PCCLD March 2016 newsletter - Pueblo City


PCCLD March 2016 newsletter - Pueblo City
news & events
March 2016
Locations Key:
AV Avondale Satellite
BK Barkman
BS Beulah Satellite
GI Giodone
LU Lucero
LB Lamb
LY Library @ the Y
GV Greenhorn Valley
PW Pueblo West
RA Rawlings
March is Women's history month
The library is launching Together We Read, a literary program where we ask all Puebloans to read one book at the same time. The selected book
is Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy by New York Times bestselling author Karen Abbott, who also wrote Gypsy Rose and Sin in the Second City.
Tempting Treats and Civil War Feats
Friday, March 25, 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m., RA, 4th floor
Cost: $30. Log on to www.pueblolibrary.org/togetherweread
or call (719) 553-0220.
Enjoy a unique evening
unlimited dessert buffet and
complimentary champagne/
bubbly beverage bar! Karen
Abbott, author of Liar,
makes her Pueblo debut and
reveals four untold stories of
gutsy Civil War women who
were chock-full of political
conviction. Buy your ticket
today! This event will sell
out—don’t miss it!
Wool & Wine - Felting Hanky Panky
Friday, March 4, 6:30 p.m., GV
Registration required. Monique and Tracey from The Felted Dog
will teach participants how to needle felt onto silk and make a
beautiful hanky! Wine and appetizers served.
Rita Brady Kiefer
Karen Abbott author talk
Saturday, March 26
Karen Abbott
11 a.m., PW
Author Karen Abbott repeats her
presentation at this free event open to the
public. An intellectually stimulating event
that is worth inviting a few friends for a fun
afternoon together!
Family Craft Time Civil War Dolls
Monday, March 8,
5:30-6:30 p.m., GI
All ages.
Registration required.
Relive the past. Make
your own Civil War
Doll to take home.
For more Together We Read events, see page 4
Monday – Thursday
9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Greenhorn,
Giodone and Lucero only)
Friday & Saturday
9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
10 a.m. – 6 p.m. (Greenhorn,
Giodone and Lucero only)
Sunday (Rawlings only)
1 – 5 p.m.
Barkman Library
1300 Jerry Murphy Rd.
Lamb Library
2525 S. Pueblo Blvd.
Satellite library locations:
Avondale Elementary
213 Hwy. 50 E.
Phone: 562-5600
Library @ the Y
3200 Spaulding
Beulah School
8734 Schoolhouse Ln.
Greenhorn Valley Library
4801 Cibola Dr.
Colorado City, Colo.
Giodone Library
24655 U.S. Hwy 50 E.
Poetry Reading and Book Signing
with Rita Brady Kiefer
Saturday, March 5
1 p.m., RA, Bret Kelly
R ita Brady Kiefer is a Colorado poet and
Professor Emerita of English and Women’s
Studies at UNC, she has a passion for
empowering all potential writers, especially
survivors of domestic violence.
Lucero Library
1315 E. 7th St.
Pueblo West Library
298 S. Joe Martinez Blvd.
Rawlings Library
100 E. Abriendo Ave.
Board of Trustees:
Fredrick Quintana, President
Donna Pickman, VP
Marlene Bregar
Lyndell Gairaud
Phil Mancha
Jim Stuart
Foundation Board:
Julie Rodriguez, President
Jim Stuart, VP
Carol King, Secretary
P. Michael Voute, Treasurer
Friends of the Library
Doreen Martinez, President
Doris Kester, VP
Greg Clark, Treasurer
Dustin Hodge, Secretary
Events Calendar
March 2016
Exhibits at the libraries this
• Wednesday Morning Club, All
library locations
• Progressive Era Women’s
History Display, RA, 3rd floor
• Women Who Love Life, RA,
Hispanic Resource Center
1 Tuesday
• 10 a.m., Dr. Seuss Party, LY
• 10 a.m.-noon, Computer
Help: Computer Basics, PW
• 10:30 a.m., Smart Land Use
in Historic Downtowns:
Mapping the Dollars and
Sense of Land Use Patterns,
RA, InfoZone-4th floor
• 12:30-3:30 p.m., Cast-off
Knitting and Craft Group, PW
(every Tuesday)
• 2-3 p.m., Giodone Book
Club, GI
• 2-3 p.m., Intro to Computers,
RA, Training Room-3rd floor
• 4 p.m., Tuesday Hangouts, PW
• 4:45-6:15 p.m., Grupo
Folklorico del Pueblo- The
People’s Folk Group (every
Tuesday), LU
• 5:30-8:30 p.m., Pueblo West
Writers Group, PW
• 6-8 p.m., Ma Jongg Club, PW
(every Tuesday)
• 6:30 p.m., The Perks of Being
a Wallflower (PG-13), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
2 Wednesday
• 10 a.m., Daylight Book Club, PW
• 1-3 p.m., Crafts and Coffee for
Adults, PW, GLFC room (every
• 2-3 p.m., Grandfolks Online:
e-mail, RA, Idea Factory-2nd
• 3:30 p.m., Dr. Seuss Party, BK
• 4:30 p.m., Teen Advisory
Board, LU
• 6-8 p.m., Maker-In-Residence,
sewing club, RA, Idea Factory2nd floor
• 6:30 p.m., Nova: Dawn of
Humanity (NR), RA, InfoZone4th floor
3 Thursday
• 11 a.m., Dr. Seuss Party, LU
• 1-3 p.m., Crafty Needles, BK
(every Thursday)
• 4 p.m., Teen Advisory Board, PW
• 4 p.m., Generation:Creation
Series, RA (every Thursday)
• 5 p.m., Anime Club, LB
• 5 p.m., Anime Club, GI
• 5:15-6:40 p.m., Maker Club,
RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor
(every Thursday)
• 6 p.m., Teen Advisory Board, GI
• 7 p.m., Homo naledi &
the (Dinaledi) Chamber of
Secrets, RA, Ryals Room-4th
4 Friday
• all day, St Patrick’s Day crafts, GI
• 9 a.m., Dr. Seuss Party, BS
• 2 p.m., Dr. Seuss Party, GV
2016 Goals
by Jon Walker
Pueblo City-County Library
District aims to provide the
best possible public library
service for our community.
Outcomes in recent years
indicate that we are delivering
on this promise.
We checked out more books
and other library materials than ever last year.
We also set new all-time records for the number
of people visiting our libraries, those attending
PCCLD educational and cultural programs and
events, and the use of library district digital
resources like public-use computers.PCCLD has
adopted an important set of goals for this year to
help build on our recent success.
Our new initiatives in 2016 should place us in a
strong position to continue our positive influence
in the community. I invite you to review the library
district’s complete 2016 plan and budget, which is
available online.
Here are some highlights of special projects you
can expect to see during the course of the year
from your public library:
Continue the work to convert the earliest editions
of The Pueblo Chieftain to digital format. Our
local newspaper began publication in 1868 and
these initial editions are an important record of
the history of our community and this region.
