Newsletter – 12/2 - Penrith Anglican College


Newsletter – 12/2 - Penrith Anglican College
No 2, 2014
12th February
Important dates for your diary
Why Is it so?
For those of us who are old enough to remember Professor
Sumner Miller, you will recall the question that he was famous
for - 'Why is it so?' He would pose a question or give a
proposition and then he would require his learners to think
through why? Why is that way? Why did it work? Or maybe
even why didn't it work the way we wanted?
In the College we focus on the students developing the skills
of well rounded education and having a capacity to show
respect and commitment to all members of the community.
The focus in the College is to use the Learner Profile from the
International Baccalaureate. The profile aims to help develop
students with the following ten attributers: Inquirers,
Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled,
Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced and Reflective.
This issue of The Vine I would encourage you to think through
what it means to be an inquirer. We are by very nature
inquisitive, this is seen in the infant who continually poses the
question, 'But why?' As we work patiently with them we
answer their questions, however, as time goes on and the But
whys come more of a nuisance or we just lose our patience
and the answers become 'Because I said so.' I implore you to
encourage you children to ask the deeper question of 'Why is
it so?' Inquiring minds make the world a place more
challenging and interesting both for the individual and those
around them.
Thursday 12th February
Annual Prefects’ Service at St Andrew’s
Cathedral Sydney
Friday 13th February
Headmaster’s Assembly, Senior School
Chapel K-6
10:00am Year 12 Music 2 Excursion
Sunday 15th February
9:30am Christ church @ the College
6:00pm Night Church
Monday 16th February
Year 7 Boys/Girls Vaccinations
Tell Us About your Child Evening
Pre K-Year 6
3:30pm-5:50pm and 6:30pm-8:20pm
Year’s 7-12
3:50pm-5:50pm and 6:30pm-8:20pm
6:30pm Year 7 Orientation talk, Lighthouse
Friday 20th February
Chapel/Headmaster’s Assembly Junior School
Captains’ Investiture Gymnasium
7:30pm-9:00pm New Parents’ Wine and
Cheese Evening. Lighthouse Theatre
Sunday 22nd February
9:30am Christ church @ the College
6:00pm Night Church
Monday 23rd February
Year 11 Excursion Homebush Bay
7:30pm-9:00pm Senior School Study Skills
Parents’ information Evening Years 7-10
Thursday 26th February
Year 10 Geography Nepean River Field Study
“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are
convinced that one died for all, and therefore
all died. And he died for all, that those who live
should no longer live for themselves but for
him who died for them and was raised again”
2 Corinthians 5: 14-15
Friday 27th February
Chapel/Headmaster’s Assembly
10:00am Year 11 Music 1 Excursion
3:45-8:30pm Development Band Practise,
Performance and Pizza, Recital Room
Saturday 28th February
ACER Scholarship Testing Day
Mathematics Homework Centre
The Maths Faculty is offering free Maths help for students who would like to improve their skills or
increase their understanding of what they have learnt in their Maths class. The Maths Homework Centre
runs as follows:
Years 10 - 12
Monday Afternoons 3.30 - 5:00 pm
Years 7 - 9
Wednesday Afternoons 3.30 - 5:00 pm
Room F4
Students should bring their homework or questions they may have from class. Tuition is free and
students can come every week or just occasionally as suits their needs. For further information, contact
Mrs Catherine Mills at the College.
Tabitha 2015 - Helping the Community Embrace Technology
This year as part of the Tabitha program we will be running an elective called University of the New Age.
In this elective year 11 and 12 students will work with members of the community one on one to assist
them in becoming more familiar with technology. This will run on Tuesday afternoons in the school
computer labs from 1:30-3:30pm.
Students will teach members how to set up email and Facebook accounts, how to share files and
photos, how to edit photos and use word and other office applications. Group members may also ask for
assistance with specific needs and we will do our best to accommodate.
There will be two groups running fortnightly throughout Term 2.
