PCCLD Feb 2016 newsletter - Pueblo City
PCCLD Feb 2016 newsletter - Pueblo City
PUEBLO CITY-COUNTY news & events February 2016 PRINTED THANKS TO THE GENEROUS SUPPORT OF FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Locations Key: AV Avondale Satellite BK Barkman BS Beulah Satellite GI Giodone LU Lucero LB Lamb LY Library @ the Y GV Greenhorn Valley PW Pueblo West RA Rawlings February is Black History Month! Outstanding African American Soldiers at Roselawn Cemetery exhibit All library locations during the month of February View images of gravestones dedicated to four Civil War soldiers who have been buried in unmarked graves at Roselawn Cemetery and went unidentified for more than a century. African American Soldiers from Pueblo Thursday, Feb. 11, 6:30 p.m., RA, Infozone-4th floor Ray Brown, a student of military history, will discuss his journey of discovery of the active role African Americans played in their own emancipation during the Civil War. He will also discuss African American veterans who lived and died in Pueblo and are buried in the Roselawn Cemetery and work in properly identifying and honoring them. Becky Stone as Rosa Parks. Literacy Drum Circle Saturday, Feb. 27, 2-3 p.m., RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor, 4-5 p.m., PW All ages. An interactive hand-drum program led by accomplished drummer and educator, Alfredo Pinto. Uses basic hand-drum rhythm instruction using elements of onomatopoeia. Learn about Afro-Latino rhythms, the cultures that the drums originate from. Phone: 562-5600 Locations: Barkman Library 1300 Jerry Murphy Rd. Greenhorn Valley Library 4801 Cibola Dr. Colorado City, Colo. Giodone Library 24655 U.S. Hwy 50 E. Friday, March 11, noon, RA Nominations due by Friday, Feb. 12. Forms available at all library locations or online at pueblolibrary.org/contests. For more information, contact Sara Schwartz at 553-0220 or email sara.schwartz@pueblolibrary.org. These awards provide an opportunity for any individual or organization to honor a special woman who has made an impact. The only criteria is that the woman must be a resident of Pueblo County currently or during the time the award honors. The person does not have to be living to be honored. Each nominee also receives a copy of the book Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy, and ticket to the Tempting Treats and Scandalous History event in March. Together We Read Rosa Parks Chautauqua Monday, Feb. 22, 7 p.m., RA, Ryals Room-4th floor All ages. Rosa Parks taught how one woman, in 1955, through determination and will, refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Ala., starting one of the most significant movements in American history, the Civil Rights Movement. Portrayed by national humanities and Chautauqua scholar Becky Stone. Hours: Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Greenhorn, Giodone and Lucero only) Friday & Saturday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. (Greenhorn, Giodone and Lucero only) Sunday (Rawlings only) 1 – 5 p.m. Women Awards Lucero Library 1315 E. 7th St. Pueblo West Library 298 S. Joe Martinez Blvd. Rawlings Library 100 E. Abriendo Ave. Lamb Library 2525 S. Pueblo Blvd. Satellite library locations: Avondale Elementary 213 Hwy. 50 E. Library @ the Y 3200 Spaulding Beulah School 8734 Schoolhouse Ln. Tempting Treats and Civil War Feats Friday, March 25, 6:30 p.m. RA, Ryals Room-4th floor Tickets: $30, call 553-0220. Enjoy an unlimited dessert and champagne bar while mingling with New York Times bestselling author Karen Abbott. Books will be available for purchase and signing. Free Public Talk, Book Signing with Karen Abbott Saturday, March 26, 11 a.m., PW The author talks about her research and signs books. Board of Trustees: Fredrick Quintana, President Donna Pickman, VP Marlene Bregar Lyndell Gairaud Phil Mancha Jim Stuart Foundation Board: Julie Rodriguez, President Jim Stuart, VP Carol King, Secretary P. Michael Voute, Treasurer Friends of the Library Officers: Doreen Martinez, President Doris Kester, VP Greg Clark, Treasurer Dustin Hodge, Secretary www.pueblolibrary.org Events Calendar February 2016 Reviewing the past year Storytimes listed on page 8 Exhibits at the libraries this month: • Feb. 1-15: The Paintings of Radeaux-Pueblo Eagle Days Art exhibit, RA-Dome, 2nd floor All month: • African American Soldiers at Roselawn Cemetery, all locations • Four Artists, Four Styles, PW, Vectra Art Gallery • Southwest Realism by George Ivins, RA, Hispanic Resource Center, 2nd floor • Southwest Gourds by Bob Craig, RA, Hispanic Resource Center, 2nd floor • Southern Colorado Photography Society photo show, RA, InfoZone-4th floor 1 Monday • 10 a.m., Swedish Weavers and Needlework Group, PW (Mondays) • 10:30 a.m., Smart Land Use in Historic Downtowns: Mapping the Dollars and Sense of Land Use Patterns, RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 11 a.m.-noon, Mellow Mondays (Mondays), LU • 1 p.m., Needlework Club (Mondays), LB • 1-3 p.m., Pueblo Storytellers, RA, Thurston Room (Mondays) • 3 p.m., Octupi my heart, AV • 4 p.m., Afterschool Hangouts, RA, Storytime Room (Mondays-Thursdays each week) • 6-7:30, Speak English Conversation Club, RA, Thurston Room (Mondays) • 6-8 p.m., Ma Jongg Club, PW, King Room B (Mondays) • 6:30 p.m., Coach Carter (PG-13), RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 7 p.m., Barkman Book Club, BK 2 Tuesday • 10 a.m.-noon, Computer Basics, PW • 12:30-3:30, Cast-off Knitting and Craft Group, PW, GFLC Room (Tuesdays) • 2 p.m., Giodone Book Club, GI • 2-3 p.m., Intro to Computers, RA, Training Room-3rd floor • 4 p.m., Tuesday Hangouts: Draw in 3D, PW • 5:30-8:30, Pueblo West Writer's Group, PW, King Room A • 6:30 p.m., Teen Movie Night: Perks of Being a Wallflower (PG-13), RA, InfoZone-4th floor 3 Wednesday • 10 a.m.