Expand support for parents of young children
to better ensure early literacy success. PCCLD
has been working on this initiative for over a year.
We call it SPELL, short for Supporting Parents in
Early Literacy through Libraries. It is based on
programs and research of promising practices
for libraries to deliver effective early literacy
information and resources to low-income families
with young children.
Partner with the school districts, arts center,
university and other local institutions to increase
the public library’s impact in the community.
One specific example of this in 2016 is the new
ConnectED partnership with Pueblo City Schools
and Pueblo County Schools, which should result
in a library card for nearly every public school
student. PCCLD also will partner with the arts
center on an upcoming Ansel Adams exhibit this
summer and CSU-Pueblo to increase access to
public library resources on campus.
Create a Maker Space program at the Lucero
Library. Maker Spaces are learning environments
where children, teens, adults, and families can
design and create together in activities from
woodworking to electronics. We are building on
the success of our first Maker Space at the Rawlings
Library by investing in this at the Lucero Library
to support this great way to learn.
Consider best e-book platforms. PCCLD is
providing a growing collection of e-books as
interest in this format increases. In 2016, the
library district will examine its e-book service to
insure we are offering the best possible platform
for our users.
Redesign the library district’s online presence
for subscription databases. PCCLD provides a
robust collection of online research databases. We
intend to evaluate this and institute changes to
improve visibility and usability.
Refresh the InfoZone Museum’s exhibit space.
With generous support from the Rawlings Family
Foundation, PCCLD is working with an exhibit
design firm to update features of the museum’s
interactive education displays.
Secure a 20 percent off-the-shelf rate for the
collections of books and materials. PCCLD
adheres to a philosophy of maintaining a dynamic,
up-to-date collection of materials that meets the
current needs of the members of our community.
We carefully track use of the books and materials
in the collections in order to ensure that we have
the items people seek to read and use.
I believe you will agree that 2016 should be another
terrific year for PCCLD!
View the 2016 plan and budget online at:
Smart Land Use in Historic Downtowns: Mapping the Dollars and Sense of Land Use Patterns
Tuesday, March 1, 10:30 a.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor
Free and open to the public. Challenge assumptions about land use and development. With
tools like basic arithmetic, maps, and 3D visualization using ArcScene and CityEngine, Joe
Minicozzi—founding member of the Asheville Design Center, a non-profit community design
center dedicated to creating livable communities across all of Western North Carolina—
discusses suburban sprawl and the value of mixed-use urban
development. For more information call The Greater Pueblo
Chamber of Commerce at 542-1704.
Joe Minicozzi
March 2016
• 2:30 p.m., Read Dog, Read!,
• 3 p.m., Anime Club, PW
(every Friday)
• 3:30 p.m., Family Movie
Afternoons, BK (every Friday)
• 6:30 p.m., Felting HankyPanky, GV
Pecha Kucha Vol. 16 presenters. Back Row: Joey Andenucio and John Woltjer. Front row: Daniel Price, Kristi Roque, Emily
Donaghy, Tim Roush, Maria Tucker, Juan Morales and Garrison Ortiz. With nearly 180 in attendance, an overflow room wase
set up with live-streaming video. The next Pecha Kucha event will feature a bigger venue and additional seating. If you have a
topic you would like to present on call 553-0220.
This young baker made her own
variation of a cupcake at Generation:
Creation. It is a new program for
kids age 6-14 that meets on Friday
afternoons at Rawlings Library.
5 Saturday
• 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Bonfils Blood
Drive, RA, parking lot
• 10 a.m., How to Grow New
Plants from Saved Seeds, GV
• 10:30 a.m., Minecraft
Gaming Session, GI
• 11 a.m., Dr. Seuss Party, RA
• 11 a.m.-6 p.m., NBA2K16
Tournament!, RA, Idea
Factory-2nd floor
• noon, The Lorax (PG), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
• noon, Kids’ Yoga, GV
• 1 p.m., Poetry Reading/
Book Signing with Rita Brady
Kiefer, RA, Bret Kelly B
• 2 p.m., Pan (PG), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
• 3 p.m., Dr. Seuss Party, PW
• 3:30 p.m., Lamb Craft Club, LB
6 Sunday
• 2 p.m., Pan (PG), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
A young both gets help making a bath fizzy at Barkman Library in February.
Kids of all ages enjoyed a round of 9-hole mini-golf inside Lucero Library.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (portrayed by Albert McFadyen at right) entertained a large crowd in February at Rawlings Library. He entered the room via
a wooden wheelchair and regaled the crowd with songs and stories.
Rosa Parks
(portrayed by
Becky Stone)
talked about
her life and
role in the
Civil rights
during a
at Rawlings
Library in
Teens at Pueblo West Library took part in Teen Chopped, based on the popular
television show where contestants cook with a box of random ingredients.
7 Monday
• 10 a.m., Swedish Weavers
and Needlework Group, PW
(every Monday)
• 11-noon, Mellow Mondays,
LU (every Monday)
• 1 p.m., Lamb Needlework
Club, LB (every Monday)
• 1-3 p.m., Pueblo Storytellers,
RA, Thurston Room (Mondays)
• 3 p.m., St Patrick’s Day crafts, AV
• 4 p.m., Yoga, GV
• 6-7:30 Speak English!
Conversation Club, RA, Bret
Kelly B
• 6:30 p.m., The Dutchess (PG13), RA, InfoZone-4th floor
• 6:30 p.m., Teen Tech Week,
RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor (all
• 6:30 p.m., Barkman Book Club, BK
8 Tuesday
• 10 a.m.-noon, Computer
Help: Basic Internet, PW
• 11-1:30 p.m., Tuesday
Morning Movie, LU
• 1-3 p.m., Fiber Art Club
“Yarnies,” RA, Idea Factory
(every Tuesday)
• 2-3 p.m., Microsoft Excel
Basics, RA, Training Room-3rd
• 3:30 p.m., Free Legal SelfHelp Clinic, LB
• 4 p.m., Tuesday Hangouts, PW
• 5:30-6:30 p.m., Family Craft
Time-Civil War Dolls, GI
• 6-8 p.m., Genealogy
Research Session, RA,
Special Collections-3rd floor
9 Wednesday
• Noon-1 p.m., Anime Club, LU
• 2-3 p.m., Grandfolks Online:
Facebook, RA, Idea Factory2nd floor
• 5:30-6:30 p.m., Couponeers, GI
• 6 p.m., Study Break, BK
March 2016
• 6:30 p.m., Inside the Chinese
Closet (NR), RA, InfoZoneth
4 floor
10 Thursday
• 1-3 p.m., Intro to Family
Tree Maker, RA, Training
Room-3rd floor (every
• 3:30 p.m., T-shirt and
Movie: A League of Their
Own (PG), LB
• 4 p.m., Origami, PW
• 5 p.m., Study Break, GI
11 Friday
• 9 a.m., Passport Kids, BS
• 10:30 a.m., Pre-School
• 2 p.m., Passport Kids, GV
• 2 p.m., Let’s Go Fly a Kite, LB
• 2:30 p.m., Read Dog, Read!, GV
• 3 p.m., Teen Tech: 3D
Design and Print, LU
• 4 p.m., Dr. Seuss Party, GI
• 6-8 p.m., Minecraft Lock-in,
12 Saturday
• 9 a.m.-6 p.m, HopeLine:
Phone Drive, RA, Idea
Factory-2nd floor
• 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Writers
Bootcamp, PW
• 11 a.m., Dr. Seuss Party, LB
• 11 a.m., Mary Lincoln’s
Trunk, RA, InfoZone-4th
• noon-2 p.m., Imagination
Chapter, RA, Idea Factory2nd floor
• 1 p.m., Speak Spanish!
