RFP- IAME (28.01.2015) - Bureau of Energy Efficiency


RFP- IAME (28.01.2015) - Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Empanelment of IAME for Check Testing
To be submitted to,
Mr. Bhaskar Jyoti Sarma
Bureau of Energy Efficiency,
Ministry of Power, Govt. of India,
4th Floor, SewaBhawan,
R. K.Puram, New-Delhi 110066,
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Subject: Empanelment of IAME for Check Testing under Standards & Labeling Scheme.
The “Invitation to Request for Proposal” applies to all Government/semi-Government/autonomous
or Government controlled organizations, public sector undertaking for the empanelment of
Independent agency for Monitoring and Evaluation (IAME) for the check testing activity under
Standards & Labeling scheme. Detailed information regarding the services required is given in RfP’s
Terms of Reference. Interested bidders may download the RfP document from BEE website
www.beeindia.in & www.eprocure.gov.in.
Government agencies interested to participate in this tendering process are requested to send their
proposals in requisite format latest by 27th February 2015 at BEE’s office at 1500 hrs (IST).
Interested Bidders shall attend the Pre-bidding meeting on 18th February 2015 at BEE office.
BEE reserves the right to alter any or all conditions, eligibility criteria and terms specified in this
document. The terms and conditions governing the proposed assignment are not exhaustive and
additional conditions, as may be mutually accepted, will be included in the Work Order / Contract
Agreement. These conditions are also subject to modifications or deletions, if any considered absolutely
Any request or clarification in writing, by Email must be sent to sdiddi@beenet.in or Bureau of Energy
Efficiency office, 4th Floor, Sewa Bhawan Sector 1, R.K. Puram New Delhi.
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
4th Floor Sewa Bhawan
R K Puram, New Delhi-66.
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
About BEE
The mission of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is to develop policy and strategies with a thrust on
self-regulation and market principles, within the overall framework of the Energy Conservation Act
(EC Act), 2001 with the primary objective of reducing energy intensity of the Indian economy. This
will be achieved with active participation of all stakeholders, resulting in accelerated and sustained
adoption of energy efficiency in all sectors.
The setting up of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) provides a legal framework for energy efficiency
initiatives in the country. The Act empowers the Central Government and in some instances the State
Governments to:
1. Notify energy intensive industries, other establishments, and commercial buildings as designated
2. Establish and prescribe energy consumption norms and standards for designated consumers.
3. Direct designated consumers to designate or appoint certified energy manager in charge of activities
for efficient use of energy and its conservation.
4. Get an energy audit conducted by an accredited energy auditor in the specified manner and intervals
of time.
5. Furnish information with regard to energy consumed and action taken on the recommendation of
the accredited energy auditor to the designated agency.
6. Comply with energy consumption norms and standards, and if not so, to prepare and implement
schemes for efficient use of energy and its conservation.
7. Prescribe energy conservation building codes for efficient use of energy and its conservation in
commercial buildings State Governments to amend the energy conservation building codes to suit
regional and local climatic conditions.
8. Direct owners or occupiers of commercial buildings to comply with the provisions of energy
conservation building codes.
9. Direct mandatory display of label on notified equipment and appliances.
10. Specify energy consumption standards for notified equipment and appliance.
11. Prohibit manufacture, sale, purchase and import of notified equipment and appliances not
conforming to standards.
The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 defines the powers of the State Government to facilitate and
enforce efficient use of energy and its conservation. The State Governments have to designate State
Designated Agencies in consultation with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency to coordinate, regulate and
enforce the provisions of the Act in the State. Thus the State Designated Agencies are the strategic
partners for promotion of energy efficiency and its conservation in the country.
BEE is a multi disciplinary body with a sanctioned strength of 19 personnel. Under the provisions of the
Energy Conservation Act, 2001, Bureau of Energy Efficiency has been established with effect from 1st
March, 2002 by merging into it, the erstwhile Energy Management Centre, being a society registered
under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, under the Ministry of Power.
The mission of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency is to assist in developing policies and strategies with a
thrust on self-regulation and market principles, within the overall framework of the Energy
Conservation Act, 2001 with the primary objective of reducing energy intensity of the Indian economy.
Functions of BEE
BEE co-ordinates with designated consumers, designated agencies and other organization; recognizes,
identifies and utilizes the existing resources and infrastructure, in performing the functions assigned to
it under the E.C Act, 2001. The Act provides for regulatory and promotional functions. The major
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
functions of BEE include:
 Develop and recommend to the Central Government the norms for processes and energy
consumption standards.
