Grades 1-6 - DepEd Naga City
Grades 1-6 - DepEd Naga City
EMMA I. CORNEJO, CESO VI Schools Division Superintendent DepEd Division of City Schools of Naga VISION, MISSION, GOAL AND OBJECTIVES ARE COMPLIMENTARY Graduates of K to 12 will be holistically developed Filipinos with 21st Century Skills and are prepared for higher education, middle – level skills development, employment and entrepreneurship Acquire mastery of basic competencies Be emotionally mature and socially aware, proproactive, involved in public and civic affairs Be adequately prepared for higher education, the world of work or entrepreneurship 21ST CENTURY SKILLS 1. Learning and innovation skills 1.1 Creativity and curiosity 1.2 Critical thinking, problem solving and risk taking 1.3 Adaptability, managing complexity and self-direction 1.4 Higher-order thinking and sound reasoning 2. Information, media and technology skills 2.1 Visual and information literacies 2.2 Media literacy 2.3 Basic, scientific, economic and technological literacies 2.4 multicultural literacy and global awareness 21ST CENTURY SKILLS 3. Effective Communication Skills 3.1 Teaming, collaboration and interpersonal skills 3.2 Personal, social and civic responsibility 3.3 Interactive communication 4. Life and Career Skills 4.1 Flexibility and adaptability 4.2 Initiative and self-direction 4.3 Social and cross-cultural skills 4.4 Productivity and accountability 4.5 Leadership and responsibility GRADUATES OF K TO 12 WILL BE HOLISTICALLYDEVELOPED FILIPINOS WITH 21ST CENTURY SKILLS Acquire mastery of basic competencies Be emotionally mature Be socially aware, pro-active, involved in public and civic affairs Be adequately prepared for the world of work or entrepreneurship or higher education Be legally employable with potential for better earnings Be globally competitive K to 12 IS KINDERGARTEN AND 12 YEARS OF BASIC EDUCATION. 2 years of Senior High School Grade 12 (17 years old) Grade 11 (16 years old) Grade 10 (15 years old) 4 years of Junior High School Grade 9 (14 years old) Grade 8 (13 years old) Grade 7 (12 years old) Grade 6 (11 years old) Grade 5 (10 years old) 6 years of Elementary Grade 4 (9 years old) Grade 3 (8 years old) Grade 2 (7 years old) Kindergarten Grade 1 (6 years old) Kindergarten (5 years old) New HS Year 6 New HS Year 5 New HS Year 4 New HS Year 3 New HS Year 2 New HS Year 1 All schools must adhere to the following standards: 1. Age requirement 2. Duration 3. Curriculum SCHEMATIC IMPLEMENTATION PLAN OF K TO 12 2011- 20122014- 20152017- 2018- 2019- 2020- 2021- 2022- 20232012 2013 20132014 2015 2016 20162017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Grade 12 Grade 11 Grade 10 Implementation of Grade 7 (HS Year 1) in K to 12 curriculum First batch of senior high school graduates Grade 9 Grade 8 Grade 7 Grade 11 (HS Year 5) implementation First batch of K to 12 graduates Grade 6 Grade 5 K to 12 Modeling for Senior High will begin in SY 2012-2013 for select schools that are ready and willing Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1 Kinder Implementation of Grade 1 in K to 12 curriculum o Two years of in-depth specialization for students depending on the occupation/ career track they wish to pursue o Skills and competencies relevant to the job market PHASED IMPLEMENTATION OF K TO 12 Phase 1: Laying the Foundations Oct 2010-May 2012 Universal Kinder Implementation Enactment of Universal Kindergarten Law Phase 2: Modeling and Initial Migration June 2012-May 2016 Phase 3: SHS Rollout June 2016 – May 2018 Migration of Grade 1 and Grade 7 (roll forward) Grades 11 and 12 implementation in public schools SHS Modeling Complete migration to new elementary curriculum including Grades 5 and 6 Enactment of K to 12 Basic Education Law Phase 4: Completion of Reform June 2018-May 2023 Complete migration of K to 12 basic education curriculum THE BENEFITS OF THE K TO 12 PROGRAM FAR OUTWEIGHS THE ADDITIONAL COST. Graduates will: Be holistically developed and have 21st century skills Be prepared for higher education Possess competencies and skills relevant to the job market Better prepared to start their own businesses THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM BENEFITS DIFFERENT STUDENTS IN DIFFERENT WAYS. Students who finish high school then work • Better income opportunities; higher income streams • Cost due to delayed employment offset by higher income streams Students who complete 2 years of college or postsecondary • Reduction in cost of schooling with additional 2 years of “free” education Students who complete college • Reduction in college years offsets additional years of schooling • Higher productivity (about 9% income premium) • Higher college completion rates As of April 4, 2011 NATURE OF THE LEARNER PHILOSOPHICAL and LEGAL BASES . The 1987 Phil. Constitution . B.P. 232, Education Act of 1982 . R.A. 9155, Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 . The vision- mission statements of DepEd . SOUTELE, 1976 . The EDCOM Report of 1991 . Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) . The 4 pillars of education ( UNESCO ) . Has a body and spirit, intellect, free will, emotions, multiple intelligences, learning styles . Constructor of knowledge and active maker of meaning not a passive recipient of information NEEDS OF THE LEARNER . Life skills . Self-actualization . Preparation for the world of the work, entrepreneurship, higher education NEEDS OF NATIONAL and GLOBAL COMMUNITY . Poverty reduction and human development . Strengthening the moral fiber of the Filipino people . Development of a strong sense of nationalism . Development of productive and responsible citizens who contribute to the building of a progressive, just and humane society . Ensuring environmental sustainability . Global partnership for development and global competence CURRICULUM SUPPORT SYSTEM FAMILY SUPPORT INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS’ SUPPORT INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT Teachers’ CPD Textbooks and other I s SOCIETAL SUPPORT Public-Private Partnership Media GO, NGOs ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT CO, RO, DO, School FIGURE 1. THE PROPOSED K TO 12 PHILIPPINE BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK As of April 4, 2011 PHILOSOPHICAL and LEGAL BASES . The 1987 Phil. Constitution . B.P. 232, Education Act of 1982 . R.A. 9155, Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 . The vision- mission statements of DepEd . SOUTELE, 1976 . The EDCOM Report of 1991 . Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) . The 4 pillars of education ( UNESCO ) NATURE OF THE LEARNER . Has a body and spirit, intellect, free will, emotions, multiple intelligences, learning styles . Constructor of knowledge and active maker of meaning not a passive recipient of information NEEDS OF THE LEARNER . Life skills . Self-actualization . Preparation for the world of the work, entrepreneurship, higher education NEEDS OF NATIONAL and GLOBAL COMMUNITY . Poverty reduction and human development . Strengthening the moral fiber of the Filipino people . Development of a strong sense of nationalism . Development of productive and responsible citizens who contribute to the building of a progressive, just and humane society . Ensuring environmental sustainability . Global partnership for development and global competence FIGURE 1. THE PROPOSED K TO 12 PHILIPPINE BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK CURRICULUM SUPPORT SYSTEM FAMILY SUPPORT INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS’ SUPPORT INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT Teachers’ CPD Textbooks and other I s SOCIETAL SUPPORT Public-Private Partnership Media GO, NGOs ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT CO, RO, DO, School FIGURE 1. THE PROPOSED K TO 12 PHILIPPINE BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK NEW FEATURES OF THE K TO 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM Continuum of competencies Kindergarten uses thematic approach Mother Tongue as a learning area and medium of instruction MAPEH begins in Grade 1 Spiral progression in Science and Math Horizontal articulation of competencies COMPARISON IN THE LEARNING AREAS Learning Area 2002 BEC Proposed K to 12 BEP Mother-Tongue Used as auxiliary • Separate learning area language of instruction • Medium of instruction from Kindergarten to Grade 3 • With Macro-Skill:VIEWING • Use of spiral progression Filipino Learning area from Grade 1 • Grade 1, Sem. 1: oral fluency • Macro-Skill added: VIEWING • Use of spiral progression English Learning area from Grade I; (Secondary level) Literature-based approach • • • • Grade 1, Sem. 2: oral fluency Macro-Skill added: VIEWING Use of spiral Progression (Secondary Level) Proportionate distribution of literary and informational text. COMPARISON IN THE LEARNING AREAS Learning Area 2002 BEC Proposed K to 12 BEP Araling