Conversation Club, RA,
Thurston Room
• 2 p.m., Genealogy Club, PW
• 2 p.m., Zathura (PG), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
• 2:30 p.m., Read Dog, Read!,
• 6-8 p.m., Open Mic Night, LB
• 6:30 p.m., An evening with
Mary Lincoln, GI
13 Sunday
• 2 p.m., Zathura (PG), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
• 2 p.m., Origami Odyssey,
RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor
14 Monday
• Indoor Community Garden
begins, RA, Idea Factory,
dome-2nd floor
• 3 p.m., Easter crafts, AV
• 5:30 p.m., Yarn Club, GV
• 6-7 p.m., Get to Know
Your Cell Phone, RA, Idea
Factory-2nd floor
• 6:30 p.m., He Named
me Malala (PG-13), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
15 Tuesday
• 10 a.m.-noon, Computer
Help: Social Media, PW
• 2-3 p.m., More about Excel,
RA, Training Room-3rd floor
• 4 p.m., Lego Mania, PW
• 4 p.m., Tuesday Hangouts, PW
• 4:30-5:30 p.m., Adult
Coloring Group, BK
• 5 p.m., Adult Coloring
Games, GI
Together We Read programs continued . . .
Mary Lincoln’s Trunk
Saturday, March 12
11 a.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor
Who can forget the amazing
gowns of Gone with the Wind?
Beautiful Civil War ball gowns
abound during this look at
Pamela Voehl's Mary Lincoln
wardrobe. Six of Voehl's gowns
are displayed during this lecture
about fashion during the Civil
An Evening with Mary Lincoln
Saturday, March 12, 6:30 p.m., GI
Abraham Lincoln’s death is one of the most
famous assassinations ever. What about his wife’s
perspective of that fateful evening? Watch a oneact play through the mind of Mrs. Mary Lincoln as
she prepares to leave the White House on Friday,
April 14, 1865 for her infamous journey to Ford's
Theater. Performed by Pamela Voehl.
Women's History Trivia
Friday, March 18, 4 p.m., LB
Test skills at trivia in celebration of Women's
History Month for a chance to win prizes.
Party in the Parlor
Saturday, March 19, 6:30 p.m.
RA, Ryals Room-4th floor
The Victorians were
known for their rigid
social and moral rules,
but this event is all
about kicking up your
heels and enjoying
the best of a bygone
era! A fashion show,
Victorian dancing and
performance featuring
Gen. and Mrs. Ulysses
S. Grant are just a few of the fun things going on
in the parlor. Event performed by the Victorian
Society of Colorado.
Madam CJ Walker Chautauqua
Tuesday, March 22
7-8:30 p.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor
Lonnie McCabe performs as
Madam C.J. Walker was born
Sarah Breedlove on Dec. 23,
1867 near Delta, La. After
suffering from a scalp ailment
that resulted in her own hair
loss, she invented a line of
African-American hair care
products in 1905, which made
her one of the first American,
self-made female millionaires. Lonnie McCabe
The Origins and Development
of Makeup, Cosmetics
Wednesday, March 23, 6:30 p.m.
RA, Ryals Room -4th floor
Humans have used colors to paint themselves
for millennia. The oldest form of face and body
decorations, from the beginning of human
civilization to the present day is discussed by Gil
Mosko, professional makeup artist since 1984.
Trailing Buffalo Soldier Cathay Williams:
The Amazing True Story of Her Lost Years
Tuesday, March 29,
7 p.m., RA, InfoZone-4th floor
Can you imagine being a woman undercover as
a man to fight in the Union Army? Now imagine
being an African-American woman to boot.
Cathay Williams is this real-life woman. Colorado
Humanities scholar Rebecca Atkinson shares
her new research on the lost years of this female
Buffalo Soldier. View a documentary on Williams'
extraordinary life and times—some of which,
Atkinson can prove, happened in Pueblo.
Book clubs will all be reading Liar, Temptress,
Soldier, Spy by Karen Abbott.
Barkman Book Club
Monday, March 7, 6:30 p.m., BK
Cook the Book Club
Saturday, March 18, 1 p.m., LB
Adults. Registration required. Read a book and
bring a dish inspired by it.
Together We Read Discussions
Monday, March 21, 7 p.m., PW, King Room B
Wednesday, March 23, 10 a.m., PW, GLFC Room
Giodone Book Club
Tuesday, April 7, 2-3 p.m., GI
Women Who Love Life
RA, Hispanic Resource Center,2nd floor
Local painter Mo Keenan-Mason
and photographer Linda Cates
will show their love of life.
Wednesday Morning Club
Thursday, March 3-23
All library locations
Photographs and memorabilia on display from
Pueblo’s own Wednesday Morning Club (focuses
on community and self-improvement, literature
and culture).
Progressive Era Women’s History
RA, 3rd floor foyer
Photos of suffragettes, Mother Jones, and other
Progressive Era women on display as part of
Women’s History Month.
March 2016
Movies @ the Library
See a favorite film at one of the many library locations listed!
All movies are free!
Movies held at Rawlings Library InfoZone, 4th floor unless otherwise specified.
Human Origin Films
See page 11
Kids Movie Matinee
Saturdays and Sundays, 2 p.m.
Pan (PG) March 5, 6
Zathura (PG) March 12, 13
Big Hero 6 (PG) March 19, 20
Jem and the Holograms (PG)
March 26
Dr. Seuss Movie Day!
Saturday, March 5, noon
The Lorax (PG)
El ArcoIris monthly film
Wednesday, March 9, 6:30 p.m.
Inside the Chinese Closet (NR)
Hispanic Resource Film
Tuesday, March 15, 6:30 p.m.
One Man's Hero, San Patricios (R)
Family Afternoon Movies
Fridays, 3:30 p.m., BK
Tuesday Morning Movies
Tuesday, March 8, 22
11 a.m.-1 p.m., LU
Adults. A different film every
other week! Popcorn and
beverages provided.
Women's History Month
Mondays, 6:30 p.m.
