Spring 2007


Spring 2007
Spring 2007 - Online Newsletter
Telenity Three Phase SDP Strategy
Simplifying Service Delivery (Turkcell)
Telenity Debuts Video RBT Service
In This Issue
Executive Message
Telenity Three Phase SDP Strategy
Case Studies
Simplifying Service Delivery (Turkcell)
Featured Articles
Telenity Debuts Video Ringback Tone Service for SIP/IMS Networks
Press Releases
Geocell Picks Telenity’s Video Ringback Tone Solution for 3G Service
Nawras Selects Telenity’s Service Delivery Platform
Geocell Chooses Telenity
Telenity to Present at 3G Mobile Eurasia 2007
KKTCELL Selects Telenity
Telefónica Móviles España Selects Telenity and Datatronics
Telenity Partners with BEA Systems
Telenity Achieves Sun Principal Partner Level
Telenity Appoints Aydin Kendir as Senior VP
Telenity Deploys SDP Components in Turkcell
Telenity Joins Oracle SDP Partner Initiative
Telenity Receives INTERNET TELEPHONY Magazine’s Product of
the Year Award
GSM-3G Middle East and Gulf 2007
VAS India 2007
HP Telecom Forum 2007
CTIA Wireless 2007
3G Mobile Eurasia 2007
3GSM World Congress 2007
Contact Us
Telenity Headquarters
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Telenity Incorporated
755 Main Street, Building 7
Monroe, CT 06468 USA
Phone: +1 203 445 2000
Fax: +1 203 268 1860
AHL Serbest Bolgesi,
No. 472 Yesilkoy,
Istanbul, Turkey
Phone: +90 212 468 2100
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15, Bazar Lane, Bengali Market,
Connaught Place,
New Delhi – 110001 India
Phone: +91 11 4152 6886
Fax: +91 11 4152 6887
For more information on Telenity and its products please contact
Telenity and Canvas are registered trademarks of Telenity
Executive Message
Telenity Three Phase SDP Strategy
Nitin Patel, VP Strategic Marketing, Telenity
Business Case Driven SDP
Wireless and Wireline carriers have been moving quickly
to adopt networks and services that converge from
basic voice to value-added content and data services.
The use of text messaging, picture messaging, ringtones, ring-back tones, video clips, location-based
services and wide array of data offering has grown
virtually everywhere. Yankee group forecasts global
data services revenue to reach up to $150 USD
billion by 2009 approaching nearly 50% of voice
revenues in 2010.
Increasing complexities and time-to-market delays in
delivering new value-added services are creating the
need for Service Delivery Platforms (SDPs). A new
generation of software platform is emerging as a
means for enabling service creation, deployment and
Spring 2007
execution functionality to be reused across multiple
services and applications in a controlled manner. SDPs
offer an integrated service delivery environment
that needs to be incorporated with Operations and
Business Support Systems (OSS/BSS) only once. They
enable operators to leverage existing infrastructure
and reduce time-to-market. Major operators already
have put in place or have plans for sophisticated SDPs.
However, the deployment cycle of SDPs remains long
and does not bring immediate return on investment
(ROI) to the operators.
Telenity's approach to addressing SDP challenges is
to offer an evolutionary path to service enabling
components with improved business case. As shown
in the figure below, Telenity offers three phases:
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Executive Message
Telenity Three Phase SDP Strategy
Nitin Patel, VP Strategic Marketing, Telenity
1. Deployment of pre-integrated Point Solutions:
In the first phase, operators start generating
revenue as early as possible with specific
applications or services.
2. Expansion to Canvas CSP, Converged Services
Platform: The second phase creates a milestone
as all new services are connected and managed via
CSP. Operators can begin to launch multiple
services and move from “walled garden” to “open
garden” model allowing controlled access to 3
party content and application service providers
using the very same delivery platform. Additional
investment required is minimal and the Canvas
CSP becomes the heart of the evolving SDP ready
for use by 3rd party applications. However, this
makes it “the SDP of new services”, which does
not solve the operators' problem of integrating all
the existing/legacy services.
3. Deployment of full SDP: The third phase integrates
all existing-legacy services to the SDP, so that at this
point the SDP is “the SDP of all services”. It enables
seamless integration to existing legacy services as
well as OSS/BSS. The new SDP allows leveraging
existing technology investments.
Telenity offers a proven, scalable, converged
services platform, Canvas CSP and applications
that enable service providers to launch services
faster - with limited upfront integration costs and
improved business case towards full SDP deployment. Telenity's key strength is in the Converged
Services domain and many Tier 1 players look upon
Telenity to provide services on their preferred
Application Server platforms.
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
Case Studies
Simplifying Service Delivery
Client Overview
Turkcell is the leading GSM operator in Turkey and the
third largest GSM operator in Europe with 31.8 million
subscribers as of 2006 December. Turkcell is a market
leader introducing innovative products and services
launched GPRS and EDGE network. Turkcell is the only
listed Turkish company in the New York Stock Exchange.
Turkcell has interests in international GSM operations in
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Northern
Cyprus and Ukraine.
Key Benefits
Meeting operators' business requirements requires a
clear understanding of their pain points, extensive
know-how across telecom and IT domains, and a
holistic approach to the service delivery solution. In
almost all cases, the right solution will leverage
components from multiple vendors that comprise an
SDP eco-system.
Telenity's Gurol Akman, Chief Software Architect says:
“Having worked with a leading operator Turkcell,
Accenture and integrated with products from several
SSDs on the Turkcell SDPA, Telenity is in a unique
position to transfer the wealth of knowledge,
experience and development it has generated to
other operator's SDP deployments”.
Business Drivers
With increasing competition and demand for data services
in Turkey's telecom market, introducing differentiated
value-added services quickly for revenue generation and
cost savings is a strategic priority for service provider.
Turkcell offers more than two thousand services. All
services - content, messaging, call
management, voice messaging, data
“The new SDPA reduces time-toconnection services require managing
market for new services. It now
market expectations and quality of
takes considerably less time to
To maintain its lead position in the
market, Turkcell faced numerous
business, operational and technology
challenges. It needed to design a
completely new concept for service
delivery, a new approach to implement common service delivery
platform ( SD P) that supported
multiple services across standardized
service oriented architecture. The key
drivers were as follows:
integrate and deliver new valueadded service. Our service
provider partners access the
service delivery platform rapidly
through our new portal.”
Ÿ Ability to create and deploy services quickly
Ÿ Reduce the cost and complexity of existing silo implementation
Ÿ Effectively manage 3 party content and application
service provider partners to interact seamlessly and
create an open yet secure environment where personalized services can be easily introduced
Ÿ Enable convergence and migration from legacy circuit
switched to packet switched IMS/IP
Spring 2007
The new SDP allows Turkcell to
leverage existing investments and a
flexible migration path to converge
voice, data and video into single
s e r v i c e d e l i ve r y e n v i ro n m e n t .
Telenity's key strength is in the
Converged Services domain and
many Tier 1 players look upon
Telenity to provide services on their
preferred Application Server
“The new SDPA reduces time-tomarket for new services. It now takes
considerably less time to integrate
and deliver new value-added service,”
as Turkcell's Chief Service and Product
Development Officer explains. “Our service provider
partners access the service delivery platform rapidly
through our new portal.”
What Telenity Provided A New Service Delivery Approach
Telenity was instrumental right from the early phases
of the Turkcell Service Delivery Platform Architecture
(SDPA) project and worked with Turkcell and Accenture team on a daily basis to define the use case
requirements and overall architecture. Telenity
designed, developed and delivered several key
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Case Studies
Simplifying Service Delivery
Ÿ A service control and management environment
featuring service catalog management, service
integration and price management, profile management, unified user management, and subscription
management capabilities
Ÿ A service provider gateway to allow partner SP/ASPs
controlled access to services provided by the Turkcell
SDPA subsystems subject to pre-defined SLA
Ÿ A web services-based service directory for Turkcell to
publish/advertise the list of web services available
within the Turkcell SDPA architecture to partner
application service provider
Ÿ A graphics-based service creation environment for
Turkcell and/or 3rd-party application service providers
(i.e., partner ASPs) to design and develop value-added
services for subsequent deployment in the Turkcell
wireless network
Ÿ A J2SE-based carrier-grade service logic execution
environment for deployment of applications to be
developed by Turkcell and/or partner ASPs
Ÿ An administrative portal that allows secure access to
data repositories maintained as part of the service
control and management environment
Why Telenity
Telenity is greatly thankful to the superb team both
Accenture and Turkcell for their trust and confidence in
giving the opportunity to Telenity to take part in such a
challenging deployment.
Telenity's position as a key global player in SDP ecosystem enables it to incorporate proven products to
offer a risk-free solution. Telenity's proven products,
experience and extensive know-how help operators
evolve to a full SDP in well-defined incremental steps.
