Daily Bulletin for Thursday, February 12th


Daily Bulletin for Thursday, February 12th
Passion of Christ Strengthen Me
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Saint of the day: St. Apollonia
The persecution of Christians began in Alexandria during the reign of the Emperor Philip. The first victim of the pagan mob was an
old man named Metrius, who was tortured and then stoned to death. The second person who refused to worship their false idols was a
Christian woman named Quinta. Her words infuriated the mob and she was scourged and stoned.
While most of the Christians were fleeing the city, abandoning all their worldly possessions, an old deaconess, Apollonia, was seized.
The crowds beat her, knocking out all of her teeth. Then they lit a large fire and threatened to throw her in it if she did not curse her God.
She begged them to wait a moment, acting as if she was considering their requests. Instead, she jumped willingly into the flames and so
suffered martyrdom.
There were many churches and altars dedicated to her. Apollonia is the patroness of dentists, and people suffering from toothache
and other dental diseases often ask her intercession. She is pictured with a pair of pincers holding a tooth or with a golden tooth suspended
from her necklace. St. Augustine explained her voluntary martyrdom as a special inspiration of the Holy Spirit, since no one is allowed to
cause his or her own death.
The Church has quite a sense of humor! Apollonia is honored as the patron saint of dentists, but this woman who had her teeth
extracted without anesthetic surely ought to be the patron of those who dread the chair. She might also be the patron of the aging, for she
attained glory in her old age, standing firm before her persecutors even as her fellow Christians fled the city. However we choose to honor
her, she remains a model of courage for us.
(New announcement in Red. Current reminders in Blue.)
Attention all Madrigal singers and Show Choir members, we will be switching rehearsal days today and tomorrow, due to Show
Choir‘s competition tomorrow. Sr. High Show Choir will meet today during Lunch B&C, and Madrigals will meet tomorrow
during Lunch B&C.
Show Choir members, don‘t forget to get your sign-out sheets completed for Periods 1-6 tomorrow (Friday Feb. 13th). They need
to be turned into Ms. Matulka by the end of today since we are leaving so early tomorrow morning.
A photographer from Wahoo Newspaper will be here on Tuesday, February 17th at 12:30 to take pictures of the 1st semester St.
John Neumann Scholars. Pictures will be taken in the gym.
Today is the last day to buy your friends valentines. They‘re on sale in the cafeteria lunches A, B and C. Thanks!
National Honor Society: please go to the front of the line at lunch and eat as quickly as possible, then come to the meeting in
room 1.
The Wahoo Public basketball boys will be handing out "Rally for Kim" towels for the game Thursday night to both Wahoo and
Bishop Neumann fans. They will also be collecting a free well donation for the family. You are welcome to wear grey in support
of Kim.
The following Seaton members need to make up their Monday class Mass by the end of the week: Allison Blum, Alicia Chohon,
Cheyenne Kems and Colette Quick. Please see the office for a Mass card before making up your mass.
If you did not get your progress report Monday, please stop by the office.
NHS announcements: Make a friend happy! Valentines will be on sale in the cafeteria Monday through Thursday this week.
Cost: $.25 each or 5 for a dollar. Singing Valentines: $1.00.
There will be a meeting Next Tuesday, Feb. 17th, during lunch C in room 45 for all those who attended the March for Life
Pilgrimage in Washington, D.C. It will be a follow-up meeting to brainstorm as to how we can put into practice the things we
experienced at the March. We will also sign thank-you cards to our benefactors.
Congratulations to Livi Becker! She won an Honorable Mention at the Nebraska Scholastic Art Contest. The selected work of
art is a charcoal drawing of a cow skull called West. Her drawing will be on exhibit at the OPS Teacher Administration Center
from February 23rd-March 31, 2015. The honors ceremony will be held February 28th, 2015.
Would you like to take part in this year‘s spring play? Do you have an interest in: set construction, scenic and costume design,
lighting and sound, acting on stage? We need you. It takes many talents to put on a successful production. Please join us on stage
February 11th 7:00 – 9:00 pm for an informational meeting and theater workshop. Formal auditions will be held February 12th at
7:00 pm. If you have any questions mailto:beverly-bettendorf@cdolinc.net.
