this week`s newsletter - Waikanae Baptist Church


this week`s newsletter - Waikanae Baptist Church
Knowing God, touching lives
A warm welcome to our church
family this morning. We hope
you will enjoy your time with us
and that God will touch your life
in a new and meaningful way.
Sunday 15th February 2015
Pastor Nigel Scott
Associate Pastor Matt Swank
Children, Families Ministry Don Macfarlane
Community Ministry Don Macfarlane
Pat and Maurice C are moving to Taupo on the 16th of February. Their
new address is: Liston Heights Retirement Village,
19/3 Liston Avenue, Taupo. 3330 Ph: 07 3767273.
Joy R’s husband Ron died on Friday 6 February. Ron was Heather R’s
dad. His funeral was held Friday 13th February.
A new comers’ event is planned for next Sunday
afternoon, 22nd February. Invitations have been posted out and if you are new to the church in the last 6
months or so you should receive one. If you do not,
please contact the office as we want to include everyone.
The purpose of this afternoon is to welcome you by introducing you to
key leaders, giving you some information on the church and its
ministries and helping you to identify an area you might serve in.
We have planned for several training sessions
for the various ministries during the year.
Finding a time that suits everybody is difficult
so we will initially trial Sunday afternoons.
Each training session will be approx. 2 hours
The first one will be on Sunday 8th March and will be for all people who
are involved in the worship services; worship team, intercessory prayers,
door stewards, new people connectors. If you are one of those people
please mark Sunday 8th March, 2-4pm on your diary now. You will
receive an invitation and further detail by email.
We will be having an all-in service on Sunday 1st March which will
involve the children. This will be a combined service starting at
A plated lunch will be available—cost $3.00.
20-21 March (Friday evening, all day Saturday)
Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington
If you are planning on going to this conference, earlybird registration closes this week on 19th February. If
we go as a group (a minimum of 9 women) we get an
additional ticket free and have seats allocated to us.
To register go online to and register as an
individual (cost $125). Then give your booking details to Sharon H. She
has contacted the conference organisers about a group and will register our group details. Once we reach 9 registrations we will be given a
10th one free.
Sharon has reserved possible accommodation in Wellington, so ask her
for details. Any other queries about the conference talk to either Sharon
or Wendy S.
Invites you to their meeting on Thursday 19
February 10am-Noon at the Presbyterian Church
Hall, 43 Ngaio Road, Waikanae.
Guest Speaker is Margaret Hewlett who is part of the team for the Aglow
National Board. She will be sharing on her trip to Oman and also about
the mandate to Muslims.
Come and bring a friend. Morning tea is provided.
Any enquiries please ring Joan 905 3940 or Christine 904 3233
Presbyterian Church, Ngaio Road, 1:30 pm on
Friday, March 6.
This interchurch service has been prepared by the women of The
Bahamas, with the theme ‘Jesus said to them ‘Do you know what I have
done to you?’
The offering will go towards Bibles for young people in NZ, Hospital
Chaplaincy, and community projects in Haiti and Costa Rica.
Everyone is very welcome.
I’ve been working at the Op-Shop for a month now and am getting
familiar with how things are run. It’s been great getting to know some of
you and I appreciate your warm welcomes and encouraging comments. I
would like to say a special thanks to David L for guiding me through my
first weeks. It is good news to hear that David still intends to help at the
Op Shop as the knowledge he has gained over the last 8 years is invaluable.
The Op-Shop is a vital ministry but cannot effectively function without
those who help in a variety of ways. And I want to acknowledge these
special people. Some come down to the Op-Shop and help with things
like cleaning, sorting and serving customers while there are those who
help in other ways such as prepare the volunteer rosters, knit babies
booties and cardigans, check that our jigsaws are complete, wash
clothes at home, and a variety of other jobs. All of which help the OpShop to run the way it does.
But it would be good to have some more help.
Please take time to consider if helping the Op-Shop is something you
could be involved with. Some suggestions are:
1. Going on the roster and helping at the Op-Shop
2. Checking some of the jigsaws which are donated, to make sure all the
pieces are there.
3. Washing clothes at home.
4. Visiting the Op-Shop and telling those you know about us.
5. For those of you who use Facebook, please search for the Waikanae
Baptist Opportunity Shop Facebook page and “like” us. Every “like”
helps get the word out.
We also have a short term need of storage. We have a lot of large bags
of unwanted clothes which we need to store until we have a chance to
get rid of them. Maybe you have a garage you’re not using, or a spare
room. Please note that this is for the short term only.
If you would like to chat further about anything to do with the Op-Shop,
or to volunteer with any of the above, please feel free to contact me
either at or on 021 499 196, or speak to me at
Karen, Op Shop Manager
TODAY 15th February
Morning Tea:
1st Service
Bob & Marian T
2nd Service
Nicola G & Simon & Linda
MONDAY 16th February
Mainly Music / 10-11.30am
ICONZ / 5.45—7.15pm
1st Service
Joan B& Keith M
2nd Service
Russell H & Diane & David G
MONDAY 16th February
Mainly Music Morning Tea:
Carol S & Jan T
SUNDAY 22nd February
Morning Tea
1st Service: Carol & Brian S
2nd Service:
Tatyana B & Jonathan & Esther K
1st Service:
Ron and Marion N
2nd Service:
Pauline B, Diane and David G
Intercessory Prayer
1st Service:
Travis W
THURSDAY 19th February
Prayer Meeting / 9.00-9.30am
Craft Group / 10-12am
FRIDAY 20th February
Intercessors / 10am
Youth Group / Weekend Event
Women’s Study Group / 1-3pm
Jonathan & Esther K
Ph 902 2218 / 7.30pm (family)
Elaine M / Ph 293 1664
9.45am (ladies)
Wendy & Nigel S/ Ph 905 3991
(1st & 3rd) 7.30pm / mixed
Hugh & Janet S /
Starts 26 February
Friday—Women’s Study Group
Ph Francie M 297 0128
1-3pm @ church
Ph: 293 6810
Office hours: 9 - noon,
Tuesday - Friday