St. Mark Catholic Church Sea Girt NJ bulletin for


St. Mark Catholic Church Sea Girt NJ bulletin for
February 15, 2015
Msgr. Sean P. Flynn, Pastor
Rev. Jose Fernandez-Banqueses, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Maynard Nagengast, OSB, and Rev. Bernard N. Mohan (Visiting Priests)
Deacon Michael Keary
Daily Masses
7:30 AM and 11 AM (except Saturday)
Miraculous Medal Novena aŌer Masses on Wednesdays
Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon
3:30 PM to 4:15 PM on Saturdays and
aŌer 7:30 AM and 11:00 AM Masses on Thursdays
Waiting for some green signs of spring?
Sign up for St. Mark’s 2015 Irish Night to be held on Saturday, March 7th!
A lot of green for a little green ($)! See page 7.
Weekend Masses
Saturday 4:30 PM, Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 Noon and 5 PM (in Spanish)
AdoraƟon of the Blessed Sacrament on Fridays aŌer 11 AM Mass with BenedicƟon at 3:45 PM
215 Crescent Pkwy, Sea Girt, NJ 08750 Phone 732-449-6364 Web Fax 732-449-1646
Pg. 2
Mass Intentions
Monday, February 16
7:30 AM † Eileen Cummings
† Jack Quinn
† Carol Treger
11:00 AM † Mike Oblinski
† Eileen Walsh
† Virginia Marie Ertle
Frank Cummngs
Judy and Gene Mulvaney
Hirsch Family
Joe and Marybeth Walsh
Secaucus High School Faculty and Staff
Tuesday, February 17
7:30 AM Special Intention Michael and Brian Reilly
† Taylor and White Babies
Special Intention Joan Keneally
11:00 AM † Patrick and Mary Ellen Sharkey
† Charlene Hanson
† Mary Ellen Tyler
Jim and Mary Power
Ed and Margaret Burke
St. Mark's Altar Rosary Society
Barbara and Jack McManus
Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday
7:30 AM † Thomas Kameika
† Stephan and Michael Dushnick
† John Kedzie Jacobs
11:00 AM † Edward Sweeney
† Emma V. Morris
† Patricia Milne
7:00 PM People of the Parish
O'Meara Family
Mary Ann Troy
Jack and Pat Horan
Sarah Sweeney
Robert J. Schuster
Nancy Introcaso
Thursday, February 19
7:30 AM † Joan B. Mabbitt
† Rev. John McGovern
† Joan Ann Rafter
11:00 AM † Mary Elizabeth Beirne
† Eric O'Toole
† Charlene Hanson
Don and Alice Healy
A Friend
O'Meara Family
Ann O'Toole
Margaret Picarelli
Friday, February 20
7:30 AM † Eileen Venables
† Glenn Desort
† Lorna Mary Doran
11:00 AM † Michael R. Zennario
† Veronica A. Schuster
† Charlene Hanson
Saturday, February 21
Judy and Gene Mulvaney
Alison, Donnie, Parker, Paige & Savannah
Robert J. Schuster
St. Peter Damian
7:30 AM † Janet Cohen
† Phyllis Blaine
† Sr. Anne Powers
4:30 PM † Helen Lyndholm
† Eugene Sheehan
† Stephen Schwank
Sunday, February 22
Doug O'Connell
Kathy and Bob Flammer
Raymond and Patricia Schaefer
St. Mark's CCD Children and Families
First Sunday of Lent
8:00 AM For the People of the Parish
10:00 AM † Ann Oblinski
† Jeanne Gildea
† Elizabeth McGehee
12:00 PM † Conner Roche and Family
† Lydia Kenah
† All Souls in Purgatory
5:00 PM For the Spanish Community
Hirsch Family
Margadonna Family
Jean Cain
Joe and Marybeth Walsh
Millie and Sally Abraham
Pg. 3
Ash Wednesday Masses and Services
7:30 AM Mass with imposition of Ashes
11 AM Mass with imposition of Ashes
4:30 PM Stations of the Cross by Music Ministry and imposition of Ashes
7 PM Mass with imposition of Ashes (Note earlier Mass time)
8:30 PM Spanish Mass with imposition of Ashes
“And when you that you may not appear to be fasting, except to your Father
who is hidden. And your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you.”
Matthew 6:18
Can it really be the best Lent ever?
