www.bmob.org - Rabbi Moshe Stavsky Shabbos


www.bmob.org - Rabbi Moshe Stavsky Shabbos
Bais Medrash of Bergenfield
371 S Prospect Ave, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 - www.bmob.org -
Rabbi Moshe Stavsky
Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim
February 13 - 14, 2015 ‫כ"ה שבט תשע"ה‬
)'‫שבת מברכים ראש חדש אדר (יום ה' ויום ו‬
Candle Lighting
5:09 PM
5:15 PM
Mincha and Kabalas Shabbos
Main Minyan (& Groups)
“Tot Shabbat” Program for ages 3 and younger
Sof Zman Krias Shema
7:15 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
9:31 AM
5:05 PM
Shalosh Seudos
6:05 PM
6:11 PM
7:00 PM
Shabbos Ends
Parent Child Learning
Sunday – Shacharis
Mincha / Maariv
Monday – Al Haperek women’s Chaburah lead by Rebbetzin Stavsky at the Isaacson’s
8:30 AM
5:15 PM
10:00 AM
Shul Announcements
The Shul sends their deepest condolences to our member, Mrs. Janet Stavsky, upon the passing of Rebbetzin Anne
Schevelowitz, her beloved mother and maternal Grandmother of our Rabbi, Rabbi Moshe Stavsky.
Shiva will be observed through Wednesday morning, February 18 at the Stavsky home - 394 Maitland Avenue in Teaneck.
There will be no minyanim at the shiva house.
May the Stavsky family be comforted among the mourners of Tzion v'Yerushalayim.
Welcome to Michal and Elie Hassan who recently joined the shul as full members
Mazel Tov to Michal and Elie Hassan upon the birth of a baby girl!
‫שיזכו לגדלה לתורה חופה ולמעשים טובים‬
If you are interested in making a meal for the family, please sign up via the mealtrain link below
Mazel Tov to Rebecca and Elly Gamss upon the birth of a baby girl!
‫שיזכו לגדלה לתורה חופה ולמעשים טובים‬
Mazel Tov to Naala and Keith Schreiber upon the birth of a baby boy!
There will be a Shalom Zachar at their home, 26 Somers Avenue in Bergenfield, on Friday night at 8:30 PM.
‫ ויכניסו בבריתו של אברהם אבינו בזמנו‬- ‫שיזכו לגדלו לתורה חופה ולמעשים טובים‬
Rabbi Stavsky is away for Shabbos and therefore his shiur before Mincha has been cancelled.
Avi Retter’s pre Mincha shiur will also not take place this Shabbos.
The FINAL Parent-Child Learning will be this Motzei Shabbos at 7:00 PM.
The night will begin with learning in the sanctuary, followed by pizza and a raffle in the kiddush room.
All children are encouraged to attend this fun and meaningful event with one or more parent.
The Shul will distribute its annual membership list on Purim. This is an excellent opportunity for people who are considering
joining the Shul to join the Shul as members so that they are included on the list. Please reach out to Yale Baron, Joel Krinitz
or Freda Bak if you would like to join or if you have any questions about membership.
Once again the sisterhood of BMOB will be organizing and selling Mishloach Manot.
All members and participating affiliate families will receive a basket. If you would like to send Mishloach Manot via the shul
(and have your name listed on the page of contributors) please go to http://www.bmob.org/mishloachmanot2015.html. (After
filling in the form and clicking submit, you will be taken to a page to submit payment). Please remember that one is not Yotzei
their obligation of giving Mishloach Manot through this program.
The deadline to participate is this Sunday, February 15. We will be strictly adhering to this deadline; no submissions will be
allowed after this date. In addition, the sisterhood is looking for volunteers to help deliver the Mishloach Manot directly to our
members prior to Purim. Each volunteer will be given a few baskets to deliver for families living close by. If you can help,
please indicate so on the form.
