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here - Fairview Baptist Church
February 12, 2015
A Weekly Newsletter of Fairview Baptist Church
The Sylvest had a great weekend with grandparents and family in for birthdays. With my mom here I am always reminded of stories
that I could chronicle as “The Patricia Life.” Here is one such story: About 4-5 years ago Ella is walking with her Nanna through the
parking lot at the mall in search of Nanna’s minivan. Nanna, in her state of being vertically challenged is looking around and around.
Then she bumps into something and politely said “Excuse me.” Ella quickly replies “Nanna, that’s a car, you are not supposed to talk
to cars!” Very observant for a 5 year old.
In the church we have a fancy word called ASSIMILATION. It simply means providing a level of comfort and experience to a person
(guest or member) that brings that person to have a sense of belonging to the group. We bump into people all the time and say
“excuse me” and move on. We miss the opportunity for a connection. I know it is completely against the grain of culture in our
society but we can always approach others and introduce ourselves. Those “random” happenings can be a blessing and a divine
Our connection to Fairview Baptist Church is a divine connection. We are here under God’s direction in our lives to be connected
and assimilated to this body of believers. Staff prays that the name tags we are using in February has enabled people to get
connected to others better. Don’t just catch a glance at a name, go and meet the brother or sister behind the name tag! In my
Sunday School class we are going to use a prayer sheet for a time to record our prayer request to be used at the end of class. I am
asking my folks in the class to sign up for a Sunday where they will introduce themselves to the class more in depth…home towns,
workplace, family, hobbies and such. We never know how friendships and growth can happen. Maybe your class can do something
similar. This is something in which we have to be intentional.
Almost 1200 people attended a Sunday School class at least one time in January. One time is not the standard of attendance but it
shows us the potential if we attend more faithfully. No matter where you may be Saturday/Saturday night, demonstrate to your kids
that Sundays are important and be in church. Satan uses our activities and “busyness” in life to pull us out of worship and
discipleship. We are all like that Nanna at times unaware of the things around us and what is happening. Let us enjoy our time at
church with each other and be faithful to the calling God gives us as believers.
Loving the Fairview Family,
Charles Sylvest
55+ Ministry
55+ Choir
4:45-5:30 p.m. in the
55+ Suite
55+ Home Touch
Every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.
Meet at the church
55+ Life Issues
Tuesday’s through March 31 at Noon
in the Fellowship Hall
Lunch served at 11:30
February 17 Life Issues:
Gentiva-Home Rehab/Preventing
February 24 Life Issues:
Medicare and the Hospital
February 15
AM Service:
Nursery A
Nursery B
Nursery C
Room 109
Room 110
Room 111
Room 108
Room 106
Gerrie Davis, Coordinator
Mary Willcutt, Carolyn Ward, Pat
McCarty, Patsy Winklepleck
Tim & Taylor Massey, Randy West
Ruthie Moss, Debbie McLaurin
Erin Burns, Jessica Burns
Rusty & Katie Burchfield
Kurt & Michele Shepherd
Kevin & Paige Knox
PM Service:
Nursery A
Room 109
Room 110
Stephanie Kelley, Coordinator
Mendy Beatty, Venetia Oglesby
Kelsey Gustine, Melody Adams
Robert & Coye Pool
Sympathy to Myra Kleis & Family upon the death of her
cousin, Aaron Borntrager
Sympathy to Connie Weathers upon the death of her
sister, Margie Bailey
Sympathy to Carol Dowdy & Family upon the death of
her son, Benjamin Dowdy
A note of Thanks has been received
Don & Becky Clardy
The Family of Nellie Hydrick
Sympathy to Lynne Sneed & Family upon the death of
her grandmother, Fredna Gaston
Sympathy to Jamiee Nelson & Family upon the death of
her father, Jim Nelson
Beginning in March
“The View” will be a monthly
newsletter. The first monthly edition
will be available on March 5.
“The View” will be available
weekly through February.
Student Ministry Teams—Sundays at 5:00 p.m.
Praise Band, Student Worship Room
Clowns, Room 203, Activities Building
Creative Worship, Room 13, Flat Top Building
Ensemble, Choir Room
Student Bible Drill, Room 4 Flat Top Building
(meets at 4:30 p.m.)