That is entirely up to you. Lent is not just about giving things up.
Lent is about doing something. Doing something bold. Becoming a
better husband, father, wife, mother, friend, etc. The program at is a tool to help you do just that. Each week,
Matthew Kelly, the No. 1 best-selling Catholic author in America,
will email you simple yet powerful messages that explain the genius of
Then you don’t have to eat the
Catholicism and will inspire you to become the best version of
entire St. Valentine’s Day Sampler
yourself. The emails include videos, inspirational quotes, and
before Wednesday!
spiritual coaching.
Don’t miss the opportunity to make this your best Lent ever.
Sign up now. It’s simple, and the only cost is your commitment to
live better each day this Lent. Kelly notes that changing one small
thing can change your life. Is it your time to take the step?
Also, for men who are seeking something spiritual to do this Lent,
ENCOMPASS, a men’s spiritual reading and sharing group, meets
here at St. Mark’s (downstairs Church) every Wednesday morning at
6:30 AM. Also, there is an upcoming diocesan men’s rally, “Catholic
Men for Jesus Christ,” on Saturday, February 28th, from 9 AM-3 PM,
at St. Gregory the Great, Hamilton. Talks by Jose Romero, Catholic
author, radio host, and evangelist, and Mike Piazza, former Major
League Baseball All-Star catcher. A blockbuster speaker, who does not want to be announced in advance, is
someone you will not want to miss! For cost and details visit
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 He shall remain unclean as long
as he has the disease; he is unclean; he shall dwell alone
in a habitation outside the camp.
Psalms 32:1-2, 5, 11 I acknowledged my sin to thee, and
I did not hide my iniquity.
1 Corinthians 10:31--11:1 So, whether you eat or drink,
or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
Mark 1:40-45 Moved with pity, he stretched out his
hand and touched him, and said to him, “I will; be
What’s Inside?
Abstinence and Lenten Fasting Guidelines ........... 6
Sign Up for 2015 Irish Night at St. Mark’s ............ 7
Eyeglasses Needed .................................................... 7
Regular Features
■ Liturgical Minister Schedule 4 ■ Pray for Military 4
■ Prayers for Healing 5 ■ Week at a Glance 5
■ Community Activities 6 ■ CYO News 7
Bulletin deadline: Monday at 2:00 PM (except before holidays)
Joanne Gibson, Editor Diana Zuna, Associate Editor
Email submissions to:
Pg. 4
Next Weekend’s Liturgical Minister Schedule
Feb. 21/22
4:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 Noon
5:00 PM
Glenn Skola
John Kemper
Anthony Granato
Jerry Zoufaly
Joe Walsh
Tom Hayes
Bob O’Neill
Patrick Ahern
Leo Hurley
Richard Siderko
Harry Dunne
Ed Robinson
Usher needed
James Revel
Jim Mulvihill
Brendan Heslin
Usher needed
Cesar Suarez
Lucio Hernández
Juan Carlos Ceja
Javier García
Peter Warshaw
Rose Crimmins
Amy Gallagher
Ann Carville
Filogonio García
Erika García
Ministers of
the Eucharist
Pat Holt
Connie Duffy
Joan Wypler
Margaret Azzarella
Michele McCarthy
Kathy Kokes
Helen Hopkins
Mary Ellen McNamara
Margarita Benítez
Carlos Zuna
Martha Rojas
Altar Servers
Emily Brown
Matthew Brown
Brian Brown
Peter Canterino
Robert Canterino
Meghan Gallagher
Evan Crilley
Ellie Moonan
Sally Tamayo
Lessly Sánchez
Brianna Alejandrez
Christian González
Lessly Lázaro
Cynthia Louro
Marjorie Zaccaro
Mia Higgins
Claire McGowan
Breath of Life
Margaret Price
Adult Traditional
Néstor Román
Espíritu de Vida
Jean Cain and Marianne Sheridan
Altar Ladies
Note to all Liturgical Ministers: Please check with your
ministry leader for Ash Wednesday Mass assignments.
Your help is needed and appreciated by the pastor!
