St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School Dear Parents,


St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School Dear Parents,
St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic
Primary School
Five Oaks Close, St John’s, Woking, Surrey GU21 8TU
Telephone: 01483 480441
2014-2015, issue 21
13 February 2015
Twitter: @StHughSchool
Dear Parents,
On Tuesday we marked
‘Safer Internet Day’ in
school. Miss Whitfield led
a whole school assembly
on the theme of e-safety,
and children in all classes
engaged in learning
linked to the theme of the
assembly. E-safety is an
issue affecting all users of
the internet and is something all users must take
seriously. There is a lot
that can be done at home
to help children to be able
to enjoy and benefit from
use of the internet while
staying safe. On pages 3
and 4 of this newsletter I
have reproduced a Childnet International leaflet,
‘Supporting Children and
Young People online—
information and advice
for parents and carers’.
I enjoyed joining Year 5
and Year 6 for an assembly on Thursday morning.
A group of Year 5 children
prepared and led the assembly on the theme of
‘equality’. They chose the
gospel reading of Jesus
healing the ten lepers,
illustrating that Jesus saw
no barriers between himself and those who were
ill, only that they were all
human beings. Well done
to the children who led
such a thoughtful and
prayerful assembly.
We have had a busy week
on the football field. Chil-
dren from Year 3 and Year
4 took part in a small
tournament organised by
Woking Football in the
Community at Winston
Churchill on Monday. The
two teams played three
matches each and played
well! On Thursday our
Year 6 team played
against Ottershaw. Again,
they played well, particularly when defending with
courage and determination, although Ottershaw
won the match 5-1. Well
done to all our footballers.
Parents Evening meetings
will take place on 2nd and
3rd March. Appointments
on 2nd March will be between 3.30pm and
6.00pm. On Tuesday 3rd
March they will be between 2.10pm and
3.00pm, and then from
3.30pm to 5.10pm. Sign
up sheets for making appointments will be on the
Key Stage 1 playground
from 8.30am on Monday
23 February.
I remain a little frustrated
about the amount of
clothing in school that is
not named. Please make
sure that when the children return after halfterm all items of clothing
are clearly named. Please
can parents also ensure
that hair bands, head
bands, scrunchies etc are
plain—red to go with the
school uniform, or a dark
There will be a lot going
on in school next week,
most visibly toilet/
washbasin replacement
for Years 5 and 6, completion of Key Stage 2 playground resurfacing with
associated drainage improvement, and perimeter
fence replacement. There
will also be some other
less visible work! Exciting
I enjoyed teaching Year 3
on Tuesday. We reinforced our understanding
of place value in maths,
considered responses to
different scenarios while
learning about e-safety,
and investigated light and
shadows. I enjoyed
teaching Year 5 on Thursday afternoon, learning
about the Real Presence
in the Eucharist.
This week we celebrated
the feast of Our Lady of
Lourdes. This feast is a
perfect reminder to us to
pray for those who are
sick—please do pray for
those in our school community who are unwell at
this time and who are in
need of our prayers.
Enjoy the half-term week.
God bless,
Mr George
This issue
Dear Parents
Our Golden Chil- 2
Children’s Cen- 5
tre news
School Develop- 5
ment Plan
At St Hugh of Lincoln
School we are fully
committed to safeguarding. Mr George
and Mrs Ashby the
school’s Designated
Child Protection Officers: any concerns regarding safeguarding
should be raised with
either of them.
Our Golden Children
Reception: Sebastian—for great progress in reading and writing, including using the
sounds he has learned in ‘have a go’ writing; Tione—for fantastic ‘have a go’ writing,
writing in a sentence; Christina—for a great effort in letters and sounds work, putting
into practice the sounds that she has learned. Year 1: Emilio—for careful listening
and effort in everything, while being very kind, caring and polite; Emily—for thinking
very carefully about writing, making writing very interesting for the reader; Noah—for
making a real effort with handwriting, showing big improvements. Year 2: Phoebe,
Ciara and Hazel—for fantastic art work in the style of Van Gogh and the style of Mondrian. Year 3: John—for doing so well to learn all his assembly lines and for speaking
them so well; Madelyn and Louise—for a brilliant dance, which they devised entirely on
their own. Year 4: Livia—for brilliant work in DT, making a money container, and for
being so happy to share her resources with others who needed them; Cara—for great
quality, quantity and accuracy of work in English and maths, and for sharing brilliant
ideas during the class’ DT work making purses; Aniela—for great perseverance and imagination shown when making a fantastic money container with its own strap. Year 5:
Jamie—for approaching guided reading with enthusiasm and a willingness to take
risks when answering questions; Chiara—for working extremely hard and demonstrating a great enthusiasm for learning, being a super learning partner to anyone she
works with; Christian—for an admirable thirst for knowledge in maths, including creating his own maths dictionary of facts he researched. Year 6: Olivia—for presenting
work beautifully and for great progress in grammar and maths; Megan—for being an
excellent mathematician, an engaging writer and a great friend to others; Kristian—for
being very conscientious, making excellent progress in maths and demonstrating a
very sensible approach to learning.
