newsletter - St Joseph`s School Chinchilla


newsletter - St Joseph`s School Chinchilla
Joey’s Journal
inchilla, QLD, 4413
St Joseph’s Primary School
PO Box 467
Chinchilla QLD 4413
Phone: (07) 4662 7850 , Fax: (07) 4668 9732
Principal: Mr Aaron Wells
A.P.R.E: Mrs Deonne Crowe
Admin Officer: Mrs Bronwyn Cookson
School Captains
I would like to thank everyone who joined with us last Friday for our mass to welcome in the new school year and to induct
our 2015 school leaders. For those of you that were unable to join us our school captains for this year are:
School Captains:
School Vice Captains:
Warrego House Captains:
Leichhardt House Captains:
Lottie Keating & James Crothers
Elizabeth Dorries & Marty Bourke
Chloe Ellem & Keegan Sutcliffe
Piper Smith & Lachlan Smith
I would like to congratulate this year’s captains on their positions. I am confident that they will carry out these roles in
accordance with the Christian values of St Joseph’s and be reliable role models for their fellow students.
Leadership is hard to define.
Lord, let us be the ones to define it with justice.
Leadership is like a handful of water.
Lord, let us be the people to share it with those who thirst.
Leadership is not about watching and correcting.
Lord, let us remember it is about listening and connecting.
Leadership is not about telling people what to do.
Lord, let us find out what people want.
Leadership is less about the love of power
And more about the power of love.
Lord, as we continue to undertake the role of leader let us be
Affirmed by the servant leadership we witness in your son Jesus. Let
Us walk in the path He has set and let those who will, follow.
Let our greatest passion be compassion.
Our greatest strength love.
Our greatest victor the reward of peace.
In leading, let us never fail to follow.
In loving, let us never fail.
St Joseph’s Primary School
Week 3 - Issue 3 - 11 February 2015
From the Principals’ Desk
Dates to Remember
Feb 11
Feb 12
Feb 13
Feb 16
Feb 18
Feb 19
Feb 23
Thank you to everyone that joined us for our Opening School
Mass and P&F welcome BBQ last Friday. It was great to see
the Joey’s community in full swing. Thank you to Mrs Crowe
for putting together the Mass and to our P&F for facilitating
the Barbeque.
Week 3
District Basketball Trials
District Swimming Carnival
Principal Mtg - Toowoomba
Principal Mtg - Toowoomba
Mr Wells - SW Sport - Roma
Week 4
- P&F AGM - 7:00pm
- Ash Wednesday
- Whole school liturgy
- Grip Leadership Conference
Week 5
Feb 24
Feb 27
Mar 2
Mar 5
Mar 6
- QLD Health Prep Screening
- QLD Health Prep Screening
- SW Basketball Trials
School Board Mtg - 4:00pm
APRE Cluster Mtg
APRE Cluster Mtg
SW Swimming Trials - Miles
Mar 14
- St Patrick’s Parish Celebration
Mar 16
Mar 17
Mar 19
- P&F Mtg
- St Patrick’s Day
- St Joseph’s Day
- Whole school mass
- District Rugby League &
Netball Trials
Week 6
Week 7
Mar 20
Dear Parents
Week 8
Week 9
Mar 23
Mar 27
- School Board Mtg
- District Soccer Trials
Mar 29
April 2
- Palm Sunday
- Final Day of Term 1
Week 10
St Joseph’s Parents and Friends Association
We are very fortunate here at St Joseph’s, to have such
strong parental support with many people willing to put their
hand up to help in and around the school. It is this
commitment that has seen our school go from strength to
strength. If you are considering a way in which you can support the school, have you
thought about joining the St Joseph’s Parents and Friends Association? The P&F is
an integral part of our school and provides a formal structure and support network for
parents to participate in the activities and decision making processes at the school.
The St Joseph’s P&F has been very active over the years raising much needed funds
that have gone directly back to supporting and improving our education and school
environment. Our P&F will be holding it’s AGM next Monday from 7:00pm in our
school meeting room. I would encourage you all to come along and be part of this
special group.
