2015 Calendar Front.pub - Orange County Extension Education


2015 Calendar Front.pub - Orange County Extension Education
Don’t miss the Central Florida
Gardening TV Show!
F e b r u a ry 2 0 1 5 C a l e n d a r o f E v e n t s
4-H Archery
Tu e
We d
OC Great Gardener
Commercial Pesticide
Applicator License Testing
S at
4-H Milk Run
Orange and Vision TV
Brighthouse Channels 198, 199;
On Demand channel 319;
Comcast channels 9, 98;
AT&T U-Verse Channel 99;
and online at
Adopt A Tree
Irrigation Basics
FL. Friendly Landscaping
Landscape U - Palm Pest
Edible Landscape
Square Foot Gardening
Urban Chicken Class
Self‐guided tours are encouraged Monday thru Friday from 8 ‐ 5 Pressure Cooking
ServSafe Training & Test
Slow Cooker Cooking
Review & Exams for
Limited Cert Pest Ap.
Square Foot Gardening
Micro-Irrigation Basics
Rejuvenate your Lawn &
Yeast Bread Baking
Commercial Plant
Diagnostic Clinic
Tuesdays 1 pm - 4pm
MREC, Apopka
Plant Clinic
Residential Horticulture
Monday - Friday
8 am - 12 pm, 1 pm - 5 pm
Extension Education Center, Orlando
Tuesdays 9 am - 12 pm
MREC, Apopka
Wednesdays 3 pm - 5 pm
Leu Gardens
Citrus Pests & Diseases
For a list of clubs and times
for meetings visit
For more information call 407-254-9200
6021 S. Conway Road, Orlando, FL 32812
Visit us online at http://orange.ifas.ufl.edu
an Equal Opportunity Institution
For more information call 407-254-9229 or visit orange.ifas.ufl.edu
February 2015 Calendar of Events
4-H Shooting Sports Archery Instructor Certification at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 8am - 12pm. Training is open to any approved 4-H
adult or teen volunteer over 14 who is interested in leading an archery project. Please contact Elver Pardo at 407-254-9205 or pardoe@ufl.edu.
OC Great Gardener Program at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 6 - 9pm. $50 per couple. Six week series dates: Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10. Did
you always want to be a Master Gardener, but don’t have the time to volunteer? How about becoming a Great Gardener? This 6 week series will cover topics from plant identification, landscape maintenance, garden pests and diseases, vegetable gardening, fruit trees and more. Books and publications are provided to each couple. Please register in advance at www.gardenflorida.eventbrite.com.
Irrigation Basics at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 6 - 7:30pm. FREE. This class will teach you basic irrigation system maintenance with information on timers, rain shut off devices, micro-irrigation and tips on how to conserve water and save money. Please register in advance at
Online Commercial Pesticide Applicator License Testing at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 8:30am - 12 noon. Must bring a valid picture ID.
Registration required: https://pesticideexam.ifas.ufl.edu. For more information, contact Chris Weber at 407-254-9214.
Orange County 4-H Milk Run 5K at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 8am. $30 early reg. Enjoy a picturesque journey through a working cattle
ranch. Experience the stunning beauty of nature in this unique fitness event. Proceeds benefit the Orange County 4-H program, providing positive youth
development experiences for youth ages 5 to 18. For information please go to http://milkrun.org, or call 407-254-9213.
Adopt-A-Tree Program at the Magnolia Park Birdapalooza, 2929 S. Binion Road, Apopka, Orange County. 8am For further information call 407-2549200. Must be Orange County Resident. Bring utility bill for proof of residency.
FL Friendly Landscaping at Jesse Brock Community Center, Winter Garden. 9 - 10:30am. FREE. The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program will help
you make better decisions in your landscaping practices with tips to guide you in plant choice, irrigation practices, fertilizer applications and pest control.
Please register in advance at www.gardenflorida.eventbrite.com.
Landscape U – Palm Pest Management at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 8am -1pm. Get the dirt on Pest Management in this series for Landscape & Pest Control professionals. Taught by Extension Agents and Industry Professionals, each session includes hands on activities. CEUs Available!