The Duchess (PG-13) March 7
He Named Me Malala (PG-13)
March 14
A League of Their Own (PG)
March 21
Suffragette (PG-13) March 28
Documentary Film:
Winds of Chemical Warfare (NR)
Thursday, March 10, 6 p.m.
This film traces the history and
the human impact of chemical
weapons; with a special focus on
the 2013 Sarin gas attacks in Syria
and the multinational operation
to remove the Assad regime’s
deadly chemical arsenal.
Teen Movie Nights
See page 9
Hispanic Resource Programs
Spring Break Kids Movies
Movies begin at 11 a.m.
Mr. Peabody and Sherman (PG)
March 21
Boxtrolls (PG) March 22
Scooby-Doo (2002) (PG) March 23
Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
(2004) (PG) March 24
Meet the Robinsons (G) March 25
Spring Break Teen Movies:
Marvel Movie Mania
Movies begin at 3 p.m.
Guardians of the Galaxy (PG-13)
March 21
Marvel’s the Avengers (PG-13)
March 22
Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron
(PG-13) March 23
X-Men: Days of Future Past
(PG-13) March 24
The Amazing Spider Man 2
(PG-13) March 25
Independent Film
Traitors (Arabic, French , English)
Saturday, March 19, 6:30 p.m.
To keep her parents from being
evicted and fund her Clashinspired punk band, Malika takes
a job smuggling drugs over the
For more info: Maria Smyer at 562-5615 or email Maria.Smyer@pueblolibrary.org.
Citizenship / Ciudadania
Speak Spanish! Conversation Club
Saturday, April 2, 10 a.m., RA, Bret Kelly B
Saturdays, 1 p.m, RA
UVAS presents information about their citizenship
March 12: Thurston Room
classes UVAS presentan un foro informativo de sus
March 19: Bret Kelly A
Open to all levels, beginning through advanced. clases de ciudadania el 2 de abril a las 10 en el salon
Practice Spanish conversational skills with others Bret Kelly B. Si usted esta interasado en clases de
ciudadania llama a Maria Smyer 562-5615.
through fun activities.
• 5 p.m., Southwest History
Book Club, RA, Special
Collections-3rd floor
• 6:30 p.m., One Man’s Hero (R),
RA, InfoZone-4th floor
• 6:30 p.m., Study Break, RA
16 Wednesday
• Noon-1 p.m., Basic
Computer Skills, LU
• 2-3 p.m., Grandfolks Online:
Send/receive pictures, RA,
Idea Factory-2nd floor
• 4 p.m., Mad Science BK
• 6-8 p.m., Maker-InResidence, sewing club, RA,
Idea Factory-2nd floor
• 6:30 p.m., Nova: Becoming
Human: Part 1 (NR), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
17 Thursday
• 4 p.m., Study Break, PW
• 4:30 p.m., Study Break, GV
• 4:30 p.m., Soapmaking, LU
• 5 p.m., St. Patrick’s Day Party, GV
• 5 p.m., Anime Club, LB
• 6-9 p.m., Open Mic Night, GI
• 6:30 p.m., Irish Music
and Cultural Festival, RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
• 7 p.m., Pueblo West Mystery
Book Club, PW
18 Friday
• 10 a.m.-noon, Genealogy
Workshop, BK
• 1 p.m., Cook the Book Club, LB
• 2 p.m., Lego Mania, GV
• 2:30 p.m., Read Dog, Read!,
• 3:30 p.m., Upcycled Art, LU
• 4 p.m. Women’s History
Trivia, LB
• 6 p.m., Scrapbooking Club, GV
• 6-8 p.m., Minecraft Lock-in, PW
19 Saturday
• 10:30 a.m., Tree Pruning
Workshop, GV
• 10:30 a.m., Preschool Dance
Party, RA
• noon, Kids’ Yoga, GV
• 1 p.m., Speak Spanish!
Conversation Club, RA, Bret
Kelly A
• 2-5 p.m., Maker Madness, PW
• 2 p.m., Big Hero 6 (PG), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
• 4 p.m., What Does it Mean
to be Human? An Islamic
Perspective, RA, InfoZone4th floor
• 6:30 p.m., Traitors (NR), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
• 6:30 p.m., Party in the Parlor,
RA, Ryals Room-4th floor
20 Sunday
• 2 p.m., Big Hero 6 (PG), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
21 Monday
• all day, Easter crafts, GI (all
• 11 a.m., Mr. Peabody and
Sherman (PG), RA, InfoZone4th floor
• 2-4 p.m., Minecraft DropIn,GV (all week)
• 2 p.m., Minecraft Week, LU
(all week)
• 3.m., Guardians of the Galaxy
(PG-13), RA, InfoZone-4th
• 4 p.m., Yoga, GV
March 2016
• 6:30 p.m., ALeagueofTheirOwn
(PG), RA, InfoZone-4th floor
• 7 p.m., Together We Read
Book Discussion, PW, King
Room B
22 Tuesday
• 10 a.m.-noon, Computer
Help: Microsoft Office, PW
• 10 a.m., Pete the Cat, LY
• 10:30 a.m., Pre-School
• 11-1:30 p.m., Tuesday
Morning Movie, LU
• 11 a.m., BoxTrolls (PG), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
• 2 p.m., Pete the Cat, GV
• 2-3 p.m., Microsoft Word
Basics, RA, Training Room3rd floor
• 3 p.m., Marvel’s The
Avengers (PG-13), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
• 3 p.m., Pete the Cat, GI
• 4 p.m., Mad Science PW
• 4 p.m., Introduction to
Sketching, GI
• 6:30 p.m., HOMAGO, RA,
Idea Factory-2nd floor
• 7-8:30 p.m., Madam CJ
Walker Chautauqua, RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
23 Wednesday
• 10 a.m., Together We Read
Book Discussion, PW, GLFC
• 10:30 a.m., Beginning Bee
Keeping, GV
• 10:30 a.m., Pete the Cat, LB
• 11 a.m., Scooby-Doo (PG),
RA, InfoZone-4th floor
• Noon-1 p.m., Anime Club, LU
• 2-3 p.m., Grandfolks Online:
Google search, RA, Idea
Factory-2nd floor
• 3 p.m., Marvel’s The
Avengers: Age of Ultron (PG13), RA, InfoZone-4th floor
• 4:30 p.m., Mad Science, LU
• 6 p.m., Teen Movie Night, BK
• 6:30 p.m., Nova: Becoming
Human: Part 2 (NR), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
• 6:30 p.m., The Origins and
Development of Makeup
and Cosmetics, RA, Ryals
Room-4th floor
• 7 p.m., Origami Odyssey,
RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor
24 Thursday
• 10 a.m., Pete the Cat, BK
• 11 a.m., Scooby-Doo 2:
Monsters Unleashed (PG),
RA, InfoZone-4th floor
• 3 p.m., Pete the Cat, RA
• 3 p.m., X-Men: Days of
Future Past (PG-13), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
• 4 p.m., Paper Towns (PG-13), PW
• 4:30 p.m., Mad Science, GV
• 6 p.m., Botswana in 10
Days: A Photographic Essay,
RA, InfoZone-4th floor
• 6 p.m., Tapping Into
Colorado, 6 p.m., RA,
Thurston Room
25 Friday
• 11 a.m.-noon, Health
Fitness and Smoothies, BK
• 11 a.m., Pete the Cat, LU
What's happening at the library
For more info/questions on programs please call 562-5600 or visit www.pueblolibrary.org.