-4 p.m., VITA, RA, Training Room-3rd floor (Wednesdays) • 10 a.m., Daylight Book Club, PW • 1-3 p.m., Coffee and Crafts for Adults, PW, GLFC Room (Wednesdays) • 2-3 p.m., Grandfolks Online: e-mail, RA, Training Room-3rd floor • 4:30 p.m., Teen Advisory Board, LU by Jon Walker 2015 was a striking year at the Pueblo City-County Library District. Our key service results were just about the best ever across the board. We carefully monitor four areas of service. These are circulation (the number of books and other materials checked out), digital use (the number of times customers log-on library computers and access other library-hosted online and wireless services), program attendance (the number of individuals participating in any of the variety of cultural and educational events regularly sponsored or hosted by the library district), and visits (the number of people who come into our libraries to read, study, learn and exchange ideas). We strive to improve these measures in order to ensure PCCLD is meeting its mission to provide the best possible library service for the community. I am very pleased that the library district set new all-time records in nearly every category in 2015: • Circulation—2,918,125 This is a very healthy seventeen percent increase over the previous record year in 2014. • Digital Use—888,346 We are overjoyed that we exceeded our goal of 887,000 digital uses for the year. Digital services continue to have a growing impact on the library. • Program participation—245,500 This is a whopping 35 percent increase over 2014 and is another way today’s library is changing to meet the needs of the modern world. • Visits—1,616,639 This is an all-time record number of visitors to our local libraries, and represents a fourteen percent increase over 2014. PCCLD enjoyed unprecedented success in 2015. We expect 2016 to be another great year, too. Congratulations to our employees and the community for an impressive year just completed. I believe we are poised now for an even more impressive 2016. Check this out! Database Highlight: Value Line Investment Survey Plus Resource available to residents of Pueblo County with a valid library card. Go to http://www.pueblolibrary.org/online_resources, click on compete Database list, then on W-Z Best use: Helps novice venture capitalist navigate the perils of “the market.” Provides users with up to date information on the all the major markets, NASDAQ, S&P 500 and DOW, as well as articles on current market trends. Value Line has current and estimated values of stock, as well as, comments on company trends. EXHIBITS Four Artists, Four Styles On display Monday, Feb. 1-29 PW, Vectra Art Gallery The work of Terry Cates, Steve Mason, Linda Cates, and Mo Keenan-Mason. Southwest Realism On display Monday, Feb 1-29 Reception: Saturday, Feb. 6, 3 p.m. RA, Hispanic Resource Gallery-2nd floor Realism paintings by artist George Ivins. Southwest Gourds On display Monday, Feb.1-29 Reception: Saturday, Feb. 6, 3 p.m. RA, Hispanic Resource Gallery-2nd floor The gourd artwork of Bob Craig. Soaring: The Paintings of Radeaux - Pueblo Eagle Days On display, Monday, Feb.1-15, RA, Dome-2nd floor View the fauna of native Colorado painted in a style unique to Radeaux. Life-sized images of birds and other animals that explore the patterning and geometrics found in nature. Southern Colorado Photography Society 2016 Show On display Monday, Feb. 1-26, RA, InfoZone-4th floor Reception: Friday, Feb. 5, 5-8 p.m., RA, Ryals Room-4th floor View the talent and beautiful work of Southern Colorado photographers. For information on entry fees, categories, and registration, call 562-5600 or email socolophoto@gmail.com or visit their Facebook page: Southern Colorado Photography Society. 2 February 2016 Youngsters play with moonsand at a recent youth event. Courtesy photo Chris McLean/The Pueblo Chieftain Local ministers lead a group in march from the Rawlings Library to El Pueblo History Museum on Monday, Jan. 18, to kickoff Martin Luther King Jr. celebration. Jane Milne performs as Doctor Susie Anderson at the Rawlings LIbrary in January. Inaugural Pueblo Bowl I Madden Tournament! While Puebloans were preparing for the Broncos vs. Patriots game on Sunday, Jan. 24, the day before approximately 40 gamers from tweens to adults gathered at Rawlings Library for the inaugural Pueblo Bowl I, a bracket-style tournament played on Playstation 4. Game World & More, from Fountain, Colo., provided an extra television monitor and game system as well as an additional copy of Madden 16. They also brought a Sega Genesis and classic Sega games for those to play while waiting their turn in the competition. Prizes included two $25 gift cards and one $15 gift card from Game World & More and one $50 giftcard and two $25 gift cards from Game Source, also from Fountain. MAKER IN RESIDENCE Maker: Courtney Bennett Bennett is a seamstress specializing in hand sewing and creative upcycling. As Maker-In-Residence she will facilitate classes on making stuffed animals, dolls, pillows and throws. • 6-8 p.m., That's Sew Cool Sewing Club/maker-inresidence workshop, RA, Idea Factory, 2nd floor • 6:30 p.m., Special Human Origins Film: Decoding Neanderthals (NR), RA, InfoZone-4th floor 4 Thursday • all day, Frozen Crafts, GI • 1 p.m., Crafty Needles (Thursdays), BK • 1-3 p.m., Intro to Family Tree Maker, RA, Training Room3rd floor (Thursdays) • 4 p.m., Teen Advisory Board, PW • 4:30 p.m., Mini-Golf in the Library, LU • 5 p.m., Anime Club, LB • 5 p.m., Skulduggery Pleasant, GI • 5:15-6:40, Maker Club, RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor (Thursdays) • 6 p.m., Yoga, GV (Thursdays) • 7 p.m., Neanderthals, Who Were They? Pueblo Heritage Museum, 201 W. B St. 5 Friday • Pueblo Girl essays due • 9 a.m., Make A Mardi Gras Mask!, BS • 1-3 p.m., Anime Club, PW (Fridays) • 2 p.m., Family Fun: Chinese New Year, GV • 2:30 p.m., Read Dog, Read!, PW, GV • 3 p.m., Generation: Creation Series: Cupcake Project, RA, Bret Kelly A • 3:30 p.m., Family Movies (Fridays), BK • 5-8 p.m., Southern Colorado Photography Society photo show reception, RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 5 p.m., Nail Art, LB 6 Saturday • 10:30 a.m., Minecraft: Gaming Session, GI • 11 a.m., Family Fun: Chinese New Year, RA • 2 p.m., 20 Feet From Stardom (PG-13), GV • 2 p.m., Astro Boy (PG), RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 3 p.m., Southwest Realism reception, RA, Hispanic Resource Center-2nd floor • 3 p.m., 3Doodler Creation Station, LB 7 Sunday • 2 p.m., Astro Boy (PG), RA, InfoZone-4th floor 8 Monday • all week, Homemade Valentine Cards, GI • 3 p.m., Homemade Valentine Cards, AV • 5:30 p.m., Yarn Club, GV • 6-7 p.m., Get to know your cell phone: Borrow Library Books & more w. iPhone and iPad, RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor • 6:30 p.m., The Loving Story (NR), RA, InfoZone-4th floor Free Workshops at That’s Sew Cool Sewing Club Wednesdays, Feb. 3, 17 6-8 p.m., RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor Registration required. Want to learn to sew? Join other sewing enthusiasts and work at your own pace. Limited amount of machines and materials. Bring own machine when able. 3 February 2016 9 Tuesday • all day, Make A Mardi Gras Mask!, GV • 10 a.m.