Draft agenda for British Council Researcher Link workshop


Draft agenda for British Council Researcher Link workshop
Draft agenda for British Council Researcher Link workshop “Pores for thought: porous materials for greener energy and the environment” Organisers: Dr. Asel Sartbaeva (UoB), Dr. Rino R. Mukti (ITB) (14h – 18th February, 2015) A draft Timetable 8:30‐9:00 9:00‐10:00 10:00‐10:30 10:30‐11:30 11:30‐12:00 12:00‐13:00 13:00‐14:00 14:00‐15:00 15:00‐15:30 15:00‐16:00 1st day (14th) Opening remarks by AS and RRM and registration Overview of research base and funding opportunities (British Council) Coffee break Plenary talk Rino R. Mukti Talks by early career researchers Lunch 2nd day (15th) 3rd day (16th) 4th day (17th) Talks by early‐
career researchers Talks by early‐
career researchers Speed‐
networking session Coffee break Plenary talk Yuni Krisnandi Talks by early‐
career researchers Lunch Coffee break Plenary talk Suryadi Ismadji Talks by early‐
career researchers Lunch Coffee break Plenary talk Steve Parker Industrial talks Plenary talk Witri W. Lestari Plenary talk Joe Hriljac Coffee break RSC session: membership advantages, what professional bodies can do to early‐stage researchers Talks by early‐
career researchers Plenary talk
Matt Tucker Coffee break
Brainstorming session #1: Ideas for various modes of collaboration Talks by early‐
career researchers Plenary talk
Russell Morris Coffee break
Brainstorming session # 2: Communication, across cultural and scientific boundaries 16:00‐18:00 18:00 Poster session Poster session Poster session dinner dinner dinner Lunch Plenary talk Asel Sartbaeva Plenary talk IG Wenten Coffee break Brainstorming session #3 Steps for implementation of collaborations Prizes for best poster and talk for early‐stage researchers Summary of workshop (AS and RRM) End of workshop dinner Abstracts of the Plenary Talk: Witri W. Lestari University of Sebelas Maret (UNS), Surakarta Rino R. Mukti Institut Teknologi Bandung Asel Sartbaeva Chiral Metal‐Organic Frameworks and Coordination Polymers Based on Modified Biphenyl and Binaphthyl Linkers: Synthesis, Structures, Their Properties and Future Applications As a new class of porous materials, metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) or porous coordination polymers (PCPs), have become very attractive to be explored due to their novel structures, interesting properties, highly tunable and wide‐ranging applications including gas storage, sensing, molecular magnets, luminescence and catalysis. Herein, a modified biphenyl linker [1] and a new series of chiral linkers, 4,4´‐ and 5,5´‐
functionalized BINAP‐oxides (BINAPO) with pyridyl and carboxyl groups [2] as well as the employment of these linkers in the synthesis of MOFs CPs with different metal cations (Cd2+, Pb2+, Na+, Zn2+ and Cu2+) and their chemical and physical properties will be presented [1, 3 ,4, 5]. An alternative strategy for generating chiral MOFs and CPs starting from suitable building blocks will also be discussed [6]. Keywords: MOFs, CPs, BINAPO, chemical and physical properties [1 ] W. W. Lestari, P. Lönnecke, M. B. Sárosi, H. C. Streit, M. Adlung, C. Wickleder, M. Handke, W. D. Einicke, R. Gläser, E. Hey–Hawkins, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 3874–3884. [2] W. W. Lestari, H. Zaake‐Hertling, P. Lönnecke, E. Hey‐Hawkins, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 2013, 2589–2596. [3] W.W. Lestari, H.C. Streit, P. Lönnecke, C. Wickleder, E. Hey‐Hawkins, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 8188– 8195. [4] W.W. Lestari, P. Lönnecke, H. C. Streit, M. Handke, C. Wickleder, E. Hey‐Hawkins, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2014, 1775–1782 (special issue: Advances in Phosphorus Chemistry). [5] W. W. Lestari, P. Lönnecke, H.C. Streit, F. Schleife, C. Wickleder, E. Hey‐Hawkins, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2014 , 421, 392–398. [6] W. W. Lestari, P. Lönnecke, E. Hey‐Hawkins, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 2014, 640, 1589–