Giodone Book Club
Monday, March 1, 2-3 p.m., GI
Wild, From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail
by Cheryl Strayed.
Daylight Book Club
Wednesday, March 2, 10 a.m, PW
Any book by Kate Morton.
Barkman Book Club
Monday, March 7, 6:30 p.m., BK
Girl On A Train by Paula Hawkins or Liar,
Temptress, Soldier, Spy by Karen Abbott.
Southwest History Book Club
Tuesday, March 15
5 p.m., RA, 3rd floor
Last Conquistador, Juan de Onate and the Settling
of the Far Southwest by Marc Simmons.
Mystery Book Club
Thursday, March 17, 7 p.m., PW
The Watchman by Robert Crais.
Pueblo West Book Club
Monday, March 28, 7 p.m., PW
Garden of Stones by Sophie Littlefield.
Hardknox Gang Prevention
and Intervention
Mondays-Wednesdays, 3:30-5:30 p.m., LU
Fridays, 1:30-3:30 p.m., LU
Services identifying and addressing criminal and
antisocial behavior, problems and solutions, peer
group support. For more information contact
Mark A. Salazar, CACII, A.A., at 766-0141.
Free Legal Self-Help Clinic
Tuesday, March 8, 3:30 p.m., LB
Adult. Registration Required. A FREE legal clinic
for parties who have no attorney, via computer link.
Volunteer attorneys will answer questions, help fill
out forms, and explain the process and procedure
for the legal issues in a variety of areas.
Open Mic Nights
Saturday, March 12, 6-8 p.m., LB
Teens/Adults. Registration required. Show off
musical talents! Contact the library in advance so
accommodatations can be made for A/V needs.
Wednesday, March 17, 6-9 p.m., GI
All ages! Play for an audience or just sit back and
enjoy the eclectic talents of the Mesa!
Phone Drive to Stop Domestic Violence
Saturday, March 12, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., RA, Idea
Factory-2nd floor
Bring in old wireless
phones, batteries,
chargers and
accessories in any
condition from any
service provider
to benefit victims
and survivors of domestic violence. Phones are
refurbished by HopeLine and donated to nonprofits.
Beginning Bee Keeping:
Feeding Your Bees/ Hive Health
Wednesday, March 23, 10:30 a.m., GV
Learn beekeeping basics and what to plant for bees,
whether to feed or not, hive health and inspection.
Tapping Into Colorado
Thursday March 24, 6 p.m., RA, Thurston Room
Adults. More than just rules and regulations,
government publications are a great source for
authoritative information several topics. Learn
about resources on health matters, wildlife species,
gardening, fire prevention and open government.
Lamb Needlework Club
(adults) Mondays, 1 p.m., LB
Yarn Club Monday, March 14, 5:30 p.m., GV
Cast-off Knitting/Craft Group
Tuesdays, 12:30-3:30 p.m., PW
Fiber Art Club "Yarnies"
Tuesdays, March 8, 15 and 22, 1-3 p.m., RA,
Idea Factory-2nd floor
Crafty Needles
Thursdays, 1-3 p.m., BK
Scrapbooking Club
Friday, March 18, 6 p.m., GV
Lamb Craft Club
Saturday, March 5, 3:30 p.m., LB
All Ages. Group led project: dream catchers.
DIY Club – Exploring Egg Decorating
Saturday, March 26, 4 p.m., GV
Ages 10 and up. Registration required.
Experiment with different ways to dye eggs!
NEW! Lacemakers of Southern Colorado
Saturday, March 26, 9 a.m., PW, GLFC Room
Grow New Plants from Saved Seeds
Saturday, March 5, 10 a.m., GV
Join certified Colorado Native Plant Master, Ed
Roland to learn how to maximize viability of
seeds you save, how to pre-treat seeds to overcome
germination inhibitors and how to propagate
multiple new plants for early spring planting.
Indoor Community Garden
Monday, March 14 to summer
RA, Dome-2nd floor
Participate in the planting and tending an indoor
community garden! Patrons encouraged to
plantand manage the garden. Instructions for daily
garden tasks available. Crops will be shared at the
end of the season!
Tree Pruning Workshop
Saturday, March 19, 10:30 a.m., GV
Talk and demo on pruning fruit trees by Diana
Capen, co-owner of Perennial Favorites. Capen
demonstrates pruning techniques for all, in any
size yard, to grow one or more fruit trees more
easily with a larger harvest than other methods.
Discussion and questions to follow.
Gardening Class for the Water-Wise
Saturday, April 2, 9 a.m.-noon, PW, King
Rooms A and B
Adults. Reservations required, contact Myra,
547-1075 or Penny, 547-1557 or email:
Presentation by gardeners at Cattail Crossings
featuring demos including seven steps of Xeriscape
garden design, choosing plants, retrofitting a lawn,
“wascally wabbits” and wildlife, soil, amendments
and more.
All Pueblo Grows Seed Swap
Saturday, April 2, 1 p.m., GV
Genealogy Club
Saturday, March 12, 2 p.m., PW
Adults. Discuss topics relating to genealogy and
share tips. Bring information on family history
that you have and a USB drive if possible.
Genealogy Workshops
Thursday, March 10
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., RA, Training Room-3rd floor
Friday, March 18, 10 a.m.-noon, BK
Use Ancestry.com and Family search (LDS)
websites to begin or further genealogy research.
Bonfils Blood Drive
Saturday, March 5
10 a.m.- 2 p.m., RA, bus in parking lot
To schedule an appointment, please contact
Bonfils Appointment Center at 800-365-0006, ext.
2., or walk-in to check appointment availability.
Walk-in’s are welcome and are be worked in around
scheduled appointments. Please eat a hearty meal
and drink lots of water before donating blood!
Mondays, March 7, 21, 28, 4 p.m.
Thursdays, 6 p.m., GV
Bring mat or towel. Suggested donation: $3.
Designed for all fitness levels. Taught by certified
yoga instructors Sheree Semonich and Ilee Smith.
Health Fitness and Smoothies!
Friday, March 25, 11 a.m.-noon, BK
Learn about health and fitness from trainer Lexi
Camerlo. Questions about general fitness will
be answered. Door prizes will be awarded and
smoothies made for all to enjoy.