District Swimming Carnival
I wish all of our swimmers competing in today’s District Swimming Carnival the very
best of luck. I am sure that you will all give your best and show that Joey’s spirit and
Head Lice
Parents please be aware that we have had reports of head lice with children at our
school. The spread of head lice can happen very quickly and can be an expensive
and time consuming venture to break the cycle in a person’s / family’s hair. School
procedure recommends that students with head lice be excluded for treatment then
return to school the next day. It is also recommended that all families act as one in
checking and treating affected children once a report occurs. This will maximise the
effectiveness of breaking the breeding cycle. The school also discourages sharing
hats and children putting their heads together (literally). Please note that head lice do
not discriminate against whose hair to nest in, anyone is susceptible, especially clean
hair and scalps.
Contact/Medical Details
As a school it is vitally important that we have up-to-date contact/medical information
for all of our families. We ask that if your details have changed that you please notify
us as a matter of urgency.
There are several options for doing this:
Phoning the school with new details
Coming into the school office and speaking with Bronwyn.
Emailing the school—
Skoolbag—Change of Details e-form
Your cooperation with this is greatly appreciated.
New Australia Citizen
Miss Bowdler and Year 5 be
leading our whole school assembly this Friday at 2:30pm in our
School Hall.
Our Lady Help of Christians’
Weekend Mass
Sunday 15th February
St Joseph’s Primary School
We congratulate Keegan Sutcliffe on becoming an
Australian Citizen as part of the Australia Day
celebrations earlier this year.
Have a great rest of the week and an enjoyable weekend at
the Melon Fest
God Bless
Aaron Wells
Week 3 - Issue 3 - 11 February 2015
From the A.P.R.E
Term 1 Week 3
Over the past two weeks, Parent Information sessions have been organised in
each of the classrooms, with the last sessions being held this evening. Thank
you to all those who have been able to attend and to others that have been
unable to attend but have taken the time to read over the information sent
home. Our school is blessed to have such a wonderful teaching staff, committed
to achieving the best for students and eager to open their classrooms and lines
of communication with parents. We are keenly aware of the enormous
responsibility we have within the school-home partnership; working with families
to encourage children to be the best they can be in all that they do: physically,
cognitively, socially and spiritually. Parenting, like teaching, is at times a
challenging vocation but above all, rewarding!
P Isabella Thomson
P/1 Connor Kelly, Ally Lingard
Yr 1 Ava Thomson,
Hunter Samuels, Patterson
Yr 2 Emily Simms, Riley Bender
Yr 3 Eliza Nitz
Yr 4 Lachlan Paerau
Yr 5 Mikaela O’Brien
A Parent's Prayer
Yr 6 Hayley Underwood,
Jade Kirkwood, Cameron
Cardillo, Charlie Hiesler,
Will Playsted, Chloe Ellem,
Sydney Bodkin, Libby
Loving God,
You are the giver of all we
the source of all of our
We thank and praise you.
Thank you for the gift of our
Help us to set boundaries for
and yet encourage them to explore.
Give us the strength and courage to treat
each day as a fresh start.
Evangeline Lyons, Ethan Underwood, Zara
Taylor, Melinda Woodgate, Ashlee Clarke
May your Holy Spirit help them to grow
in faith, hope, and love,
so they may know peace, truth, and goodness.
May their ears hear your voice.
May their eyes see your presence in all things.
May their lips proclaim your word.
May their hearts be your dwelling place.
May their hands do works of charity.
May their feet walk in the way of Jesus Christ,
your Son and our Lord.
Ash Wednesday: Students and staff will join together in the school hall for Ash
Wednesday Liturgy this coming Wednesday, 18th Feb, at 11.15 am.
All families and parishioners are welcome to join us on this very important day,
as we begin the Lenten journey.
