Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the
Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the
“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” Leonardo da Vinci Established in 2005, AMPRO is the internationally awarded agency that provides strategic design for uplifting consumer brands. At AMPRO, we believe that TODAY is what matters most. Our future will be at least as good as the opportunities that we seize TODAY. Be noticed, stand out and sell! We do this by creating clear brand strategies and by bringing those strategies to life through daring design solutions. We think outside the box! Our expertise: Awards & recognitions: - Brand audit - Naming - Brand strategy - Brand design 2011 2012 - Packaging design - Private label design - Retail & POS branding - Full DTP & prepress 37 international awards Works featured in “100’S VISUAL IDEAS / USA“ Featured in “THE GALLERY MAGAZINE/ THE WORLD’S BEST GRAPHICS“ 20 nominations for LUERZER’S ARCHIEVE “200 BEST PACKAGING DESIGNERS WORLWIDE” Members of the Pan-European Brand Design Association since 2010. AMPRO DESIGN / Self-promo gift / A wine bottle with two necks, symbolizing a successful partnership in which both parties win. Structural design & concept 2011 AMPRO DESIGN / Self-promo: Undercover Pinot Noir 2012 AMPRO DESIGN / Portfolio Disc 2011 SENSIBLU / Dr. Hart 1st PLACE PHARMACEUTICAL 2015 / MILAN Faringosept redesign & brand extension Cuky’s: Brand redesign X Snacks: Naming / Brand strategy / Brand design / Packaging design 2011 DANONE PDPA: Traditii din Romania brand & packaging design / 2013 ORKLA FOODS: Linco packaging redesign / 2013 NESTLE ROMANIA / JOE PACKAGING REDESIGN NESTLE ROMANIA / JOE ECONOMIC NAMING & REBRANDING NESTLE ROMANIA / JOE WINTER LIMITED EDITION: PACKAGING DESIGN HOCHLAND ROMANIA / MIXTETT CHEESE PACKAGING DESIGN 2012 Freddy’s / Local fresh fruit & snacks shop: Branding 2011 SUSHIMANIA: Brand identity & Packaging design. AMICII / MY LOVE: Ice cream brand & Packaging design BRONZE AWARD PENTAWARDS 2008 Published in “100’s Visual Ideas USA“ Published in “The Gallery Magazine/ world’s best graphics“ Finalist at Identity Best of the Best 2010/Packaging - Moscow PRODLACTA / FLOARE DE COLT: : Ice cream brand & Packaging design Published in “The Gallery Magazine/ world’s best graphics“ Nominated at Identity Best of the Best 2010/Packaging - Moscow PRODLACTA / SERATA: Ice cream brand & Packaging design Nominated at Identity Best of the Best 2010/Packaging - Moscow Danone / Pofta de gustare: Packaging design Danone / Sour cream: Packaging redesign. Caroli Foods Romania / Sissi: brand extension and packaging design FRIGORIFER / Edna: Rebranding Penny Romania / Gustopan: Packaging & Brand design Penny Romania / Gradina cu soare: Packaging & Brand design Penny Romania / Gradina cu soare: Packaging & Brand design Amicii / Amicii legumelor: Packaging & Brand design Penny Market / BoCCino candy: Brand & Packaging design Galmopan / Dulcissimo cookies: Brand & Packaging design Published in “The Gallery Magazine/ world’s best graphics“ Nominated at Identity Best of the Best 2010 / Packaging - Moscow Exported in more than 50 countries FOOD DISTRIBUTIONE / Spria: Branding & Packaging design Rewe Group / Casa Blanca Coffee: Packaging & Brand design Penny Market / Hanul Boieresc: Private label naming / brand & packaging design for traditional products Morarita: Frozen pastry products rebranding Azuris: Frozen fish packaging & brand design Rewe Group / Penny International: Fish products packaging & brand design Silverlink / Dexi: Brand & packaging design GEROCOSSEN / BABY: Children cosmetics brand & packaging design Published in “The Gallery Magazine/ world’s best graphics“ Published in “100’s Visual Ideas USA“ Glue integrator / Structural design & product branding Glue integrator / Structural design & product branding Glue integrator / Structural design & product branding DANONE ROMANIA / Scooba fruits / Concept, naming, structural design & product branding DANONE ROMANIA / Scooba fruits / Concept, naming, structural design & product branding DANONE ROMANIA / ACTIVIA Smoothie / structural design & product branding VALIO Finland / Wake me up for breakfast / concept Modellino flour / product concept Volks stock / cross category brand concept Volks stock / cross category brand concept Volks stock / cross category brand concept INTERSNACK: Nutline packaging redesign / 2015 INTERSNACK: Nutline packaging redesign / 2015 INTERSNACK: Nutline packaging redesign / 2015 FICOSOTA: Semana Extra Fresh packaging redesign / 2015 FICOSOTA: Semana Moonflower packaging redesign / 2015 FICOSOTA: TEO Sea Treasures packaging redesign / 2015 FICOSOTA: TEO Botanical packaging redesign / 2015 HOCHLAND: Tartino packaging design / 2015 HOCHLAND: Warm delice packaging design / 2014 HOCHLAND: Crème packaging design / 2015 HOCHLAND: Telemea packaging design / 2015 HOCHLAND: Mixttet packaging redesign / 2015 HOCHLAND: Cheese packaging redesign / 2015 HOCHLAND: Cheese slices packaging redesign / 2014 AMPRO DESIGN CONSULTANTS, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA, 0040 21 3121046 / www.ampro.ro / office@ampro.ro
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inside every good identity there`s a bright idea
We do this by creating clear brand strategies and by bringing those strategies to life through daring
design solutions.