-noon, Basic Internet, PW • 1-3 p.m., Fiber Art Club "Yarnies," RA, Idea Factory2nd floor (Tuesdays) • 2-3 p.m., Microsoft Excel Basics, RA, Training Room3rd floor • 3:30-5 p.m., Free Legal Self Help Clinic, LB • 4 p.m., Make A Mardi Gras Mask!, PW • 4 p.m., Tuesday Hangouts: Mardi Gras Masks, PW • 5:30 p.m., Family Craft Time, GI • 6 p.m., Skulduggery Pleasant, BK • 6-8 p.m., Genealogy Research session, RA, Special Collections-3rd floor • 6:30 p.m., What does it mean to be human? A Buddhist Perspective, RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 6:30 p.m., Teen Advisory Board, RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor 10 Wednesday • noon-1 p.m., Anime Club, LU • 2 p.m., Legal/Financial planning for Alzheimer's Disease, PW, King Room B • 2-3 p.m., Grandfolks Online: Facebook, RA, Training Room-3rd floor • 4 p.m., Valentine Crafts, LU • 5-7 p.m., Lego Mindstorm Maze Robots, RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor • 6:30 p.m., El ArcoIris monthly film, RA, InfoZone-4th floor 11 Thursday • 6:30 p.m., African American Soldiers from Pueblo, RA, InfoZone-4th floor 12 Friday • Home of Heroes essays due • Outstanding Women Award nominations due • 9 a.m., Homemade Valentine Cards, BS • 10 a.m., Literacy Fair, LB • 2 p.m., Passport Kids, GV • 2:30 p.m., Read Dog, Read!, RA, GV • 3 p.m., Down with Cupid: Teen Anti-Valentine's Day Party, LU • 4 p.m., Family Fun: Chinese New Year, GI • 4 p.m., Heart-Shaped Soap Making, LB • 6-8 p.m., Minecraft Lock-in, BK 13 Saturday • all day, Homemade Valentine Cards, GV • 10:30-2:30 p.m., VITA, GI • noon-2 p.m., Imagination Chapter, RA, Idea Factory2nd floor • 12:30-3 p.m., Southeastern Colorado Genealogical Society, RA, Bret Kelly A • 1 p.m., Speak Spanish! Conversation Club, RA, Thurston Room COMPUTER CLASSES AT RAWLINGS Held at Rawlings, Training Room-3rd floor. Classes are free and open to the public. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. To register, please call 562-5600 or visit www.pueblolibrary.org and view the January 2016 Events Calendar. Class hours are 2-3 p.m. Intro to Computers Microsoft Excel Basics Microsoft Word Basics Powerpoint Basics Tuesday, Feb. 2 Tuesday, Feb. 9 Tuesday, Feb. 16 Tuesday, Feb. 23 Grandfolks Online Wednesdays, Feb. 3-24, 2-3 p.m., RA, Training Room-3rd floor Always wanted to "go online" with the Internet, but never knew where to start? This four-part series will teach you everything you need to know about e-mail, Facebook, Google search and more. Classes taught by David Hartkop. Bring: a notebook (optional) and get ready to have fun! Feb. 3: Get your own free e-mail address Feb. 10: Set up Facebook and chat with family Feb. 17: Sending and Receiving Pictures Feb. 24: Google Searching. Find info on anything! COMPUTER CLASSES AT THE BRANCHES Registration required for most. Class sizes limited. Computer Help Device/Computer Help Tuesday, Feb. 16, 5 p.m., GI Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-noon, PW Learn more about using your computer, tablet Having trouble getting your device or computer and e-book reader in this fun and interactive class. to do what you want? Get help with your computer All levels are welcome. issues at this class. Feb. 2: Computer Basics Interview Skills Workshop Feb. 9: Basic Internet Wednesday, Feb. 17, noon-1 p.m., LU Feb. 16: Intro to social media: Facebook, Pinterest Adults. Learn the basic skills of going through a Feb. 23: Intro to Microsoft Office: Word, Excel successful interview process. A follow up to Resume and Powerpoint Building Workshop, learn interview skills. PROGRAMS AT THE IDEA FACTORY, RA, 2nd floor For more information or to register contact Derrick Mason at 553-0213 or email derrick.mason@ pueblolibrary.org. Get To Know Your Cell Phone: Borrow Library Silhouette Cameo Digital Paper Cutter Workshop Books and more with your iPhone and iPad! Wednesday, Feb. 24, 5-7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 8, 6-7p.m. Teens/adults. Learn how to use the Silhouette Registration required. Bring: your device. Cameo Digital Paper Cutter, a paper cutter that (Class exclusively for iPhone and iPad users. connects to a home computer. Cut fantastic designs Android Phones and Tablets will be covered in a from paper to make art, cards, stencils and more. separate class.) Darius Goshay of Pueblo Wireless Doctor explains Idea Factory Demos smartphone apps to borrow eBooks, eAudiobooks, Monday, Feb. 29. Registration required. Streaming Videos and Digital Magazines with an 5-6 p.m. Transfer VHS Tapes to DVD Apple Smartphone or Tablet. Have home videos on VHS or VHS-C that could be transfered to DVD? Learn about the library’s Lego Mindstorm Maze Robots VHS to DVD converter! Wednesday, Feb. 10, 5-7 p.m. Tweens/teens/adults. Create a maze and 6:30-7:30 p.m. work together to Transfer Vinyl Records/Cassettes to MP3 Breathe new life into old vinyl records and program lego cassette tapes by digitizing them! Learn about the robots to library’s Analog to Digital Audio Converters. solve it! Maker Club Thursdays, 5:15-6:40 p.m. Learn to download, create and print your own 3D objects. Create toys, jewelry, and custom items from plastic using the 3D printer. For more info contact David Hartkop at 562-5637. 4 Maker Madness Saturday, Feb. 20, 2-5 p.m., PW All ages. Registration required. Try out new technology and make cool stuff monthly. This month's focus: making music and musical instruments. February 2016 Movies @ the Library See a favorite film at one of the many library locations listed! All movies are free! Black History Month Films Mondays, 6:30 p.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor Coach Carter (PG-13) Feb. 1 The Loving Story (NR) Feb. 8 The Express (PG) Feb. 22 Sparkle (PG-13) Feb. 29 Saturdays, 2 p.m., GV 20 Feet From Stardom (PG-13) Feb. 6 42: The Jackie Robinson Story (PG-13) Feb. 20 Lee Daniels’ The Butler (PG-13) Feb. 27 Saturday, Feb. 27, 2 p.m., LB Remember the Titans (PG) Special Screening: The Art of Flight Tuesday, Feb. 23, 5 p.m., GV Two years in the making, this film was shot in some of the most rugged, remote and beautiful snow country on the planet. Snowboarder Travis Rice and friends redefine what is possible in the mountains! Family Movie Afternoons Fridays, 3:30 p.m., BK Teen Movies See page 10 for listings. Hispanic Resource Film 6:30 p.