Yoga Arm Balance and Inversion Playshop
Saturday, March 26, 10:30 a.m., GV
Suggested donation: $5. 90-minute yoga class
designed to flip your perspective! Challenge
yourself by balancing on your arms and learn
safe ways to find flight on a yoga mat. Taught by
certified yoga instructor Shereé Semonich.
Intro to Family Tree Maker with Vera Estrada
Thursdays, March 10-31
1-3 p.m., RA, Training Room- 3rd floor
Registration required. Limit of 12. Third of a
six-week hands-on introduction to genealogy
course using Family Tree Maker 16 to create, edit,
save and print digitized family history.
Research Sessions
6-8 p.m., RA, Spec. Coll. - 3rd floor
Tuesday, March 8
Focus: New Mexico collection covering northern
New Mexico and Southern Colorado.
Wednesday, March 30
Focus: Finding lineage whether a beginner or
trying to break through a brick wall.
Courtney Bennett is a seamstress specializing in
hand sewing and creative upcycling. Make stuffed
animals, dolls, pillows and throws
Workshops: That’s Sew Cool Sewing Club
Wednesdays, March 2, 16, 6-8 p.m., RA, Idea
Factory-2nd floor. Registration required.
March 2016
• 11 a.m., Meet the Robinsons
(G), RA, InfoZone-4th floor
• 3 p.m., Mad Science, GI
• 3 p.m., The Amazing
Spider Man 2 (PG-13), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
• 3 p.m., Pete the Cat, PW
• 4 p.m., Study Break, LB
• 6-8 p.m., Minecraft Lock-in, LB
• 7 p.m., Tempting Treats and
Civil War Feats, RA, Ryals
Room-4th floor
26 Saturday
• 9 a.m., Lacemakers of
Southern Colorado, PW,
GLFC room
• 11 a.m., Lego Mania, GI
• 11 a.m., Karen Abbott
author talk, PW
• noon-2 p.m., Imagination
Chapter, RA, Idea Factory2nd floor
• 1 p.m., Cook the Book
Club, LB
• 2 p.m., Jem and the
Holograms (PG), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
• 2:30 p.m., Read Dog, Read!, LB
• 4 p.m., DIY Club: Egg
Decorating, GV
27 Sunday
• All library locations closed
28 Monday
• 3 p.m., Butterflie crafts, AV
• 4 p.m., Idea Factory Demo:
VHS to DVD Demo, PW,
King Room B
• 4 p.m., Yoga, GV
• 5 p.m., Idea Factory Demo:
Vinyl/Cassette to MP3, PW,
King Room B
• 6:30 p.m., Suffragette (PG13), RA, InfoZone-4th floor
• 7 p.m., Pueblo West Book
Club, PW
29 Tuesday
• 2-3 p.m., Powerpoint
Basics, RA, Training Room3rd floor
• 5 p.m., Computer/Device
Help, GI
• 6:30 p.m., Teen Advisory
Board, RA, Idea Factory-2nd
• 7 p.m., Cathay Williams, RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
30 Wednesday
• 2-3 p.m., Grandfolks Online:
Pinterest, RA, Idea Factory2nd floor
• 4 p.m., Experiment with Wind
Turbines and Levers, GV
• 6-8 p.m., Genealogy
Research Session, RA,
Special Collections-3rd floor
• 6:30 p.m., Nova: Becoming
Human: Part 3 (NR), RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
31 Thursday
• 4 p.m., Teen Tech Night 3D Scribbler, PW
• 6:30 p.m., Human Origins
and Our DNA, RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
Pueblo Storytellers
Mondays, 1-3 p.m., RA,
Thurston Room
Swedish Weavers and
Needlework Group
Mondays, 10 a.m., PW
Mellow Mondays
Mondays, 11 a.m.-noon, LU.
Adult Coloring Program
Monday, March 15
4:30-5:30 p.m., BK
NEW! Adult Coloring Games!
Monday, March 15, 5 p.m., GI
Speak English!
Conversation Club
Mondays, March 7-28
6-7:30 p.m., RA, Bret Kelly B
Ma Jongg Club
Tuesdays from 6-8 p.m., PW
Pueblo West Writers Group
Tuesday, March 1
5:30-8:30 p.m., PW
Writers Bootcamp
Saturday, March 12
10 a.m.- 1:30 p.m., PW
Cost: $30. Adults
Registration required, contact
com. Workshop on Scrivener
writing techniques by author
Patrick Hester.
Tuesday, March 9
5:30-6:30 p.m., GI
Crafts and Coffee for Adults
1-3 p.m., PW, GLFC Room
Anime Clubs
Wednesdays, March 9, 23
noon-1 p.m., LU. Adults.
Thursdays, March 3, 17
5 p.m., LB. Teens/Adults.
Southern Colorado
Thread Benders
Sunday, March 20
1:30 p.m., RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor
Origami Odyssey
Sunday, March 13, 2 p.m.,
Wednesday, March 23, 7 p.m.,
RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor
For more information on Youth Services events, please call 562-5600.
Pete the Cat Visits the
library for Spring Break
Tuesday, March 22, 10 a.m., LY, 2 p.m., GV
Wednesday, March 23, 10:30 a.m., LB, 3 p.m., GI
Thursday, March 24, 10 a.m., BK, 3 p.m., RA
Friday, March 25, 11 a.m., LU, 3 p.m., PW
Storytime with Pete the Cat, crafts,games too!
Parents: bring a camera to take pictures.
Dr. Seuss Party
Tuesday, March 1, 10 a.m. LY
Wednesday, March 2, 3:30 p.m., BK
Thursday, March 3, 11 a.m., LU
Friday, March 4, 9 a.m., BS,
2 p.m., GV
Saturday, March 5,
11 a.m., RA, 3 p.m., PW
Friday, March 11, 4 p.m., GI
Saturday, March 12,
11 a.m., LB
Celebrate Dr. Seuss’
birthday with crafts, games.
Easter crafts
Monday, March 14, 3 p.m., AV
Monday-Saturday, March 21-26, all day, GI
Read Dog, Read! 2:30 p.m.
Sit Means Sit - Go Team
Fridays, March 4, 18, PW
Friday, March 12, RA, BK
Saturdays, March 12, 26, LB
GHV Tale Waggers, Therapy Dogs
Fridays, March 4, 11, 18, GV
Practice reading skills with a furry friend!
Lego Mania
Tuesday, March 15, 4 p.m., PW
Friday, March 18, 2 p.m., GV
Friday, March 25, 3 p.m., GI
Minecraft Drop-In
Monday-Saturday, March 21-26, 2-4 p.m., GV
Ages 7 and up. Uninterrupted computer play
with friends during Spring Break! Game play
determined on first-come, first-served basis.
St. Patrick’s Day Party
Thursday, March 17, 5 p.m., GV
All ages. Celebrate a love of
all things Irish with snacks,
crafts and games! Test luck
during a scavenger hunt
for a chance to win the
leprechaun’s pot o’ gold!
