weekly announcements 15.2.15 - Ballyclare Circuit Methodist
weekly announcements 15.2.15 - Ballyclare Circuit Methodist
Weekly Announcements week beginning 15 February 2015 Sun 15 Mon 16 Tue 17 Wed 18 Thu 19 Fri 20 Sat 21 Sun 22 Sunday School & Bible Class –Ballyclare 10.15am; Sunday 10.15am; Doagh 10.45am Morning Service Ballyclare 11.30am Rev Derek Russell Overseas Mission Ballynure 10.00am Jamie McMillan Sunday Doagh 10.30am Rev Ed McDade Evening Service Youth Alpha in Ballyclare 7.30 – 9.30pm BB & Spark in Ballyclare Spark - 4-7 years - 6 - 7.00pm BB - Juniors 8-10 years 7 - 8.30pm Company 11+ years 7 - 9.15pm League Bowls in Ballynure at 7.30pm MWI in Ballyclare at 7.45pm : Rev Robin Roddy – Methodist Historical Society Mums & Tots in Ballyclare at 9.30am Bible Study in Ballyclare at 3pm Bible Study in Ballynure at 7.45pm GB - Explorers 3-7 years 6.00 - 7.15pm Company 8+ years 7.30 - 9.15pm Friendship Circle in Ballyclare at 10.30am Bowls in Ballyclare at 7.30pm Sports Club in Ballynure 6.30–8pm (P1-P7) - 50p per child Table Tennis in Ballyclare 7pm Bowls in Ballynure at 7.30pm Fun Bowls in Ballyclare at 7.30pm Sunday School & Bible Class –Ballyclare 10.15am; Ballynure : Sunday 10.15am; Doagh 10.45am Morning Service Ballyclare 11.30am Rev Ed McDade / Jamie McMillan - GB Service of Thanksgiving Ballynure 10.00am Rev Ed McDade / Jamie McMillan – All Age Worship Doagh 10.30am Deby Rosbotham – Family Service Evening Service Youth Alpha in Ballyclare 7.30 – 9.30pm FEBRUARY DATES Tuesday 24 Wednesday 25 Wednesday 25 MARCH DATES Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Saturday 7 Monday 9 Wednesday 11 Monday 16 Wednesday 25 Saturday 28 Doagh Church Council at 7.30pm Bible Study in Doagh at 7.30pm Ballyclare Church Council at 7.30pm MWI in Ballynure at 7.45pm : Rev Derek Kerr – Royal Memorabilia Ballynure Church Council at 7.30pm Men’s Breakfast in Doagh 8.30 – 10am Circuit Executive in Doagh at 7.30pm Doagh Invitation Evening at 7.45pm MWI in Ballyclare at 7.45pm : St Patrick’s Night – bring an object and tell what it means to you or share a funny experience you have had Doagh Bible Study at 7.45pm Global Vision in Lismore Comprehensive School, Craigavon Cost £13: Under 18s FREE. Leaflets in porch OPEN DOORS PRAYER & SUPPORT GROUP. The next meeting will be at 7.45pm in Ballynure Church on Tuesday 17 February. All are welcome to join us as we learn together from Christians living under persecution around the world, and support the work of Open Doors through prayer. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT – If you wish to receive an Annual Report, please add your name to the list in the porch. WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER - A different arrangement is made this year for this special event. Instead of the Friday evening service, a prayer breakfast for all ladies is being held in St John Church of Ireland, Ballyclare on Saturday 7 March at 9am. All ladies welcome. FOOD BANK – As arrangements continue for setting up a ‘satellite’ food bank in Ballyclare, all the local churches are supporting the food bank base at Carnmoney. We now have a permanent shopping trolley in the foyer of each church on the circuit for the collection of non-perishable foods. Non-perishable foods - milk (uht or powdered) sugar, fruit juice (long life), tinned tomatoes, sponge pudding, rice pudding, biscuits, snacks, tea bags, instant coffee, instant potato, tinned vegetables, tinned meat/fish, pasta sauces, soup, cereals, jam, rice, tinned fruit. By buying an extra item in the weekly shop and bringing it to church we can support those in need in our local community. Thank you for your help. For more info contact Ryan McMillan or James Forsythe 07898302682 FREE HEARING AID CLINIC on Tuesday 24 February : 10am—12 noon in Beeches Community Centre, 76 Avondale Drive, Ballyclare DEVINE HEALING MINISTRIES invite you to a Commissioning Service on Monday 9 March at 8pm in St Anne’s Cathedral for a team going on mission to Bolivia, South America – this team includes Andrew Irvine. Speaker – Very Rev Raymond Ferguson (former Dean of Kilmore). Worship led by West Church Bangor Music Group. ADOPT A SPOT 2015 - Is there an area in your community that could do with a clean up? Are you fed up with graffiti, litter and dog mess on your doorstep? With 96% of Northern Ireland’s streets having been found to have litter, why not join forces with Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful and Adopt a Spot! The scheme will formally enable volunteer groups to adopt an area and look after it. You can choose any area you like. If you think there is an area that could do with a bit of TLC, why not adopt it. Adopters can be anyone, from families, community or youth groups, schools, sporting associations. With the help of KNIB you will hold 4 clean ups a year at a time of your choice. KNIB will provide an adoption pack containing all the equipment needed such as litter pickers, bin bags, gloves, high viz vests and a hints and tips booklet on how to run a successful clean up. If you are interested in instilling a pride of place in your community, fill in application form and return it to leanne.burns@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org. Please return by Thursday 19 February so that KNIB can vet your application. Application form and other info available from Church Office or Leanne Burns phone 90736920 THE HEALTY BODY, HEALTHY MIND PROJECT offers a free support programme to help those struggling with mental health and alcohol related problems. Each programme includes the modules – impact of alcohol; back to basics; building confidence; moving forward. Arranged dates are – 12 February in Carrickfergus; 14 April in Ballymena; 10 September in Larne. Contact the Impact of Alcohol Project Co-ordinator for more information – 90744499 or email impactofalcohol@contactni.com or visit www.thinkdrinkni.com JUNGLENASTIX—exercise programme for children aged 2—8 years each Wednesday in Ballyclare Methodist Church Hall. New 10-week session commences Wednesday 14 January. Cost £45. To book a place contact Candy 07910262736 / 28341307 WALK-IN HEALING (PRAYER) CLINIC every Wednesday 7.30 – 8.30pm in River of Life Christian Centre, Mill Road, Ballyclare. Everyone welcome. NEWTOWNABBEY CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU – Thursday 9.30am – 1pm in Ballyclare Presbyterian Church. Pre-arranged appointments only – call 90852271 to make appointment - 9am – 4pm daily. Email advice is available on enewtownabbey@citizensadvice.co.uk BOGUS CALLERS - Most callers to your home will be genuine, however there are some who may not be. These callers are ‘Bogus Callers’ or ‘Distraction Burglars’ who want to trick their way into your home. If you are in doubt simply check your caller on Freephone 0800 0132290. ADMIN OFFICE IN BALLYCLARE – Marjorie will be in the office on Friday mornings Telephone: 9335 2905 e-mail: ballyclaremethodist@btconnect.com