 Develop and recommend to the Central Government minimum energy consumption standards and
labeling design for equipment and appliances.
 Develop and recommend to the Central Govt. specific energy conservation building codes.
 Recommend the Central Government for notifying any user or class of users of energy as a
designated consumer.
 Take necessary measures to create awareness and disseminate information for efficient use of
energy and its conservation.
The Energy Conservation Act, 2001
The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 (ECA) forms the core of the legal framework put in place by India
to promote energy efficiency and conservation. ECA came into force with effect from March 1, 2002.
Some important sections of ECA relevant to BEE are:
 Section 1 – Short title, extent and commencement
 Section 2 – Definitions
 Section 3 – Bureau of Energy Efficiency-creation, administration
 Section 12 – Transfer of Assets and Liabilities of Energy Management Center to BEE
 Section 13 – Powers and functions of the BEE
 Section 14 – Power of Central Government to Facilitate and Enforce Efficient use of Energy and its
 Section 15 -Power of State Government to Facilitate and Enforce Efficient use of Energy and its
 Section 16 – Constitution of State Energy Conservation Fund
 Section 17 – Power of Inspection
 Section 18 – Power of Central Government to issue directions
 Section 41 – Restriction on Civil Courts
 Section 42 -Appeal to High Court
 Section 44 – Offences triable by Special Courts
 Section 48 -Authorities under the Act
 Section 26 – Penalties and Adjudication
 Section 30 – Appellate Tribunal for Energy Conservation
 Section 48 – Default by Companies
 Section 52 – Power to obtain Information
 Section 56 – Power of Central Government to make rules
 Section 57 – Power of State Government to make rules
 Section 58 – Power of BEE to make regulations
 Section 62 – Power to remove difficulties
1. 5
Standards and Labeling Scheme
The key objective of this programme is to provide the consumer an informed choice about the energy
saving and thereby the cost saving potential of the relevant marketed product. The scheme was
launched on 18th May 2006 and is presently invoked for 19 equipment/appliances, i.e. Air
Conditioners, Tube lights, Frost Free Refrigerators, Distribution Transformers, Induction Motors, Direct
Cool Refrigerator, Electric storage type geyser, Ceiling fans, Color TVs, Agricultural pump sets, Diesel
Engine pump sets, LPG stoves, Washing machine and Laptops, Office equipment’s, Ballasts, Inverter,
Cassette air conditioner, and DG sets of which the first 4 have been notified under mandatory labeling
from 7thJanuary, 2010. The other appliances are presently under voluntary labeling phase. The energy
efficiency labeling programs under BEE are intended to reduce the energy consumption of appliance
without diminishing the services it provides to consumers.
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Since the launch of S&L program in 2006, the various entities involved in S&L scheme have gone
through several revisions and expansion. Independent Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation (IAME)
plays an important role in successful implementation of Standards and Labeling scheme. During the
12th five year plan, S&L program envisages to work with IAME’s so as to ensure that BEE star labeled
products deliver promised energy savings. The broad noteworthy activities of an IAME are:
 Conduct verification and challenge testing as per the directions from BEE. It includes the
empanelment of transporter for operation of check testing scheme.
 Provide, regularly update, on all deliverables as per the scope of work, and be available upon
request by Bureau, as and when required.
2.Terms of Reference
Scope of Work
In order to be recognized as an Independent Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation (IAME) for
Standards & Labeling (S&L) Program, organization shall agree in writing to the following
Task 1 – Check and Challenge Testing
1) Check Testing: Under the S&L scheme, BEE awards energy efficiency labels based on selfdeclaration by manufacturers as per the stipulation of schedule/ standards. The purpose of check
testing is to assess the compliance of product performance as against the relevant BEE product
standard/schedule on the basis of which the label was awarded.
IAME has to operate BEE’s check testing scheme as per the procedures that fulfills the verification
testing requirements enumerated as follows:
a) Check Test the products so as to verify the compliance of product performance parameters as
described in the respective BEE’s product schedule, on the basis of which the label has been
awarded. The procedure of check testing for IAME is enclosed as Annexure-1. Also the
tentative product wise targets (Minimum no. of samples to be picked for check testing) are
given below.