St Patrick’s Day crafts
Friday, March 4, all day, GI
Monday, March 7, 3 p.m., AV
Kids’ Yoga
Saturdays, March 5, 19, noon, GV
All Ages. Practice breathing, concentration
and poses that help with positive ways to react
to situations, constant self-discovery and a
feeling of calm. Bring a mat or blanket. Taught
by certified yoga instructor, Ilee Smith.
Pre-School STEAM
Friday, March 11, 10:30 a.m., RA
Tuesday, March 22, 10:30 a.m., GI
Pre-k. Hands-on programs that introduces
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and
Math. Themes: GI: female scientists, RA: colors.
Passport Kids
Friday, March 11, 9 a.m., BS, 2 p.m., GV
Ages 5 to 12. Explore the world through
multicultural stories, crafts and activities!
A new country each! Earn passport stamps
while traveling the globe!
Preschool Dance Party
Saturday, March 19
10:30 a.m., RA, Children’s Storytime Room
Butterfly crafts
Monday, March 28, 3 p.m., AV
Generation: Creation Series
Ages 6-14. Thursdays, 4 p.m., RA, Storytime Room (unless specified)
Express yourself! Share your talents and explore other forms of creativity in this unique art
series sponsored by ALA and Disney. Each project will offer an unforgettable experience.
March 3: The Storytelling Project
March 24:
March 10: The Tinkering Project
The Art Project, Ryals Room-4th floor)
March 17: The Knitting Project
Tween . . . ages 8 -12
Tuesday Hangouts
Tuesdays, 4 p.m., PW
March 1: Make It Fly: Paper airplanes,
helicopters, and rockets
March 8: Messy Art
March 15: Build with Legos
Grupo Folklorico del PuebloThe People’s Folk Group
Tuesdays, 4:45-6:15 p.m., LU
Ages 8-13. Learn about culturally local
history and dance through the “folklorico”
approach which interprets events, people,
and places through dance movement.
Let’s Go Fly a Kite
Friday, March 11, 2 p.m., LB
Ages 8 and up. Learn how to make a kite
to enjoy during our windy spring weather.
Mad Science
Wednesday, March 16, 4 p.m., BK
Tuesday, March 22, 4 p.m., PW
Wednesday, March 23, 4:30 p.m., LU
Thursday, March 24, 4:30 p.m., GV
Friday, March 25, 3 p.m., GI
Ages 8-13. Wacky and wild experiments!
Thursday, March 17, 4:30 p.m., LU
Ages 9 and up. Try
soap making, it's
good clean fun! Use
molds, food coloring
and small trinkets to
be creative.
Introduction to Sketching
Tuesday, March 22, 4 p.m., GI
Ages 8 and up. Learn how to sketch 3D
objects, eyes and shading techniques from
resident artist Joe Devendorf.
Experiment with Wind Turbines and
Wednesday, March 30, 4 p.m., GV
Ages 8 and up. Get your STEM on!
Experiments will bring out your inner
engineer, scientist, tech innovator or
Minecraft Gaming Session
Saturday March 5, 10:30 a.m., GI
Minecraft Lock-in, 6-8 p.m.
Friday, March 11, RA, BK
Friday, March 18, PW
Friday March 25, LB
Ages 9-13. Enjoy uninterrupted computer
play for crafting, fort building and
more! Registration required; attendance
limited. A parent permission form MUST
be submitted in order to attend this afterhours event. Register in person or by
calling 562-5600. Pick up a permission
slip at your local library.
Minecraft Week at Lucero
Monday-Saturday, March 21-26, 2 p.m., LU
Different Minecraft-themed activities
all week. scavenger hunt, bingo, gaming
session, perler beads and a party!
Imagination Chapter
Saturdays, March 12, 26, noon-2 p.m., RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor
Ages 8-15. Imagine, create, tinker and share projects in this club that is part of the
Global Imagination Foundation. One week we may build a city from cardboard,
and the next we might learn how to make robots listen to our commands. Come to
meetings every other week to join in on the fun!
Teen . . . for ages 13 and up
Anime Club
Fridays, 3 p.m., PW
Thursday, March 3, 5 p.m., GI
An hour of great anime!
Teen Movie Nights. Ages 13 and up
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (PG-13)
Tuesday, March 1, 6:30 p.m., RA,
InfoZone-4th floor
Movie TBA Wednesday, March 23, 6 p.m., BK
Paper Towns (PG-13)
Thursday, March 24, 4 p.m., PW
Teen Advisory Board
Wednesday, March 2, 4:30 p.m., LU
Thursday, March 3, 4 p.m., PW, 6 p.m., GI
Tuesday, March 29, 6:30 p.m., RA, Idea
Factory-2nd floor
Ages 13 and up. Interested in making a
difference in the library while making
new friends? Join the Teen Advisory
Board once a month to tell us what you
want to see offered for teens, plan and
prepare for programs and discuss new
materials. Meeting attendance will count
as community service.
Monday - Thursday, March 7-10
6:30 p.m., RA
A week of tech-related activities to
celebrate Teen Tech Week with the rest of
the country!
Teen Tech: 3D Design and Print
Friday, March 11, 3 p.m., LU
Ages 13 and up. Registration required.
Space is limited. Create a 3D-design
using Project Ignite and Tinkercad.
Teen Tech Night - 3D Scribbler
Thursday March 31, 4 p.m., PW
Ages 13 and up. Use a 3D Scribbler pen
to draw your own 3D art.
Study Break
Thursday, March 10, 5 p.m., GI
Tuesday, March 15, 6:30 p.m., RA
Wednesday, March 16, 6 p.m., BK
Thursday, March 17, 4 p.m., PW, 4:30 p.m., GV
Friday, March 25, 4 p.m., LB
Ages 13 and up. Take a break from school
work in a stress-free zone. Enjoy snacks and
explore relaxation techniques.
T-shirt and Movie: A League of Their Own
Thursday, March 10, 3:30 p.m., LB
Design a t-shirt while watching A League
of Their Own (PG).
Thursday March 10, 4 p.m., PW
Ages 13 and up. Make origami designs.
Upcycled Art
Friday, March 18, 3:30 p.m., LU
Create masterpieces using thrift store art!
Tuesday, March 22, 6:30 p.m., RA, Idea
Factory-2nd floor
Hang Out, Mess Around and Geek Out!
Have you seen
the gift items at
Books Again?
Held at Rawlings, Training Room-3rd floor. Classes are free and open to the public. Space is limited
and pre-registration is required. To register, please call 562-5600 or visit www.pueblolibrary.org
and view the March 2016 Events Calendar. Class hours are 2-3 p.m.