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor A La Mala (PG-13) Feb. 18 Special Human Origins film: 6:30 p.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor Decoding Neanderthals (NR) Feb. 3 Wednesday Night movies 6:30 p.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor El ArcoIris monthly film TBD Feb. 10 The Imitation Game (PG-13) Feb. 17 Kid movie matinees Saturdays/Sundays, 2 p.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor Astro Boy (PG) Feb. 6, 7 Shaun the Sheep (PG) Feb. 13, 14 Hotel Transylvania 2 (PG) Feb. 20, 21 The Lego Movie (PG) Feb. 27, 28 Independent Film To Kill A Man (Spanish with English Subtitles) Saturday, Feb. 20, 6:30 p.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor An attack on his daughter leads a mild-mannered family man (Daniel Candia) to take revenge on the vicious street thugs who have tormented him and his family for a long time. Experience the art of the presentation with fast-paced, six-minute talks from: • Joey Andenucio • Jerry Carter • Emily Donaghy • Juan Morales • Garrison Ortiz • Daniel Price • Kristi Roque • Maria Tucker Volume 16 Friday, Feb.19 at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., RA, InfoZone - 4th floor Complimentary refreshments served. For more information, contact Sara Schwartz at 553-0220. 5 • 2 p.m., DIY Valentines, LB • 2 p.m., Genealogy Club, PW, King Room B • 2 p.m., Shaun the Sheep (PG), RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 2:30 p.m., Valentine Crafts, RA • 2:30 p.m., Read Dog, Read!, LB • 3 p.m., Valentine Bath Fizzies! BK • 3-5 p.m., Valentine Craft Extravaganza, PW • 4 p.m., DIY Heart Jewelry, LB 14 Sunday • 2 p.m., Shaun the Sheep (PG), RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 2 p.m., Origami Odyssey, RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor • 2 p.m., Valentine Crafts, RA 15 Monday • ALL PCCLD locations closed for President’s day 16 Tuesday • 10 a.m.-noon, Intro to Social Media: Facebook, Pinterest and more!, PW • 10:30 a.m., Pre-School STEAM, RA • 2-3 p.m., Microsoft Word Basics, RA, Training Room-3rd floor • 4 p.m., Teen Craft Night: SMASHbooking, PW • 4:30 p.m., Adult Coloring, BK • 5 p.m., Device Help, GI • 6:30 p.m., Teen Craft Night: SMASHbooking, RA • 6:30 p.m., Southwest History Book Club, Special Collections-3rd floor • 7 p.m., Recent Discovery Homo naledi, Colorado Springs Fire Station No. 19 17 Wednesday • Noon-1 p.m., Interview Skills Workshop, LU • 2-3 p.m., Grandfolks Online: send/receive pictures, RA, Training Room-3rd floor • 4 p.m., Teen Craft Night: SMASHbooking, BK • 4:30 p.m., Art of Journaling, LU • 6-8 p.m., That's Sew Cool Sewing Club/Maker-InResidence workshop, RA, Idea Factory, 2nd floor • 6:30 p.m., The Imitation Game (PG-13), RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 7 p.m., An Evening with Franklin D. Roosevelt, RA, Ryals Room-4th floor 18 Thursday • 2 p.m., Teen Craft Night: SMASHbooking, LB • 4 pm., Teen Chopped, PW • 4:30 p.m., Teen Craft Night: SMASHbooking, GV • 5 p.m., Anime Club, LB • 6:30 p.m., A La Mala (PG-13), RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 6:30 p.m., PAHS book discussion, Pueblo Heritage Museum, 201 W. B. St. • 7 p.m., Pueblo West Mystery Book Club, PW 19 Friday • 9 a.m., Lego Mania, BS • 11 a.m., Literacy Fair, RA • 1-3 p.m., Genealogy Workshop, RA, Training Room-3rd floor February 2016 • 2 p.m., Lego Mania, GV • 2 p.m., Family Fun: Chinese New Year, BK • 2:30 p.m., Read Dog, Read!, PW, BK, GV • 3 p.m., Lego Mania, GI • 3 p.m., Generation: Creation Series: Movie Project, RA, Bret Kelly A • 3 p.m., Teen Craft Night: SMASHbooking, GI • 6 p.m., Scrapbooking Club, GV • 6-8 p.m., Minecraft Lockin, PW, RA • 7 p.m., Pecha Kucha, RA,InfoZone-4th floor 20 Saturday • 11 a.m., AVAS: Enviromental Pollution and Songbirds, RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 2 p.m., 42: The Jackie Robinson Story (PG-13), GV • 2 p.m., Hotel Transylvania 2 (PG), RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 2-5 p.m., Maker Club: Make Music, PW • 4 p.m., DIY Club-Valentine's Day Treasure Box, GV • 6:30 p.m., To Kill A Man (Spanish with English Subtitles), RA, InfoZone-4th floor 21 Sunday • 2 p.m., Hotel Transylvania 2 (PG), RA, InfoZone-4th floor 22 Monday • 4 p.m., Black History Month, GI • 6:30 p.m., The Express (PG), RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 7 p.m., Rosa Parks Chatauqua, RA, Ryals Room-4th floor 23 Tuesday • 10 a.m.-noon, Intro to Microsoft Office: Word, Excel and Powerpoint, PW • 10:30 a.m., Pre-School STEAM, GI • 2-3 p.m., Microsoft Powerpoint Basics, RA, Training Room-3rd floor • 4 p.m., Try It: SMASHbooking, PW • 5 p.m., The Art of Flight (NR), GV • 6:30 p.m., HOMAGO, RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor 24 Wednesday • 10:30 a.m., Beginning Bee Keeping, GV • Noon-1 p.m., Anime Club, LU • 2-3 p.m., Grandfolks Online: Google search, RA, Training Room-3rd floor • 4 p.m., Draw in 3D, GI • 4 p.m., Try It: SMASHbooking, BK • 4:30 p.m., Try It: SMASHbooking, LU • 5-7 p.m., Silhouette Cameo Workshop, RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor • 6-8 p.m., Genealogy Research session, RA, Special Collections-3rd floor • 6 p.m., Teen Movie Night: Paper Towns (PG-13), BK What's happening at the library For more information or questions on these programs, or to register, please call 562-5600 or visit www.pueblolibrary.org. BE MINE, VALENTINE! Family Craft Time Tuesday, Feb. 9, 5:30 p.m., GI Make a soctopus Valentine to give away (or keep for yourself). Heart-Shaped Soap Making Friday, Feb. 12, 4 p.m., LB Tween/teen/adult. Create stamped soaps (inspired by candy conversation hearts) to give to someone special. DIY Valentines Saturday, Feb. 13, 2 p.m., LB All ages. Make handmade and heartfelt valentines and cards for your partner, family or friends! Valentine Bath Fizzies! Saturday, Feb. 13, 3 p.m., BK Adults. Create a bath fizzies! Use different scents and shapes to make. Great gifts or a wonderful treat just for yourself! Valentine Craft Extravaganza Saturday, Feb. 13, 3-5 p.m., PW All ages. Create last-minute Valentine’s Day gifts including cards and chocolate treats. DIY Club – Valentine’s Day Treasure Box Saturday, Feb. 20, 4 p.m., GV Ages 10 and up. Registration