As a result of the commercial launch of SDPA and its
portals, Turkcell's Chief Service and Product Development Officer concludes: “We have seen a beyond
expectations uptake in our value-added services usage.
The new service creation and delivery implementation
from Telenity as one of our partner including other SSD
partners have helped us to provide the new and more
pleasant customer experience with improved time to
market values.”
About Telenity
Telenity is a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks . Telenity's I M S ready
converged services solutions include: reusable service
delivery and content components enabling rapid service
creation, deployment and execution functionalities
across multiple services and applications; location
gateways; integrated messaging solutions; and value
added services. Telenity's worldwide customer base
includes network operators, service providers and
application providers serving over 100 million subscribers. Telenity partners with global and regional
network equipment providers, system integrators and
computing platform manufacturers. Learn more about
Telenity's Canvas family of converged services solutions
at www.telenity.com
. ............. . . and download a copy of
Telenity's online newsletter Telescope
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
Featured Articles
Telenity Debuts Video Ringback Tone Service for
SIP/IMS Networks at the 3GSM World Congress 2007
Gurol Akman, Chief Architect, Telenity
As the 3GPP IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) has become
one of the hottest topics in today's telecom world, all
major network operators, service providers, core network
equipment providers, infrastructure suppliers, and
application (service) developers are actively involved in
IMS and 3G network trials.
While the exact motivation hence, its focus and coverage
of individual IMS/3G network trials around the world
seem to vary, they all rely on the availability of some sort
of SIP-based end-user applications. All in all, before IMS
can become the architecture of choice for network
operators who wish to upgrade their existing cellular and
fixed-line networks, they need to be convinced that IMS
can deliver on its key promises; that is availability of
real-time multimedia applications with an
acceptable quality of service.
Telenity, being one of the established players in the Service
Delivery Platform (SDP) ecosystem thanks to its wide
range of market-proven Canvas® family of products, its
recognition of the importance of open-standards for
ease-of-integration with other prominent SDP vendors,
and its revenue-driven, cost-effective, end-to-end SDP
deployment approach and a key supplier of next-generation converged services and platforms, it should come as
no surprise that 3GSM World Congress 2007 in Barcelona,
Spain witnessed a major event by Telenity and its longterm strategic partners BEA Systems and HP.
Watch the Telenity, BEA and HP
joint Video Ringback Tone Solution here!
Download the Full Screen Version
At 3GSM, Telenity debuted a SIP-enabled and videoenriched version of its Canvas CoolRings™ application
not only in its own stand but also in a reserved demo
pod in the BEA stand, both running on top of the BEA's
open-standards-based WebLogic SIP application server
(a.k.a. WLSS). While the basic idea behind the 2
exhibition stands was pretty much the same (i.e.,
availability and demonstration of next-generation
video services for deployment in packet-switched
networks), there were subtle differences between
what was on display in each stand.
The Canvas CoolRings demo at the
BEA stand hosted a single instance
of WLSS 3.0 integrated with the IMS
networks elements of HP all running
within a special-purpose equipment
rack put together by BEA, HP, and
Intel. Known as the IMS micro
edition (IMS-ME) rack, the equipment has been designed to travel on
wheels to demonstrate the IMS
technology/business benefits to
network operators around the
world. As can be seen in Figure 1,
IMS-ME environment comprises
built-in CSCF simulators, an HSS, and
an MRF, all supplied by HP and
integrated with BEA's WLSS.
Figure 1: IMS-ME Environment
Spring 2007
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Featured Articles
Telenity Debuts Video Ringback Tone Service for
SIP/IMS Networks at the 3GSM World Congress 2007
Gurol Akman, Chief Architect, Telenity
The Canvas CoolRings demo at the Telenity stand, on the
other hand, was intended to demonstrate a plain SIP
network version of the application. For this reason, no IMS
network elements were required in the Telenity stand. As
in the other case, a single instance of WLSS 3.0 was used
since the primary focus of both demos was on proof-ofconcept and not on actual service deployment and
concerns related to it.
An obvious difference between the demo configurations
in BEA and Telenity stands involved the need for SIP-based
special-purpose communication protocols (such as ISC for
CSCF/WLSS communication and Diameter for CSCF/HSS
communication) in the former case. Note however, in a
plain SIP network architecture, use of neither IMS
protocol was warranted.
Another notable difference between the demonstrations
at the BEA and Telenity stands at 3GSM 2007 was in regard
to the IP media servers used. At the BEA stand, the demo
was powered by HP OCMP 4.0 (positioned as an MRF in
IMS networks) for video playback. At the Telenity stand,
the Cantata (a.k.a. SnowShore) IP Multimedia Server was
used instead. In the case of HP OCMP, video playback was
facilitated by the SIP-based NETANN protocol whereas
in the case of Cantata IP Media Server, SIP-based
VoiceXML protocol was put in use. The fact that the
demos in both stands were driven by the same Canvas
CoolRings application attested to the importance of
open media server control standards in designing and
deploying media-rich applications for next-generation
networks. To this end, one of the important
announcements made at 3GSM within the leadership of
HP and BEA was about JSR 309 a newly proposed API
for protocol agnostic media server control to which
Telenity contributes as a member of the expert group.
Figure 2 shows a high-level system software
architecture of the SIP-enabled Canvas CoolRings
application debuted at 3GSM 2007. The noteworthy
points to make are that the application comprises a
number of special-purpose SIP and HTTP servlets, all of
which have been designed to execute under standard
SIP/HTTP servlet containers. As a direct result of this
standards-based approach, Canvas CoolRings
application is in a position to run on any J2EE-based SIP
application server that houses a standard (JSR 116) SIP
servlet container.
Figure 2: System Software Architecture
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
Featured Articles
Telenity Debuts Video Ringback Tone Service for
SIP/IMS Networks at the 3GSM World Congress 2007
Gurol Akman, Chief Architect, Telenity
The Canvas CoolRings service is offered to end users on a
subscription basis. Once subscribed and provisioned by
the operator, subscribers can customize the service
related parameters via WEB, WAP, and/or IVR/IVP portal
interfaces. In a typical use case, a subscriber selects the
video/audio ringback tones that should be provided to
callers on the basis of SIP URIs associated with them. Using
one of the subscriber portal interfaces listed above,
subscribers can purchase new content at any time and
specify the video/audio ringback tone to be provided to a
particular caller or group of callers. Charging for the
Canvas CoolRings service takes place only when new
content is purchased. That is because the ringback tone
service involves early media playback; thus, no charges are
incurred by callers or callees during call setup and ringing.
Figures 3 and 4 are intended to illustrate typical
examples of Canvas CoolRings user experience.
Screenshots in both figures are taken using the
eyeBeam/X-Lite SIP soft phones by CounterPath. Figure
3 depicts a case where the caller has initiated a video call
to a subscriber of the Canvas CoolRings service and he
gets to watch a mixed recording (video + audio) set
forth by the callee while the call is in ringing state. In
Figure 4, we see that the early media has been cut off as
the call has been established.
Figure 3: Call Ringing Phase
Figure 4: Call Established Phase
There is little doubt video will be a key enabler of many next-generation services, both for IMS and 3G networks. The
Canvas CoolRings application of Telenity is one such example of the enhanced end-user experience, excitement, and fun
the real-time multimedia services for next-generation networks promise.
Spring 2007
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Press Releases
Geocell Picks Telenity’s Video Ringback Tone
(RBT) Solution for 3G Service
Geocell Celebrates its 10 Year Anniversary with Deployment of Canvas® VideoMail and
Demonstration of One of World’s First Video Ringback Tone Solutions
M o n r o e , C T – M a r c h 2 8 , 2 0 0 7 – Te l e n i t y
( www.telenity.com ), a leading provider of next generation converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks, announced today that
Geocell, mobile operator in Georgia and a joint venture
company of Fintur Holdings BV, has chosen Telenity's
next generation video-enabled Canvas® CoolRings™,
personalized Video Ringback Tone application for
deployment in its 3G network after a successful demonstration during its 10 year anniversary celebrations.
Telenity also successfully deployed its Canvas VideoMail
application in Geocell's network.
“Thanks to the technological capabilities and
expertise provided by Telenity, Geocell has proven
its leadership position in technology and
innovation in the region with ground-breaking
value added services.”
Ringback tones (RBT) replace the traditional ringing,
busy or call waiting tones callers hear while waiting for
their call to be answered. Canvas CoolRings takes
personalized RBT to a new level by combining customizable video and audio content in a multimedia-rich way.