Equipment / Appliances (Products)
Min. No. of Samples to be tested
per year
AC (Split & Window)
FF Refrigerator
DC Refrigerator
Distribution Transformers *
Agricultural Pumps
Ceiling Fans
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Color Televisions
Electrical Geysers
Office Automation Products
LPG stove*
DG pump set*
*These categories may be excluded at the time of work commencement.
b) Selection of Products and Sampling Plan: Product-Models shall be selected by the IAME
according to the following general guideline:
The IAME shall select models for verification testing from the BEE star labeled
qualified models list for each product. Broad criteria for the formulation of sampling
plan is given below, however this criteria may be revised by Bureau at any stage of
programme and is at complete discretion of Bureau:
2) Sampling Plan:
Sampling will be developed for every two/three months. Sampling plan shall include productmodels from the BEE approved model list. Approximately 50% of the models shall be selected
from the recently approved models (about 3-4 months before the date of preparation of
sampling plan), and the other 50% shall be randomly selected from the remaining list of
qualified models.
IAME shall prepare format of sampling plan in consultation with BEE.
Random selection process shall be followed for preparing the sampling plan. However, the
sampling plan shall be comprehensive to cover a variety of product-brands.
The more recently a model has undergone verification or challenge testing, the less likely it
should be selected in the random selection process; and,
The models for which BEE has not received any production data shall not be considered under
the sampling plan. This check shall be performed at BEE in the presence of IAME personnel.
BEE may provide additional recommendation for sampling plan. Hereunder are the brief factors
to be considered for the model selection :
Referrals from third parties such as consumers, consumer groups or regulatory agencies
regarding the accuracy of ratings; and,
Models with high sales volumes
Models with high energy performance
Models from each manufacturer
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
IAME shall prepare the sampling plan within 45 days from the award of work for the 1st
quarter and seek the approval from BEE at least 15 working days prior to start of sampling.
For every subsequent quarter, IAME shall submit sampling plan atleast 45 days prior to
start of the respective quarter. For the purpose of budgetary clearance, IAME shall also
submit tentative cost sheet for procurement of samples to BEE for approval along with
sampling plan. The cost sheet shall be submitted in a pre-approved format.
3) Number of Samples:
Identify the available testing capacity at various laboratories for respective products in
consultation with BEE and Labs. Maintain a close coordination with laboratories to
keep a check on the available test capacity. Accordingly prepare the sampling plan for
fresh testing as well as second check testing highlighting the number of unit(s) to be
tested at various laboratories.
IAME shall annually test at least minimum no. of models as mentioned in the above
While determining the number of models for the fresh testing, the IAME shall consider
product families as defined in the relevant product schedule.
4) Procurement of unit(s) for testing:
IAME has to inform with respective state designated agency while procurement/purchase of
check testing samples and also at the time of first & second check test.
Respective State Designed Agency may witness the second check test conducted at laboratory
and an official shall be deputed by BEE to witness above tests as per the provisions of check
testing scheme.
Fresh Check Testing
The IAME shall procure unit(s) randomly from the open market or dealers or from the
manufacturing facility i.e. warehouse of user of label as deems fit.
IAME may divide the approved Sampling Plan for Fresh Testing in 3 different parts and shall
identify three locations (area) where the unit(s) of the product(s) to be tested may be
obtained. The IAME shall mention the identified locations while seeking the approval of
sampling plan from BEE.
The purpose of dividing the sampling in 3 different parts is to avoid the probability of repurchase of a unit which might have already been procured by IAME field personnel at any
one identified location.
During the field operation there is a little probability that some unit(s) may not be available at
the identified locations. In such cases the IAME personnel shall not stop searching the other
items mentioned in the sampling plan. Also the IAME field personnel at 3 locations shall
interchange their list so as to find the remaining units in their areas. It is the responsibility of
IAME manager to administer this entire activity and keep on changing the locations.
IAME shall prepare a comprehensive list of dealer network for various appliances and for
various brand-models with the help of information available at websites of manufacturers.
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
BEE will also share the database of dealers, which may be referred for procurement as per
the sampling plan. Also, the IAME shall keep on updating the dealer database and shall share
it with BEE.
Appropriate retail discounts should be taken on the face of the invoice for validation
purposes. In case, the shopkeeper refuses to mention the same on the invoice, the IAME
should mention the same with their comments on the invoice.
Second Check Testing:
Second check testing of the products is required in case if a specific model gets failed in
initial testing.
If any sample fails in first check testing, IAME shall initiate the action pertaining to
repurchase of the 2 more samples of the failed model and shall coordinate with the same lab
for 2nd check testing. Hence, in such case IAME shall identify maximum no. of locations
across the country from where the unit(s) may be obtained quickly.
In-case of non-availability of unit(s) during second check testing, all identified search
locations shall be explored. Even then, if the units are not available, IAME shall submit a
report to BEE with all facts including locations where appliance was searched. The report
shall be submitted at the end of each month or as and when such situation arises.