Winter Jam
Thursday, February 26
Leave from Fairview at 4:00 p.m.
Drivers needed!
Guatemala Mission March 7-14, 2015. Cost: $950
Secret Church #15 is coming Friday, April, 24. The
theme is “Christ, Culture, and a Call to Action” and the
focus country will be Vietnam. We are called to engage
this culture with a firm understanding of the gospel. If
you would like to watch as a class fellowship or as an
outreach to neighbors/friends, please contact Charles
Sylvest in the church office, 328-2924. These viewings
will be hosted in area homes. A list of locations will be
published when known.
We Love Fairview in February...
Actually all year round but there is a special emphasis
through our Sunday School this February. We are asking all
people in attendance to wear a name tag each Sunday. It
will help us in our classes, hallways, and worship to be able
to catch a name we forgot or even meet someone new.
Name tags will be provided in your Sunday School class each
week. Show your love for the fellowship and ministry of
Sunday School at 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study, 7:00-7:50 p.m.
College Dominican Mission: May 9-15
February 20 beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Pick up on February 21 at 8:00 a.m.
Bring your sleeping bag and pillow and be ready to
work on fun activities to complete your steps towards getting your badge.
Come dressed in your favorite pajamas!
If your child is not spending the night, please pick
them up at 10:00 p.m. Friday night.
Sign up with Robin, by
Wednesday, February 18.
VBS 2015 – Lifeway’s Journey Off the Map
June 8-12, 2015
Children’s Camp
July 6-8, 2015
Directors and Teachers are needed
for VBS, June 8-12
See Carla or Robin
A gift to the Children’s Ministry
has been received in Memory of
Nellie Hydrick
A gift to the Children’s Ministry
has been received in Honor of
Paul & Barbara Nance
Lona Southerland
Lella Reed
A gift to the 55+ Ministry has been
received in Memory of Nellie
Wild Game Feast
Thursday, February 26
6:00 p.m.
Special Guest: Glenn Chappelear,
Professional Fisherman
Tickets are $10 for adults
$5 for children
Church Supper Reservations
February 18
Ham & Cheesey Potatoes
Call or email the church office to make
supper reservations/cancellations
by NOON on Tuesday each week.
662.328.2924 or
Adults (7th grade and older) $5
Children (6th grade and under) $4
Family Maximum $15
$132.00 FOR 13 WEEKS
For more information, please call
Elizabeth Godfrey, 356-9057 or
Email at
Sundays at 5:30 p.m.
“Made to Crave”, a ladies class that will enable spiritual
empowerment to any healthy eating plan you choose. A video driven
study by Lysa TerKeurst. Seven weeks, $5 cost. Facilitator is Laura
Beth Sylvest Room C, 2nd Floor, Ed. Bldg
“Taking Down Goliath”, a men’s class detailing the GIANTS that men
face and how to conquer them. A video driven study by Johnny Hunt.
Eight Weeks, $5 cost. Facilitator is Charles Sylvest Room 214, 2nd
Floor, Ed. Bldg.
“In Christ “– A study exploring what the Bible says about our identity
in Christ. Understanding the truth of who you are in Him will
radically transform your thinking, your motivations, and your life.
Facilitator: Bro Kevin; Rm W-125
“Living a Life of Love and Laughter,” a video driven study with Dennis
Swangberg. A class lasting 6 weeks, cost is $5. Facilitator is Doug
Ladies Bible Study
“How do you Walk the Way you Talk”, a ladies weekday study led by
Terri Houston. This class meets on Tuesdays at 9:15am. This class
will meet in an ongoing manner with continuous Bible studies
designed toward ladies topics and Christian Discipleship. Cost of this
class is $5.
You are invited to a Baby Shower honoring
Masa Hensley and the upcoming arrival of
James Bowen
Sunday, February 15, 2015
1:00-2:30 p.m.
Fairview Baptist Church, Room 102
127 Airline Road
Columbus, MS
Registered at:
Password is bowen
Congratulations to Brian and LeAnn Murphy
on the birth of their son,
Patrick Slater Murphy,
February 10, 2015
Grandparents: Slater & Marsha Murphy
Great Grandparents: Tom & Belinda Murphy