Subscribers of the Canvas CoolRings service can:
• Personalize their communications with a variety of
multimedia content: music videos, celebrity clips,
personal messages, infotainment clips or promotional
• Assign different video RBT to different callers or a
groups of callers
• Select a variety of video RBT for their callers based on
date, day or time
• Gift video content to other subscribers
• Receive flexible SMS notifications for new video
content availability
The user-friendly Canvas CoolRings supports Web, WAP,
SMS, and Interactive Video Portal (IVP) interfaces. It
supports numerous content types and can be
integrated with Telenity's content management
platform or a third party solution to allow secure and
independent management of multiple content
“We deployed the video mail service and successfully
demonstrated first video RBT service for 3G network
from Telenity during our 10th year anniversary,” said
Osman Turan, General Manager at Geocell. “We will
continue to offer our subscribers best in class 3G
services that improve their every day communications
and allow them to personalize their mobile experience
with video-rich content. Telenity has always been one
partner we can trust on to provide us with such next
generation value added services.”
Haydar Kizildag, Chief Technology Officer added,
“Thanks to the technological capabilities and expertise
provided by Telenity, Geocell has proven its leadership
position in technology and innovation in the region
with ground-breaking value added services.”
“Audio RBT continue to grow in popularity all around
the world. Video RBT build on this momentum and
allow operators to offer a medium for self-expression
while increasing revenues and maintaining customer
base,” said Dilip Singh, CEO at Telenity. “Geocell is a
valued customer and we are delighted to partner with
them on 3G converged value added services.”
Telenity will be showcasing a demo of its video RBT
solution at CTIA Wireless 2007, March 27-29, in Orlando
Florida at its partner BEA System's stand #875.
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
Press Releases
Geocell Picks Telenity’s Video Ringback Tone
(RBT) Solution for 3G Service
About Geocell
www.geocell.com.ge) is owned by Fintur HolGeocell (.................................................
dings BV, a Netherlands based company, which is jointly
owned by TeliaSonera and Turkcell, 58.55% and 41.45%,
respectively. TeliaSonera is a leading provider of mobile
and fixed telecommunications services in Sweden,
Finland, Denmark, and the Baltic region. Turkcell is
Turkey 's leading GSM operator and Europe 's third
largest GSM operator by subscriber numbers. Turkcell
provides mobile voice and data services to subscribers
throughout Turkey and neighboring states.
Didem Karabatur
About Telenity
Telenity is a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks . Telenity's I M S ready
converged services solutions include: reusable service
delivery and content components enabling rapid service
creation, deployment and execution functionalities
across multiple services and applications; location
gateways; integrated messaging solutions; and value
added services. Telenity's worldwide customer base
includes network operators, service providers and
application providers serving over 100 million
subscribers. Telenity partners with global and regional
network equipment providers, system integrators and
computing platform manufacturers. Learn more about
Telenity's Canvas family of converged services solutions
at www.telenity.com and download a copy of Telenity's
online newsletter Telescope .
Spring 2007
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Press Releases
Nawras Selects Telenity’s Service Delivery Platform
Telenity’s Canvas CSP, Converged Services Platform to Make Nawras’s Network Programmable
Monroe, CT. and Istanbul, TURKEY – (BUSINESS
WIRE) - March 13, 2007 – Telenity ( www.telenity.com ),
a leading provider of next generation converged services
platforms and applications for communications networks,
announced today that Nawras, the second leading
operator in Oman, has selected its Canvas® CSP, Converged Services Platform as an end-to-end SDP solution to
make its network programmable and offer converged
multimodal services cost-effectively and quickly.
"Nawras is excited to be in early deployment of Service
Delivery Platform (SDP) for its brand-new network," said
Nasser Esfahani, Head of Engineering at Nawras.
"Building the SDP environment right from the early
stage will not only give us the competitive edge but will
enable us faster time-to-market and simplify service
integration. Key criteria for selection of Telenity's SDP
solution was their deep understanding of Nawras'
technical requirements and their responsiveness in
proposing solutions to meet them," said Mr. Esfahani.
“Nawras is excited to be in early
deployment of Service Delivery
Platform (SDP) for its brand-new
network. Building the SDP
environment right from the early
stage will not only give us the
competitive edge but will enable us
faster time-to-market and simplify service
integration. Key criteria for selection of
Telenity's SDP solution was their deep
understanding of Nawras' technical
requirements and their responsiveness in
proposing solutions to meet them.”
"Nawras's selection of our Canvas CSP product and
services once again proves our strength as a service
delivery platform (SDP) provider and our deep
understanding of our customer needs," said Dilip Singh,
CEO at Telenity." With the deployment of our SDP
offering, Nawras will continue to achieve their goal of
being the customer-friendly mobile communications
operator in Oman with differentiated and personalized
service offerings that are easy-to-use while maintaining
control over their costs. We are delighted to expand our
presence in the region with a visionary customer like
Under the agreement, Telenity will deliver the complete
Service Delivery Platform (SDP) solution to Nawras's
mobile network including key components for Web
Services, Messaging Gateway, Charging and Provisioning.
With the deployment of Canvas CSP, Nawras will be able
to open its network to third party partner application
developers easily and securely while quickly creating,
managing and delivering new innovative services to its
Nawras selected Telenity's SDP solution because of its
compliance with the technical requirements for
functionality, quality, reliability, scalability and security.
Telenity also brings a wealth of experience and
knowledge from previous successful SDP deployments
including Turkcell, (NASDAQ: TCELL), the leading GSM
operator in Turkey and the third largest GSM operator in
Europe with 31.8 million subscribers.
Telenity's Canvas CSP, Converged Services Platform
provides the following key benefits to network
• Create, manage and deploy innovative services
quickly for rapid revenue generation
• Reduce the CAPEX cost and complexity of existing
silo implementation
• Single standard interface to all third parties to
effectively manage third party content and
application service provider partners to interact
seamlessly and create an open yet secure
environment where personalized services can be
easily introduced
• Enable service convergence and migration from
legacy circuit -switched to packet-switched IMS/IP
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
Press Releases
Nawras Selects Telenity’s Service Delivery Platform
About Nawras
Nawras launched the second mobile services in Oman on
the 16th of March 2005 and is a venture between:
- Qtel, the fixed and mobile operator in Qatar.
- TDC, a leading European telecom operator in Denmark.
- Strong local Omani partners.
Nawras brings a unique blend of international expertise
of Qtel, Qatar and TDC, Denmark and the local expertise
from a range of Omani partners. By combining the best
of technology with the best of personnel, we bring a
whole new dimension of customer experience in the
mobile communications sector.
Our vision is to enrich the lives of people in Oman
through better communication and by being the best
communications provider and employer of choice in
About Telenity
Telenity is a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks. Telenity's I M S ready
converged services solutions include: reusable service
delivery and content components enabling rapid
s e r v i c e c re a t i o n , d e p l o y m e n t a n d e x e c u t i o n
functionalities across multiple services and applications;
location gateways; integrated messaging solutions; and
value added services. Telenity's worldwide customer
base includes network operators, service providers and
application providers serving over 100 million
subscribers. Telenity partners with global and regional
network equipment providers, system integrators and
computing platform manufacturers. Learn more about
Telenity's Canvas family of converged services solutions
at www.telenity.com and download a copy of Telenity's
online newsletter Telescope.
Meet Telenity Executives at:
• 3G Mobile Eurasia, March 13-14, Istanbul, TURKEY
• CTIA Wireless 2007, March 27-29, Orlando, Florida
Telenity and Canvas are registered trademarks of Telenity.
Didem Karabatur
Spring 2007
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Press Releases
Geocell Chooses Telenity for Next Generation
Video Services
Telenity to Provide Video Mail and IP Conferencing Solution to Geocell’s 3G Network
Monroe, CT. and Istanbul, Turkey – (Business
Wire) – March 13, 2007 – Telenity (www.telenity.com ),
a leading provider of next generation converged services
platforms and applications for communications networks,
announced today that Geocell, mobile operator in
Georgia and a joint venture company of Fintur Holdings
BV, has chosen Telenity's next generation Canvas ®
VideoMail and Internet-Protocol (IP) Conferencing
solutions for deployment in its recently launched 3G
“Telenity's Canvas VideoMail guarantees call
completion and revenue generation from 3G video
calls that would otherwise be non-billable.”
Telenity was the first value added services (VAS)
infrastructure provider to Geocell for both Intelligent
Network (IN) and next generation services support.
Currently Telenity's Canvas solutions including Ring-back
Tones, Multimedia Messaging Service Center, Short
Messaging Service Center, Voice Mail System, and voice
supported services and applications serve an increasing
number of subscribers in the Geocell network. The new
contract also covers upgrades of these already deployed
revenue generating services. The existing ringback tone
service from Telenity can be extended in the future to
support video ringback tones in Geocell's 3G network.