IAME has to witness the second check test and coordinate with the respective user of label to
depute officials to witness the second check test as per the provisions of check testing
5) Transportation of Units to Laboratories for Testing:
The IAME shall be completely responsible for the transportation activity. IAME has to
ensure that the sample is received at laboratory in a correct manner and it is not tampered
and damaged, until it is opened in front of laboratory representative at respective lab.
The transporter must be equipped with the provision/facility for packing, loading,
unloading, unpacking & insurance.
The IAME shall also be responsible for providing prior necessary information to the
laboratories about the samples which are in transit and about to reach there. All original bill
copies and declarations shall be secured.
6) Location of check testing:
Check testing shall be performed at the BEE-empanelled and NABL accredited third-party
laboratories. List of the laboratories by BEE along with their contact details will be
provided to IAME and will be updated and informed to IAME time to time. The tentative
locations are given in Annexure-2.
BEE would like to track and record the entire verification testing activity through S&L eportal. The portal has a provision for creating an online account for laboratories. BEE
would provide the partial administrative rights of this system to the IAME. The IAME shall
ensure that all laboratories are communicating with BEE through S&L e-portal.
7) Witness Check Testing and Reporting:
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
The IAME shall keep a track of check testing status through S&L e-portal and shall provide
the status update to BEE at the end of every fortnight in the prescribed formats.
IAME shall coordinate with the laboratories to get the testing schedule IAME has to depute
its official to witness the second check testing. However, in case of fresh testing witness
will not require. IAME has to ensure second check testing shall be done on priority.
Task 2 – Verification of Claims:
Once any product is check tested as per the sampling plan at the BEE empanelled
laboratory, the lab shall submit the test report to BEE within 7 days of completion the test.
Once the test reports shall be submitted, IAME will have to collect the reports from BEE
and compare against the energy efficiency claims made by manufacturers/ user of label for
getting the BEE label on that particular model of the product as per the relevant schedule/
IAME shall review the test reports, if the claim is met by the test results declared by the lab,
the product should be declared as passed and the test reports should be submitted to BEE.
If any model fails to meet the original claim made by the manufacturer for that particular
model, it should be declared as failed and immediately two more samples should be picked
from the market as specified in the previous sections and the 2nd check testing process
should be initiated.
The summary of the verification of claims of the various models of different products shall
be submitted to BEE by IAME on a monthly basis with all the supporting documents such
as lab test report etc.
8) Sample Disposal after check testing:
IAME shall take up this activity and hire the government approved evaluator
through bidding process and disposed of the check tested equipments through
govt. approved agencies (i.e., Metal Scrap Trade Corporation Limited).
Other expenditure on this activity like transportation of equipment will be
Pre-Qualifying Criteria:
(a) The agency must be owned by Government of India (Semi-Government/autonomous
organization registered or incorporated), which also includes Public Sector Undertaking.
(b) The organization must have been registered in India. Certificate of incorporation must be
(c) The organization shall have all India network, having office at Delhi NCR and branches in
other important cities in India.
(d) Should have 20 technically qualified professionals having sufficient knowledge and
experience in the field of testing, certification and standards as per IS/ISO/IEC or any other
relevant international standards or experience in handling testing of energy efficiency
(e) Should have experience in working with Governments and Public Sector Undertakings.
(f) Experience of sub-contractor including parent company may be stated only if the relevant
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is submitted.
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
(g) Should not be involved in any major litigation that may have an impact of affecting or
compromising the delivery of services as required under this contract.
(h) Should not be black-listed by any Central / State Government / Public Sector Undertaking
in India.
(i) Should have adequate capability to provide service/on-site solutions in all states and union
territories within India.
Document required: Undertaking by the head of the Company mentioning the nature of
business and location with certified true copies of balance sheets of last two financial years.
2.3 Preparation of proposal:
Technical Proposal (PART 1): While preparing the technical proposal the agency are expected
to examine the list of appliances, details of laboratories and the check testing procedure.The
technical proposal shall be submitted in a standard format (Annexure-3) alongwith following
o Brief description about the firm.
o An outline of experience on simillar assignments under taken (If any)
o Certificate of Registration/ incorporation in India.
The technical bid shall be submitted in original (signed hardcopies) prepared with indelible
ink. It shall not contain any over-writing. The technical proposal shall be placed in a sealed
envelope clearly marked with “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL – EMPANELMENT OF IAME for
CHECK TESTING”.The technical proposal shall not include any financial information.