required. Decoupage a tiny treasure box to hold precious and secret Valentine wishes! BOOK CLUBS Barkman Book Club Monday, Feb. 1, 7 p.m., BK All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. Giodone Book Club Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2 p.m., GI Leaving Before the Rains Come by Alexandra Fuller. Daylight Book Club Wednesday, Feb. 3, 10 a.m., PW Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin. Southwest History Book Club Tuesday, Feb. 16, 6:30 p.m. RA, Special Collections-3rd floor The Account: Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca’s Relacion, an annotated translation by Martin A. Favata and Jose B. Fernandez. Mystery Book Club Thursday, Feb. 18, 7 p.m., PW Cold Tuscan Stone by David P. Wagner. Pueblo West Book Club Monday, Feb. 29, 7 p.m., PW Meet the author! No Return Home by Victor Moss. CLASSES/PROGRAMS Legal/Financial Planning for Alzheimer’s Disease Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2 p.m., PW, King Room B Adults. Free presentation by the Alzheimer’s Association on the legal and financial aspects of living with Alzheimer’s Disease. 6 Smart Land Use in Historic Downtowns: Mapping the Dollars and Sense of Land Use Patterns Monday, Feb. 1, 10:30 a.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor Free and open to the public. Challenge assumptions about land use and development. With tools like basic arithmetic, maps, and 3D visualization using ArcScene and CityEngine, Joe Minicozzi — founding member of the Asheville Design Center, a non-profit community design Joe Minicozzi center dedicated to creating livable communities across all of Western North Carolina — discusses suburban sprawl and the value of mixed-use urban development. Results of studies across the U.S. and Canada demonstrating the market and tax revenue effect of various land use patterns will be presented. For more information call The Greater Pueblo Chamber of Commerce at 542-1704. An Evening with Franklin D. Roosevelt Wednesday, Feb. 17, 7 p.m. RA, Ryals Room-4th floor All ages. History comes to life in word and song! Hear about the presidential years 1932-1945 from Franklin D. Roosevelt, portrayed by actor/ singer, Albert McFadyen. Take a trip down memory lane as major events of the Great Albert McFayden as FDR. Depression and WWII years are highlighted in this most nostalgic, historical and uniquely entertaining program. Environmental Pollution and Songbirds Saturday, Feb. 20, 11 a.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor Dr. Claire Varian Ramos presents an overview from her research on the effects of mercury pollution on songbirds. Songbirds, because of their migratory patterns, are especially vulnerable to environmental pollutants. Light refreshments served at 10:45 a.m., free and open to the public. Presented by the Arkansas Valley Audubon Society. Beginning Bee Keeping Wednesday, Feb. 24, 10:30 a.m., GV Hear what all the buzz is about! Info about beginning bee keeping: how to start, necessary equipment and basic hive maintenance/upkeep as well as where to place the bee yard will be shared. CLASSES/PROGRAMS S FREE Legal Self-Help Clinic Tuesday, Feb. 9, 3:30-5 p.m., LB Registration required, call 562-5672. One-on-one remote sessions on the second Tuesday each month. A FREE legal clinic for parties who have no attorney, via computer link. Volunteer attorneys will answer questions, help fill out forms and explain the process and procedure for the legal issues in the areas of family law, civil litigation, property law, probate law, collections, appeals, landlord-tenant law, veteran’s benefits and civil protection orders. NOTE: The volunteer attorneys do not represent you just because they help you at this clinic. This clinic is information only, and is no substitute for legal representation. You have the right to retain an attorney of your choice at any time and are advised to do so. Survivor Series Thursday, Feb. 25, 5:30 p.m., GI First of four emergency preparedness workshops. Learn why you need and how you put together a 72-hour pack for you and your family. CRAFTS Swedish Weavers and Needlework Group Mondays, 10 a.m., PW, King Room A Mellow Mondays, Mondays, 11 a.m-noon, LU Lamb Needlework Club Mondays, 1 p.m., LB Yarn Club Monday, Feb. 8, 5:30 p.m., GV Cast-Off Knitting and Craft Group Tuesdays, 12:30-3:30 p.m., PW, GLFC Room Fiber Art Club "Yarnies" Tuesdays, Feb. 9, 16, 23 1-3 p.m., RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor Crafty Needles Thursdays, 1-3 p.m., BK Scrapbooking Club Friday, Feb. 19, 6 p.m., GV GENEALOGY Intro to Family Tree Maker with Vera Estrada Thursdays, Feb. 4-25; 1-3 p.m., RA, Training Room-3rd floor Registration required. Limited to 12. Second part of six-week hands-on introduction to genealogy course Family Tree Maker 16 to create, edit, save and print digitized family history. Research Sessions 6-8 p.m., RA, Special Collections-3rd floor Tuesday, Feb. 9 Instructor: Charlene Garcia Simms Focus: New Mexico collection covering northern new Mexico and Southern Colorado Wednesday, Feb. 24 Instructor: Noreen Riffe Focus: Finding lineage whether a beginner or trying to break through that brick wall. Genealogy Club Saturday, Feb. 13, 2 p.m., PW, Jerry King Room B Adults. Registration required. Each month we will discuss topics relating to genealogy and share tips. Bring info on family history dating back to at least 1940. Bring a USB drive. Southeastern Colorado Genealogical Society Saturday, Feb. 13, 12:30-3 p.m., RA, Bret Kelly A Phyllis Miranda presents Family Tree Maker alternatives followed by Sandy Ronayne, presenting Fold3.com, focusing on military records. DNA Interest Group presents Deena Coutant Thursday, Feb. 24 6:30 p.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor Genetic Genealogist Deena Coutant gives a genetic genealogy overview on three main types of testing as well as cost, standards, legal and ethical issues and the difference between genetic trail versus paper trail family trees. Genealogy Workshop Friday, Feb. 19, 1-3 p.m., RA, Training Room- 3rd floor Use Ancestry.com and Family Search (LDS) websites to begin or further genealogy research. HEALTH Yoga, Thursdays, 6 p.m., GV Instructor: Sheree Semonich. Bring mat or towel. INTERACTIVE GROUPS Ma Jongg Club Mondays, 6-8 p.m. PW, GLFC room Pueblo Storytellers Mondays, Feb. 1-29, 1-3 p.m., RA, Thurston Room Speak English! Conversation Club Mondays, 6-7:30 p.m., RA, Thurston Room Adult Coloring Program Tuesday, Feb. 16, 4:30 p.m., BK Pueblo West Writers Group Tuesday, Feb. 2, 5:30-8:30 p.m., PW, King Room A Coffee and Crafts for Adults Wednesdays, 1-3 p.m., PW, GLFC Room Anime Clubs Wednesdays, Feb. 10, 24, noon-1 p.m., LU Adults. Watch and discuss your favorite anime. Thursdays, Feb. 4, 18, 5 p.m., LB Adults and teens. Discuss, draw and watch your favorite anime. Origami Odyssey Sunday, Feb. 14, 2 p.m. and Wednesday, Feb. 24, 7 p.m., both at RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor All ages and skill levels. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Join other origami folders in making interesting and fun models. 7 February 2016 • 6:30 p.m., DNA Interest group presents Deena Coutant, RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 7 p.m., Origami Odyssey, RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor 25 Thursday • 4 p.m., Family Fun: Chinese New Year, LU • 4 p.m., Try It: SMASHbooking, RA • 4 p.m., Teen Movie Night: Goosebumps (PG), PW • 4:30 p.m., Try It: SMASHbooking, GV • 5:30 p.m., Survivor Series, GI • 6:30 p.m., Night of Guitars 2, RA, InfoZone-4th floor 26 Friday • Dr. Seuss entries due • 9 a.m., Family Fun: Chinese New Year, BS • 2 p.m., Guardians of the Galaxy (PG-13), LB • 2 p.m., Draw in 3D, GV • 2 p.m., Try It: SMASHbooking, LB • 3 p.m., Try It: SMASHbooking, GI • 6-8 p.m., Minecraft Lock-in, LB 27 Saturday • 10:30-2:30 p.m., VITA, LU • 11 a.m., Family Fun: Chinese New Year, LB • noon-2 p.m., Imagination Chapter, RA, Idea Factory2nd floor • 1 p.m., Speak Spanish! Conversation Club, RA, Thurston Room • 2 p.m., Remember the Titans (PG), LB • 2 p.m., The Lego Movie (PG), RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 2 p.m., Lee Daniels The Butler (PG-13), GV • 2-3 p.m., Literacy Drum Circle, RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor • 2:30 p.m., Read Dog, Read!, LB • 3 p.m., Family Fun: Chinese New Year, PW • 4-5 p.m., Literacy Drum Circle, PW • 6-8 p.m., Minecraft Lock-in, GV • 6-8 p.m., Laser Tag Lock-in, PW 28 Sunday • 2 p.m., The Lego Movie (PG), RA, InfoZone-4th floor 29 Monday • 3 p.m., Draw in 3D, AV • 4:30 p.m., Scratch Programming, LU • 5-6 p.m., Idea Factory Demo: VHS to DVD, RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor • 6:30-7:30 p.m., Idea Factory Demo: Vinyl/ Cassette to MP3, RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor • 6:30 p.m., Sparkle (PG-13), RA, InfoZone-4th floor • 7 p.m., Pueblo West Book Club, PW For more information on Youth Services events, please call 562-5600. Octupi my heart Monday, Feb. 1, 3 p.m., AV Make a soctopus valentine to give away (or keep). Family Fun: Chinese New Year (Year of the Monkey) Friday, Feb. 5, 2 p.m., GV Saturday, Feb. 6, 11 a.m., RA Friday, Feb. 12, 4 p.m., GI Friday, Feb. 19, 2 p.m., BK Thursday, Feb. 25, 4 p.m., LU Friday, Feb. 26, 9 a.m., BS Saturday, Feb. 27, 11 a.m., LB; 3 p.m., PW Celebrate the Chinese New Year, year of the monkey. Homemade Valentine Cards Monday, Feb. 8, 3 p.m., AV Monday, Feb. 8-12, all week, GI Friday, Feb. 12, 9 a.m., BS Saturday, Feb. 13, all day, GV Make Valentine cards for your special someone. While supplies last. Valentine Crafts Wednesday, Feb. 10, 4 p.m., LU Saturday, Feb. 13, 2:30 p.m., RA Sunday, Feb. 14, 2 p.m., RA All ages. Crafts and games . . . one more reason to LOVE the library! Make A Mardi Gras Mask! Friday, Feb. 5, 9 a.m., BS Tuesday, Feb. 9, all day, GV; 4 p.m., PW All ages. Celebrate Fat Tuesday in style-make a Mardi Gras mask! GIODONE Wednesdays,1st / 3rd week Music Time, 10 a.m. Wednesdays, 2nd week Exercise Time, 10 a.m. Thursdays Time for Tots, 10:30 a.m. Preschool Storytime, 11 a.m. 2nd Friday Family Storytime, 11 a.m. Black History Month Monday, Feb. 22, 4 p.m., GI Discover the contributions of great AfricanAmerican inventors. Take home a handmade mini-book. GREENHORN VALLEY Tuesdays Time for Tots, 10:30 a.m. Fridays Preschool Storytime, 10:30 a.m. Pre-School STEAM Tuesday, Feb. 16, 10:30 a.m., RA Tuesday, Feb. 23, 10:30 a.m., GI Pre-k. Hands-on program that introduces science, technology, engineering, art and math. Themes this month: human body (GI), building (RA). LAMB Wednesday Time for Tots, 10:30 a.m. Friday Preschool STEM Storytime, 10 a.m. Frozen Crafts Thursday, Feb. 4, all day, GI All ages. Create cool crafts from the movie Frozen, while supplies last. Lego Mania Friday, Feb. 19, 9 a.m., BS; 2 p.m., GV; 3 p.m., GI All ages. Build creations with Legos and Marble Runs. Lego Duplos provided for the youngest builders. Read Dog, Read!, 2:30 p.m. Sit Means Sit - Go Team Friday, Feb. 5, 19, PW Friday, Feb. 12, RA Saturdays, Feb. 13, 27, LB Fridays, Feb. 19, BK Fridays, Feb. 5, 12, 19, GV Practice reading skills with a Canine Good Citizen certified dog from Sit Means Sit: Go Team or the GHV Tale Waggers, Therapy Dogs International. Afterschool Hangouts Monday-Thursday, 4 p.m., RA, Storytime Room 1st-5th grade. Snacks and activities provided. Passport Kids Friday, Feb. 12, 2 p.m., GV Ages 5 to 12. Explore the world through multicultural stories, crafts and activities! Experience a new country and earn passport stamps while travelling the globe! BARKMAN Tuesdays Preschool Storytime, 3:30 p.m. Thursdays Time for Tots, 10 a.m. Signing Stories, 10:30 a.m. Draw in 3D Wednesday, Feb. 24, 4 p.m., GI Friday, Feb. 26, 2 p.m., GV Monday Feb. 29, 3 p.m., AV Use a 3D scribbler to draw 3D art. 8 LIBRARY @ THE Y Tuesdays Time for Tots, 10 a.m. Preschool Storytime 10:30 a.m., 11 a.m. LUCERO Thursdays Family Storytime, 11 a.m. PUEBLO WEST Tuesdays Time For Tots 10 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Thursdays Baby Time, 10 a.m. Preschool Storytime, 10:30 a.m. RAWLINGS Mondays Bilingual Storytime, 10 a.m. Wednesdays Baby Time, 10 a.m. Preschool Storytime, 10:30 a.m. Fridays Time for Tots, 10 a.m. Preschool Storytime, 10:30 a.m. Generation: Creation Series Ages 6-14. Friday, 3 p.m., RA, Bret Kelly A Express yourself! Share talents and explore other forms of creativity in this unique art series sponsored by Disney. Each month is a different experience. Feb. 5: The Cupcake Project Tell a story through the art of baking. All supplies provided. Feb. 19: The Movie Project Lights. Camera. Action! Explore the art of movie making! Learn the basics of capturing/editing material. NOTE: Do not wear green to this green screen event! Literacy Fair Friday, Feb. 12, 10 a.m., LB