Mar. 11, 2015 April 15, 2015 In This Issue Lenten Worship and Class Schedule……….… Page 1 Adult Classes and Prayer Group Information… Page 3 Imagine No Malaria—Lenten Mission Project... Page 4 Homeless Shelter, Food Pantry……...…….….. Page 4 Choir Notes…………………...………….………. Page 5 Meet Our New Members………………………... Page 5 Easter Flower Order Form………………………. Page 6 Volunteers Needed………………………………. Page 6 The Crossing Gala Information …………….….. Page 6 Daylight Savings Time Begins on March 8, 2015 We always welcome volunteers willing to help assemble the newsletter on Wednesday mornings (9:30–10:30 a.m.) on the mailing date. We gather in Wellspring News Remember to move your clocks one hour ahead before going to bed on Saturday! 2 February 2015 Spiritual Formation There’s Still Time to Learn about the St. John’s Bible! Due to the snow storm that resulted in cancelling church the beginning of February, the Adult Sunday School St. John’s Bible class has been extended to include this coming weekend, February 15. Please feel free to come and learn about this amazing piece of art and Word during the Sunday School hour (9:40–10:30) in the multipurpose room. Then plan to see a portion of the actual manuscript at the Chazen Museum while it is in Madison on exhibit. Questions? Contact Ken Gelhaus at *Note: Seasons of the Spirit Adult Sunday School Classes, led by Barbara Dick and Sue Dixon, will resume on February 22 at 9:40-10:30 in the Multipurpose Room. Weeknight Lenten Study: A Fresh Look at Holy Week Tuesdays, February 24–March 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room The “Fresh Look at Holy Week” class will meet during the season of Lent on Tuesdays, February 24–March 24, at 6:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room. Each session will include reading scriptures that focus on the days/events of Holy Week, as well as reflecting on a chapter from Brian McLaren’s book, We Make the Road by Walking, in which he writes about those scriptures. McLaren’s writings are sure to provide a “fresh look” at the events of this holy week. All materials will be provided in class and no outside preparation is necessary. If you have any questions, please contact Amber Wolover, session leader, at Sessions and Topics for A Fresh Look at Holy Week include: February 24: March 3: March 10: March 17: March 24: Peace March (Palm Sunday) A Table. A Basin. Some Food. Some Friends. (Holy Thursday) Everything Must Change (Good Friday) Doubt. Darkness. Despair. (Holy Saturday) The Uprising Begins (Easter Sunday) New Prayer Group to Meet on Sunday Mornings The Prayer Group meets monthly to pray for the joys and concerns that were mentioned during Sunday services. In addition we pray aloud or in silence any other personal, community or universal concerns people have. It is a time of peace and meditation. So join us as we now meet…. EVERY THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH CHURCH LIBRARY, 10:15–10:45 a.m. Next meeting will be on February 15. Wellspring News 3 February 2015 Mission and Outreach Wellspring’s Homeless Shelter Meal Update Wellspring’s Dinner at the Shelter in January was a big hit. We had plenty for everyone and they all enjoyed it. We went through 3 and 1/2 pans of hearty tuna casserole (many thanks to the cooks at church), 9 gallons of soup and about 15 dozen breadsticks from Olive Garden (in addition to the salad and dessert). Thank you to all who provided food, cooked, transported, served and cleaned up. Your efforts went a long way to provide a lot of warmth for both both bodies and souls! A Special Invitation & Thank You . . . Save this date—Saturday, April 11*—for the Porchlight Volunteer Appreciation Brunch at Grace Episcopal Guild Hall (enter through the rear of the courtyard). Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with brunch served at 9:00 a.m. This is a great opportunity to meet others who serve, share experiences or questions you may have, and find out more about what Porchlight is doing in a broader way to address homelessness. This brunch also allows Porchlight to say in more personal way, "Thank You for all you do to help Porchlight make this necessary safety net available to all who need it." *Watch for more information next month, but put this date on your calendar now. February’s Food Pantry Donation Item ~ Canned Fruit During these cold winter months, we long to sink our teeth into a nice ripe strawberry or juicy peach. While those dreams may have to wait for warmer weather, we can help others enjoy fruit in the meantime by purchasing and donating canned fruit to the Lussier Food Pantry. So go out and get cans or jars of non-perishable fruit of any kind and in any size (personal serving to large cans or jars), and place them in the grocery cart in the narthex for delivery. All donations are welcome and appreciated! “Giving from Abundance” During Lent During Lent, we are called to pray, to sacrifice, and to give. Imagine No Malaria helps us put our faith into action as we think about the blessings in our lives and give so that others may life, and live more abundantly! The Giving from Abundance Calendar invites us to think every day about our access to resources and services that support our health: clean