Financial Proposal (PART 2):The financial proposal shall be submitted in a separate sealed
envelop standard format (Annexure –4). The format will remain the same as of technical bid,
instead of tick mark the prices for check testing of different appliances shall be quoted.The
prices shall be quoted in national currency only.
No enclosure except the price format should be attached with the Financial Proposal. Except
filling the price in the format nothing should be mentioned in the Financial Proposal. Otherwise
the same shall be liable for outright rejection.it should be placed in a SEPARATE sealed
envelope clearly marked “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL – EMPANELMENT OF IAME for
Submission of proposal:
The technical proposal (Part 1) and the financial proposal (Part 2) shall be sealed in a separate
envelope. The respective envelopes shall be clearly marked with “Technical Proposal –
EMPANELMENT OF IAME for CHECK TESTING – S&L Scheme”and “Financial Proposal
Both these envelopes then shall be sealed in a outer single envelope. This envelope shall be
TESTINGUNDER S&L SCHEME”. This envelope shall be sent to The Secretary, Bureau of
Energy Efficiency, 4th Floor, Sewa Bhavan, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066.
The last date for sending the proposal document is 27th Febraury 2015 upto 1500 hours.
The completed Technical and Financial Proposal must be delivered at the submission address
on or before the time and date stated above. Any Proposal received after the closing time for
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
submission of proposals shall be returned unopened. BEE does not take any responsibility for
the delay and any explanation for the same.
2.5 Evaluation Criteria:
Preliminary scrutiny of the proposal will be made to determine whether the applications are
complete, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the bids are generally
in format. Proposals not conforming to such preliminary requirements will be rejected prima
Weightage (Marks)
All India network, having
office at Delhi NCR and
branches in other important
cities in India.
Years of experience.
Experience in the field of
testing, certification and
standards as per IS/ISO/IEC
or any other relevant
international standards.
Organization Turnover
After qualifying the technical proposal requirement the contract shall be awarded on the basis
of price bid (i.e., total project cost) submitted by the lowest bidder.
2.6 Confidentiality:
Information relating to evaluation of proposals and recommendations concerning awards shall
not be disclosed to the applicants.
2.7 Bid Processing Fee:
All bids must be accompanied by a bid processing fee of INR 5,000 (INR Five Thousand only)
in the form of a crossed demand draft drawn on any nationalized/ scheduled bank payable at par
in New Delhi, in favour of “Bureau of Energy Efficiency”.”
2.8 Performance Security:
Within twenty-eight (28) days of the receipt of notification of award from BEE, the successful
agency/firm shall furnish the Performance Security in the form of Bank Guarantee. The value
of Performance Security would be 30% of the total contract value. The Performance Security
would be valid till the completion of the assignment or any such extended period as decided by
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Bureau of Energy Efficiency
2.9 Validity of Contract:
Contract shall be valid for two year from the date of award of LOA and may be extended for one
more year on same rate and same terms and conditions of the contract.
2.10 Payment terms:
Management cost towards check testing shall be paid to the IAME upon completion of the
activity. i.e. upon of the submission of the test report of the sample.
In case of second check testing management cost shall be paid to the IAME upon the
submission of the test report of the sample. However, IAME has to ensure the completion of the
activity as per the provisions of check testing scheme.
Direct expenses such as sample purchase cost, testing cost, trasportation cost and Hiring cost of
government evaluator shall be paid to IAME after submission of orginal Invoices & payment
bills . IAME has to maintain a separate account for this purpose.
Payment authority will be Bureau of Energy efficiency.
In case of disposal of check testing equipments, IAME shall provide the actual monetary
amount of the auctions of all such items to BEE.
The IAME will have to enter into an agreement with BEE for providing continuous services for
minimum of two year period.
2.11 Other Terms & Conditions:
BEE reserves the right to reject any or all the bids received at its discretion, without assigning
any reason whatsoever, and no costs would be paid to bidder for the same.
In case of any dispute during process of verification / check testing, the decision by DG, BEE,
will be considered as final decision.
Acceptance of the Proposal will rest with the Competent Authority of the BEE. No reasons will
be given for acceptance or rejection of the contract thereof.
The BEE reserves the right to cancel this RFP before the contract is awarded. Any and all
proposals may be rejected in whole or in part when it is in the best interest of the BEE.
2.12 Penalty terms:
The panelty terms shall be part of the agreement between the IAME & BEE. Penalities shall be
imposed only if IAME fails to cover 80% of the models given in the table 1. For each percent
less there will be a deduction of 1% from the bid amount subject to maximum of 10%.