The dates are as follows:
Group 1
5th May 2015
19th May 2015
2nd June 2015
16th June 2015
Group 2
28th April 2015
12th May 2015
26th May 2015
9th June 2015
23rd June 2015
To attend these free sessions you will need to register beforehand. Please "spread the word" especially
to grandparents who may be interested.
If you would like to register or have any further inquiries please contact Mora Soliman on 4736 8100 or
From the Music Department
WANTED…keen young players for the following instruments.
The Music Department has a number of instruments available for hire to students who would like to
be involved in a Co-curricular music group. See the Music staff if you think you any of the following
instruments would be of interest to you:
Bassoon, Bass Clarinet, Double Bass, French Horn, Piccolo, Percussion, Guitar – for Jazz Band,
Trombone, Violin & Cello
Students in Years 5 -9 are the most suitable candidates; some experience on a musical instrument
would be required to apply. Instrument hire & private tuition is available if needed.
Contact the Music Assistant: for more information.
The College offers a variety of musical groups for students to be involved in. All groups are led by
experienced and qualified teachers and they welcome new members. The following groups are
offered for 2015 and rehearsal times can be viewed on the College website and on the Music Notices
board in B Block .
Guitar Groups (Beginners & Advanced ), Development Band, Intermediate Band, Senior
Concert Band, Jazz Band, Dixieland Jazz Band, Senior Choir, Flute Choir (Beginners &
Advanced), Ukulele Club, Chapel Band, String Groups (Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced)
Students involved in these groups get the opportunity to perform at various College events (which
attract John Lambert points), and participate in PPP nights (Practice, Pizza, Performance) as well as
local and overseas Music Tours. Contact the Music staff for more information
Preparations are progressing well for the tour coming up in April. 13 x students and 3 staff will be
joining with students and staff from Thomas Hassall Anglican College for this exciting venture.
Students will perform and workshop at some schools and communities and visit many wonderful
places in the South Island. Thank you to all the students who have supported our fundraising through
the sale of Cadbury chocolates! They are still available this term from the Music staffroom at recess
and lunchtime.
Our site: Regatta Park, River Road EMU PLAINS
Sunday 1st March is ‘Clean Up Australia Day’. This is the 15th year that our College has participated in
the Clean Up Day. We will be cleaning up in Emu Plains at Regatta Park, along the grassed area on the
western banks of the Nepean River.
Staff will be at the site adjacent to the car park on the western side of River Rd between 10am and 1pm.
Student and parents must ALL be registered on the day.
Please wear comfortable clothing, covered shoes, gloves, hat, sunscreen and bring spare bags to
collect litter if possible. Adults may also like to bring rakes to assist in collecting litter from difficult
places. This event will go ahead even in the rain so please come prepared.
Students who are under 15 years must be accompanied and registered along with a parent / adult.
This is a great way for families to participate in community service together.
Interested students and parents should register on the day by meeting
Ms. Hazell at Regatta Park car park, cnr. River Road and Great Western Highway, Emu Plains
near the amenities block. (carpark closest to Victoria Bridge- look for the PAC banner)
For any further details please see Ms Hazell in the G1 Staffroom.
Senior School (Years 7-10) Parents’
Study Skills and Information Evening
Monday February 23, 7:30-9pm F Centre
Parents are invited to an evening during which Senior School Support Staff and Library staff explain
ways in which parents can support their older children in the areas of study, time management,
assignments, research and homework. A ‘walk through’ the college web site will also be offered.
Parents of new students are particularly welcome.
Prep/Junior School Parents’
Study Skills and Information Evening
Tuesday March 3, 7:30-9pm C block
Parents of students in Prep and Junior School are invited to hear how they can support their children in
their learning. Topics include library services and projects, homework and study, the Internet, reading
and numeracy skills and time management.
Parents of new students are particularly welcome.
Note From The Counsellor
Some members of the school community may not be aware that I work full-time at PAC to assist
students and their families. Predominantly the focus is on social, emotional and behavioural
concerns that require support and management through school-based intervention and/or
referrals to outside agencies. Such issues can include the following:
Emotional issues: anxiety, depression, self-esteem, anger management, coping with
long-term mental disorders.