Canvas VideoMail is a carrier grade platform that provides
video message storage, record, playback and management capabilities with high capacity, performance,
reliability and scalability. Canvas VideoMail offers:
• Ubiquitous video mailbox access
• Subscriber Interactive Video Portal (IVP) and WEB
• Video message delivery with email
• Customized Video greetings options
• Short message and email notification of video message
• Flexible charging models
" Te l e n i t y ' s C a n va s Vi d e o M a i l g u a ra n t e e s c a l l
completion and revenue generation from 3G video
calls that would otherwise be non-billable," said Osman
Turan, General Manager at Geocell. "With Canvas
VideoMail, we will be able to offer our subscribers a
next generation service that takes their everyday
communications to a new personalized level with rich
video messages."
Haydar Kizildag, Chief Technology Officer of Geocell
highlights Geocell's leadership position in technology
and innovation in the region. "Geocell is the leading
network operator in the region for it's innovative value
added services and new service launch capability,
thanks to the underlying technological capabilities that
are totally provided by Telenity."
"Geocell has consistently been one of the most
innovative operators in the region and a valued
customer of Telenity. Geocell's selection of our next
generation 3G services is a testament to Telenity's
continued leadership in converged service delivery
solutions," said Dilip Singh, CEO at Telenity.
About Geocell
Visit Geocell at www.geocell.com.ge . Geocell is owned
by Fintur Holdings BV, a Netherlands based company, is
jointly owned by TeliaSonera and Turkcell, 58.55% and
41.45%, respectively. Listed on the Stockholm Stock
Exchange (SSE: TLSN) and Helsinki Stock Exchange
(HEX: TLS1V), TeliaSonera is a leading provider of
mobile and fixed telecommunications services in
Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and the Baltic region. Listed
on the NYSE stock exchange in the United States
(NYSE:TKC) and the Istanbul stock exchange, Turkcell is
Turkey's leading GSM operator and Europe's third
largest GSM operator by subscriber numbers. Turkcell
provides mobile voice and data services to subscribers
throughout Turkey and neighboring states. Currently
Geocell has more than 1,150,000 active subscribers.
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
Press Releases
Geocell Chooses Telenity for Next Generation
Video Services
About Telenity
Telenity is a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks . Telenity's I M S ready
converged services solutions include: reusable service
delivery and content components enabling rapid service
creation, deployment and execution functionalities
across multiple services and applications; location
gateways; integrated messaging solutions; and value
added services. Telenity's worldwide customer base
includes network operators, service providers and
application providers serving over 100 million
subscribers. Telenity partners with global and regional
network equipment providers, system integrators and
computing platform manufacturers. Learn more about
Telenity's Canvas family of converged services solutions
at www.telenity.com and download a copy of Telenity's
online newsletter Telescope .
Didem Karabatur
Meet Telenity Executives at:
• 3G Mobile Eurasia, March 13-14, Istanbul, TURKEY
• CTIA Wireless 2007, March 27-29, Orlando, Florida
Telenity and Canvas are registered trademarks of Telenity.
Spring 2007
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Press Releases
Telenity to Present at 3G Mobile Eurasia 2007
Conference in Istanbul
Monroe, CT. and Istanbul, TURKEY – March 9, 2007
– Telenity ( www.telenity.com ), a leading provider of next
generation converged services platforms and applications
for communications networks, announced today that
Telenity CEO, Dilip Singh will present the session entitled
"Leveraging Service Delivery Platforms (SDP) to Ease
Convergence" on Tuesday, March 13 at the 3G Mobile
Eurasia Conference in Istanbul, Turkey.
3G Mobile Eurasia brings together world class industry
experts from companies such as TeliaSonera Eurasia,
Turkcell (Turkey), Bakcell (Azerbaijan), Life:) (Ukraine),
Vimpelcom (Russia) and Fintur Holdings presenting the
latest industry trends and future directions, market and
business drivers, and challenges and opportunities for
communications networks.
As voice ARPU is declining worldwide, maintaining and
increasing subscriber base, and deploying the right value
added services quickly and efficiently as well as
managing third party application developers easily and
securely become critical for operators to sustain their
profitability and growth. Convergence of network
services is essential for operators to remain competitive
and offer quadruple services for wireless, wireline,
Internet and Cable/TV networks. Mr. Singh's presentation will focus on:
• A Business Case Driven Service Delivery Platform (SDP)
• Integrating and Managing VAS Partners
• Integrating Video, Voice, Messaging and Location into
• Web Services and Service Creation in SDP Environment
• SDP and IMS: Competing or Complementing
• Integrating and Managing VAS Partners
To make an appointment with Telenity executives at
the event, please contact Didem Karabatur at
(90) 212-468-2019 or email marketinginfo@telenity.com
Additional information on 3G Mobile Eurasia 2007 is
available at www.telenity.com .
About Telenity
Telenity is a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks. Telenity's I M S ready
converged services solutions include: reusable service
delivery and content components enabling rapid
service creation, deployment and execution functionalities across multiple services and applications;
location gateways; integrated messaging solutions; and
value added services. Telenity's worldwide customer
base includes network operators, service providers and
application providers serving over 100 million
subscribers. Telenity partners with global and regional
network equipment providers, system integrators and
computing platform manufacturers. Learn more about
Telenity's Canvas family of converged services solutions
at www.telenity.com and download a copy of Telenity's
online newsletter Telescope .
Meet Telenity Executives at:
• 3G Mobile Eurasia, March 13-14, Istanbul, TURKEY
• CTIA Wireless 2007, March 27-29, Orlando, Florida
Telenity and Canvas are registered trademarks of
Didem Karabatur
Telenity has gained wealth of knowledge and experience
in successful deployment of SDP components and valueadded services which Telenity recently announced
including the successful implementation at Turkcell,
(NASDAQ: TCELL), the leading GSM operator in Turkey
and the third largest GSM operator in Europe with 31.8
million subscribers.
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
Press Releases
KKTCELL Selects Telenity to Launch
Converged Value Added Services Infrastructure
Telenity Commercially Deploys its Canvas Ringback Tone and Messaging Services in
Monroe, CT. – (Business Wire) – March 07, 2007 –
Telenity ( www.telenity.com ), a leading provider of next
generation converged services platforms and applications for communications networks, announced today
that KKTCELL, mobile operator in Northern Cyprus, has
selected Telenity to provide converged value added
services including personalized ringback tone (RBT) and
converged messaging solutions to its customer base.
With Telenity’s next generation Canvas® CoolRings™,
Personalized Ringback Tone service, commercially deployed in its network, KKTCELL now offers its subscribers
the ability to replace the traditional ringing tones that
their callers hear before a call is connected with
personalized audio clips. The service capacity has
doubled within the first two weeks of its successful
launch. Benefits of Canvas CoolRings include:
• Support for voice and video in TDM and IP networks
• Rich personalization options per caller ID, groups, date
and time, personal album, etc.
• Numerous user interfaces: WEB, SMS, IVR, Interactive
Video Portal, WAP
• Flexible deployment models for different network types
• Flexible subscriber provisioning mechanisms
The existing RBT service from Telenity can be extended in
the future to support video RBT in KKTCELL’s 3G network.
Telenity also commercially deployed its converged
messaging solutions including Canvas Multimedia
Messaging Service Center (MMSC), Short Message
Service Center (SMSC), VoiceMail and WAP Gateway in
KKTCELL’s network. Integrated on a common platform,
Telenity’s distributed, I P-based next generation
messaging solutions support high performance and
scalability and offer a cost-effective path to total
"At KKTCELL, we are committed to providing our
customers with best of class services and latest
developments of mobile communications to facilitate
personalization, easy access to information and
increased productivity in their daily communications,"
said Huseyin Babayigit, Assistant General ManagerTechnical Operations at KKTCell. "And Telenity’s Canvas
converged solutions help us quickly create, personalize
and deliver innovative value added services with
interactive user experiences."
"We are delighted to partner with KKTCELL in implementing their value added services infrastructure to
enable new voice and data messaging, and content
services," said Dilip Singh, CEO at Telenity. "Integrated on
a common platform, our Canvas converged solutions
will support KKTCELL in rapidly and cost-effectively
launching new revenue generating services that will
boost adoption and increase average revenue per user".
About KKTCell
Kuzey Kibris Turkcell (KKTCELL) is the leading GSM
operator which started providing its subscribers (in
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) with services as
the 4th external subsidiary of Turkcell Communications
Services PLC on August 3 , 1999. It has increased the
range of its services provided based on mobile voice
and data transfer and quality, thus improved the
number of its subscribers in time and its investments
over the years. As of the end of 2006, Kuzey Kýbrýs
TURKCELL owns %75 market share in Turkish Republic
of Northern Cyprus despite entering the market 4
years after its competitor.
“Telenity’s Canvas converged
solutions help us quickly create,
personalize and deliver innovative
value added services with
interactive user experiences.”