Readings for the Week
Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21; Mk 8:11-13
Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b, 9c-10;
Mk 8:14-21
Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2;
Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25
Friday: Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15
Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32
Please Pray for Our Military on Active Duty
Col. Thomas Crimmins, USAF, Cpl. Ian Michael
Rivera, USMC, Staff Sgt. Carmen Maffucci, USAF,
IS First Class Brian Maffucci, USCG,
Lt. Nicholas Guariglia, USMC,
Specialist (SPC) Colin P. Marvel, US Army,
Lt. Commander Brenden Piccolo, USN,
Major Sean P. Cox, USMC, Major Kevin Ward,
US Army, Lt. Robert J. Bennett, USN
Please send an email to if you would
like to add a name or change a rank. If you do not have email,
please call the Rectory at 732-449-6364 x100.
Is God Calling You?
Cover photo: “Background with Roses” is available at
In Loving Remembrance
We ask your prayers for our beloved parishioners,
family members, and friends who have recently died.
Our parish family extends its sympathy and
assurance of prayer to their family, friends,
and to all those mourning the death of a
loved one who died, especially Angela
Prettyman and Elmer M. Matthews. May the
Lord Jesus sustain them with His peace.
If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man,
age 18-40, and are asking whether God is calling you to
be a priest, you are invited to attend this month’s
discernment meeting on February 22nd, 4:00-6:00 PM
at St. James Parish, 115 E. Delaware Ave., Pennington.
Please register at
Notice of Upcoming Second Collection: Next weekend,
February 21st/22nd, the second collection will be for the
Black and Native American fund. This collection helps
African American and Native American diocesan
communities throughout the United States.
Last Weekend’s Collection
Pg. 5
Parish News and Upcoming Events
San Alfonso Retreat Day
St. Mark’s Altar Rosary Society and Holy Name
Society invite you to a Lenten Day of Prayer at
San Alfonso Retreat House in Elberon on Thursday,
March 12th. The Day of Prayer is held from 9:30 AM
to 3:00 PM with a hot lunch served at noon.
A donation of $35.00 is to be paid at the door on
the day of the event. This invitation is extended to all
members of our parish.
Saying Goodbye by Mary S. Ring
As we all know,
Father John “Jack”
McGovern (shown
weighing babies at a
Uganda clinic in
2009 where he joined
Sister Carole
MacKenthun and her
team on a Mission of
Mercy) fought a long
and courageous
battle and finally
was laid to rest a few
weeks ago. He had a long and wonderful priestly
ministry which was evident at his funeral Mass at
St. Michael’s in Cranford where he served as pastor for
ten years. Someone said to me that there were over 900
people in attendance, including children from the
grammar school and many police and firemen in
uniforms from Summit and Cranford where he served
as chaplain for many years. There was also a group of us
from St. Mark’s including Monsignor Flynn and his
good friend and neighbor, Sara Lynch. The homilist was
a Benedictine priest who was his assistant at Little
Flower Parish. He said Father Jack asked him to do the
homily over two years ago and had one stipulation
which was that it had to be funny! And it was. The Mass
was truly a reflection of a life well-lived and a person very
loved. Those of us who were honored to know him
either personally or as a parishioner from either
St. Mark’s or St. Catherine’s over these last years know
how warm and friendly he was and devoted to the
people of God. He will be missed!! One of the most
powerful testimonies I heard last Tuesday was a person
saying “I wish I had known him better and spent more
time with him.” St. Mark’s and St. Catherine’s will have
a joint Memorial Mass. The date will be announced in a
few weeks.
Rest in peace, Father Jack! Pray for us!
Prayers for Healing
Patrick Wypler
Efraín Montoya
Virginia Barnes
Michael Sheridan
Anne Fleming
Enedina Marquez
Richard McCarthy
Maralyn McKeon
George Lister
Don Healy
This list of parishioners, relatives, and friends are in
need of your prayers for healing. Please note that the
pastor’s policy to ensure the consent of the person whose
name appears here requires that only they or a family
member may request a name be added to this list.
Also, call 732-449-6364 ext. 100 if you would like a
Communion visit or anointing of the sick.
Ash Wednesday Soup Supper Cancelled
Sorry, but due to
winter break this week,
we did not get enough
volunteers to sign up to
help at our Ash
Wednesday Meatless
Soup Supper. However,
don’t go hungry! Every
Wednesday at 12 noon,
starting February 18th, and all throughout Lent, the
Manasquan Ministerium offers Soup & Scripture at
First Presbyterian Church, 16 Virginia Ave., Manasquan.
Thank you to those who called to offer to make soup or
serve. We will try again next year.
This Week at a Glance
Weekend, February 14/15
Winter break. No CCD classes this Sunday.