BMOB Purim Chagiga 2015 - Come celebrate Purim with BMOB! On Wednesday night, March 4th, BMOB will be holding
Megillah reading at the nearby Lincoln School. Join us for an exciting chagiga immediately afterwards, including pizza,
snacks, and entertainment! Reservations are REQUIRED, and the chagiga is FREE for members who RSVP prior to February
18th. There will be a $25 fee for members who RSVP after February 18th and for all affiliates and non-members.
To RSVP for the chagiga, please fill out the form located at: http://tinyurl.com/bmobpurim
We have the opportunity to host the well-known singer Shim Craimer on the first Shabbos in the beginning of March. In
addition to leading tefilos, he would lead the singing at a Friday night oneg and at Shalosh Seudos. We are looking for
sponsors who would like to contribute to what we hope will be an inspiring and uplifting Shabbos. Please email Yisroel
Hochberg if you would like to contribute. Thanks.
Youth Department
Our first-ever for BMOB, Youth Davening Shabbos will take place Shabbos Parshas Tetzaveh, Feb 28-29. The bar mitzvah age
boys in our shul will lead all aspects of the davening on Shabbos, from Davening to Leining and Gabbaus.
If your son would like to participate - and we strongly encourage him to do so! - please fill out the following google form:
Of course, we will include the younger boys as well.
To celebrate your child’s birthday at groups please e-mail miriamstobezki@gmail.com.
Please email Noah Bender (knowabender@gmail.com) and/or Akiva Wolk (akivawolk@gmail.com) if you would like information
on volunteer opportunities or sponsoring of events going on in the Youth Committee.
Please Note: At least one parent or guardian must be in the shul AT ALL TIMES while their child is attending groups.
Nursery: 371 House
Pre K – 2nd Grade: 385 (new) House
3rd – 5th Grade Girls: 385 (new) House
3rd-5th Grade Boys: Shul basement beginning after Kedusha
Please pick up your child as soon as davening is over, before attending the kiddush.
All children must be toilet trained. Once in groups, children are not permitted to return to shul, unless picked up by a parent.
Parents of children in the youth house must pick up their children before going to the Kiddush. Children will not be released to
siblings. No outside food will be allowed into groups.
Shul Notices
Kiddush sponsorship: $150 (Basic / cold food); $440 (Hot / chulent & kugel); $575 (Gala). Shalosh Seudos sponsorship: $100. Please
e-mail Jason Pfeiffer (jasonepfeiffer@gmail.com) to reserve your Shabbos.
Membership: Please send your membership dues and building fund payments for the fiscal year to Joel Krinitz as soon as possible.
There will be envelopes for this purpose in the entryway of the shul. Annual dues are $700 for each member family and $275 for each
affiliate member family, and the building fund for each member family is $1,000 per year for eight years. Please send checks to 139
Dudley Drive, Bergenfield NJ. As always, anyone who is unable to pay these amounts due to financial hardship should contact Joel
Krinitz (joel@krinitzsperber.com) or Yale Baron (yalebaron@gmail.com) to arrange for an alternative arrangement.
Please note that you can now make all payments/donations to the Shul via the Shul’s Paypal account:
Our Sisterhood arranges meals for members with new babies. If you are interested in making a meal or would like to have meals
arranged for your family, please contact Rachel Neufeld (rachneufeld@gmail.com) or Daffy Yahalom (daffyyahalom@gmail.com).
To get involved in the sisterhood please email Sarit Glass and Esther Slomnicki at bmobsisterhood@gmail.com.
Welcoming Committee: There have been many new faces in our shul over the course of the past few months. In order to make it
easier for new families to be properly welcomed, we have created this new email account. We ask all of you to join in our efforts by
contacting Chavi Satz or Leah Gottlieb at bmobwelcomingcommittee@gmail.com if you know of a new family that has moved into the
community. Another initiative that we would like to institute is to ensure that each new BMOB family be welcomed into the home of a
current BMOB family for a shabbos meal. If you would be interested in hosting a new family at any point (this is not a commitment),
please email the welcoming committee to gather your information.
