Newsletter Feb. 2015 - AAUW Allentown (PA)


Newsletter Feb. 2015 - AAUW Allentown (PA)
The Allentonian
A publication of the American Association of University Women
Allentown, PA Branch
Breaking through barriers!
Susan Nensteil & Karen Peiffer, Co-Presidents February 2015 Vol. 72 Issue 5 Bonnie Keller, Editor
Susan Nenstiel
Karen Peiffer
Membership Vice President
Ginny Delph
Program Vice President
Recording Secretary
Cathy Kane
Corresponding Secretary
Margaret Tyson
Communications Chair
Corinne Emmett
Finance Officer
Barb Oursler
Inter-Branch Diversity Meeting
March 14
(No Branch Meeting in February)
Moravian Theological Seminary 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Inter-branch Diversity Program
Far From the Family Tree but Close to Home:
What some see as disability, I know as my life
Sign in and hospitality at 9:30 am, program at 10 am
Join AAUW members from across the Lehigh Valley as
they listen to and learn from a diverse panel moderated by
Dr. Dana Dunn, Professor of Psychology
Moravian College
President’s Message
I think that we are really and truly into the new year when we begin to write the date correctly without
having to pause to remember what year it is. 2015 is now securely registered in my synapses, and the
2015 memory folder has begun to accumulate entries. Our January branch meeting with Linda
Robbins’ excellent fact-filled presentation on human trafficking was a warm gathering of friends
concentrating on a serious topic.
Although there will not be a branch meeting in February, we are planning and organizing for the
remainder of this year’s programs and activities and for the 2015-2016 year. The AAUW calendar for
March and April is very full. Linda Friscia-Oppe is conducting a $tart$mart workshop at Kutztown
University on March 2 that branch members are encouraged to attend. Although the $tart$mart
program is aimed primarily at people just beginning a career, the featured skills are relevant to many
kinds of strategizing and negotiating.
In addition, we can look forward to two significant inter-branch programs in March. You can find
details elsewhere in this newsletter about the Inter-branch Diversity Meeting on March 14 and a
meeting focusing on economic sufficiency and hunger on March 28. As always, these inter-branch
activities offer not only thought-provoking learning opportunities, but also stimulating and enjoyable
social experiences. I am hoping to attend both these meetings, and I will be happy to help coordinate
Since 1881, AAUW has been a group of women dedicated to helping other women achieve the
benefits of an education and share the fruits of that education. Many of us have stories about the good,
sometimes unexpected, friends we have made in and through AAUW, and our individual commitment
to AAUW may be as much a celebration of those friendships as it is an endorsement of the AAUW
mission. In any case, no matter what holds us together, it is undeniable that our cooperation and
identity as a group affords strength to us all. The national AAUW organization seems to be growing
and diversifying at a pace that is gratifying to everyone who supports the AAUW mission and goals,
but the expectations created by this flowering are sometimes difficult to live up to on a quotidian basis.
We want to accomplish so much, and the wish list continues to expand. We want to act locally,
regionally, nationally, globally, but our branch is a small group. Although we are encouraged and
supported by enthusiastic and dedicated spouses and friends, there are still limits to our time, energy,
and resources.
These limits can be discouraging. I know that many of you who are reading this are the people who are
already giving as much of yourselves as possible. I am not asking you for more, because I don’t want
to drain the well of your enthusiasm and goodness. I am asking that you continue in your commitment,
and that we join in a renewed effort to communicate our purpose and vision to friends, new and old,
who may or may not already be members. We need help to continue our everyday operations as well as
our special projects. Please join together as our branch endeavors to secure this help.
Karen Peiffer
* No Board Meeting in February, Next meeting TBA
Happy Valentine's Day!
Even though there is no branch meeting in February, I know that we will be busy with our
various book and study groups.
March is filled with opportunities to meet with AAUW members and learn a variety of topics.