Please register in advance at http://landscapeu.eventbrite.com. For more information, contact Chris Weber at 407-254-9214.
Pressure Cooking at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 10am - 12pm. $15. Pressure Cooking is easy when you know how. Let us show you the safe
and easy way to use this kitchen standard to make healthy meals. Advance registration is required at www.oclivingwell.eventbrite.com.
Create an Edible Landscape at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 10 - 11:30am. FREE. Plants that produce fruits, vegetables, and other edible
products can be just as beautiful in a landscape as traditional plants. Learn which edible plants do well in central Florida and can be easily substituted in your
landscape in place of non-edible plants. Please register in advance at www.gardenflorida.eventbrite.com.
Square Foot Gardening at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 9 - 10:30am. $5. Square Foot Gardening is a system of gardening developed by Mel
Bartholomew that uses 4 foot by 4 foot plots subdivided into 1-foot squares to maximize space and facilitate ease of maintenance. Come and learn how to
grow more fresh vegetables, herbs and flowers in less space than you thought possible. Please register in advance at www.gardenflorida.eventbrite.com.
Urban Chicken Class at the Extension Education Center, Orlando. 10am - Noon. $20 donation appreciated. This class teaches everything you need to
know about raising chickens in an urban environment. To register call Lizette Reyes at 407 254 9218 or email Lizette.reyes@ocfl.net.
ServSafe Training and Test at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 8:30am - 5pm. $165 with textbook, $110 without. Successful participants receive a
Certificate of Achievement from the University of Florida Food Safety and Quality Program and a National Restaurant Association Certification valid for
five years. Advance registration is required at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/orlando-fl-servsafe-managers-class-and-exam-tickets-.
Slow Cooker Cooking at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 6:30 - 8:30pm. $15. Main dishes, sides, beverages and baking in a slow cooker will be
demonstrated with samples and recipes provided. Advance registration is required at www.oclivingwell.eventbrite.com.
Square Foot Gardening at Jesse Brock Community Center, Winter Garden. 6 - 7:30pm. $5. Square Foot Gardening is a system of gardening developed by
Mel Bartholomew that uses 4 ft by 4 ft plots subdivided into 1-foot squares to maximize space and facilitate ease of maintenance. Learn how to grow more
fresh vegetables, herbs and flowers in less space than you thought possible. Please register in advance at http://www.gardenflorida.eventbrite.com.
Review & Exam for Limited Certifications for Pesticide Applicator Licenses at the UF/IFAS Extension Lake County, Tavares, FL. 8am - 4pm. CEUs
Available! Please register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2015-review-exams-limited-certification-pesticide-applicator-licenses-tickets-14901629174. For
more information, call 352-343-4101.
Citrus Pests and Diseases at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 6:30 - 8 pm. $5. Citrus trees have really taken it hard lately. Several years ago it was
Citrus Canker. Now it is Citrus Greening. Will your citrus tree survive? Learn about what you can do to prolong your citrus production in the home garden
and what you need to do once citrus greening has been diagnosed and more. Please register in advance at www.gardenflorida.eventbrite.com.
Micro-Irrigation Basics at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 6 - 8pm. FREE. Retrofitting an irrigation system is easier than it sounds. Changing an
existing spray system or installing a new system to micro-sprays will save you money and water. In this interactive class, we teach the step-by- step process of
converting parts of your irrigation system to micro-sprays for more efficient watering. Please register in advance at www.gardenflorida.eventbrite.com.
Spring Clean Up: Rejuvenate your Lawn & Landscape at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 2 - 3:30pm. FREE. The winter months can be rough
for the lawns and landscapes in central Florida. Learn how to wake up your plants from their winter slumber and prepare them for the warmer months to
come. Please register in advance at www.gardenflorida.eventbrite.com.
Yeast Bread Baking at the UF/IFAS Orange County Extension Center. 9:30am - 12 noon. $20. Yeast breads can be easy, nutritious, delicious, and fun.
In this hands-on class we will make a mixture of sweet and savory. Class size is limited. Advance registration is required at www.oclivingwell.eventbrite.com.