Behavioural issues: conduct, eating disorders, addictions, sexual issues.
Academic issues: motivation, stress, time management, vocational counselling,
coping with long-term learning disorders.
Social issues: friendships, bullying, on-line communication.
Family issues: family crises, grief, relationships, split families, parenting.
Group issues: group dynamics and relationships, mediation
Spiritual issues: faith, identity.
I work as part of the Pastoral Care Team and liaise when necessary with Classroom Teachers,
Year Masters, Stage Coordinators and the various Heads of Schools including the Headmaster.
Students are always welcome to stop by my office for a chat and I would urge parents to
encourage their children to do this whenever necessary as talking about an issue is the first step
on the way to resolution. Remember, it is sometimes easier and perhaps even appropriate for a
student to talk to someone who is not mum or dad or even a teacher, in an environment where
confidentiality is important.
Please note that at times it may be advisable for me to recommend that a student or family
receive further assistance. As a result, I am in touch with other organisations and professionals in
the local area.
Parents, you are most welcome to ring, email or drop in for a chat about any concerns you might
have. My office is in the Admin Block at the front of the College.
I look forward to assisting students and families PRE K – 12 where I can throughout 2015.
Mr Jon Wright
2015 Junior School Swimming Carnival
Ridley Run Rampant, Again !
Ridley House continued their total dominance in the pool by winning their fourth consecutive carnival.
It was virtually Ridley first and daylight second. Congratulations to Ridley House, you’ve made Mr
Worrall a very proud House Master.
The day was a huge success with the participation rates of students phenomenal. Competitive
swimmers and non-competitive swimmers were all doing their best to win points for their houses. The
highlight of the day was definitely the relays with students and parents cheering themselves hoarse.
The swimmer of the meet was Georgia Field who set three individual records. (Listed below)
A huge thank you to the many parents who were time keepers on the day and also the Junior School
staff who helped the carnival run smoothly. Special mention must go to Mr Galea who coordinated
the timekeepers. Also a huge thank you to Mrs Thompson our Meet Manager computer expert.
Finally thank you to Mrs Gough and her helpers who keep all the officials fed and watered on the
Listed below are record breakers and also age champions for 2015. I look forward to 2016 with great
anticipation to see if Ridley can maintain their dominance.
Mr J Rodgers
Junior School Sports Coordinator
PAC Record Breakers
Georgia Field
Charlotte Forti
Lucy Cornwell
Madison Ward
Olivia Fawns
Girls Open Medley
12 Year 50m Butterfly
12 Year 100m Freestyle
Senior Girls Relay
Age Champions
8 Year
9 Year
10 year
11 Year
12 Year
Austin Bock
Lachlan Hanrahan
Matthew Bone
Charlotte Forti
Lucas Bentley
Tara Kalantar
Elissa Ferguson
Jade O’Connor
Samuel Hanrahan
Georgia Field
Soccer Representatives 2015
Congratulations to Joshua Grant, Patrick Beach and Angelo Apokis (Year 6) for their recent selection
in Representative Soccer Teams for the 2015 season. After going through many weeks of grueling
trials it is a wonderful achievement to be selected in Premier 1 teams.
Angelo will be playing with Blacktown Spartans Under 12’s and Patrick and Joshua will be playing for
Mount Druitt Rangers. Well done boys, hope you all have an enjoyable and successful season
Mr. J Rodgers
Junior School Sports Coordinator
2015 Junior School Swimming Carnival
Swimming Carnival Final Point Score
Where Are They Now?
Claire Kermond, HSC 2008
Before commencing my HSC studies I was convinced I would follow my love of history and become a
teacher or a historian. I changed my mind after studying legal studies and have since begun the journey
of becoming a lawyer. After graduating in 2008 I combined my two passions and studied a double
degree in Law and Arts at Macquarie University. I majored in both Politics & International Relations, and
Ancient History.