$tart $mart Salary Negotiation Workshop at Kutztown University
Sponsored by AAUW's WAGE Project
Monday, March 2, 2015, 5pm, on main campus
According to AAUW research, just one year after graduation, women earn just 82 percent of
what their male counterparts earn, and the gender wage gap widens over the next 10 years.
More than 225 campuses throughout the United States have hosted $tart $mart. Before the
workshop, only 25 percent of attendees said they were confident that they could negotiate a salary and
benefits package. That figure skyrocketed to 91 percent upon completion of the workshop.
On March 14, we will gather at Moravian Theological Seminary for our Interbranch Diversity
Program. The panel members will discuss how they live with their disabilities. Our branch will help
with registration and hospitality. More details in our March newsletter.
Save the date for the "A Place at the Table" (hunger in the Lehigh Valley) on March 28.
Our annual meeting is re-scheduled for Tuesday, April 14 (see below). We are pleased to
have Dr. Kathy Ott as our speaker on "Core Curriculum". This program is a perfect opportunity for
you to invite a friend.
Susan Nensteil
Economic Sufficiency Meeting, Saturday March 28
“A Place at the Table”
This meeting will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 424 Center Street, Bethlehem.
Registration will begin at 8:30 AM, and the documentary "A Place At the Table" will shown at 9 AM.
Following the film, participants will have the opportunity to play a game exploring the difficulties
of feeding a family with food stamps, and a panel including Ann McManus from Second Harvest and
Nancy Walters of The Hunger Coalition will discuss the film.
Changes to Date for April Branch Meeting
Tuesday, April 14 (not Thursday April 16)
Lower Macungie Township Community Center.
We will hold the ANNUAL Meeting then, at which we will elect officers.
Speaker Dr. Kathleen Ott will present "Common Core Curriculum”.
More News From the 2014 Used Book Sale
Although we still are wrestling with closing the books on the 2014 Used Book Sale, we can
announce that we should have at least $15,800 available for Community Awards from the book sale
proceeds. Congratulations once again to all those who worked so very hard to make the sale a success.
Community Awards Applications
Applications for the 2015 Community Awards can be found on the AAUW Allentown Branch
Website. Applications along with references are to be mailed to Peg Tyson by February 17th.
Lets Read Math
Jan Seaman
Activities in schools continue through the winter. Most recently the group visited 2nd grade
classes at Donegan School in Fountain Hill. Contact Jan Seaman –
Public Policy
Lesley Lojko, Public Policy Chair
Open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act ends for this year on February 15. If you or
someone you know is uninsured this is a good time to enroll. They have taken most of the bugs out of
the system. The ACA has written into it preventative care for women and girls, some of it which is
covered and with no co-pay.
I hope those of you had fun playing Bingo during the President’s SOTU speech and finding the
words and phrases that are important to women in girls that he intends to work on in the coming year.
At this writing I don’t have the tally of my sheet, but I’m looking forward to hearing what he has to
The night of the 13th of January I participated in a live nationwide conference call conducted
by the AAUW national public policy chair, Deborah Swerdlow. It was a great experience listening to
the roll call of Public Policy chairs from just about every state and then the very concise instructions on
how to go about organizing an in-district meeting with our State and Federal senators and
Deborah suggested that this February would be a good time to meet with the newly elected
folks as well as long time members because they are home for a recess.
“John Boehner doesn’t like cake!”
The highlight, for me, was when the Public Policy chair from John Boehner’s Ohio district
spoke up and related how her branch had tried many times in many ways to contact him when he’s
home on recess, but to no avail. They even baked him a CAKE to deliver in person, to talk to him
about our concerns, but he still remained unavailable.
There are 63 new members in the House in Washington, however our 15th district Rep. is
Charlie Dent who has been there for five terms. The only person who is new in our area is Ryan
Costello who represents the 6th District. He took over that District when Jim Gerlach stepped down.