Thank you God for our gifts and talents
Forthcoming dates:
13 February—School closes for half-term holiday
25 February—School Mass—all parents welcome (9.05am)
26 February—Year 4 trip to Butser Ancient Farm
28 February—Friends Quiz Night
2&3 March—Parent consultation meetings
3 March—World Wildlife Day
5 March—World Book Day (celebrated in school on 6 March—remember dressing up)
9 March—Year 5 to Royal Grammar School Tudor experience
10-13 March—Year 5 bikeability
10, 17, 24 March—Cross country events
11 March—Catenian public speaking competition (Year 6)
13 March—Year 2 class assembly
16 March—Woking Schools Music Festival (Aldershot)
18 March—’Youth Speaks’ event (Year 6)
18 March—Netball rally
20 March—Year 1 class assembly
20 March—Confessions in school
24 March—Year 6 to Junior Citizen
24 March—Year 3 trip to Haslemere Museum
St John’s Knaphill Children’s Centre News
The Parent and Toddler session next week will be on TUESDAY 17th instead of Wednesday – just
for half term. It will run from 10.00 - 11.30 in the hall and combine with Bumps and Babes.
This is our only activity next week as there is no Play and Learn on Friday. The Centre will be
open each day from 9.00 – 1.30 so you can still contact us. On Friday 27th February we are having our first Single Parent’s Lunch from 12.15 – 1.30. If you’re a lone parent and have any children under 5 you’ll be very welcome. We’ll provide the lunch – just let us know by Wednesday
25th if you plan to come – children of course too! You can find details of all the centre’s activities
on the website or contact the Centre: 01483 476450 – 4
Chris, Gemma and Kirsty
World Wildlife Day / World Book Day
Please remember that on 6 March we would like children to dress up to celebrate World Wildlife
Day and World Book Day. We would like children to dress as a book character, preferably incorporating an animal as part of their outfit (of course, the whole outfit could be an animal!)
Parents have suggested to me another good idea for World Book Day—children may well have
books at home they have enjoyed reading but have now ‘finished with’ - any children with a
book or books they would be happy to bring into school to swap for a book or books brought in
by another child will have the opportunity to do this on 6 March—I will oversee the swaps.
Thank you to the Friends who I met with on Tuesday evening—not just for the meeting but for
all the work that goes on over the course of the year thinking of fundraising ideas and organising events. The Friends have agreed to fund the purchase of tablets for use by children in all
classes—a major investment that would not be possible from within the school’s budget. Please
do support the Friends in their fundraising activities—they benefit all the children in the
School Development Plan
STRATEGIC INTENT 3: The well-being and development of the whole community is actively promoted.
More hygienic toilet facilities, in which children feel safer.
This is half done, with the other half to be done over the next fortnight.
Improved storage of resources.
Reception Class have better storage facilities. Improved storage of reading books and resources in the area outside
Years 4, 5 and 6 will require funding not currently available.
Variety of lunchtime activities, including structured lunchtime activity.
There are now more children running clubs at lunch and other times—eg. World Wildlife, Art, Dance
Pupils understand and can talk about e-safety at an age appropriate level.
Safer internet day was marked in all classes this week. Parent material accompanies this newsletter.
Improved security and safety of the school site.
Fences bordering the school car park have been replaced. Boundary fencing will be replaced over the next two
Exemplary school safeguarding procedures.
Five members of staff attended safeguarding training on Wednesday. Every teacher, teaching assistant, office staff
member and our caretaker have attended this safeguarding training. I attended mandatory refresher training for my
role as designated child protection officer last Friday.