BEE and its officers, employees disclaim all liability from any loss or damage, whether
foreseeable or not, suffered by any person acting on or refraining from acting because of any
information including statements, information, forecasts, estimates or projections contained in
this document or conduct ancillary to it whether or not the loss or damage arises in connection
with any omission, negligence, default, lack of care or misrepresentation on the part of BEE
and/or any of its officers, employees.
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Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Except where otherwise specified in the contract, the decision of BEE shall be final, conclusive
and binding on all agencies to the contract upon all questions relating to the meaning of the
RFP proposal informations, scope of work, terms & conditions etc. here in before mentioned
and as to the trustworthiness of measurement & suggestions, or as to any other question, claim,
right, matter, or thing whatsoever in any way arising or relating to the contract, specifications,
terms & conditions, orders, or otherwise concerning the works or the execution or failure to
execute the same, whether arising, during the progress of the work or after the completion or
abandonment thereof.
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Bureau of Energy Efficiency
S. No.
Check Points
Availability of Invitation for RfP
From the date of advertisement
Last Date for acceptance of queries
10th February 2015
(Mandatory to attend the meeting. If
any agency is not attending the above 18th February 2015
meeting then their bids shall not be
Last Date for receipt of RfP
Place , time and date of opening of To be informed later (only to technical
financial proposal
qualified bidders)
Type of Proposal Required
Technical & Financial Proposal
Name of Assignment
Empanelment of IAME for Check Testing
Under S&L Scheme
Proposal should be
following languages
No. of copies of Technical and Financial Agency must submit one copy of Technical and
Financial proposal both.
Proposal must be submitted no later than
27th February 2015 (1500 hrsIST)
following date and time
Contact Person for Queries
27th February 2015
Mr. Saurabh Diddi,
Energy Economist,
Bureau of Energy Efficiency,
4th Floor, SewaBhawan,
Sector – 1, R. K. Puram,
New Delhi, Pin – 110066
Tel: (+91)-1126179699
Email: sdiddi@beenet.in
Contact person for submission of RfP
Mr. Bhaskar Jyoti Sarma,
Bureau of Energy Efficiency,
4th Floor, SewaBhawan,
Sector – 1, R. K. Puram,
New Delhi, Pin – 110066
Tel: (+91)-1126179699
Lead time for commencement of work
2 week from the date of intimation of the award
of contract upon receipt of acceptance of the
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Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Annexure –1
Procedure of Check Testing for IAME
IAME will prepare a list of the authorized dealers in the cities through manufacturer’s
website. BEE may also share the dealer network from the available records.
(ii) IAME will prepare a sampling plan and get it approved from BEE.
(iii) IAME would pick up the samples as per the sampling plan.
(iv) Appropriate retail discounts should be taken on the face of the invoice for validation
purposes. In case, the shopkeeper refuses to mention the same on the invoice, the IAME
should mention the same with their comments on the invoice.
(i) The IAME Engineer has to visit the dealers and shall inform same to the respective State
Designated Agency official as appointed by BEE and select any of the models given in the
Approved models’ list.
(ii) After selecting the model, the Engineer has to make a call to the IAME coordinator in order to
get the permission to buy that model, during the working hours only.
(iii) After getting the permission to buy that model, the Engineer has to check the values (Model
Number, Rated values and Star Rating/Efficiency Class) given in the BEE Label and the
Nameplate of the equipment. In case these values are found to be mismatching, then the
Engineer need-not buy that model, and he shall inform the same to the IAME personnel at BEE
Office. In case, there is a mismatch the same should be discarded and a non-compliance report
against that model should be submitted separately.
(iv) In case the values are found to be correct, the Engineer shall procure the sample after informing
respective State Designated Agency official as appointed by BEE and shall send the following
details to IAME personnel at BEE Office immediately in order to lock that particular model in
the BEE S&L portal website:
a. Equipment name
b. Model Number
c. Name & Address of the Dealer
d. Serial number of the equipment
e. Name of the IAME Engineer
f. Hologram number
(v) All sample procurement/purchase by IAME for check testing activity shall inform the respective
State designated Agency official as appointed by BEE.
(vi) The IAME Engineer is advised to ask for discount on the price of that equipment from the
(vii) In all the cases the invoices, wherever taken would mention the complete address of BEE and
the serial number of the model on the face of the invoice. Any deviation from the procedure
would be treated as non-compliance of IAME.
(viii) After purchasing the equipment the IAME Engineer has to send the Sampling Report to the
IAME coordinator, in the prescribed format only.
The IAME Engineer has to fix the IAME Holograms on the BEE Labels. Two Holograms to be
pasted on the opposite corners each BEE label. Half of the hologram should be on the BEE label
and half of the hologram should be on the equipment.