Spring 2007
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Press Releases
KKTCELL Selects Telenity to Launch
Converged Value Added Services Infrastructure
About Telenity
Telenity is a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks . Telenity's I M S ready
converged services solutions include: reusable service
delivery and content components enabling rapid service
creation, deployment and execution functionalities
across multiple services and applications; location
gateways; integrated messaging solutions; and value
added services. Telenity's worldwide customer base
includes network operators, service providers and
application providers serving over 100 million
subscribers. Telenity partners with global and regional
network equipment providers, system integrators and
computing platform manufacturers. Learn more about
Telenity's Canvas family of converged services solutions
at www.telenity.com and download a copy of Telenity's
online newsletter Telescope .
Didem Karabatur
Meet Telenity Executives at:
• 3G Mobile Eurasia, March 13-14, Istanbul, TURKEY
• CTIA Wireless 2007, March 27-29, Orlando, Florida
Telenity and Canvas are registered trademarks of Telenity.
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
Press Releases
Telefónica Móviles España Selects Telenity and
Datatronics for Next Generation Convergent
Platform and Service Deployment
Telenity and Datatronics Successfully Trial Convergent Voice and Video Services
in Telefonica Networks
Barcelona, Spain – February 12, 2007– Telenity
( www.telenity.com ), a leading provider of next generation converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks, announced today that
Telefónica Móviles España (TME), the mobile operator of
Telefónica in the Spanish market, has selected Telenity
and Datatronics for commercial deployment of next
generation convergent services platform and services to
a subscriber base of over 21 million in Spain.
Telenity's Canvas TAS, Telecom Application Server will
be deployed as the new Multidomain Intelligent
Peripheral Node in Telefónica's convergent network.
The initial solution, which consists of a lab system and a
pre-production system, will have a capacity of 8000
calls (BCH) and 10,000 USSDs (BCH) in a multidomain
circuit-switched and SIP environment with Automatic
Speech Recognition and Text-To-Speech (ASR/TTS)
“We selected the Telenity and Datatronics
solution because we are confident in their vast
telecom experience, the scalability, flexibility and
the interoperability of the solution, and their
expert teams that will provide the support and
services we require.”
“The next generation service delivery solution from
Telenity and Datatronics is part of our strategic plan to
move to an IP Multimedia System (IMS)-based convergent network environment,” said José Gallego, Director
of Network Developments at Telefonica.
The contract also marks a strong relationship between
Telenity and Datatronics, a leading system integration
and end-to-end solutions company with strong
presence in Spain, Europe and Latin America.
Telefónica Móviles España selected Telenity and
Datatronics solution from a group of major competitors
based on a successful trial of Telenity's Canvas TAS,
Telecom Application Server a component of Canvas CSP,
Converged Services Platform and four next generation
services including:
• Video Call Access Services - Video mail, Video mail with
• Voice Access Services - Voice directory service with
• Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) based personalized
ringback tones
• SIP based roamers call back service
Spring 2007
“We selected the Telenity and Datatronics solution
because we are confident in their vast telecom
experience, the scalability, flexibility and the interoperability of the solution, and their expert teams that
will provide the support and services we require.”
“Telefonica's selection of Telenity's service delivery
solution and our vast system integration expertise will
give Telefonica the ability to easily create advanced
converged services and open up service and content
development to third party developers,” said Oscar
González, Global Account Manager at Datatronics.
“This Telefonica success is further evidence of our ability
to serve Tier 1 customers and deliver leading edge
service delivery technology which provides operators
the competitive advantage in creating, personalizing
and delivering next generation convergent services
that increase their bottom lines,” said Dilip Singh, CEO
at Telenity. “We are delighted to continue our successful
partnership with Datatronics on this and future
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Press Releases
Telefónica Móviles España Selects Telenity and
Datatronics for Next Generation Convergent
Platform and Service Deployment
About Datatronics
Datatronics is a leading supplier of end-to-end solutions
for the fixed and wireless market, delivering customerdriven services to meet their current needs, while
keeping in mind future needs for advanced services.
Datatronics is a provider of technologies and solutions in
the arena of the core telecom network (IN, CAMEL,
MAP). Acting as a VAR and Solution Provider of leading
companies in the field of signalling, messaging, NGN,
roaming and fraud detection, interworking, fixed mobile
convergence (FMC) and mobile video services and
Datatronics offers also a full chain of professional
services and delivers turn-key solutions.
Visit Datatronics at:
• CTIA Wireless, March 27-29, Orlando, FL, USA
• 3GSM World Congress, February 12-15, Barcelona,
About Telenity
Telenity is a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks. Telenity's I M S ready
converged services solutions include: reusable service
delivery and content components enabling rapid
s e r v i c e c re a t i o n , d e p l o y m e n t a n d e x e c u t i o n
functionalities across multiple services and applications;
location gateways; integrated messaging solutions; and
value added services. Telenity's worldwide customer
base includes network operators, service providers and
application providers serving over 100 million
subscribers. Telenity partners with global and regional
network equipment providers, system integrators and
computing platform manufacturers. Learn more about
Telenity's Canvas family of converged services solutions
at www.telenity.com and download a copy of Telenity's
online newsletter Telescope .
Meet Telenity Executives at:
• 3GSM World Congress, February 12-15, Barcelona,
• 3G Mobile Eurasia, March 13-14, Istanbul, TURKEY
Telenity and Canvas are registered trademarks of
Didem Karabatur
Juan Carlos Calderón
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
Press Releases
Telenity Partners with BEA Systems to
Successfully Trial SIP-enabled Ringback Tones (RBT)
Telenity’s Canvas CoolRings Integrated with BEA WebLogic SIP Server Provides
a Powerful IMS Solution for Personalized Ringback Tones
Barcelona, Spain – February 12, 2007 – Telenity
( www.telenity.com), a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks, announced today a key
milestone in its Independent Software Vendor (ISV)
partnership with BEA Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: BEAS) a world
leader in enterprise and communications infrastructure
software. As part of Telenity's and BEA's initiatives to
provide next generation SIP-based applications, the two
companies have integrated Telenity's Canvas CoolRings™,
Personalized Ringback Tone application with BEA
WebLogic SIP Server, the industry's first converged Java
E E-SI P-I M S application server. The resulting joint
converged ringback tones solution has been successfully
trialed in two major Tier one operators in the United
States, and represents further momentum for both
companies in their service delivery efforts.
The solution supports:
• Delivery of SIP-enabled personalized audio and video
ringback tones in wireless and wireline networks
• Flexible subscriber provisioning
• Web, SMS, IVR based easy access
• Enhanced user experience
• Flexible charging models
“By integrating Telenity's multi-tiered
converged service oriented approach
with the converged IT-IMS service
creation and delivery capabilities of
BEA WebLogic SIP Server, together
Telenity and BEA can help enable
network operators to quickly develop
and market next generation value
added service offerings,” said Mike
McHugh, vice president and general manager, BEA
WebLogic Communications Platform, BEA Systems. “This
joint solution can strengthen the overall ecosystem for the
BEA WebLogic Communications Platform product family,
and help enable the rapid delivery of telecom network
The continued integration of Telenity's Canvas Converged Services solutions including content management
and location, and Canvas Service Creation Environment
(SCE) with BEA WebLogic SIP Server is designed to allow
the two companies to offer operators enhanced videobased revenue generating applications. The porting of
Telenity's standards based Canvas SCE, can also allow
BEA to develop new multimodal services on the BEA
WebLogic SIP Server.
Spring 2007
“BEA's proven ability to deliver open, scalable, and
converged telecom application infrastructure can help
enable us to deliver flexible, leading edge, IMS-based
content delivery and location services to network
operators,” said Dilip Singh, CEO of Telenity.
The joint SIP-based ringback tones solution is schedule to
be demonstrated at BEA's booth, Exhibition Hall1, Booth
B22 during 3GSM World Congress 2007, February 12-15,
in Barcelona, Spain. For more information on BEA
WebLogic SIP Sever, please visit bea.com/sip . For more
information on Telenity's Canvas CoolRings and
Canvas Service Creation Environment, please visit
www.telenity.com or visit the Telenity booth #1B51, at
3GSM World Congress 2007.
About Telenity
Telenity is a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks. Telenity's I M S ready
converged services solutions include: reusable service
delivery and content components enabling rapid
service creation, deployment and execution functionalities across multiple services and applications;
location gateways; integrated messaging solutions; and
value added services. Telenity's worldwide customer
base includes network operators, service providers and
application providers serving over 100 million
subscribers. Telenity partners with global and regional
network equipment providers, system integrators and
computing platform manufacturers. Learn more about
Telenity's Canvas family of converged services solutions
at www.telenity.com and download a copy of Telenity's
online newsletter Telescope .
Meet Telenity Executives at:
• 3GSM World Congress, February 12-15, Barcelona,
• 3G Mobile Eurasia, March 13-14, Istanbul, TURKEY
Telenity and Canvas are registered trademarks of Telenity.