Monday, February 16
CCD classes resume today and tomorrow.
Rectory will be closed for the Presidents’ Day holiday.
Ash Wednesday, February 18
Masses and service schedule is listed on page 3.
Friday, February 20
Stations of the Cross will follow 11 AM Mass.
Recitation of the Rosary will be held before 11 AM
Mass during the Fridays of Lent.
Next Weekend, February 21/22
2015 Annual Catholic Appeal kickoff. A short
video will be shown to explain the projects that
benefitted from last year’s appeal.
Second collection is for Black and Native American
Pg. 6
Abstinence and Lenten Fasting Guidelines
To foster the spirit of penance and of reparation for sin,
to encourage self-denial, and to guide us in the footsteps
of Jesus, Church law requires the observance of fast and
abstinence (CCC 1249-1253).
Abstinence: All persons who have already celebrated
their 14th birthday are bound to abstain from meat on
Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent.
Fasting: Everyone, from the celebration of their 18th
birthday to their 59th birthday, is bound to fast on Ash
Wednesday and Good Friday. Voluntary fasting on other
weekdays of Lent, especially on Wednesdays and Fridays,
is highly recommended. Fasting is generally understood
to mean eating one full meal each day. If needed to
maintain strength, two smaller meals may be taken, but
together they should not equal another full meal. Eating
between meals is not permitted, but liquids are allowed
(excluding dessert-type drinks and hot beverages such as
milkshakes or double-chocolate lattes).
Other forms of “fasting,” especially regarding alcoholic
drink, needless television, video games, Internet use and
social entertainment, is of true spiritual value and is
strongly encouraged. When health or ability to work
would be seriously affected, neither the law of fasting nor
the law of abstinence obliges. If in doubt, please ask
Msgr. Flynn or Fr. Jose.
Community Activities
St. Patrick Celebrations
The 5th Annual Evening of Irish Culture will be held at
the Waterview Pavilion, Rt. 35, Belmar, on Friday,
February 27th, from 6:30 PM-10:30 PM. Cost is $65 per
person which includes a cocktail hour, 4-course dinner,
and open bar. Dance music will be provided by Round
the House. Email for
details. The grand marshal for this year’s St. Patrick
parade will be sworn in on Saturday, February 28th at
10 AM during the Investiture Mass at St. Rose Church,
Belmar. An Investiture luncheon at Doolan’s Shore
Club, Rt. 71, Spring Lake Heights, will follow
immediately after the Mass. The luncheon donation is
$30 and for tickets, call Bill O’Connell at 732-280-2143.
The parade is March 1st at 12:30 PM, rain or shine! For
information, visit
Lenten Fish Dinner at St. Rose High School
The St. Rose Rosary Altar Society and the St. Vincent
DePaul Society are co-sponsoring an annual Lenten Fish
Dinner catered by Tastefully British
( on Friday, February
27th, starting at 5:30 PM in the St. Rose High School
Cafeteria (603 7th Ave., Belmar). Dinner starts at
5:30 PM in the St. Rose High School Cafeteria (603 7th
Ave, Belmar). Takeout and local delivery available.
Tickets are $15 per person which includes salad, freshly
made cod, french fries, cole slaw, dessert and beverages.
Call Carol De Bartolo at 732-681-0512 x415 or Maria
Parry at 732-359-8336 for tickets.
Fr. Pio Mandato Celebrating Mass at Holy Cross Chapel
Fr. Pio Mandato, F.M.H.J., who is a Godson of St. Padre
Pio, will celebrate Mass at Holy Cross Chapel, 30 Ward
Ave. & Rumson Rd., Rumson (located across the
parking lot from the Church) on Monday, February 23rd,
at 7:30 PM. After Mass, all may receive a blessing with
the saint’s glove.
50th Class Reunion for Mater Dei Prep Graduates
The 50th Class Reunion for the Class of 1965-66 of
Mater Dei Prep will be held at The Shore Casino in
Atlantic Highlands on October 10th. If you or anyone
you know was in that class, please help spread the word
about the reunion. It should be a great time to reconnect and talk about high school memories. For details
or to RSVP, email Tom Dooley, Reunion Committee
Chairman at .