water, electricity, transportation, medicine. Many of us take these “necessary conditions for life” for granted. In reflecting upon our abundance, we are called to help create abundant life for others. Join others at Wellspring UMC as we use the “Giving from Abundance” Calendar during Lent this year (Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18 through Easter Sunday, April 5). Calendars are included in the print newsletters OR can be picked up in the narthex at church, beginning Sunday, February 15. Watch for future information about downloading a google calendar version so you can receive daily reminders on your electronic devices. Remember to place the money you donate each day in a container during the season, and then bring it to church on Easter Sunday so it can be donated to Imagine No Malaria. Thanks for your support of IMAGINE NO MALARIA! For more information about this United Methodist mission project, visit Wellspring News 4 February 2015 Church News The Choir Is “Up and Running” (That is, Singing!) The Choir was “on vacation” in January, but we have resumed rehearsals in February. We are preparing to sing a lovely anthem called “Bread of the World” on Sunday, March 1. The composer, Dennis Eliot, set that well-known text to variations of the familiar folk tune “Wayfaring Stranger.” This anthem is a perfect choice for Communion and for the Second Sunday in Lent. Our rehearsals are a special time of prayerful choral singing and just a WHOLE LOT of fun! Please consider giving us a try! We practice on certain Wednesdays from 7 to 8 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Choir Notes We will practice on February 11, February 25, and March 11. We will NOT rehearse on Ash Wednesday, February 18 or on Wednesday, March 4. If you would like to know more about the Choir, please visit with any Choir member and contact the Director, Eileen Porter, by e-mail at Welcoming New Members David is a retired professor of management in the Executive Education department of the School of Business at University of Wisconsin–Madison. He loves to travel and takes annual trips to somewhere in the world. David has enjoyed Italy, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Laos, Peru, Ecuador, France, southern Spain, Morocco and other countries. He is looking forward to going on a safari in Botswana next fall. David loves to sail in Little Traverse Bay on Lake Michigan every summer where he and Robin are members of a Methodist Chautauqua in Bay View, Michigan. About 30 years ago, David was in the Madison Potter’s Guild and is now returning to doing pottery on his own. Currently, David volunteers at the Habitat for Humanity west side store and enjoys meeting customers and selling goods that have been donated to the store. He is also a member of the west side YMCA Advisory Board. David enjoys reading, listening to music, swimming, yoga and meditation. He is married to member, Robin Pettersen, and they have two sons, David Antonioni Mario and Marcel. A lifetime resident of Madison, Charles was raised and confirmed in the Lutheran denomination. He majored in music keyboard and vocal. He was employed for the Wi. Motor Vehicle Department for 30 years. He’s single and is now retired. Interests and hobbies are an avid birdwatching, listening to various Charles Naeseth types of music; especially classical. He enjoys reading scripture, working jigsaw puzzles and travel; even though he hasn’t done so for several years, he’s now singing in the choir. Wellspring News 5 Anna and Randy Scott Anna Scott grew up in Arizona and moved to Madison in 2007. She works for GE Health-care as a manufacturing engineer. In her free time she enjoys running, photography and being outdoors. Anna and Randy (who is a member) were married in 2014. February 2015 Church News Easter Flower Order Form ~ Order Deadline Is March 15, 2015 We hope to create a beautiful and celebratory atmosphere in our worship area on Easter Sunday. If you would like to provide flowers for Easter, make your selection on this form and return it to the church office or drop it in the offering plate. Names will be listed in the Easter Sunday bulletin. NAME________________________________________________________ Specify number of plants and circle color choice. I would like to purchase: _____Easter lily $17.00 each _____Daisy Mums (yellow, white, lavender) $17.00 each _____Tulips (Red, Yellow, Pink, White) $17.00 each _____Azaleas (pink, purple, white) $17.00 each Given in honor of ______________________________________________ Given in memory of _______________________________________________ Please make your check payable to Wellspring UMC and mark it “Easter Flowers.” You may pick up plants following the second service on Easter Sunday. Looking for Worship Volunteers Anne Scott has recently taken on the task of preparing the monthly schedules for acolytes, greeters, ushers and liturgists. Thanks to all who currently serve in any of those positions. We appreciate your service. Each volunteer is an integral part of our Sunday morning worship experience. At this time, many people are scheduled in one capacity or another every single month. If we identify more volunteers, each person would only need to serve a few times each