The Parish Lenten Program: every Wednesday evening at 5.30pm in the
school library, beginning next Wednesday 19th Feb. Please come along and
join us as we prepare for Easter.
God Bless
Mrs Deonne Crowe
Mon - 2.45 - 3.15pm
Wed & Thurs - 8.30 - 9.00am
Uniform Co-ordinators are:
Anne Welke
Ph: 4668 9580
M: 0409 643 758
Cathy McLatchey: Ph: 4669 1904
M: 0404 013 218
Congratulations to the following student Council Committee for 2015.
Jade Kirkwood
Vice President
Regan Olsen
Althea Borck
Hayley Underwood
4669 1244
*Hydraulics *Filters *Tools
*Welding* Nuts &
Bolts *Oil *Bearings and much more
Providing general counselling
and parenting programs to
Chinchilla families
Phone 07 4669 1700
St Joseph’s Primary School
Week 3 - Issue 3 - 11 February 2015
Sports News from Mrs Hart
We wish all our St Joey's students who are participating at today's District
Swimming Carnival all the very best in their individual events. St Joey’s will be
competing against students from the Chinchilla State School, the Christian College,
the Small Schools, the High School (Year 7, 12 year olds) and Jandowae. Those
students who swim qualifying times today will form part of the Chinchilla & District
Team to compete at the South West Trials in Miles on Friday 27th February.
We wish the following students all the very best today: Rachel McLatchey, Andee
Moore, Lucy Geldard, Annabelle Peart, Briony Isles, Jack Stackman, Ky Harth,
Lucy McLatchey, Katie Fitzgerald, Jade Kirkwood, Emma Watson, Regan Olsen,
Keegan Sutcliffe, Josh Watson, William Pascoe, Hayley Underwood, Cameron
Cardillo and Neo Harth.
We wish those students trialling today for the District Basketball team all the very
best. The trials are from 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm (approximately) in the St Joey's school
hall. We look forward to hearing how our students perform against students within
our District.
14th February
A day for those who love to read, Book Lovers Day encourages you
to kick back and relax with a great book. From shaded spots under
arching trees to being tucked up warm in bed, there’s no better way
to celebrate Book Lovers Day than to while the hours away lost in a
St Joseph’s School community will be celebrating this event in the
following way:
Display in the library
Teachers sharing their favourite book from the school library
Blind date with a book
Lunch time activities in the library
Parents are welcome to view our display in the library and share
books that they love.
Margaret Bowman
Information Services Teacher
Melon Chef
Come and support our Joey’s team at the Cultural
Centre on Friday evening 5 - 9pm.
They will be competing with other local primary schools
- creating an entrée.
Contact Jo Guymer 0439 627 845 or buy tickets at
Melon Office in Heeney St.
Past Student News:
Some of our past students have successfully become form
captains at Chinchilla State High School
Tristan Mitchell, Gabrielle Geldard, Ian Woodcock, Carmelo Keating
Congratulations to them all.
Tuckshop is currently being organised for 2015
Joey’s Prep and Year One Parents are invited to a
Talk, Play & Read
If you are available to help out on Friday’s
please ring the school on 4662 7850
Parent Workshop
Monday 16th February
3:15pm – 4:15pm
St Joseph’s School meeting room
(upstairs in main building)
A short 1 hour interactive workshop
presented by Toowoomba Catholic
Education Speech-Language
Pathologists: Alex Young and Dee
Alex and Dee will demonstrate
practical activities you can fit into
your busy life to talk, play and
read with your children.
Afternoon tea provided.
Children aged 4 and up will be
supervised by school staff and
involved in fun activities for the
hour, if child minding is needed.
Any questions please contact
your class teacher or Michelle Nitz
(Learning Support Teacher)
Please RSVP in the KIT book if you can make it.
We hope to see you there!
St Joseph’s Primary School
Week 3 - Issue 3 - 11 February 2015
Mini Vinnie’s
When: Friday 13th February
During Big Lunch!
Watermelon Slices 50c
Face painting 50c
Thank you for your support!! 