Bus Trip to Playhouse
On Monday, April 20th, the Rosary Altar Society of
Visitation Church, Brick, is sponsoring a bus trip to the
Hunterdon Hills Playhouse to see the hilarious comedy
classic “Abies Irish Rose.” The bus will leave Visitation
parking lot at 9:00 AM and return at 5:15 PM. There is
an $80 (non-refundable) fee which includes the cost of
the bus, the show and a full course dinner. For
reservations, call Terri Deegan at 732-903-7527 or
Marilyn Emery at 732-920-9763.
Renew Hearts Broken by Abortion
Rachel’s Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and
redeem hearts broken by abortion. This retreat offers a
supportive, confidential and non-judgmental
environment where women and men can begin to
experience the process of healing. This retreat will be
held from Friday, Feb. 27th (7 PM arrival) through
Sunday, March 1st (4 PM departure) at The Upper Room
Spiritual Center, 3455 W. Bangs Av, Neptune.
Fee is $130. Contact Judy Warenkiewiczat 732-536-6871
or email
Pg. 7
CYO News and Lenten Schedule by Mary Reilly, CYO Director
GIRLS NIGHT ONLY hosted by our amazing senior
girls is next Sunday, Feb. 22, from 7:30-9 PM. We will
have a cooking demo and dinner followed by lots of fun
activities and girl talk. In order to get an accurate dinner
count, you must RSVP to or text
Thx, my CYO angels! Mrs. R.
Sunday, Feb. 15: Winter recess. No meeting.
Sunday, Feb. 22: 7:30-9 PM. Girls’ Night Only hosted
by our senior girls. Cooking demo and then dinner will
be served.
Sunday, March 1: 8:45-9:30 AM. Meet with 8th grade
CCD class. 7:30-9 PM. CYO meeting.
Monday, March 2: 7:00-7:45 PM. Meet with 8th grade
CCD class.
Saturday, March 7: 5-9 PM. St. Patrick’s Day party at
The Knights of Columbus will be collecƟng
eyeglasses (new, used, broken) to send to “New Eyes
for the Needy” where they will be cleaned, repaired
and distributed. A collecƟon container will be set up in
the Church vesƟbule for the next two weeks.
St. Mark’s. Service night.
Sunday, March 8: 7:30-9 PM. Guys’ Night Only hosted
by senior boys. Dinner will be served.
Sunday, March 15: 7:30-9 PM. Rehearsal for the
Stations of the Cross.
Saturday, March 21: 9:30 AM to 2 PM. Service day at
Asbury Park soup kitchen. Must wear hat and bring
permission slip.
Sunday, March 22: 7:30-9 PM. Stuff the Eggs Night.
CYO confessions and rehearsal for the Stations of the
Sunday, March 29: Easter Egg hunts after 10 AM and
5 PM Masses. 7:30-8:30 PM. Dress rehearsal for Stations
of the Cross.
Friday, April 3: 7:30 PM. Good Friday. Present Stations
of the Cross. Please arrive by 6:30 PM.
Remember that the eye is one of the most precious
organs of the human body. It is truly a masterpiece of
God’s handiwork. Let’s help those
who need glasses to aid their
Our 2015 Irish Night at St. Mark’s is on Saturday, March 7th, following the 4:30 PM Mass! We are happy to
announce that the dinner will remain at the same low price of $20 per adult and $10 per child. Please join us for a
night of fun and fellowship. On this night, everyone is Irish! 4 PM Irish Musical prelude to Mass! Corned beef dinner
by Harrigan’s Pub includes: Beer, wine, soda, coffee, tea and desserts. Music by Billy Lawlor with Irish step-dancers and
Please fill out this Irish Night 2015 form and attach a check payable to St. Mark’s Church. Drop off
completed form with check attached (no cash, please) in the “little church” collection box located in
the vestibule at the front of the church or mail to: Pam Pertgen, 2150 Parkwood Dr., Wall, NJ 07719.
For more information, call Pam at 732-280-6732 or cell 732-299-7189 and a leave message.
Phone number:____________________________________________________
# adults ________________ ($20 per adult) # children______________ ($10 per child)
Total enclosed:________________________________
Sign Up
Collection box
is in front
If possible, I would like to sit with:_____________________________________________________________
Check if you can help with one of these assignments: set up_____ clean up_________ desserts_____________
or if you dance or play an instrument and would like to participate:______________________ (specify)
Pg. 8
Iglesia de “San Marcos” Apostolado Hispano
Msgr. Sean P. Flynn, Pastor
Rev. Jose Fernandez-Banqueses, Vicario Parroquial
Teléfono: 732 449-6364 ext. 122
Misa Dominical: Domingo 5:00 PM
CONFESIONES: Todos los domingos de 4:00 PM-4:45PM.
