Pre-annual Meeting Reception INTA 2015


Pre-annual Meeting Reception INTA 2015
Pre-annual Meeting
Reception INTA 2015
Thursday 16 April 2015
16:30 – 19:30
Simmons & Simmons
LLP, Amsterdam
Simmons & Simmons will host an INTA PreAnnual Meeting Reception on April 16th in its
Amsterdam office.
We are proud to announce that the reception
will be opened by Dr Torsten Dilly, Legal
Counsel for Intellectual Property Law at BMW
AG, who will give a presentation about BMW’s
trade mark portfolio, its filing activities and
enforcement policies.
We will also have a European representative
from INTA who will offer a short presentation
about INTA and this year’s Annual Meeting’s
main and new features.
Both sessions will be conducted in English.
After these presentations, our new pub will be
opened for drinks and hors d’oeuvres.
Pre-Annual Meeting Receptions are planned
exclusively for INTA members and their
colleagues to learn more about INTA's 2015
Annual Meeting in San Diego, USA.
Feel free to bring a friend, co-worker or
prospective member to find out about INTA’s
Annual Meeting in San Diego and to discover all
the benefits INTA offers.
Dr. Torsten Dilly
Torsten is Legal Counsel for Intellectual Property
Law at BMW AG in Munich, Germany. Torsten is
amongst others responsible for the registration
and enforcement of BMW’s trade marks and
designs in Europe. Before joining BMW, Torsten
worked as an attorney-at-law at in Frankfurt,
London an Munich in private practice. In 2011,
Torsten won the Intellectual Property Counsel of
the Year award at the ILO European Counsel
Admission to the INTA Pre-Annual Meeting
Reception is free of charge, but limited places
are available. Registration is possible via e-mail,
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