1595. Engineering the zeolite porosity into a hierarchical‐type Zeolites with hierarchical porosity (micro‐, meso‐ and macropore) have been offered as emerging catalyst to solve the intracrystalline diffusion limitations in catalyzed reactions. The sole presence of micropores in zeolite may have not been well‐utilized whenever there is a mass‐transfer constraints provoking the low degree of catalyst performance. The objective of creating large porosity or mesoporosity on zeolite crystal surface is to enhance accessibility, rate of overall catalyzed processes, (molecular diffusion), separation (shape selectivity) and to inhibit the catalyst deactivation process. In this presentation, several rational strategies for synthesizing hierarchically porous zeolites will be discussed. The utilization of simulatenous meso‐ and micropore generating compound in the bottom‐up synthesis of zeolite and the utilization of specially‐designed single pore‐generating compound to reshape the crystal morphology of zeolite ZSM‐5 will be described. An example of MFI zeolites with a complete hierarchy of pores will be also shown. Flexibility window and it’s experimental consequences University of Bath Joe Hriljac University of Birmingham Yuni Krisnandi Universitas Indonesia The flexibility window of zeolites is an intrinsic geometric property, which all synthetic and natural zeolite frameworks share. It is a theoretical property defining a range of densities over which the framework can theoretically be described by regular geometry. We showed that it is a necessary property for frameworks to be synthesisable. This can help us to identify possible candidates for synthesis among millions of computer‐
simulated hypothetical tetrahedral frameworks. Since its discovery in 2006, we have been looking at connecting this theoretical property to the experimental behaviour of zeolite frameworks. In this talk, I will give an overview of recent experimental and theoretical findings connecting flexibility window with a range of different phenomena in zeolites. These include high‐pressure phase transitions, pressure induced amorphisation and folding mechanisms under pressure. Zeolites and zeotypes designed for environmental clean‐up Zeolites and related non‐aluminosilicate zeotypes have been used for many years in ion exchange processes including the removal of heavy metal pollutants and radionuclide contaminants in water. The latter is even more important now in the UK and US as part of the efforts to remove legacy nuclear waste and decontaminate old sites and in Japan to help remediate the area around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant after the accident caused by the tsunami in 2011. In this presentation I will set out some of the challenges in clean‐up efforts, discuss currently used ion exchange materials and explain our strategy and successes in making new materials with improved properties. Porous Solid Inorganic Framework for Environmental Application My research area covers synthesis, modification and characterisation of solid inorganic framework material for environmental application. The background of this interest is my research study on Microporous Titanosilicate ETS‐10 as Photocatalyst, under supervision of Prof. Russell F. Howe (UNSW and Univ. Aberdeen, 1998‐2005). After I finished my PhD in 2005, at Universitas Indonesia, I worked on modifying natural aluminasilicates such as bentonite, kaolin and zeolite. Most application utilised the unique properties of these materials, such as large surface area, acidity and high cation‐exchange capacity. In 2007‐2009, I joined Leibniz Institut fuer Katalyse (LIKAT Germany) as postdoc fellow carried out research on etherification of glycerol using zeolite catalysts. Then, since returning to UI in 2009, I began to synthesise zeolite and zeotype materials for more advance application while still continue working on natural resources. My interest is to modify the size and pore of zeolites. Mesoporous and hierarchical zeolites and zeotype materials including carbon become my main synthesis project. The applications of those materials are ranging from catalyst, electrode, adsorbent to nanofiller for biocomposite. The mesoporous or hierarchical ZSM‐5, modified with metal oxide has become our main interest in catalyst, to convert biomass and biogas to platform chemical such as methanol and levulinic acid. Hybrid meso‐micro zeolite modified IDC has also been studied to be employed as ammonia sensor. We have