(x) Procurement from unauthorized dealer or without proper billing is not permitted.
(xi) Entire sample procurement activity shall be done under close supervision of IAME manager and
it his responsibility to manage all field related issues that may arise while actual procurement.
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Bureau of Energy Efficiency
(xii) The IAME shall ensure adherence to the sampling plan and in case of any non-compliance in
sample procurement activity or procurement of incorrect samples or any delay in sampling by
more than 3 days, BEE reserves the right to apply penalty clause as per the agreement.
(i) The IAME Engineer has to coordinate with the transporter for collecting the selected
(ii) The IAME Engineer has to hand over the Sample to the Transporter along with the
following forms after filling up:
(a) Instructions to the Transporter
(b) Lab Request
(c) Original Invoice of the Equipment
The IAME Engineer is advised to keep a photocopy of the above documents for records.
(iii) The IAME Engineer shall collect the challan/receipt of the sample handed over to the
Transporter from the laboratory.
(a) IAME has to coordinate with the laboratories for the check testing of the equipments.
(b) IAME has to coordinate with respective state designated agency at the time of first & second
check test.
(c) Respective State Designed Agency may witness the second check test conducted at laboratory
and an officials shall be deputed by BEE to witness above tests as per the provisions of check
testing scheme.
(d) During the testing, IAME Engineer has to collect the Original Invoice of the equipment form
laboratory and send the same to the person coordinating in the BEE office.
IAME has to compile the status report of check testing to BEE in the formats prescribed by
(ii) The same Report shall be submitted to BEE.
(i) The billing of Sampling has to be done by IAME, thereby submitting all the Original
(ii) The invoices towards the management cost shall be submitted by IAME once in a month.
(i) After the 1st sample is failed, IAME need to collect the detailed test report as well as
summarized test report and send it to BEE.
(ii) As soon as the failure report is mentioned, IAME would immediately within 7 days shall buy
two more samples of the same models and send it to laboratory for second testing.
(iii) The copy of the original invoices shall be sent to IAME engineer coordinating at BEE. To
expedite the process, IAME would scan the document and send to BEE immediately on the day
of purchase.
(iv) BEE would then issue a letter of non-compliance to the defaulter enclosing the copy of the
initial test report, copy of the invoices (2 samples), request for payment of cost of sample and
check testing charges for the two samples.
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(v) In case if the defaulters doesn’t pay purchase cost of samples and the testing cost then also
sample would be tested and results shall be binding on the user of label. Also, user of label will
not be allowed to further register its models with BEE until payment is made to BEE.
(vi) In any case, either payment is made or not, IAME has to coordinate with the laboratory to get
the testing schedule. Thereafter, IAME would issue an intimation letter to the defaulter and
request for the letter of authority for witness testing.
IAME has to validate that the letter of authority carried by the person for witness
testing have the same signature as authorized by BEE. In case of any change of person, the
signing authority of the manufacturer needs to take permission from BEE for new
After receiving the Testing Schedule from the concerned laboratories, IAME has to
appoint the respective Engineers for Witnessing the Testing in case of 2nd check testing.
(ix) In case if the defaulter doesn’t agrees to witness the second check test then BEE would go
ahead with the testing in presence of inspecting engineer of IAME and the test result shall be
binding on the defaulter.
(x) After the test is completed a docket would be prepared by IAME containing the entire
information and submitted to BEE.
(xi) In case if the model gets failed in the second check testing, IAME on behalf of BEE shall issue
a direction to manufacturer in the format prescribed by BEE and direct to take appropriate
action as per the provisions of S&L scheme.
Upon the receipt of the action taken report from the defaulter, docket would be
prepared by IAME containing the entire information and submitted to BEE for further action.
