Bulletin - Church of the Nazarene


Bulletin - Church of the Nazarene
T hank You for Sharing the Lord’s Day with us!
Allow us the opportunity to get to know you better by taking
a moment to fill out the yellow Communication Card in your pew;
then place it into the offering plate.
Order of Service
Ministries for Youth & Children
Son Beams: (ages 3-5) Sundays at 10:30am
Nursery: (ages 0-3) Sundays at 10:30am
Children’s Church: (ages 6-9 & 10-12))Sundays at 11:15am
From 10:15 until 10:25, we encourage you to be quiet before
the Lord, meditate and prepare your heart for the service
Welcome & Announcements
Opening Song
Call to Worship
Offering/Special Music
Pastoral Prayer
Message-Neil Allenbrand
Closing Song
This week in our church
Today: Fellowship Luncheon
Tuesday: 10am Bible Study
Wednesday: 7pm Ladies Care Group
7pm Growth Group at Rita Chretien's
7pm Growth Group at the Funk’s
Quote of the Week
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
Verse of the Week
Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him
who is the Head, that is, Christ.
Ephesians 4:15
Adult Ministries:
This is a list of Ministries offered through the year.
Please see ‘This week in our church’ for current events
Ladies Care Group:
Wednesday evenings at 7pm.; Meet in the Conference Room
New Horizons: Seniors 55+
For Others: 4th Thursday of each month starting at 10am.
Growth Groups:
Tuesday: 10am at Church of the Nazarene, Leader: Pastor Neil
Wednesday: 7pm Growth Group at Rita Chretien's
7pm Growth Group at the Funk’s
Nazarene Missions International
February Emphasis: Alabaster
What is Alabaster
The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings around
the world. While we understand the church consists of the people of God and
not a building, buildings erected for the purpose of ministry help provide a
sense of permanence, functionally enhance ministry efforts, and convey
an attitude that the Church of the Nazarene intends to "put down roots."
Alabaster funds help provide land for many Work & Witness projects, and
the entire Alabaster Offering goes toward the purchase of land and
construction of churches, schools, medical facilities, and homes for
missionaries and national workers.
100th Anniversary of the NMI!
Bike and Backpack campaign to share the Jesus Film
Our Goal: $2000
Raised: $1750
Mark your envelopes ‘Bike & Backpack” and place them in the
Thank you for giving and praying.
2015 Directory
The office will be printing a
new directory soon. If you are
new to our church, moved or
changed phone numbers,
please contact the office by
Email: nazpen@uniserve.com
Phone: 250-492-4028
As soon as possible.
Thank you!
Oasis Ladies Retreat
March 6-8, 2015
"Providing space for
women to connect and
grow in Christ."
Treasurer’s Note:
If you are interested in making
on-line donations to the church,
you can use the e-transfer feature
provided by your banking
institution. E-transfer donations
need to be sent to:
It is important that you
indicate if your donation is for
tithes & offerings or for some
other ministry such as the
Samaritan Fund,
World Evangelism Fund,
Compassionate Ministries, etc.
If you have questions, please
contact church treasurer
Don Ericson at
250-492-4377 or
New Horizons For
Is in need of cotton sheets and
yarn . If you have some to donate;
please place them in a bag
marked ‘For Others’ and place it
in the office. Thank you
Please check out the bulletin
board in the foyer for other
events happening in our
Church Library
Don’t forget to
check out our
library. Lots of
books; resources
and bible studies!
Need more offering envelopes?
Make a note on your envelope
or contact the office.
Thank You for reading the Mission
Books. Sons & Daughters needs to
be return to the church.
Please do not place any notices on the bulletin board or other
literature in the church without prior approval from the office.
Announcements continued...
Remember our
sponsored children
Please use the envelope in today’s
bulletin to make a contribution.
$125/month is needed to support
our sponsored children
Having trouble hearing during
the service? Assisted Listening
Devices are available in the
Sound Room
Some changes have been made
to our website! If you missed a
sermon, you can listen to it; our
weekly bulletin is now available
and there is a daily devotional.
Check it out
Up Coming Events
For more details about the events listed below, see other side of
this bulletin, bulletin board in the foyer, website, or church calendar.
February 16: Board Meeting
February 22: Prayer & Praise Evening
March 6-8: Oasis Ladies Retreat
March 10: Dementia Workshop
March 12: St. Patrick’s Dinner & Silent Auction
Prayer Requests
Carol Bovenlander Jamie Weberg Clarke Page
Irene Engst
Jane Turcotte Alana Shierling
Prayer Requests: If you have a prayer request, please use the yellow communication
cards, call or email the office. We have prayer groups in place to pray for your needs.
Senior Pastor: Rev. Neil Allenbrand
Associate Pastor: Rev. Jamie Weberg
Office Administrator: Deb Jacyna
523 Jermyn Avenue
Penticton, BC V2A 2E2
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9-2 pm
Phone: 492-4028 Fax: 492-4013
email: nazpen@uniserve.com
Due to the privacy laws in Canada, we are not able to print a persons name in our bulletin without their consent. If you would like
your name added to the prayer requests below, please call the office to have your name added
Rev. Wesley Wakefield
“And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Lord
Jesus, giving thanks to God and the father by Him.” Colossians 3:17
Our whole life is lived for God in all that we do whether in
work, worship or relationship, should be done “in Christ’s
Name” as unto Him and for His glory. God expects us to do
and be our very best with what He gives us. To do it with all
our might-to improve every moment in redeeming time-to seize
every opportunity, and to use every means of grace. We are to
do this constantly and consistently with a deep sense of both
love and duty. Beware of slacking your heavenly pace. The
nearer the Goal, the closer the victory-the greater will be the
battle, but with Him, He causes us always to triumph.
God gives to us His gifts, severally as He will-do we use them?
They are never for boasting, but for service. Remember the
parable of the talents! All that we have is not ours as owners,
but only as stewards to be put to use according to our Masterthe Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s directions set for His Holy
Word and applied to our lives by the blessed Holy Spirit. This
is not any use, but the life and heart of holiness to affect and
penetrate every part of us. Not in any manner, but our might,
our very best. Not in some special times, but all times and in
every circumstance. The great key to this holy life is a heartthe very centre and total of our being-cleansed from sin, and
the faith that works by love-a perfect or complete love without
things that would try to become the asides that hinder our
Lord being truly at the centre of the circle of our being…..see
this precious truth in 1John 1.
WE are a salvation people. We believe in salvation. We believe in the
old fashioned salvation. Our is jus the same salvation taught in the
Bible, proclaimed by prophets and apostles. We believe that the
world needs it, and that this and this alone will set it right We want
to other nostrum-nothing new. Our work is salvation. We are not
mere sentimentalists or theory people; we publish what we have seen
and handled and experienced of the word of life and the power of God.
We aim at salvation...the great purpose and the business of our lives.
Let us seek first the kingdom of God. Let us be Salvationists indeed.
William Booth, in The Salvationist, January 1879
Welcome to
Penticton Church of
the Nazarene
‘Loving People To Freedom in Christ’
Sunday Worship Times
10:00am Prayer Time in the Pastor’s Office
10:25am Worship Service
10:30am Nursery (ages 0-3)
10:30am Sonbeams (ages 3-5)
11:15 am Children’s Church (ages 6-9)
11:15am Pre-Teen Children’s Church (ages 10-12)
February 15, 2015