Bulletin Feb 15, 2015 - Kannapolis church of Christ


Bulletin Feb 15, 2015 - Kannapolis church of Christ
Kannapolis church of Christ
Lord's Table
Presiding Elder
Servers ‐ Table
Servers ‐ Sides
AV Room
Sound Board
Food for Families
Lil Burton & Gay Bolick
Richard Long
Denise Scruggs
John Rowden
Becky Mabley
Lead Singing
Opening Prayer
Scripture Reading
Closing Prayer
Gary Scruggs
Chris Shuping
Jeff Hall
Jim Craddock
Kelly Craddock
Eileen Lemasters
Eileen Lemasters
Chris Byrd
Thaddaeus Lankford
Mary Whitaker
Joe Eagle
Pete Lovell
John Lewis
Tony Beaver
Joe Huddleston
Janice Rogers
Cheryl Simoneaux
Joe Eagle
Chris Riebold
Kim Deason
Pete Lovell
Glenn Mabley
Bret Simoneaux
Bryson Gray
Brad Fortson
ALL (Derrick Nix‐Inv/Com)
Bob Lemasters
Derrick Nix
Darrell Carroll
Chris Byrd
Thaddaeus Lankford
Chris Shuping
John Lewis
Pat Smith
Tom Whitaker
Commie Pendergrass
Secure Building
Nursery Attendants
Elliott Lawing
Darrell Carroll
Jeff Tipton
Dalton Lankford
Frank Crunk
Alex Zirkle
Chris Byrd
John Rowden
Bret Simoneaux
Robert Higbee
Richard Long
Brad Fortson
Nathan Burton
Hospital Baskets
Baptismal Clothes
Prepare Communion
Lead Singing
Opening Prayer
Closing Prayer
Secure Building
Lead Singing
Opening Prayer
Closing Prayer
Secure Building
Frank Crunk
Chris Byrd
Bob Lemasters
Levi Carroll
Volume XXVI, Issue 7
February 15, 2015
2315 Concord Lake Road
Kannapolis, NC 28083
Bible Study and Worship
Sunday Morning Bible Study: 9am
Sunday Morning Worship: 10am
Sunday Evening Worship: 6pm
Wednesday Evening Bible Study: 7pm
Kirk Sams 704.262.9217
Wilson Burton 704.782.0326
Frank Crunk 704.436.9457
Robert Higbee 704.720.0576 Elliotte Lawing 704.785.8473
Mike Mobley 704.663.6910
Nathan Burton 980.621.2657 Darrel Carroll 704.455.5260
Bob Lemasters 704.789.3100
Lance Lemasters 336.309.1691
Chis Shuping 704.754.3317
Bret Simoneaux 704.254.5804 Patrick Smith 704.782.9634
Jeff Tipton 704.786.5143
If you are unable to serve as scheduled, please contact service@kannapolischurchofchrist.org
or contact Chris Shuping at 704.754.3317 To submit an announcements or reserve the building, please send an e‐mail to info@kannapolischurchofchrist.org
For our members and guests that may have hearing impairments, we ask that everyone use the microphones when speaking in a public manner.
For Our Guests
‐ We will not ask you to stand and then focus our attention on you
‐ We do not expect you to give money when we take a collection from our church members, however any gifts will be graciously received.
‐ We partake of the Lord's Supper each Lord's Day (Acts 20:7). You have the option of participating, or not, in the communion when it is served. Read 1 Cor. 11:23‐29
‐ For those who have small children, the following options are available.
Your child may stay in the auditorium with you
We have a staffed nursery for children 0 ‐ 2 years old during Sunday morning Worship
‐ Please stay around following services and let us get to know you. Thank you for being our guest and come back soon.
Kannapolis Church of Christ
Fifty Shades of Betrayal
The latest “Hollywood buzz” has been for the movie “Fifty Shades of Grey,” the film version of the
pornographic novel series of the same name. Despite its upcoming “Valentine’s Day” release, “Fifty
Shades of Grey” is anything but a tender romance. The story depicts graphic and perverted immorality,
and the male lead is a controlling stalker-type who enjoys predator/prey relationships.
Many “God-fearing” American women devoured these books and discussed it publicly with a wink
and a nudge. Now that the film version is being released, Christians (both male and female) will have to
decide whether or not to participate. You can read an online review if you wish to know the details of the
movie. However, based on the well-known facts of the film’s content, here are three ways Christians
would be betraying the Lord if they go to see this movie:
Betraying God’s Design for Marriage and Intercourse. At the simplest level, the movie in
question is based on intercourse outside of marriage, otherwise known as fornication. Hebrews 13:4
says, “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will
judge.” One-fifth of the movie is graphic immorality.