También pueden llamar a la rectoría en caso de emergencia
ext. 122.
SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: Los padres de familia que
deseen celebrar el sacramento del Bautismo. Para más información
llamar a la oficina ext. 100.
CLASES DE RELIGION: Se ofrecen clases de Religión todos los
domingos antes y después de la Santa Eucaristía desde los grados:
(Pre-k, K hasta el 8th grado).
Para los adultos se ofrece RICA en Español. Las inscripciones se
llevan a cabo cada año entre los meses Mayo a Septiembre. Para más
información llamar a la oficina ext. 100.
SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Las parejas que deseen
celebrar el Sacramento del Matrimonio, Para más información
llamar a la oficina ext. 100.
Horario de oficina en Español:
Lunes, Martes & Miércoles 9:00 AM-3:00 PM
Diana Zuna, Apostolado Hispano
Teléfono: 732 449-6364 ext. 100
Fax: 732 449-1646
MINISTERIO DE MUSICA: Les invita a las personas que deseen
cantar otocar cualquier instrumento musical, les invitamos a que se
integren al coro en español de San Marcos, la persona Néstor
Román. Vengan a cantar al Señor Jesús.
CIRCULO DE ORACION: La Renovación Carismática en el
Espíritu Santo “Al Encuentro con Jesús” te invita a que vengas a
encontrarte con El Señor Jesús a través de oraciones y alabanzas,
ven y gózate en la presencia del Señor, ahora con el Ministerio de
Música Carismática: “Sembrando Esperanza.” Te esperamos todos
los días viernes a las 6:30 PM. No faltes, Cristo te espera Salmo 150!
Alabe al Señor todo ser que respire!
TRANSPORTACION: Ofrecemos transportación a las personas
que viven en Pt Pleasant, Brielle, Manasquan, Sea Girt, Bradley
Beach & Belmar durante todo el año. Mandar un texto o llamar los
domingos a Diana Zuna al 908-783-4221 antes de las 2:00 PM si
necesitas este servicio.
Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Presentación de las Ofrendas para Febrero 15
Primera Lectura: Levítico 13, 1-2. 44-46. Según la ley
de Moisés, los leprosos tenían que vivir solos fuera del
campamento. Aarón u otros sacerdotes los declaraban
Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 31, 1-2. 5. 11. Tú eres mi
refugio; me rodeas de cantos de liberación.
Segunda Lectura: 1 Corintios 10, 31—11, 1. Pablo
predicó a los corintios: “Lo que hagan… háganlo todo
para la gloria de Dios”. Les pidió no insultara los judíos,
ni a los griegos, ni a la iglesia de Dios, “Yo procuro dar
gusto a todos en todo…Sean pues, imitadores míos,
como yo lo soy de Cristo”.
Evangelio: Marcos 1, 40-45. Un leproso dijo a Jesús:
“Si tú quieres, puedes curarme” Conmovido, Jesús lo
tocó y le dijo: “Sí quiero: Sana!” Inmediatamente el
enfermo quedó limpio.
Miguel Ramírez y familia
Lecturas y Calendario para esta Semana
16 Lunes: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Sal 50 (49):1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21;
Mc 8:11-13.
17 Martes: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Sal 29 (28):1a, 2, 3ac-4,
3b, 9c-10; Mc 8:14-21.
18 Miércoles: Miércoles de Ceniza (Día obligatorio de
ayuno y abstinencia). Jl 2:12-18; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 12-14,
17; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18.
19 Jueves: Dt 30:15-20; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 9:22-25.
20 Viernes: Is 58:1-9a; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 18-19;
Mt 9:14-15.
21 Sábado: Is 58:9b-14; Sal 86 (85):1-6; Lc 5:27-32.
Miércoles de Ceniza (febrero 18, 2015)
7:30 AM Misa en Inglés
11:00 AM Misa en Inglés
4:30 PM Eestación de la Cruz y Reparticion de Cenizas (en Inglés)
7:00 PM Misa en Ingles
8:30 PM Misa en Español y Reparticion de Cenizas
Para más información, por favor llamar a la rectoría ext. 100 en español
Pg. 9