P R O D U C T I N F O R M AT I O N fashion retail empowerment ACT’O-MOVE BRINGS MOVEMENT INTO THE STORE TH E MOB I LE ASSISTANT: WITH ACT’O-MOVE, TH E STAFFS ALWAYS HAVE TH EI R IT SU PPORT WITH TH EM. Whether in inventory management, consulting or task communication, act’o-move increases the efficiency of all employees – everywhere in the store. The mobile solution is hardwareindependent and can be adapted quickly to the prevailing conditions. With more than 15 years of experience, the act’o-soft team is deeply involved in analysis and can deploy quickly – that pays off. PLEASE CONTACT Olaf Stahnke T: + 49 (0) 52 03.97 44 - 40 E-Mail: act’o-soft GmbH Informationssysteme Enger Straße 12 D – 33824 Werther ACT’O-MOVE THE MOBILE CASH REGISTER EFFICIENT ADVICE. EFFICIENT INVENTORY MANAGEMENT. Goods receiving, return of goods, dispatch noti- act’o-move is the ideal companion for every fications, delivery note corrections – the mobile customer advisor. Current stock levels in your own assistant works closely together with the inventory store and in other stores including requests, management system. Particularly in the case of CRM functions as well as cross selling and upselling demanding processes (stocking shelves, inven- possibilities – everything is ready at hand with tory counts or mark-down), act’o-move shows its the mobile assistant act’o-move. full strength. EFFICIENT COMMUNICATION. EFFICIENT CASH REGISTER. The mobile assistant brings information and Devices with act’o-move are fully-functioning cash instructions instantly from the head office to the registers. During heavy business periods as an place where the tasks are carried out. Reductions, additional cash register, as a mobile cash register out-of-stock inventory, decoration instructions, in special circumstances or for open air sales, marking of goods; all tasks are with the employee the mobile assistant helps to avoid bottlenecks immediately. and extends the range in the store. Y O U R B E N E F I T S AT A G L A N C E • Information provided in words, images and sound • CRM at POS • Closely interlinked with the WaWi • Centralised Management • Hardware-independent • Automatic updates • Fully-functioning cash register • Freedom of movement in the store • Perfectly organised stores on the MDE • Dashboards and analysis