started to look at amine‐modified mesoporous carbon as CO2 adsorbent. From natural resources, since 2007 working together with Dr. Ariadne Djuwono from Physic Departement at UI, we prepare organoclay as nanofiller for biocomposite. Since 2013 all those work are organised under Solid Inorganic Framework for Environmental Application (SIFEA) research cluster which is open for new ideas and new collaboration for more fruitful and greater impact to the society. Collaboration is one important key to carry out research. At this moment, we have worked together with Dept. Chemistry University of Aberdeen, KAIST and KIST Matt Tucker ISIS Facility & Diamond Light Source, Harwell Oxford, Didcot, United Kingdom Suryadi Ismadji Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University South Korea, LIKAT Germany, and many research institutes and university including ITB. The theme of this workshop is very much related to my research interest. This will give me new insight and opportunity about research in porous material. Keywords: porous material, zeolite, aluminosilicate, SIFEA A step towards complex modelling
The importance of local structure and disorder in crystalline materials is being recognised more and more as a key property of many functional materials. From negative thermal expansion to improved fuel cell technology and solid state amorphisation to the ’nanoscale’ problem, a clear picture of the local atomic structure is essential to understanding these phenomena and solving the associated problems. Total scattering (aka the PDF technique), an extension of the powder diffraction method, is increasingly being used to study crystalline materials. The unique combination of Bragg and diffuse scattering can be used to determine both the average structure and the short‐range fluctuations from this average within a single experiment. Such diffraction data is collected on the medium resolution Polaris powder diffraction instrument at the ISIS neutron source and from 2016 at the dedicated X‐PDF (I15‐1) beamline a side station of the Extreme Conditions Beamline, I15 at Diamond. I will give a brief overview of these instruments and an update on their current status, capabilities and new developments. To maximise the structural information from such data, three‐dimensional atomic models consistent with all aspects of the data are required. RMCProfile[1] (see www.rmcprofile.org) expands the reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) modelling technique[2] to take explicit account of the Bragg intensity profile from crystalline materials. Analysis of the RMCProfile‐generated atomic models gives more detailed information than is available directly from the data alone. I will give several examples where RMCProfile has been used to successfully study the structure and disorder of crystalline materials to illustrate its potential for the study of porous materials. As the systems being studied become more complex, the information from many experimental techniques and any prior chemical knowledge needs to be combined into one consistent atomic model. The continued development of RMCProfile and its new capabilities is moving us closer to the complex modelling paradigm[3] required to drive the discovery of new functional materials. References: [1] M. Tucker, D. Keen, M. Dove et al, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 2007, 19, 335218 [2] R. McGreevy, L. Pusztai, Mol. Simul., 1988, 1, 359 [3] S. Billinge, I. Levin, Science, 2007, 316, 561‐565 Zeolites: Occurrences, Processing, and Applications
Zeolites are microporous crystalline aluminosilicates, composed of TO4 tetrahedra (T = Si, Al) with O atoms connecting neighboring tetrahedra. .The extraframework cations are ion exchangeable and give rise to the rich ion‐exchange chemistry of these materials.Zeolites are found in nature, and most of natural zeolites are of lower Si/Al ratios, since organic structure–directing agents necessary for formation of siliceous zeolites are absent. The discovery of methods for large‐scale industrial synthesis of zeolites by Union Carbide leading to fast development of zeolite science and technology. The major conventional applications for synthetic zeolites are in detergents, adsorbents/desiccants, and catalysis.