The following students missed the all-school Mass on Grandparents‘ Day: Brooklyn Eckley, Katlyn Kavan, Cheyenne Kems,
Tanner Langemeier, Hannah McCoy, Cameron Quick, Jason Scheffert, and Katie Spicka. Please make up your mass by Friday,
February 20th. See Mrs. Bartek or Mrs. Benal for a mass card before making up your mass. Thank you.
Attention all you talented Neumann students, staff, and parents!!! The Seventh Annual ―You‘ve Got Talent‖ Contest will be held
on Saturday, February 21st at 7:30 p.m. Entry forms are available on the Neumann Web-site or from Mrs. Couton. There is real
prize money - $100.00 for first place, and $50.00 and $25.00 for 2nd & 3rd place. Oh, and did I mention that there are trophies
too?? Plan to make an evening of it. You can go to 5:30 Mass, come down to eat those delicious waffles and sausage prepared by
The Waffleman (serving till 7:00 p.m.), and then enjoy the entertainment at 7:30 p.m. It‘s a wonderful evening and you won‘t
regret it. Come one, come all...and bring your friends.
World Meeting of Families 2015—September 22-27, 2015 in Philadelphia, PA
Saint John Paul II, hailed as Pope to the Family, created the World Meeting of
Families in 1994 in Rome to explore the critical role the family plays in society
and to give families opportunities to talk about the challenges and blessings
that all families have. The theme of the meeting, “Love Is Our Mission: The
Family Fully Alive.” The glory of men and women is their capacity to love as
God loves—and no better means exists to teach the meaning of love than the
family. His Holiness, Pope Francis also inspired the theme. He embodies the
message of mercy, joy and love at the heart of the Gospel. The Lincoln
Diocese is excited to offer a pilgrimage to the World Meeting of Families,
with a variety of options. For more information or to register, go to
http://www.lincolndiocese.org/WMF, or call 402-488-2040.
 Thursday, February 12, 2015 Schedule below
Governor Rickett's Visit
First Bell
7:57 AM
1st Period
8:00 AM
8:40 AM
2nd Period w/ announce
8:43 AM
9:25 AM
4th Period
9:28 AM
10:08 AM
Governor Visit
10:15 AM
10:50 AM
5th Period
10:53 AM
11:26 AM
6th Period
11:29 AM
12:02 PM
Lunch A
12:05 PM
12:30 PM
Lunch B
12:27 PM
12:53 PM
Lunch C
12:50 PM
1:17 PM
8th Period
1:20 PM
2:01 PM
9th Period
2:04 PM
2:45 PM
10th Period
2:48 PM
3:30 PM
High School Detention and Academic Citation
AC and Sr. High detentions will be served with Mr. Beyer in room 46 February 9rd through February 13th.
Jr. High School Detention
Seminarian of the Week
Each Week we will list a Lincoln Diocesan seminarian for whom we are praying.
Rev. Mr. Christopher Earl Stoley, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Theology 4, Mark & Margaret Stoley, St. Teresa, Lincoln
Quoc Tran Vinh, St. Gregory the Great Seminary, College 4, Lai & Cuc Tran, Vietnamese Martyrs Parish, Seattle
College Admission Rep Visits
Juniors & Seniors may visit with admission reps over their noon study halls.
Wednesday, Feb. 25th – Central Community College
Wednesday, Mar. 11th – College of St. Mary‘s
Military Lunch Visits
Army National Guard – 1st Wednesday of each month
Guidance News
The 2015 Nebraska Agricultural Youth Institute (NAYI) will be held July 6-10 at UNL‘s East Campus. Juniors and Seniors are
able to apply to this exciting and educational institute. Applications are available online at http://www.nda.nebraska.gov/nayi.
Platte Valley Equipment of Wahoo will be offering rides to the SCC-Milford‘s John Deere Tech Career Day on Thursday, Feb.
26th. Reservations must be made by Mon., Feb. 16th. For more information and to reserve a spot please contact Jeremy Vrana at
jvrana@pvequip.com or (402) 443-3123.