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Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Annexure -2
Tentative List of Technically qualified labs for Check testing under S&L program
Name of Appliance/Equipment
Air Conditioner
Technically Qualified Laboratories
1) CPRI, Bangalore
2) Intertek, New Delhi
3) Sierra Aircon, New Dehi
1) ERDA, Vadodara
2) UL, Gurgaon
3) Bharat Test house-sonipat, Harayan
4) Delhi Test house, New delhi
Refrigerator (FFR &DCR)
1) CPRI, Bangalore
2) Intertek, New Delhi
3) UL, Gurgaon
4) ERDA, Vadadara
Distributor Transformer
1) CPRI, Bangalore
Upto 25 kVA
63-100 kVA
63 – 200KVA
2) ERDA, Vadodara
Upto 100 kVA
100 - 500 kVA
1) Intertek, New Delhi
2) UL, Gurgaon
1) Bharat Test house-Sonipat
2) Delhi Test House, New Delhi
3) ERDA, Vadodara
4) Intertek, New Delhi
5) UL, Gurgaon
Ceiling Fan
1) Bharat Test House-Sonipat
2) ERDA, Vadodara
3) CPRI, Bangalore
4) Delhi Test House, New Delhi
1) ERDA (Vadodara) - Electronic
ERDA (Vadodara)- Electromagnetic
2) UL, Guragaon(Electronic & Electromagnetic)
1) Intertek, New Delhi
2) UL, Gurgaon
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Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Annexure -3
(To be printed on the letter head of the company)
The Secreatry,
Bureau of Energy Efficiency,
4th Floor, SewaBhawan,
R.K. Puram,
New Delhi
Sub: Empanelment of IAME for check testing under Standards and Labeling Program.
The undersigned authority, having read and examined in detail all the RFP documents in respect of
appointment of an agency for BEE, do hereby express their interest to provide Consultancy Services as
specified in the scope of work.
Correspondence Details
Our correspondence details are:
Name of the Agency
Address of the Agency
Name of the contact person to whom all
references shall be made regarding this tender
Designation of the person to whom all references
shall be made regarding this tender
Address of the person to whom all references shall
be made regarding this tender
Telephone (with STD code)
E-Mail of the contact person
Fax No. (with STD code)
Document forming part of RFP
We have enclosed the following:
1. Brief description about the firm.
2. An outline of experience on simillar assignments under taken (If any)
3. Certificate of Regestration/ incorporation in India.
4. Form 1: Prior Experience
5. Form 2: Approach and Methodology
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6. Form 3: Declaration Letter
7. Bid processing Fee along with a covering letter.
8. The List of the officials to be deputed for standards and labelling mentioning their names,
education, experience and designation.
9. Organization chart with name.
10. Balance sheets
We hereby declare that our bid is made in good faith and the information contained is true and correct
to the best of our knowledge and belief. We take complete responsibility
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
(Signature of the Authority )
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Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Form -1
Prior Experience :
[Using the format below provide information on each assignment for which your firm, and each
associate for this assignment, was legally contracted either individually as a corporate entity or as one
of the major companies within an association, for carrying out consulting services similar to the ones
requested under this assignment.] The agency should give information about maximum of three projects
covering the areas of design as indicated.
Name of agency/Firm:
Assignment/job name:
Nature of Assignment:
Description of Project
Approx. value of the contract (in Rupees):
Location within country:
Duration of Assignment/job (months) :
Name of Employer:
Address and contact details:
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Total No of staff-months of the
Approx. value of the Assignment/job
provided by your firm under the contract (in
Start date (month/year):
Completion date (month/year):
Name of associated agencies, if any:
No of professional staff-months provided by
associated agencies:
Name of senior professional staff of your
firm involved and functions performed.
Description of actual Assignment/job
provided by your staff within the
Note: Please attach Letter of Intent or Purchase Order or certificate of successful completion for each
project, from the respective Client(s).
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Bureau of Energy Efficiency
(On Letter head of the Company)
Approach and Methodolgy
[Explain your understanding of the objectives of the Assignment/job, approach to the Assignment/job,
methodology for carrying out the activities and obtaining the expected output, and the degree of detail
of such output. You should highlight the problems being addressed and their importance, and explain
the technical approach you would adopt to address them. You should also explain the methodologies
you propose to adopt and highlight the compatibility of those methodologies with the proposed
Head of the Agency
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Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Form -3
(On Letter head of the Company)
This is to certify that M/s.__________________________ has not been blacklisted by any
agency in India or abroad.
This is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Head of the Agency
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Annexure – 4
Financial Proposal Format
With reference to the scope of work and check testing requirements of S&L scheme of the
M/s.___________________________ is pleased to quote the following financial proposal.
Equipment / Appliances
Min. No. of Samples to
be tested per year
Per unit
(Exclusive of
and service
(In Rs.)
AC (Split & Window)
FF Refrigerator
DC Refrigerator
Distribution Transformers *
Agricultural Pumps
Ceiling Fans
Color Televisions
Electrical Geysers
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Total Cost (In
lakh Rs.)
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Office Automation Products
LPG stove*
DG pump set*
Total project Cost (In lakh rupees)
There are no other additional costs involved thereon.
Note: 1) Above mentioned quotes will be valid for a period of one year.
2) Total Project Cost shall be considered as a financial quote.
Head of the Agency
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