Friday, Feb. 19, 11 a.m., RA Ages 0-5. Free book for every child. Learn how singing, reading, writing, talking and playing with your child can jumpstart their reading and language skills. It’s never too early to get your child ready to read! Hands-on activities will show you fun things that you can do together every day. Caregivers and their children are welcome. Tween Scene . . . ages 8 -12 Tuesday Hangouts Tuesdays, 4 p.m., PW Feb. 2: Draw in 3D Use our 3D scribblers to draw your own 3D art. Feb. 9: Mardi Gras Mask Celebrate Fat Tuesday in style. Make a Mardi Gras mask. Mini-Golf in the Library Thursday, Feb. 4, 4:30 p.m., LU Ages 8-13. Grab a club and test golfing skills at this nine-hole mini golf course! Golf balls and clubs provided by cosponsor, Park Hill Christian Church. Nail Art Friday, Feb. 5, 5 p.m., LB Tween/teen. Design and create a custom manicure. Imagination Chapter Saturdays, Feb. 13, 27, noon-2 p.m., RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor Ages 8-15. Imagine, create, tinker and share projects in this club that is part of the Global Imagination Foundation. One week we may build a city from cardboard, and the next we might learn how to make robots listen to our commands. Come to meetings every other week to join in on the fun! Try It: SMASHbooking Tuesday, Feb. 23, 4 p.m., PW Wednesday, Feb. 24, 4 p.m., BK; 4:30 p.m., LU Thursday, Feb. 25, 4 p.m., RA; 4:30 p.m. GV Friday, Feb. 26, 2 p.m., LB; 3 p.m., GI Ages 8-13. Create a book full of doodles, daydreams and whatever else catches the eye! Laser Tag Lock in! Saturday, Feb. 27, 6-8 p.m., PW Ages 8 and up. Registration required. Play Laser Tag in the library when it's closed! Event will also have crafts. Pizza provided. Scratch Programming Monday, Feb. 29, 4:30 p.m., LU Ages 8-13. Registration required. Space limited. Learn to program interactive stories, games and animations using Scratch programming language. Minecraft: Gaming Session Feb. 6, 10:30 a.m., GI Tweens/teens. Registration required. Uninterrupted computer play for crafting, fort building and more! Minecraft Lock-in, 6-8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12, BK Friday, Feb. 19, PW, RA Friday, Feb. 26, LB Saturday, Feb. 27, GV Ages 9-13. Registration required; attendance limited. Minecraft is taking over the library! Enjoy uninterrupted computer play for crafting, fort building and more! Please note that a parent permission form MUST be submittedin order to attend this after-hours event. Register in person or by calling the library at 562-5600. 9 Teen Scene . . . . . for ages 13 and up Club Fridays, 1-3 p.m., PW An hour of great anime! Teen Movie Nights Ages 13 and up. Perks of Being a Wallflower (PG-13) Tuesday, Feb. 2, 6:30 p.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor Paper Towns (PG-13) Wednesday, Feb. 24 6 p.m., BK Goosebumps (PG) Thursday, Feb. 25, 4 p.m., PW Friday Movie Matinee Guardians of the Galaxy (PG-13) Friday, Feb. 26, 2 p.m., LB Skulduggery Pleasant Thursday, Feb. 4, 5 p.m., GI Tuesday, Feb. 9, 6 p.m., BK Missing Harry Potter? Meet Skulduggery Pleasant. Crackerjack Sorcerer. Ace Detective. Snappy Dresser. Razor Tongued Wit. And a walking talking fire-throwing SKELETON. Crafts (decorating sugar skulls), and other activities celebrate this unique series created by Derek Landy. 3Doodler Creation Station Saturday, Feb. 6 3 p.m., LB Ages 13 and up. Get acquainted with the library’s 3D printing pen and make some cool trinkets. Teen Advisory Board Tuesday, Feb. 9, 6:30 p.m., RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor Wednesday, Feb. 3, 4:30 p.m., LU Thursday, Feb. 4, 4 p.m., PW Ages 13 and up. Interested in making a difference in the library while making new friends? Join the Teen Advisory Board once a month to tell us what you want to see offered for teens, plan and prepare for programs and discuss new materials. Meeting attendance will count as community service. Down with Cupid: Teen Anti-Valentine's Day Party Friday, Feb. 12, 3 p.m., LU Ages 13 and up. It’s not always roses and candy. Come creatively celebrate being anti-romance. We will be making unromantic crafts, catapulting hearts, playing pin the arrow on Cupid, and watching 10 Things I Hate About You. Dress in your most un-festive dark clothes. DIY Heart Jewelry Saturday, Feb. 13, 4 p.m., LB Ages 13 and up. Make DIY bracelets, necklaces and charms to wear for Valentine's Day. Art of Journaling Wednesday, Feb. 17, 4:30 p.m., LU Ages 13 and up. Registration required. Limit 15. Express creative talents by drawing, collages, and writing. Theme: Mini shrines with tins. Journals provided. Hispanic Resource Programs For more info: Maria Smyer at 562-5615 or email Maria.Smyer@pueblolibrary.org. Speak Spanish! Conversation Club English Classes! ¡Clases de Ingles! Saturdays, Feb. 13, 27, 1 p.m, RA, Classes are Thurston Room free and start Open to all levels, beginning through in February at advanced. Practice Spanish conversational the Rawlings skills with others through fun activities. Library, 100 Abriendo. Clases Citizenship / Ciudadania Si usted esta interasado en clases de son gratis y ciudadania llama a Maria Smyer 562-5615. impiezan en febrero en la biblioteca de Call Maria Smyer at 562-5615 for Rawlings, 100 Abriendo. Para registrarse information about our citizenship classes. llama a Maria Smyer 562-5615. 10 Teen Craft Night: SMASHbooking Tuesday, Feb. 16, 4 p.m., PW; 6:30 p.m., RA Wednesday, Feb. 17, 4 p.m., BK Thursday, Feb. 18, 2 p.m., LB; 4:30 p.m., GV Friday, Feb. 19, 3 p.m., GI Ages 13 and up. SMASH books are part journal, part sketch pad and part memory book. We’ll get you started with stickers, prompts and paper - you take it from there! Teen Chopped Thursday, Feb. 18, 4 pm., PW Ages 13 and up. Fan’s of Food Network's Chopped, put on an apron for the first Chopped event! Participants have 45 minutes to create a three course cold meal using the ingredients in a basket. Our panel of Teen Advisory Board and staff members will judge and decide who gets CHOPPED! HOMAGO Tuesday, Feb. 23, 6:30 p.m., RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor Hang Out, Mess Around and Geek Out at the library! Laser Tag Lock in! Saturday, Feb. 27, 6-8 p.m., PW Ages 8 and up. Registration required. Play Laser Tag in the library when it's closed! Event will also have crafts. Pizza provided. Homebound Program Call 553-0233 or email homebound@ pueblolibrary.org. Volunteers