EducationQuest has made a 2015-2016 FAFSA Demo that walks students and parents through the process of completing the
FAFSA. Check it out and see what help you may find in completing this very important process for financial aid! Just follow the
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZWniQo9gkw
The American Legion Junior law Cadet Program for high school juniors will be held at the Nebraska State Patrol Training
Academy in Grand Island this summer once again. The Young Women‘s session will be from June 8-12th and the Young Men‘s
session will be from June 15-19th. Please see Mrs. Chvatal for more information.
UNK will be hosting the Behavioral Health Education conference for high school juniors and seniors. If you are interested in
therapy, counseling, social work, psychology, or psychiatry then you may want to consider this conference. The conference will
be held April 10-11th. Application deadline is Feb. 13, 2015. Please see Mrs. Chvatal for more information.
Juniors: Are you interested in attending the American Legion Cornhusker Girls‘ or Boys‘ State in Lincoln this summer? Please see
Mrs. Chvatal for more information.
UNK will be hosting their 26th Annual Criminal Justice Conference on Tuesday, March 17th. This conference is geared to
university students majoring in Criminal Justice. UNK has invited high school juniors and seniors for the past several years if they
are interested in this field as well. For more information please see Mrs. Chvatal.
EducationQuest will be hosting Financial Aid and FAFSA Completion Webinars. This is a great way for students and parents to
hear the information if they were not able to previously attend a program. Participants can access the 1 hour webinar(s) by using
the link(s) listed below, or following the link on our website calendar under upcoming events.
The password to the any of the webinars is:
February 24, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
Webinar link: http://eqf.org/1u5EpVG
Opportunity to serve as a camp counselor this summer! The Nebraska-Iowa Kiwanis District started Camp Olympia Kiwanis (OK)
in 1987 with a goal of providing an educational camp experience for exceptional youth from NE and IA. For many youth this is
their first camp experience. Camp in 2015 will be held at the Y Camp in Boone, IA from June 7th to June 12th. Camp counselor
training will be held Saturday, June 6th and Sunday, June 7th with campers arriving the afternoon of June 7th. If you‘re interested
in volunteering you must be 16 years old. See Mrs. Chvatal for more information!
Extra-Curricular Results:
Results are posted here when coaches or their delegate send them to the office.
Jr. High Girls’ Basketball scores
Game 1
Bergan 22
Game 2
Game 3
Bergan 31
Service Opportunities
Servers needed for the Spirit Catholic Radio Awards Dinner Thursday, Feb. 26 at Beacon Hills in Lincoln on North 27th Street
Arrive: 5-5:15, Finished by 8:30-9.
Duties: Coffee and water service at the tables and help clearing plates. (Plus eat a fabulous dinner!) They have asked that
volunteers wear black slacks and a white shirt but Catholic School uniforms, Knights of Columbus, Spirit Catholic Radio, etc.
apparel are also acceptable.
Volunteers should be at least 16.
Anyone who is interested can contact smckee@kvss.com
Happy Birthday!
Monday, February 9th: Theo Blum, Jacob Petrzilka
Tuesday, February 10th:
Wednesday, February 11th:
Thursday, February 12th:
Friday, February 13th: Jessica Briley
Saturday, February 14th:
Sunday, February 15th: Seth Johnson
Lunchroom Menu… (Each meal also includes Fruit & Milk)
Monday, February 9th:
Tuesday, February 10th:
Wednesday, February 11th:
Thursday, February 12th: Tacos, Lettuce/cheese, corn
Friday, February 13th: Egg omelet, Tri Tators, French Toast
Activities for the Week…
Wednesday, February 11th:
Thursday, February 12th:
 Jr. High Girls Basketball at Fremont Lutheran Tournament TBA 7th & 8th
 Jr. Varsity and Varsity Girls Basketball at Wahoo 6 & 7:30 PM
 Play auditions 7 – 9 PM in the Gym
Friday, February 13th:
 NCDA Show Choir Contest
 Jr. Varsity and Varsity Boys Basketball vs Bergan 6 and 7:30 PM
 Wrestling District at Malcolm starting at 3:00 PM
Saturday, February 14th:
 Valentine’s Day
 Speech – David City
 9th Girls and Boys Basketball at Scotus Tourney 8 PM
 Wrestling District at Malcolm starting at 9:30 AM
Sunday, February 15th:
Parent’s Corner:
You are able to contact teachers by e-mail via the Bishop Neumann website: http//www.bishopneumann.com
The Wahoo Public basketball boys will be handing out "Rally for Kim" towels for the game Thursday night to both Wahoo and
Bishop Neumann fans. They will also be collecting a free well donation for the family. You are welcome to wear grey in support
of Kim.