Didem Karabatur
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Press Releases
Telenity Achieves Sun Principal Partner Level
for Solaris 10 Operating System Deployment
Telenity’s Canvas Solution Powered by Sun Solaris 10
Barcelona, Spain – February 12, 2007 – Telenity
(www.telenity.com), a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks, announced today that it has
achieved “Principal Partner” status in Sun Microsystems'
Independent Software Vendor (ISV) program. The global
alliance with Sun enhances both companies' efforts in the
delivery of carrier grade products to service providers and
telecom network operators.
“Sun works closely with partners like Telenity to
deliver innovative solutions that address the
changing needs of the converged communications and content market.”
Telenity's Canvas® solutions are built on Sun's telecom
grade server and software technology, including Sun's
Solaris™ 10 Operating System (OS), Solaris Cluster, and the
Java™ Enterprise System (JES). With the Solaris 10 OS,
Telenity's customers have access to the popular features
that are unique to this operating system, such as Dynamic
Tracing (DTrace), Predictive Self-Healing, Solaris Containers
and Solaris ZFS. These sophisticated features provide
Telenity's customers with extended network security,
optimal performance and increased availability.
"Sun's end-to-end communications platform technologies
help providers save time and money in deploying new,
enhanced services to their customers," said Kirk Mosher,
Strategic Marketing Manager, Global Communications
Solutions at Sun Microsystems, Inc. "Sun works closely with
partners like Telenity to deliver innovative solutions that
address the changing needs of the converged communications and content market."
Telenity's Canvas ® product portfolio is deployed by
customers worldwide, including Turkcell (Turkey), BSNL
(India), Geocell (Georgia), Azercell (Azerbaijan), KKTCELL
(Cyprus), BH Telecom, Moldcell and CAT (Thailand).
"We are excited to achieve Principal Partner level with Sun
as it shows our commitment to the Solaris 10 OS and to
our customers in bringing the best-in-class telecom grade
solutions, better price performance and TCO", says Nitin
Patel, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, at Telenity.
"Telenity is also committed to Java 2 Platform Enterprise
Edition (J2EE™) technology standards as a member of the
Java Community Process (JCP), we also plan to actively
contribute to JCP-led specifications".
About Telenity
Telenity is a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks. Telenity's I M S ready
converged services solutions include: reusable service
delivery and content components enabling rapid
service creation, deployment and execution functionalities across multiple services and applications;
location gateways; integrated messaging solutions; and
value added services. Telenity's worldwide customer
base includes network operators, service providers and
application providers serving over 100 million
subscribers. Telenity partners with global and regional
network equipment providers, system integrators and
computing platform manufacturers. Learn more about
Telenity's Canvas family of converged services solutions
at www.telenity.com and download a copy of Telenity's
online newsletter Telescope .
Meet Telenity Executives at:
• 3GSM World Congress, February 12-15, Barcelona,
• 3G Mobile Eurasia, March 13-14, Istanbul, TURKEY
Telenity and Canvas are registered trademarks of Telenity.
Didem Karabatur
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
Press Releases
Telenity Appoints Aydin Kendir as
Senior VP Global Sales and Product Delivery
Feyyaz Atalay Joins Telenity as VP of Sales for Europe, Middle East and Africa
M o n r o e , CT – Fe b r u a r y 8 , 2 0 0 7 – Te l e n i t y
(www.telenity.com), a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks, announced today the appointment of Mr. Aydin Kendir as Senior Vice President of
Global Sales and Product Delivery, and Mr. Feyyaz Atalay as
Senior Vice President of Sales for Europe, Middle East and
Africa (EMEA).
Aydin Kendir comes back to Telenity and will head
Telenity's global Sales and Product Delivery teams including
pre-sales, sales, program management, product delivery
and customer support. Placing increased focus on global
customers, partners and alliances, Aydin will support the
company's global expansion strategy. He will report
directly to Dilip Singh, CEO at Telenity.
With over 15 years of industry experience, Feyyaz Atalay
also comes back to Telenity and will lead the EMEA sales
team to identify and drive targeted areas of growth in the
region such as direct customers, partnerships and
distribution channels, as well as drive the development
and execution of Telenity's EMEA corporate strategy. He
will report directly to Aydin Kendir.
“We are delighted to have Aydin and Feyyaz join our team.
They both bring a wealth of experience to Telenity and
they will be key contributors in building stronger partnerships with channels, alliances and customers,” said Dilip
Singh, CEO at Telenity. “We see tremendous demand for
our converged services solutions globally especially service
creation and delivery, location, integrated messaging and
advanced services, including video ringback tones and
video mail. With Aydin and Feyyaz's expertise and strong
industry relations, we will continue to aggressively grow
our presence in global markets”.
Aydin Kendir's over 15 years of industry experience
includes executive positions in sales and business development for wireless and wireline value added services and
IP based next generation platforms. Kendir holds a BA
degree in Economics from Bosphorus University in Istanbul,
Turkey. Before Telenity, Kendir was the HP OpenCall Sales
and Business Development Manager for EMEA region.
Previously, Kendir held director of sales position for Eastern
Europe, Middle East and Africa regions at Telenity. Prior to
joining Telenity, Kendir held sales and management
positions at Telular Group, Interfax, and Phoenix Wireless
Spring 2007
Most recently, Feyyaz Atalay held sales account manager
position at Ericsson Turkey. Previously, Atalay was sales
director at Telenity where he helped develop the
company's sales team from its inception. Prior to Telenity,
Atalay was with Ericsson as sales account manager for its
wireless and wireline data networking where his team
deployed to and supported the largest ISP in Turkey.
Before Ericsson, Atalay held sales management and
technical positions at Telsoft, Intelnet and Ortas. Atalay
holds a BS In Electrical and Electronics Engineering from
Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey.
About Telenity
Telenity is a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks. Telenity's I M S ready
converged services solutions include: reusable service
delivery and content components enabling rapid
service creation, deployment and execution functionalities across multiple services and applications;
location gateways; integrated messaging solutions; and
value added services. Telenity's worldwide customer
base includes network operators, service providers and
application providers serving over 100 million
subscribers. Telenity partners with global and regional
network equipment providers, system integrators and
computing platform manufacturers. Learn more about
Telenity's Canvas family of converged services solutions
at www.telenity.com and download a copy of Telenity's
online newsletter Telescope .
Meet Telenity Executives at:
• 3GSM World Congress, February 12-15, Barcelona,
• 3G Mobile Eurasia, March 13-14, Istanbul, TURKEY
Telenity and Canvas are registered trademarks of Telenity.
Didem Karabatur
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Press Releases
Telenity Deploys Service Delivery Platform (SDP)
Components in Turkcell
Telenity’s Canvas CSP, Converged Services Platform Provides Key Components of
Standards Based Next Generation SDP
Monroe, CT. – (BUSINESS WIRE) - February 07,
2007– Telenity (www.telenity.com ), a leading provider of
next generation converged services platforms and
applications for communications networks, announced
today that its Canvas® CSP, Converged Services Platform
components has been successfully deployed in Turkcell's
Service Delivery Platform Architecture (SDPA), a leading
third largest GSM operator in Europe with a subscriber
base of 31.8 million.
Turkcell selected Telenity's Canvas CSP, Converged
Services Platform, for SDP deployment to enable wide
range of value-added services for voice, data, content
and a single point of access to third party application
developers and content providers. The approach to SDP
deployment is based on a standardized service oriented
architecture that will enable Turkcell:
deliver new value-added service," as Turkcell's Chief
Service and Product Development Officer explains. "Our
service provider partners access the service delivery
platform rapidly through our new portal."
Telenity's position as a global player in the SDP ecosystem enables it to incorporate its proven products to
offer a risk-free solution. Telenity's experience and
extensive know-how help operators evolve to a full SDP
in well-defined incremental steps. Telenity was instrumental right from the early phases of the Turkcell SDPA
project and worked with Turkcell and leading System
Integrators and other software developers for the
• Create and deploy services quickly
• Reduce the cost and complexity of existing silo service
• Effectively manage, secure single point of access to
3rd party content and applications
• Enable service convergence and migration from legacy
to packet switched IMS/IP
As a result of the commercial launch of SDPA and its
portals, Turkcell's Chief Service and Product Development Officer concludes: "We have seen a beyond
expectations uptake in our value-added services usage.
The new service creation and delivery implementation
from Telenity as one of our partner including other SSD
partners have helped us to provide the new and more
pleasant customer experience with improved time to
market values."
"The new SDPA reduces time-to-market for new services.
It now takes considerably less time to integrate and
Telenity designed, developed and delivered several key
SDP components to Turkcell:
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
Press Releases
Telenity Deploys Service Delivery Platform (SDP)
Components in Turkcell
About Turkcell
Turkcell is the leading GSM operator in Turkey and the
third largest GSM operator in Europe with 31.8 million
subscribers as of 2006 December. Turkcell is a market
leader introducing innovative products and services
launched GPRS and EDGE network. Turkcell is the only
listed Turkish company in the New York Stock Exchange.