Betraying God’s Plan for Christians to Be Examples. The apostle Peter laments those who have
“escaped the pollutions of this world” through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and
become entangled once more in them (2 Peter 2:20). “Pollution” would be a kind word to use for this
movie. A Christian would be betraying God to participate in such filth because it sends the message to
the world that nothing is “off limits,” and that Christians can continue to live in sin.
Betraying the Work of Jesus on the Cross. To willingly return to sin is to betray Christ’s work on
the cross, shedding His own blood to redeem us from our wicked deeds. The book of Hebrews says that
to fall into such sin again is to crucify Christ again, and put Him to open shame (Heb. 6:6)! What better
way to put Christ to public shame than to revel in the sin shown on the big screen that Jesus died to save
you from!
There are many other “shades of betrayal,” such as wasting the time and money God has blessed us
with, but these three should suffice to encourage Christians to steer clear of this movie.
--Matt Clifton, BulletinDigest.com
The New Commandment
(1 John 5:1-3)
“Be joyful always, pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will in Christ Jesus.” - 1 Thes. 5:16-18
Why do we dislike _____________?
We need _________________!
Glance at the Old Testament
We are under a ____________ ____________.
--Actual ________.
--Statements of __________.
--Context to apply ___________.
What does it ____________ ___________?
Don’t murder - ______________.
Don’t lust - ___________.
Prayer List
• Serving in the Military: Chris Yost, David Jones (Dan Payne’s nephew), James Schriever
(friend of Merrill’s), Victor Falorian (friend of Amy Riebold), Timothy O’Bryant (Amy Riebold’s cousin),
Brian Mullins (Northview Church of Christ), Kyle Behrens (friend of Kevin Simoneaux),
Michael J. Lovell (Pete & Karen Lovell’s son), and Aaron Deason, son of Jeff and Kim Deason,
Ricky Ardrey, Teresa Clowney’s son-in-law, and Ryan Ellis, son of Tom and Lynn Ellis.
• Shut-ins: John Grandy @ First Assembly Living Center, Lee Davis, Barbara Norris @Lancasters,
Beth Turner, Mary Snyder and Judy Middleton.
• Roy Efird, Delores husband, is gaining strength each day as he recovers from his recent heart surgery.
• Joyce Smith will be having surgery on Tuesday, February 24 at Baptist Hospital in Winston. She will meet with for
pre-op Doctors on Wednesday, February 18.
• Adell Wasiewicz, Diana Merril’s mom, is recovering from surgery and awaiting pathology report.
• Our prayers to the family of Sue Moth, Diana Merril’s grandmother, her memorial was Friday in Pittsburg.
• Devon Plaster, Meredith’s fiancé, who is at Fort Benning for boot camp.
• Adilene Younts, Annette Hall’s aunt, who is awaiting pathology report on recent biopsy.
• Phil Collins, Judy Lambert’s cousin’s husband, prayers requested as pathology report is not good.
• Annette Hall as she continues to have follow up studies and decisions are made about future.
• Evangeline (Egie) Heaster, cousin of Judy Middleton and Kendra Tipton, continues to battle cancer.
• Karen Lovell has finished with current round of tests and is awaiting future test results.
• Elaine Lawing continues to be in need of our prayers as she deals with various health issues.
• Janice Rogers is recovering from her recent surgery and is gaining a little strength each day.
• Pam, a friend of Jim and Kelly Craddock, who is working through some serious medical issues.
• Jim Watts has begun his meetings with the pain management team with regard to his back pain.
How is this summed up?
_____________ like Jesus!
Keep HIS ________________!
Are you ______________?
Lay aside the _____________!
Lean on ______________!
The ________________ Command! (Matt. 22:37-39)
News & Upcoming Events
***BOOKS OF THE MONTH*** Muscle and a Shovel, a true story of finding truth in a world drowning in religious
confusion, Author: Micheal Shanks. Good Night Bible Stories (A childs’s first treasure)
• Young at Heart Luncheon for Golden Agers is scheduled for TODAY Sunday, February 15 after morning worship.
• Work Day on Saturday, February 21 at 9 A.M.
• MEN at Work and S.A.L.T meet on Sunday, February 22 at 4:30 P.M. Sign up list for items for hospital baskets.
• Area Wide Singing at Centergrove church of Christ on Friday, February 27 at 7 P.M.
• Chili Cook Off on Saturday, February 28 at 5 P.M.
• Jack & Jill Shower for Dean Meadows and Hillary Sams on Sunday, March 8, 2015 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Country Cookin Potluck. Sign up sheet in FCR. We will be joined by members from Lake Norman for this event ,
therefore, we will plan to eat at noon. Shower to follow. Bride and Groom registered at Target and Bed, Bath and
• Gospel Meeting with David Sproule – March 22-26!!
• Red Cross Blood Drive – Friday, April 24 -- 3-7:30 P.M.
>> Please send any bulletin announcements, calendar or website updates to info@kannapolischurchof christ.org