needed! Looking for an enjoyable way to make a difference? Help deliver/retrieve library materials to and from customers who are unable to visit. Homebound Services applications go green! Send applications electronically! Go to pueblolibrary.org. From the Services tab; select Homebound. Friends of the Library president’s corner by Doreen Martinez With the new year in full swing, Friends of the Library has many projects in the works and news to share. As of late January, membership in the Friends of the Library was reported at over 1,000 members strong! Thank you to all of our new and continuing members! During February, Friends of the Library will sponsor the Dr. Seuss Contest. The deadline for submissions is Friday, Feb. 26. The contest winners will be awarded on Wednesday, April 6 at the Rawlings Library. Books Again is holding a sale throughout the month of February. All hardback books whose author’s last name begins with the letter “C” will be featured on sale for just $2! There will be a special “Friends of the Library Member Appreciation Half-Off Sale” at Books Again on Feb. 13 for FOL members only. This is the perfect opportunity for those who are not yet members to join. Applications will be accepted at the sale. All books will be half off for members of Friends of the Library. Non-members are encouraged to attend the sale and become a member that day. The Project Selection Committee is working on accepting project requests from PCCLD and will announce its decisions in the coming months. As always, if you are not a current friend of the Pueblo City County District, please consider becoming one. The support FOL is able to provide YOUR library is vital to the success of our community and library! Contests Saturday, Feb. 13 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ALL books in the store are 50 percent off our regular discounted prices. Not a Friend of the Library? Join that day! All hardback fiction books with authors whose last name begins with the letter C on sale for $2 each. Additional rules and guidelines may be found on the entry forms, available at all library locations or online at pueblolibrary.org/contests. Pueblo Girl essay contest Home of Heroes essay Create your own Dr. Seuss Girls in grades 3-5 contest, grades 4-12 character contest, grades K-12 Deadline: Friday, Feb. 5 Deadline: Friday, Feb. 12 Deadline: Friday, Feb. 26 Young ladies of Pueblo are The Pueblo Home of Heroes Students are invited to create encouraged to write an essay Association invites students their own Dr. Seuss character about the woman they want to enter an essay contest and write a brief description to be and what they will do to answering the question: Of about the new character. become that woman! Winners the 79 living Medal of Honor Winners will receive a Dr. will receive an American Girl recipients which do you admire Seuss prize package. doll of their choice. the most and why? FREE Income Tax e-filing Wednesdays, Feb. 3-April 13, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., RA, 3rd floor Saturday, Feb. 13, 10:30-2:30 p.m., GI Saturday, Feb. 27, 10:30-2:30 p.m., LU No appointment necessary, seen on a first come-first served basis. Questions, 296-8768. Bring: Photo ID, Social Security card(s), Birthdate(s), 1095A or 1095B (if covered by the Affordable Care Act), a copy of last year's tax return (if applicable), wage and earning statement(s) Form W-2, W-2G, 1099R, interest and dividend statements from banks, bank account number and routing number if you desire a direct deposit, if filing jointly, both spouses must be present to sign forms, if claiming day care expenses, total amount paid and day care's Tax ID Number. 11 www.booksagain-pueblo.com Pueblo City-County Library District 100 E. Abriendo Ave. Pueblo, CO 81004 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Pueblo, Colorado Permit No. 89 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Would you like to receive the newsletter by email? Go to www.pueblolibrary.org to subscribe! Exploring Human Origins: What Makes Us Human? The Pueblo City-County Library District has been selected as one of 19 libraries to host Exploring Human Origins: What Does It Mean to Be Human?, a national traveling exhibition based on the Smithsonian’s What Does It Mean to Be Human? permanent exhibition at the National Museum of Natural History. The traveling exhibition will be on exhibit March 28-April 23, 2016 at the InfoZone News Museum at Rawlings. What Makes Us Human? Film Series: Decoding Neanderthals (NR) Wednesday Feb. 3, 6:30 p.m. RA, InfoZone-4th floor The PBS NOVA special will be shown in preparation for the Smithsonian exhibit Exploring Human Origins. Co-sponsored by Rocky Mountain PBS. Neanderthals? Who Were They? Thursday Feb. 4, 7 p.m. Pueblo Heritage Museum, 201 W. B St. Dr. Bruce Lutz, a professor at CSUPueblo, will discuss how the portrayal of Neanderthal physical and cultural attributes, their role in human evolution has varied since they were first recognized as an extinct form of fossil human in 1857 and how new technology and analysis has shaped what we know about Neanderthals and what distinguishes them with modern Homo sapiens. What Does It Mean To Be Human? A Buddhist Perspective from David Cockrell Tuesday Feb. 9, 6:30 p.m. RA, InfoZone-4th floor Hear about Human Origins from a Buddhist perspective and get insight on the religion. Recent Discovery Homo naledi Tuesday Feb. 16, 7 p.m. Colorado Springs Fire Station No. 19, Community Room, 2490 Research Pkwy., Colorado Springs, CO, 8092 Event is free and open to the public. Dr. Caley Orr will present on his work with Homo naledi. He examined the hand of the recently found species and has worked with an international collaborative team on a project at a new late Pleistocene site in northern Italy. Co-sponsored by Pikes Peak Chapter of the Colorado Archaeological Society and PAHS. 12 PAHS Archaeology Book Discussion Thursday, Feb. 18, 6:30 p.m. Pueblo Heritage Museum, 201 W. B St. The Pueblo Archaeological and Historical Society book group invites all to meet/discuss Born in Africa: The Quest for the Origins of Human Life by Martin Meridith. Night of Guitars II Thursday Feb. 25, 6:30 p.m. RA, InfoZone-4th floor Creating music is one aspect of what makes us human. Roberto Martinez (left) plays classical and Espiritu de Flamenco guitar followed by a rock review of Pink Floyd by Jacob Fernandez and Thad Stelter.