Turkcell has interests in international GSM operations in
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Northern
Cyprus and Ukraine.
Didem Karabatur
About Telenity
Telenity is a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for communications networks. Telenity's I M S compliant
converged services solutions include: reusable service
delivery and content components enabling rapid service
creation, deployment and execution functionalities
across multiple services and applications; location
gateways; integrated messaging solutions; and value
added services. Telenity's worldwide customer base
includes network operators, service providers and
application providers serving over 100 million subscribers. Telenity partners with global and regional
network equipment providers, system integrators and
computing platform manufacturers. Learn more about
Telenity's Canvas family of converged services solutions
at www.telenity.com and download a copy of Telenity's
online newsletter Telescope .
Meet Telenity Executives at:
• 3GSM World Congress, February 12-15, Barcelona,
• 3G Mobile Eurasia, March 13-14, Istanbul, TURKEY
Telenity and Canvas are registered trademarks of Telenity.
Spring 2007
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Press Releases
Telenity Joins Oracle Service Delivery Platform
(SDP) Partner Initiative
Partner Ecosystem to Speed Deployment of Standards Based Solution
Monroe, CT. – (BUSINESS WIRE) – February 7, 2007
– Telenity ( www.telenity.com ), a leading provider of next
generation converged services platforms and applications
for communications networks, announced today that it
has joined forces with Oracle in the Oracle Service Delivery
Platform (SDP) Partner Initiative. The new initiative
enhances both companies' efforts to build a rich portfolio
of new communications services based on a standardsbased service delivery platform for service providers and
telecom network operators.
Telenity, a Certified Partner in the Oracle PartnerNetwork,
brings to the Oracle SDP Partner Initiative the Telenity
Canvas CSP, Converged Services Platform, and its valueadded services which can now integrate with Oracle's
carrier-grade software such as Oracle Service Delivery
Platform, Oracle Database, Oracle Real Application
Clusters, Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Oracle Portal.
As service provider networks converge, support for
standards based platforms for existing and next
generation networks are key to value-added services
deployment. Telenity's Canvas CSP solution supports carrier
grade re-usable components for service delivery and IMS:
• Service Creation Environment (SCE), graphical interface
and service building blocks
• Service Enablers for call control, messaging, location,
content and charging
• Gateways for network (IN/IP), messaging, location,
and third party access
• Out-of-box value added services such as ringback
tones (RBT), voice/video mail, conferencing, and
location-based services
• Integrated Messaging Applications (SMS, SMS Router,
"Oracle is excited to work with
companies like Telenity to build
a vibrant marketplace of
innovative, new solutions for our joint customers," said
Vittorio Viarengo, vice president of development, Oracle.
"Oracle's commitment to creating a partner ecosystem
around Oracle's scalable, standards-based service delivery
platform will aid companies like Telenity to get new,
billable services to market faster."
"Working with Oracle in the Oracle SDP Partner Initiative
marks an important step in providing customers with a
converged services-led solution that can enhance their
market leadership," said Dilip Singh, CEO at Telenity. “The
Oracle SDP solution combined with Telenity's Canvas®
converged services components with standards based
service creation, deployment and execution functionality
for multi-modal services will enable a quick return on
investment for our customers.”
About Oracle PartnerNetwork
Oracle PartnerNetwork is a global business network of
more than19,000 companies who deliver innovative
software solution based on Oracle software. Through
access to Oracle's premier products, education, technical
services, marketing and sales support, the Oracle
PartnerNetwork program provides partners with the
resources they need to be successful in today's global
economy. Oracle partners are able to offer their
customers leading-edge solutions backed by Oracle's
position as the world's largest enterprise software
company. Partners who are able to demonstrate the
highest level of product knowledge, technical expertise
and commitment to business with Oracle qualify for the
Oracle Certified Advantage Partner level. For more
information visit http://oraclepartnernetwork.oracle.com
About Telenity
Telenity is a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks. Telenity's I M S ready
converged services solutions include: reusable service
delivery and content components enabling rapid
service creation, deployment and execution functionalities across multiple services and applications;
location gateways; integrated messaging solutions; and
value added services. Telenity's worldwide customer
base includes network operators, service providers and
application providers serving over 100 million
subscribers. Telenity partners with global and regional
network equipment providers, system integrators and
computing platform manufacturers. Learn more about
Telenity's Canvas family of converged services solutions
at www.telenity.com and download a copy of Telenity's
online newsletter Telescope .
Meet Telenity Executives at:
• 3GSM World Congress, Feb. 12-15, Barcelona, SPAIN
• 3G Mobile Eurasia, March 13-14, Istanbul, TURKEY
Telenity and Canvas are registered trademarks of Telenity.
Didem Karabatur
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
Press Releases
Magazine’s 2006 Product of the Year Award
Canvas LES, Location Enabling Server Recognized for Outstanding Innovation
M o n r o e , CT. – J a n u a r y 1 1 , 2 0 0 7 – Te l e n i t y
(www.telenity.com), a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for
communications networks, announced today that
Technology Marketing Corporation (TMC )'s INTERNET
TELEPHONY magazine (.....................................
www.itmag.com ) has named
Canvas LES, Location Enabling Server based on converged
service delivery as a recipient of a 2006 Product of the Year
Award. INTERNET TELEPHONY has been the VoIP
Authority Since 1998™.
“Telenity has proven they are committed to quality
and excellence while addressing real needs in the
marketplace. We're proud to honor their hard work
and accomplishments and look forward to more
innovative solutions from them in the future.”
“We are thrilled to be recognized for our product
excellence and commitment
to standards based next
generation technology and
receive this prestigious award
said Nitin Patel, Vice President
of Strategic Marketing at
Telenity. “Our scalable Canvas LES, Location Enabling Server
and 14 location-based services have been deployed in
networks around the world including India 's state-owned
telecom giant, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL). We
understand the personalization needs of the end-users
and the return on investment requirements of operators
and we meet these with best of breed service delivery and
location solutions.”
Canvas LES ensures subscribers can easily find, locate or
monitor mobile phones and other assets based on their
geographic position, points of interest and securely finetune their privacy profile on the fly personalization.
Telenity provides comprehensive suite of location-based
services that include but not limited to:
• Real Time Fleet and Asset Management - enables
enterprises to locate, monitor and manage their
mobile assets and employees in a secure way using a
simple Web browser.
• Friend Finder – alerts subscribers when one of their
friends in their buddy list is in close proximity to their
location or vice versa
• Mobile Yellow Pages – allows subscribers to get the
location of the closest service point of their interest.
“INTERNET TELEPHONY is proud to bestow Telenity with
a 2006 Product of the Year Award. Each year INTERNET
TELEPHONY magazine recognizes companies that have
demonstrated excellence in technological advancement
and application refinements,” said Rich Tehrani, TMC
President and Editor-in-Chief of INTERNET TELEPHONY
magazine. “Telenity has proven they are committed to
quality and excellence while addressing real needs in the
marketplace. We're proud to honor their hard work and
accomplishments and look forward to more innovative
solutions from them in the future.”
A full list of Product of the Year winners will be published
in the February, 2007 issue of INTERNET TELEPHONY
magazine. (www.itmag.com)
For more information about TMC and INTERNET
TELEPHONY magazine, please visit www.tmcnet.com .
Telenity's Canvas LES is a key component of our Canvas
Converged Services Platform (CSP). Canvas CSP provides
carrier grade scalability and reusability for multiple services.
It offers best of breed gateway components for location,
messaging, content and third party access. It supports
3GPP/3GPP2 standards based service enablers for service
delivery environments. Built on the Canvas service creation
environment, industry standard telephony applications
server and service delivery gateway, Telenity's Canvas CSP
solution is the most comprehensive and advanced in the
world today and is positioned for value added services
(VAS) in Wireline and Wireless supporting IP Multimedia
Subsystem (IMS) and 3G networks.
Spring 2007
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Press Releases
Magazine’s 2006 Product of the Year Award
About Telenity
Telenity is a leading provider of next generation
converged services platforms and applications for communications networks. Telenity's IMS compliant converged
services solutions include: reusable service delivery and
content components enabling rapid service creation,
deployment and execution functionalities across multiple
services and applications; location gateways; integrated
messaging solutions; and value added services. Telenity's
worldwide customer base includes network operators,
service providers and application providers serving over
100 million subscribers. Telenity partners with global and
regional network equipment providers, system integrators
and computing platform manufacturers. Learn more
about Telenity's Canvas family of converged services
solutions at www.telenity.com and download a copy of
Telenity's online newsletter Telescope .
Meet Telenity Executives at:
• 3GSM World Congress, February 12-15, Barcelona,
• 3G Mobile Eurasia, March 13-14, Istanbul, TURKEY
Telenity and Canvas are registered trademarks of Telenity.