Some of you may have State Reps and State Senators who are new to your district but are not
new to the job. Our Lehigh Valley has been reconfigured so that if Bob Mensch was your State
Senator, Lisa Boscola may be yours now. She is mine here in Emmaus. We no longer are represented
by Ryan MacKenzie in our little neck of the woods and now are represented by Justin Simmons. All
these folks are experienced lawmakers, however they are new to our area. So far they have made
contact with us to let us know they are available.
***Elsewhere in the newsletter is listing of the old and new Government Officials and their contact
information. I have found most to be very responsive when I have emailed them, some more so than
Branch Mission Project
Turning Point of the Lehigh Valley
Once again the Allentown Branch will be collecting items for Turning Point of the Lehigh
Valley whose mission is to eliminate domestic violence in the Lehigh Valley through empowerment,
education and engagement. Turning Point works tirelessly each and every day in our community to
achieve their goals. We can help by selecting needed items from their Wish List. Please, all items
must be new.
 Pillows
Diapers and Baby Formula
 Cleaning supplies
Laundry detergent – High Efficiency
 Twin sized blankets
Bed linens, Liquid hand soap
 Toiletries – not travel size
new baking dishes & cookie sheets
 Batteries, Flashlights
Gently used or new pots & pans
 $3 All Day bus Passes
Gift cards: grocery stores/ Walmart/Target/ pharmacies/Wawa
(Gift cards empower clients by providing financial assistance while still giving them
choices.) Items will be collected for a late February delivery to Turning Point. Items may be
given to board members or to Peggy Tyson and Linda Roosa co-chairs of this project.
Branch Notes
Condolences to the family of Jean Thornburg, a longtime AAUW member who recently passed away.
Study/Interest Groups
Career Women’s Study Group
Barbara Ashley (610-391-1217)
Thursday, February 12, Time: To be announced
The group is planning on going to a movie. Details to come by Career Women’s email list or you may
contact Barbara Ashley if you are interested.
Literature of the Past and Present
Leader: Annette Bonstedt (610-395-5974)
Thursday, February 19, 12:30 PM
Muhlenberg College Trexler Library, Fulford Room (Level A)
Hostess: Lesley Lojko ph. 610-965-6337
Reviewer: Annette Bonstedt
Book: “Flight Behavior” by Barbara Kingsolver
New members are welcome. Please call Lesley if attending.
Recent Literature
Leader: Karen Kneifel (610-433-7288)
Thursday, February 12, 2015, 12:30 PM
Hostess & Reviewer: Karen Kneifel, 2120 Greenwood Road, Allentown, PA 18103
Book: “The Lowland” by Jhumpa Lahri
Please call if NOT attending. New members welcome.
Women’s Lit
Leader: Peggy Tyson (610-797-4199)
Monday, February 16, 7 pm
Hostess: Mary Jane Figuli, 4526 Keene Street, Center Valley, PA ph. 610-791-2920
Book: “The Aviator’s Wife” by Melanie Benjamin
New members are welcome. Please call hostess if attending.
Diversity, Deeds, and Dialogue Study Group
Chair Ruth Skoglund (610-509-9263)
4th Wednesday in members’ homes, 7 pm
Please call chair for more information and if interested in attending.
The Allentonian
Please submit news and announcements to the Editor, Bonnie Keller at
Deadline February 15th for March issue
Allentown Branch Website:
Check the website for updated information and to read The Allentonian online.
Allentown Branch email address is:
National Website:
State Website: AAUW Member helpline: 800-326-AAUW
AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.
In principle and in practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the
basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or class.
AAUW LEGAL ADVOCACY FUND provides funding and a support system for women seeking judicial redress for sexual discrimination.
AAUW EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION provides funds to advance education, research, and self-development for women and to foster
equity and positive societal change.
Bonnie Keller
AAUW – Allentown Branch
2413 Kris Drive
Allentown PA 18104-1209