After commencing uni I left my high school job at Bakers Delight and started working as receptionist at
Jim Aitken + Partners. Soon after I decided to follow my interest in social justice and began volunteering
at Redfern Legal Centre (RLC), a community legal centre that provides free legal advice to
disadvantaged people. I also became involved in Macquarie University’s Global Leadership Program,
which promotes awareness of important legal, social, ethical and political issues through a variety of
I undertook the Aurora Native Title Internship in 2013, volunteering full-time for a month at the
Indigenous Law Centre. During the internship I conducted research for a paper produced by Amnesty
International that investigated the over-representation of Indigenous young people in the juvenile justice
system and proposed possible policy solutions. To broaden my legal experience I then took a position
as a law clerk at a small local firm and gained experience in conveyancing, family law, and wills and
In late 2014 I left my two jobs and volunteer position at RLC, after many rounds of interviews I landed a
clerkship at DLA Piper, the world’s largest law firm. I absolutely love working at a global law firm, it
provides fantastic opportunities to learn from some of the best in the business, and to work with clients
and colleagues internationally on interesting and diverse work that is often multi-jurisdictional. DLA Piper
has a great corporate responsibility program and offers opportunities for pro bono legal work. So far I’ve
been involved in choosing presents and organising a Christmas party for a school that assists children
with disabilities, and serving Christmas dinner at a homeless shelter in Sydney.
The first rotation of my clerkship was in the Intellectual Property and Technology team where I
contributed to work relating to patent litigation, data collection, privacy laws, technology agreements,
design registration and trade mark issues for major clients of the firm. My second rotation will be in the
Real Estate team and I am looking forward to working on commercial real estate transactions.
This year I am looking forward to finally graduating uni, becoming a graduate lawyer, travelling more,
and having more time to watch my brother play cricket!
Amended Term Dates for 2016
Term 1
27th January
28th January
29th January
1st February
2nd February
2nd February
3rd February
7th March
25th March
28th March
8th April
New Teaching Staff Day
Staff Day
Staff Day
Years 7-12 Students commence at 8.30am
Years 1-6 Students commence at 8.30 am
Kindergarten Students commence at 11.30
Pre K commence @ 11.30 am
Mid Term Break
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Term1 Ends
25th April
26th April
27th April
28th April
13th June
24th June
Anzac Day
Staff Day
Staff Day
Students commence
Queen’s Birthday (Public Holiday)
Term 2 ends
13th – 15th
18th July
22nd August
23rd September
July Staff Days
Students commence
Mid-Term Break
Term 3 ends
10th October
11th October
12th October
14th December
15th December
16th December
Labour Day Public Holiday
Staff Day
Students commence
Term 4 ends for Years 7-12 students
Term 4 ends for Pre-K - 6 students
Term 4 ends for staff
Term 2
Term 3
Wed – Fri
Term 4
Day 1 for Years 7-12 students is Monday 1st February, 2016
Day 1 for Years 1-6 students is Tuesday 2nd February, 2016
Day 1 for Kindergarten students is Tuesday 2nd February, 2016
Day 1 for Pre K students is Wednesday 3rd February, 2016
N.B. Starting times:
Pre K
Day 1
11.30 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Day 1
Day 2+
11.30 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.
9.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. (Term 1)
9.00 a.m. – 3.15 p.m. (Terms 2 - 4)
Years 1 – 6
8.30 a.m. – 3.15 p.m.
Years 7 – 12
8.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.
Praise and Prayer Points
Give thanks for the excellent Swimming Carnivals last Wednesday and Thursday
Give thanks for the smooth transition to school for the new students.
Give thanks for the students who excelled in their HSC and IB and for the opportunity to celebrate
with some of them at the Outstanding Achievers Assembly.
Give thanks for the many opportunities for students as they commit to a new year and their
Pray for the preparation of the students who are going to the Music tour at the end of term
Pray for Year 11 as they take on the more significant work structure of Senior School.
Pray for families in the Community who are struggling with significant health issues
Pray for the College Prefects as they balance their roles and schoolwork.