Solving a conundrum and healing a wound ‐ the synthesis and application of Russell Morris zeolites and MOFs University of St. Zeolites are extremely important materials in many different applications, from catalysis Andrews in oil refining and automobile exhaust transformations, all the way through to ion exchange and medicine. Zeolites are defined as porous solids comprising tetrahedral building units, and their structural architecture plays an important part in their industrial utility. Several researchers, using computational techniques, have predicted that there are more than 2 million different ways to link tetrahedral units together to form zeolite structures. However, we have only ever managed to make about 200 different structures, which means our synthesis success rate is about 0.01%! This is the zeolite conundrum. Why are we so poor at making zeolites? In this presentation I will look to answer this question by thinking about the limitations of traditional synthesis approaches and provide strategies by which such limitations will be overcome. I will introduce the ADOR (Assembly‐disassembly‐organisation‐reassembly) mechanism of synthesis as a way by which 'unfeasible' zeolites can be prepared as a way to solve the zeolite conundrum. I will then go on to discuss some of the applications we are developing for both zeolites and MOFs, especially in the area of medical gas delivery, explaining how both zeolites and MOFs have properties suitable for future applications as wound healing agents. Computer Simulation of microporous materials and their surfaces Steve Parker The aim of this presentation is to highlight recent work using atom‐based simulation University of Bath, s.c.parker@bath.ac.uk methods to model the structure, stability and reactivity of microporous materials and their surfaces, with particular emphasis on zeolites. Initially, the different simulation tools of energy minimization, molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo will be described briefly along with details on how they can be used to investigate microporous materials. A number of examples will be discussed. In addition to describing approaches to model the structure and stability of the bulk structures we will describe how it can be applied to zeolite interfaces and morphologies. Successful examples include LTL and LTA surfaces in both siliceous and alumino‐silicate form. A further important requirement is to be able to investigate the interaction with water. The simulations show how the ordering of water molecules has a marked effect on diffusion. Moreover, the influence of pH and surface charge is also identified and compared with the results for a neutral solution. A further example will be to describe our work on the effect of surfaces on the adsorption and transport of gases at different zeolite surfaces. For example, for CO2 with the {111}, {011} and {100} surfaces of FAU that the {011} and {100} surfaces have incomplete sodalite cages, and will adsorb CO2 more favorably than the most stable {111} surface where the sodalite cages are intact. Furthermore, by comparing the adsorption and transport of siliceous, sodium and potassium FAU we show these methods can quantify the effect of zeolite composition. In summary, the results demonstrate that atomistic simulation techniques can provide a useful complementary tool for modelling microporous materials and their interfaces. IG Wenten MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY: PROSPECT AND CHALLENGES IN INDONESIA Institut Teknologi Rapid growth in membrane technology development is primarily based on Bandung consciousness on the potential of this technology. Membrane can be used as reaction system, contacting device, filtration and separation, as well as water and wastewater treatment. Membrane draws the most attention due to its high degree of separation. Membrane system can produce high quality water, even from wastewater, enable realization of water reuse and water recyling concept. In recent years, large membrane desalination plants have been constructed across Indonesia. Several large membrane plants for produced water treatment which incorporating membrane technology, also marked significant progress in term of break‐