year. The tasks are not difficult and training or guidance is available. Please prayerfully consider adding your name to our list. Anne prepares the schedules about the 20th of each month. If you know that you will be gone, a call or an email will ensure that you aren’t in the schedule for that month. If you are scheduled for a day that you are going to be gone, you may switch with someone else on the schedule. A letter with detailed instructions about making changes goes out with each monthly schedule. Please email ( Anne if you have questions or to add your name to the list of volunteers THE CROSSING Ministry Annual Gala ~ April 24, 2015 at Monona Terrace THE CROSSING Campus Ministry is an ecumenical and mission-focused ministry for UW-Madison students. The Spring Gala is the primary fundraiser for THE CROSSING. The evening will, as always, be filled with good fellowship and inspiration, as students share transformational stories from Quest mission trips to Cuba, Sri Lanka and Costa Rica. The Gala starts with social time at 5:00 p.m., followed by dinner and program 6:00–9:00 p.m. Wellspring UMC has deep ties to THE CROSSING, and we have always shown our support with at least one table of members and friends. Let’s make it two this year! Tickets are $60 per person ($30 tax deductible); or your contribution can “Sponsor a Student.” Please join us. To make reservations or ask questions, please contact Barbara Dick ( or contact THE CROSSING directly and speak to Jessie Steinhauer ( (Note: Pay Pal is available for on line reservation and/or contributions). For more information about THE CROSSING and its mission, visit the website: Wellspring News 6 February 2015 United Methodist Women Sweetie Pie Sunday ~ February 15, Between Services Enjoy a slice of sweetness between services. Individual slices of delicious pies will be offered by UMW for $3 each or whole pies for $20. Proceeds will go to our Food Pantry Garden and to UMW membership development. We encourage all bakers to provide pies for this event. Please bring them to church by 8:30 Sunday morning, Feb. 15. Midday Gathering ~ Tuesday, February 17, 11:30–1:00 Bring your own lunch and join your friends at our Midday Gathering for February. Come hear a retired Madison policewoman share. In addition, as part of Black History Month, we will share our Charter for Racial Justice and explain its significance to UMW and our UMC. There will time for spiritual growth and a short UMW business meeting. Coffee will be provided. See you on Tuesday, Feb. 17th. Please contact Blanche Emerick or Sue Plasterer if you need transportation. Would you like to name our Midday Gathering something a little more creative? If so, we will provide a box in which you can drop your suggested names. It will be in the Narthex on the table by the UMW bulletin board. We’ll have the box at the Gathering on February 17th as well. If you would like to email the Mission Team a name, that would be great, too. We would like to hear from you! Pine Lake Retreat ~Saturday and Sunday, March 7 and 8 We have been invited by Bethany’s UMW to their annual spiritual growth retreat at Pine Lake. The spiritual focus this year is “Soul Keeping: Caring for the Most Important Part of You.” Our leader will be the Rev. Paola Benecchi, a UM pastor in Neenah. Reservation forms are available on the UMW bulletin board and are due to Karen Mayeshiba by Monday, February 23. For those who would like an extra evening to enjoy the beauty and quiet of Pine Lake, rooms will be available at the Bishop Rader Center on Friday evening, March 6. Details are on the registration form. Contact Sue Plasterer for more information. 2015 Pledge to Mission “Every year, the United Methodist Women national office and the board of directors strive to be faithful stewards of your Mission Giving dollars. In many ways, the needs are greater than ever, so the decisions about how to do that are not easy. Every single dollar makes a difference, and every additional dollar offers new opportunities to share the love of Jesus Christ. By making a commitment to Mission Giving, you make mission possible and continue the broad base of mission support that helps to make the world a better place for women, children and youth around the world” (Pledge to Mission Service 2015 by Lynn Gilbert; “Welcomed by God, Welcoming All” United Methodist Women Program Book 2014-2015). Thank you to all who have made a 2015 Pledge to Mission. Pledge forms and envelops continue to be available on the UMW bulletin board. Pledges can be made and paid through the end of November. Give your form to Carol Randall, our unit treasurer, or put it in the UMW mail box opposite the church office. Coming events . . . Tuesday, March 17 Gathering, 11:30–1:00 ~ possible program topic: Homelessness Friday, March 20: 6:00 p.m. Fish Fry at Quivey’s Grove Saturday, April 11: Mission Action Day, Kaukauna ~ Focus: Homelessness Wellspring News 7 February 2015 Wellspring United Methodist Church 5702 South Hill Drive Madison, WI 53705-4444 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE 8:30 & 10:45 a.m. Church School for all ages and Adult Christian Education September–May Child care available all morning February Wellspring United Methodist Church