With your help, we look forward to continuing our efforts to establish a warm and welcoming shul.
Message from the Bergenfield Police Department: Please use the crosswalks when crossing. Also, please make eye contact with
drivers to ensure they are stopping, and when the vehicles stop, proceed swiftly across the street, paying attention to traffic at all times.
Please wear bright clothing, especially at night time, or utilize reflective tape on yourself and strollers.
Community Announcements
This Shabbos, February 13-14, 2015, Cong. Rinat Yisrael Adult Education will host Rabbi Chanoch Waxman of Yeshivat Har Etzion in
Israel as its Scholar in Residence. He will present four talks: Friday night before Maariv - "The Altar and the Meaning of Na'ase
Ve'nishma" - Friday night oneg at 8:45 pm - "Dancing Before the Kallah: Of Brides, Rabbis and Bayit" - Shabbat morning during 9:00 am
minyan - "The Many Stories of Sinai" - Shabbat afternoon after 4:55 pm Mincha - "Make Your Ears Like a Funnel: Conflict, Truth and the
Forty-Nine Faces of Torah" Rabbi Waxman earned Semicha and an M.A. in Jewish Philosophy from Yeshiva University, as well as an
M.A. in General Philosophy from City University. He previously served as Orthodox Rabbi at Princeton University Hillel as well as the
Rabbi of the Albert Einstein Medical School Synagogue.
Looking for a Purim costume, but don't want to waste the money on something you won’t use again? Visit our costume g’mach to view
the costumes at www.njcostumegmach.com, where all costumes are free to borrow. A small donation is requested, but is not required.
The G’mach will be open at Keter Torah (600 Roemer Ave) on February 15 and 22 from 10am-12pm. Please feel free to stop in. The
g’mach is in memory of Farvish Hirsch Ben Shmuel Lev. Feel free to donate used costumes by emailing njcostumegmach@gmail.com
or call 201-923-7622.
The Yeshivat Noam Uniform Exchange will be open to the community next week Feb 16-18. The Yeshivat Noam Uniform exchange has
collected many uniform items in all sizes and would like to share with the community. Please feel free to come by and take what you
want and/or drop your gently used uniforms that your children have outgrown. All clothing is free. Location of the exchange is 509
Churchill Rd. Hours are Monday 2/16 9-11 am, Tuesday 2/17 12 noon-3 pm & 7-9 pm, Wednesday 2/18 9-11 AM & 7-9 PM. Feel free to
call or e-mail with any questions - Estee Kirsch 917-405-3115 or esteekirsch@yahoo.com
OU Press and the Rabbinical Council of Bergen County will celebrate the publication of the Chumash Mesoras HaRav – Sefer Shemos,
The Neuwirth Family Edition, the Book of Exodus with commentary based on the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, on Sunday,
February 22 at 8:00 p.m. at Congregation Rinat Yisrael, 389 West Englewood Avenue, Teaneck. Rabbi Soloveitchik, “the Rav,” was
known as the towering rabbinic thinker of the twentieth century as well as a master of Biblical exegesis. OU Press, the publishing arm of
the Orthodox Union, presents the Chumash Mesoras HaRav series with the profound insights of Rabbi Soloveitchik on the Chumash –
the Five Books of Moses – with his commentary appearing on the same page as the Chumash text. Featured speakers at the Chumash
Mesoras Harav – Sefer Shemos event include Rabbi Steven Weil, Orthodox Union senior managing director; and Rabbi Yosef Adler,
dean of the Torah Academy of Bergen County and rabbi of Congregation Rinat Yisrael. Copies of the book will be available for purchase
at the event.
To include an announcement, please send it to announcements@bmob.org by Thursday at 10:00 AM.
To join our email list, send an e-mail to bmob-subscribe@yahoogroups.com with your name and home address.