through application. Beside several uniquely‐Indonesia’s membrane products such as the well‐known IGW Pump, an emergency ultrafiltration unit which can be used to produce clean water from grey water without electricity, more and more innovative concepts are born in Indonesia. Invention of non‐modular membrane has initiated revolution in membrane system design. Lately, GDPFilter‐Indonesia’s membrane manufacturer, who played supportive role for implemention of those novel membrane concepts, has started production of its own FRP‐based RO housing, which could mark more independent era of membrane implementation in Indonesia. Membrane processes have many advantages allowing various applications in almost every industrial sector. However, membrane based processes also possess several disadvantages such as inadequate flux and selectivity, material sensitivity, fouling, and dependability. A large number of research has been done for intensification in membrane engineering. Membrane with selective layer as thin as 10‐50 nm can now be found commercially. Further intesification in this direction may need an enermous effort. On the other hand, demand for a more competitive membrane technology is inevitable especially in large scale applications. In this talk, an overview of the latest membrane technology developments is presented. The discussion is focussed on the process intensification and intensification in membrane engineering. Special emphasize is given to the role of this technology in water, energy, and environmental applications. Newly developed, a so‐called non‐
modular membrane, as a novel approach in designing large scale membrane plant is introduced. Some unique applications based on author experiences and recent development of membrane technology as well as its status in Indonesia will also be highlighted. Detailed schedule for participant’s talks: 14th
of February, morning
Robert Dawson
Nurul Widiastuti
15th February, 1st session
Hierarchical porous aluminosilicate as acid and
base catalysts for acetalization and
Microporous Organic Polymers: Gas storage,
capture and heterogeneous catalysis
Synthesis of zeolite templated carbon and its
Institut Teknologi
Sepuluh Nopember
(ITS), Surabaya
University of Bath
Douglas Bennett
Aldes Lesbani
Tzu-Yu Chen
Matthew J
Next Generation MOFs: Liquids, Glasses and
Superstrong Frameworks
Efficient oxidative desulfurization of
dibenzothiophene using heteropoly
compounds/tantalum as catalysts
Novel Ion Exchange Materials For Nuclear
Waste Treatment
Computational Evaluation of MOFs for
Adsorption Applications
Felycia Edi
Clay-Biochar composites: Preparation,
Characterization, and Applications
15th February, 2nd session
Gavin Hazell
Arie Wibowo
15th February, 3rd session, afternoon
11 15th
13:00-13:10 Alexey
Siti Mariyah
Stephen A
Rilya Rumbayan
Yue Wu
16th of February, 1st session, morning
16 16th
Valeska Ting
Probing nano/micro particle assembly to find
novel porous materials
Facile preparation of new mesoporous
materials based on self-assembly process of
Polyion complexes (PICs) in aqueous media
Hydrothermal synthesis and structure of
tailored hierarchical porous metal sulphides /
graphene hybrids
Towards synthesis of saturated alkane (C9C13): liquid alkane production by
condencation and hydrogenation reaction of
furfural unsing Ni/MgO catalysts
Opening (and closing) your pores: geometric
simulations of framework flexibility in zeolites
Evaluation of porous building material using
non-destructive testing technology
Investigating the formation of porous
framework materials using in-situ diffraction
Synthesis, Functionalization and Application
of Porous Silica Materials: from Enzyme
Immobilization to Gene Delivery
A new potential of Metal Organic Frameworks
in biomedicine as immune system modulators
The effect of synthesis treatment of
nanocrystalline ZSM-5 on its characteristics
Engineering nanoporous materials for
applications in sustainable energy
Institut Teknologi
Sepuluh Nopember
University of
Widya Mandala
Surabaya Catholic
University of
Institut Teknologi
University of
University of
University of
University of Bath
Politeknik Negeri
University of
Widya Mandala
Catholic University
University College
University of Jambi
University of Bath
Rikson Siburian
16th of February, 2nd session, morning
21 16th
11:30-11:40 Luter
Ferry Iskandar
Paul Coxon
16th of February, 3rd session, afternoon
24 16th
13:00-13:10 Yaozu Liao
Yingjun Liu
Ziyi Yu
Erna Subroto
Catalytic properties and interface interaction of
platinum subnano-clusters on graphene nano
University of Nusa
Methanol oxidation over alumina and silica
supported monometallic and bimetallic copper
and silver catalysts
Template-assisted Synthesis of Porous
Particles and Its Applications
Black holes & penguins: capturing the sun
with black silicon
University of
New routes to porous conjugated frameworks
for efficient CO2 and volatile I2 capture
An Improved Method for Site-Specific End
Modification of Zeolite L for the Formation of
Zeolite L and Gold Nanoparticle SelfAssembled Structures
Building Electronic and Ionic Conductive
Networks from Ceramic Nanofibers
Advanced porous membranes for purification
of chemicals and biofuels
Construction of porous materials via selfassembly via droplet microfluidics
Clarification of liquefied starch using
ultrafiltration membrane
Institut Teknologi
University of
University of
Institut Teknologi
University of
Catholic University
University of
Dexa Medica