Progress Reports were passed out on Monday, February 09, 2015. If your student did not get it home to you by the
Friday, February 13th, please call the office and we will get a copy to you.
World Meeting of Families 2015—September 22-27, 2015 in Philadelphia, PA
Saint John Paul II, hailed as Pope to the Family, created the World Meeting of
Families in 1994 in Rome to explore the critical role the family plays in society
and to give families opportunities to talk about the challenges and blessings
that all families have. The theme of the meeting, “Love Is Our Mission: The
Family Fully Alive.” The glory of men and women is their capacity to love as
God loves—and no better means exists to teach the meaning of love than the
family. His Holiness, Pope Francis also inspired the theme. He embodies the
message of mercy, joy and love at the heart of the Gospel. The Lincoln
Diocese is excited to offer a pilgrimage to the World Meeting of Families,
with a variety of options. For more information or to register, go to
http://www.lincolndiocese.org/WMF, or call 402-488-2040.
To Parents that use our Buses:
While every attempt is made to ensure that our bus routes run during seasonal weather, there is a chance that mechanical
difficulties may cause our buses to run later than usual, not even run the route at all. We will try, as quickly as possible, to contact
It is important that you do not leave your student unattended at the bus stop, especially when the weather or temperature is
unfavorable. Please provide a safe and warm place for them while they wait for the bus, either with you or at a nearby home. The
safety of your student is very important to us.
JUNIOR PARENTS: If you have not had a chance to sign up for a committee for Prom or Post Prom, please contact either Sally
Gerdes (443-4998) or Diane Hartman (443-7045). Please send your $50 donation to Missy Chvatal at school as soon as possible.
This donation helps defray some of the costs for this event.
Reminders for Senior Parents!!!
Don‘t forget to get your parent ad in for your senior! You still have time to ‗congratulate‘ your senior on all of their
accomplishments. Send in your picture, words and check for $40.00 to reserve your space in the yearbook.
And…getting a jump on a few things….
All seniors will need to turn in 3 senior pictures by the first week in April. One is needed for the yearbook (a vertical picture), one
for the class board, and one for the Wahoo Newspaper. The same picture will do for all three or you may choose to use 3
different poses—it is up to you. If you want to send the pictures for the yearbook and newspaper via email that is fine—you may
email them to tracy-unger@cdolinc.net or you can send them in, and the journalism staff will scan them. However, we will not
be able to print one for the senior class board, you will have to supply the actual print.
St. Wenceslaus
40 Hours Devotion
Below is the time table for the weekend. This weekend allows us to pray for each other, our
parish, St. Wenceslaus, our community and our schools. We can realize many benefits if
we just spend some time with our Lord. He wants to help us grow spiritually which will benefit
our whole community.
Please plan to make a visit, 30 minutes, an hour or maybe longer. We have a signup sheet in the
back of the church. Please make an effort during these 40 hours to pray for our parish. Your
generosity of time and prayer will be beneficial to all within our parish.
Friday February 20th
Mass with Exposition 2:30
Saturday February 21st
Confessions 7:30 a.m.
Mass 8:00 a.m. Exposition resumes
Litany of the Holy Eucharist after Mass
Adoration all day
Confessions 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Mass 5:30 p.m. Exposition after Mass
Confessions 6:30- 7:30
Sunday February 22nd
Masses 7:30, 9:00,
10:30 a.m. Mass celebrated by Bishop Bruskewitz
Exposition resumes 11:30
Rosary before each Mass
Divine Chaplet 3:00pm
Confessions 3:00- 3:45
4:00 p.m. Bishop Bruskewitz
Procession and Closing Benediction