Since the first issue in February of 1998, INTERNET
TELEPHONY is the only magazine that focuses on
providing information in IP communications technologies.
INTERNET TELEPHONY magazine provides readers with
the best information necessary to learn about and
purchase the equipment, software, and services.
INTERNET TELEPHONY offers rich content from solutionsfocused editorial content to reviews on products and
services from TMC Labs and Miercom. The only BPAaudited publication that's 100% dedicated to providing
the highest quality content for the IP communications
market, INTERNET TELEPHONY has 55,000 dedicated
About TMC
Technology Marketing Corporation (TMC) publishes four
print publications: Customer Interaction Solutions,
INTERNET TELEPHONY, SIP Magazine and IMS Magazine. TMCnet, TMC's Web site, is the leading source of
news and articles for the communications and technology industries. Ranked in the top 2,600 sites in the
world by alexa.com*, TMCnet serves more than one
million unique visitors each month. TMC is also the first
publisher to test new products in its own on-site
laboratories, TMC Labs. In addition, TMC produces
Developer Conference, VoIP Demo, IMS Expo and Call
Center 2.0 Conference. TMCnet.com publishes more than
15 topical online newsletters. For more information
about TMC, visit www.tmcnet.com. (*alexa.com is an
amazon.com company that ranks Web sites by their
traffic levels. Neither alexa.com nor amazon.com is
affiliated with TMCnet.)
Didem Karabatur
Jan Pierret
+1-203-852-6800, ext. 228
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
GSM-3G Middle East and Gulf 2007
Dubai, UAE
The GSM-3G Middle East and Gulf 2007 is taking place during September 2-3, 2007 at the Dubai International
Convention Center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. As the GSM Middle East and Gulf markets continue to expand, this
event will provide unique networking opportunities. GSM-3G Middle East and Gulf 2006 event will bring together
wireless operators, vendors, developers and industry leaders from across the world to discuss future strategies, business
models, and the challenges and opportunities facing today’s wireless services. Attendees will benefit from a much
deeper and invaluable learning experience and understand in greater detail the key technological and commercial
opportunities within the Middle East & Gulf telecoms market.
Date: September 2-3, 2007
Location: Dubai, UAE
Telenity will be exhibiting at Stand #124 at the GSM-3G
To arrange a meeting with the Telenity team at the
Middle East and Gulf 2007 conference and exhibition.
GSM-3G Middle East and Gulf 2007, please call us at
Telenity will have demonstrations on converged services
+1-203-445-2019 or +90-212-468-2100 or email us at
solutions, location solutions and converged value added
services including video ringback tones at the Telenity
Come and see how you can accelerate revenues with
Telenity’s Canvas® converged services product portfolio
which offers reusable service delivery, content management and location components enabling rapid service
creation, deployment and execution functionalities across
multiple services in any service delivery (SDP) eco-system.
Spring 2007
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
VAS India 2007
New Delhi, India
The VAS India 2007, 3 International Conference on Value Added Services is taking place during July 6, 2007 at the Le
Meridien Hotel, in New Delhi, India.
Value Added Services in the new generation mobile technology arena are a rising star in India's fast growing wireless
business. Voice is increasingly becoming a commodity and ARPU continues to drop. There is an increased
transformation of business models with an aggressive focus on value added services. Value added services are
increasingly a growth area which helps mobile operators to maximize their revenue and grow ARPU as well. Propelled
by the need to bring in service differentiation, mobile operators are bringing new value added services in order to
satisfy the growing demand of Indian consumers. The growth of this market sector has attracted wireless operators,
handset manufacturers, content developers, music and film companies, cartoon artists, game makers and musicians for
ring tones, gaming, mobile imagery, WAP, wall papers, logos, SMS based contests and streaming audio & video.
Now into its successful 3 year, VAS India 2007 International Conference will create the best forum in the country for all
players of the value chain to discuss future strategies, business models, and the challenges and opportunities facing
today's wireless value added services.
Date: July 6, 2007
Location: New Delhi, India
Telenity will be the key note speaker, presenter and an
To arrange a meeting with the Telenity team at the
exhibitor at the VAS India 2007. The key note presen-
VAS India 2007 event, please call us at
tation given by Mr. Dilip Singh, CEO at Telenity will focus
+1-203-445-2019 or +91 11 4152 6886, or email us at
on converged service delivery, location-based services and
other enhanced value added services such as video
ringback tones.
In its booth, Telenity will also have demonstrations on
converged services solutions.
Come out and meet the Telenity team who will be
available to discuss your needs for converged messaging
and service delivery.
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
HP Telecom Forum 2007
Moscow, Russia
The HP Telecom Forum 2007 took place on April 12, 2007 in Moscow, Russia. HP Telecom Forum 2007 is a technology
event dedicated exclusively to leading telecommunication and media companies from Russia and CIS countries.
Date: April 12, 2007
Location: Moscow, Russia
Telenity presented at the HP Telecom Forum 2007 conference and exhibition. Mr. Serdar Alemdar, Sales Director EMEA
presented the session titled: “Telecom Solutions”.
Spring 2007
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
CTIA Wireless 2007
Orlando, Florida USA
The CTIA Wireless 2007 took place during March 27-29 at the Orlando County Convention Center in Orlando Florida,
USA. CTIA Wireless 2007 represented all aspects of the wireless industry from different technologies and platforms to
all standards that make it so dynamic. CTIA WIRELESS is the world's largest technology event dedicated exclusively to
wireless, broadband convergence and mobile computing technologies, covering the entire industry from network
infrastructure to microprocessors to applications to content to end-user hardware.
CTIA Wireless 2007 brought together all industries within communications and all those affected by the wireless
technology. Nearly 1,000 exhibitors, over 35,000 attendees from 100 different countries and nearly 1,000 members of
the press attended the event for intense learning and networking.
Date: March 27-29, 2007
Location: Orlando, Florida USA
At the CTIA Wireless 2007 conference and exhibition, Telenity
demonstrated its Canvas CoolRings™, Video Ringback Tone
Here, you can view the video ringback tone demo as
it was shown at 3GSM and CTIA 2007.
solution at its partner BEA Systems' Stand #875.
The video ringback tone service demo jointly produced by
Telenity, BEA and HP received extreme interest from the
event visitors.
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
3G Mobile Eurasia 2007
Istanbul, Turkey
The 3G Mobile Eurasia 2007 took place during March 13-14, 2007 at the Renaissance Polat Hotel, in Istanbul, Turkey. In
its third year, Mobile Eurasia grew in step with the mobile service providers of this exciting region. Gathering thought
leaders and industry influencers from around and beyond the Caspian region and Central Asia, this events evolved to
become the de facto Eurasia convergence point for all organizations serious about gaining competitive advantage in
the push to extend mobile coverage to the wider population.
Date: March 13-14, 2007
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Telenity participated at this year's event with a presentation on the first day. Mr. Dilip Singh, CEO at Telenity gave the
presentation titled “Leveraging the SDP to Ease Service Convergence and Increase VAS ARPU”. The Telenity presentation
covered the following points:
• A business case-driven SDP to achieve smooth transition to 3G services
• Integrating and managing VAS partners
• Integrating multimedia (video, voice, messaging and data) into VAS and OSS infrastructure
• Using the SDP to drive converged service creation and delivery
• SDP and IMS: competing or complementing
Here are a few moments from the 3G Mobile Eurasia 2007 event!
Mr. Dilip Singh, CEO at Telenity, presenting at the 3G Mobile Eurasia 2007.
Spring 2007
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
3GSM World Congress 2007
Barcelona, Spain
The 3GSM World Congress 2007 took place during February 12-15, 2007 at the Fira de Barcelona Montjuic in Barcelona,
Spain. The 3GSM World Congress is the mobile industry's premier event, providing everything mobile executives need
to plan their year. Visitors had the opportunity to experience:
• The largest, most comprehensive exhibition with an representing every element of the mobile value chain
• A cutting edge conference program featuring the most senior executives and leaders in the industry and the
topics that will define the future
Date: February 12-15, 2007
Location: Barcelona, Spain
3GSM World Congress 2007 proved to be a very successful
Telenity made demonstrations of its converged services
event for Telenity with major customer announcements
platform (SDP), location solutions and converged value
including Turkcell SDP and Telefonica Video Services successes.
added services including its video ringback tone
Telenity exhibited at Stand 1B51 at the 3GSM World
Congress 2007 conference and exhibition.
application Canvas CoolRings both in the Telenity booth
and BEA's booth.
The video ringback tone service
demo jointly produced by Telenity,
BEA and HP received extreme
interest from the event visitors.
You can view the demo here!
Copyright © Telenity, Inc. 2006-2007
Spring 2007
Spring 2007 - Online Newsletter
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