Panlipunan • Discipline – based • Use of spiral progression approach from Gr. 1-10 Math • (Elementary) uses spiral progression approach • (Secondary) uses disciplinebased approach • Use of spiral progression approach from Gr. 1-10 Science • (Elementary) uses spiral progression approach • (Secondary) uses disciplinebased approach • Use of spiral progression approach from Gr. 1-10 Values Education • NOMENCLATURE: • NOMENCLATURE: Edukasyong Pagpapahalaga (EP) Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao COMPARISON IN THE LEARNING AREAS Learning Area 2002 BEC Proposed K to 12 BEP EPP/TLE • Grade 4-6 Mode of Instruction • Technology and Livelihood ( MOI) is Filipino Education (TLE) subjects • 1st yr to 4th yr MOI is English enable students to obtain Certificate of Competency (COC) and / or National Certificate Level 1 or 2. • Grade 4-5 MOI is Filipino • Grade 6-10 MOI is English MAPEH • Introduced in Grade 4 • Grade 4-6 MOI is Filipino • 1st yr-4th yr MOI is English • Introduced in Grade 1 • Grade 1-3 MOI is MT; Grade onwards, MOI is English K to 12 Curriculum Model Grades 11-12 (New HS Years 5-6) Grades 9-10 (New HS Years 3-4) Grades 7-8 (New HS Years 1-2) Grades 1-6 Kindergarten • Science, Math, English, Contemporary Issues and Specializations • Core Learning Areas plus TLE of the student’s choice Academic Specialization TechnicalVocational Specialization Sports and Arts Specialization • Core Learning Areas and TLE • Core Learning Areas plus Mother Tongue until Grade 3; Science starting Grade 3; EPP starting Grade 4 • Learning Domains Offers tracks that lead to specializations in Academics, TechEdu. and Sports & Arts LEARNING AREAS IN THE K TO 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM ELEMENTARY Learning Areas Mother Tongue Grade Levels 1-3 SECONDARY English English 1 (2nd sem) – 6 Filipino 1-6 Mathematics Mathematics 1-6 Science Araling Panlipunan 1-6 Araling Panlipunan Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 1-6 Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao Science 3-6 Music,Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH) Music,Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH) 1-6 Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) 4-5 Technology and Livelihood Education 6 Filipino Grade Level Secondary DepEd TechVoc Schools General Education Curriculum (Based on Approved Model II) 12 TVET Courses to be offered shall be based on: 1. The current program offerings in accordance with the TESDA Training Regulations; 2. Additional courses to be offered shall be based on local industry-based demand and availability of resourcebased materials; 3. Horizontal progression of related qualifications is the vertical progression for a particular qualification has been reached. 1. 11 10 9 8 Entrepreneurship module of the ILO 2. TVET Courses to be offered are of higher technology or NC level (NCIII) or horizontal progression of related TVET qualifications depending on local industry demand/resource-based materials. Higher Level Entrepreneurship (ILO Model) incorporated; Higher Education Core subjects (e.g. advanced Math, advanced English; advanced Physics. The TLE subjects to be offered shall be in accordance with the TESDA TRs at NC I/NC II based on: 1. The local industry demand; 2. Available resource-based materials; 3. Horizontal progression of related TVET qualifications if NCI/NCII level in the vertical progression for a particular program has been reached. Specialized Secondary Schools (Sciences, Mathematics, Arts, etc. c/o other Committee Convenor Group Grade /Level Secondary DepEd TechVoc Schools General Education Curriculum (Based on Approved Model II Socialized Secondary Schools EXPLORATION (Mandatory across the board TVET qualifications which a student must possess. EXPLORATORY (Mandatory across-theboard TVET qualifications which a student must possess. EXPLORATORY (Mandatory across – the board TVET qualifications which a student must posses. 1. Food Processing NCI (304 hrs) 1. Food Processing 1. Food Processing NCI (304 hrs) 2. Plumbing (NCI) 80 hrs) 2. Plumbing (NCI) 80 hrs) 2. Plumbing (NCI) 80 hrs) 3. Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II (360 hours) 3. Electrical Installation and 3. Electrical Maintenance NC II (360 Installation and hours) Maintenance NC II (360 hours) 4. Dressmaking NCII and/or Tailoring NC II (240 hrs) 4. Dressmaking NCII 4. Dressmaking NCII and/or Tailoring NC II (240 and/or Tailoring NC hrs) II (240 hrs) 5. Small Engine Repair NCII (for Agri-Fisheries School (40 hrs) Frequently Asked Questions When will the K to 12 be implemented? WHEN WILL THE K TO 12 BE IMPLEMENTED? Universal Kindergarten started in SY 2011-2012 The new curriculum for Grade 1 and Grade 7 (High School Year 1) will be implemented in SY 2012-2013 and will progress in the succeeding school years. Grade 11 (HS Year 5) will be introduced in SY 20162017, Grade 12 (HS Year 6) in SY 2017-2018. The first batch of students to go through K to 12 will graduate in 2018. Where will the additional two years be added? WHERE WILL THE ADDITIONAL TWO YEARS BE ADDED? The two years will be added after the existing four-year high school program. This will be called Senior High School. Why is the K to 12 program better than the current program? WHY IS THE K TO 12 PROGRAM BETTER THAN THE CURRENT PROGRAM? It offers a more balanced approach to learning that will enable children to acquire and master lifelong learning skills It will help in freeing parents of the burden of having to spend for college just to make their children employable. How will K to 12 program help working students (college level)? HOW WILL K TO 12 PROGRAM HELP WORKING STUDENTS (COLLEGE LEVEL)? DepEd is in collaboration with CHED to provide more opportunities for working students to attend classes. DepEd is working with the DOLE to ensure that jobs will be available to K to 12 graduates and that consideration will be given to working students. How will K to 12 program help students intending to pursue higher education? HOW WILL K TO 12 PROGRAM HELP STUDENTS INTENDING TO PURSUE HIGHER EDUCATION? The curriculum will be in accordance with the college readiness standards from CHED which sets the skills and competencies needed of K to 12 What will happen to the curriculum? What subjects will be added and removed? WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE CURRICULUM? WHAT SUBJECTS WILL BE ADDED AND REMOVED? There will be continuum from Kinder to Grade 12; and to technical and higher education. The current curriculum will be decongested to allow mastery of learning. In Grades 11 and 12 (HS Years 5 and 6), core subjects like Math, Science and English will be strengthened. Specializations in the students’ areas of interest will also be offered. What specializations will be offered in senior high school? WHAT SPECIALIZATIONS WILL BE OFFERED IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL? Specializations offered will be on academics, middle-level skills development, sports and arts. Specializations will also be guided by local needs and conditions. How will students choose their specializations? HOW WILL STUDENTS CHOOSE THEIR SPECIALIZATIONS? Students will undergo several assessments to determine their interests and strengths. These will include an aptitude test, a career assessment exam, and an occupational interest inventory for high schools, and should help students decide on their specialization. For senior high school, what will happen if majority of our students want to specialize in agriculture and only one is interested to take math or academics? How will this be accommodated? FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF MAJORITY OF OUR STUDENTS WANT TO SPECIALIZE IN AGRICULTURE AND ONLY ONE IS INTERESTED TO TAKE MATH OR ACADEMICS? HOW WILL THIS BE ACCOMMODATED? This is an extreme situation. The areas of specialization will be offered according to the resources available in a locality and the needs of students. Will teachers be burdened by additional teaching load due to the K to 12 program? WILL TEACHERS BE BURDENED BY ADDITIONAL TEACHING LOAD DUE TO THE K TO 12 PROGRAM? There will be no additional workload due to the program. The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers provides that teachers should only teach up to six hours a day. The decongested K to 12 curriculum will allow teachers to master the context and competencies that they will develop among the students and will enable them to focus on their areas of expertise. How will teachers be prepared for the K to 12 program? HOW WILL TEACHERS BE PREPARED FOR THE K TO 12 PROGRAM? Teachers will be given sufficient in-service training to implement this program. The pre-service training for aspiring teachers will also be modified to conform to the requirements of the program. Prepared by: Ma. Salve III “Mave” Gutierrez THANK YOU. Prepared by: Ma. Salve III “Mave” Gutierrez