Thank you for your interest in MSU Roadrunners. Our


Thank you for your interest in MSU Roadrunners. Our
Thank you for your interest in MSU Roadrunners. Our organization is a vital part of the recruitment
efforts of new students to Mississippi State. The application packet includes the following:
 Application (2 pages)
 Job Description
 Selection Schedule
Please keep the Job Description and Selection Schedule for your reference.
Applications may be returned to room 250 Montgomery Hall. The application – along with the $5
application fee – is due no later than 5pm on Friday, February 13, 2015
Again – thank you for your interest. We are excited to meet you during the interview process. If you
have any questions or concerns about MSU Roadrunners or the selection process, please don’t hesitate
to contact me.
Erron Flowers
Roadrunner Advisor
662.325.1568 office phone
The purpose of the MSU Roadrunners is to assist the Office of Admissions and Scholarships in the
recruitment of new students to Mississippi State University. The Roadrunners give campus tours, contact
prospective students, and serve as hosts and hostesses for various university recruitment events sponsored by the
Office of Admissions and Scholarships.
This application is due on or before 5pm Friday, February 13, 2015 in the Office of Admissions and
Scholarships, 250 Montgomery Hall. A $5 application fee must be attached to this application. There will be a
general convocation meeting and reception on Monday, February 16, at 5:15 p.m. in Foster Ballroom located in the
Colvard Student Union. This meeting is mandatory.
(Please type or print)
Personal Data
Date _______________________________
(Middle Initial)
MSU ID Number
Local Mailing Address
Local/Cell Phone
_____________ ______
Home Mailing Address
Home Phone
Age ______
Current Residence Hall
Academic Classification
State ________ Zip _____________
Net I.D. ___________________
_____________ ______
Date of Birth __________________
State ________ Zip _____________
E-mail address _____________________________________
Room ____________
Overall GPA ___________________
T-Shirt Size: ________________________
High School Attended ________________________________________________________________
If you are a transfer student, list previous college(s) attended.
Important Information - Please be specific.
Have you previously applied to be an MSU Roadrunner? Yes______ No______
If yes, how many times have you applied? ______________
List all MSU clubs or organizations in which you are or have been active.
Do you have any conflicts that would prevent you from attending the Roadrunner meetings from 5 to 6 p.m. on
Wednesdays? Yes
No _______
If yes, please explain.
Do you have any conflicts that would prevent you from taking the Roadrunner class (COE 4513) this Fall Semester.
Class is scheduled Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11am – 11:50 am
No _______
If yes, please explain.
Where this organization would be placed on your list of priorities?
Why do you want to be an MSU Roadrunner and what characteristics would you bring to the team?
I have read the attached job description and, if selected, will carry out these duties to assist the Office of
Admissions and Scholarships in the recruitment of new students to Mississippi State University.
Signature ____________________________________________
Date ______________________
Return application to the Office of Admissions and Scholarships, 250 Montgomery Hall.
Deadline for application is 5pm Friday, February 13, 2015
For office use only:
Date application fee paid __________
OAS Staff Member accepting application_________
Mississippi State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or veteran status.
Attend a weekly meeting on Wednesday afternoon from 5 to 6 p.m. You can have no more than 3 unexcused
Take the fall semester Roadrunner class, COE 4513, Paraprofessionals in Student Development
MWF 11-11:50 am
Write 10 postcards weekly to prospective students
Attend the annual Roadrunner Retreat
Work in the Office of Admissions and Scholarships for one office hour each week. You can have no more than 3
unexcused absences
Assist in hosting all recruiting events sponsored by the Office of Admissions and Scholarships
Assist with campus tours by giving at least one tour each week in addition to your regular office hour
Participate in the 2016 Roadrunner Selection process
Keep in touch with prospective high school students in your hometown, especially during the summer months and
Assist with fund-raising activities
Have a 2.5 overall grade-point average for selection process
Other duties as assigned
Attend Salutes each Semester
Deadline for Application:
Friday, February 13th at 5:00 p.m.
Monday, February 16th
Foster Ballroom, Colvard Student Union beginning at 5:15 p.m.
Casual Dress
Group Interviews:
Tuesday, February 17th
Montgomery Hall Conference Room
(1st floor, behind staircase to the right)
Business Dress
Group Interviews:
Wednesday, February 18th (if needed)
Montgomery Hall Conference Room
(1st floor, behind staircase to the right)
Business Dress
List of Returning Applicants:
Thursday, February 19th
Posted outside 250 Montgomery Hall at 9:00 a.m.
Sign up for individual interviews by 4 p.m.
250 Montgomery Hall
Individual Interviews:
Friday, February 20th
Montgomery Hall Conference Room
(1st floor, behind staircase to the right)
Business Casual
Sunday, February 22nd
Montgomery Hall Conference Room
(1st floor, behind staircase to the right)
Business Casual
Roadrunner Selection Letter:
Thursday, February 26th
Pick up letters in 250 Montgomery Hall after 9 a.m.
Roadrunner Party:
Thursday, February 26th
Time: 6:30-7:30 pm
250 Montgomery Hall
Sunday, March 1st
Location: TBA
Roadrunner Meeting:
Wednesday, March 4th
4:00 p.m. for new Roadrunners
Place: TBA
5:00 p.m. for all Roadrunners (this meeting is MANDATORY)