Intro to Computers Tuesday, March 1
Microsoft Word Basics Tuesday, March 22
Microsoft Excel Basics Tuesday, March 8
Powerpoint Basics Tuesday, March 29
More About Excel Tuesday, March 15
Grandfolks Online
Wednesdays, March 2-30, 2-3 p.m., RA, Idea Factory-2nd floor
Always wanted to "go online" with the Internet, but never knew where to start? This four-part
series will teach you everything you need to know about e-mail, Facebook, Google search and
more. Classes taught by David Hartkop. Bring: a notebook (optional) and get ready to have fun!
March 2: Get an e-mail address
March 23: Google Searching – Find info on
March 9: Set up Facebook and chat with family anything!
March 16: Sending and Receiving Pictures
March 30: Fun with Pinterest
All hardback
fiction books
with authors
whose last name
begins with the
letters D, E and
F on sale for $2
Registration required for most. Class sizes limited.
Computer Help
Basic Computer Skills Class
Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-noon, PW
Wednesday, March 16, noon-1 p.m., LU
All levels welcome. Learn more about using a Adults. Registration required. Maximum of
computer, tablet and e-book reader in this fun ten. Workshop on basic computer skills. Bring
and interactive class.
any questions on computer issues.
March 1: Computer Basics
Computer/Device Help
March 8: Basic Internet
March 15: Intro to social media including Tuesday, March 29, 5 p.m., GI
Facebook and Pinterest
Tech Tutor GV, Appointment by request.
March 22: Intro to Microsoft Office
For more information or to register contact Derrick Mason at 553-0213 or email derrick.mason@
Get To Know Your Cell Phone: Idea Factory Demos
Maker Club
Borrow Library Books and
Monday, March 28, PW,
Thursdays, 5:15-6:40 p.m.
more with your iPhone /iPad! King Room B. Registration
March is dedicated to assembling
Monday, March 14, 6-7p.m.
a working 3D printer from easy
Registration required.
4-5 p.m. Transfer VHS
to get parts. The library will
Bring: your device.
Tapes to DVD
assemble one; follow along with
Darius Goshay of Pueblo Have home videos on VHS own parts, if you decide to order
Wireless Doctor talks about or VHS-C that could be and gather them ahead of time.
useful smartphone apps to transfered to DVD? Learn Full list of parts at: http://reprap.
borrow eBooks, eAudiobooks, about the library’s VHS to DVD org/wiki/Libro
Streaming Videos, and Digital converter!
Maker Madness
Magazines with an Apple 5-6 p.m. Transfer Vinyl
Saturday, March 19, 2-5 p.m., PW
Smartphone or Tablet.
Records/Cassettes to MP3 All ages. Registration required.
Breathenewlifeintooldvinylrecords Try out new technology and
and cassette tapes by digitizing them! make cool stuff monthly. For
Learn about the library’s Analog to more information, contact
Digital Audio Converters.
Susan Wolf at susan.wolf@
Homebound Program
Call 553-0233 or email homebound@pueblolibrary.org.
Volunteers needed!
Homebound Services applications go green!
Looking for an enjoyable way to make a
Send applications electronically! Go to
difference? Help deliver/retrieve library materials pueblolibrary.org. From the Services tab; select
to and from customers who are unable to visit.
Smithsonian Institution’s
a free interactive traveling exhibit
What does it mean to be human?
Pueblo City-County Library District is one of 19 libraries to host Exploring Human Origins: What Does It Mean to Be Human?, a
national traveling exhibition based on the Smithsonian’s What Does It Mean to Be Human? permanent exhibition at the National
Museum of Natural History. The traveling exhibition will be on exhibit March 28-April 23, 2016 at the InfoZone News Museum
at Rawlings Library.
All programs are held at the Rawlings Library, 100 E. Abriendo Ave., on the 4th floor
Human Origin Films
Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., InfoZone
NOVA Dawn of Humanity March 2
NOVA Becoming Human: Parts 1, 2 & 3 March 16, 23 and 30
Homo naledi & the (Dinaledi) Chamber of Secrets:
A New Addition to the Human Family Tree
Thursday, March 3, 7 p.m., Ryals Room
Jill Scott, a PhD candidate in biological anthropology discusses
Homo naledi, a newly announced extinct hominin species
discovered within the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star
cave system in the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa.
Irish Music and Cultural Festival
Thursday, March 17, 6:30 p.m., InfoZone
Back by popular demand, Wilson and
Mckee, present an evening of Irish
traditions including music, storytelling and
possibly a Ceilidh dance.
Botswana in 10 Days: A Photographic Essay
Thursday, March 24, 6 p.m., InfoZone
Photographers Don Andreoli and Linda Cates share their love
of Africa. Co-sponsored by Southern Colorado Photography
Society. Refreshments served.
Human Origins and Our DNA
Thursday, March 31, 6:30 p.m., InfoZone
Learn how scientists are using DNA testing on a massive scale to
uncover the paths humans took as they populated the globe from
Greg Liverman, PhD.
First Friday Exhibit Reception
Friday, April 1, 5-8 p.m.
Guided tours of the exhibit available.
Sounding Nature’s Elements: Ancient tools meet multi-media
Saturday, April 2, InfoZone
2 p.m., PICO performance, 2:30-5 p.m., Interactive Installation
Ken Willson, Kim McKee.
All ages. Participate using instruments made out of trees, rocks
What Does It Mean To Be Human? An Islamic Perspective and other natural elements. Find out what happens when rocks
Saturday, March 19, 4 p.m., InfoZone
roll, wood is given a voice and metal is made to sing! Interactive
Human origins from an Islam perspective and insight on the
installation by local music improvisers, PICO. Instruments will
be simultaneously projected in video making this a unique
religion from Iman Jodeh, director and co-founder of The
Meet the Middle East organization.
multi-media experience.
For more Human Origins programs visit www.pueblolibrary.org/infozone
Pueblo City-County Library District
100 E. Abriendo Ave.
Pueblo, CO 81004
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Pueblo, Colorado
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the newsletter by email?
Go to www.pueblolibrary.org
to subscribe!
March Madness
NBA2K16 Tournament!
March 5
11a.m.-6 p.m., RA
Idea Factory-2nd floor
Official rules at:
Ages 8 and up.
required. March
Madness is here
and the library is
holding its own
version of The
Big Dance! Do
you have what
it takes to make
it to the Final
Four and become
March Madness
Register for our
NBA 2K16 Tournament played on Playstation 4.
Wednesdays until April 13, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., RA, 3rd floor
Saturday, March 12, 10:30-2:30 p.m., LU
No appointment necessary, seen on a first come-first
served basis. Questions, 296-8768.
Bring: Photo ID, Social Security card(s), Birthdate(s),
1095A or 1095B (if covered by the Affordable Care Act), a
copy of last year's tax return (if applicable), wage and earning
statement(s) Form W-2, W-2G, 1099-R, interest and dividend
statements from banks, bank account number and routing
number if you desire a direct deposit, if filing jointly, both
spouses must be present to sign forms, if claiming day care
expenses, total amount paid and day care's Tax ID Number.